Friday, January 3, 2014

Little Monsters

 Antipope Francis is now warning against poorly trained priests, saying they can become "little monsters." Indeed, Vatican II sect seminaries are cesspools of Modernism (which destroys the soul) and perversion (destroying bodies as well as souls). The one-time Catholic seminary of the Immaculate Conception in the Diocese of Rockville Centre has been closed and merged with the seminary for the Archdiocese of New York. Prior to its closing it was known as the "Pink Palace" for its infestation with sodomites (both clerical and seminarian). Yet the absence of sound teaching in philosophy and theology is leaving the seminarian little more than a sentimental social worker upon graduation to an invalid ordination. But this is NOT the problem according to Frankie.

 Seminaries are breeding grounds of unnatural vice. Frankie denounced accepting into the seminary a man who has been asked to leave another religious institute. However, most problems come from accepting morally unqualified candidates in the first place.

  •   Going back as far as 1989, an article in Time magazine stated that 5% of candidates to the priesthood (1981-85) openly identified themselves as homosexual
  • In the year 2000, Vatican II priest Fr. Donald Cozzens published the book, The Changing Face of the Priesthood. It is a competent and serious study. According to Cozzens, anywhere from 23% to 58% of the Catholic (Vatican II) clergy are homosexual in orientation. About 55.1% of seminarians are gay
  • The known presence of homosexuals now promoted to "bishops" who comprise a "gay mafia" in the Vatican is the logical and tragic result of the new morality of Vatican II ("who am I to judge?")
  • Homosexuals make a mockery of the priesthood. What good is a vow of chastity? They are disordered and have no inclination to marriage and family. They are not giving up a human good to pursue perfection, they must give up perversion to be in accord with nature and God. Moreover, being in an all male vocation would be a constant occasion of sin
 No worries! Frankie wasn't really concerned about sodomites, many of whom will prey on the young. He believes that they must have hearts to serve the poor.  ‘‘We must form their (priests) hearts. Otherwise we are creating little monsters. And then these little monsters mold the people of God. This really gives me goose bumps,’’ he was quoted as saying. The problem is you can't form someone with a personality disorder for unnatural vice. Nor can you form a Catholic heart with heresy. The Vatican II sect has been cranking out little monsters for decades, and the effects on society are evident. They were created by the big monster, the Vatican II sect, i.e. "Frankenchurch"-- whose heretical ecclesiology makes a monstrosity out of anything good. This goes beyond goose bumps to night terrors.


  1. I guess it takes one to know one. Pope Frankenstein certainly fits the bill. Maybe God will toss a log from heaven to remove the speck from the Holy See!

  2. There is no such thing as a sexual orientation, He created them male and female. "Gay" is a political term, hijacked by HOMOSEXUALS who do not have an orientation, they make a choice. Catholic morality is a rational and objective reality based on natural law and divine revelation. We are in a battle for truth, and the homosexual political screed is winning hearts and minds, especially the young. Feels good, do it.

  3. It's easy to understand why the vatican 2 heretic cult is such a disaster after learning, every priest and bishop since early 1969 have received invalid ordination/consecration.
