Saturday, July 6, 2013

When "The Light of Faith" Is Caused By The Flames Of Hell

"Pope" Francis put out his first "encyclical" (co-authored by now retired Ratzinger) entitled, Lumen Fidei, i.e., "The Light of Faith." I can only wonder what "faith" he's referring to since it's not the One True Faith of Jesus Christ as taught by the Roman Catholic Church. Further proof that the Vatican II sect is Modernist heresy and not the Roman Catholic Church (as if any more proof was needed), can be found merely by looking at the notorious figures mentioned without anathemas and, in some cases even approvingly, in what pretends to be papal teaching.

Lets take a look: Lumen Fidei (LF) paragraph #2: The young Nietzsche encouraged his sister Elisabeth to take risks, to tread "new paths… with all the uncertainty of one who must find his own way", adding that "this is where humanity’s paths part: if you want peace of soul and happiness, then believe, but if you want to be a follower of truth, then seek". Belief would be incompatible with seeking. From this starting point Nietzsche was to develop his critique of Christianity for diminishing the full meaning of human existence and stripping life of novelty and adventure. Faith would thus be the illusion of light, an illusion which blocks the path of a liberated humanity to its future.

Frederich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was the philosopher who proclaimed the "Death of God", was a hero to the Nazis, and died from an STD he got from a brothel. He is also thought to have been a homosexual by some historians.

In LF paragraph #16: "In Dostoevsky’s The Idiot, Prince Myskin sees a painting by Hans Holbein the Younger depicting Christ dead in the tomb and says: "Looking at that painting might cause one to lose his faith".The painting is a gruesome portrayal of the destructive effects of death on Christ’s body. Yet it is precisely in contemplating Jesus’ death that faith grows stronger and receives a dazzling light; then it is revealed as faith in Christ’s steadfast love for us, a love capable of embracing death to bring us salvation. This love, which did not recoil before death in order to show its depth, is something I can believe in; Christ’s total self-gift overcomes every suspicion and enables me to entrust myself to him completely."

Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1861) A Russian novelist of whom it is written, "From an analysis of religious perspectives in Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, Demons, and The Brothers Karamazov, James Townsend concludes that Dostoyevsky held orthodox Christian beliefs except for his view of salvation from sin. According to Townsend, "Dostoevsky almost seemed to embrace an in-this-life purgatory", in which people suffer to atone from their sins, in contrast with the Christian doctrine of salvation through Christ. Malcolm V. Jones has found elements of Islam and Buddhism in Dostoyevsky's religious convictions"

In LF paragraph #22: "This explains why, apart from this body, outside this unity of the Church in Christ, outside this Church which — in the words of Romano Guardini — "is the bearer within history of the plenary gaze of Christ on the world"  — faith loses its "measure"; it no longer finds its equilibrium, the space needed to sustain itself."

Fr. Romano Guardini (1885-1968) A thorough Modernist.  His first major work, Vom Geist der Liturgie (The Spirit of the Liturgy), published during the First World War, was a major influence on the Liturgical Movement in Germany, and so ultimately on the "liturgical reforms" of the Second Vatican Council.

LF quotes Martin Buber’s definition of idolatry as “when a faces addresses a face which is not a face.”   

Martin Buber (1878-1965) Jewish existentialist philosopher whose teachings reject Christ and the sound philosophical principles of Scholasticism.

Not exactly the roll call of Church Fathers, Doctors and Saints. But what more could we expect from Bergoglio and Ratzinger?  Having rejected the True Faith, all we can get is a hodge-podge of heresy which heaps praise upon the greatest disaster in  human history---Vatican II. This is not the light of Faith; it is the glow of the once brightest angel...Lucifer.

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