Monday, May 29, 2023

An Occult "Jesus"


A few months ago, I was visibly upset at work. Things were not going well for my client and the concern was evident on my face, as people were asking if I was OK. A very nice secretary keeps a devotional book on her desk, which is not unusual for a churchgoing Protestant like herself. As I was passing her desk that day, she stopped me. "You looked so worried; it's not good for you. Stress is a killer. I keep an extra copy of my devotional in case someone needs it, and I think you do. It is very inspirational, and can help you to feel better." I politely declined. "No, thank you. I'm a Traditionalist and don't read Protestant literature, but thank you for your kind concern." (All dialogue to the best of my recollection---Introibo). 

She was persistent, "I don't know what a Traditionalist is, but I know you believe in the Lord Jesus, and you should read this because He wrote it Himself." She had gotten my attention. "Are you claiming that Jesus Christ Himself wrote your devotional book?" She smiled, "Yes, but not directly. It was through His servant, Sarah Young, a very holy missionary in our day." My mind immediately called forth the question in my head---could a Protestant devotional book be occult? I said the book intrigued me and I'd like to explore the contents, even though I wouldn't be using it as a devotional. "Take it and learn," she said while handing me the book. 

I must have been under a rock, because I never heard of this book, Jesus Calling, but many millions of people use it. I began researching and reading. Called by some "the greatest Evangelical [Protestant] book you never heard of," Jesus Calling has sold over 40 million copies since its publication in 2004. Young (b. 1946) has a whole franchise of "Jesus Calling" type books. Her bio reads thus:

Sarah Young’s devotional writings are personal reflections from her daily quiet time of Bible reading, praying, and writing in prayer journals. With sales of more than 35 million books worldwide, Jesus Calling has appeared on all major bestseller lists. Sarah’s writings include Jesus Calling, Jesus Always, Jesus Today, Jesus Lives, Dear Jesus, Jesus Calling for Little Ones, Jesus Calling Bible Storybook, Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions for Kids, Jesus Always: 365 Devotions for Kids, and Peace in His Presence-each encouraging readers in their journey toward intimacy with Christ. Sarah and her husband were missionaries in Japan and Australia for many years. They currently live in the United States.

Jesus Calling was written to help people connect not only with Jesus, the living Word, but also with the Bible-the only infallible, inerrant Word of God. Sarah endeavors to keep her devotional writing consistent with that unchanging standard. Many readers have shared that Sarah’s books have helped them grow to love God’s Word. As Sarah states in the introduction to Jesus Calling, “The devotions . . . are meant to be read slowly, preferably in a quiet place with your Bible open.”

Sarah is biblically conservative in her faith and reformed in her doctrine. She earned a master’s degree in biblical studies and counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), where her husband, Stephen, is an ordained minister. Stephen and Sarah continue to be missionaries with Mission to the World, the PCA mission board.

Sarah spends a great deal of time in prayer, reading the Bible, and memorizing Scripture. She especially enjoys praying daily for readers of all her books. (See 

Young had two infections related to Lyme disease, and she spent six months in the U.S. in 2009 getting “intensive, expensive treatment” without seeing significant improvement. For several years she has also suffered from chronic dizziness (vertigo). The book spread by "word of mouth" so to speak, and caught on big time. The books have given her a net worth of $50 million dollars. She has a veritable publishing empire. 

The copy of the devotional I received was from 2004. I discovered that in 2010, both Young and her publisher made changes to the origin of the book to allay a controversy that had arisen over its occultic origin. In this post, I will show that the "Jesus" who is calling, is not the Son of God Incarnate. 

(This post is an amalgamation of my reading of the book and my commentary on same, and numerous books, articles and Internet articles dealing with  Jesus Calling. I give full credit to those authors/authorities for the information provided in the writing of this post---Introibo). 

Making Contact With "Jesus"
The first noticeable thing looking through the book, is that it is written as if Jesus is speaking the words. Jesus giving advice in first-person language is certainly not the usual Protestant devotional format and sets this apart from almost all other devotionals. The logical question is: how did Young come up with these words? The occult origin can be discerned from an examination of three aspects:
  • Young’s admission in the first edition that a primary influence on her was the book, God Calling, by “Two Listeners"
  • Young's claim that she received the words directly from Jesus Himself
  • Examining some of the messages in the book allegedly from Jesus
It's Not God Calling
Not surprisingly, Jesus Calling and God Calling (written by "Two [anonymous] Listeners") are being promoted by some "priests" in the Vatican II sect. Jesus Calling is essentially a devotional book containing one year’s worth of short reflections on the Protestant faith which Young claims came from Jesus Christ in a way similar to messages He allegedly gave to two anonymous “listeners” who authored the book, God Calling. The problem is that these two listeners were engaged in what is known as automatic writing, which is an occult practice, while receiving these messages. This is a fact that is the main source of controversy surrounding Jesus Calling.

Automatic writing is also known as trance writing because the person goes into a kind of trance and writes whatever comes to mind very quickly and without forethought. Occult practitioners believe this allows a person to tap into the subconscious mind where the "true self" exists and where deep and mystical thoughts can be accessed.

Others use automatic writing to access outside "intelligences" and "spiritual entities" for advice and guidance. Some psychotherapists also employ the practice as a way to release repressed memories although there is no scientific evidence proving that trance writing has any therapeutic value. Both Stephanie Meyer (author of the Twilight franchise) and J.K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter franchise) claim that the story and characters came to them via automatic writing. Both book series are seeped in the occult. 

As such, automatic writing is a form of spiritism and all forms of spiritism are condemned by the Church. In 1898, the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office specifically condemned automatic writing, and to show how evil spiritism is, the Congregation issued this decree in answer to a question posed in 1917:

Question to the Holy Office: Whether it is permitted through a medium, as they call him, or without a medium, with or without the application of hypnotism, to be present at spiritistic conversations or manifestations of any kind, even though these phenomena present the appearance of honesty or piety, whether by interrogating souls or spirits, or by listening to responses, or only by looking on, even with a tacit or expressed protestation that one does not wish to have anything to do with wicked spirits? (Emphasis in original).

Reply of the Holy Office: IN THE NEGATIVE IN ALL CASES. (Approved by Pope Benedict XV and published April 24, 1917). 

God Calling is a book of messages that were allegedly given to “two listeners” (their identities are not revealed) back in the mid-1930’s. One of the listeners explains that in 1932, she received a copy of a book by A. J. Russell entitled, For Sinners Only, and was so impressed she and a friend decided one day to “get guidance” from the Lord in the way A. J. Russell recommends in the book. Russell's method involves sitting down with paper and pencil, letting the mind go blank, then writing down anything that flashes across it, which Russell says should be considered akin to "God’s orders" for the day. Soon, they started getting automatic written messages from "God." After they had a collection of these messages, they sent them to A. J. Russell who immediately got to work preparing them for publication in the book now known as God Calling (1935).  It’s been a bestseller ever since.

Just some of the heretical messages are "Christ" saying:
  • I need you more than you need Me (pg. 60)
  • I await the commands of my children (pg. 63)
  • I do not delay My second coming. My followers delay it (pg. 177)
Young read the book, and was enchanted by the listeners' work. According to the foreword which used to appear in Jesus Calling (2004), she began to wish for the same abilities.

I began to wonder if I, too, could receive messages during my times of communing with God... I had been writing in prayer journals for years, but that was one-way communication: I did all the talking. I knew that God communicated with me through the Bible, but I yearned for more. Increasingly, I wanted to hear what God had to say to me personally on a given day. I decided to listen to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever I believe He was saying. I felt awkward the first time I tried this, but I received a message. It was short, biblical, and appropriate. It addressed topics that were current in my life: trust, fear, and closeness to God. I responded by writing in my prayer journal.

The book has become a bestseller. For reasons never disclosed, the Protestant publisher, Thomas Nelson Publishing, decided to simply remove all references to God Calling from the book’s introduction in 2010. Instead, they are now insisting that these aren’t messages from Jesus, but are simply Young’s own thoughts and inspirations. This is just “Sarah’s prayer journal," they insist, and she’s not really speaking for Christ Himself. Young will also refuse to talk about the pre-2004 edition, and agrees with her publisher's historical revision. 

Originally, the publisher described the book in this way: After many years of writing her own words in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to be more attentive to the Savior’s voice and begin listening for what He was saying. So with pen in hand, she embarked on a journey that forever changed her—and many others around the world. In these powerful pages are the words and Scriptures Jesus lovingly laid on her heart. Words of reassurance, comfort, and hope. Words that have made her increasingly aware of His presence and allowed her to enjoy His peace. (Emphasis mine). 

Young notes her writing is not inspired like the Bible. Why not? If these are messages given directly to her by Christ, wouldn't that be Divine Inspiration? If Christ is the Author, it couldn't contain any error whatsoever. Sounds like it's equal to the Bible, despite her protestations to the contrary.  Having seen that the book is inspired by an occult book and used automatic writing (claiming to be personal messages from Jesus Christ), let's see what "Jesus" has to say.

The Confusing and Occult Babblings of "Jesus"
From the reading of July 18:
Ask Me to open your eyes so that you can find Me everywhere...this is not some sort of escape from reality; it is tuning into the ultimate reality. I am far more Real than the world you can see, hear and touch.
I concede that God created everything ex nihil and conserves it in existence. In this sense He is the "Ultimate Reality." However, in the context of many other passages, it takes on an Eastern pagan notion of pantheism or panentheism. 

From the reading of July 25:
Your part is to be attentive to my messages, in whatever form they come. When you set out to find Me in a day, you discover that the world is vibrantly alive with My Presence. You can find Me not only in beauty and birdcalls, but also in tragedy and faces filled with grief.
Some queries: What "messages" are there to which "Jesus"  is referring ?  What does "whatever form they may come" mean? Does Christ give messages in multiple forms, and we need to look for them? How do we know the messages are from Jesus and how do we interpret them? The other part is similar to panentheism; the idea that God is in the world like a soul in a body.  I do not find Jesus in birdcalls or in tragedy. Beauty may point one to God and tragedy may cause one to turn to Him, but He is not in those things. 

There are numerous passages where Young's "Jesus" tells the reader to go within to hear and know Him, such as the reading for August 25:
I am central to your innermost being. Your mind goes off in tangents from its holy Center from time to time....the quickest way to redirect your mind to Me is to whisper My Name
The idea of humans having a "holy center" is occult and pagan teaching. Humans are only in possession of what is holy when in the state of sanctifying grace, and even then, it is not in some "center" of his/her person. 

"Christ Revised"
The above quotes were taken from the 2004 edition of Jesus Calling. In the revised edition, there are numerous omissions, additions, and alterations. This includes the removal of Young's statement that the book God Calling was the major inspiration for her for writing this book, and changing words that previously indicated she was hearing words directly from Jesus. Previous statements that she was receiving "messages" from Jesus were changed to "writings" that she "gleaned" in quiet moments and to "devotions."  The sanitized revision also changes her so-called "words from Christ." If Christ spoke those words, why change them? 

Here's an example:
2004 Edition: ENTRUST YOUR LOVED ONES TO ME; release them into My protective care. They are much safer with Me than in your clinging hands. If you let a loved one become an idol in your heart, you endanger that one--as well as yourself. Remember the extreme measures I used with Abraham and Isaac. I took Isaac to the very point of death to free Abraham from son-worship. Both Abraham and Isaac suffered terribly because of the father's undisciplined emotions... (Emphasis in original; emboldened words mine). 

Revised Edition: ENTRUST YOUR LOVED ONES TO ME; release them into My protective care. They are much safer with Me than in your clinging hands. If you let a loved one become an idol in your heart, you endanger that one--as well as yourself. Joseph and his father, Jacob, suffered terribly because Jacob because Joseph loved Jacob more than any of his other sons and treated him with special favor. So Joseph's brothers hated him and plotted against him. Ultimately, I used that situation for good, but both father and son had to endure years of suffering and separation from one another.. .  (Emphasis in original; emboldened words mine). 

This is not some "minor revision" (and even that would change what Christ allegedly said), but a wholesale change. Obviously, such deception could not be of God. 

Sarah Young's book, Jesus Calling, is an occult text. It is based on the spiritistic practice of automatic writing, was inspired by an occult book, and has "Jesus" saying things He could not possibly say as the All Truthful God Incarnate. It was revised in 2010 to remove the occult references, and alters the alleged "words of Jesus," claiming they are only Young's words. Young's book is therefore founded on the occult, which comes from the Father of Lies, and then it was covered up in a second act of deception. Wholly apart from the occult, Jesus would not communicate with a member of a false religion to give messages. 

If you know anyone in the Vatican II sect, warn them of this book now being used in some parishes as "spiritual reading." Everything the sect does is bad, but this is exceptionally bad and deceptive. Only when we heed the teachings of the One True Church, do we hear Jesus Christ calling. "He that heareth you, heareth Me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth Me; and he that despiseth Me, despiseth Him that sent me." (St. Luke 10:16). 


  1. Automatic writing is also known as trance writing because the person goes into a kind of trance and writes whatever comes to mind very quickly and without forethought. Occult practitioners believe this allows a person to tap into the subconscious mind where the "true self" exists and where deep and mystical thoughts can be accessed.

    If people really thought about it, they might realize that dispensing of your own reason is not the best way to discover the Author of reason/logic.

    1. Cairsahr__stjoseph,
      Unfortunately, many people don't think, they go with what sounds "exciting" to them.

      God Bless,


  2. Both Stephanie Meyer (author of the Twilight franchise) and J.K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter franchise) claim that the story and characters came to them via automatic writing. Both book series are seeped in the occult.

    I never like modern books. JRR Tolkien is one who was not in the occult. CS Lewis too. Chesterton. I never find this occult stuff interesting; but i am perhaps old enough not to be easily ensnared

    1. Cairsahr__stjoseph,
      I agree that Tolkien, Chesterton, and Lewis wrote magnificent works! Where are writers like that today?

      God Bless,


    2. Solzhenitsyn was one of the later ones

    3. There is a young adult writer whose mysteries are so wholesome. Robert Sutherland who wrote "the Ghost Of Ramshaw Castle". And the prev one, "The Loon Lake Murders" also so good. the later ones are good too but the two earlier has a particular "style". I never read the first one. Anyway if yoiunger people want to read good stuff there is an example which as a sede Trad Cath I can recommend to the end of my soul

    4. Cairsahr__stjoseph,
      I never heard of Robert Sutherland. Good to know there are some decent writers left. Thank you for the information!

      God Bless,


  3. Hello Introibo

    Why is it that so many young people brought up in the Novus Ordo sect go over to the various Evangelical sects.Look at the spanish in South America,etc.How long do these folk stay in your view till they move on to something else.Do many of them have loose morals,etc.Look forward to your comment.

    1. @anon9:39
      A very good friend of mine from law school was born and raised in Central America. Pre-V2 fully 95% of the country was Catholic. The percentage of the V2 sect members makes up about 67% of the population today. He was baptized Catholic, but his parents converted to liberal Protestantism. By our friendship he became a Traditionalist and converted his parents.

      The reason his parents left was over the changes of Vatican II which left them bitter, and the liberal Protestant sects required little. Others joined Evangelical sects because it gave them the certainty that the V2 sect didn't have. Those in the liberal sects will have loose morals and usually become practical atheists. Those in the so-called Evangelical sects will mostly remain and have decent moral values.

      Central and South America, like the rest of the world, fell "Victims of Vatican II."

      God Bless,


    2. Would just like to add that the evangelicals may have some more decent morals, however (like conservative novusordites) they still hold base errors (lack of belief in church hierarchy/real presence/sacraments, zionism, love of secular democracy, etc) that contradict and eventually continuously wither away even their facade of good morals. Their growth has slowed down and even stopped or reversed in some areas from what it was 20-30 years ago. Of course they do better than more useless liberal prots, but even novusordites do that.

  4. Introibo,

    Thanks for the article. Like the cursillo (I’ve come across it a couple times since), it’s now on my radar. "I don't know what a Traditionalist is, but I know you believe in the Lord Jesus, and you should read this because He wrote it Himself." Ugh, sounds like comments I’ve heard about the Sr. Faustina devotion – “ ‘Jesus told us himself!’, ‘How so?’, ‘Through Sr. Faustina’, ‘Ah’ ”.

    Also from your article: “The Confusing and Occult Babblings of "Jesus" From the reading of July 18:…” This reminds me of so many publications and brochures of various novus ordo apostolates and visionaries. Jesus and Mary giving vague and ambiguous messages to these people, and for a modest donation, you can listen to today’s message on a recording, or receive a compilation book. I’ve mentioned this before, I believe, but I don’t think I wrote about what I noticed – something to the effect that Paul VI changed the rules (ca. 1966?) and now all these visionaries can just produce away, but with the understanding that if the church made a ruling on their apostolate, then they must submit. Yeah right, I’m sure the novus ordo will investigate and crack down on all these. It has been my recent observation that within the novus ordo sect tons of occult and eastern/pagan materials flow freely. God Bless.

    -Seeking Truth

    1. Seeking Truth,
      You are correct. The Vatican II sect is pervaded with occult and pagan materials, teachings, and rituals. Pray much and discern; being aware is half the battle won in keeping yourself away from the occult in our society.

      God Bless,


  5. LOL...I must be under the same rock, Intro, as I have never heard of these "God Calling" and "Jesus Calling" books. Seriously, I don't know how I missed them, what with the wide popularity and circulation they have achieved!
    I am very glad for the heads-up on it.

    Along the same lines, what do you think of Luisa Piccarretta (1865-1947)? I have just gotten acquainted with her bio; she wrote thousands of pages on her "visions", and said things similar to what Ms. Young did.
    Ms. Piccarretta claimed Jesus told her that He awaits her commands; that she is the love of His Life; and things that even border on the erotic that I won't repeat here! "Seers" like these often seem to entertain romantic fantasies in their writings. The devil knows well how to exploit human weakness and pride, using our piety, our desire for human respect and our differences as men and women to twist, pervert and destroy what is natural and good for his own purposes.

    Of course, the Novus Bogus took her case out of the circular file and has declared Luisa Piccarretta a "Servant of God". She is on track for their con-anization.
    I am sure they will do the same for Sarah Young when the time comes. Ugh!

    Thank you for your work to dispute and help dispel these false "revelations", Intro. I forward your posts on to those I think need to see them.
    Now more than ever, there is a multiplicity of false visionaries and their false Jesus talk, and too many are falling into the trap.


    P.S. to all who have requested prayers you can be assured of mine.

    1. Jannie,
      Yes, I have written about Louisa Piccaretta:

      You are correct that we must be more vigilant than ever about "messages" from God. Let's stick with approved pre-Vatican II devotions and visions, etc. when we had a true pope to protect us from error!

      God Bless,


  6. My deepest thanks to all who prayed for my Mom. The surgery went well, she's home now and, though in pain, on her way to recovery.

    God Bless You,
    Joanna S.

    1. Happy for your mom, Joanna !

    2. Joanna,
      Wonderful news and continued prayers for your mother!!

      God Bless,


    3. Great news! Praise God. Thanks for updating us. Yes, continued prayers for recovery.

    4. Thank God for your mom, Joanna! I look forward to any good news in this sad time for the Church and the world.
      Otherwise, I would also need prayers, for my father and the two deceased, my father's uncle and my cousin's uncle (not related to each other). My father has a high temperature for the third week, sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse, as when. Thank you all in advance for your prayers, God bless you

    5. @Joanna S
      Did the Polish CMRI Priest receive Holy Ordination?

  7. Dear Introibo,

    I found your article because of its bold and provocative title! I have been studying Sarah Young’s devotionals for several years and have written a book that compares hundreds of quotations from her books with quotations from occult books. The similarities are compelling, and I thought you might be interested in taking a look. It can be read for free on or you can search for the title “Christian Journaling or Psychic Channeling?” online.

    If you do have time to look at it, please be sure to go to the center of the book where most of the quotations are listed and flip through a few pages, because that is the most important section. If you’d like a complimentary hard copy, I’d be happy to send you one.

    By the way, I believe the revision to Jesus Calling occurred in 2013 instead of 2010 and I can explain further if you are interested.


    1. Dear Brenna,
      Thank you for coming by and commenting! Your book is very interesting and informative. You have indeed performed extensive research into the works of Sarah Young. Thank you for the offer of a complimentary hard copy, but as I remain anonymous, I don't give out any mailing address.

      Please explain further regarding the revision. I will publish it here for the benefit of my readers, as well as myself. Now that you have found my blog, it is my hope you will look into the Traditionalist Catholic faith (not to be confused with the false Vatican II sect of "Pope" Francis.

      God Bless,


    2. Thank you for taking a look at it! I appreciated your article very much and hoped you would find my book relevant.

      Like the “very nice secretary,” I have never heard of Traditionalists but am certainly aware that many Catholics are unhappy with the current state of the Catholic Church. I have wondered why the Catholic Church has not taken a stand against Jesus Calling (as popular as it is among Catholics according to Amazon bestseller lists), but now I am beginning to understand why. I’ve already scanned some of your articles and will enjoy reading in more depth.

      About the 2013 revision date—over the years I’ve checked the printing date of dozens of thrift store copies of Jesus Calling (burnt orange version, copyright 2004). The printing date can be found in the printer’s key at the bottom of the copyright page. In Young’s books, the leftmost number is the printing year and the rightmost number is the printing run. All of the copies printed before 2013 or in early 2013 printing runs have had the God Calling introduction and all of the ones printed in late 2013 printing runs or later years have had the revised introduction. Also, a 2013 revision date matches Warren B. Smith’s 2014 observation, “Sarah Young and Thomas Nelson have made some of their problems suddenly disappear in recent editions of Jesus Calling—most especially in a special 10th anniversary edition of Jesus Calling released on September 30, 2014.” (“Changing ‘Jesus Calling’—Damage Control for a False Christ”)

      Hope this helps,


    3. Brenna,
      Thank you very much for that information! Helpful indeed. Once more, thank you for commenting. I also commend you on reading up on the Traditionalist Catholic Faith. Please feel free to comment on any post with any questions you may have. I have done extensive research into the occult and warn people of occult dangers in many of my posts. I also do podcasts with Mr. Kevin Davis, a fellow Traditionalist who runs "Catholic Family Podcast." Here below is the link to my first podcast with him on the occult. I think you would find it interesting!

      God Bless,


    4. Thank you for the heads-up about your other research--I look forward to checking it out. I am continually amazed at how our culture and churches are welcoming the occult with open arms while so few are warning!


  8. Pletho's Ghost,
    You are correct that not every trance is evil; sometimes they come from God. That, however, is rare, and the fruit produced by Sarah Young is heretical and cannot be of God.

    God Bless,

