Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Screaming to Heaven for Vengeance

"Archbishop" Sal Cordileone of San Francisco, who was recently arrested for drunk driving, has one of his "pastors" removing the photo of Ex-antipope Ratzinger from the Church? The reason? As the parish bulletin stated," The feeling was while he was pope, as well as his time as a cardinal, Pope Benedict had made hurtful and hateful statements regarding the LGBT [Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual] Community and, thus, his picture should not be placed on the altar [sic] of Most Holy Redeemer. I was also warned, many parishioners would walk out of Sunday Mass [sic] if the picture was not removed."

 It's the normal people with any sense of the Catholic Faith who, like Lot, should walk away and not look back until they rest in a Traditionalist Catholic Church. What will happen to Cordelione who tacitly approves this mess? Like the secular law, he will get a slap on the wrist from the heretics in the Vatican. The new antipope will do nothing. Now it's becoming ever more clear that the so-called "Red Dossier," which contains of a homosexual cabal running out of the Vatican itself and 300 pages of documented corruption under Ratzinger and Wotyla, is the principle reason behind Ratzinger's abdication. It also explains why the "bishops" get away with murder---and sodomy---which are two of the four Sins That Scream To Heaven For Vengeance. Such vengeance may not be far behind.

1 comment:

  1. Am I the only 1 who can't understand how a well intentioned 'catholic' can stay in the vatican 2 heretic cult? I am not being judgmental but literally frustrated with their blind ignorance.
