Monday, August 26, 2024

Where Did The Attack Go?


To My Readers: This week my guest poster, Dominic Caggeso, takes an incredible look at the papacy and what happened at Vatican II. Feel free to comment as usual. If you have a specific comment or question for me, I will respond as always, but it may take me a bit longer to do so this week. 

God bless you all, my dear readers---Introibo

Where Did The Attack Go?
by Dominic Caggeso

A skilled detective uses clues to unravel a mystery. Fingerprints, footprints, suspicious marks on the wall, and other subtle indications are meticulously examined by the investigator’s keen mind to reconstruct the sequence of events and reveal the criminal. Similarly, Traditional Catholics have spent decades piecing together an increasingly comprehensive body of evidence to explain the greatest crime of all time: the Second Vatican Council. Who were the perpetrators? What were their motives? How did they execute their plan? How much was premeditated?

 Over the years, determined and tireless Catholics have answered these and many other questions in great detail. The crime scene has been thoroughly investigated, the police report written and submitted, the court convened, and the verdict delivered: Guilty, guilty! Communists, Modernists, Freemasons, and other enemies of the Church have orchestrated a silent coup in the heart of Rome. The evidence is abundant, the motives publicly declared by the perpetrators, and more proof emerges daily with each new heresy or blasphemy from the apostate Vatican.

Having refined and polished the evidence of this monumental crime, some of us strive to repackage it in hopes of convincing those unfortunate victims still ensnared in the Novus Ordo. Just as an abused child may grow up to repeat his father’s crimes, those trapped in the Novus Ordo, victims of the Modernists’ lies and deceit, often become proponents of the same vile heresies. A clear and compelling case against Vatican II, supported by well researched and documented evidence, can sometimes effectively free the minds of those still caught in the web of deceit spun by the Vatican II sect. I know this from personal experience. 

When I became conflicted about the Novus Ordo, I sought answers. Prepackaged and well-formulated arguments, supported by evidence and logic, were a lifeline that helped me escape the Vatican II trap into which I was born. I am grateful to all the Traditional Catholic detectives who have tirelessly and meticulously pieced together the trail of clues, assembled theological arguments, and presented their findings in the public forum, where they could be discovered by Catholics like myself, searching for answers.

In my desire to contribute to this body of soul-saving work, I aim to present further evidence highlighting the nefarious nature of the Second Vatican Council and its aftermath. Rather than offering positive proof, such as the presence of condemned errors in the Council’s documents or the warnings about Modernism issued by Pope St. Pius X, I intend to present negative proof—something that should be present but is conspicuously absent. Following the Second Vatican Council, the external attacks on the Holy See suddenly ceased. These assaults on the papacy had been intensifying for centuries, reaching a fever pitch. By the late 1800s, they had escalated into a fierce political, military, and public relations war waged by the Church’s enemies. Then, in the mid-twentieth century, the attacks abruptly ended.

Initial Opposition

Throughout Church history, the papacy has rarely enjoyed a sustained period without facing opposition. During the Middle Ages, various kings and emperors, themselves Catholics, objected to the pope’s temporal power within their kingdoms. Armies marched across Christendom, and high-stakes political intrigues unfolded, all vying for more land and wealth in the great chessboard of medieval Christendom. However, these opponents of papal power were always Catholic. They did not oppose the papacy in principle but rather Its claims to certain temporal powers that extended into their realms.

In the latter Middle Ages, the Avignon Papacy and the subsequent Papal Schism caused significant scandal and confusion among Catholics throughout Christendom. The reputation of the papacy was tarnished, creating space in the public forum for open disagreement and criticism of this sublime office. During this time, the heresy of Conciliarism emerged, seeking to diminish the authority of the papacy by placing it on par with or subordinate to a council’s dictates. The attack on the core tenets of papal authority had begun!

The damage inflicted by the Avignon Papacy and the Papal Schism was further compounded during the Renaissance, which only served to diminish the papacy’s reputation and authority in the minds of Catholics, especially in Northern Christendom. The luxuries and extravagances of the Renaissance left a sour impression, later exploited by Martin Luther. Over centuries, attitudes towards the papacy gradually shifted, and princes and kings were now ready to follow Luther’s lead, openly defying and repudiating the papacy, the Church, and the Faith. From this point forward, enemies of the papacy and the Church could now be found within the confines of Christendom as opposed to existing in foreign lands or distant realms.

Within a century and a half, the Protestant Revolt morphed and diffused. In Protestant lands, heretics opposed each other as they sought new and creative ways to gain a following. This disintegration eroded basic and foundational principles such as authority and Truth, principles that had been taken for granted by Christendom during the Middle Ages. Meanwhile, in Catholic lands, the papacy and the Church maintained the hierarchy established by Christ, preserving the ancient system that had characterized the Catholic Church for centuries. The proximity of Protestant heretics to Catholic kingdoms, both contained within the boundaries of Europe, caused these two divergent paradigms to bristle and chafe. 

Thus, as the Protestant Revolt morphed into the misnamed “Age of Enlightenment,” the papacy and the Catholic Church’s ancient structure and authority became targets for criticism and philosophical and ideological deconstruction.

Increasing Opposition

The misnamed “Age of Enlightenment” was extremely dangerous. The Protestant Revolt had seduced Christians into believing they could discover and assert theological truths without reference to the Catholic Church. Building on this foundation, the “Age of Enlightenment” took the next logical step, seeking to discover and assert philosophical truths without relation to God. Human Reason was elevated to a god-like status as European minds sought to reconstruct an ideological framework and belief system upon which they could build a world without God, especially without the Catholic Church. 

For these “enlightened” yet misguided men, religion needed to be subjugated or left completely in the past. Protestantism was not a cohesive unit and thus not a true threat. However, the papacy and the Church, in their minds, were major obstacles to progress.

The “Age of Enlightenment” was the mother of the French Revolution. The mother’s advice and guidance were taken to heart by the child and turned into action. Physical measures were employed by the French Revolution to enforce the ideas of the “Age of Enlightenment.” Napoleon Bonaparte arose from the French Revolution, rolling through Western Europe with the Grand Army of the Republic, dethroning Catholicism wherever he could. Napoleon deposed the last reigning Holy Roman Emperor, Francis II, in 1806. More notably, he also kidnapped two popes who refused to submit to the little man from Corsica. His army charged into Rome and temporarily established the Roman Republic in the heart of the Church’s bosom, from the place of the papal throne. The attack on the papacy was escalating!

Determined Opposition

Napoleon ushered in a new age of republicanism across Europe. Catholic monarchs were weakened or abolished altogether. Throughout the Continent, the enemies of the Church had seized control of government, communications, finances, and military power. However, there still existed a kingdom on the Italian Peninsula that defied this new age of atheism, humanism, secularism, and modern error. The Papal States, a tract of land in central Italy, had been ruled by the papacy since the mid-eighth century and remained a sovereign Catholic kingdom. From here, the papacy continued to speak and act with autonomy, radiating its teachings to Catholics worldwide. This level of freedom was intolerable for the enemies of the Church. The next stage of assault on the papacy was about to begin.

In the late 1800s, Italian Freemasons launched the “Risorgimento,” an effort to unite all the disparate kingdoms and republics in Italy under one king. The Papal States stood directly in the way of their goals, and the authority of the papacy directly challenged and condemned the Freemasons. In 1870, Italian forces stormed into the Papal States and blasted through the Aurelian Walls in Rome, abruptly interrupting and ending the First Vatican Council. From this point onward, the popes refused to leave the Vatican in protest. 

The attack on the papacy had reached a fever pitch. There was little left to attack, as the papacy’s temporal power had been completely stripped away. The papacy’s ability to communicate with the outside world was greatly reduced. Additionally, the public relations apparatus of the pagan state had maligned and calumniated the office of the papacy, making it an object of ridicule.

Finally, in 1929, in the post-Napoleonic Age, when Europe was somewhat swinging back towards the political right, Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty with the Church. The Holy See obtained modern-day Vatican City, which it would rule with sovereign authority. It had secured a tiny bubble of safety and refuge, but within, the final attack on the papacy and the Church was hiding, like sleeper cells behind enemy lines. In a short time, the Second Vatican Council would be called by the Modernists, and we all know the rest of the story.

After the Second Vatican Council, where did this centuries-old attack on the papacy go? The assault on the Church and the papacy had been growing in scale, malice, and determination since the sixteenth century. By the early twentieth century, the malevolent forces of evil had the papacy cornered. It was checkmate (from a human perspective).

As Sedevacantists, we have the answer to this question. The attack on the Church took on a new and much more sinister character. Instead of attacking from the outside, the enemies of the Church infiltrated. The reason why outward attacks on the papacy ceased in the mid-twentieth century is that the enemies had taken over the Vatican.

One can imagine, if we did still have a pope in Rome, how sophisticated and brutal the attack would be today, given the astonishing developments in technology and the horrific and malignant growth of immorality, vice and all manner of evil. Instead, we see an aligning of interests between the world and the Vatican. Thus, by negative proof, we can arrive at a conclusion that strongly points to sedevacantism. 


  1. Great post ! The devil has been leading the assault against the Church and the Papacy since the beginning and he has claimed time and power to destroy the Church but he has not succeeded completely since there remains a small remnant of faithful who defend the true Faith. It is not the false R&R traditionalists who recognize the modernists as the legitimate Catholic authorities, whom St. Pius X described as the Church's worst enemies. Modernists are criminals who have turned Catholics away from the true religion by creating a counterfeit of Catholicism, a false Church reconciled with the world, promoting heresy and evil. And, yes, there are traditionalist Catholics, like our friend Introïbo, who defend the true Faith to enlighten those who, like me, come from the Novus Ordo. God bless these defenders of the Faith !

    1. Well said :) Thank God for defenders of the true Faith in these times, like Introibo (among others). I marvel at the providence of God to have the internet come about specifically during these confusing times. I am in awe at the Trads who left the Novus Ordo and found the true Mass and Faith without information at their fingertips (on the internet)!

    2. It boggles my mind that people can think manifest heretics can be legitimate authorities in the Church.

    3. Dominic, there's a lot of evil on the Internet, but it's a wonderful tool for forming yourself in the true faith in these times of apostasy. It was on the web that I learned the Rosary. I wasn't shown it when I was in the Novus Ordo. I had learned to say the rosary from "Saint" Faustina, which I threw away with the V2 religion. Then I discovered this blog and Novus Ordo Watch, two fantastic websites for learning the true Faith.

    4. Anonymous:

      Those who believe that heretics can be legitimate Church authorities need to be formed in the true faith. If you're a heretic, you're outside the Church, so Bergoglio and his modernist hierarchy are not the legitimate hierarchy.

  2. Dominic

    Yes, another great post from you .Thank you .

    May I ask what books did you start to read when you came to the view that the Novus Ordo sect was not the Church ?

    How would you address a Novus Ordo "priest" to tell him that he is wrong .


    1. Shamefully, the first resources that I used to come out of the NO sect were videos on YouTube. I started by watching the Remnant (Michael Matt) but that confused me (their R&R position was/is contradictory and illogical) then I moved onto watching "What Catholics Believe" (the early episodes when the "then Fr." Sanborn, Fr. Jenkins, "then Fr." Kelly and others were still together. Those episodes truly helped me a lot! Then, I came across the Dimond Brothers, who despite their Feeneyisim, did a good job in laying out the heresies of V2 and the Antipopes. From that point, I launched into reading prior encyclicals and writings of true popes, plus the works of Fr. Cekada and Bishop Sanborn. TBH.. I forget what I read after that. Pretty much, I just read and read for the last 7

      As for how to address a NO "priest" to tell him he's wrong.. that is a tough question. Before we left the NO, we were personal friends with many NO "priests" and I tried to speak with each of them as we were coming out of the NO. I just tried to simply present the myriads of contradictions between the Catholic Faith and the V2 heresies. They deflected and brought the conversation into the weeds. After that, they tried to establish plausible doubt in their minds so they could walk away with a "clear" conscience. I wish I had a better answer for you!

  3. Paul, I can't answer for Dominic but I'd like to share with you a few sources that I found helpful when I was searching for the truth.

    First, the website has extensive information and lots of links that explain the heresies of the Vatican II popes (and John XXIII) and has an almost daily post about the goings on of the Novus Ordo sect and explaining why it is not the true Catholic Church.

    Another place to gain information about not only lots of history, but learn the true Catholic faith and that is

    Third, the book "Work of Human Hands" by Rev. Anthony Cekada explains how the Novus Ordo Mass is not Catholic and more.

    Fourth, the book "The Great Sacrilege" by Fr. James Wathen, also found online, is one of the first books exposing the false Novus Ordo Mass.

    Fifth, although this website is an R&R one, it has tons of really good information that you can pursue to educate yourself:

    Sixth, the website is another good website.

    Seventh, the website
    is an excellent website.

    Eight, the website

    Ninth, the website

    For online Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (the true one) and praying the Rosary daily -

    For true Catholic sermons online:

    MHT Seminary - Questions for the Rector

    1. Anonymous - 11.26

      Thank you so much for all the info and details of websites , etc

      How would you address a Novus Ordo "priest" that he is wrong . I walked out of a Church months ago when he said that "Pope" Francis has not done any formal heresy and he says many good things on our Lady.


    2. @anon11:29
      I must add a couple of warnings to your sources. Fr. Wathen (ordained 1958; died 2006) was a R&R Feeneyite. Some of what he states in "The Great Sacrilege" is theologically incorrect. Although not discussed in that book, it nevertheless has a few serious errors in it re: the papacy. is produced by dubiously ordained priests who think sedevacantism is "irrelevant."

      God Bless,


    3. Introibo, speaking on priests ordained doubtfully, what is your opinion on Bishop Thomas Huber, ordained and consecrated sub conditione by Bishop Raphael Cloquell, is he a valid bishop? The only priest I have close to me is someone ordained by him.
      Michael Hellmann

    4. Michael,

      As far as validity and preaching traditional Catholicism you are probably in good hands. I know Bp. Raphael Cloquell was consecrated by Bp. Oliver Oravec on October 24, 1996 at Karlsruhe, Germany. Bp. Oravec (died 2014) was consecrated by Bp. Robert McKenna (died 2015).

      I would tend to think that Bp. Cloquell would consecrate somebody worthy enough to be conditionally consecrated although it is not always guaranteed.


    5. Introibo: You are correct about both Fr. Wathen's book and traditioninaction. However, one of the first things I read when questioning the NO sect was his book and it led me to further questioning. And yes, tradioninaction isn't the best place to view if you are newly searching for the truth but it really does contain a lot of valid stuff.

    6. @anon7:41
      I wrote about Traditio, not traditioninaction (which is R&R and one should tread carefully). I agree with you that Fr. Wathen's book has some good things in it, and also has written well on some topics. However, you are a notable exception insofar as you did not get tripped up by the errors. Hence, I would not recommend those sources to someone NEW to the faith, but only to those who truly understand the faith FIRST!

      God Bless,


    7. Intro: I am so sorry that I did not read your post correctly. Thank you for pointing out my error. I take your point about someone new to the faith must be very careful about what sources they use.

      God Bless you too and thank you for all that you have done to pass on the true Catholic faith.

    8. Who Ordained Bishop Raphael Cloquell? Valid Ordaination is just as important as EpiscopalConsecration.

  4. Dominic,

    The papacy is being attacked within the Novus Ordo with its latest program to destroy Catholicism which is transforming it into the Synodal Church.

    1. Great point! Not content with causing a prolonged period of Sedevacante, the antipopes (and especially Francis) have been persecuting the very concept of the papacy itself.

  5. Nice to see your comment Lee . You are a great source of knowledge regarding backgrounds of traditional bishops and priests.

    Did you hear about the recent program with Father William Jenkins who has called into doubt the ordinations of Bishop Richard Williamson and the late Bishop Daniel Dolan(RIP)

    I am not at all impressed with Father Jenkins and his claptrap. Where does it end . CMRI, Thuc bishops , etc .
    From feedback ,What Catholics believe got many negative comments .

    1. If you "read between the lines", you see that Fr. Jenkins, Bp. Kelly, Bp. Dolan, Fr. Cekada, and Bp. Sanborn had some sort of "falling out". I really don't know what it was, but there was definitely something. I mean, Fr. Cekada even insinuated that Bp. Kelly's consecration was not valid for a time.

  6. Hi Dominic

    As to the above link to the

    Do you know anything about the Traditional Franciscans under Bishop Giles Butler in the State of NY ? Do they give the Sacraments to folk outside their group ? They have a Catholic program called the Catholic Hour which can be found on their website

    God bless

    1. Hello :) I am sorry to say that I do not know anything about that group of Traditional Franciscans. I have been so engrossed in my work over the years that I really didn't do much research into the various Trad groups that stem from the Thuc line. Sorry I can't be of more help.

  7. Dominic , may I ask what led you to Saint Gertrude the Great and not over to Immaculate Conception(SSPV) in Norwood? Did you meet the late Bishop Daniel Dolan? From all accounts the Church of Saint Gertrude is growing .

    Thank you and God bless

    1. Hello :) Actually, I spent about 3 and 1/2 years in the CSPV/SSPV. I lived in Round Top, NY, across the street from the seminary and convent. However, over the years I did more research into the Thuc line and slowly became convinced that it was not "dangerous" or whatever else the CSPV claimed about it. So, we moved to SGG because of the amazing parish life, devotions and the clergy. I never did meet Bishop Dolan or Fr. Cekada, sadly. We moved to SGG in early 2023 after they passed away. But, yes, SGG is growing. Many new families have arrived in the last couple years.

    2. Hi Dominic,

      For the sake of your faith, I thought I should make you aware that some of the positions held by those taught at Most Holy Trinity Seminary by Bp Sanborn and/or Fr Cekada are not those of the Catholic Church, specifically; 1) the idea that there are no actual current Successors to the Apostles, i.e. Bishops with Ordinary Jurisdiction which is against the Divine Constitution of the Church and is a new heresy, 2) the "no Una Cum" error which I'm sure you're aware of given you're publishing on this blog, and 3) The ideal that the Church could give us a faulty liturgy as expressed through their rejection of the Pius XII Holy Week reform.

      You can read more about these here:

      In many places you could approach priests who hold the new heresy '1' for the sacraments even after 2 attempts at correction fail and they are pertenacious under Pope Martin V's Ad Evitanda Scandala which permits the reception of the sacraments from even undeclared heretics (who haven't joined a heretical sect) due to the necessity of the sacraments for salvation provided it doesn't cause public scandal.

      I don't know whether this would apply in Cincinnati as there are many other options for the sacraments.

      Yours in Christ


    3. I wonder what faith JL has other than in the tradboard corner where moderators have nothing better to do but pretend how supremely Catholic they are. Name ONE prelate who makes up the hierarchy in the year 2024. If he is united to Jorge than the new religion is legit and this is why Eric H. who was quoted in that trady board is now back in as member of it. If you cannot do it than either the theologians were wrong in their estimation or the one who pretends to understand what MUST be believed by them is wrong considering the unique circumstances of the Church after Vatican II is in.

  8. Dominic

    Was it the fine study of Mr Mario Derkson on the Thuc line that changed your mind ? We were not at all impressed with Father Jenkins when he had the debate with Father Cekada which is on youtube .

    Did you attend the consecration of Bishop James Carroll? What was the reaction of the CSPV Clerics and the lay folk when you left ?

    Thank you so much for starting a publishing apostolate . We look forward to more great books from you .

    God bless

    1. Yes, Novus Ordo Watch was a huge influence and source of information. I regret that I forgot to mention it in my previous response above. When I was coming out of the NO, I would listen to one Tradcast after another, fortifying myself against the errors of Vatican II.
      When we left the SSPV, it was a peaceful and amicable departure. Of course, they did not agree with us going to the Thuc line. But we did attend the consecration of Bishop Carroll. Actually, I think I was home watching it on live stream because I was somehow involved in the livestreaming process from my computer, but I forget what I did.

      Last year we attended a SSPV Mass in Florida and talked with the priest afterwards, whom we knew well when we lived in Round Top. It was a very pleasant conversation :) Overall, its a very unfortunate situation but our move to SGG demonstrates the outcome of our deliberation and research on the Thuc line.

    2. Dominic, I have had a number of conversations with CSPV priests, and most of the younger ones are of the opinion that most of the Thuc lines are probably valid. Thus, they hesitate, but are more understanding. Can't say the same concerning some of the "older" priests, though.

    3. Dominic, I really enjoyed this. Thanks for your efforts. Great take!

      God Bless,

  9. Who Ordained Bishop Jean Laborie?
