Now Ratzinger is preparing to beatify Karol Wotyla aka "Pope" John Paul II on May 1st. How can you beatify someone who would:
kiss the Koran, the Mohammedan “Bible.”
· say that all men are united to Christ solely by virtue of the Incarnation.
· say that all men are saved.
· say that the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church of the Creed is present, in all its essential elements, in non-Catholic sects.
· say that the Catholic Church is in communion with non-Catholic sects.
· say that the Catholic Church is incapable of giving credibility to the Gospel, unless there is a “reunion of Christians.”
· say that the Catholic Church shares a common apostolic faith with the non-Catholic sects.
· say that non-Catholic sects have an apostolic mission.
· say that the Holy Ghost uses non-Catholic sects as a means of salvation.
· say that it is divinely revealed that men have a right to religious freedom and freedom of conscience.
· say that a properly ordered society is one in which all religions are given free rein to practice, proselytize and propagate.
· say that Our Lord’s descent into hell simply means that He was buried.
· participate in all forms of non-Catholic worship, including that of the Lutherans, the Jews, the Hindus, the American Indians, the Polynesians, to mention only some;
· praise the voodoo religion;
· permit the abomination of Assisi, in which a golden statue of Buddha was placed upon an altar an incensed by a Buddhist priest;
· permit the ecumenical abominations contained in the Ecumenical Directory.
· approve of sacrilege to the Blessed Sacrament by permitting non-Catholics to receive It.
· hold and teach the blasphemous and heretical notion of the Church, that the Church of Christ is not exactly the same thing as the Catholic Church, but merely subsists in it. This heretical doctrine was taught by Vatican II in Lumen Gentium, and its heretical meaning has been upheld by John Paul many times, particularly in the Ecumenical Directory.
· say that Moslems and Catholics worship the same God.
· Give public approval to the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, which contains many explicit heresies, and utterly contradicts the solemn teaching of the Council of Trent concerning justification
ANSWER: You CAN'T Beatify such a person. Anyone who can do ANY of the above does NOT possess the Catholic Faith. Wotyla, like Ratzinger is a heretic...indeed John Paul the Great Apostate. Thank God the beatification is an invalid farce. Wotyla is responsible for the overthrow of the Catholic Faith and the damnation of millions of souls. This is a "hero" and candidate for "sainthood"? Kyrie Eleison!!
Honestly... I get what you are saying. But here might be an answer on how a person who has done all those things in their life might be beatified: They repented, then did sufficient penance (before death and/or Purgatory) to expiate the temporal effects of their sins against God.
ReplyDeleteAre you are being sent into Hell forever ... outside of God’s Catholic Church ?
DeleteAnswer: Yes you are.
The vatican-2 heretic cult (founded in 1965 at the Vatican) *cannot possibly be* the Catholic Church … since it *enforces* the opposite, the opposite, and the opposite of the Catholic Dogma (the actual Catholic Faith).
The Catholic Faith *is not* Bible interpretation ... it is the Catholic infallible Sources of Dogma (which has been ruthlessly hidden from you, and which you must know). The Catholic Church didn’t even define the Bible’s New Testament Canon until 397 A.D. at the Council of Carthage.
The founding documents of the vatican-2 heretic cult … the “vatican-2 council” documents … have well over 200 heresies *against* prior defined Dogma.
Site > Immaculata-one (dot) com
Section 12 > Anti-Christ vatican-2 heresies (50 listed) ... followed by many Catholic corrections.
Sections 13 and 13.1 > Photographic *proof* of heresy at the Vatican.
Because of … the Catholic Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy or for physical participation in a heretic cult (such as the V-2 cult) …
… we were all placed, body and soul, outside of Christianity (the Catholic Church) on 8 December 1965 … the close date of the “council”.
Section 13.2 > Catholic Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy or participating in a heretic cult such as ... vatican-2, lutheran, methodist, evangelical, etc.
Section 13.3 > Matt 16:18, Gates of Hell scripture ... is *not* about the Office of the Papacy ... four Dogmatic Councils defined it as ... heresy not causing the Dogma to disappear.
Section 13.4 > The vatican-2 heretic cult does not have the Office of the Papacy only the Catholic Church has the Papacy.
Section 13.6 > The Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Automatic Excommunication for heresy define that ... God has allowed Catholic Jurisdiction ... for Mass and Confession to disappear from the world. There is no such thing as Catholic Mass outside of the Catholic Church.
Section 19.1 > Dogma on Abjuration for *re-entering* Christianity (the Catholic Church) … after being automatically excommunicated. A Formal Abjuration is also provided here.
Section 10.2 > Returning to a state of grace, in places and times when Confession is not available, like now.
Our Lady of Conquest
Pray for us
I don't think so. God would never condone the beatification because it would promote the former teachings and heresies of John Paul 2.. he would NEVER help in the further destruction of His church. Things are bad enough. The beatification that took place was via the will of men and not the Holy Spirit. There will be HELL to pay for what has been done. Mark my words.