In an interview before U.S. Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2010, Timothy Dolan, Concilliar "archbishop" of New York, who is the new head of the U.S. "Catholic" bishops, had this to say about Thanksgiving and Christ:
"Thanksgiving is a time of the year when people are open to the Lord, and we don't think about ourselves. We're grateful to God. We're conscious that somebody -- some call him or her, whatever you want -- somebody beyond us is in charge, and we are immensely grateful." Him/her/whatever you want? Ecumenism and religious indifferentism rule the Vatican II sect! The True Church, established by Christ (not by Angelo Roncalli aka John XXIII and Giovanni Montini aka Paul VI) teaches differently! We are called to bring all men into the True Church remembering Our Lord's Words:
"But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 10:33/DRV).
More disturbing was Dolan's response to a reporter concerning his upset election as new president of the US "Catholic" Bishops. He was asked about his win over a "liberal" bishop, presumably making Dolan "conservative." He said, "All of us agree on the essentials. It's more a matter of style" They all agree on praying to "whatever" (the 'substance') and how far away they fall from Catholic Orthodoxy must be demed 'style'? Kyrie Eleison!!
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