Monday, February 22, 2021

The Genderbread Person


The latest battle for the heart and soul of Christian Civilization (whatever is left of it) consists in a battle for the minds of the young. Abraham Lincoln is credited with having said, "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." Not just the government, but the faith and morals of humanity will be definitively shaped by what is taught to the children. Satan wants a generation of perverts because they serve him well. Think of the sodomites planted by the Communists in the seminaries. They continue to reap the evil fruits of the bad seeds sown.

Do you know the Genderbread Person? If not, you need to—and especially if you have children. The Genderbread Person ("GP") is the centerpiece of an entire curriculum for students starting in elementary school (as young as first grade), explaining how to identify the "LGBTQ identities." In a lesson plan entitled Genderbread Person and LGBTQ Umbrella (See here is what children will be taught:

LGB all represent sexual identities. And the T represents a gender identity, as well as an umbrella term for many gender identities. Queer means different things to different people, for some it describes sexuality, for others their gender, for others both. When we say “sexual identities or sexual orientations” what we are talking about are the ways we categorize and define who we are attracted to, romantically, sexually, or otherwise. When we say “gender identities” we are talking about the ways we categorize and define our genders….

Gender is best understood when broken up into three parts: gender identity (which is how you, in your head, define and understand your gender based on the options for gender you know to exist), gender expression (the ways you demonstrate gender through your dress, actions, and demeanor), and biological sex (the physical parts of your body that we think of as either male or female). Let’s talk about these one-by-one. 

Gender is now taught as three different parts of a human as the GP (shown at the top of this post) is designed to show as a visual aid. The consequences of this teaching are staggering. Reality is independent of what I’m aware of in my head, yet the GP curriculum is teaching children the exact opposite. According to this perverse curriculum, objective reality can change depending on what is available "in your head." The whole raison d'etre of the GP is to remove gender from the realm of objective reality to subjective preference or experience. Likewise, Modernism also removes God and the things of God from objective reality to subjective experience.

 As a result of this brainwashing, there are more and more confused children who want to be "identified as transsexual" and "transition" (figuratively and often surgically) to the opposite sex. 

How did we get to such a sorry state? In this post I will explore Gender Theory, its origin, its consequences, and how to shield yourself and your children from this evil. 

WARNING! This post contains some discussion of abuse and sensitive matters that some may find disturbing. Reader discretion is advised---Introibo

What is "Gender Theory"?
As seen above, it is the false and unscientific idea that each person is made up of different aspects of each gender. It is broken down as follows:
  • Sex has to do with the body/biology (genitals, chromosomes, etc.)
  • Gender Identity concerns the "self-awareness" of who you are "in your head"
  • Gender Expression is how someone presents themselves to others in terms of clothes, actions, mannerisms, etc.
  • Attraction is who or what someone is attracted to sexually; men, women, even animals (beastiality)
Allegedly, everyone has a gender identity which may or may not conform with their biological sex. 

The Four Falsehoods of Gender Theory
1. Binary is bad.
The claim: There are more than two genders. 

The truth: God created male and female--period. It is the very basis of the sodomites' "LGBT" label. Lesbians are women attracted to other women. "Gays" are men attracted to other men. Bisexuals are men or women attracted to both men and women. Transgenders are men or women who want to live as the opposite sex. 

2. Gender is a spectrum.
The claim: There are many different genders on a whole spectrum of identity.

The truth: There are many different ways we express masculinity and femininity because we are all different people. That doesn't imply there are roughly seven billion different genders. The reality remains that we are male or female. According to ABC News, there are 58 genders (See Does anyone even know what "Two-Spirit" means and how it differs from being "Genderqueer" or "Neutrois"? Sheer insanity.

3. Man and Woman are merely "social constructs"
The claim: The social roles of men and women differ according to time, place, and culture. There is nothing objective about those terms.

The truth: Social roles may change, but sexual differentiation is based on biological facts, not social constructs.

4. Gender identity is separate from biological sex.
The claim: How we live our lives is independent from our genitalia.

The truth: A comprehensive survey of the scientific evidence was published in 2016 in The New Atlantis. It discussed over 200 peer-reviewed studies in the biological, psychological, and social sciences. It concluded: 

The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex--that a person might be "a man trapped in a woman's body," or a "woman trapped in a man's body"---is not supported by scientific evidence. (See Meyer and McHugh, "Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences," The New Atlantic: A Journal of Technology & Society, 50, Fall 2016, pg. 8; Emphasis mine).

The Invented Vocabulary of a Warped Ideology
The following words and phrases are made up by gender theorists to make them sound as if what they are peddling is real instead of jabberwocky. 

Assigned at Birth: This made up phrase refers to the sex given on a person's birth certificate. It's as if some nurse puts a label in an arbitrary and capricious manner on a baby. The obvious attempt is to, once more, dissociate biological sex from gender. To label a child with male genitalia as a boy and female genitalia as a girl is biologically factual regardless of what that child may "feel like" in the future. Only in rare instances of a child born with a true intersex condition, having genitals of an ambiguous nature, would the term really apply.

Cisgender: "Cis" means "on the same side" implying that your gender lines up with your biological sex and plays into the lie that they can be separated. If anyone asks me if I'm cisgender, I always reply, "No, I'm a man." 

Preferred Gender Pronouns (PGPs) and Gender Neutral Pronouns (GNPs): This allows men who consider themselves women to call themselves "she" and "her" while women who think they are men can call themselves "he" and "his." Gender neutral pronouns such as "they" and "them"  are also used. About a year ago, I was reading an article in the New York Times. A trans-pervert was stopped from going somewhere and it read, "They were refused entry." As someone who reads English it was confusing because I thought several people were prevented from going some place when it was just one person. There are also made up pronouns like ze (pronounced "ZEE") and hir (pronounced "HEAR.").

Transphobic: A fictitious mental disorder by which people who don't believe there are 58 genders and you can "pick your pronouns" are thereby psychologically unsound, hateful, and bigoted. It is a way to bully Christians and those with traditional values not to speak out or else they will face consequences.  

Some Inherent Contradictions in Gender Theory: 
  • Gender Theorists want gender dysphoria not regarded as a mental illness, but as something to be celebrated. This includes "transition surgery" at a time when insurance and health professionals should concentrate on cancer, heart disease, COVID, and never on unnecessary surgery to further the cause of mental and/or moral problems
  • Gender Theorists insist that "gender is fluid," yet once you have surgery the damage is done permanently--there is no "going back." How is this "fluid"?
  • The idea of "gender fluidity" being natural, goes contrary to surgical intervention. It doesn't "just happen naturally" as is claimed
Gender Theory's Origin: Perversion and Marxism
There are ten (10) individuals who made Gender Theory a force in modern society. I want to cite E.S. Williams, Lessons in Depravity, [2003],for much of the information in this section. 

1. Karl Ulrichs (1825-1895)
A nineteenth century German jurist and sodomite who campaigned for "homosexual rights." He advanced an esoteric and occult idea that homosexuality was innate because there was a female soul trapped in a man's body and vice-versa for lesbians. The term “Uranian” had been coined in the 1860s by the German Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, who used “Uranian” (frequently Germanised as Urning) to signify those who experienced “a congenital reversal of sexual feeling”. “Uranian” was also a term much used in astrological and esoteric circles – usually in reference to the planet Uranus, which was associated with “awakening the soul from lethargy, and bringing it into strange conditions and hazardous enterprises”. Esoterically, at the time, the influence of Uranus was very much bound up with the idea that human culture was entering a New Age.(See; Emphasis mine). 

2. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
The so-called "Father of Psychoanalysis," was an Austrian atheist who denied children had a latency period but were sexual from birth. God was a projection for the need of a father-figure, and shame regarding sex acts of any persuasion were not healthy. Freud's Projection Theory commits the genetic fallacy in logic. This occurs when you try to discredit an idea based on its origin. Even if belief in God came from an unconscious desire for a father-figure, this doesn't prove God non-existent. Perhaps the very reason we have such a desire is because Our Creator made it innate within us to seek Him out. But was Freud a man who "had it all together" and was a convinced atheist? Dr. Paul Vitz, a former professor of psychology at New York University, and a former atheist himself, gives us some insight into Freud in his book Sigmund Freud's Christian Unconscious. [1988]

Here are some interesting facts on the "Father of Psychotherapy:"
  • Freud was very interested in occult phenomena such as telepathy and poltergeists
  • On Saturday evenings, he would frequently play tarock - a form of a tarot card game associated with the Jewish Kabbala
  • In 1937, when he was urged to flee Nazism, he responded that his real enemy was the Roman Catholic Church
  • Was a cocaine addict and his excuse was  "I was making frequent use of cocaine to reduce some troublesome nasal swellings." 
  • The Catholic psychiatrist Gregory Zilboorg concluded: "Religion was, for Freud, a field of which he knew very little and which moreover seems to have been the very center of his inner conflicts, conflicts that were never resolved."
(See also The Freudian Fallacy: Freud and Cocaine by E M Thornton [1986]).

3. Magnus Hirschfeld (1894-1956)
Hirschfeld was a sodomite doctor and activist. He founded the Institute for Sexual Science at Berlin in 1919. He oversaw the first "sex reassignment surgeries." The most famous was that of Einar Wegener portrayed in the 2015 movie The Danish Girl. Hirschfeld believed all people were a mixture of male and female. In 1930, he gave the first scientific lecture on "transsexualism."

4. Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956)
Alfred Charles Kinsey, was raised the son of a strict Methodist Sunday School teacher. He went to Bowdoin College where he majored in zoology, and developed a fascination with insects. He continued his studies at Harvard after graduation. He eventually severed all ties with his parents, and declared himself an atheist. Some of his biographers portray him as shy and disinterested in sex, but later biographers unearthed Kinsey's personal correspondence, wherein it was revealed he was a bisexual with a strong sexual desire for young boys.

His career as a "sexpert" began when the Association of Women Students at Indiana University (where he taught zoology/biology) asked him to teach a marriage course on human sexuality for engaged and married students. Kinsey went to great lengths to keep his personal dark predilections a secret. When Ralph Voris, one of his best friends, died, Kinsey drove from Indiana to Ohio with his wife Clara. He had a wife and kids as a "cover" for his deviance. Once in Ohio, he removed correspondence from Voris' office in which Kinsey brags to Voris about his collection of "gorgeous" photos of homosexual men. 

  Kinsey revolutionized the world with the publication of his books Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (published in 1948 and 1953, respectively). It was based on 350 questions on a questionnaire that asked such things as when (not if ) the interviewees had participated in sado-masochism, homosexual acts, pedophilia, and bestiality. His assistants, Clyde Martin, Paul Gebhard, and Wardell Pomeroy, were all required to be filmed performing sex acts with others either at the university or in the attic of the Kinsey home. The questions were so sick, that most of the respondents were either those who engaged in unnatural sex acts or were incarcerated sex offenders. The peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet decried the research as having "questioned an unrepresentative proportion of prison inmates and sex offenders in a survey of normal sexual behavior." In a 1992 telephone interview, Paul Gebhard, one of Kinsey's assistants, admitted that some of the men interviewed were convicted pedophiles.

 As a result of his pseudo-scientific research, the American public began to see homosexuality and pornography as normal. Kinsey believed no sex act was unnatural, nothing was off-limits, and you could define your sexuality any way you wanted. He even approved of beastiality.

5. Harry Benjamin (1885-1986)
Benjamin was an associate of Kinsey. In 1966, he wrote the first textbook on transsexualism. In the book, he argued that Darwinian evolution proved gender fluidity, and pioneered the idea that if someone thought they were the wrong sex, the body should be made to align to the thoughts rather than helping them mentally so their mind would conform to objective biological reality. Benjamin (like Kinsey) endorsed a book by their friend Rene Guyon, The Ethics of Sexual Acts, [1948], which advocated pedophilia and its decriminalization. 

6. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957)
An Austrian medical doctor and psychoanalyst, Reich taught that suffering and cruelty in society are due to Christian morality. In his 1933 book, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, he argued that fascism arose from sexual oppression. He was pressured to leave Catholic Austria and came to the United States where he promoted sex education for children, so they could become sexually active and "liberated." In the 1940s he promoted divorce, contraception, abortion, and promiscuity. He eventually settled in Arizona where he came to believe that the planet was under attack by UFOs and his father was an extraterrestrial. 

7. John Money (1921-2006)
A psychiatry professor, Money campaigned to legalize pedophilia and the "freedom to change gender." He co-founded the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic. His most famous case involved David Reimer, whose circumcision had gone wrong. Money pressured the boy's parents to agree to an experimental surgery in order to "change the little boy into a girl." Money wanted to prove gender is all about socialization and not biology. Since David had a twin brother named Brian, if David (now called Brenda) could be successfully raised as a girl, while twin brother Brian would be a boy, his theory would be vindicated. 

It would be later revealed that Money forced the two children to engage in incestuous acts with each other while he photographed them. When David found out the truth about being a boy, he wanted to transition back. Not being able to do so, he tragically committed suicide at age 38. As a result of the abuse, Brian became a drug addict and died from an overdose at age 36. (See David van Gend, Stealing from a Child: The Injustice of "Marriage Equality."[2016], pgs. 152-153). 

8. Robert Stoller (1924-1991)
A Professor of  Psychiatry at UCLA, Stoller presented his ideas that gender and biological sex are distinct and separate in his influential book Sex and Gender (1968). He denied that there was any distinction between normal and perverted sex; the only thing that is wrong is to infringe on the rights of other people. 

9. Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937)
An Italian Marxist, Gramsci believed in the complete overthrow of Christian morals in society. Complete license to act as you wish (especially in sexual matters) was of paramount importance, and must only be curtailed when absolutely necessary by the State. You achieve this by distancing youself from the label of Marxism, and use the language of "equality" and "freedom."

10. Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979)
Marcuse was a Marxist philosopher and sociologist. His lasting and destructive legacy was destroying any confidence in objective truth. He achieved this by claiming words don't actually mean anything; they are just tools to achieve what the writer or speaker wants. It is often called "critical theory" and has had great success. (For more on this topic, please see last week's post by A Simple Man [my guest-poster] entitled "What's In A Word?"---Introibo).

The evil influence of these characters, exacerbated by the Great Apostasy of Vatican II, has brought society to a place where one can say with a straight face, "A man can be a woman and a woman can be a man."

The Evil Consequences of Gender Theory
The Yogyakarta Principles, were written by a group of self-anointed "human rights experts" in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (See They urge that governments must accept Gender Theory, and must consider as "unlawful discrimination" any attempt to oppose it. If successful, the following ideas, if expressed, could come with legal sanctions:
  • Marriage is only between a biological man and biological woman
  • Sexual activity is restricted to married couples
  • Children have a right to know their parents and be brought up by one father and one mother
  • Human beings are male and female from birth
Other consequences:
  • In NYC, a person who intentionally and repeatedly refuses to use an individual’s preferred pronoun would be subject to fines (that could reach as high as $250,000 for multiple violations) under the law passed in 2015. (See
  • A male rapist in the UK identified as a woman and was allowed to go to the prison for women, even though biologically male. The result? "Karen White" sexually assaulted a real female prisoner. (See 
  • The current occupant of the White House wants transgenders to compete on sports teams of the gender with which they identify. This means smaller, lighter, and less strong girls will compete against boys pretending to be girls.
  • Wellesley College has adopted this admission policy:
Wellesley will consider for admission any applicant who lives as a woman and consistently identifies as a woman. Therefore, candidates assigned male at birth who identify as women are eligible to apply for admission. The College also accepts applications from those who were assigned female at birth, identify as non-binary, and who feel they belong in our community of women. Those assigned female at birth who identify as men are not eligible for consideration for admission.  (See So if you're a man who thinks you're a woman you can go to a college for women. If you're a woman who thinks she's a man, you cannot be admitted. 
  • We are enabling the mentally ill who are suffering gender dysphoria and who need psychological help. They should not be told to "celebrate who they really are." Just as anorexics are treated so they don't see their emaciated bodies as "obese," (and we do not tell them their perception is correct), we must do the same for those who suffer gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria used to be called gender identity disorder, but was renamed under political pressure from sodomite groups who objected to the term "disorder." They want it removed from the DSM (book of mental health issues) altogether unless it is defined in such a way as to make those who have the condition automatic candidates for surgical reassignment to the opposite sex. 
The Assault on God
Two Vatican II sect "theologians" have come out in favor of Gender Theory. Will they be censured or excommunicated? (Rhetorical question). 

Michael G. Lawler and Todd A. Salzman, both LGBTQ-positive theologians at Creighton University, Nebraska, argue against Catholic documents such as 2019’s “Male and Female He Created Them,” from the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education, and 2020’s “Compassion and Challenge,” from the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri. These documents fundamentally misunderstand transgender and intersex experiences. Because of this misunderstanding, the conclusions drawn by the church amount to further discrimination against an already targeted group....The theologians assert that reliance on the Genesis account of a male-female binary consistently conflates biological sex with socially-constructed gender and diminishes the mysterious power of God, limiting God to creating only male or female. By diminishing the incomprehensible creative power of God, these documents diminish the humanity and dignity of God’s own creation. (See

These theologians are teaching the old heresy of Gnosticism. Gender Theory downplays the body and exalts subjective feelings. This false distinction between mind and body led those Gnostics of old to claim Christ only rose spiritually, not physically, from the dead. As Bergoglio is a religious relativist, I wouldn't be shocked if it seeps into relativism everywhere else. I could see him entertaining the idea of a woman who thinks she's a man ("trans-man") as eligible for ordination. No wonder John Paul the Great Apostate sounds profound with his inane "Theology of the Body;" "The body of a man is made for the body of a woman." What used to be common sense is now praised by Vatican II sect "conservatives" as "deep analysis." 

Protecting the Children
If you have children, you must protect them at all costs. If you are not near a Traditionalist school, and they must attend public school, here are some suggestions.

1. Teach them about the Faith. 
Children are too young to learn about perversion, but never too young to learn the truths of Holy Mother Church. Let them understand God created male and female--period. Anything else taught is evil.

2. Don't let them be bullied in the name of "anti-bullying."
They should never be told by school officials (teachers, principals, etc) that they must agree with the beliefs or actions of others. Disagreement is not hatred, bullying, or a mental disorder (e.g. "transphobic"). Bullying is wrong, but it also means your child's religious and ethical beliefs must be respected--otherwise it's discrimination against Traditionalists. 

3. Do not allow stereotypes to influence them.
Just because a girl is a "tomboy," or a boy is shy and sensitive, is no indicator that they are sodomites or "trans." Don't allow anyone to tell them otherwise.

4. Demand to know the school's curriculum, and demand religious exemption if it offends faith or morals.
You have a right to know what your child is being taught. Do not allow them to be subjected to brainwashing curriculum which has nothing to do with genuine learning.

5. Always be aware of everything your child reads, watches, and who they have as friends.
Many books, TV shows, and movies portray perversion in a positive light. Know your child's friends. Unless their parents are Traditionalists they may buy into Gender Theory and tell your kids it's normal.

Gender Theory is a lie that is embraced by many and is beginning to seriously shape our legal and educational systems. Even the Vatican II sect is on board by tolerating it and refusing to strongly condemn and extirpate it. It won't be long before Bergoglio fully embraces it; after all, "Who am I to judge?"

I remember the innocent kids' song The Gingerbread Man. In the near future we may have Traditionalist kids singing:

Run, run, run as fast as I can, don't want any coercion
So you’ll never catch me, you evil Genderbread Person
I ran from the sodomite and his trans-woman wife too.
You’ll never catch me, not any of you.


  1. Sometimes I'm glad that I don't have children, so they won't be subjected to the negative influences of this lost world. You become the target of scoffers who call you intolerant or "phobic" when you dare to assert the truth that there is man and woman created by God and that men who claim to be women or vice versa suffer from mental disorders.

    This world is sinking deeper and deeper into perversion and debauchery. People have banished God from their lives and from society and now they are starting to suffer the consequences: pandemic, climate change and other calamities to come. We do not mocking God with impunity !

    1. Simon,
      I wonder if our current state of the world is as bad--or perhaps even worse--than when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

      God Bless,


    2. We might even wonder if the current situation is as bad as it was before the Flood. I think the situation will get worse and worse and that we are in the period described by Christ in the Gospel and by Saint Paul in 2 Thessalonians ch. 2. The world has given itself entirely to Satan and is preparing the coming of the Antichrist. These are days of Great Darkness and the number of faithful to the true Church is reduced but we are not alone; Christ and His Blessed Mother are always with us.

  2. This is just more proof and further reason to homeschool. Public schools and even today's "Catholic" or "Christian" schools are indoctrination camps set out to pervert the young and society.

    Pope Leo XIII wasn't joking when he said, "It is, then, incumbent on parents to strain every nerve to ward off such an outrage, and to strive manfully to have and to hold exclusive authority to direct the education of their offspring, as is fitting, in a Christian manner, and first and foremost to keep them away from schools where there is risk of their drinking in the poison of impiety. Where the right education of youth is concerned, no amount of trouble or labor can be undertaken, how great so ever, but that even greater still may not be called for." SAPIENTIAE CHRISTIANAE JAN. 10, 1890 or Pope Pius XI who said, "It is necessary not only that religious instruction be given to the young at certain fixed times, but also that every other subject taught, be permeated with Christian piety. If this is wanting, if this sacred atmosphere does not pervade and warm the hearts of masters and scholars alike, little good can be expected from any kind of learning, and considerable harm will often be the consequence." ON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION DEC. 31 1929


    1. Lee,
      Homeschool is the best option. Public and private schools are cesspools of immorality. The exception is a Traditionalist school where the children can go to the True Mass and make friends with others whose families share the One True Faith.

      God Bless,


    2. So true and how I wish I had been brought up in such a school. I had to learn the hard way in public school and college university. It's a wonder that I even made it.


    3. Am I obliged to get out of my secular high school?

    4. @anon2:37
      Only if there is (a) a Traditionalist school you could attend instead, or (b) homeschooling is a viable option. You must not endanger your faith by attending the school of a false sect--which includes the Vatican II sect.

      God Bless,


  3. "Experts" in "gender theory" who spread their ideas to the vulnerable are mentally, morally and spiritually sick themselves, as you so well pointed out; the blindest of guides leading the blind.
    I recently read that the rising public admission of transgenderism by celebrities and other famous people possibly has it's root in direct Satan worship, particularly baphomet, the goat-headed half-male, half-female demon.
    Some of these people, when interviewed, said their "transsexualism" is limited to crossdressing and aberrant behavior; they have not, and dont intend to cross the line to actual "gender reassignment" surgery. So, if you are aware and read between the lines, there are those that literally want to take on the characteristics of that demon while pretending to the public that they have a psychiatric or physical condition that requires them to seek help for it in radical "medical treatment".
    That would explain alot about the level to which our society is descending in its preparation for the antichrist.
    Pray hard. Reparation and contrition for our sins is priority number one. Lent is an excellent time for it. Turn the devil away from you with all your might. We have the Gospel of the First Sunday in Lent to show we can do it. I can imagine the devil hates this time of year with a fury like no other!
    Thank you, Intro.

    1. Jannie,
      This perversity is truly Satanic. It makes me wonder, "Can the end be close at hand?"

      God Bless,


  4. I always thought Armageddon would be full of wars and big battles. I never imagined it would be this lame.

    1. Ryan,
      Sadly, this is where the big battles should be happening! Take the kids out of these schools and demand they remove the garbage! Vote out the school boards! Protest and demonstrate! Evil will only flourish when good people do nothing, as it has been said.

      God Bless,


  5. So thankful to have St. Ann's academy available for our son. We are very blessed to be 10 minutes from the true Church and a good actually Catholic school to boot!

    1. David,
      To be near a Traditionalist Church and school is an incredible blessing from God. Thank Him on your knees every day!
      God Bless,


  6. 1: Don't forget the body positivity movement and the critical papacy theory movement!
    2: Another glorified mental illness is asperger's syndrome. We are told we are "neurodiverse" and should be "very proud of who we are". While it's all right to incite us to use our talents for greater good, repeating this "be yourself" mantras only leads to self worship, parents spoiling their children and the ignoring of other serious issues affecting us.

    1. @anon12:01
      Right you are! Leading the charge is the Vatican II sect with the Novus Bogus man-centered bread and wine service.

      God Bless,


  7. I think vaccines and hormones in our water have caused our children problems with their sexual development. Perhaps the PTB are partly pushing the idea that the SSA and gender dysphoric are "born that way" is to hide environmental causes. Too many want to accept the ideas that sex can be for pleasure only, and that women are no different from men and can do anything they can. These ideas are preventing people from getting the help they need, and instead they're being sentenced to lives of bizarre, physically and spiritually destructive relationships.

    1. @Unknown,
      There are definite environmental causes--mostly behavioral. You're assessment of other causes in the environment has merit. In the late 1980s when I started teaching science here in NYC, peanut allergies were (literally) unheard of by the teachers. In my 5 years of teaching before going to law school, NOT ONE SINGLE STUDENT I TAUGHT had a "peanut allergy." As of 2015, 33% of all NYC public school students have peanut allergies.

      Something is clearly wrong.

      God Bless,


  8. I think all the birth control pills used by women have caused a lot of hormonal problems in children, also in the women who take them!


    1. Joann,
      Definitely! There is also a clear link between the pill and breast cancer (which the media will ignore and/or downplay).

      God Bless,


    2. Introibo,
      Also think the obesity epidemic started in this Country with the advent of the birth control pill. Messing with hormones is not a good idea. Leads to all kinds of behavioral as well as physical problems in both the adults who use them and children of adults who have used them.


    3. Yes!
      There are also the studies that have linked the hormones in the "pill" that get into the water supply and it's negative effect on males, as well: their testosterone levels, reproductive ability, and secondary sex characteristics.

  9. Fr Bryan Massingale gave a conference on the Genderbread Person at the LA REC a couple of years ago. This isn't just in public schools, and it's far worse when it's in Catholic schools. An article on his presentation is available at

    1. Sharon,
      Those aren't Catholic schools, they're Vatican II sect schools passing off perversity as Catholicism. Is it any wonder large numbers of their clergy are in prison? For some reason the link didn't come through. I'll be happy to publish it if you resend.

      God Bless,


    2. This fake so called Priest does not surprise me at all!
      God bless

  10. 1. Could the pope declare a woman a Doctor of the Church?
    2. Is it a sin for women to wear pants? Some traditionalists think it is a sin.

    1. @anon12:58

      1. No. The word "doctor" as used here means a "teacher of eminent learning." They are theologians of the highest degree. Only clerics can be theologians, therefore only clerics can be doctors of the Church. From St. Peter to Pope Pius XII all 29 Doctors of the Church were clerics, popes, bishops, priests, and one deacon.

      2. For an in-depth look, please see my post:

      God Bless,


  11. Pardon me,this is entirely off the subject.
    Anyone know if Bp.Vigano has received conditional trad-rite consecration +
    Fr.Paul Kramer conditional trad-rite ordination from valid Bishops?

    1. Andrew,
      I do not know. If any of my readers have such knowledge with citation, please send it to me for publication in the comments.

      God Bless,


  12. We are asked to listen to science about climate change but when science says that our sexual identity is determined from conception and therefore we cannot choose to be male or female, then people don't listen to science ! And in this time of the Great Apostasy, they don't listen to the Bible anymore, which says, "Male and female He created them." (Gen 1:27) Atheist and liberal politicians are manipulated by the LGBTQXYZ lobby and people who stand for the truth are persecuted. It is the time of the Antichrist: man makes himself God instead of the true God !

    1. @anon7:18
      I agree! The "sodomite Nazis" are out to enforce their agenda, and you will be persecuted if you don't fall in line.

      God Bless,

