Monday, June 19, 2017

Judging The Book By The Cover

 When Karol Wojtyla ("Pope" John Paul II), one of the most evil men who worked for the destruction of the Church, died, people were chanting "Santo subito," which roughly translates as "sainthood now." He is revered as "Saint" John Paul "the Great" in the Vatican II sect. When I call him "John Paul the Great Apostate" people look at me with horror: "How dare you say such a thing! Can't you see what a holy pope he was for so many years?"  How is it even possible that such diametrically opposed views can exist about this man? I believe the answer lies in two reasons; (1) the general ignorance prevalent about the Faith, and (2) concern with externals. It's a deadly combination that blinds one from seeing the truth.

 What Faith Is--and What It Is Not

According to theologian Tanquerey, Faith is "the supernatural assent by which the intellect, under the command of the will and the influence of grace, firmly accepts revealed truths because of the authority of God Who is revealing." (See Dogmatic Theology 1: 193). John Paul II sees Faith as "an experiential state." Speaking to a group of clerics, Wojtyla said, "To enter into dialogue with God means to allow oneself to be won over and conquered by the luminous figure of the Revealed Jesus, and by the love of the Father Who sent Him. It is in precisely this that the faith consists.In faith, man interiorly enlightened and attracted by God, goes beyond the limits of purely natural knowledge, and experiences God in a manner that would otherwise be impossible." As you can see, Wojtyla is a good Modernist who reduces "faith" from an act of the intellect to feelings and experiences. This is reflected in the Novus Bogus "mass" where human entertainment, feeling good about yourself, and the elimination of anything deemed "negative theology" (like sin and Hell) reign supreme. 

 Wojtyla was a close friend of arch-Modernist Fr. Karl Rahner, whose teaching on the "anonymous Christian" was tantamount to universal salvation. Rahner was censured by Pope Pius XII, rehabilitated by Montini (Paul VI), and had a friend in Wojtyla who was greatly influenced by him. The heretical Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes (The Constitution of the Church in the Modern World) had Wojtyla, Cardinal Montini ( the future Paul VI), Cardinal Suenens, and Cardinal Lecaro as the chief architects. All were Modernists to the core. Gaudium et Spes along with Lumen Gentium (Constitution on the Church), set the foundation for the new religion--the Vatican II sect.

Lumen Gentium set up a false dichotomy between "the Church of Christ" and the Roman Catholic Church. In reality, they are identical, but this document of Vatican II falsely teaches that they are distinct. According to this Modernist document, the Church of Christ "subsists" in its fullness in the Catholic Church, but also subsists elsewhere in false sects according to how many "elements' they have. To have all the elements is best, but to have just some is equally good and leads to salvation. Gaudium et Spes teaches one of the trademark heresies of the Vatican II sect; the idea that by His Incarnation, Christ united himself with each man.  Vatican II speaks of a union between Christ and each man that results from the incarnation itself.  Wojtyla has taken this heresy and run with it full speed ahead to its logical consequence - universal salvation in a "church" that subsists everywhere. 

Gaudium et Spes # 22:

"For by His incarnation the Son of God united Himself in some way with every human being.  He labored with human hands, thought with a human mind, acted with a human will, and loved with a human heart." (Emphasis mine).

John Paul II in his first "encyclical" Redemptor Hominis #13; "We are dealing with each man, for each one is included in the mystery of the Redemption and with each one Christ has united Himself forever through this mystery." (Emphasis mine).

This means that no one can ever be separated from God in hell. He bases this heresy on the teaching of Vatican II in Gaudium et Spes #22, that Christ has united himself with each man in the Incarnation. The whole point of the Catholic Church is to unite mankind to Jesus Christ through the Faith and Sacraments. If the union between all of mankind and Jesus Christ occurred at the Incarnation, then the Church has no value and is, in fact, pointless. This is the "faith" of Vatican II and Wojtyla; the heresy of Modernism.

Hiding Heresy Well

 Wojtyla was an actor, and what a great act he put on for those who didn't understand the Faith, yet desperately wanted to believe "the essentials" hadn't changed after Vatican II. Here's how he did it.

1. Make "the culture of death" your theme. JPII would constantly reiterate traditional Church teaching on abortion and euthanasia to the applause of "conservative" Vatican II sect members. Granted they are huge evils. Unfortunately, no one stopped to realize that they reached catastrophic proportions precisely because Wojtyla simultaneously helped push for the removal of Catholicism as the State religion. Countries that never had legal abortion or euthanasia (Belgium, Ireland, Spain, etc) fell as part of the "culture of death" once the influence of Catholicism was gone. After all, the "Church of Christ" subsists in all sects!

2. "Mass" is only important if you feel good going to it. The Novus Bogus must be "relevant," focus on the material needs of the poor in "homilies," and--most importantly--be fun, fun, fun! If you don't find it amusing, simply stop going. Hell is never mentioned, nor Christ's sacrifice. Retain some of the key words (He died for us, etc), but do something different (have a Happy Meal).

3. Invert the primary and secondary purposes of the sacraments. Baptism is about "initiation into the People of God." Gone is the primary effect; the remission of Original Sin (a negative concept). Also removed is that orthodox term "Mystical Body of Christ." Penance is "reconciliation" because doing penance for sin is negative, and we're all saved anyway. The Eucharist is about "breaking bread with your neighbor." Confirmation is not being a soldier for Christ, it is "the completion of Baptism." (As if Baptism is somehow "deficient.") Marriage is all about conjugal love, not procreation. "Anointing of the Sick" (formerly Extreme Unction) is about bodily and mental health, not preparing the soul to meet its Maker. Holy Orders is being the "president of the assembly" not an alter Christus to offer Sacrifice to God and forgive sins.

4.  McCanonizations. Make "saints" by the dozen everywhere you go to show "holiness" in everyone from everywhere, even if they died relatively recently and have suspicious backgrounds. Wojtyla made more "saints" from 1978-2005, than were made from 33-1978. (including the phony "canonizations" 1959-1978).

5. Travel everywhere. The more people see you, the more you seem "in touch with the people." You become a superstar, like the blasphemous hippy Jesus Christ Superstar.

6. Talk tough, but do nothing. Slap heretics like Hans Kung on the wrist, but don't excommunicate anyone. Actually, you can't since everyone is united to Christ by virtue of the Incarnation. 

7. Sound profound, even when you're not. Talk about the "Theology of the Body," and come up with bold new concepts like, "the body of a man and a woman were made to complement one another." (Wow! Who woulda thunk it?)

8. Retain "traditional doctrine and discipline" while systematically undermining them. Be against women "priests" while allowing both men and women to do sacerdotal functions; i.e., distribute "communion,"  recite the "readings," bring up the "gifts," etc. Be against married "priests" while giving most duties to married "deacons," and make more and more exceptions for married clerics from Protestant sects to keep their wives should they want to be Vatican II sect "priests."  


 The majority of Catholics never knew the Faith well in the decades just prior to Vatican II. They were robbed of the truth and had it replaced with a counterfeit sect; a pallid imitation. Those who see without the eyes of faith perceive Wojtyla as a "saint." For those of us with the True Faith, we don't judge by worldly standards and appearances. "Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly." (St. John 7:24).  


  1. Magnum haereticum, magna os infernalis.

  2. It is a very well known fact that when he was a priest in the early 1950s in Poland, Karol Wojtyla would experiment with the versus populum version of the mass. Although nobody knew much about it in the communist Poland of that era, he seemed to be very infused with idea of the Liturgical Movement.

    1. You are correct. Wojtyla was in everything opposed to the Truth of the Catholic Faith and sought to undermine it at every opportunity.



  3. I so wish there were real Catholic parishes in my area. All that's available are 5 Novus Ordo parishes.

    1. See my post

      It will give you some suggestions on what you can/could do in your situation my friend!

      God bless,

    2. Try they have a list of Mass locations.

  4. Excellent Post,couldn't have said it better!

  5. Speaking of Vatican 2

  6. EWTN and Catholic ANswers are hiring now, Introibo. They are always looking for new articles about Pope St John Paul II The Great. This could be your first published piece at either one of those fine Catholic apostolates.

    1. LOL!! I like your sarcasm Mike! The "conservative" Vatican II sect members don't want to be awakened from their slumber. They believe in "religious liberty," yet ironically censor anything not to their liking (e.g. attacks on this alleged "saint").

      Novus Ordo Watch (which I highly recommend all my readers to read and, if possible contribute financially) put up a FB post about my post. There were several defenders of JPII who attacked what I wrote, but will never comment here to confront me.

      One person accused me of "oversimplification" regarding the "Theology of the Body." A few points are in order:

      1. I'm an attorney who works many hours per week. I'm also a family man, and have my religious duties of prayer, Mass, etc. This leaves me about 2 or 3 hrs per week to research and put together a post. A post is a SHORT ARTICLE not a doctoral dissertation. Therefore, some things are treated with brevity, but are accurate nevertheless.

      2. Theology of the Body is a rejection of Thomism and built on phenomenology. Phenomenology is irreconcilable with catholic teaching. The great theologian, Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, was Wojtyla's advisor for his doctoral thesis. Wojtyla, having rejected the teachings of Aquinas, was following the philosophy that he wanted, that of existentialism (another brand of subjectivist philosophy)and phenomenology. Therefore, Wojtyla's dissertation, “Faith according to St. John of the Cross,” was criticized and rejected by Fr. Garrigou Lagrange, because it supported the ideas of the Modernists who claimed that Faith is based on personal experience. It is reported that the great Thomist wrote on Wotyla's dissertation, "Writes much. Says little." Ditto for the "Theology of the Body." I would like to see how my critic and JPII supporter squares this "profundity" with traditional Catholic theology. I'll be more than happy to have it out in any online forum with someone who wishes to debate me. I've never run from a fight of any kind. Unfortunately, these people aren't really seeking the Truth, so I won't be holding my breath.

      Thanks for the comment Mike! (And giving me the opportunity to vent!).

      God bless,


    2. An attorney? I knew it was you Salza!

    3. What do you think about attending the SSPX for Mass and Sacraments? I agree with much of Novus Ordo Watch, and also think the SSPX should tidy things up regarding their view of the papacy. However, I cannot see how staying home from a valid Mass and Sacraments sets a good example in raising my children (not to mention the incomprehensible graces for my wife and I).

      I can recognise the crisis and its cause, and what has been robbed from us, and I think my best response is not to try to figure out things beyond my competency as a layman, but to get to safety and wait for the restoration of the Church, if that ever happens.

      Pat Omlor was a giant in the traditionalist stance, and he went to the SSPX in Australia with no issue, as far as I know. he didn't sit at home, and I think all his family still practice the true Faith.

      This is my main issue with N.O.W. They say that you shoudl stay home unless you can go to a sede chapel.

      Your thoughts would be welcome. If you have a post, then please just send me a link when you have a minute.

    4. Mike,
      Thanks as always for a good laugh! I'm not Salza, I promise (lol). I don't believe NOW holds the position you believe it does, but I'll check it out and report back if I find something different.

      As for me, please check out the post link below!

      God bless!


    5. Sinite illos: cæci sunt, et duces cæcorum; cæcus autem si cæco ducatum præstet, ambo in foveam cadunt: Leave them; they are blind guides.[a] If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” Matthew XV, 14.

      They are non-Catholic idolaters, if they are not ignorant and willing. Blind being led by "priests", "bishops" and by Blasphegoglio, the Arch Heretic.

    6. Mike, June 20, 2017 at 12:26 AM said: "Pat Omlor was a giant in the traditionalist stance, and he went to the SSPX in Australia with no issue, as far as I know." Not so, Mike. Mr. Omlor, for quite a few years before his death, refused to assist at Masses celebrated una cum the bogus popes. Nearly all his children have followed his example to the present day.

    7. I must admit that I'm not personally familiar with Mr. Omlor and I don't know all his theological positions at the time of his death. If anyone has further information on this topic, I'll be glad to publish it with citations.


    8. So,Mr.Omlor assisted at Sede chapels or was he home alone in his last years?

    9. Introibo: On 7th March, 2007, P.H. Omlor published an article called "The SSPX and the 'Una Cum' Problem". It is too long to be reproduced in this "Comments" format, so how do I supply you with a copy?

    10. Anonymous of June 21, 2017 at 5:19 AM: I think Mr. Omlor went to the Mass of a CMRI priest when that cleric visited Perth, Western Australia (where P.H. Omlor lived). He was not assisting at so-called "una cum Masses" for more than a decade before his death.

    11. Poor Introibo! You must be having a bad day. JP2's surname was Wojtyła [note the crossed Polish "l": ł], not Wotyla. Interesting spelling for "blasphemy": Blsssphemy. Maybe you need a proof-reader!

    12. If you could cite the article by Mr Omlor, that would be helpful. As far as a proofreader, yes it would be helpful. It's not easy correcting your own mistakes, especially under constant time constraints. If your comment was meant to be funny, very well. If not, try being your own proofreader while making use of small bits of time the best you can. Something tells me you won't do nearly as well!


    13. By citing the article, I mean naming the specific periodical in which it was published.

    14. Sorry, Introibo, I didn't mean to upset you about your proof-reading. The comment, by the way, was meant to be both humorous and serious. Actually, you do very well considering your time constraints - by contrast, I would probably be hopeless in the same situation. You may be interested to know that I was a proof-reader once. Anyhow, my apologies if I caused offence.

    15. Introibo: I don't know if P.H. Omlor's "The SSPX and the 'Una Cum' Problem" appeared in any periodical. It was sent to me in e-mail format as Volume 1, Issue 1 of an electronic newsletter produced by one Eamon P. Shea. The publication didn't last very long, as only a few issues were produced before it folded.

    16. Dear Anonymous @4:40,
      No offense taken. I must admit that I wasn't as charitable as I should have been, and for that I apologize. I can be short tempered (a fault I've struggled with all my life, but have gotten much better). I maintain this blog as my contribution to the Church inmaking converts and informing the faithful in this time of the Great Apostasy. I'm a "one man show," and it is hard to find your mistakes--especially in the comments when I always answer my readers when I have a few moments to spare. I take pride (not in a sinful manner) in all I do, and if I think someone is knocking what I do over a couple of spelling mistakes in the comments, I can get miffed. I accept your apology and I hope you accept mine.

      To Anonymous @ 5:03,
      I believe you. However, not knowing Mr. Omlor personally, and realizing that often people in such "fly by night" publications can be less than truthful in who authors the articles, I'll maintain my skepticism. Maybe Mr. Omlor did avoid the Una Cum Masses, and maybe he did not. However, we must find our own Catholic way in the absence of a pope to settle certain questions. Mr. Omlor's position is not dispositive on the issue. I respect him, but he had no Magisterial authority.

      God bless you both!


    17. Dear Introibo,
      Anonymous of 4:40 PM and Anonymous of 5:03 PM are one and the same: me!

      Of course I accept your apology. I, too, can be short tempered!

      Concerning Pat Omlor: he was a good friend of mine for many years. We used to correspond with, and phone, each other. Everything I have said about him is factual. He did indeed write the article entitled "The SSPX and the 'Una Cum' Problem". I think you should read it and decide for yourself whether or not what he adduces is convincing (or "dispositive").

      May the Sacred Heart keep you and yours in His care.

    18. I would love to read that article! If you will send me your email via the comments I will not publish it. I will email you with an email to hide my identity. It will say "Hello from Introibo" in the subject line. You can then email me the article and I would gladly give you my feedback after having read it!


  7. According to modernists everybody is saved, including heretics and schismatics, regardless of faith. However, JPII (we don't love you) did excommunicate Archbishop Lefevre. I guess he rendered excommunications obsolete as we are all saved, or are we not?

    1. All EXCEPT Traditionalists my friend!


    2. Yes. I use the term Traditionalist to mean "Catholic." Unfortunately, when I say Catholic, people think of the Vatican II sect. That is not the Catholic Church. It also gives me an opening to convert others. People will ask me "what's your religion?" And I say "Traditionalist." Immediately, they ask, "What's that?" Now I can tell them about the One True Church of Christ!


  8. Instead of the 'novus ordo' - Go to the Byzantine Catholic Liturgy!!! It is still VERY reverent and is how I escaped from painful experiences of the 'NO'to the Christ centered worship.. NOT man centered.

    1. This is NOT an option. The Byzantine Uniates are in actual union with Francis and his heresies (as well as all Vatican II heresies). They have had their Codes of Canon Law "updated" to be in line with Vatican II, and have even tampered with the Sacraments, calling them into doubt. To be in union with Francis is to be out of union with the One True Church of Christ. Reverence cannot take the place of the Truth!! Stay away from the Byzantines.


    2. Its very difficult to find any info on how/when the Byzantines changed their Sacraments.
      I do know more than a handful (but not all!) use the vernacular & stopped using Greek/Ukrainian/etc,
      started facing the people,and embraced "modern worship ideas" in the early 80's.

    3. You are correct that the details are not readily available. However, Wojtyla had all Eastern Rite Codes of Canon Law "updated" in 1990 to "reflect the changes of Vatican II."


  9. In Redemptor Hominis, KKK (Karol the Koran Kisser), aka JP2, stated that the firm faith of the followers of non-Christian religions proceeds from the Holy Spirit. It would make the Holy Spirit, not the Spirit of Truth, but the propagator of lies. Satan is the father of lies. Taken to its logical conclusion, JP2's "teaching" equates the Holy Ghost with the Devil. This is not simply heresy, but blasphemy.

    1. Much, if not MOST of what Wotyla taught was blasphemous. From Redemptor Hominis "The Fathers of the Church rightly saw in the various religions as it were so many reflections of the one truth, "seeds of the Word" attesting that, though the routes taken may be different, there is but a single goal to which is directed the deepest aspiration of the human spirit as expressed in its quest for God and also in its quest, through its tending towards God, for the full dimension of its humanity, or in other words for the full meaning of human life. The Council gave particular attention to the Jewish religion, recalling the great spiritual heritage common to Christians and Jews. It also expressed its esteem for the believers of Islam, whose faith also looks to Abraham."

      Blsssphemy from the Council amplified and applied by Wotyla.


  10. There is some evidence that Karl Wotyla was Jewish on his mother's side which would explain his devotion to the Jews.

    1. Anonymous- I recall reading somewhere that JPII was Jewish on his mother's side also.

    2. I can recall reading on a Jewish website that JP2 was not of Jewish descent. However, he had Jewish friends from his early years.

    3. I suppose he could pass for a Jew. He sort of reminds me of this him:
      Also, there is conflicting info. Apparently a Jewish historian claims Wojtyla was Jewish by his mother:

      "Pope was Jewish says historian

      A MANCHESTER historian has claimed that Pope John Paul II was Jewish.

      Yaakov Wise says his study into the the maternal ancestry of Karol Josez Wojtyla (John Paul II's real name) has revealed startling conclusions.

      Mr Wise, a researcher in orthodox Jewish history and philosophy, said the late Pope's mother, grandmother and great-grandmother were all probably Jewish and came from a small town not far from Krakow.

      The Pope was a priest and cardinal archbishop in the Polish city before his election to the papacy.

      Mr Wise said: "According to orthodox Judaism, a person's Jewish identity is passed down through the maternal line. I saw a photograph of the Pope's mother and I showed it to people who didn't know who she was..."

    4. There are Jewish academics who disagree with Yaakov Wise. If Wise says JP2's real name was Karol Josez Wojtyla, he is incorrect - it was Karol Józef Wojtyła.
