Monday, September 6, 2021

When Strangers Come Knocking---Part 25


This is the next installment of my series to be published the first Monday of each month.

There are members of false sects, like Jehovah's Witnesses, that come knocking door-to-door hoping to convert you. Instead of ignoring them, it is we who should try and convert them. In 1 Peter 3:16, our first Pope writes, "But in thy hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks thee to give the reason for the hope that thou hast. But do this with gentleness and respect,..." Before the Great Apostasy, the Church would send missionaries to the ends of the Earth to make as many converts as possible. 

Those in false religions don't always come (literally) knocking at your door. It may be a Hindu at work who wants you to try yoga. It could be a "Christian Scientist" who lives next door and invites you to come to their reading room. Each month, I will present a false sect. Unlike the Vatican II sect, I do not see them as a "means of salvation" or possessing "elements of truth" that lead to salvation. That is heresy. They lead to damnation, and the adherents of the various sects must be converted so they may be saved.

In each month's post, I will present one false sect and give an overview of: 

  • The sect's history
  • Their theology
  • Tips on how to share the True Faith with them


One of the most misunderstood, little known, and dangerous sects is that of Anthroposophy. If you've ever heard of Waldorf Schools, the occultist Rudolf Steiner, founder of  Anthroposophy, started the Waldorf education system. Before becoming an attorney, I was a New York City science teacher. I had heard of these private schools in my education courses both as an undergrad, and as a graduate student, but they were glossed over for the most part, just like Montessori Schools. (Dr. Maria Montessori, was an Italian physician who also developed a "child-centered" theory of education. She died in 1952). Although I was taught various educational theories, Waldorf education was presented as a place for rich parents to send their kids for a 1960s "hippie" type of learning experience.

Children at these schools learn at their own pace, and most don't read until they are about 9 years old. They generally have only two or three teachers from first through eighth grade, because the teachers stay with them for about three grades each (in education, this is known as "looping"). The price is hefty, tuition is about $18,000 per year (plus additional charges), and many executives from technology firms send their kids there, in spite of the fact Waldorf schools eschew technology for the most part. To educate a child from first grade through high school would cost approximately $235,000 when all is said and done. There are about 1,100 Waldorf schools in the world and approximately 160 are in the United States. Rudolf Steiner was an occultist, and the goal of his educational method is to train children to become clairvoyants who can make contact with the spirit world.  I know it sounds like an episode of the Twilight Zone, but I haven't lost my mind. To read the rest of what I wrote about Waldorf Schools, please read my post: 

In this post, I will expose the truth about Anthroposophy, and the connection to the Vatican II sect.

Rudolf Steiner and the Founding of Anthroposophy

(I would like to credit The Development of Anthroposophy since Rudolf Steiner’s Death by T.H. Meyer, trans. by Matthew Barton [2014], Autobiography: Chapters in the Course of My Life 1861-1907 by Rudolf Steiner, trans. by Rita Stebbing, [1999 updated edition], and information from the series of books, Foundations of Waldorf Education published by Anthroposophic Press, which was started by Steiner himself, in the formation of this post---Introibo). 

The truth about Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) is much different from the sanitized version of his life I received in graduate school where it was taught he was a "child psychologist and scientist." Steiner considered Anthroposophy as a "spiritual science" which was “a path of knowledge aiming to guide the spiritual element in the human being to the spiritual in the universe.” He was born in Kraljevec, the son of an Austrian railroad engineer. He pursued his undergraduate education at the Vienna Institute of Technology, supplementing his scientific studies with wide reading in philosophy. 

Steiner earned a PhD in philosophy at the University of Rostock in 1891, and was a Freemason. He became interested in the occult at age nine, when he claimed he saw the soul of his aunt appear to him and ask for help. Later, he found out she had just died in village far away when she allegedly appeared. Steiner then grew up to became a follower of the occult belief system of Theosophy. At some point, he joined the Masons. In 1899 Steiner experienced what he described as a life-transforming inner encounter with the "being of Christ." Being a Mason, he hated Christ, but thereafter, his relationship to Christianity remained entirely founded upon this personal experience, and he envisioned it as non-denominational and different from Catholicism, or any other sect which professed Christianity.  He split with other Theosophists circa 1912 after most accepted an Indian child named Krishnamurti as the new “World Teacher” and "reincarnation of Christ."  He ridiculed the idea that a "Hindu lad" (as Steiner called him) could be the new cosmic leader. He took with him the German speaking Theosophists to found his own occult religion which he called Anthroposophy. 1912 is considered the year of its founding.

Anthroposophy is directly cultivated by the 52,000 members of the General Anthroposophical Society, which has national branches in fifty countries. Far more people participate in “initiatives” rooted in Anthroposophy. These include the Waldorf network of schools, the biodynamic movement in agriculture, the form of  corybantic dancing ("spiritual movement") known as eurythmy, the Camphill network of intentional communities, the religious sect known as the Christian Community, and specifically anthroposophical forms of medicine, architecture, banking, speech, and care for disabled people. The reach of Anthroposophy is vast; more than most realize, and it is all based upon occult beliefs--especially contacting the dead and "spiritual entities." These occult-contacted spiritual entities are better known as demons.

He Sees Dead People
What made Steiner so influential? The answer is given by Tore Ahlback in a research article entitled, Rudolf Steiner as a Religious Authority:

Steiner’s alleged ability to see into the hidden was the attribute that primarily separated him from other people. Steiner ‘lived in a vision and he could talk with prophets and saints about their experiences as an equal’ (Steffen 1925c: 114; Rittelmeyer 1925: 38, 41). This visionary ability is given as the explanation to his knowledge of things religious. Steiner could see into the invisible world. He ‘dared construct a theory of knowledge on the angelic realm’. But there was nothing of Swedenborg here, nothing medial. It was a ‘seeing with a clear intellect, but with higher organs’. (Rittelmeyer 1925: 40.) It was important for the Anthroposophists that Steiner should not be perceived as a medium, or a spiritist

Steiner’s clairvoyant ability also explains why his doctrines include ideas found elsewhere, for example, in Gnosticism and NeoPlatonism. He has not borrowed the ideas from others, but they originate in the same source as the contents of Gnosticism or Neo-Platonism. Steiner took his ideas from the Akasha Chronicles, a universal memory which contains all that has happened since the beginning of the world. He could read the Akasha Chronicles and he conveyed more information from these chronicles than any other living person. (Rittelmeyer1925: 37–40.) Steiner is also said to have had the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead, which were present even when he lectured (Rittelmeyer 1925: 40).  (page 4; Emphasis mine).

How does someone "communicate with the dead," and yet not be a spiritist or medium? Steiner's followers deceived others by making him somehow exempt from that charge, and a "special" leader, so as not to put off Catholics (and others) who knew such was wrong. Anthroposophists also lie that Steiner was a scientist and child psychologist. He held no doctorate or advanced degree in any scientific discipline nor did he have such in the field of child psychology. 

Steiner taught that human beings evolve upward as they gain "knowledge of higher worlds" — that is, knowledge of the "spiritual worlds above the ordinary plane of existence." To gain this knowledge firsthand, people must develop clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the alleged supernatural ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact. Preparation for clairvoyance involves such things as heightened imagination and dream consciousness. Therefore, the ultimate goal of Anthroposophy is to evolve via "knowledge of higher worlds" by making contact with the dead and other spirit entities. Steiner had some very strange doctrines  which included:
  • Everything evolves, and there has been "reverse evolution" wherein people became certain animals
  • There are several "bodies:" a physical body composed of the same material elements as minerals, plants, and animals; an etheric or “life” body that is common to plants, animals, and humans; an astral or “soul” body similar to that possessed by animals; and an integrating “I” that is uniquely human
  • Our evolutionary process began not on planet Earth but on a much earlier planet with some spiritual correspondences to Saturn. This planet was reincarnated in phases corresponding to the Sun and the Moon, making our Earth the fourth in what will be an ongoing series of incarnations
  • People have twelve senses but only learn to use five
  • Goblins exist and Buddha now lives on Mars

If anyone thinks Steiner should have been committed to a mental institution, I couldn't disagree. His whacky beliefs are a hodgepodge of Theosophy, Gnosticism, Freemasonry, and astrology. A syncretism of pure poison.  This poison would go on to help usher in the Vatican II sect.

Anthroposophy and Vatican II
There were three people influenced by Steiner's Anthroposophy that would play a key role in bringing about the Great Apostasy. Each would be a big player at Vatican II:

1) Angelo Roncalli (aka "Pope" "St." John XXIII)
Roncalli was censured for teaching the occult theories of Steiner:

Then in 1924, after the death of his beloved bishop [Bp. Tedeschi], he [Roncalli] was called back to Rome and given a minor post in the Association for the Propagation of the Faith. At this time he also became a part time Professor of Patristics at the Lateran University, only to be relieved of his post within months "on suspicion of Modernism" and for "teaching the theories of Rudolf Steiner." (See The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, World Wisdom Press, 2006, pg. 134 & Footnote 17, pg. 154).

2) Karol Wojtyla (aka "Pope" "St." John Paul II)
Karol Wojtyla was a close friend of one Mieczyslaw Kotlarczyk, the director of the Rhapsodic Theatre, which he co-founded with him. Kotlarczyk was an Anthroposophist who admired and believed the doctrines of Steiner. His plays were productions of Rudolf Steiner’s mystery dramas. Kotlarczyk wrote a book, The Art of the Living Word: Diction, Expression, Magic, published by the Papal Gregorian University in 1975. Kotlarczyk listed the sources of his ideas in the book, which included Madame Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, and Rudolph Steiner. In 1919, the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office condemned Theosophy and forbade Catholics to read anything they published. 

Steiner's Anthroposophy comes primarily from Theosophical thought, and one can only imagine how much Modernism, Masonry, and occultism had pervaded the former Catholic Vatican by 1975 that they would permit this garbage to be published. The preface was written by---Karol "Cardinal" Wojtyla. He had this to say in the first paragraph:

Writing these words that precede Dr. Mieczyslaw Kotlarczyk's three-part work, I wish to repay a debt of gratitude to the author. I first knew Mieczyslaw Kotlarczyk in our native town of Wadowice in the late twenties and early thirties. I got to know him as the pioneer of an original theater, in the noblest sense of the word; as an exponent of the true Polish and Christian (!) traditions of that art, traditions passed on to us by all our literature, and especially by the great romantic and neo-romantic literature.
Rome, 6 November 1974
Karol Cardinal Wojtyla
Metropolitan of Krakow (Emphasis mine).

3) Fr. Hans Urs Von Balthasar (1905-1988)
Von Balthasar was a Modernist who supported and wrote in favor of the heretics at Vatican II. He preached universalism, which "conservative" Vatican II sect members deny (even as the sect itself preaches universalism). Von Balthasar was praised by both "Pope" John Paul II and "Pope" Benedict XVI. JPII actually named him a "cardinal" in 1988, but he died just two days before his promotion would have taken effect. He cannot rightly be called a theologian as his 1928 doctorate was in German Literature and Philosophy. 

Von Balthasar wrote a laudatory preface to a book by Valentin Tomberg (1900-1973), an admitted member of Anthroposophy and self-described "hermetic magician" (whatever that appellation means). Tomberg later converted to the Eastern Schismatics, and became Catholic in 1946. One problem: Tomberg's conversion was insincere. He wrote the aforementioned book entitled, Meditations on the Tarot, in 1960. The name alone should sound warning bells that it's occult--which it is for the promotion of reincarnation. Published posthumously in 1967 (in French), and in 1984 (in English), Von Balthasar wrote the Foreword to the French edition, which was then published as the Afterword in the English edition. The Foreword/Afterword begins:

 Having been asked to write an introduction to this book, which for most readers enters into unknown terrain, and yet is so richly rewarding to read, I must first of all acknowledge my lack of competence concerning the subject matter. I am not in a position to follow up and approve of each line of thought developed by the author, and still less to submit everything to a critical examination. However, such an abundance of noteworthy material is offered here, that one may not pass it by with indifference. (Emphasis mine). 

Immediately, one has to ask why an educated cleric would write a glowing Foreword to a work (a) that contains an occult title, (b) in which he claims no competence, (c) and has glaring occult and heretical teachings (like reincarnation) which requires no special "competence " to detect. We must conclude Von Balthasar was either culpably ignorant or purposively deceptive in helping get notoriety to a book on the occult.  Von Balthasar is a "hero" to "Bishop" Robert Barron, who never ceases to ensnare people in the Vatican II sect through his Word On Fire media campaign. Ironically, he undermines the very raison d'etre of his stated mission in promoting Von Balthasar. Like his spiritual mentor, Barron believes there are "objective grounds" to hope that all humanity will be saved and Hell will only be for Satan and his demons. 

Proselytizing Those In Anthroposophy
It is important to remember what we are dealing with; namely people who wittingly or unwittingly make contact with demons. As I've written many times before, mediums are condemned by both the Bible and Church teaching. "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you." (See Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Emphasis mine.) According to theologian Jone, "Spiritism claims to be able to communicate with the spirit world and endeavors to establish such commerce with it. Although spiritism is for the most part fraud, still the intention alone to enter into communication with spirits is gravely sinful. Therefore, it is mortally sinful to conduct a spiritistic seance or to act as a medium." (See Moral Theology, pg. 100; Emphasis mine). 

Those who are convinced of Anthroposophy's message are to be prayed for and have Masses offered for them. They are under demonic influence and it will take God's intervention more than argumentation to get them away from the sect. However, there are many people who are genuinely ignorant of Anthroposophy. I spoke to a married couple who sent their daughter to a Waldorf School. When I gave them the background information, and copies of the books, they were horrified--"We've been lied to by that school!" They thanked me over and over for enlightening them. The very next week they pulled their daughter out and placed her in a charter school. 

The best weapon against both the unwary (and the convinced if you choose) is to expose the crazy occult teachings. Any rational person who sees doctrines about goblins and "reverse evolution" must stop and think when you (a) show them proof that this is taught (if they don't already know it) and then (b) ask, "What proof does Steiner give for these ideas?" "Why do the Waldorf Schools lie to parents about Steiner's educational philosophy?" "If lying is wrong, can an institution that supports and encourages lying be good?" 

Anthroposophy seeks to brainwash children and adults alike into making contact with the "spirits." They then want them to go out into the world and influence all institutions with the doctrines of demons. Roncalli, Wojtyla, and Von Balthasar were all influenced by Anthroposophy and helped to create the Vatican II sect, thereby driving the One True Church "underground," so to speak, as a remnant. There is also quite an impressive list of those educated by Waldorf occultism who are now in many influential positions.  A small sample of notables include:
  • Actresses Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock
  • Former CEO of American Express Kenneth Chenault
  • American film director Austin Chick
  • Renowned Biochemist Thomas Sudhof 
  • Former Member of Finnish Parliament (and first admitted sodomite elected) Oras Tynkkynen
  • Norwegian author and journalist Karin Beate "Linn" Ullmann

Satan is using Anthroposophy to win converts to his cause and place them in all walks of life. If only we Traditionalists, the remaining members of Christ's One True Church, were as solicitous for converts. Then we might see this rotten world get a little better.  


  1. It is also necessary to educate the novus ordos who believe that Roncalli and Wojtyla are saints. Are they saints, those modernists who set up a false church with doctrines condemned by the true Popes? Surely not ! True Saints risked their lives to the point of death for the true Faith, they did not compromise with the world and its evil traps.

    1. Simon,
      Yes, not merely were Roncalli and Wojtyla with the world, they had connections to the underworld!

      God Bless,


  2. I ignore if Maria Montessori was an occultist or something similar, but I went to a Montessori school and everybody was heavily into new age nonsense and pseudo spirituality. A novus ordo meal ritual was celebrated inside it. We celebrated the UN feast "Day of Peace" under the songs of John Lennon and Simon and Garfunkel. We had classes with the director, who made us "meditate" under new age music after giving us a lesson on her ideas. The traditional representation of the Nativity tended to be seriously irreverent.
    Years later I visited their website and it said: "The boy goes from the earth to the Cosmos and from the Cosmos to the earth; through this activity the cycle of live is comprehended. When the boy discovers from his own experience the importance of the cycles of the rain and the moon inside the process of sowing and planting, their mind starts to connect with the Mneme"

    "Mneme" was the Greek muse of memory. What does it has to do with the cosmos, who knows.

    1. Poni,
      That school you attended was certainly bad news. I have no information that Montessori was herself an occultist. If anyone has such information, please pass it along. What you describe could (sadly) be found in regular Vatican II sect schools, and even some public schools (the ones that don't espouse secular humanism).

      God Bless,


  3. Pray for unity within the traditional Catholic remnant.
    God bless -Andrew

  4. This group has YouTube vids with hundreds of thousands of views.
    They also have a channel linked to them called "the Universe."
    It's surreal how blinded the West has become since the late 1960's.
    Great article + God bless.

    1. Andrew,
      Without the Light of Christ coming from His One True Church, the world is blind like never before.

      God Bless,


  5. To My Readers,
    Someone sent me the following on Maria Montessori for consideration regarding her involvement in the occult:

    God Bless You All, My Dear Readers,


  6. I am going through a very very difficult time and would appreciate prayers. Thank you.

    1. Prayers + lots of love from your fellow readers. Have you tried this devotion to St. Dymphna?

    2. I will pray my Rosary for you hope this makes you feel better.

    3. Prayers go up for you from here.
      Poni, yours was good advice to Jo Ann; St Dymphna has helped me, too.


    4. Joann,
      Always keeping you in my prayers, and I ask all other readers to do the same. Thank you Poni, Jannie and Anon@11:38 for reaching out to Joann!

      God Bless,


    5. Dear JoAnn,
      be assured of my prayers for you.

      God Bless You,
      Joanna S.

    6. JoAnn, you are a good company in this blog. Even though I can't give you advice, I can pray for you. Good Bless and May the Blessed Virgin Protect you.

    7. Thanks everyone for your prayers. Very much appreciated.

    8. @JoAnn,
      I'll pray a decade of my Holy Rosary for you.
      I'm in a bad situation myself & understand how it feels to be morally trapped in a lifeless vexing lifelong decision.
      I'm a man so please remember both men AND women are currently suffering.
      I'm younger than you so I say this in all due respect,promise.

      ✝ Lean on the Crucifix.

    9. Lots of love an prayers from me. May the Blessed Virgin protect you forever.

    10. Anon @11:35,
      Thank you so much for your message and prayers. Also, for the reminder that both genders suffer by being in morally trapped circumstances. I will be praying for you also. God bless you.

  7. Introibo,
    I have a question on a different topic, but also concerning apologetics before Novus Ordo conservatives. How would you respond to the following objection?

    "Vatican II does not teach religious liberty as a moral right. Otherwise, the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" promulgated by John Paul II would not claim that heresy, apostasy, etc. is a sin, because a person would have a moral right to error. This catechism clearly states:
    "2108. The right to religious liberty is neither a moral license to adhere to error, nor a supposed right to error, but rather a natural right of the human person to civil liberty, i.e., immunity, within just limits, from external constraint in religious matters by political authorities. This natural right ought to be recognized in the juridical order of society in such a way that it constitutes a civil right."
    Thus, the declaration "Dignitatis humanae" does not teach that man has a moral right to embrace a false religion - sedevacantists misinterpret this declaration. Vatican II does not teach that man has the right to choose what religion he wants, because neither the new catechisms nor post-conciliar practice affirms this, since heresy is still a sin. Religious liberty is simply "immunity, within just limits, from external constraint in religious matters by political authorities" and it is true that man cannot be forced to embrace true religion."

    I apologize for my constant questions about religious liberty, but I want to get this issue right. Thank you for your reply.

    God Bless,

    1. Paweł,
      If I may respond to your query, I think your Novus Ordo adversaries should be confronted with the very idea of a "right", which is the moral faculty to do that which is good. The author of what is right and good is God. Therefore, it becomes quite clear that God cannot give you a "right" to worship Him in any way that is displeasing to Him. You have a God-given right to embrace, profess, and practice only that religion which has been revealed by God, which is the Catholic Faith.
      Error and heresy have no rights before God.
      Also, notice that the modernists tried to confuse the idea of religious liberty/freedom with religious tolerance in "Dignitatis Humanae". False religions, being evil in themselves, can only be tolerated by the State in order to prevent greater evils from happening (e.g. a civil war breaking out in the country).

      Finally, a single sentence CONDEMNED by Pope Pius IX from The Syllabus of Errors should silence these Novus Ordos (well, we all know too well it won't):
      15. Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall consider true. — Allocution “Maxima quidem,” June 9, 1862; Damnatio “Multiplices inter,” June 10, 1851.

      God Bless,
      Joanna S.

    2. Pawel,
      I believe A Simple Man, my guest poster, answered an almost identical question of yours a couple of months back.

      By declaring that false sects have a right to exist and proselytize, and that no country should have Catholicism as the State Religion, it is heretical. Never did the Church claim that one should be coerced to accept the faith, but rather ERROR HAS NO RIGHTS, and should be only tolerated in PRIVATE.

      I wrote a post on this topic. Consider the Syllabus Of errors:

      Pope Pius IX: CONDEMNED PROPOSITION # 15: Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall consider true (See The Syllabus of Errors).

      CONDEMNED PROPOSITION #77: In the present day it is no longer expedient that the Catholic religion should be held as the only religion of the State, to the exclusion of all other forms of worship (Ibid).

      CONDEMNED PROPOSITION #78: Hence it has been wisely decided by law, in some Catholic countries, that persons coming to reside therein shall enjoy the public exercise of their own peculiar worship (Ibid)

      CONDEMNED PROPOSITION #79: Moreover, it is false that the civil liberty of every form of worship, and the full power, given to all, of overtly and publicly manifesting any opinions whatsoever and thoughts, conduce more easily to corrupt the morals and minds of the people, and to propagate the pest of indifferentism (Ibid)

      Religious Liberty and Religious Tolerance are irreconcilable. See my post:

      God Bless,


    3. I just read it. This is a very good post that exposes the error of religious freedom which is causing so much damage in societies and promoted by the V2 sect. We can see the effects with these nice Mohammedans who commit attacks in our countries and which our godless governments bring in in large quantities. Churches are closing but mosques abound! Thank you V2 and the false popes for giving me reason to be out of this church of hell !

    4. Introibo and Joanna S.,
      Thank you very much for your reply. I have finally understood the logical sense of religious liberty in the Vatican II sect. The Novus Ordo Catechism is correct that "man has no right to error" because in the Vatican II sect false religions are not error - they have "elements of truth" and therefore can have rights since "only truth has rights" - it all adds up.

      God Bless,

    5. I just don't get this NO "elements of truth". What ever happened to "the truth, the truth and the whole truth"? If something isn't the whole truth, it is a LIE!! To lie in a Court of Law is perjury. Nothing bothers me more than people who chronically lie or deny the truth.

  8. Finally, I can upload pdf's to my blog for you to download. This will help those interested on preserving catholic documents offline to avoid future extermination because of big tech censorship

    - Catholic Archivist

  9. Here is the link My first upload was the Glories of Mary which you will find at the end of the blog post

    - Catholic Archivist.

    1. Catholic Archivist,
      This is wonderful information! Thank you for sharing this with us--and the world!

      God Bless,


    2. We also have uploaded articles by Novus Ordo Watch

  10. Will you write about theosophy?

  11. These "mediums" and such are mostly frauds, but sometimes they make contact with something, it is true. Thereby opening themselves up to possession, on top of the sins already incurred by such actions.

    Is it more a mark of pride or despair to engage in such activities ? If one did not have the Faith, it would be pride (seeing oneself as "higher" than the masses); if one had lost the Faith, it would be the despair of those who say they want to see Hell empty.

    There's a reason we're advised not to judge. It's not over yet.

  12. Here’s a good Steiner resource

    1. “[T]he moon today is like a fortress in the universe, in which there lives a population that fulfilled its human destiny over 15,000 years ago, after which it withdrew to the moon together with the spiritual guides of humanity ... This is only one of the 'cities' in the universe, one colony, one settlement among many ... As far as what concerns ourselves, as humanity on earth, the other pole, the opposite extreme to the moon is the population of Saturn.” — Rudolf Steiner, RUDOLF STEINER SPEAKS TO THE BRITISH (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1998), p. 93.

  13. It can be noted that Steinerians got condemned only in 1919 - the same year that Steinerian Owen Barfield became friends with C. S. Lewis.

  14. Speaking of Rod Sterling’s “The Twilight Zone”, is that a television show Traditional Catholics can watch? I used to watch the New Year’s marathon every year. I’ve probably seen almost every episode, some of them many times. Since I became a Traditional Catholic I don’t watch movies anymore or TV shows. It’s a very rare occurrence indeed. As it pertains to the aforementioned, the series contains occult themes, magic, 60s counter cultural messaging and some other plots that smack of the demonic. There are some moral lessons and arguments throughout the series that could be useful like loneliness vs. solitude, the dangers of technology, mob mentality and how it destroys a society right down to the community level etc. But the series as a whole contains quite a bit of psychological horror and paranormal plots. Just to state it plainly, I stay away from Dystopian Fantasy and Sci-Fi. Why take the risk of being exposed to dangerous subjects and narratives that might deal with The Occult. I just stay away and have for some years. I just wanted to hear your thoughts.

    1. @anon2:27
      Rod Serling was born and raised a Jew, but converted to Unitarian Universalism. He was once quoted as saying, "I believe in God, but I believe in Man more." I have no direct evidence he was an occultist. "The Twilight Zone," and a related show "The Outer Limits" both dealt with paranormal subjects such as space travel, alien invasions, telepathy, death and the afterlife, time travel, vast conspiracies, etc.

      Each episode of both series were independent of all others. Unlike "The Walking Dead" (to give but one example), there were no characters to become acquainted with, and no overarching plot. Each week's show was a stand-alone story. Some stories were metaphors to bring home a point, and were basically harmless. Others depicted decidedly occult themes, especially in regards to the afterlife. I agree with you that such shows are better off not being watched.

      I must admit, I will never forget an iconic episode (I believe it was "Outer Limits") where aliens land in New York City. The leader holds a meeting at the UN and admits his planet's spaceships were the UFOs that were sighted for years as they scouted Earth.

      After watching humans for over 20 years, they decided to make contact because they deemed us worthy of help. The leader shows a book entitled, "To Serve Man" and explains how it's a blueprint to make the Earth a better place. The rest of the book is written in the alien language. Over the next few years, we see newspaper headlines that are something like--"Human Life Expectancy 150 years," "All diseases cured, " Hunger Eliminated" "World Peace a Reality" etc.

      Only one scientist doesn't trust them. Everyone shuns him because the aliens have made Earth a virtual paradise. The aliens invite all Earthlings to go onto large spaceships to visit their benefactors home planet and be privy to even greater things. The skeptical scientist remains behind as most of the Earth's population is now aboard the spaceships. He is trying to decipher the alien language within the book.

      As the last spaceship is about to leave Earth, the horrified scientist comes out of his shelter having decoded the language. He holds up the book "To Serve Man" and screams, "Don't go!! IT'S A COOKBOOK!!!"

      Moral: If something seems to good to be true, it probably is such!

      God Bless,


    2. The episode you referenced is called “To Serve Man” it was a Twilight Zone episode. The most famous episode with the most shocking psychological twist ending is probably “Time Enough at Last” with Burgess Meredith Rod Serling Closing Narration: “The best-laid plans of mice and men ... and Henry Bemis, the small man in the glasses who wanted nothing but time. Henry Bemis, now just a part of a smashed landscape, just a piece of the rubble, just a fragment of what man has deeded to himself. Mr. Henry Bemis, in the Twilight Zone”. The episode dealt with loneliness and solitude, attachment to material things (books), and the dangers of advanced technology. I found out Serling was a Jew who became a Unitarian some time ago. Anyway, thanks for the response. Like you said, some are “harmless” episodes that make some reasonable moral statements, but many are littered with occultist and paranormal themes. Best to avoid it all.

  15. Rod Serling, not “Sterling”
