Monday, September 25, 2023

Adolph Hitler And So-Called "Traditionalists"


Disturbing trends among those claiming to be Traditionalists include those who (a) seek to make the idea of a flat Earth a dogma, (b) make geocentricism a dogma, and most disturbingly (c) sanitize notorious dictator and mass murderer Adolph Hitler. I've seen the trend of the latter worsen over time. It affects many Millennials and now some Generation Z people as well. For some reason, they seem to like positions that seem "extreme"(which, unfortunately, is why many of them became Traditionalist) or make them somewhat out of the ordinary. They are young historical revisionists who think the Nazis were "good guys;" they were anti-Communists and got "bad press" because of Jewish conspiracies lurking behind every door. 

Traditionalists get enough flak standing for the truth without these pseudo-Traditionalist jokers giving us a bad name by associating us with ideas that are not merely whacky (like the "flat Earthers"), but try and rehabilitate a man and a political movement that were evil to the core. Some go so far as to declare Hitler as a "hero." The purpose of this post is to show the depths of depravity and anti-Catholicism that are inherent both in Hitler and the Nazi Party. May it, God Willing, show those people the error of their ways. Second, I hope it can help my readers refute any of this pro-Hitler/Nazi nonsense that may come their way. 

I will not address their claims regarding race and Jewish people. It is enough to show that the man they idolize and his political regime were an abomination before God.  For sake of brevity, I will refer to the "Traditionalist" apologists for Hitler as "Nazi Apologists" or "NAs." 

To My Readers: NAs will try to discredit a source based on whether or not the author is Jewish. The (illogical and fallacious) upshot is that all Jewish people cannot make a valid argument and they have a biased opinion that makes everything inherently untrue or untrustworthy. Some will go so far as to claim that a source is unreliable if the author had a distant Jewish relative, even if he/she is not Jewish. In logic we call this the Genetic Fallacy, i.e., the act of rejecting or accepting an argument on the basis of its origin rather than its content. I remember two pro-abortion women here in NYC who refused to listen to a nun who was a biologist and taught biology at Fordham University, attempting to inform them about the humanity of the unborn, because "you're a nun." What does that have to do with the arguments based on biological facts? A "recognize and resister" with whom I was acquainted refused to read anything from a sedevacantist because "they are all schismatic lunatics." Don't fall into the trap. It springs from the NAs paranoid idea that "everything bad is the result of a Jewish conspiracy and every single Jewish person is involved." They must deal with the arguments, not their origin.---Introibo

WARNING!! This post contains material that is extremely graphic, and may be found very disturbing. Reader discretion is advised.

Was Hitler Catholic?
Adolph Hitler (1889-1945) was baptized as a Catholic and was ostensibly practicing the Faith until the age of 18. Both atheists and NAs like to claim he was Catholic, but didn't practice the Faith. People can make claims all they want. The crux of the issue is whether or not the claims are backed up by sound reasoning and sufficient evidence. One of the so-called "New Atheists," Dr. Richard Dawkins, enjoys quoting Hitler as saying,  " late as 1941 he told his adjutant, General Gerhard Engel, 'I shall remain a Catholic forever.' (See The God Delusion, [2006], pg. 274). Was Hitler Catholic? Not by a long shot. Yes, he was baptized in the Church, but the "god" he worshiped was not the historical Jesus Christ Who founded His One True Church.  Even Dawkins admits, "Hitler, oddly, was always adamant that Jesus himself was not a Jew."(Ibid, pg. 276). Why would the world's biggest anti-Semite worship a Man born of a Jewish woman as God?  The answer is simple: he didn't. 

According to historian Weikart:
 It's true that Hitler's public statements opposing atheism should not be given too much weight, since they obviously served Hitler's political purposes to tar political opponents. However, in his private monologues, he likewise rejected atheism, providing further evidence that this was indeed his personal conviction. In July 1941, he told his colleagues that humans do not really know where the laws of nature come from. He continued, "Thus people discovered the wonderful concept of the Almighty, whose rule they venerate. We do not want to train people in atheism." He then maintained that every person has a consciousness of what we call God. This God was apparently not the Christian God preached in the churches, however, since Hitler continued, "In the long run National Socialism and the church cannot continue to exist together." The monologue confirms that Hitler rejected atheism, but it also underscores the vagueness of his conception of God. [...] While confessing faith in an omnipotent being of some sort, however, Hitler denied we could know anything about it. [...] Despite his suggestion that God is inscrutable and unfathomable, Hitler did sometimes claim to know something about the workings of Providence. [...] Perhaps even more significantly, he had complete faith that Providence had chosen him to lead the German people to greatness.
(See Hitler's Religion: The Twisted Beliefs that Drove the Third Reich, [2016]; Emphasis mine). 

Hitler's beliefs were a blend of scientism and "scientific occultism" also called "boarder science" (i.e., "science -based occult practices"). Just as many occultists defend their practices as being "backed by science" (e.g., feng shui, reiki, etc.) Hitler did the same. According to researcher Kurlander:

As the SS paper, the Schwarze Korps, explained in 1936: ‘We want in no way to deny that there are things which are invisible to our natural faculties. We also do not want to oppose a science that occupies itself with research on such matters . . . What we reject unequivocally is any obvious swindle that is based on deception and exploitation of stupidity and therefore constitutes criminal activity.’ Provided that the occult doctrine or practitioner was sufficiently ‘scientific’ in character, the Third Reich appeared reluctant to carry out any police action. Hence the German Society for Scientific Occultism (DGWO) negotiated the first few years of the Third Reich fairly easily. So did the major astrological associations and journals. They were generally allowed to police themselves in terms of practising ‘scientific’ occultism – provided they promised to stop publishing horoscopes of Nazi leaders. Hitler even sent a note thanking the president of the German Astrological Association (DAZ), Hubert Korsch, for organizing the 1935 Astrologer’s Conference taking place in Wernigerode.

(See Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich, [2017], pgs. 102-103; Emphasis mine). 

Hitler only mentioned being Catholic once in the quote given by Dawkins. Hitler also wrote of "gods" and "goddesses" proving, if all of his religious utterances are to be believed literally, that he was a polytheist. The gods are referred to in Mein Kampf-"the manifestations of decay showed only that the gods had willed Austria's destruction" [vol. I chap. 3]-and there are references to goddesses as well: to the "Goddess of Suffering" [vol. I chap. 2] and the "Goddess of Destiny" [vol. I chap.5]. There is even a "goddess of eternal justice and inexorable retribution" which Hitler believed "caused Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the most mortal enemy of Austrian- Germanism, to fall by the bullets which he himself had helped to mold" [vol I chap.1].

Publicly, Hitler pushed what was deemed "Positive Christianity," which term he used in point 24 of the 1920 Nazi Party Platform: "the Party as such represents the viewpoint of Positive Christianity without binding itself to any particular denomination." (See 

 The new Nazi idea of Positive Christianity allayed the fears of Germany's Christian majority by implying that the Nazi movement was not anti-Christian. That said, in 1937, Hans Kerrl, the Reich Minister for Church Affairs, explained that "Positive Christianity" was not "dependent upon the Apostle's Creed", nor was it dependent on "faith in Christ as the son of God", upon which Christianity relied, rather, it was represented by the Nazi Party: "The Führer is the herald of a new revelation", he said. (See Shirer, William, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany, [1960], pgs. 238-239). 

The Nazis used "boarder science"--occultism that parades as science:

Despite the continuing difficulty of being recognized as ‘pioneers’ by mainstream science, some ‘border areas’ of the sciences had gained recognition in the Third Reich. These included scientific astrology, the study of ‘[cosmic] rays [and] other parapsychological phenomena like apparitions, telepathy, and clairvoyance’. In order for this promising trend to continue, Bender recommended that occultists dispense with phrases like ‘parascientific’ and ‘paranormal’ in favor of ‘border areas’ or border science. It was better to couch one’s experiments in an ‘epistemology of science’, Bender [an astrologer] insisted, than to traffic openly in ‘spiritualism, esoteric teachings and esoteric lodge activities’ that could not be proven. (See Kurlander, pg. 133)

The irony is that the evidence indicating an important link between Nazism and the supernatural has never been greater. In the mid-1920s Hitler almost certainly read Ernst Schertel's parapsychology tome Magic: History, Theory, Practice, underlining sentences such as 'Satan is the fertilizing, destroying-constructing warrior' and 'He who does not carry demonic seeds within him will never give birth to a new world.' ...(Ibid, pg. x).

Kurlander also reveals how the Nazis held a seance on the night of February 26, 1933 using clairvoyant Erik Hanussen who "predicted" the next day's Reichstag fire, which helped justify the Nazi imposition of martial law. Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess sponsored astrology, "cosmobiology," and other esoteric medical practices. SS Chief Heinrich Himmler encouraged research on the Holy Grail (the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark got their story-line from such records, albeit with great artistic license), witchcraft, and medieval devil worship (Luciferianism).

In my personal experience, Fr. DePauw knew of a story, circulated by many high-ranking prelates, that circa 1941 Pope Pius XII called together all the cardinals of the Curia, and late at night in St. Peter's Basilica, attempted a "long distance exorcism" of Hitler and the Nazi officials. The story has never been proven (or disproven). 

These occult views and the heretical conception of God held by Hitler are incompatible with Catholicism.  On March 14, 1937, Pope Pius XI issued his encyclical letter Mit Brennender Sorge (On the Church and the German Reich).  His words prove more true than ever, as greater evidence has been brought forth confirming his every contention. In paragraph # 7, His Holiness writes:

The believer in God is not he who utters the name in his speech, but he for whom this sacred word stands for a true and worthy concept of the Divinity. Whoever identifies, by pantheistic confusion, God and the universe, by either lowering God to the dimensions of the world, or raising the world to the dimensions of God, is not a believer in God. Whoever follows that so-called pre-Christian Germanic conception of substituting a dark and impersonal destiny for the personal God, denies thereby the Wisdom and Providence of God who "Reacheth from end to end mightily, and ordereth all things sweetly" (Wisdom viii. 1). Neither is he a believer in God. 

Hitler's belief in occultic practices and promotion of "Positive Christianity," with a nebulous conception of God, are clearly condemned.  He also referred to "gods" and "goddesses;" Paragraph #9 of Pope Pius XI's encyclical reads:

Beware, Venerable Brethren, of that growing abuse, in speech as in writing, of the name of God as though it were a meaningless label, to be affixed to any creation, more or less arbitrary, of human speculation. Use your influence on the Faithful, that they refuse to yield to this aberration. Our God is the Personal God, supernatural, omnipotent, infinitely perfect, one in the Trinity of Persons, tri-personal in the unity of divine essence, the Creator of all existence. Lord, King and ultimate Consummator of the history of the world, who will not, and cannot, tolerate a rival God by His side.

Far from being Catholic, Hitler was an occultist and someone who was also driven by Darwinian scientism. 

Was Hitler a Sodomite and Pervert?
That Hitler was a supreme pervert is beyond question. Multiple lines of evidence from various sources show him to be sexually deranged.

  •  Hitler was a coprophile, (a deviant aroused by human feces) and had relationships with at least seven women (by some accounts eight women), one of whom was his niece. Due to his perverted and twisted ways all four women who were definitely involved with Hitler attempted suicide.

Based on the O.S.S. report and other sources, Waite has written, "The idea that Hitler had a sexual perversion particularly abhorrent to women is further supported by a statistic: of the seven women who, we can be reasonably sure, had intimate relations with Hitler, six committed suicide or seriously attempted to do so." In addition to Geli, "Mimi Reiter tried to hang herself in 1928; Eva Braun attempted suicide in 1932 and again in 1935; Frau Inge Ley was a successful suicide as were Renate Mueller and Suzi Liptauer." Perhaps the most dramatic of these was the mysterious death of thirty-year-old Berlin film actress Renate Mueller. Her director, one A. Zeissler, later told the O.S.S. that she had confided in him shortly after spending a night with Hitler in the Reichschancellery how distressed she was at the nature of the sexual practices Hitler demanded of her—with which, to her mortification, she complied. She claimed Hitler "fell on the floor and begged her to kick him. . .condemned himself as unworthy .. . and just groveled in an agonizing manner. The scene became intolerable to her, and she finally acceded to his wishes. As she continued to kick him he became more and more excited."

Let's begin with the affair of the purloined pornography. The most detailed account of the episode comes from Konrad Heiden, one of the first and most respected journalists to chronicle Hitler's rise (he was widely credited with coining the term "Nazi"). Author of four books on Hitler and the Nazis, forced to flee Germany in the thirties, Heiden was described in his New York Times obituary as "the best known authority outside Germany on the party and its leaders" in the pre-World War II period.

Heiden's magnum opus, Der Fuehrer, is remarkable for its portrait of Hitler's Munich circle, a now nearly forgotten collection of misfits, hunchbacks, sexual outlaws, moral degenerates, decadent aristocrats, ex-cons, and occult con men. Heiden calls Hitler's Munich circle "armed bohemians." They were Fascist libertines who spent boisterous days in the Cafe Heck and the Osteria Bavaria, stuffing themselves with pasta and pastries. While pimps scoured Munich schoolyards to supply boys for SA chief Ernst Rohm's predatory appetites, Hitler was reported to have been present at dissolute gatherings at the home of party photographer Heinrich Hoffmann, who had a wide acquaintance among artists, models, and other demimondaines. [i.e., prostitutes]

In 1929, according to Heiden, "Hitler wrote the young girl a letter couched in the most unmistakable terms. It was a letter in which the uncle and lover gave himself completely away; it expressed feelings which could be expected from a man with masochistic-coprophil inclinations, bordering on what Havelock Ellis calls 'undinism.'. . .[i.e., an obsession with or a sexual pleasure derived from water, esp urination and urine]. 

(See; Emphasis mine). 

  • Hitler was effeminate and bisexual. The Nazi Party was mostly comprised of sodomites.
According to Shirer (cited above):
Though Hitler reflexively acted with brutality, the Fuhrer exhibited many traits associated with homosexuality, including heightened aesthetic sense, intuition, mental acuity, dramatic flair and duplicity.

He desribes Rohem (1887-1934; leader of the Sturmabteilung, the Nazi Party's original paramilitary wing) as a “stocky, bull-necked, piggish-eyed, scar-faced professional soldier with a flair for politics and a natural ability as an organizer. “Like Hitler, he was possessed of a burning hatred for the democratic [Weimar] republic. A tough, ruthless, driving man, albeit, like so many of the early Nazis, a homosexual.” (Emphasis mine).

According to historian Lothar Machtan (Hidden Hitler [2001]), “homo-eroticism and homosexuality were cornerstones of fascist male-bonding culture prior to 1933.” As news of the homosexuality in Nazi ranks became more talked about by the average German, a four point plan was devised to repair their reputation: (1) documents revealing the truth about the rampant homosexuality within the Nazi Party would be seized and then destroyed; (2) Rohm, an open sodomite, would be murdered; (3) new anti-sodomite laws would be introduced; and (4) sodomites in the higher echelons of the Nazi Party would either be married off, imprisoned, or murdered. (See also, Lively and Abrams, The Pink Swastika, [1995]).

US intelligence later discovered that Hitler was never promoted during WW1 because of his “sexual orientation” and that he was arrested in Munich in 1919 for “pederasty and theft." Indeed, former Nazi, Otto Strasser said that when Hitler became Nazi Party leader in 1921, “his personal bodyguards and chauffeurs were almost exclusively homosexual." Two of these bodyguards, Ulrich Graf and Christian Weber, were expected to satisfy their boss’s needs whenever necessary...However, while gay Nazis were being butchered or imprisoned, Hitler was having a secret affair with his Munich chauffeur Julius Schreck. The two were apparently devoted to each other and enjoyed romantic trysts at the Hotel Bube near Berneck, the midway point between Berlin and Munich. Their affair lasted until Schreck’s sudden death from meningitis. When he heard the news, Hitler wept uncontrollably for several days. Schreck had fulfilled Hitler’s fantasies about the great love between a powerful man and his obedient servant. The homosexual Bavarian, King Ludwig II — who had conducted a 20 year affair with his coachman — was one of the German dictator’s heroes. (See

Lively and Abrams put forth a vigorous case that while some homosexuals (and those on trumped up charges of homosexuality) suffered under Hitler and his Nazis, The Pink Swastika attempts to show that that there was far more rape, torture, and murder committed by Nazi deviants/homosexuals than there ever was against homosexuals. The book draws heavily on two sources; Samuel Igra's book Germany's National Vice, which documents the homoerotic foundations of German militarism, and The Nazis and the Occult by Dusty Sklar, which documents the occult roots of Nazi ideology. There are many other sources listed as well. It is as fascinating as it is scary to read.

Why would Hitler found a Party made up of deviants? There are several reasons. First, he wanted people--pimps, murders, and homosexuals--who would be willing to go against traditional morality. Second, homosexuals fit in with Hitler's occult beliefs. Pagan "priests" and "priestesses" were often homosexual. The modern pagan religion of Wicca embraces homosexuality and worships nature. The swastika itself comes from non-Christian, pagan religions. It was used at least 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler designed the Nazi flag. To this day it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism. It is a common sight on temples or houses in India or Indonesia. Swastikas also have an ancient history in Europe, appearing on artifacts from pre-Christian European cultures. Remember the Bible says homosexuality is the result of "worshiping the creation rather than the Creator" (See Romans 1: 18-27). Third, many homosexuals had violent, even murderous inclinations.

Sodomites may be divided into those who act effeminately ('fems") and those who disguise their unnatural vice under a veneer of being virile and manly ("butches").  The latter were the ones who wanted to revive the pederastic military cults of the pagan pre-Christian era. Their leaders included top Nazis Adolf Brand and Ernst Roehm. They despised the pacifist and effeminate homosexuals; and these were the ones whom were persecuted. Heterosexuals served the purpose of procreation, but the effeminate didn't procreate or share their militaristic vision. Hence, they were seen as subhuman. 

Hitler was indeed a bisexual pervert who formed a party of sodomites. The "pink triangles" were little more than a cover-up for the pink swastika. 

Were Hitler and the Nazis Benevolent Towards or Tolerant of Catholicism?

Above, I had noted that Hitler was ostensibly a practicing Catholic until age 18. There is evidence that goes against this contention. Hitler’s closest childhood friend, August Kubizek, wrote that for the entire time he knew Hitler, he (Hitler) not only never attended Mass, but refused to go with his mother when she attended. She was very disappointed and begged him to go to Mass but, evidently, she eventually came to “terms with the fact that her son wanted to follow another path” —his father’s. (See Kubizek, The Young Hitler I Knew: A Boyhood Friend Recounts Growing Up with the Future Fuhrer of the Third Reich, [1955], pg. 95).  Hitler was never more truthful than when he stated in one of his speeches: I myself am a heathen to the core. (See The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922–August 1939, ed. Norman Baynes, [1942], pg. 369).

  • Hitler's opposition to Christ and His Church in his own words.
The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. (See Adolf Hitler, Hitler’s Secret Conversations, 1941–1944, trans. Norman Cameron [1953], pg. 6).

As a National Socialist and opponent of the Jews, it is impossible for me to continue to belong to present day Christianity, because it is supported by the Old Testament, which is Jewish and friendly to Jewish things. (See Karla Poewe, New Religions and the Nazis, [2005], pg. 105).

Compare Pope Pius XI:
 In Jesus Christ, Son of God made Man, there shone the plentitude of divine revelation. "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners, spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets last of all, in these days hath spoken to us by His Son" (Heb. i. 1). The sacred books of the Old Testament are exclusively the word of God, and constitute a substantial part of his revelation; they are penetrated by a subdued light, harmonizing with the slow development of revelation, the dawn of the bright day of the redemption. As should be expected in historical and didactic books, they reflect in many particulars the imperfection, the weakness and sinfulness of man. But side by side with innumerable touches of greatness and nobleness, they also record the story of the chosen people, bearers of the Revelation and the Promise, repeatedly straying from God and turning to the world. Eyes not blinded by prejudice or passion will see in this prevarication, as reported by the Biblical history, the luminous splendor of the divine light revealing the saving plan which finally triumphs over every fault and sin. It is precisely in the twilight of this background that one perceives the striking perspective of the divine tutorship of salvation, as it warms, admonishes, strikes, raises and beautifies its elect. Nothing but ignorance and pride could blind one to the treasures hoarded in the Old Testament. (See Mit Brennender Sorge, para. #15). 

You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness? (See Speer, Inside the Third Reich, [1969], pg. 115). 

Hitler had this to say about Christianity because of its ethic to protect the weak and helpless:
Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.
(See Alan Bullock, Hitler, A Study in Tyranny, [1964], pg. 389).

In a talk given by Hitler on April 7, 1933, Hitler made it absolutely clear that in Germany’s future there would be “no place” in the German “utopia for the Christian Churches” and “nothing will prevent me from eradicating totally, root and branch, all Christianity in Germany.… A German Church, a German Christianity, it is all rubbish.… One is either Christian or German.” (See Poewe cited above, pg. 112; Emphasis mine). 

  • Hitler's treatment of the Church and Her clergy.
Some of these NAs go so far as to state that Fr. Maximillian Kolbe was not killed by Nazis, due to Nazi hatred of the clergy, but by tuberculosis.  I do not recognize Fr. Kolbe as a saint or beatus, as he was "beatified" by Montini and "canonized" by Wojtyla. However, on May 12, 1955, Pope Pius XII gave him the title Servant of God, which means his life was considered worthy to be investigated for canonization. In my layman's opinion, I think a true pope would have canonized him had the Great Apostasy not taken place. There have been arguments made as to whether or not a true “odium fidei” ("hatred of the Faith") was present for him to be a true martyr. Wojtyla decided that Kolbe should be recognized as a martyr because the systematic hatred of the Nazi regime was inherently an act of hatred against religious faith, meaning Kolbe’s death equated to martyrdom. A true pope did not make that judgement. Moreover, there has been testimony that hatred of Catholic clergy was present when Fr. Kolbe was murdered. I would say he was a Confessor of the Faith, rather than a martyr. Bottom line: the Nazis were no friends to the Church or its clergy; it should be clear they hated both.

The very idea that the Nazis were "nice" to the clergy is completely without merit. Beginning in 1936, Hitler embarked on a campaign of "immorality trials" against Catholic clergy in Germany to discredit the hierarchy. They would, for example, summon a priest to a house to give the Last Rites, only to have a prostitute waiting and someone to take a picture as he went in and promptly left. (For more about said "immorality trials," see,33009,757889,00.html). That the Nazis could accuse anyone of immorality is the quintessential case of hypocrisy. 

Fr. DePauw, who had been taken prisoner at the Battle of Dunkirk, and held at a concentration camp, saw first hand the Nazi hatred and atrocities committed against the Catholic clergy while there. (Fr. was not yet a priest; he would be seriously wounded escaping with his best friend, and ordained on April 12, 1942). One brave voice against the Nazi campaign against the Church was Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber. He would ordain two men to the priesthood that couldn't be more different, and would become bitter enemies at Vatican II: Fr (later Bp.) Blaise Kurz, and Fr. (later false pope) Joseph Ratzinger. Here is what Karol Jozef Gajewski, scholar of European history wrote:

Senior clerics who challenged the Third Reich in its racist and anti-Christian policies included Bishop Clemens Count von Galen of Munster, Archbishop von Preysing of Berlin, Cardinal Bertram of Breslau, Cardinal Schulte of Cologne and possibly the most famous of all, Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber of Munich. His series of Advent sermons, preached from the pulpit of St. Michael's Church aroused national and international interest. They became so popular that thousands listened, some even in the streets outside. In the first of the sermons, preached on December 3, 1933, Faulhaber defended Christianity by defending the people from whom it had sprung: the Jews. He reminded them that Christianity made no racial distinction between Jew and Gentile, but asked only that its adherents should possess faith. The next month shots shattered the windows of his first floor study. In March 1934, the published edition of his sermons, "Judaism, Christianity and Germanism" was banned for its "slanderous views on the State."

Faulhaber continued his denunciations of Nazi policy on Catholic schools, youth organizations, rigged elections, sterilization laws, attacks on the Pope, and attempts to replace Christianity with what he called "fake" religion. The Nazis maintained their propaganda campaign against Faulhaber relentlessly.

Faulhaber played a considerable role in the writing of the great anti-Nazi encyclical, Mit brennender Sorge ("With Burning Anxiety") issued in March 1937. It denounced repeated attacks on the faith, the breaking of almost every article of the Concordat, and Nazi ideological and political theories. The encyclical was smuggled into Germany under the eyes of Gestapo agents who had been warned beforehand to expect some kind of protest from Rome. Copies were printed secretly in various parts of the country and the underground Catholic network was engaged to distribute it to parishes throughout Germany. Hundreds of helpers, in cars, on motorbikes and bicycles, handed copies secretly to clergy. According to the Daily Telegraph (London) of March 22, 1937: "the encyclical stated the Nazis had made it plain, that they were waging a 'war of extermination' against the Church, and after countless rebuffs the Pope had decided to make a final stand."

The reaction to the encyclical's publication was immediate. The German regime sent a formal protest to Rome; it was swiftly rejected by Cardinal Pacelli. An enraged Hitler and Goebbels gave orders to bring to trial dozens of clerics on charges of immorality and "slanders against the State." Gestapo and SS squads were dispatched to find which presses had produced the encyclical: 12 were confiscated and editors rounded up. In one parish, Essen in the diocese of Oldenburg, seven girls were arrested inside a church as they handed out copies after the Palm Sunday service.

The death of Pope Pius XI in February 1939 and the election of his successor, Cardinal Pacelli, drew sneers from Das Schwarze Korps ("The Black Corps"), house magazine of the SS and mouthpiece of Heinrich Himmler. It referred to Pius XI as the "Chief Rabbi of the Christians, boss of the firm of Judah-Rome." Cardinal Pacelli had already been labeled in the paper as an ally of Jews and Communists in a series of cartoons and articles published at the time of his official visit to France in 1937.

Sometimes new Nazi policies would be imposed from above, sometimes they would be rescinded as the dictates of political events changed or new strategies were adopted by Berlin. Harassment could be disguised or even halted. In August 1936, for example, when the Olympic Games were taking place in Berlin, orders were given to stop persecution against Jews, Catholics and Protestants and to hide show trials from the eyes of foreign journalists. The machinery of persecution roared into action again as soon as the correspondents left.

With the coming of war in 1939, Hitler favored postponing the total destruction of Christianity to more effectively prosecute the war. Others in the party, however, thought it a mistake to slow the Kirchenkampf, the battle against the Church. Martin Bormann reminded SS leader Himmler in 1941 that, "the influence of the Church must be entirely eliminated."...
(As published Inside the Vatican magazine, November 1999, pgs. 50-54; "Nazi Persecution of the Church"). 

Adolph Hitler was many things; a mass murderer, an occultist, and a despiser of all things Christian. He was not some "misunderstood leader" who wasn't all that bad; nor was he in any way benevolent to the Church. Hitler and the "Nazi Traditionalists" can call themselves "Catholic" but they fail the test of Our Lord Himself, "By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire." (St. Matthew 7: 16-19).


  1. Hitler wasn't worshipping the one true God, he was being worshipped as a god, just like Stalin, Mao, the Kims of North Korea and other such dictators. This is idolatry. Typical of those who reject God and worship creatures. These totalitarian ideologies are caricatures of the true religion, promising paradise on Earth to their adherents. We know how that turned out !

    1. Simon,
      The evil dictators did place themselves as "god" before their country. Idolatry of worshipping a man. Yes, we know that the True God will always bring them down!

      God Bless,


    2. Sacred Scripture warns us against relying entirely on man rather than God:

      "It is good to confide in the Lord, rather than to have confidence in man.
      It is good to trust in the Lord, rather than to trust in princes." (Ps 117:8-9)

      "Thus saith the Lord: Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. For he shall be like tamaric in the desert, and he shall not see when good shall come: but he shall dwell in dryness in the desert in a salt land, and not inhabited. Blessed be the man that trusteth in the Lord, and the Lord shall be his confidence. And he shall be as a tree that is planted by the waters, that spreadeth out its roots towards moisture: and it shall not fear when the heat cometh. And the leaf thereof shall be green, and in the time of drought it shall not be solicitous, neither shall it cease at any time to bring forth fruit." (Jer 17:5-8)

  2. Slightly off topic : what does one say to 'Mit Brenneder Sorge/Non abbiamo bisogno (against the Mussolini regime) wasn't addressed to the universal Church so not infallible' or the bit in Rerum Ecclesiæ (specifically where it says it's a grave mistake to look down upon native peoples as inferior) about it being not addressed to all faithful but only all the bishops, so not ex cathedra or infallible because 'in contrast with reality' and contra past non-papal patristic or clerical opinion regarding Cham's descendants cursed and drawing parallels to the curse Nostra Aetate tried to overturn?

    1. Mary's Vagabond,
      Something need not be infallible to be protected against heresy. When the pope teaches something, it is free from heresy, even if not free from all possibility of error. Therefore, both Mit Brenneder Sorge/Non abbiamo bisogno are free from heresy as a true pope promulgated them.

      The only "curse" passed on to humans is Original Sin which affects all except Jesus Christ's Human Nature and His Immaculate Mother. Nostra Aetate was heretical in the extreme by fostering the ecclesiology of Vatican II and praising false (and even pagan) sects like Hinduism. The Jews are rightly called "the Deicide Race" for the High Priest, who represented them before God, rejected and condemned Christ to death: "When the chief priests, therefore, and the servants, had seen him, they cried out, saying: Crucify him, crucify him. Pilate saith to them: Take him you, and crucify him: for I find no cause in him. The Jews answered him: We have a law; and according to the law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God." (St.John. 19:6-7).

      Fr. Denis Fahey in "The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism " describes "the Naturalism of the Jewish Nation" and the "age-long struggle of the Jewish Nation against the supernatural life of the Mystical Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ" (p. 42) He goes on to explain that "we must distinguish accurately between opposition to the domination of Jewish Naturalism in society and hostility to the Jews as a race" which latter form of opposition "is what is designated by the term, ‘Antisemitism,’ and has been more than once condemned by the Church. The former opposition is incumbent on every Catholic and on every true lover of his native land." (ibid. p. 43).

      NAs fail to make such necessary and proper distinctions, and get it seriously wrong.

      Hope this helped!

      God Bless,


    2. Plus some more advice, consider editing the article to include primary sources like Mein Kampf. Because, you see Table Talk is false (sarcasm) , plus his dealings with the Jerusalem Grand Mufti. Plus the Goebbels Diaries. There he revealed his plan to destroy the Church, as the author of Hitler's Religion put it only 3 ways out - Hitler meant what he said, didn't mean what he said (so duplicitous and no integrity) or Goebbels lied (unlikely)

  3. I like some things that you publish. However, this article is at best only presenting opinion (only one sided at that), at worst completely dishonest to push ones own opinion without having to say it’s your opinion. I would never claim the Hitler was a Catholic, or even a genuinely good person. But I would also avoid pushing the historical narrative every Catholic hating person/organization wants us to believe. There is plenty of real scientific analysis available that completely contradicts the statements you make in your final paragraph. Yet you are okay just stating them as fact with no proof. That is the definition of dishonest!

    1. Critical Thinker,
      I beg to differ that I offer no proof for my opinion. In my post I cite to many serious historians whose tomes on the subject have myriad footnotes and cross references. As historian Kurlander wrote, "The irony is that the evidence indicating an important link between Nazism and the supernatural has never been greater."

      The manifest weight of the credible evidence shows, with a very high degree of certainty (I would say morally certain), that Hitler was a mass murderer, an occultist, and a despiser of all things Christian. To give but one example, that Hitler pushed "Positive Christianity" is established beyond reasonable doubt.

      You consider the evidence provided above as "no evidence." That is dishonest. I have had NAs in the past send me comments accusing me of being a "secret Jew." Their "evidence"? 1. I was born, raised, and live in NYC. 2. I'm an attorney. 3. I don't like Adolph Hitler. That's not exactly "incontrovertible evidence."

      God Bless,


    2. Introibo,
      I think you misinterpret my statement on opinion. You only provided ‘evidence’ from one side of the argument, one must conclude it is also your opinion and the reason why you never presented the counter arguments. However, as I previously stated, I don’t view Hitler as a Catholic or necessarily a good person. That’s for God to judged based on any repentance he may had prior to passing. You are the one who has labeled him a “mass murderer”, with zero presentation of facts, to attempt to further the credibility of your one sided argument above. This is the definition of calumny, a sin requiring confession prior to your next valid reception of our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist.
      My point in shedding light on this specific topic or murder, is because the scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports the direct opposite of your statement. The honest thing to do, is print a retraction of this statement until you are willing to research and present the evidence from both sides. At which time you can draw own conclusions and state or belief one way or another.

    3. @anon10:32
      Your knowledge of moral theology is seriously deficient. That Hitler murdered millions of innocent people by (a) waging war (b) euthanasia of mentally and physically handicapped (c) allowing death camps to flourish and (d) eliminating personal enemies. Whether or not he was insane and not culpable in the internal forum is for God to know. We judge in the external forum that he was a murderer because his actions constitute the sin of murder. I don’t hesitate to call abortion “doctors” murderers based on their actions.

      What you’re claiming is that we cannot judge a person’s actions in the external forum. No theologian or Magisterial Authority ever claimed such. For example, those who die by suicide are denied ecclesiastical burial and a Requiem Mass, even though it is possible that they repented immediately prior to death in the internal forum known but to God.

      The case for Hitler being a mass murderer is proven in the external forum beyond a reasonable doubt.
      I have no sin of calumny to confess. You may want to confess Rash Judgment. Rash Judgment means to, even implicitly, assume as true without sufficient foundation, the moral fault of a neighbor. I’m No calumniator.


    4. Introibo,

      By your logic, we must conclude that you and I are also to be labeled as mass murderers. Our actions perpetuate the continued push and spread of technological advancements which continue to rape, pillage, and murder the poor across the earth. Specifically, the women and children used as slave labor for specific minerals required to manufacture our cell phones, laptops, car batteries, etc. our actions in consumerism cause this. So are we also mass murderers?

      As for (b) above I cannot comment since I have never researched this topic, I will do some in charity. However, for (a), Germany and thereby Hitler we’re defending the German people against those who declared war on Germany. This is reflected in the time. I assume defending one’s nation does not constitute the sun of murder.

      For (c) & (d), one would need to prove that the German concentration camps were in fact
      ‘death camps’ as you say. This is where my argument was focused. The overwhelming historical and scientific evidence of this refutes the historical myth perpetuated on all of us. All one need to do, is go and research the evidence that has been concealed from society but can be found if one diligently searches for it. No gas ovens, no mass burial graves, no purposeful starvation, etc. For every ‘victim’ claiming the atrocities happened, one can find a dozen more supposed ‘victims’ who claim the opposite and their story was never told but suppressed. Additionally, the vast majority of deaths of anyone in the concentration camps was a direct result of Allied bombings destroying supply lines to the camps preventing food and medicine deliveries. These deaths were almost exclusively a result of typhus.

      Finally, if you agree above by our actions we can all be labeled mass murderers, then I recant my claim of calumny. Even though to me that appear a very broad interpretation.

      — CBH

    5. CBH,
      Wrong. You have no understanding of moral theology. I'm merely repeating the teaching of the Church.

      First, you must distinguish between FORMAL and MATERIAL cooperation in sin. According to theologians McHugh and Callan, "Formal cooperation is always sinful, for it includes the approval of the sin of another and the willing participation in the guilt of that sin." (See McHugh and Callan, "Moral Theology." [1929], pg.606)

      "Material cooperation is concurrence in an action which is only a preparation for a sinful may be permitted if the prepatory action is good or merely indifferent." (See theologian Jone, "Moral Theology"[1961], pg. 87).

      To give an example: You pay taxes as per the law to keep the government running. This is morally good. However, politicians then use some of that money to fund contraception and abortion. Are you guilty of killing unborn babies? No, because this is material cooperation

      A person goes and gives a donation to Planned Parenthood which is in the business of pushing contraception, and abortion. You are guilty of formal cooperation in the death of unborn children.

      Your scenario of "perpetuate the continued push and spread of technological advancements which continue to rape, pillage, and murder the poor across the earth. Specifically, the women and children used as slave labor for specific minerals required to manufacture our cell phones, laptops, car batteries, etc. our actions in consumerism cause this. So are we also mass murderers?" results in an answer of NO, we are not guilty because this is material cooperation, as those items are at least morally neutral, and you have no say in those items are made.

      Now, peer reviewed articles on the Nazi euthanasia program which Hitler approved and did nothing to stop:

      Nazi war crimes sanctioned by Hitler:

      I don't need to go any further to repeat my veridical claim: Hitler was a mass murderer.

      God Bless,


  4. Dear Introibo,

    You write, “For some reason, they [certain Traditionalists who subscribe to flat earth, geocentrism, or both, in addition to a take on Hitler not sufficiently condemnatory] seem to like positions that seem ‘extreme’ (which, unfortunately, is why many of them became Traditionalist) or make them somewhat out of the ordinary.” Do you believe that any Traditionalist who subscribes to any of the 3 positions you mentioned has as their rationale a preference for the extreme? None of the Traditionalists I know personally would describe the sedevacantist position as their preference!


    1. Stephanie,
      Were such Traditionalists either Millennials (born approx. 1982-1996) or Gen Zers (born approx. 1997-2012)? I have a Twitter (now "X") account for this blog, @IAltare, and about six years ago, two young men (aged 18 at the time) reached out to me asking questions about the Faith, and wanting to become priests.

      I was generous with my time and resources, doing all I could to message them with the answers to questions they had asked. The first one went to a Traditionalist seminary only to leave within a month to become an Eastern Schismatic. He said he had doubts about the Faith from what he had read online. Within a couple of months later he gave up all Faith to be a Neo-Nazi and Twitter disabled his account due to racist and hateful rants.

      The second young man (born in 1999 as well) also wanted to be a priest, but he claimed that due to doubts over the historicity of some Old Testament accounts, he basically lost the Faith. He now calls himself a "Justice Democrat" who supports pro-abortion, pro-sodomite, socialist politicians.

      Does that seem extreme to you? One Millennial reached out to me to see if I had any information on his favorite pope, Pope Leo XII (12th). This pope did nothing extraordinary, and when I questioned him as to why he was his favorite pope, he couldn't give an answer beyond "he seems cool." It is also makes him out of the ordinary for liking him, as opposed to Pope Leo XIII (13th), or a pope who is a saint, like Pope St. Pius X. Btw, both of them subscribed to a Flat Earth that is the center of the universe.

      God Bless,


    2. Dear Introibo,

      Yes, the positions you described the young men falling into are lamentable to say the least. If from the interactions you had, you surmised that they were prone to extreme views, I would take your word for that tendency’s being a driving force.

      That said, I recently watched a talk from Fr. Denis Chicoine who was explaining that traditional Catholicism is adhered to more as a result of grace than intellect. If I understood him correctly, it is quite likely that those who subscribe to falsity are not living upright lives, i.e. they are not living what they profess to believe. Fr. Chicoine cited the example of the Pharisees of Jesus’ time. How could they, being so knowledgeable of the Faith, fail to recognize and accept Jesus? Because, he said, they were not living their faith! I think he also mentioned the Protestant Revolution, where so many Catholics went right along.

      Have you heard this talk by Fr. Chicoine? I am not sure what the equivalent of grace would be when it comes to secular knowledge. For parents, I would imagine a knowledge of true history is important in order to impart it to one’s children.

    3. @anon7:16
      I have not heard of that talk, but he is correct that we must correspond to grace. Parents must impart the best knowledge possible for their children with so many out to deceive.

      Thank you for commenting!

      God Bless,


  5. I am of the opinion that fascism was an attempt to recreate Christendom...without Christ. All places where fascism materialized were those most impacted by by Masonic ideals that toppled monarchies and attempted to destroy the Church. Fascism provided a semblance of Christendom, but possibly aside from Franco, none of the leaders actually were Christians. Christianity was more of a utilitarian aspect of a traditional culture. Mussolini said that Italy is Catholic not because Catholicism is true, but because of history...

    1. @anon5:08
      I agree with you. Mussolini did indeed make that claim.

      God Bless,


    2. Thanks.

      It follows that even though fascism had its good points, because it was not based on Christ, and its leaders (perhaps save Franco) were not Catholic themselves, it was bound to devolve.

      Fascism wasn't just a response to communism, but to the breakdown of society. Each fascist country saw fit to reimpose a "normal" order. It relied on strongmen because Masonic democracy led to massive corruption, both financial, political, and moral. Without tapping in to the "soul of Europe" (the Catholic Church), it was bound to fail and fall into perversion itself.

  6. I have great respect for you and your blogs. I have learned from you a lot regarding Traditional Catholic Theology, but with regards to history: stop watching Hollywood movies. With sincere respect.

    1. @anon5:56
      My friend, if you look at my cited sources you will find serious and respected historians who have multiple lines of evidence. You will find no movie references. If I had to give a movie reference it would be to HAs from "A Few Good Men"---"You can't handle the truth!"

      God Bless,


    2. You did quote "Raiders of the Lost Ark" but not as a source.

    3. Dear Introibo,
      My comment was presented as figurative speech, as Hollywood with its cheap movies is the main source for that narrative. The great majority of the so called "respected historians" are pressured to follow the official narrative, just as most doctors followed the official narrative with the recent "pandemic" and the vaccine. Nobody is allowed to go against the official narrative, its a crime in most western countries (why would that be?) and will get cancelled. Nonetheless, if you think the bad guys dress in black and the good guys dress in white, or the good guys are masons and the non-masons are the bad guys, or Dresden was deserved, or the victors created a Christian world, you are seriously into Hollywood, or more like Disneyworld. But if you can produce one single piece of official evidence were the bad guys created the concentration camps and killed people, you should send it to a serious respected historian such as David Irving who is offering a huge amount of money for that one official document. Further, if evidence such as the Leuchter report is not enough for you, then there are really "Few Good -Honest- Men" left in this world.

    4. @anon5:54
      It's not always about an "official narrative." Even the conspiracy-driven John Birch Society does not glamorize Hitler. David Irving supports YOUR narrative (one of the only), and he is far from respected. Yes, he has some good work, but he has seriously twisted facts to fit his preconceived ideas. The Leuchter report is scientifically wrong and debunked by Polish forensic scientists who confirmed the use of cyanide contrary to Leuchter who had neither the qualifications or experience to make such determinations in the first place. As far as "one piece of evidence" it reminds me of Robert Sungenis who has offered $1,000 via his group, Catholic Apologetics International, to anyone who could prove that the Earth moves around the Sun. Of course, ROBERT will decide what constitutes said evidence. Ditto for David Irving.

      I knew one such (former) Hitler advocate from Church. He had actually become an atheist for awhile. His wacky "World Wide Jewish Conspiracy" led him to believe Catholicism was false and the resurrection never happened. Christianity was fabricated by the Jews to weaken the Roman Empire with its "unmanly ethic" of turning the other cheek and forgiving your enemies. Thank God he ultimately rejected such drivel and returned to the Faith. For those who subscribe to this nonsense, there was a movie more apt called "The Crazies."


    5. You are way too simplistic. David Irving was respected- but then when his politics were discovered he wasn't anymore. A thing all too common nowadays- a person's politics cannot be separated from their work. I have no particular regard for the man- but i know he went off to work in a factory to learn german, and then made all sorts of ORIGINAL research to write his "hitler's war"- whihc i believe was taught in schools- and which other historians mine since it is so full of hard original evidence discovered by the author himself. that is surely worth of "respect". IN England we have been subject to "Whig " history for 200 hundred years. Those historians were certainly respected- Macauley etc. Yet it was all anti catholic bosh! This is also problem with history generally- not just Whigs- or David irving. Surely the truth is all that matters- not "respect"!


  7. Amazing article, Intro!

    This Hitler admiration is sort of a recent phenomenon going on, and it's pretty repellent.
    I started to notice it some time after the 2016 election.
    I think some of Hitler's admirers, "traditionalists" included, started drawing comparisons between him and Donald Trump, citing them as strong leaders in time of crisis because of each one's appeal to a population suffering from deep economic worries, a flagging national pride (or identity crisis) and the need to clean up a country in moral rot.

    But the NAs ought to have done much better research on the details of Hitler's sordid career.

    Not to draw a moral equivalent between the two men, but enlarging on the H/T comparison, both went far because of their charismatic personalities and the narratives that were cranked out for them by their promoters.
    The trouble with both is narcissism.
    I recently heard the most stunning description of a narcissist: Someone who acts only out of perceived self-interest and/or revenge.

    I'll just leave that there.

    Once more, Intro, you provided some eye-opening and very useful information. Yes the NAs are out there!).

    Thank you.


    1. Jannie,
      Thank you!
      "I recently heard the most stunning description of a narcissist: Someone who acts only out of perceived self-interest and/or revenge." I like it! Thank you, as always, for commenting.

      God Bless,


    2. I think original sin of pride is quite sufficient. Acting out of self interest describes practically all of us practically all of the time.

    3. Dear Anonymous @ 5:32,

      Yes, pride is a trait we all struggle with; it is a part of our natural concupiscence.
      But the pride of the everyday person usually knows when to keep its ambition and mistreatment of others in check. It is not grandiose, demanding praise.

      And I said "perceived self-interest".
      Again, there is obviously no sin in acting out of self interest if it is morally good or neutral. But the perceptions of the individual looking out only for himself are off; he doesn't easily discern what is in his own best interest or that of others, and pursue that. He sees first and foremost what he wants, like a child who doesn't care, or think of the long term consequences.

      I hope that helps explain what I meant.



  8. Authors you should read:
    David Irving,
    Ernst Zundel
    The plot against the Church. Maurice Pinay
    Watch Eric Hunt's Documentaries.

    Without looking into the evidence of the revisionist, you are no better than what you quote above.

    "What does that have to do with the arguments based on biological facts? A "recognize and resister" with whom I was acquainted refused to read anything from a sedevacantist because "they are all schismatic lunatics." Don't fall into the trap."

    Is Hitler's fight against communism, and pro nationalism that bad? He did not persecute catholics.
    Eisenhower and Churchill were free masons who slaughtered millions. Is it ok for us to say they were good men who fought for their nations?

    Hitler did get rid of the Masonic temples, he did get rid of the degeneracy, he did create a national bank without jewish usary, and he did incentivize families to have children with tax credits.
    He did not take guns away from the people.

    1. @anon7:34
      Hitler did not persecute Catholics? Are you serious? How about the immorality trial against Catholic clergy that sent hundreds to concentration camps? Did you not read what I wrote above?

      There was a “Clergy Barracks” at Dachau. (See Paul Berben; Dachau: The Official History 1933–1945; [1975]). According to Himmler biographer Peter Longerich, Himmler was vehemently opposed to Christian sexual morality and the "principle of Christian mercy", both of which he saw as a dangerous obstacle to his planned battle with "subhumans". (See Peter Longerich; Heinrich Himmler; Translated by Jeremy Noakes and Lesley Sharpe; [2012]). He quotes Himmler:

      We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next half century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives. This task does not consist solely in overcoming an ideological opponent but must be accompanied at every step by a positive impetus: in this case that means the reconstruction of the German heritage in the widest and most comprehensive sense.

      Finally, Hitler substituted Positive Christianity for all Christianity. Churchill was not a good man, but England didn’t have concentration camps; nor did Roosevelt. Traditionalists exist in both the USA and England. You are seriously out of touch with reality.


    2. "England didn’t have concentration camps; nor did Roosevelt"
      Really? The Japanese?
      Roosevelt held Germans in Open air concentration camps.

      Watch Hellstorm.

    3. @8:23
      That was a blemish on our history, but those do not compare. The Japanese Americans were not systematically starved and tortured to death. Nor were the Germans. The same cannot be said of Nazi death camps.


    4. Here is a book for you then,

      Documentary Hellstorm covers this and also


      Hellstorm Documentary also covers this.

    5. Ralph F. Keeling-Gruesome Harvest

      On May 8, 1945 the shooting ended in Europe. But, shockingly, the war against Germany went on. Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill had decreed that the German people must suffer-and suffer they did. Driven from their homes, looted of their property, decimated by famine and disease, raped, robbed, and enslaved, millions of Germans-most of them women and children-bore the brunt of what Time magazine called "history's most terrifying peace". Gruesome Harvest was one of the first books in America to sound the alarm against the victor's postwar war against the Germans. Bristling with contemporary documentation, burning with humanitarian and patriotic outrage, this informed, riveting classic dares to tell the shameful story of how American and Allied policy makers undertook the political, economic, and social destruction of the German people even as they presumed to instruct them in "justice" and "democracy." Today, as the propaganda war against the Germans wears on in the media and academic life, Gruesome Harvest, written in 1947 by a courageous American, when the decimation of the German race was still official U.S.-Allied policy, tells a vital story, one that must not be suppressed or forgotten. "If war should come, whichever side may claim ultimate victory, nothing is more certain that victor and vanquished alike would glean a gruesome harvest of human misery and suffering."-Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, July 31, 1939, to the House of Commons.

    6. Smocko,
      I have read “Other losses” and other material on alleged Allied “death camps.” Eisenhower was not a good man, nor was FDR. People died and some losses could have been prevented. However, the narrative about Eisenhower doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

      Historians have called it “spectacularly flawed in its most fundamental aspects.” If Eisenhower intentionally starved 800,000 to one million Germans—where are the bodies? Did Eisenhower have such vast power that he could oversee mass starvation and keep it secret for years??

      Most people who buy into this will deny Hitler wanted the mass extermination of Jews.

      For the answers to American “death camps:”

      God Bless,


    7. You realize that Hitler and Himmler are not the same person, right?

    8. @anon2:16
      No, thanks for the information! You realize Hitler was the supreme dictator and nothing could happen without his implicit or explicit consent, right? Let me guess, poor Adolph was held captive by someone who was 1/100th Jewish and forced to acquiesce to what Himmler wanted. Yep, sounds about right.


    9. Introibo Ad Altare Dei - 2:23 PM

      Do you hold Trump responsible for BLM burning down the cities, attacking all the whites?? Is Trump racist and Anti white, anti business because BLM did this for weeks?

    10. SMocko,
      President Trump was (as per his title) the president of a republic. Adolph Hitler was an absolute dictator with no checks and balances on his power. His orders were law subject to no judicial review or legislative interference. President Trump could not order the militia to go in without serious repercussions to himself and others.

      Hitler could (literally) sentence anyone he wanted to life in prison or immediate execution. No one would dare stand up to him. So, Trump is not responsible for BLM. The buck stops with Hitler for all that happened in Germany from 1933-1945.

      God Bless,


    11. hitler of course had the very real practical problem of trying to unite a country torn in half by the reformation. He would have promoted catholicism/protestantism/paganism anything, if it would unite German people, whihc was his only real interest regarding religion. Though his mother was a catholic, and he a choir boy, supposedly he had *some* soft spot for it on that account (not to the point of not persecuting priests however). Is it also true (i think Irving says this) that he would not bomb Rome/vatican? No doubt, this was a practical consideration (ie bad look) but Churchill had no such scruples apparently. Hitler really had a soft spot for Benito too.

  9. In order to not be so biased, like you have said above.

    So maybe you should listen to the otherside and the revisionist based on their evidence, lest you be a hypocrite.

    Start here.

    Europa the last Battle

    The Greatest Story Never Told


    Communism by the Back Door

    You see, we did what you won't do. We know the mainstream narrative. But we actually looked and studied the other side as well. Watch the above, then write another blog post.

    Don't let documented facts get in the way of your narrow mindedness and confirmation bias.

  10. @anon8:00
    I have read much “Nazis are good guys” materials. Given the above, the condemnation of the Church, and personal accounts from Fr DePauw and priests he knew personally, I know where the manifest weight of the credible evidence lies—and it’s not with the “good guy Nazis.”

    The fact that someone could assert that Nazis did not persecute Catholics, is so over the top as to constitute detachment from reality.


    1. "I have read much “Nazis are good guys” materials."

      You have read nothing of the sort. it shows. And you won't either because you are a hypocrite.

      "...the act of rejecting or accepting an argument on the basis of its origin rather than its content."

    2. @anon9:40
      Really? I have no problem with the sources. You know I haven’t read the opposing point of view… how? Because I don’t agree with you? Yeah. Ok.


  11. Now who put Hitler into power? It's not what your history books in Highschool taught you ....

    1. @anon12:36
      Sad, but true.

      God Bless,


    2. Time magazine man of the year 1938

    3. @anon5:40
      True, and Time is little more today than a left-wing rag. Time has, however, gone out of its way on many occasions to clarify that "Man of the Year" is for those who had the most impact on the world that year FOR GOOD OR EVIL.

      God Bless,


  12. I saw one fool in the comments say that Hitler didn't persecute Catholics. I don't know what that person is smokin' but I personally knew a Catholic woman in a nursing home who was in the concentration camp and with her infant son was able to escape. She told me many Catholics were murdered there with Jewish people in the camps as REAL history testifies.

    I'm not much a of a movie guy but for the sake of history these diluted "traditionalists" ought to watch Scarlet and the Black. Spoiler! The Monsignor (cleric) converts and baptizes a former Nazi soldier who becomes a prisoner of war and helps the family of the Nazi officer after the war was over. The same Nazi soldier who tried to kill him throughout the war and who murdered and arrested countless Catholics during the war.

    I'm proud to say that my grandfather was one of the leading tank commanders of the U.S.A under Gen. Patton to enter into Germany when they finally gave up.


    1. Lee,
      Your problem is that your making sense! Someone will claim Cardinal O'Flaherty was a "secret Jew" and the movie is "Jew propaganda." My father fought the Imperial Japanese and my uncle was one of the first men to parachute down on D-Day to liberate the French from the Nazis--great patriots like your grandfather. To the NAs they were on the wrong side of the war!

      God Bless,


    2. Lee and Introibo,

      The Third United States Army under Gen. Patton must've been one of the best disciplined and most successful units in military history.
      You both should be very proud indeed!

      If you don't mind a few expletives, "Patton" (1970) starring George C. Scott and Karl Malden is one heck of a movie.

      God Bless You,
      Joanna S.

    3. I've read USSR spies,(Intelligence uncovered USSR future plans to invade Germany Spain France England,5 yrs of cold war in between each invasion)crypto-Communists,party members,and Communist sympathizers hid behind the cloak of being a baptized Catholic,hoping & pleading for leniency. Everyone on this blog is fully aware,Communist,Noahide & Modernist forces were long entrenched in Holy Mother Church.
      THE PATRIARCH OF MILAN himself,Giovanni Montini,giving the KGB names+ locations of underground Catholic Priests/Bishops behind Iron Curtain is an example. Had Germany been able to liquidate Adolph Hitler,pulled out France Holland Norway immediately,bring every Eastern Front soldier to German borders & defend all Reich countries til the Allies were War weary,Germany was going to expel all pow's(civilians military govt)to any Allied country they wished,ala the communist Frankfurt School officials who were expelled to USA Canada the UK. These communists infiltrated Western education & academia,our public schools & curriculum post 1965 is proof. Leon Degrelle was a traditional Catholic who fought in the Eastern Front 1941-1945,and miraculously flew from Norway to Spain,as a wanted man,in a German plane with large Iron Cross on both sides,taking enemy fire the entire way,prayed the Holy Rosary during entire flight,as did his wife in Spain after his last telegram from Norway. If the NSDAP "notoriously persecuted" Leon Degrelle & his amazing story wouldn't exist. As an aside,Leon Degrelle,through direct communications with the Vatican & talking w various officials,during his political phase,(late 1930's)stated in his book,Pope Pius XI was Catholic,because it was in his bones,the type of man who "had no choice" but to be Catholic. Leon went on to say,our Catholic Pope was extremely unhappy w the would be allied countries and,their financial & trade ties w the USSR made him lean towards Germany.(1938 mind you)
      "Oriental Bishops" & highly educated SE Asian Priests (was +Thuc one of these Asians?He was Consecrated in 1938!)were warning his Holiness & the Vatican the communists had "BIG Plans for SE Asia & China." The Hierarchy,it seemed,we're Catholics,vying to prevent another war,hated Communism,and wanted NO association w the USSR. Leon then says by 1942,Vatican officials couldn't be trusted,outwardly concerned about wealthy Roman "Jü's" their safety well being & not getting on bad side of World Jewish Congress & it broke his heart. There is so much we don't nor will ever know about 1789-1969.
      Read Leon Degrelle's autobiography & his other memoirs if you enjoy the book. Even if one hates NSDAP & celebrate VE-day with cathartic wild immoral abandonment,his story is proof God gives us miracles & well worth your time.
      God bless,

  13. Will you watch "Hellstorm" on Rumble or similar type of YouTube site then give us your opinion,please?

    God bless,

    1. Andrew,
      Sure. I can't commit to a certain day with my schedule, but I will watch it.

      God Bless,


    2. Hope you watch it my friend,it is revealing,historically accurate,and something we Westerners need to see.
      Had NSDAP used the Cross of St George as it's national flag instead of Indo-European sawastika,which Germans had no affiliation or ties with,our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ may have granted their would be victory at Moscow. That would've been lights out for Communism,at least in large Countries. Stalin would've had his head smashed in instead of Mussolini.
      Il Duce's idiotic dismal embarrassing "invasion of Greece" was completely unnecessary stupid and,Germany had to bail them out. This stupidity on the part Il Duce delayed "Barbarossa" by a month or more. Our Blessed Lord is not going to replace Satanic Communism with Satanic Pagan symbology,no matter how well intentioned. I'm more sympathetic to Germany as opposed to Freemasonic-Judaic Allies however,that ancient clandestine swastika,which the average "German" (by 1940 Germany absorbed Czech Republic,Austria,part of Slovakia,Sudetenland,the Rhine,Danzig corridor.)Map of Germany in 1941 is impressive to see,that Country,with it's annexations & peaceful absorbtions,had become very large. Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ showed the Germans and,gave them time to remove Paganism from Govt/Military,what could've been had they been raised the Cross of St George & declaring Holy War against the Satanic powers who wanted to obliterate & genocide the Catholic shell left over from 1918,in Europa.
      Leon Degrelle,one of my few heroes,along w Bishops Thuc/Lefebvre and St Bonaventure,stated as a traditional Catholic,Germany was the only side he could join,not even a question.In 1941 Europe,he was correct.However,our Blessed Lord detests sorcery,even something seemingly irrelevant as symbology (the Swastika)NSDAP tried to eliminate Hitler several times but,mysteriously,he was never harmed,not even visible injuries.Sorry to ramble,no one will read this but,food for thought.NSDAP had many many Catholics,Eastern Orthodox,25%-75% Jewish soldiers and of course full blooded Jew Albert Speer,3rd in command of NSDAP govt.
      Our Israelite ancestors(first phase of Catholicism & O.T. prophets are canonized Saints)were cursed like the West is now,say 1789-2023,for Sorcery.
      No one ever brings this point to light

      God bless,

  14. Your theology is good, but you are so main stream on secular views. You rarely deviate from the official narrative. The one shoved down our throats daily.

    You probably think that people like Ursula Haverbeck got what she deserved.

    1. @anon6:49
      I have the positions I do because I believe them true based on the evidence. Not everything "mainstream" is necessarily evil/false, and not everything outside the mainstream is good/true. In the 1950s I would have belonged to the local Catholic parish. Very mainstream.

      As to my secular views, some people call me a dangerous reactionary, while others see me as "liberal." I do believe: the Moon landing really happened, the Earth is round and not the center of the universe, and Hitler was evil. I do NOT believe: the Alzheimer's patient in the White House won the 2020 election, and the COVID jab/masks are needed(they are outright dangerous).

      As to Ursula Haverbeck, I don't believe in a non-Catholic country speech should be censured. "Holocaust denial" should NEVER be a crime. I think she is wrong, but it is also wrong to place her in jail or even fine her. As odious as I find the views of the HAs here, they have the right to express them and I publish them. (I will only refuse to publish that which is blasphemous or uses obscene language, as I am the owner of this blog, and can place restrictions unlike the government).

      There is a famous Supreme Court ruling wherein it was said, "The antidote to free speech to which someone objects is more free speech, not enforced silence."

      God Bless,


    2. You call us crazy. A stain on traditional catholicism. I know many, myself included, that came to traditional catholicism not for the reason you state, but because we see conspiracy everywhere, the church included. Why would you push us away from the reason we came to this conclusion?
      We found the faith based on the lies of the mainstream.
      You should be happy we became catholic. Hitler or not. Btw, i didn't learn of revisionism until after i was sede.

    3. If your main motive for becoming a Traditionalist was an inclination to see a conspiracy everywhere, you should begin to study the One True Faith which Christ intended to become mainstream (and which was indeed mainstream for centuries) lest you be deceived by some anti-system smooth talker. Learn true Catholicism and dump Alex Jones!

      I second Introibo's comment above about Catholicism and being mainstream. We should strive to make Catholicism mainstream again - that has always been the goal of the Church - to win in souls for Christ and spread His Kingdom around the world, ultimately making it mainstream.

    4. @anon11:35
      Couldn't have said it any better!

      God Bless,


    5. Those are all still very mainstream opinions. Just GOP, Fox News talking point.

      What physical evidence do you have that 6 million Jews were exterminated by gas chambers? What evidence do you have, besides hearsay, that Catholics were ordered to be murdered for being catholic. Not just that they were in camps because the allies bombed the train lines and food could not be sent to feed people.

      Further, when someone is condemned to death, there usually is an order by a judge or someone in writing. Where are these orders?

    6. Introibo, in your reply at 4:09 p.m., you wrote "HA" which I think you've used to refer to Home Aloners. Here, though, I think you meant "NA" as in Nazi Apologists...big difference between the two! :-)

    7. @anon6:22
      You are correct! It should read "NA" and not "HA." Unless of course, there is a subset of Home Aloners who are apologists for Hitler!! HANAs?? LOL!

      God Bless,


    8. @anon5:02
      Much like atheists, HAs will never accept anything as evidence. For example, atheists will deny the evidence of the fine tuning of the universe as evidence for the existence of God, as "no evidence" because everything APPEARS designed due to stochastic natural selection.

      In like manner NAs will see every source as "falsified" or unreliable based on the World Wide Jewish Conspiracy. The opinion of ten sources will be trumped by one source that supports them. Like Feeneyites, they will make up the most outlandish claims to justify their position. Feeneyites want us to believe that Pope St. Pius X never even read or approved the Catechism that bears his name containing clear teaching on Baptism of Desire.

      Above I have Hitler's own words regarding his disdain for Christianity, and admiration for the satanic sect of Mohammed. There is evidence of his deep involvement with the occult, I provided. Yet, NAs will just dig their heels in deeper and claim their ersatz hero was really a good guy.

      Here is but one source of Catholic persecution by the Nazis:

      When dealing with a dictator, he can simply give a verbal authorization to commit murder. There is no legal requirement for a document, since he IS THE LAW. Where is the authorization for the mass murder of Germans signed by Eisenhower, or Truman? Yet, NAs have no problem accepting THAT account.

      God Bless,


    9. Anon 5:02,

      no evidence? There were Auschwitz prisoners who managed to escape and inform the Allies of what was going on in there (Rudolf Vrba, Alfred Wetzler, Arnost Rosin, Czeslaw Mordowicz, Jerzy Tabeau). One of them volunteered (sic!) to be sent to the Auschwitz death camp to be able to get an eye-witness account, organize the resistance among the prisoners, and escape with the vital information to the Allies - his name was Witold Pilecki.
      The Vrba-Wetzler Report, the Rosin-Mordowicz Report, The Polish Major's Report, and the Witold's report (or the Pilecki's Report) are all available online.

      The Auschwitz Protocols (originally published as "The Extermination Camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau"):

      Witold's report from Auschwitz (in English):

  15. To all of you Hitler apologists out there:

    instead of whitewashing Nazi war crimes while comfortably seated in your cozy homes, have the courage to find a concentration camp survivor and tell them right to their face that their gruesome memories are the effect of stereotypical thinking on their part, induced by the false "mainstream" narrative.

    How would you like your legs cut open only to have the wounds repeatedly infected with bacteria, dirt, and pieces of glass by German "medical doctors"? That was the fate of female prisoners at KL Ravensbruck (north of Berlin), used for atrocious "medical" experiments - the results were meant to be of help in the treatment of the German soldiers on the front.

    Wait, don't tell me - the Juuz sure have've photoshopped that photo above.


    Great job, Introibo (as always)!

    God Bless You,
    Joanna S.

    1. Joanna S.

      Being that you are from Poland, did you have any past relatives in the concentration camps or who experienced torture?

      I almost wonder if a lot of these Nazi sympathizers are grand-kids or great grand-kids of Nazis. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the son of a Nazi (Gustav Schwarzenegger) a couple years ago told people who didn't want to wear masks "screw your freedom." That is the Nazi way; control freaks. I mean who in their right mind can Naz-see anything wrong with people like Joseph Mengele? It blows my mind.


    2. Lee,

      under German occupation, my great-grandmother was jailed for having butchered her OWN cow to feed her children. I wish I knew more of my family's history but with my father gone, and all of my grandparents too it's hard. I'll ask my mom though.
      Given the fact that Hitler came into power through democratic elections with enormous endorsement from the public and that Germans would join Nazi organizations in pre-war Germany in droves, I guess most of them had a relative involved in WW2 atrocities.

      Schwarzenegger is a doofus!

      These young Nazi apologists probably don't realize that they are the perfect prey for the Antichrist - an anti-mainstream, charismatic secular savior who's going to tell them "you've been wronged, you deserve better, now's the time to demolish the old system!". Hitler did the same to the morally and economically bankrupt post-WW1 Germany. They got their "savior" and the rest of the world got a threshold of hell on earth.

      God Bless You,
      Joanna S.

    3. It's an aberration that people who call themselves traditionalist Catholics support a Church-persecuting antichrist like Hitler. People who do evil have a certain attraction, but it's a trap. A traditional Catholic should imitate the saints, not Satan's minions.

    4. Poles will always bring up their invented victimhood in WW2 without ever mentioning their large role in antagonizing Germany and persecuting ethnic Germans living on German lands that had been handed over to the newly created Poland after WWI.

    5. The ethnic German,/POLES at the time were happy german invaded to liberate them from the Polish persecutions. Similar to what russia is doing now to the Donbass. Does wikepedia say that?
      How about the Polish nuns happy to see Germany coming in?

    6. @anon1:04
      "Invented victimhood." Yeah. The only thing invented is the "alternate history" line from Nut-zies like yourself. Sadly, all this attempted sanitization of demagoguery, is the fact the Nut-zies have a near pathological hatred of Jews. Hitler hated them as well (but never hurt them according to Nut-zi fairytales. The "World Wide Jewish Conspiracy" (WWJC--not to be confused with WWJD) is a wild-eyed fantasy. Yes, the Jews are guilty of Deicide. Yes, there are evil Jews. This WWJC goes far beyond that, where people "tainted" with being 1/16 Jewish become "evil" and are part of the conspiracy.

      Fr. Denis Fahey in "The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism" describes "the Naturalism of the Jewish Nation" and the "age-long struggle of the Jewish Nation against the supernatural life of the Mystical Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ" (p. 42). He goes on to explain that "We must distinguish accurately between opposition to the domination of Jewish Naturalism in society and hostility to the Jews as a race," which latter form of opposition "is what is designated by the term Antisemitism, and has been more than once condemned by the Church. The former opposition is incumbent on every Catholic and on every true lover of his native land" (ibid. p. 43).

      Nut-zies refuse to make that distinction and re-write history in the process.

      Joanna used an encyclopedia not Wikipedia.


    7. Joanna,
      Thank you for your always lucid remarks! Especially relevant as you come from a country ravaged by Hitler and then the Soviets. Both totalitarian and evil regimes.

      God Bless,


    8. Simon,
      Hitler was indeed a forerunner (along with all the other demagogues) of the Antichrist to come.

      God Bless,


    9. Anon 1:04

      Germany (Prussia) partitioned Polish territory thrice (in 1772, 1793, and 1795) and established the policy of Germanization on the lands they seized (eradicating the Polish language from the public sphere, bringing German settlers into ethnically Polish land, establishing German mode of education, etc.).
      In the aftermath of World War I Poland regained what had been stolen from her more than a century before plus a recompense in land for over a century of Prussian/German exploitation.
      So much for your alleged "persecution" of ethnic Germans.

    10. Germany sealed it's fate by invading Russia,against the advice of NSDAP top brass,literally all of them. Had they simply cut off Russia from Europe,pulled out of France Holland & Norway,given those troops time to train new ex-USSR recruits in the Baltic States & Ukraine,the War in Europa would've turned out much differently. Also,General Rommel told him several times to head straight for Georgian Caucasus,as that region was Oil,natural gas,and iron ore rich. Stalingrad was pointless unGodly suffering,death,and cruelty the World hadn't seen before.
      God bless,


  16. Introibo,

    Thanks for your ongoing efforts. Interesting about the swastika – I had heard a number of times that it had benevolent Christian origins before he took over the symbol.

    I remember learning in school how Fascism and Communism were opposites. Just like what I was fed about the Vatican II church, how incorrect that turned out to be.

    In this time of great apostasy, let us finish out these days of September with continued focus on the Seven Sorrows of Mary, in preparation for October.

    God Bless,
    -Seeking Truth

    1. Seeking Truth,
      The Seven Sorrows of Mary is a much needed devotion in these perilous time! You make a great point; just as the True Church and the V2 sect are claimed to be the same when they are polar opposites, Nazis and Communists are totalitarian twins, NOT opposites!

      God Bless,


  17. S.T.,
    You made a good observation!

    I recall Bishop Sanborn saying something similar when he said, in a talk, that "Red" v. "Blue" is just about meaningless when they both have as their end the world and it's goods.
    He said "the left [in its extreme: communism] and the right [in its extreme: fascism] will go out the front door separately and in opposite directions, but meet in the back, out of sight!"

    Anon at 1:04 - I would think Joanna knows whereof she speaks, having relatives from the place and time in question. I wouldn't be too quick to accuse people I don't know, much less a whole people, of making up stories to gain sympathy.
    My husband's grandparents left Poland after WW1 to come to the U.S. because economically and politically, it was undergoing yet another wave of destabilization inflicted from without. The far left and far right were both complicit.

    God bless.


    1. Jannie,
      Thank you for commenting and especially for relating the story about your husband's grandparents.

      God Bless,


  18. On the second world war I believe the allies did many atrocities, like Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki being prime examples; but jumping immediately into the conclusion that Nazional Socialism is good because of this atrocities is not the way. It is a false dilemma that does not allow you to see the serious defects of both parties.

    Hitler did some good things like getting rid of the banks, but at the price of converting his nation to a pathetic racist religion.

    The allies did good when getting rid of this party, but then they did nothing to stop the soviet union. Is like saving someone from Ted Bundy just to give them over to John Wayne Gacy. Let us not forget that they thought smashing atomic bombs on Japan's most catholic city was necessary but not ending he salinist rape empire.

    As for the conspiracy theories, I do believe the Editor should give them a chance. Some of them are very stupid, but others are more reasonable. It is not crucial for salvation to believe in conspiracy theories but some of them have very serious implications and so they should be scrutinized to see if they are truth or false.

    After all, not everyone believes in big monkeys running amok in the forest or Hitler being carried by valkyries to Valhalla or laser rays from UFO's seeking to kidnap Leonard Feeney and send him to an evil alternate dimension full of reptilian jews.

    I hope this doesn't anger anyone unjustly.

    1. Poni,
      You make many salient points! You are certainly correct that the Allies were far from saints. You did not unjustly anger anyone with a sense of humor--your last paragraph made me laugh out loud!

      God Bless,


    2. Poni,

      "Anger anyone"?
      Not me! You stated very clearly, politely, and with good humor, your common sense opinions.

      God bless.


  19. The real traditionalist position I think is that elucidated by Denis Fahey, who was contemporary with Nazi movement- and saw his movement for what it was at the time. The fact is, Hitler's enemies were in some respects our enemies so the possibility of being deceived existed- and exists. You ignoring this does not help- as it is not true, you take Hitler as his ememy's painted him, that is, unfairly and falsely. That does not mean we should take him as his friends saw him. His movement was not founded upon Christ- ergo it was false, wrong and would ultimately promote antichrist. And how right he (fahey) was!

  20. Regarding Hitler "apologists"- the answer isn't far to seek i think. It is the problem of communism, taken broadly as the left's unrelenting attack on every single one of our institutions, which is arguably still with us. Fascism WAS an attempt to combat communism's assault (admittedly, i i say elsewhere, a misguided one)-something that was a very, very real threat in Italy in the 20s and 30s. It was thought that fire must be fought with fire- were they actually wrong on this point? I don't really know, but it seems defensible position, given the state of Russia. Hitler explicitly emulated Mussolini. I think it is an indisputable fact that these two were the most popular leaders of the 20th century. We are told the italians and germans were simply "mad". Well, i think not. Certainly they were wrong in many ways. But it is very hard to imagine that, had they succeeded and written their own history books, Introibo would not have had a more nuanced view and a much harsher view of the "allies". We should not be swayed one way or the other.

  21. I'm neither pro or anti Hitler. I'd like to know the truth about WW2, the history books are full of lies. I think Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt were evil and caused the death of millions of civilians and soldiers. The 'holocaust' is a Jewish lie, one of many Jewish lies to the 'goyim'. You have lost all credibility by supporting this lie. I suspect you are married to a Jew, have you ever read their Talmud, their book of hatred against non-jews?

    1. Yes he has read the Talmud.

    2. Is this the best you have? A personal attack? This is why no one listens to you.

    3. @anon4:59
      I've been accused in the past of being a "secret Jew" because (1) I'm a lawyer, (2) I live in NYC, and (3) I don't like Hitler. Now, it's my wife who's allegedly Jewish. (She is not). I have read the Talmud and keep it in my library under "Know Thy Enemy."

      I hope everyone sees how this "World Wide Jewish Conspiracy" (WWJC) paranoia works. If someone is married to a Jewish person, or even has a Jewish relative (no matter how distant), you are instantly "tainted" by them and all you do and write is evil in furtherance of the WWJC.

      Not every Jew is actively working against the Catholic Church and bad-willed. The cases of Fr. Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne and his brother Fr. Theodore Ratisbonne immediately come to mind.


    4. And twin brothers Augustin and Joseph Lehmann, baptized the same day and ordained priests the same day.

    5. Yes, but the Lehmans were causing problems soon enough thereafter. Jews ALWAYS cause problems, even when they "convert". That's why there was an Inquisition.

    6. @anon5:39
      "Jews always cause problems." And you put "convert" in quotes. So in your whacky, theologically false world, ALL JEWS are bad-willed, and none of them can authentically convert to the One True Church to be saved. The Great Commission doesn't apply to them. God's salvific Will doesn't include them.

      I never thought I'd type this, but you actually make Fred and Bobby Dimond look competent compared to you.


    7. I agree they should not become priests.

    8. @anon5:52
      I guess ordaining Fr. Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne was a mistake! Pope Gregory XVI blessed his missionary work (probably a "secret Jew").


    9. Well, in that case it would be like the neurotic... you only ordain the ones virtuous enough to stand the priesthood. And so with the jews, you ordain those like Ratisbonne.

  22. It is also i think true that the author of Mussolini and Hitler was the first world war. This was the original disaster. I cannot help thinking that the mythologizing of WW2 is a sort of cover story for WW1.
    Does anybody know what that mass slaughter was about?
    as infact the second proceeded from that one.
    So I do think ww2 is still doing a lot of [propaganda] work- and cannot be looked at impartially for this reason.
    As the ruling elites should have been brought down after ww1 absolutely- sending millions to death for nothing. but did they get their come-uppence?

  23. Introibo,

    How solid are the sources for this information re. proclivities of Hitler? Because i suppose he is just about the most "slanderable" person in world history right about now. I mean no one will defend him- and his name remains very marketeable (ie their are incentives for jazzing up, getting some new angle etc). That is not to say it is not true i just wonder.
    The thing about suiciding girlfriends is certainly interesting- but then the explanation seems insufficient as such vice doesn't tend to lead to suicide with such frequency.

    You have written (compellingly in my view) about the accusations against cardinal Spellman. Where had these rumours come from? Where did Randy Engel get them from? [i would like you to write more about this btw]. But it shows you you should perhaps treat these accusations with care. We are prone to believe things against our enemies and reluctant when they are thrown against our friends.
    And as i say, Hitler is obviously extremely vulnerable to any and all sorts of calumny that can be offered without fear of contradiction.

    1. @anon1:50
      Two very strong sources I cite are "Hitler's Monsters" by Eric Kurlander and "The Hidden Hitler" by Lothar Machtan. The former shows his occultism, and the latter his sexual deviancy.

      The rumors against Card. Spellman came from his many enemies. He was politically conservative and religiously anti-Modernist. He was thought to be an American longshot for the papacy. Modernists and political liberals did a good hatchet job. Even when he compromised with evil at the Council, they wouldn't relent (never make a deal with the devil, he still hates you). I know it to be false from the personal testimony from Fr. DePauw who was his personal friend and was a priest of NYC from 1949-1953.

      Your point on Hitler being vulnerable to slander is well-taken, but the evidence is there to support what I wrote.

      God Bless,


    2. thankyou for reply. Have you written about this in past (at length i mean, i have seen you mention it once or twice)? it would be worthwhile as you have original information too. What is your opinion then of Fulton Sheen, with whom he was apparently on such bad terms? He (Sheen), it seems to me, is very effeminate..(apologies if this is itself rather rash judgement, but someone mentioned to this me and i thought it quite true..)

    3. @anon5:40
      Other than the small portion I've written about Card. Spellman, I will not say more, as those were sources Fr. DePauw did not want made public, and I will respect and abide by that.

      As to the Modernist snake, Abp. Fulton Sheen, please see my post:

      God Bless,


    4. Archbishop Sheen asserted that before the end of the world, Satan would set up a false church that would imitate the True Church. He probably believed this would happen in the distant future, but it happened in his lifetime and he (and Archbishop Lefebvre and the R&R movement) didn't understand it. That's why we saw him embrace Montini and Wojtyla and adopt the heresies of Vatican 2. This shows what a diabolical deception the Robber Council and the New Church are.

    5. What's utterly bizarre is Archbishop Sheen fell head long into the Novus Ordo Apostasy. Some say he was beginning to awaken last 2 yrs of his life but,it is was a curious fate for him to live. He was full fledged warning the World about an imminent Apostasy,then became an apostate himself. It's my opinion our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ will have choice words & punishment I'm purgatory or Hell for valid trad-rite Bishops who didn't pass along valid Roman Rite Holy Orders,Extreme Unction,and Baptism
      God bless,


  24. Some say Hitler had a false apparition of the BVM in WW1 (will track down source) like poor Sr. Faustina of today on the V2 calendar had of our Lord.

    'She' reportedly told him he had a mission to save Europe by extermination.

    I have this theory that when the Church didn't back him but many opposed him, he started taking it out on clerics in Dachau in revenge.

    True apparitions never put you in opposition to legitimate hierarchy.

    1. Mary's Vagabond,
      Interesting. I never heard of Hitler alleging any apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He may indeed have taken out his anger on clerics.

      God Bless,


  25. By 1941 the Third Reich had:

    1) Crushed and outlawed Marxism in continental Europe.

    2) Outlawed Freemasonry in continental Europe.

    3) Arrested most known Homosexuals.

    4) Given multiple ethnic groups their own state.

    5) Liberalised Gun Laws.

    6) Implemented Ethical Hunting and Animal Cruelty Legislation w/ significant punishments.

    7) Implemented multiple different incentives for having large white families including free home help.

    8) Given thousands of poor workers cheap holidays.

    9) Offered significant incentives and benefits for farmers and farming communities including free labour.

    10) Got all the homeless and poor off the streets.

    11) Removed all differences in social class in the labour market and done away with white collar snobbery.

    12) Made Bestiality a crime and subject to significant punishment.

    13) Arrested and detained most of the corrupt politicians in continental Europe.

    14) Nationalised all Rothschild assets in continental Europe.

    15) Helped/armed the Spanish people in their overthrow of Communism

    16) Cleansed most universities in continental Europe of subversives, degenerates and non-Europeans giving young Europeans their jobs.

    17) Begun and funded massive projects recording folk customs and traditions. Including the first comprehensive index of witch trials.

    18) Rebuilt an economy putting Germans and Europeans first as well as stressing autarky.

    19) Heavily promoted good family habits like a weekly family leftovers meal.

    20) Restored Freedom of Religion to former Communist countries.

    If Hitler was the sexual deviant, why did he put an end to all of this well documented x thread.

    1. @anon6:48
      OK, the first problem is your source a "well documented X thread." I have never cited X threads--and for good reason. It's even more pathetic than wikipedia. Let's look at some GLARING ERRORS:

      1. Crushed and outlawed Marxism in continental Europe.
      Reply: Nazis are SOCIALISTS--it's in their very name. They don't want competition. It had nothing to do with good vs. evil, but evil vs. evil

      2. Outlawed Freemasonry in continental Europe.
      Reply: See my answer to #1

      3. Arrested most known Homosexuals.
      Reply: "The Pink Swastika" shows that only the feminine sodomites were arrested and put in concentration camps. Most of the high-ranking Nazis were sodomites were butch and violent, without morals. Perfect for war. The feminine sodomites were not fighters nor would they reproduce so they were useless.

      4. Given multiple ethnic groups their own state
      It's called "segregation" based on notions of racial superiority.

      5. Liberalised Gun Laws
      Reply: A lie. See the well documented "Gun Control in the Third Reich" by Second Amendment historian Stephen Halbrook, JD, PhD.

      6. Implemented Ethical Hunting and Animal Cruelty Legislation w/ significant punishments
      Reply: Yet abortion was legal. Sounds like Democrats in the US

      7. Implemented multiple different incentives for having large white families including free home help
      Reply: Based on racism.

      8. Given thousands of poor workers cheap holidays
      Reply: The only difference between Nazis and Commies is that Nazis have you own property ON PAPER, but they control what you can do with it and what prices business can charge. They did that through the power of the State over industry--no different from "beneficent" Joe Stalin.

      9. Offered significant incentives and benefits for farmers and farming communities including free labour.
      Reply: See my answer to number 8 above.

      10. Got all the homeless and poor off the streets
      Reply: Yes! By placing them in concentration camps, mental institutions, or using them for medical experimentation.

      11. Removed all differences in social class in the labour market and done away with white collar snobbery.
      Reply: Yep. In German it was "Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen" See if it reminds you of a guy named "Karl..something.

      12. Made Bestiality a crime and subject to significant punishment.
      Reply: Was it that rampant prior to Hitler? Maybe the pervert wanted the best animals for himself!

      13. Arrested and detained most of the corrupt politicians in continental Europe
      Reply: Not including himself of course!

      14. Nationalised all Rothschild assets in continental Europe
      Reply: Socialists nationalize everything.

      15. Helped/armed the Spanish people in their overthrow of Communism
      Reply: Because Hitler thought Franco would join him in the war. To his credit, Franco told Hitler to get lost.

      16. Cleansed most universities in continental Europe of subversives, degenerates and non-Europeans giving young Europeans their jobs
      Reply: National Socialism isn't subversive?

      17. Begun and funded massive projects recording folk customs and traditions. Including the first comprehensive index of witch trials.
      Reply: Comprehensive index of witch trials! I've been looking for that for decades! Thank goodness for the Nazis!!

      18. Rebuilt an economy putting Germans and Europeans first as well as stressing autarky.
      Reply: Going to war will always make the economy better.

      19. Heavily promoted good family habits like a weekly family leftovers meal.
      Reply: I'm sure there were lots of leftovers after all the mass murders. Dead people don't eat much.

      20. Restored Freedom of Religion to former Communist countries
      Reply: As long as the religion didn't interfere with the State. Hitler's long-term goal was to crush the Catholic Church.

      I hope this answers your query. Hitler was both a sexual deviant and occultist mass murderer. That's why those things DID NOT take place as stated.

      God Bless,

