The depravity of the Vatican II sect grows. They threw out the True Faith, and the authentic Catholic morality went with it. I do not argue against the Vatican II establishment because of bad clergy; rather I argue that the bad clergy is a result of the rejection of the Catholic Faith and the adoption of the Modernist heresy condemned by Pope St. Pius X. When God's grace is withdrawn because the Sacraments were replaced with empty Protestant services, people lack the strength to be moral. The new "feel good" catechisms do not teach Traditional Catholic Morals. Add to this the acceptance of "Same Sex Attraction" (which no longer disqualifies a man from entering a Vatican II seminary), and the following story from the AP Newswire makes sense:
Former priest accused of trying to hire hit man
(AP) – Nov 22, 2010
SAN ANTONIO (AP) — In a murder-for-hire case worthy of a Dan Brown novel, a Roman Catholic priest has been arrested on charges that he solicited a hit man to kill a teenager who had accused him of sexual abuse.
Authorities said John Fiala first offered the job to a neighbor, who blew the whistle and helped police arrange a sting. They said Fiala got as far as negotiating a $5,000 price for the slaying before investigators moved in.
The 52-year-old clergyman was arrested Nov. 18 at his suburban Dallas home and jailed on $700,000 bond. In April, he was named in a lawsuit filed by the boy's family, who accused Fiala of molesting the youth, including twice forcing him to have sex at gunpoint.
The abuse allegedly took place in 2007 and 2008, when Fiala was a priest at the Sacred Heart of Mary Parish in the West Texas community of Rocksprings, a rural enclave known for sheep and goat herding.
The family's lawsuit also named the Archdiocese of San Antonio and Archbishop Jose Gomez, alleging that church leadership should have known Fiala was abusive.
The suit was filed just a month before Gomez was introduced as the new incoming leader of the Los Angeles Archdiocese. He is currently serving as an assistant to Cardinal Roger Mahony, who will retire next year. Gomez then automatically becomes archbishop.
The allegations against Fiala seemed like they could have formed a plotline for Brown, who wrote "The Da Vinci Code" and other religiously themed thrillers. But the accuser's attorney said they hit too close to home.
When he learned of the murder-for-hire investigation, the boy "was terrified and rightly so," attorney Tom Rhodes said. As far back as 2008, Fiala threatened the teen, and repeatedly brandished a pistol, Rhodes said.
Fiala "began saying, 'If you tell anyone, I'll hurt you, I'll hurt your family, your girlfriend,'" Rhodes said. "It was more than once he threatened him with a gun."
Fiala only recently rented a place to live in suburban Garland, where police say he initiated the attempted contract killing — even though his new home is more than 300 miles northeast of Rocksprings.
Rhodes said an anonymous informant who initially identified himself as a neighbor of Fiala contacted his office and said the priest had approached him about killing the accuser, who was 16 at the time and is now in his late teens. Rhodes urged the informant to contact the police, who then sent an undercover agent to meet with Fiala.
Rhodes said he had been told Fiala offered $5,000 to carry out the slaying. A spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety said he could not confirm the amount of money involved.
It was unclear how close Fiala came to actually putting his plan in motion or how he wanted the boy killed. A call to the Edwards County Sheriff's Office, which headed up the investigation, was not immediately returned.
Jail records list Fiala's attorney as Rex Gunter in Dallas, but he was in court Tuesday and did not return a call from The Associated Press. Fiala is charged with one count of solicitation to commit capital murder and two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child.
San Antonio Archdiocese spokesman Pat Rodgers said Fiala has been removed from the public ministry, meaning he cannot present himself as a priest.
Authorities removed him in October 2008, before the accusations of sexual assault emerged, because of his interference with the custodial relationship between the teen in Rocksprings and his grandmother — a case the sheriff's office investigated. Authorities have not disclosed the nature of Fiala's interference.
"We were shocked by the allegations and saddened by the story," Rodgers said. Since Fiala was removed from the public ministry, "we haven't contacted him, and haven't had any reason to contact him."
Rhodes said Fiala originally met the accuser in 2007 and was a frequent visitor at his grandparents' house, where the teen was living. He often came bearing gifts, including new a cell phone and MP3 player, and eventually gave the boy cash to help buy a car.
Fiala used the pretext of private catechism lessons to be alone with the boy, Rhodes said, and in 2008 took the teen to a youth event in the town of San Angelo, Texas, during which he raped him in a motel room at gunpoint.
"He's a dangerous predator and has been since at least 1988," Rhodes said. "The church has known how dangerous this guy is for many, many years. They had full knowledge, we believe, and the documents seem to bear that out — that they knew what a bad person he was and what a danger he was to children."
The First Scandal Adam and Eve
ReplyDeleteOur family is coming up on a year of transitioning out of the NO. I like to look at posts from the past to see what I was missing all those years. I grew up in the NO, 37 years of it. When I come across posts like these my chest tightens and I start hyperventilating. I always get annoyed when the writer asks the readers, “Why are you staying in the NO? Or, why haven’t you left yet?” Duh, because we are conditioned to stay. Once they transitioned over to Vatican II, the next obvious step was to keep people there. The only way to do it was to condition them. I was personally conditioned by the “priest’s” homily and family members that loved Vatican II. Then I conditioned myself when I wanted to be a better catholic. I read all the books, watched the networks, vlogs, blogs...etc. I have two family members and know a countless number of people that we’re molested by priests. It doesn’t phase anyone because of the conditioning. I have been told things, from a young age; “the priest is just a man”, “it’s the church cleaning itself out so it’s a good thing it’s coming to light”, “these men needed wives”, “are the victims truly honest”, “he might have molested children but he can still consecrate the host”, “it’s not as bad as other places, like schools”. Also, about the victims; “that person left because he is weak”, “you can’t leave the one true church, there has always been bad people throughout history”, “this happened in the 70’s it’s not happening anymore”, “Not all priests are child molesters, so you should be scared around them”, “it hasn’t happened at my church”. The church doesn’t condemn these pedophiles. It’s still going on, just head to bishop-accountability website. My friend just sent me a video by “fr. Rippenger”, in the middle of the video he reads off the percentage of pedophile priests vs non-pedophile priests, apparently it’s not as bad as people a leading us to think. I mean, really?! This is what I grew up with, my whole life. A beautiful young man, who had his whole life ahead of him, who was raped by a priest at gun point, nope, no one is going to leave on account of that story. These demons are much too strong for us. We need to pray the holy rosary like 10x/day. This is beyond a blog post. God is good. God bless our Lord for giving our family the grace to leave. May more people be lead to the truth you share on this blog.