Monday, September 23, 2024

Destroying Children Body And Soul: "Gay Adoption"


As I've stated many times in my writings here, I believe that the two greatest threats we face in the time of the Great Apostasy, ushered in by Vatican II, are the occult and sodomite "rights." (By "sodomite" I wish to indicate the sin of Sodom--which is homosexuality. Additionally, due to the pagan times in which we live, I'm using it to designate not only all forms of sexual perversion but the mental illness of being "transgender"---Introibo).The homosexuals' continued acceptance and normalization in society requires recruitment of the young, now more than ever, as they continue to reshape what's left of "Christian civilization." 

Since sodomites cannot reproduce normally ("breeders" is the pejorative term they use for heterosexuals), they need to indoctrinate children directly or indirectly into either acceptance or joining in their sin. They do this primarily through "gay adoption."  To ignore the gender component of marriage is to violate God's design of marriage. While it is true the Church has always allowed those who are sterile (through no fault of their own) and the elderly to marry, the fact they cannot procreate does not change the gender component of what a marriage must be like. They still reflect God's design and some can adopt children providing them a father and mother; something sodomites cannot do. 

"Alternative families" is the made-up term for perverts making a mockery of God's design for humanity. When children grow up thinking having two women or two men as parents is "normal," they will embrace the sodomite lifestyle as something good. The brainwashing began in the late 1980s. Heather Has Two Mommies, a children's book originally published in 1989, was written by Leslea Newman and tells a story about a young girl who has lesbian "mothers." At Heather's playgroup, her family situation is discussed simply and positively, as are those of other children in normal families. Of course, sodomites can only have children by adopting from an agency, by a sperm donor for sapphists, or by a surrogate for men. Artificial insemination, contrary to both Natural and Divine Positive Law, is looked upon as a "gift." When artificial means are used, at least one person in the relationship is not biologically connected, but an "adoptive parent."

To be clear, artificial insemination is the evil and opposite practice of artificial contraception. God ordained that procreation should take place through natural intercourse in a valid marriage. Artificial contraception removes procreation from the sex act, and artificial insemination removes the act of sex from procreation. This idea must be seen as "good" if sodomites are to gain control of society. Next came Daddy's Roommate is another children's book written by Michael Willhoite and published in 1990, tells the tale of a young boy whose divorced father now lives with his sodomite lover. When the boy asks his mother about his father and his "roommate," the mother explains that they are "gay" and it's just "another wonderful form of love." 

It's apparent that children are being brainwashed into accepting unnatural vice, ungodly "families," and the asinine "LGBTQIA+" slogan that "love is love." That idiotic slogan is manifestly false and sick. I love my wife, I loved my parents, I love my best friend, and I love God. The love I have for each is both felt and expressed very differently. If you apply romantic love to your parents, it's not "love is love," it's called "incest" and is morally wrong and mentally sick. Applied to animals, romantic love is beastiality. Applied to children it's pedophilia (which the clergy of the Vatican II sect know all too well--both those in and out of jail). Applied to persons of the same sex, it's homosexuality; which is just as morally depraved, unnatural, sinful, and sick as the other perversions. 

A few months back, a new potential client came in to my law firm. He brought his ten year-old son with him. A polite, nice young boy, he seemed rather effeminate in his speech and mannerisms, not at all like his father. The boy went outside my office for some refreshments by the office help, while I interviewed the father. As I opened the door, walking out with the man at the end of our conversation, the boy ran to hug him. "Let's go home, daddy!" I asked him, "Do you want to be an engineer, like your dad, when you grow up?" He responded, "My dad is an architect; my daddy is an engineer!"  The man turned to me and said, "He calls me "daddy" and my husband "dad." I nodded my head, and said I had to go. I went straight to the managing partner and told him to give my case to someone else, which he did. It was the first time I had personally met a child being raised by sodomites, and my heart went out to that poor kid. 

The damage being done to children and society as a whole is inestimable. The time has come to speak out against "gay adoption" in all its evil forms. Write your legislators about a Constitutional amendment to ban it. God will not ask if we succeeded, only if we sincerely tried. 

There are several major talking points; "gay adoption" is to be rejected because :
  • same-sex parents have inherently worse relationships than normal parents 
  • pedophilia significantly increases
  • they have problems that make them unfit per se
Each will be examined in turn. 

The Unstable Relationships of Unstable People
Homosexuality is a mental disorder. The sodomites claimed a great victory when they prevailed upon the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the DSM-II -- its listing of psychological disorders. However, here are the facts regarding homosexual "relationships/marriages." They are both short-lived and full of promiscuity. Even in 2003, studies showed this to be the case:

A recent study on homosexual relationships finds they last 1-1/2 years on average — even as homosexual groups are pushing nationwide to legalize same-sex “marriages.”

The study of young Dutch homosexual men by Dr. Maria Xiridou of the Amsterdam Municipal Health Service, published in May in the journal AIDS, mirrors findings of past research.Among heterosexuals, by contrast, 67 percent of first marriages in the United States last at least 10 years, and researchers report that more than three-quarters of married people say they have been faithful to their vows.

Same-sex “marriage” has gained new attention since a Supreme Court decision last month struck down state laws against homosexual behavior. Conservative activists say they expect the state Supreme Court in Massachusetts to rule this weekend on whether to recognize homosexual “marriages.”

The Dutch study — which focused on transmission of HIV — found that men in homosexual relationships on average have eight partners a year outside those relationships.

Earlier studies also indicated that homosexual men are not monogamous, even when they are involved in long-term relationships. In “The Male Couple,” published in 1984, authors David P. McWhirter and Andrew M. Mattison report that in a study of 156 males in homosexual relationships lasting anywhere from one to 37 years, all couples with relationships more than five years had incorporated some provision for outside sexual activity.

“Fidelity is not defined in terms of sexual behavior but rather by their emotional commitment to each other,” the authors said. “Ninety-five percent of the couples have an arrangement whereby the partners may have sexual activity with others.”

Such findings show how recognition of same-sex unions would “erode the ideal” of traditional marriage, Pete LaBarbara, senior policy analyst at Concerned Women for America’s Culture and Family Institute.

“They’re redefining what it means to be monogamous,” Mr. LaBarbara said. “It’s just preposterous to claim that these relationships even approximate normal, steady relationships.”

More alarming facts:
  • 28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners:  "Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308." 
  • 79% of homosexual men say over half of sex partners are strangers: "The survey showed 79% of the respondents saying that over half of their sexual partners were strangers. Seventy percent said that over half of their sexual partners were people with whom they had sex only once. Bell and Weinberg pp.308-309."  
  • Modal range for homosexual sex partners 101-500: "In their study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven et al. found that "the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101–500." In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than 1000 lifetime sexual partners. Paul Van de Ven et al., "A Comparative Demographic and Sexual Profile of Older Homosexually Active Men," Journal of Sex Research 34 (1997): 354."  

Does anyone with any sense of decency want a child living with such a "couple"? 

Homosexuality and Pedophilia
  • Over 90% of child molesters are male
  • 25-40% of molestations are same-sex, far in excess of the percentage of homosexuals
  • 43% of sex between teachers and pupils is homosexual
  • 50% of sex between foster parents and foster children is homosexual
  • In a study of 21 "group home" sex scandals — 71% were homosexual
  • Of those who commit incest: Homosexual parents — 18%; Heterosexual parents — 0.6%
(See Freund K, Watson RJ (1992) "The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study." Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 18:34-43). 

In the U.S. and Canada, the North American Man-Boy Love Association marches proudly in many "gay pride parades" with the stated goal of removing the barriers to man-boy sex. Note the phrases they use are removal of “oppression towards pedophilia” and gaining the “liberation of pedophilia.” It is clear that those who advocate the legalization of sex between adults and children intend to argue that such conduct is a “civil right,” deserving of the same legal protections afforded to racial and ethnic minorities. The Vatican II sect is complicit in this goal, and covers up the obvious connection between homosexuality and molestation.

Even as I write this post, "transgenders" are breaking down the last rationale society holds for rejecting pedophilia, i.e., the child cannot consent. However, children who think they are members of the opposite sex are now being allowed by parents to dress, act, and even mutilate themselves with drugs and surgery to become "who they really are" because it's allegedly "in their best interests." So who needs consent? We make children eat healthy food and get vaccinated without consent, so if my child feels attracted to a man at 7 or 8 years old, it might be in his "best interest" to have a sexual relationship with that man; even if the man is "dad" or "daddy" in a sodomite relationship. 
God help us. 

Homosexuality and Mental/Physical Problems
Sodomites have a multitude of mental and physically problems that are disproportionately higher than any other group. 

Even the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) has noted these problems. For example, among men who identify as homosexual:

  • Problems with body image are more common among gay men, and gay men are much more likely to experience an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa.

  • Gay men use substances at a higher rate than the general population, and not just in larger cities. These include a number of substances ranging from amyl nitrate ("poppers"), to marijuana, Ecstasy, and amphetamines.

  • Depression and anxiety appear to affect gay men at a higher rate than in the general population. . . Adolescents and young adults may be at particularly high risk of suicide . . .

  • Gay men use tobacco at much higher rates than straight men, reaching nearly 50 percent in several studies.
(See Robert J. Winn, “Ten Things Gay Men Should discuss with Their Healthcare Provider,” GLMA, May 2012). 

The federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has reported the following distressing facts concerning women who identify themselves as practicing lesbians:
  • Among adults, a study that examined the risk of psychiatric disorders among individuals with same-sex partners found that, during the previous 12 months, women with same-sex partners experienced more mental health disorders—such as major depression, phobia, and post-traumatic stress disorder—than did women with opposite sex partners
  • Another study “found that lesbian and bisexual women who were ‘out’ experienced more emotional stress as teenagers and were 2 to 2.5 times more likely to experience suicidal ideation in the past 12 months than heterosexual women. Meanwhile, lesbian and bisexual women who were not ‘out’ were more likely to have attempted suicide than heterosexual women.”
  • “Studies have found that lesbians are between 1.5 and 2 times more likely to smoke than heterosexual women.”
  • “A number of studies have also suggested that lesbians are significantly more likely to drink heavily than heterosexual women.”
(See Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Top Health Issues for LGBT Populations Information & Resource Kit. HHS Publication No. (SMA) 12-4684. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2012, C1-2). 

Homosexuality and the Mortality Rate:
A study was conducted in Vancouver British Columbia and published in 1997 in the International Journal of Epidemiology (Vol. 26, 657-61:

 Pro-sodomite researchers actually tried to debunk the assertion that homosexuality is infested with disease and shortens the life expectancy of both male sodomites and lesbians. Despite their attempts to downplay the practical consequences of their research, it is difficult to ignore that the study concluded with the statement that "under even the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban center [Vancouver, BC] are now experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by all men in Canada in the year 1871." Much to their chagrin, the study revealed "life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men." 

In addition to all these problems, what sodomites do in private is so contrary to nature, there can be no doubt they are seriously mentally disturbed and should never be left alone with children. 

Warning! The following section contains graphic descriptions of perverted behavior, and may be found too disturbing for some to read. Reader discretion is strongly advised. 

Homosexual Practices:
  • Anal sex (sodomy properly so-called) is practiced by 80% of homosexuals. Tearing or bruising of the anal wall is common, and opens the body to reception of germs through the rectum.  According to J.R. Daling, et. al, "Correlates of Homosexual Behavior and the Incidence of Anal Cancer," Journal of the American Medical Association 247, no. 14 (April 9, 1982) the risk of anal cancer soars by 4000% among those who engage in anal intercourse. Anal sex also raises the risk of rectal prolapse, perforation that can go septic, chlamydia, cryptosporidiosis, genital herpes, gonorrhea, viral hepatitis B and C, as well as syphilis
  • Rimming is the practice of licking and stimulating the anus of another. The amount of fecal matter consumed, and exposure to disease is significant over time 
  • Golden showers is the practice of urinating on the other person. About 20% of sodomites regularly drink and bathe in their partner's urine
  • Fisting is the practice of inserting the hand (and sometimes the arm up to the elbow, or further) into the partner's rectum. Many sodomites have the sphincter muscles so weakened they soil themselves. (See Darling cited above)
  • Scat Sports involves ingesting your partner's feces and/or rubbing it all over the face and body
  • Toys is the term used for inserting objects into the rectum. Most commonly used are gerbils, placed in plastic and inserted in the rectum until the animal suffocates and dies. The thrashing of the poor creature gives the sodomite his perverse pleasure. 
Normal behavior? Not prone to hurt others (or themselves)? Think again. Can you imagine a child walking in on his adoptive parents performing one of these acts? Lord, have mercy. 

Pro-sodomite adoption advocates point to certain studies that seem to justify letting homosexuals be adoptive parents. Cornell University has this published:

Overview: We identified 79 scholarly studies that met our criteria for adding to knowledge about the well-being of children with gay or lesbian parents. Of those studies, 75 concluded that children of gay or lesbian parents fare no worse than other children. While many of the sample sizes were small, and some studies lacked a control group, researchers regard such studies as providing the best available knowledge about child adjustment, and do not view large, representative samples as essential. We identified four studies concluding that children of gay or lesbian parents face added disadvantages. Since all four took their samples from children who endured family break-ups, a cohort known to face added risks, these studies have been criticized by many scholars as unreliable assessments of the well-being of LGB-headed households. Taken together, this research forms an overwhelming scholarly consensus, based on over three decades of peer-reviewed research, that having a gay or lesbian parent does not harm children. (See Emphasis mine).

As one can see, I put this nonsense in the same category as the lies about COVID and the alleged efficacy about COVID vaccines. What genuine researchers/scientists do not consider "...large, representative samples as essential"?  On this basis we are supposed to consider "children of gay or lesbian parents fare no worse than other children"? 

Many governments of the world have condemned human cloning, by comparison, because of, among other things, potentially detrimental emotional and psychological consequences for those who would be cloned. If we can prohibit cloning with no prior studies conducted on clone subjects, based simply on common sense and fear of what might happen, how much more should we refrain from experimenting on our children, for fear of similar consequences? No run of inadequate studies will make up for the lives that would be damaged if we are wrong.

Some people may raise the objection that because the tests are inconclusive, reliable studies need to be conducted as soon as possible. One then can counter by inquiring as to whose children we are to use as guinea pigs. We are dealing with a group in which gross promiscuity, pedophilia, AIDS, suicide, and instability are known factors. The suggestion appears to be one more likely entertained in a barbarous rather than a civilized culture.

When discussing "gays" having children by artificial means or adopting a child outright, it is important to recognize that the highest good, or the child’s best interest, is not necessarily having parents, but having well-being itself. The two do not necessarily amount to the same thing. We would be loathe, for example, to grant a child to a known pedophile simply for the sake of supplying a parent figure. In light of the aforementioned data, we must face the very real possibility that having children growing up in same-sex homes will lead to incalculable harm both to the children and society. 

The governments of the world must ban sodomites from adopting or raising children conceived by unnatural means. It may already be too late, as those who commit the vilest sins against God and nature have begun raising the next generation. Pity those children who will grow up mentally, physically, and spiritually damaged having been turned against God from the beginning of their lives, and will bring down what's left of Christian society even faster.


  1. Some supporters of "gay adoption" argue that Jesus Christ had two fathers. The Son of God is not a human person; He is the second person of the Trinity, born of the Father before all ages. He is not the biological son of St. Joseph.

    We see the terrible consequences of the apostasy: what was once considered evil has become good. Man has driven God out of his life and public institutions, and put himself in His place. And the V2 sect, reconciled with the world, approves of sodomite relations and "gay adoption". This is a time of great moral and spiritual darkness, and the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah is likely to be mild compared to the plagues that await this wicked world ! May God have mercy on us !

  2. This is a much needed article! Thank you!!!

  3. I love your comments Simon. As you know, Saint Joseph was more of a true father to Jesus, than the typical "stepfather" in that our Lord was born into a family with married parents where no other man was involved in His conception. There was not another man who was His biological Father.

    Your point is well taken. It is apples and oranges. Our Lord's earthly parents were a married couple, legitimately, i.e. male and female.

  4. Fathers (good fathers) aré essential to the upbringing of a child. It doesnt matter how nice your lesbian "mums" aré, they can not give you what a good father can
