Monday, November 21, 2022

A Retreat Into Modernism: The Cursillo Exposed


Going on a retreat is one of the best opportunities to grow closer to God. Pope Pius XI wrote in his encyclical Mens Nostra:  ...the utility and the opportuneness of Sacred Retreats, will be readily recognized by any one who considers, however lightly, the times in which we now live. The most grave disease by which our age is oppressed, and at the same time the fruitful source of all the evils deplored by every man of good heart, is that levity and thoughtlessness which carry men hither and thither through devious ways. Hence comes the constant and passionate absorption in external things; hence, the insatiable thirst for riches and pleasures that gradually weakens and extinguishes in the minds of men the desire for more excellent goods, and so entangles them in outward and fleeting things that it forbids them to think of eternal truths, and of the Divine laws, and of God Himself, the one beginning and end of all created things, Who, nevertheless, for his boundless goodness and mercy, even in these our days, though moral corruption may spread apace, ceases not to draw men to himself by a bounteous abundance of graces. 

Now, if we would cure this sickness from which human society suffers so sorely, what healing remedy could we devise more appropriate for our purpose than that of calling these enervated souls, so neglectful of eternal things, to the recollection of the Spiritual Exercises?...pious retreats of this kind do much greater things than this, for since they compel the mind of a man to examine more diligently and intently into all the things that he has thought, or said, or done; they assist the human faculties in a marvelous manner; so that the mind becomes accustomed, in this spiritual arena, to weigh things maturely and with even balance, the will acquires strength and firmness, the passions are restrained by the rule of counsel; the activities of human life, being in unison with the thought of the mind, are effectively conformed to the fixed standard of reason; and, lastly, the soul attains its native nobility and altitude, as the holy Pontiff St. Gregory declares in his "Pastoral," by a concise similitude: "The human mind, like water, when shut up around, is gathered up to higher things; because it seeks that from which it descended; but when it is left loose, it perishes; because it spreads itself uselessly on lowly things." Moreover, as St. Eucherius Bishop of Lyons wisely observes; when exercising itself in these spiritual meditations; "the mind rejoicing in the Lord is stirred up by a certain stimulus of silence; and grows by unutterable increments."
(See para. #4; Emphasis mine). 

If you have a chance to go on a retreat sponsored by a Traditionalist priest or bishop, you should make every effort to go. The "retreats" of the Vatican II sect are a joke. They are mostly sentimentalized talks about "how God loves us all, no matter what," interspersed with "celebrations of the YOU-charist" where the participants congratulate one another on "making strides in their spiritual journeys" (whatever that means). However, there is a serious danger above and beyond the vacuous claptrap of the usual Vatican II retreat called a Cursillo (Spanish for "short course" and pronounced as cur-SEE-yoh). 

The alleged purpose of these retreats is to guide laypeople, showing them how to become effective Christian leaders over the course of a three-day weekend. It has been made mandatory in some Vatican II sect seminaries in order for the seminarians to become "priests."  The purpose of this post is to expose the Cursillo retreat movement and retreats affiliated with it. You will see why you have a duty to warn anyone who tells you they want to attend a Cursillo retreat that there is a real and present danger to them spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. 

The History
The beginning of the Cursillo movement was orthodox. According to various sources on the movement, Cursillo did not come to the Church as a spontaneous creation.  It began with Pope Pius XI's encyclical Ubi Arcano in which the Pontiff urged he laity to counteract all anti-clerical and anti-Catholic influences of the world of the 1920s and 1930s.  This is how Catholic Action was born, which Pope Pius XI called “the participation of the laity in the apostolate of the hierarchy.” In Spain, the most active wing of Catholic Action was the young men.  A great Convention took place in December 1932.

At this gathering, it was decided to try and stimulate the Catholic faith in young people through a great pilgrimage to the Shrine of Saint James in Compostella, an important place of prayer since the Middle Ages.  It was to be a true affirmation of faith in the face of militant atheism and non-belief on the part of those in public office.  This pilgrimage was to take place on July 25th 1937, the feast day of Saint James. For reasons not entirely clear, the pilgrimage never took place. 

After reflection and prayer, in 1947, Catholic Action revived the idea of ten years previously, to make a pilgrimage to Compostella.  They wished it to be an event of growing in knowledge regarding the faith, a deepening of the demands of faith, and of a real commitment to Christ.  This was to be an opportunity to share, to pray, and to make gestures of brotherly love.  To obtain good results, it was decided to prepare it through short courses (Cursillos) given for diocesan leaders of the pilgrimage and to group leaders.  These Cursillos were in three parts: the first dealt with the knowledge of faith, i.e.  grace, obstacles to grace, the sacraments and life in grace; the second addressed the nature, leadership, and the aspects of Catholic Action; and the third tackled all the things about the pilgrimage and its organization.  These Cursillos took place everywhere in Spain for many years. 

The corruption of the Cursillo into its current version began with a man named Eduardo Bonnin (d. 2008).  Raised a devout Catholic, he went on a Cursillo and enjoyed it greatly. With six friends, he began a study group to examine the Faith. Unfortunately, he became contaminated with Modernist ideas by studying the Modernist theologian Yves Congar, as well as  anti-Catholic philosophers, psychologists and sociologists. He and his friends devised a new format for the Cursillo, and the theology was less emphasized to give way to "experience." Nothing was openly heretical at this time (1949). After the end of Vatican II and the beginning of the V2 sect, the Cursillo quickly devolved into its current state circa 1967. 

The Cursillo and Its Progeny: Cult Brainwashing
Before I even discuss the substance of the Cursillo, the methodology it employs is both dangerous and unethical. Some consider the Cursillo movement a cult, some do not. (For the record, I believe it is a cult. I use the so-called "Duck Test"--"If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances's a duck."---Introibo). Yet all who question their techniques recognize them to be highly problematic, to say the least. The effectiveness of the techniques and the attachment to the doctrines so introduced led Protestants to imitate the Cursillo. Such Protestant/"Interdenominational" retreats include the Walk to Emmaus, and Tres Dias

Six Conditions for Mind Control.
According to cult researcher and psychology professor Dr. Margaret Thaler Singer, there are six conditions necessary to create an atmosphere for mind control (i.e., "brainwashing"):

1. Keep the person unaware that there is an agenda to control or change the person.

2. Control time and physical environments (contacts, information).

3. Create a sense of powerlessness, fear, and dependency.

4. Suppress old behaviors and attitudes.

5. Instill new behaviors and attitudes.

6. Put forth a closed system of logic.
(See Cults in Our Midst: The Hidden Menace in Our Everyday Lives, [1995], pg. 62)

The Cursillo meets all six conditions during its retreat: 

1. If the Modernist goals were announced, many would not attend. Cursillo brochures have no concrete information and only describe the retreat in vague terms, such as "a refreshing spiritual renewal."

2. The retreat is hosted in a far away location where the leaders control the schedule. Participants are told it is wrong or even sinful to leave before the retreat is over because they made a religious commitment that must be kept. They are told to surrender their watches and phones so as to have no distractions. In this way, you lose track of time. There are no clocks and if you ask the retreat leaders the time, they will be dismissive, saying it is not important on retreat.

3. The retreat creates a dependency on the group. People who go to retreat together are told not to speak to each other, but "make new friends." 

4. Traditional Catholic beliefs are put down and continuously denigrated. 

5. You are encouraged to share intimate stories of your life, and given "unconditional love" for agreeing to try and accept the Cursillo's doctrine to deal with your problems.

6. Contrary views are ignored.  There is an exhaustive schedule to prevent questioning anything Cursillo leaders do on retreat, and if asked a question, the questioning participant will be told to "trust us" and you will have all doubts removed by the end of the retreat. 

(Some information condensed from Cursillo leaders manual. They state what to do, I'm showing the harmful connection---Introibo).  

Other Harmful Practices
Sleep Deprivation. According to Cursillo expert Marcene Marcoux, "Candidates [to go on a Cursillo] must be in good health, with an absence of major physical problems. Although minor sicknesses and ailments are not deterrents, individuals with a past history of severe physical problems are discouraged from attending. The four days of initiation, with long hours and an exhaustive schedule of events, can create a strain." (See Cursillo: Anatomy of a Movement [1981], pgs. 39-40). 

"Love Bombing." When a participant shares something personal, the leaders (and other participants) will shake his/her hand and say something like, "God loves you unconditionally, and so do I." The participant will also get "rewarded" in the form of gifts, such as a card or a religious item from the leaders. Those who don't comply don't receive any "love."

How It All Works
The Cursillo participant attends "rollos" (Conferences/talks on doctrine) that are decidedly Modernist. They are made physically and psychologically susceptible to mind control. They have pent up anxiety and experience a cathartic release accompanied by "unconditional love" when they "confess" something personal to the group (anything from a spiritual difficulty to a sin they committed). This creates an emotional high which is subconsciously attributed to the Cursillo and its teachings. The event is also punctuated by the "miraculous." Someone might tell how they were going to miss the weekend retreat due to some misfortune, but everything cleared up for them at the last minute and they could go. This will be called "miraculous" by the leaders. Other "miracles" include forgiving someone or feeling good about yourself during the retreat. Finally, after the retreat, you are expected to have "reunions" with the people and leaders who will make sure you are continuing your "spiritual progress." 

A Brave Traditionalist Bishop Sounds The Alarm
Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer was born in Brazil in 1904. He felt called to the priesthood and was ordained in 1927. In 1948 he was consecrated a Bishop by order of Pope Pius XII, and on January 3, 1949 he took canonical possession of the Diocese of Campos, Brazil--a position he would hold until forced into retirement by the Modernist Vatican in 1981. At Vatican II he was a Traditionalist who fought against the Modernists. He refused to institute any of the so-called "reforms of Vatican II" in his diocese.  Everything remained as it was in 1962 until his forced retirement in 1981. The Modernist Vatican did not want to make a martyr out of him and waited until they could invoke the new retirement of bishops at age 75 against him. They waited to get the right Modernist and then made Castro Mayer leave his beloved Campos diocese. That diocese went south quickly once the "new springtime" of Vatican II came in.

The good Bishop was co-consecrator with Abp. Lefebvre of the four SSPX Bishops on June 30, 1988. Archbishop Lefebvre, Bishop de Castro Mayer, and the four newly consecrated Bishops were promptly "excommunicated" by Wojtyla the next day. Bp. de Castro Mayer went to Judgement on April 25, 1991. I set forth his background to show how he clung to the True Faith in the wake of the Great Apostasy. It was he who, on August 15, 1972, would sign and promulgate a Pastoral Letter in his diocese condemning the Cursillo movement which was making inroads all over Brazil. His sagacious Letter points out briefly the brainwashing problem outlined above. Most importantly, it concentrated on the doctrinal problems of the Cursillo--the ideas for which the brainwashing is employed.  

Below, I will outline the problems recognized and exposed by the good Bishop, accompanied by the very words he used in his Pastoral Letter warning his priests and the faithful.

The Condemnation of the Doctrine Promoted by the Cursillo.

1.  Censures of Practices Consecrated by the Church. Without mentioning their names the rollo on Habitual Grace in fact censures St. Simeon Stylites, who spent a good part of his life on top of a column, and St. Aloysius Gonzaga, singularly praised for great modesty in the mortification of his eyes. And the topic concludes saying that, "it is possible that there may have been saints who were strange; however, they were saints in spite of being strange." (Emphasis in original).

2. Strange Humanism. is inculcated that Jesus came to this world only to give to Man a more abundant life, with two expressions that we stress---only for this and for nothing else---which tend to create in the hearers the conviction that God Incarnate, Jesus Christ, is exclusively at the service of Man, of his perfection and his plenitude. 

3. Teilhardian Conception of the World. [the Cursillo] is not clear and opens the way to a Teilhardian interpretation, according to which the design of God turns to the maximum development of the energies of the world, for the benefit of human dignity, of fraternal union, and of freedom. ..Teilhard de Chardin is an author very well received in Cursillo circles, not only to provide a basis for opinions, but also for the doctrinal formation of the members of the [Cursillo] Movement. (N.B. All the works of heretic Fr. de Chardin were censured by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office and are forbidden to be kept or used in any Catholic institution of learning, especially seminaries---Introibo). 

4. Experience Exalted over Intellectual Faith. In fact, they [Cursillo] insist on experience, lively contact, enthusiastic attraction, as a means of attracting souls to Jesus Christ, more than on the role of the intellectual knowledge of Revelation...Such a manner of understanding conversion at least minimizes the role of intelligence, forgetting the teachings of the First Vatican Council cited above. 

5. A Morally Dangerous De-emphasis on Sin. ...the rollos cause the same impression, that is, there is the fear of presenting sin in its hideousness. Not a word is spoken about "entertainment, dances, relationships, marriage, etc." One must ask: what is left to be discussed? Therefore, we find Cursillos very deficient on this point, which is fundamental for the formation in the faithful of a truly Catholic morality. 

6. The "Priesthood of All Believers." indiscriminate application is made to priests and laymen, of the granting of the Apostolic Mission made by Jesus Christ and contained in the words of St. Matthew, "go, therefore, teach ye all nations," whereas Tradition understands it as being applied to the Apostles and their successors. 

7. The Promotion of Communism. [Cursillo teachings] are related to basic elements of Marxism:
  • the foundation of a new structure, of a new humanity, is of an economic nature
  • peace demands this new order, and it is achieved through revolution
  • it may be violent, if it cannot be carried out peacefully
  • "the regime of property should be transformed by a vigorous intervention of public authority, national and international" 
With good foundation, therefore, we call your attention to the communizing danger that may be spread through the Cursillos, even when they gather together individuals who are against Marxist principles and conclusions...We do not wish to think that Cursillos are at the service of Marxism. We ask, however, beloved sons: who would benefit from a Catholic organization that, in its publications, would mix orthodox material with other material that is obviously Marxist? 

Is it any wonder that the Vatican II sect clergy are getting more radical than ever? As more dioceses promote these retreats, the more they will cement Modernism in their sect and society. The true doctrine of Christ's One True Church does not need to deceive people and rely on psychological manipulation to win converts. The fact that Cursillos do this means they can be neither good nor true; as has been amply demonstrated. You must warn anyone who wants to go on one of these evil retreats.

 "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." (2 Timothy 3-5). 


  1. Thanks for this great post ! I heard about this movement but I never participated in a retreat. Instead, I participated in other less dangerous but fairly insignificant stuff. I went to a Novus Ordo monastery in 2017, when I was not yet a sedevacantist, to take my mind off things when there was a difficult situation at home. It is the nature of sects to attract unsuspecting people and make them zealots of their false doctrines. There always has been, but it is especially true in this time of the Great Apostasy.

    1. Simon,
      Deo gratias that you did not go on that retreat, but only "mild" activities. Cursillos are really bad news. God protected you!

      God Bless,


    2. Now they have the Acts Retreats. Was it a name change? Same pattern?

  2. Thanks for doing the recent interviews wi try catholic family podcast. Now I get to read the articles in your voice.

    1. @anon8:30
      Thank you for listening! It's my distorted voice, but a voice you can use nevertheless!

      God Bless,


  3. Seeing how most of my family members went on a Cursillo, it’s not wonder they have weird ideas about the catholic faith. You know someone has been on Cursillo if they own a rainbow rosary. Do you know the significance of the rainbow rosary? Some groups also play De Colores at the end of the retreat or during. When my husband was little he met Mother Teresa at a family carnival at one of the centers. The center we have here is so hard to find. It’s in a rich neighborhood, the entrance is not identified, the road is steep; people drive past it every day and don’t even know it’s there. It’s true, participants are not allowed to contact anyone outside or have anyone contact them. Sleep deprivation is true; my mom told me that she slept under a table for three nights. I thought it was strange there weren’t rooms with beds, everyone slept in one room on the floor. I believe there is a talent show at some point, or a skit that must be performed. The leaders constantly ask for money. It’s all very secretive, unless your mom went on retreat and hated and told you everything that happened, lol. I expect my mom to come back spiritually renewed. Instead, she came back depressed and stayed depressed for over 20 years. I wish I was there to see what really got to her on that retreat but her and I still have no idea even though we’ve talked about it a few times. I came close to making one a couples of times but always felt like I was being pulled away from the idea. I was pressured by family to make one and when I decided against it I was treated like a disappointment. I’m sure there is more, it’s was such a long time ago. Also, I didn’t make one, I’m going off what I remember seeing or hearing. Gosh, thanks for posting this. It makes so much sense now why I thought it seems strange at times.

    1. @anon2:30
      Thank you for the powerful testimony! I'm sorry about your mom. My prayers for her healing. The mental manipulation can have lasting negative effects. Those Cursillo leaders will have much for which they must account at Judgement.

      Thank God you did not go! As to the "rainbow rosary" it is a symbol to the Cursillo of God's Old Testament promise to the Jews. That covenant ended with the death of Christ on the cross, so why would they choose this sign? The rainbow has now become "hijacked" by the sodomites. With so many V2 sect clergy going there, it may be apropos after all.

      God Bless,


  4. I went to a V2 retreat for mine 1st communion and we learned the "rap of benediction" before meals

    1. @anon4:58
      The "rap of benediction"---ugh! Unless they repent before death they'll be forever "singing the blues."

      God Bless,


    2. Pack it in or you will kill me with laughter

  5. Hi Introibo,
    Interesting post, thank you. As I am in the true Church now, I do not have to worry about going to such a retreat, but it is good to be informed as to help others. I went to a young men's retreat years ago, and there may have been a few similarities to the Cursillo, but the only thing I can remember is the adult leader sharing his past about cheating and what not, and how Jesus helped him leave his sinful ways. Thankfully, I don't think it did any harm that I can remember. I enjoyed reading the passage from Timothy, and about Bp. de Castro Meyer. Looking forward to whenever CFP posts your interviews. On another topic, I see you have done a lot of work on the una cum subject. Thank you for your efforts. At the moment, I am at "peace" on the matter, but again, it is good to have some knowledge to help others who have limited options. God Bless.
    -Seeking Truth

    1. Seeking Truth,
      Thank you, my friend! Ordinary V2 sect retreats are like you describe, some kind of pseudo-AA meeting. I will be having a podcast coming soon wit Mr. Davis on the subject of the occult and yoga.

      God Bless,


  6. Introibo, I enjoyed your podcast with Kevin. Thanks and looking forward to whenever the next podcast comes out! There has been a lot of mass indoctrination on the benefits of yoga, reiki, etc. over the years, so I imagine many learning about the occult backgrounds of these practices would have an initial resistance to the truth. I suppose the same could be said of many things happening today.

    I was happy to hear that there doesn't seem to be any issue with employing breathing techniques and the like, as long as one understands the basis for doing so (nitric oxide, parasympathetic system, etc), and stays away from all of the occult/metaphysical business involving demons. Is it that dangerous to think of energy? I admit I do often think of energy flowing in the body, as our system ferries fuel around and removes waste. Energy created by the amazing bodies God created, not from other dimensions or false deities. I wonder if I need to further adjust my thinking. It certainly seemed to be a helpful visualization for injuries.

    Someone mentioned nitric oxide in a comment on Kevin's YT video, and humming. I often use humming to help clear up my nose when stuffy. I read a small study about it some years ago. I highly recommend the practice. Works ~80-90% of the time for me. Try humming a tune, so you don't get bored, and see what happens.

    A blessed Thanksgiving to all, and God bless Introibo and his readers. May we all be truly grateful for all of God's graces and blessings that we receive. I humbly ask for prayers, for my personal intentions.


    1. Seeking Truth,
      The humming and breathing, as you describe it, does not appear to be taken from yoga. It would seem safe to me. Be assured of my prayers for your intentions always!

      God Bless,


  7. Guess who lauded the Cursillo people when they arrived in the Vatican back in 2000 for the anniversary of their wicked and sick movement. Yup, you guessed it - it was Wojtyla.

    God Bless You all and thank you, Introibo, for this great eye-opening post!

    1. Joanna,
      With reason do we call him "The Great Apostate"! Thank you for your wonderful contributions to this blog!

      God Bless,


  8. Introbio,
    This is a very important post. Unfortunately, ascetic and mystical theology has been neglected in my Catholic life because I think I put too much emphasis on dogmatic and moral theology and scholastic philosophy. Do you think there can be such a thing as over-intellectualizing the faith? Some of my peers will say that "my faith is based too much on intellect," because it cites too much, for example, Aristotle when proving the existence of God.

    Joanna S.,
    What do you think of the recent letter from the Novus Ordo Polish bishops on defending the "sanctity" of John Paul II? The Novus Ordo bishops stated: "the media attack on St. John Paul II and his pontificate also finds its cause in the attitude towards his teaching, expressed, for example, in such encyclicals as "Redemptor hominis" and "Veritatis spendor," as well as in the theology of the body that he preached, which does not correspond to modern ideologies that promote hedonism, relativism and moral nihilism" (oh, it's funny that the same people preach and practice the ecumenism, ecclesiology and religious freedom of Vatican II - that's not relativism at all).
    Do you think John Paul II was somehow responsible for protecting pedophiles among Novus Ordo clergy? Personally, I don't think so, despite all the legitimate reservations traditionalists have about him. Cardinal Dziwisz, on the other hand, certainly had something to do with it. The leftist media, of course, attack Wojtyła because he nevertheless condemned abortion and artificial contraception.
    I also found a curiosity: it seems to me that a popular Novus Ordo song: "There goes my Lord" ("Idzie mój Pan") proclaims the Lutheran heresy of consubstantiation.
    There goes my Lord - He is running now to meet me. (Ref.)
    He passes mountains, meadows, forests, - so that the Communion miracle may happen - HE WANTS BREAD TO FEED US, - to satiate life's hunger.
    He passes mountains, meadows, forests - so that the Communion miracle may happen - HE WILL FILL US WITH HIS BLOOD, - to make a miracle in our hearts.
    This song proclaims that the Holy Eucharist simultaneously contains and substances of bread and wine and substances of the Body and Blood of Christ.
    Do you think my interpretation is correct?

    God Bless,

    1. Paweł,
      I agree with you that Wojtyła is probably not personally responsible for covering up for pedophiles in the Vatican II sect simply because I have no proof of this, and I think it's really counter-productive for Traditionalists to make the case against his non-pontificate on the basis of the child abuse (a horrible crime indeed) when there's so much doctrinal stuff against him and his false religion. I know people will jump on the idea that Wojtyła met with with that old sleaze McCarrick (and it fills me with disgust too) but deviants like McCarrick are experts in hiding their real character and can be really secretive about their disgusting lives, unless of course, when they socialize with those of their ilk. That's not to say I'm going to exonerate Wojtyła - the paedophile scandal in Ireland broke out in 2000 when he was already an old and ailing man (and still furthering the apostasy - after all, it was in the year 2000 on the occasion of his visit to the Holy Land that he blasphemously prayed that St. John the Baptist may protect Islam) but he'd been in the Vatican for 22 years up to that time. Had he known of the abuse by the time it was made public by the media? God only knows.
      It's indeed ironic that the Polish Modernists are trying to defend Wojtyła against the hedonism and relativism of the modern world by referencing his "theology of the body" since it is a splendid example of dumping the true teaching of the Church on marriage (expressed in Pius XI's encyclical "Casti connubii") and replacing it with quasi-spiritual drivel which, in effect, leads to the practical abuse of the marital priviliges and promotes the false worldly ideas about marriage. I believe Introibo has already written a post exposing that.
      This song is so typical of the Novus Ordo eucharistic repertoire! I can't seem to match any tune to that though (I guess that's easier on the brain lol, wouldn't want to get stuck with a Novus Ordo musical earworm!).
      I agree with you that the heresy of consubstantiation is quite evident in the lyrics. No Catholic would say that he's merely fed with bread in the Holy Eucharist. We say for a reason that this Sacrament is the Bread from Heaven (as in the versicle that the priest says at Benediction: Panem de caelo praestitisti eis...) and the Bread of Angels (as in the hymn for Corpus Christi "Lauda Sion Salvatorem"). There's so many beautiful traditional eucharistic hymns in the Polish language, such as "U drzwi Twoich" or "Zróbcie Mu miejsce" where the dogma of transubstantiation is so clearly expressed.

      God Bless You,
      Joanna S.

    2. Joanna,
      Thank you for the excellent response to Pawel!

      As to the question you asked me, no, I don't believe that Faith is "over-intellectualized." That is textbook Modernist claptrap for using "feelings..nothing more than feelings."

      God Bless,


  9. An excellent article, exposing the Cursillo sect. We have translated it to Spanish, since this sect is frequent in Latin America and Spain:

    Pax tibi.

    1. Miles Christi resistens,
      Thank you for spreading the word! Much appreciated!

      God Bless,


  10. Didn't know until last decade Bp.De Castro Mayer wouldn't Consecrate any of his Priests who were Ordained by him the previous decades. According to what was relayed to me,the Bishop didn't see any good candidates. 1 Thuc line Bishop I talked with stated he knew old Priests who were around in the very early 90's & Bp.De Castro Mayer didn't know what to do so he left it to the Will of God after his death.
    His decision to not seek out an old Priest to Consecrate outside his old Diocese is between him & our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ BUT,look what happened to Campos after the 3 Society Bishops Consecrated one of Bp.Mayer's former Priest's? He sold them out to the Novus Ordo. The old Bishop's eye for lack of 1 pius Catholic Priest who he could trust was 100% correct.
    Anonymous reader

    1. Anonymous reader,
      You are correct that Bp. Licinio Rangel, ordained by Bp. de Castro Mayer and consecrated by three SSPX bishops in 1991, apostatized to the V2 sect in 2002, right before his death.

      I believe part of the reason (whether the good bishop realized it or not) was the R&R position. Bp. de Castro Mayer never publicly professed sedevacantism. When Bp. Rangel learned he was terminally ill, he was afraid of not dying "in union with the pope" and fell for Wojtyla's overtures. Bp. Rangel actually gave the V2 sect their last valid consecration after 1968. Wojtyla allowed Bp. Rangel to pick a successor to his apostate group. He chose Fr. Fernando Rifan who was validly ordained by Bp. de Castro Mayer. He was allowed to use the 1962 (valid) Pontifical. Although the other two "bishops" were invalid, Rangel was absolutely valid. Since he imposed both hands on Rifan's head, pronounced the words of Consecration and had the intention of making him a Bishop, Rifan is, indeed. Bishop Rifan (and an apostate)

      God Bless,


    2. The same Bishop told me the German Thuc Bishop,Gunther Storck,either didn't Consecrate or if so,once or twice for the same reason,no worthy candidates.
      Im sure someone knows Bp.Storck's official record better than i as this conversation was over 6 yrs ago.
      Anonymous reader

  11. I have attended both Cursillo & Acts women's Retreat. I have nothing but praise for them. It deepened my love, trust & devotion to God. It helped me face challenges in life by understanding the love & joy of trusting in God. I'm a much much better person now after the retreat. IT IS NOT A CULT.

    1. @anon11:03
      Did the retreats support Bergoglio and Vatican II? That's bad enough. Your experience is different from most, see AnonymousNovember 21, 2022 at 2:30 PM comment above.

      Catholicism is not about feelings and experiences which are subject to change, but to the truth, which is ever the same. Cursillos use cult techniques. I stand by what I wrote.

      God Bless,


  12. While working on my first degree at Wayne State U in Detroit in the early 60's I became friends with a student of Latin American parentage. I wasn't religious, former Roman Catholic, mother raised in an Irish orphanage, her personal Holocaust, for some reason every time I'd run into the student she told me I needed to do a Cursillo. This was the last thing on my mind as I was living with what became a famed Detroit Rock and Roll group, near Motown. It was sex, drugs, rock, and roll lifestyle with academic studies tossed in. One weekend, with nothing to do, little money as I came from a blue-collar family I decided to go as I was always interested in 'dis-organized' religions. Healers, tent meetings, religious grifters, store front preachers. The Cursillo was held in the basement of a church in the inner city and I immediately realized I was an outsider. Rules were that one needed to be a person who had some public influence and at least 25, married I was neither. I had promised the student that I would not leave after the first day, and I always kept promises, but I soon realized it was a mistake, in particular as it was during the Baseball World Series and we were cut off from the outside world. The second day I started feeling better, lectures, the word Jesus was never mentioned emphasis was on social action which spoke to me as I was leftist, anti-Vietnam, living in a mixed racial community. On the third day I felt I was almost born again and then the ultimate spiritual event occurred. The basement was darkened and suddenly down the long corridor were voices, a small gathering singing and carrying candles approached us, hugging us saying the magic word which I may have forgotten decolores? Some had flown in from Chicago and it was almost a mystical experience, they had once done the Cursillo. We then were asked to stand up and express our feelings about the last three days and one after another described it as a true, mystical experience, except for one a middle-aged priest. who warned us, just to be careful. I failed to understand. Next morning I rtn to our house and my frnds laughed when I told them that they, needed to believe in Jesus Next morning I was in the near-empty church for communion, next day I was more grounded but again ran off to church for communion. 'hi' as if I was walking on a cloud. After a few more days I was slowly sinking into a state of sadness, and depression called one of those leading the Cursillo, who mentioned 'it's common, what they called St Johns 'the dark night of the cross' and I needed to maintain contact with those who were with me those 3 days, which I had nothing in common with. I returned to the house and my old ways feeling I had been brainwashed. A year or so later I had to flee the US due to the draft and ended up in Israel, on a non-religious kibbutz, the first time I saw a community where people looked upon one another as brothers. I eventually converted for citizenship, went into the IL army and never returned to the US.

  13. My wife and I went on engaged weekend retreat and later marriage encounter, in Vatican II church.

    Me and some guys were at a table asking where the Koolaid was. So boring, and heresy thrown in. painfully boring
