Monday, September 11, 2017

Hitler's Demons

 They end their e-mails with "88" after their signatures. They are mostly in their teens and twenties, and claim to be Traditionalists. Their nightstand has a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus next to a copy of Mein Kampf, and a picture of Adolph Hitler. "8" represents the eighth letter of the alphabet (H), so "88" means "Heil Hitler!" Meet a strange new fringe group claiming to be Traditionalist Catholics. They are young historical revisionists who think the Nazis were "good guys;" they were anti-Communists and got "bad press" because of Jewish conspiracies lurking behind every door. I had the misfortune to know of one such young man; he wanted to be a Traditionalist priest, entered the seminary, and left to be an Eastern Schismatic. He descended into Neo-Nazism shortly thereafter. He always had a fascination with Nazis and Fascism.

 Just as Pope Pius XI famously said, "No one can be at the same time a sincere Catholic and a true socialist," there is also a mutually exclusive stance between Traditionalist Catholicism and Nazism/Fascism.  A phenomenal  scholarly book was released earlier this year entitled Hitler's Monsters, by Eric Kurlander and published by Yale University Press. As the subtitle declares, it is "a supernatural history of the Third Reich." I would suggest that anyone claiming to be Christian, and  flirting with the idea of Nazism, be given this book to read. It's 300 pages long, with myriad footnotes, but well worth the time to read. This is a serious work by a serious scholar.  I will give but a small exposition below how Hitler and Nazi Germany were deeply rooted in the occult and wanted Catholicism wiped off the face of the Earth.

The Nazis and Paganism

 People can make claims all they want. The crux of the issue is whether or not the claims are backed up by sound reasoning and sufficient evidence. One of the so-called "New Atheists," Dr. Richard Dawkins, enjoys quoting Hitler as saying,  " late as 1941 he told his adjutant, General Gerhard Engel, 'I shall remain a Catholic forever.' (See The God Delusion, pg. 274). Was Hitler Catholic? Not by a long shot. Yes, he was baptized in the Church, but the "god" he worshiped was not the historical Jesus Christ Who founded His One True Church.  Even Dawkins admits, "Hitler, oddly, was always adamant that Jesus himself was not a Jew."(Ibid, pg. 276). Why would the world's biggest anti-Semite worship a Man born of a Jewish woman as God?  The answer is simple: he didn't. 

 On March 14, 1937, Pope Pius XI issued his encyclical letter Mit Brennender Sorge (On the Church and the German Reich).  His words prove more true than ever, as greater evidence has been brought forth confirming his every contention. In paragraph # 7, His Holiness writes:

The believer in God is not he who utters the name in his speech, but he for whom this sacred word stands for a true and worthy concept of the Divinity. Whoever identifies, by pantheistic confusion, God and the universe, by either lowering God to the dimensions of the world, or raising the world to the dimensions of God, is not a believer in God. Whoever follows that so-called pre-Christian Germanic conception of substituting a dark and impersonal destiny for the personal God, denies thereby the Wisdom and Providence of God who "Reacheth from end to end mightily, and ordereth all things sweetly" (Wisdom viii. 1). Neither is he a believer in God.

Hitler only mentioned being Catholic once in the quote given by Dawkins. Hitler also wrote of "gods" and "goddesses" proving, if all of his religious utterances are to be believed literally, that he was a polytheist. The gods are referred to in Mein Kampf-"the manifestations of decay showed only that the gods had willed Austria's destruction" [vol. I chapt. 3]-and there are references to goddesses as well: to the "Goddess of Suffering" [vol. I chapt. 2] and the "Goddess of Destiny" [vol. I chapt.5]. There is even a "goddess of eternal justice and inexorable retribution" which Hitler believed "caused Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the most mortal enemy of Austrian- Germanism, to fall by the bullets which he himself had helped to mold" [vol I chapt.1].

There is also a "Goddess of Peace and a God of War." More significantly, there are numerous references to "Fate." For those unfamiliar with world religion and philosophy, Fate is a non-Christian term referring not to the personal God of the Bible, but to an impersonal force of unknown character. (See Keysor, Hitler, the Holocaust and the Bible, pgs. 87 et. seq.). In keeping with paganism, there is also evidence that the high ranking Nazis were sodomites. (See my post of 9/14/15, "Homo-Fascism").

Paragraph #9 of Pope Pius XI's encyclical reads:

Beware, Venerable Brethren, of that growing abuse, in speech as in writing, of the name of God as though it were a meaningless label, to be affixed to any creation, more or less arbitrary, of human speculation. Use your influence on the Faithful, that they refuse to yield to this aberration. Our God is the Personal God, supernatural, omnipotent, infinitely perfect, one in the Trinity of Persons, tri-personal in the unity of divine essence, the Creator of all existence. Lord, King and ultimate Consummator of the history of the world, who will not, and cannot, tolerate a rival God by His side.

 Rival "gods" were all Hitler and his henchmen knew. According to the latest research from Eric Kurlander:

"The irony is that the evidence indicating an important link between Nazism and the supernatural has never been greater. In the mid-1920s Hitler almost certainly read Ernst Schertel's parapsychology tome Magic: History, Theory, Practice, underlining sentences such as 'Satan is the fertilizing, destroying-constructing warrior' and 'He who does not carry demonic seeds within him will never give birth to a new world.' ..." (See Hitler's Monsters, pg. x)

 Kurlander also reveals how the Nazis held a seance on the night of February 26, 1933 using clairvoyant Erik Hanussen who "predicted" the next day's Reichstag fire, which helped justify the Nazi imposition of martial law. Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess sponsored astrology, "cosmobiology," and other esoteric medical practices. SS Chief Heinrich Himmler encouraged research on the Holy Grail (the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark got their story-line from such records, albeit with great artistic license), witchcraft, and medieval devil worship (Luciferianism).

The Nazis were fascinated with "werewolves." Hitler revived belief in lycanthropy or "a magical change from man into wolf." While calling himself "Christian" or "Catholic"once or twice in his adult life, Hitler loved to compare himself to a wolf. "I don't need to be afraid of wolves, I myself am a wolf." He even named his headquarters Wolfschanze i.e., "Wolf's Lair." It is noted that while the Catholic Church may have associated werewolves with witchcraft and Satanism, lycanthropy was looked upon favorably and with awe in pagan Germany and Scandinavia.

In my personal experience, Fr. DePauw knew of a story, circulated by many high-ranking prelates, that circa 1941 Pope Pius XII called together all the cardinals of the Curia, and late at night in St. Peter's Basilica, attempted a "long distance exorcism" of Hitler and the Nazi officials. The story has never been proven (or disproven). Did Hitler submit to the teaching of Pope Pius XI in his encyclical as a good Catholic must? The answer is obvious.

Kurlander draws this conclusion:

Based on this evidence, I argue that no mass political movement drew as consciously and consistently as the Nazis on...occultism and "border science," pagan, New Age, and Eastern religions, folklore, mythology, and many other supernatural order to attract a generation of German men and women seeking new forms of spirituality..."

A State Religion Based on Racism

 These pagan ideas would be incorporated into a National German Church, where exaggerated nationalism and evil racism would reign supreme. According to the New York Times of January 2, 1942, there was to be such a sect. I reproduce below the beginning of the article and the first 5 of the "30 point program" for the sect's establishment:

BERNE, Switzerland, Jan. 2—Dr. Alfred Rosenberg, long the anti-religious polemicist of modern Germany and the protagonist of the “new national church,” has just released for publication a thirty-point program that will form at the same time the program and tenets of the “religion of National Socialism.”

The Nazi religious concept is founded not on the worship of Wotan and Valhalla, dear to the memory of General Erich von Ludendorff, but surprisingly enough, in view of Dr. Rosenberg's past attacks on Christianity and its teachings, on a partial worship of God, whose works are “eternal.”

Briefly but succinctly he outlines the organization and teachings of the church in the following phrases—for which, as the Swiss Socialist newspaper Volksrecht of Zurich points out, “one needs to be no ecclesiast to draw his own conclusion”:

1. The National Reich Church specifically demands the immediate turning over to its possession of all churches and chapels, to become national churches.

2. The German people have no call to serve the National Reich Church, but that church itself is called to serve its single doctrine—race and people.

3. The domain of the National Reich Church is limited by the territorial frontiers of the Reich and its colonies.

4. The National Reich Church will oblige no German to adhere to it. It is, however, ready to do all in its power to include in its ranks every German soul. Other churches or religious associations, above all those based on international bodies or directed from abroad, will not be tolerated in Germany by the National Reich Church.

5. The National Reich Church is immutably fixed in its one objective: to destroy that Christian belief imported into Germany in the unfortunate year 800, whose tenets conflict with both the heart and the mentality of the German. (Emphasis mine)


Hitler, the Nazis, and fascism are incompatible with Catholicism. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluding himself. It is based on all things not merely un-Christian, but decidedly ANTI-Christian. I wince when I hear that "nationalism" and "racial pride" (white, black or otherwise) are called compatible with the One True Church. Once more Pope Pius XI:

10. This God, this Sovereign Master, has issued commandments whose value is independent of time and space, country and race. As God's sun shines on every human face so His law knows neither privilege nor exception. Rulers and subjects, crowned and uncrowned, rich and poor are equally subject to His word. From the fullness of the Creators' right there naturally arises the fullness of His right to be obeyed by individuals and communities, whoever they are. This obedience permeates all branches of activity in which moral values claim harmony with the law of God, and pervades all integration of the ever-changing laws of man into the immutable laws of God.

11. None but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion; or attempt to lock within the frontiers of a single people, within the narrow limits of a single race, God, the Creator of the universe, King and Legislator of all nations before whose immensity they are "as a drop of a bucket" (Isaiah XI, 15).

Hitler and the new "Nazi Traditionalists" can call themselves "Catholic" but they fail the test of Our Lord Himself, "By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire." (St. Matthew 7: 16-19).


  1. You have two type promoting this. The dupes and those who know better and are doing it to harm traditional Catholics.

  2. These "Catholic" Nazis should ask themselves about the Church which spoke out against the Reich. Bishop Von Galen spoke against euthanasia and they'd rather side with the reich. They want to be "Catholics"and celebrate those who murdered Priests, including Servant of God Fr. Maximilian Kolbe. They should search their souls for an answer to how St. Paul can tell us there is no jew, nor greek, in Christ, and yet try to divide everyone into different Races.

  3. Most of my information comes from "Hitler's Monsters," a scholarly work to be certain. The condemnation comes from the pen of Pope Pius XI. Do you distrust him too?


  4. So Pope Pius XII and the various Clergymen did not try to rescue Jews from the Nazis?

  5. This is what I fashion from anonymous' post. "Blah blah blah blah blah". I am aware that the comments here should be coherent and thoughtful but this response is made at the same level as the comment it applies to.
    I would add that I don't think Introibo (or anyone else) should get into a long, drawn out argument with this anonymous commentor. The comment doesn't state anything of substance and seems to be made for the sole reason of starting a never ending argument. In other words anonymous is not looking for intelligent discussions.

  6. There are all sorts of fascinating theories about Hitler, and how he was set up and financed to oppose Communism in a Hegelian thesis, antithesis, synthesis machination. But if we don't focus on the finer details of the myriad theories, the above accurately sums up what largely happened. But apart from all that, it's a no-brainer that Nazism is incompatible with Catholicism, because it's been known from the beginning of Hitler's rise that the upper echelons of the Nazi Party were rife with sodomites and occultists. Hitler's demonuc atrocities against the Jews more than prove the point, just as Khrushchev starving circa 17 million Ukrainians to death in the winter of 1931 proves the case against Communism.
    One rightly wonders how the heck could there be "Traditionalist Nazis." I guess it's the same way "Santeria" claims to be a mixture of African Voodoo and Catholicism? Rational people realize it's bizarre/of the devil. Others are obviously duped.

    1. The Sodomites in the S.A. were liquidated during the
      "Night of the Long Knives"

    2. Some were. Not all of them.

  7. Good sir,

    You make good points, but I think you at times you speak more broadly than you mean or is necessary.

    For instance, you say that "fascism [is} incompatible with Catholicism." Let me press you on that. I am unaware of any condemnation by the Church of Mussolini's fascist regime prior to, contemporary with, or subsequent to the Lateran Treaty. Can you name one? The fascist state was marked by (1) authoritarianism and (2) corporatism, and I don't believe either is directly condemned by the Church anywhere. The Church in Italy did just fine under a fascist regime, and the Lateran Treaty restored (1) a nation to the Pope, (2) Catholicism to the established religion of Italy, and (3) Catholic education to Italian Catholics.

    Can you show how "fascism" was really incompatible with Catholicism in this case? Or will you concede that Italian fascism was a legitimate system in which the Catholic Church could work, as it can in, say, a democratic republic, e.g. Ecuador of Eduardo Garcia Moreno?

    You also say that you "wince when [you] hear 'nationalism' or 'racial pride' are called compatible with the One True Church". I note that (1) you define neither of those terms and (2) that your cited quote doesn't refute any known definition of "nationalism" or "racial pride". Rather, Pius XII himself says in Mit Brennender Sorge: "No one would think of preventing young Germans establishing a true ethnical community in a noble love of freedom and loyalty to their country. What We object to is the voluntary and systematic antagonism raised between national education and religious duty." Which leads to the conclusion that "true ethnical communit[ies] in . . . loyalty to their country" are entirely legitimate. Sounds a wee bit like "nationalism," no?

    1. You are correct that nationalism, as pride in one's country and heritage, is a good thing. I consider myself an American patriot. Both my father and uncle were highly decorated soldiers in WW 2. However, the nationalism of fascism was condemned by Pope Pius XI:

      "And here We find Ourselves confronted by a mass of authentic affirmations and no less authentic facts which reveal beyond the slightest possibility of doubt the resolve (already in great measure actually put into effect) to monopolize completely the young, from their tenderest years up to manhood and womanhood, for the exclusive advantage of a party and of a regime based on an ideology which clearly resolves itself into a true, a real pagan worship of the State - the "Statolatry" which is no less in contrast with the natural rights of the family than it is in contradiction with the supernatural rights of the Church" (See the encyclical "Non abbiamo bisogno" of June 29, 1931).

      Mussolini was an admirer of Julius Evola who, according to several sources, was deeply immersed in the occult and advocated domination and rape of women because he saw it "as a natural expression of male desire."

      I stand by what I wrote. Fascism is incompatible with being Catholic.


  8. Simon-Xavier de la TremoïlleSeptember 12, 2017 at 11:31 PM

    You are utterly wrong.

    To begin with you combine national socialism with fascism which is completely false. You also combine fascism with racism and the III Reich which is wrong as well.

    There are very few modern ideologies that the church has not condemned, yet fascism is one of these.

    The church has condemned: socialism, unhealthy nationalism, liberalism, Americanism, democracy and so on. All these things are condemned by fascists to.

    I agree with you that it is not fitting to sign ones letters with "Heil Hitler" but that's on the basis of Hitler's crimes against humanity being a racial socialist. Son of one of the errors of Russia. (Yet never excommunicated by the church). Not on the basis of him being a fascist, which he's not even though he collaborated with many fascists.

    As wrong would it be to sign the letter with the words of the leftists of the last two-three hundred years. The liberals of the French Revolution. As uncatholic indeed would the words of "Freedom, Egality, Fraternity" be as the words "Hail victory, Hail Hitler". I would use neither of them.

    But why do you confound this in an untruthful way with fascism and conservatism? You're blaming one ideology for things another one did.

    What about Franco or Salazar? Or not mentioning the monarchs still reigning at the time (and not just like a puppet of democracy)

    Le Roy est mort,
    Vive le Roy !

    (Et avant tout, le coeur sacré de Jésus ainsi que celui de sa très sainte mère)

  9. No serious historian considers Franco a fascist. This is recorded even in popular sources such as Wikipedia. Fascism entails a revolutionary aim to transform society, where Franco did not seek to do so.

    Fascism was condemned (albeit carefully) by Pope Pius XI cited above. They had to be careful of the repercussions as you can well imagine. Lack of an explicit condemnation hardly equates to a specific endorsement.



    Above is an interesting article which may assist the debate.

  11. Some readers may also find the following multi-part documentary on Hitler extremely fascinating. It is produced by traditional Catholic Dennis Wise and is called "Adolph Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told." The link to this man's website is: Obviously, as with all debates, there is more than just one side. I found this man's work compelling.

  12. I think it's high time some distinctions were made.
    The "fascist dictatorship" of Generalissimo Francisco Franco can in no way be equated to Nazism. Consider this: At the same time the liberal/leftist press was running around referring to Franco as "Dictator Franco" or "Fascist Dictator Franco" they were referring to the Communist butcher Khrushchev in glowing terms as Premier Khrushchev," and to the equally vicious thug Tito as "Marshal Tito." Need I say more about a perverse press pushing their agenda on the gullible? Yes, you've got it - they would have us believe that Franco was in the same category as Hitler!
    If you research Nazism and Mussolini's Fascism you will find that Mussolini's brand didn't focus on the racial aspect in any measure even approaching that of Hitler's brand. But they both had one thing in common, i.e. they used Catholicism to bolster their hold on the populace. Mussolini, you will find, flirted with the occultist Julius Evola, who apparently is revered by none other than Steve Bannon. Apparently Mussolini ingratiated himself to such a degree with Pius XI that he deemed the invasion of Abyssinia as a "holy war."
    According to Introibo, there are neo-nazis floating around out there who are identifying themselves as trad Catholics. And you can bet your last dollar that Jesus, the Sacred Heart and Catholicism are being subordinated by them to Nazism just as Hitler and Mussolini did subordinated Christ to themselves. Or is anyone suggesting to Introibo that Jesus was King of Hitler's and Mussolini's hearts and minds? The point is: It's glaringly obvious that Catholicism was wielded as a weapon by these characters and used as nothing more.
    Now, if Introibo proposed that "Neo-Conservatism" or being a Klansmen or Liberalism or many other "isms" were incompatible with Catholicism he'd ALSO be correct, so stop fighting him on this - he's not proposing anything that extraordinary. He's merely stating a fact, which is: fascism as popularly defined as the system foisted on Germany and Italy by Hitler and Mussolini respectively was ultimately anti-Christian and therefore not compatible with Catholicusm.
    Now I could go on about the attraction the Catholic Faith holds for Hitler types - mainly our dogmas which by definition are rigid --- but I won't.
    Have a nice evening!

  13. I'm not going to pull a "Bp. Williamson and debate the number of Jewish people murdered. The peer-reviewed research clearly shows the Nazis and Fascists were anti-Christian. Hitler was indeed an occultist and many high ranking Nazis were also sodomites. He and Mussolini were mass murderers and enemies of the Church. Claiming Hitler wasn't moral is an understatement in the same sense as saying the Titanic had a small leak.


  14. The reason for my Latin response above is that I'm not a priest, so I can't impart the blessing "Pater et Filius..etc."! So I wish God Blesses your soul!


  15. I am not sure I have ever heard a proper definition of fascism.

    1. An adequate definition is straight from the dictionary, Tom. "political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

      In general, that about sums it up!


    2. Are Europeans & their descendants across the pond who want to live in predominantly white countries "fascist" for not wanting to live in multi- ethnic multi-cultural states which will be controlled by powers hostile to White Christian families and Traditions?

    3. You assume many things. If you want to preserve your ethnic identity, that's fine. Are Latinos "anti-Christian" when the overwhelming majority profess Christianity (Catholicism pre-V2)?

      The short answer is no, provided it does not involve denigrating others and causing hate and violence in what Pope Pius XI called an idolatry of the State.

      When the state and culture become your focal point instead of the Church, the results are a return to paganism.


    4. I didn't assume,it was a simple question.
      Also,Latinos are no different from European,North American,and Australian Novus Ordites.
      What passes for Catholicism South of the border is usually a mixture of Paganism communism and noahide Protestantism.

    5. Post-V2 you are correct. That was not the case pre-V2.


    6. Remove "exalts nation" from that definition of Fascism and you have the modern Democrat party.

  16. Excellent question anonymous 10:08. Here's another: what should we call governments that dictate what we are allowed to believe and that suppress free speech? Here's an example: “‘Nazi Grandma’ holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck sentenced to jail”

    An 87-year-old woman has been sentenced to prison after she claimed that Jews were never exterminated in Auschwitz…

    A court in Detmold on Friday sentenced Ursula Haverbeck to eight months in jail on charges of sedition. The presiding judge ruled out the possibility of parole and said that Haverbeck had a lack of “any kind of respect” and that she had made more offensive comments in the courtroom.

    Haverbeck is expected to appeal against the sentencing. In Germany, anyone who publicly denies, endorses or plays down the extermination of Jews during Adolf Hitler’s regime can be sentenced to a maximum of five years in jail.

    Haverbeck was found guilty of writing a letter to Detmold’s mayor, Rainer Heller, saying it was “clearly recognizable” that Auschwitz was nothing more than a labor camp.

    1. I deplore any restriction on the proper use of freedom of speech. You can believe in anything you want here in the US (no matter how misguided) and express that belief (at least to this point in time). As Associate Justice Louis Brandeis once wrote, "The antidote for free speech with which we disagree is more free speech, not enforced silence."


    2. Oh dear, I think I just found something to disagee with you about. Free speech is another masonic concept like religious liberty. No one has the right to spread error. The proper confessional state has to duty to supress heresy.

    3. You are correct Tom. However, we live in not just non-Catholic but anti-Catholic countries. Until the Church gets back a pope and can claim a majority in countries to make them Catholic professing places again, the concept of free speech is, in my opinion, to be tolerated as superior to being silenced by politically correct governments pushing agendas.


    4. Tom, you are absolutely right about free speech. It is a masonic error that Pope Pius IX warned us quite fervently about- a lot of americanists should read the Syllabus of errors. But, of course, the reason the Church condemns freedom of speech is to prevent the spread of error. In areas where theological error is not being spread, we should follow St. Augustines maxim about liberty.

  17. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is an author I can't recommend enough.
    His book "Gulag Archipelago" details what happens when communism invades and conquers former Christian Nations.

  18. Hello Introibo,

    Do you know if the author of Hitler's Demons is Jewish or part Jewish? Also, do you know if he is a Holocaust believer? Thanks.

    1. The name of the book is "Hitler's Monsters." Its author is Professor Eric Kurlander, who teaches history at Stetson University.

      The book is peer-reviewed, meaning open to critique by other opposing scholars. He has 86 meticulously documented footnotes. The purpose is to allow others to check his work against possible bias and errors. To automatically assume someone has an agenda because of what ideas they hold, is unjustified and calumnious. His work should stand or fall based on what he has written and the sources as well as the logic applied. I do not know his personal beliefs or his ethnic/religious background.


    2. Correction--- 86 PAGES of meticulously documented endnotes!!


    3. I wonder how much of Kurlander's book could be verified by world renowned Nazi historian David Irving. It's funny how one historian holds a prestigious position at Stetson while the other one is banned by all publishers, several countries, and spends his meager book sale profits fighting lawsuits.

    4. I don't know Mr. Irving but he can certainly write a rebuttal. The Hitler apologists I know are strange (to be charitable). I personally met Bp Williamson back in the mid-1980s before he was consecrated a bishop. He was arrogant, condescending, and had a very high opinion of himself. Not good traits for a priest. His views are even more strange including condemning "The Sound of Music" and continuing to recognize Bergoglio despite the evidence. He even invents theological principles to support his views. He's so out there, some have commented his mitre should be replaced with a tinfoil hat.

      Maybe that's why Hitler apologists don't make it. They try to rehabilitate a mass murderer in spite of the evidence.According to one source, "In Britain, which does not have a Holocaust denial law, Irving had already been thoroughly discredited when he unsuccessfully sued historian Deborah Lipstadt in 1998 for describing him as a Holocaust denier." Callamard, Agnès (April 2007), "Debate: can we say what we want?", Le Monde diplomatique


    5. I met Mr. Irving three times and listened to his personal answers to critics. Lipstadt is a liar. The best story is when Irving sat in the back seat at one of her well-attended lectures and listened to her lies to a point. Then he stood up and disproved her in front of the entire audience. To say she was embarrassed is an understatement. But she has the Spielbergs and other big names behind her so Irving's truths matter little to the masses.

      Now as for why hitler apologists don't make it, it is simple and it was already said earlier on this blog: he stood up to and identified the Jew problem. What you are obviously ignorant about is that the Jews own almost all of the sources of information and finance. Whoever owns information owns our thoughts and that is in fact why Hitler has been successfully painted as the devil. The true story of Hitler is beginning to come to light. Turns out he just may have been more Christian than the Freemason leaders of the Allied forces. Want to talk about Dresden?

      Williamson is brilliant and spot on. I can't say anything about his arrogance and condescension but I do not agree he is loony. He is just far beyond most people's thinking capacity. The only reason he isn't a Sedevacantist is because that position holds just as many contradictions as his own. Again, he's far smarter than you give him credit for.

    6. Anon @ 6:47 am

      Bp. Williamson may be "spot on" regarding this subject, but "brilliant" he is not. As far as being "far beyond most people's thinking capacity," I'll let the readers of this blog decide (I fall into the "tin foil hat" brigade in general when it comes to Bp. Williamson, but he is correct on the numbers issue insofar the Nazi extermination of the Jews).
      My refutation of the brilliance etc. of Bp. Williamson shall consist of:
      1) Fr. Cekada's (found on article titled "Mentevacantism" and 2) The youtube I found on novusordowatch which I'll post below.

    7. Your assessment of Bp. Williamson tells me everything about your capacity to discern. first, as I wrote in my post, the "traditionalist Nazis" need "Jewish Conspiracies" behind every door to explain why they are not taken seriously. Are their Jews who work against the Church? Certainly. But not all of them, and not to the point where all opposing scholarship is censored and discarded. Dr. Robert Gagnon wrote a great book "The Bible and Homosexual Practice." He has been persona non grata in academic circles, but no one has refuted or called into question either his work or integrity. Ditto for Dr Michael Behe and his work, "Darwin's Black Box."

      You claim sedevacantism "holds just as many contradictions as his [Williamson's] own." Really? I'd love to hear what "contradictions sedevacantism has, since this blog is proudly sedevacantist. I would be more than happy to engage you on that score.

      Let's see the "brilliance" of Williamson demonstrated:

      Here is what Novus Ordo Watch reported regarding Bp. Williamson's statements in 2015 regarding "The New Mass (sic)":

      *You can go to the New Mass under certain circumstances

      *The New Mass is a key part of the New Religion and the worldwide apostasy

      *Stay away from the New Mass!

      *The New Mass is wrong as a whole

      *If it nourishes your Faith, you can go (this “seems” to be the “absolute rule of rules”)

      *You cannot cause scandal by going to the New Mass

      *Archbishop Lefebvre said the New Mass is a danger to the Faith

      *There are Eucharistic miracles in the New Mass

      *The New Religion, of which the New Mass is a key part, is dangerous and strangles grace

      *The New Mass can build your Faith

      *The New Mass does harm in itself

      *Decide for yourself
      *Ask a priest you trust and heed his advice — maybe

      *The rite of the New Mass was designed to get you away from the Catholic Faith

      *If you can trust your own judgment, use your own judgment

      *All of this is just his opinion and “almost heresy”

      *Maybe none of this should be said in public

      This is "brilliant and spot on"? He is indeed beyond most people's thinking capacity--most people who are sane and can't get around the Law of Non-Contradiction. The tinfoil mitre is rightfully his, and those of the "Traditionalist Nazis" can have a tinfoil hat with a swastika on it.


    8. You make a level-headed case. The evidence is there that many wealthy Jews do seek to subvert the culture (if there's anything left to subvert at this point). While I agree, I must add that this does not somehow exonerate Hitler for what he did, or mitigate the fact he was an occultist.


    9. anonymous 3:57- Are you that naive? Left VS right? Wake up. If anybody denies there is a jewish conspiracy then he or she is either of two things: a liar or blind and naive. This is not the forum for proving the case but shame on all traditional Catholics who refuse to admit what has been known for centuries, even by Catholics. Did any of you sedes read anything by Father Dennis Fahey? If not, pick up some of his books and educate yourselves. And nobody is blaming EVERY Jew for being involved in it by the way so let that go. Just because every Jew is not involved doesn't meant it isn't a Jewish conspiracy. And why is everybody, beginning with Introibo, so afraid to call a conspiracy a conspiracy? Tin foil hatters? What a pathetic canard to stifle free thinking. This is what happens when academia and human respect interfere with honesty. Not very long ago, the Dimond frauds posted a good article "IS CNN A Jewish News Network." Read it. And that article is just the tip of the iceberg. If anybody doubts that Christianity is suffering from a Jewish conspiracy that will bring about the reign of Antichrist, I challenge that person to spend some weeks studying this man's website and refute it if you can: This former Jew turned Christian monk will have something to say about anyone who tries to play the anti-Semitic card.

    10. We are suffering from a Modernist conspiracy for certain, and they are having a field day. I think that is where we should put our efforts. Not all Jews buy into indifferentism and the other errors that come from "the synthesis of all heresies." However, all Modernists do.


    11. No one is denying Jews have a massive influence in the left.
      However,there are many Gentiles involved with this subversion.
      This can't be denied my friend.

  19. Is the Sound of Music factual or is it a 1965 Hollywood fantasy exercise which includes propaganda against Hitler/the Nazis? To begin with, according to the film posted on this blog, the Austrians overwhelming welcomed Hitler in Austria and wanted membership in the Third Reich. Hardly the way that The Sound of Music paints the picture.
    I don't know of any so-called "holocaust denier" attempting to rehabilitate Hitler? The dispute is over how many Jews were killed during the Hitler regime and if certain camps were used to gas Jews to death. No one is disputing that under Hitler Jews AND Catholics were persecuted.
    You need to watch the documentary called Mr. Death, which tells the story of an ordinary guy named Fred Leuchter, a quiet, unassuming guy without an ounce of guile who got caught up with the so-called "holocaust deniers." The film has some humorous moments in it, such as when the clueless Fred states that he smoked packets of cigarettes and drank circa 40 cups of coffee per day because heck, no one ever told him it could be that bad for you. (or words to this effect). He met and fell in love with his wife who was a waitress in the diner where he'd drink all his coffee, and wait for it... he realized she liked because she'd offer him free refills! Lol
    But the film has a serious side, and it's well worth watching.

    1. I'm not following you, Hunter.
      Which Catholic is defending him?

    2. I know several that do. A lot of Catholics that start out denying the Holocaust (I used to be one of them), that I've known, turned out to flat out adore Hitler. I know one who had mein kampf in his Shrine.

    3. I posted this idiot's response after I redacted his vulgarity at the end. Normally I just discard comments with vulgarity and/or blasphemy, but I wanted my readers to see the typical Hitler-worshipping "Traditionalist" in all his ugliness.

      1. Even IF it's true gas chambers weren't used (I'm not saying that it is), the systematic extermination of Jews was the goal of Hitler, who was a pagan occultist that hated the Church.

      2. You studied the issue for more than ten years! Wow. You probably could publish a peer-reviewed book if it wasn't for the Jews! It's all THEIR FAULT you know.

      3. You assume Hunter "had pressure applied," and he couldn't possibly have changed his mind based on evidence, because we all know that anyone who looks at the evidence must reach your conclusion or else it's the result of pressure from the Jews. It's THEIR FAULT someone holds an opinion different from yours!!

      When someone can change as Hunter did THAT takes courage!

      So before you suggest that someone recovers his testicles, you might want to recover your brain first (if you ever had one that functioned properly in the first place).


    4. Ok, you're not a Traditionalist Catholic. I pray you convert or you'll wind up in the eternal oven with your Fuhrer (the unrepentant mass murdering occultist).

      1. Gas chambers were used to de-louse clothes? According to "Nazi Mass Murder: A Documentary History of the Use of Poison Gas." New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994--the Nazis began using gas as part of their euthanasia program in 1939. After the June 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union and Einsatzgruppe (mobile killing unit) mass shootings of civilians, the Nazis experimented with gas vans for mass killing. Gas vans were hermetically sealed trucks with engine exhaust diverted to the interior compartment. Use of gas vans began after Einsatzgruppe members complained of battle fatigue and mental anguish caused by shooting large numbers of women and children. Gassing also proved to be less costly. Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units) gassed hundreds of thousands of people, mostly Jews, Roma (Gypsies), and mentally ill people. That explains why they didn't "gun them all down."

      All Jews might have died had in not been for the heroics of great people like Hugh Cardinal O'Flaherty. Watch the movie, "The Scarlet and the Black" starring Gregory Peck (no big words like in books so even you can understand).

      2. Yes, credentials and degrees DO MATTER. Would you want an operation by a properly educated and trained surgeon or some guy who read some medical books and dissected frogs?

      3. The evidence at Nuremberg is OVERWHELMING. As a trained lawyer, it hits me even harder. I guess there's no evidence for the moon landing either. It was filmed in the Arizona desert silly goose!

      There is quite a bit of evidence that The high ranking Nazis were sodomites (as I referenced in this post). Maybe that explains your obsession with male genitalia. My father and uncle endured PTSD from fighting the pagan Japanese and occult Nazis respectively. I come from a long line of brave men who fought to keep us free from tyranny.

      Lastly, if I lack male parts because I write under a pen name, what does that say about you "Mr. Anonymous"? People in glass domiciles shouldn't throw hard projectiles.

      The old saying rings true, "Immaturity is outgrown, youth ages, drunkenness can be sobered, and ignorance educated. However, STUPID LASTS FOREVER!

      Over and out.


    5. Hmmm, which should we trust? The propaganda from white supremacist sites provided by anonymous, or the evidence provided by every competent scholar? Holocaust deniers are like feeneyites. They pick and choose what is right and put the opinions of self appointed experts over actual experts.

      My great grandfather participated in liberating one of the camps. I think I'll trust what he said he saw over self appointed scholars born decades after.

    6. The soldiers,prisoners,and German citizens were all dying because the "Allies" had bombed Germany into the stone age!
      Railroad tracks,roads,bridges,hospitals,schools,homes,etc..
      No medicine,no food,no shelter,no clothes,no medical treatment,no proper sanitation or hygiene,etc..
      Please watch the documentary "Hellstorm" and see how evil sick & cruel the "Allies" treated everyone in Germany,including the camp prisoners.

    7. The response of known Freemason Harry Truman was immoral. I hope you're not suggesting that he was as immoral as Hitler, or That Hitler didn't start the war. That doesn't comport with the facts.


  20. I see. I think that's called an inordinate attachment to creatures.
    Bishop Sanborn wrote a mildly interesting article attacking Bishop Williamson for bringing the "Holocaust" into public discussion. It was rather strange in some ways because he'd excoriate then praise him, rinse and repeat. Anyhow, he correctly explained why tbe term "Holocaust" is a misnomer. He also flubbed it by implying that Wikipedia is a reliable source (for the number of Jews that died in Nazi Germany). Go have a look at the "Call me Jorge" blog, and in particular the article about Hasbara's Zionist trolls. After reading it you'll better understand my above comment.
    The point I'm slowly getting around to, is: I don't like the term "Holocaust," and I don't like the Zionist First Commandment: "Thou shalt believe in the Holocaust as being the slaughter of 6 million Jews by Hitler with thy whole mind, heart and soul. If thou dost disbelieve there shalt be a weeping and gnashing of teeth (If you've lost your teeth dentures will be provided)."
    If historians have uncovered evidence to the contrary of tbe 6 million figure, free and open debate should be encouraged to get to the truth of the matter, not a situation where any and all dissent is met with a billion sledge hammers. St. Thomas Aquinas taught that the intellect was made for truth, and if that isn't the goal in all disputes then the saying, "Houston we have a problem" applies. And if debate is violently shut down, one wonders all the more "Why?"
    Finally, (for the time being lol) you make a good point about some people needing/desiring to be in a cult. There's a dude named Lyndon Larouche, and his followers more or less adore - of all people - FDR and his "New Deal" ideology.
    There are a lot of weird people out there, but I'm confident you're a man that just ignores their nonsense and carries on in a calm manner. :)

    1. The problem is not a mere arguing over numbers. Some people are just interested in the facts. But some people question the numbers out of pure malice against the Jews which is uncharitable. The Nazi's didn't target the Jews over their Religion- the great mystic St. Terese of Avila would have been killed by them!

    2. Mhm...and some bear malice towards Muslims and black Americans and Italians and Poles and Catholics etc. What's new?
      True, the problem is complicated. Would you like me to simplify it for you?

      Good guys (grunts) from one side helped bad guys from that same side beat the good guys (grunts) from the other side who were taking orders from another set of bad guys. :)
      Something to ponder: The so-called good guys who won imported creepy German scientists who formerly worked for Hitler and his Third Reich pals to America where they worked for the OSS/CIA doing the MK-Ultra mind control experiments on UNWITTING US military personnel and US and Canadian citizens. These "Manchurian Candidate" type experiments involved dosing their victims with LSD and other mind -altering substances. Shall I go on with what the bad guys who won who are posing as the good guys also did?

  21. Excellent and spot on. Despite the Jew hating, Holocaust deniers responding. They would hate Jesus, Mary and the Apostles. In fact they do.

    1. I've talked to one who claimed to be Catholic yet called Maximilian Kolbe a traitor who deserved to die.

  22. Dave & Hunter, the things you write indicate profound ignorance and gullibility on your part and Dave's comment is just pathetic. I deny the Holocaust so according to Dave I hate Jesus Mary and the Apostles? You men, led by another confused lawyer who thinks he is a theologian (like Salza & Ferrara), are all mixed up with your beliefs. When denying the Jewish conspiracy is equated to denying Christ by Traditional Catholics, as is the position held by the majority of blog posters here, I can see that most people will follow Antichrist while believing they are following Christ. You two guys need to go to Brother Nathanael's website: and learn something. Brother N is a Jew by birth - born and raised in a NY Synagogue. Go ahead and refute him and make sure you call him a Christ hater too.

    1. Brother Nathanael is an eastern "orthodox" schismatic. Why should we trust him, who was thrown out of a monastery, over people which much more credibility? Where are Bro. Nathanael's credentials? Oh, he has none! You may deny it, but I've known "Catholics" who've denied the holocaust and it drives them into less than savory things. Most of the Holocaust deniers I know are also feeneyites. The main problem here, is again, not the questioning of the number of the dead. It is the blind hatred for the jews found amongst holocaust deniers. I used to be one of you guys. All I saw was blind hatred and propaganda. There's also the group that says Jews cannot be saved no matter what, even if they convert to Catholicism. And finally, you can deny it all you want, but most holocaust denial is based on hatred for the jews. I've seen it firsthand as a former white nationalist.

    2. Anonymous @ 6:23

      Unlike Salza, I don't pretend to be a theologian and I recognize the imposter on St Peter's throne. I follow Church teaching the best I can in the absence of a pope using approved theologians from pre-Vatican 2. I try to ensure my arguments are syllogistically valid and sound.

      You claim the evidence for the extermination of Jews is non-existent. I suggest you review the records at Nuremberg. The evidence is powerful and overwhelming. There are many peer reviewed journal articles and books I can cite if you wish. The only "evidence" you present is a Jew who joined a false religion and has no real credentials beyond that.

      If your evidence is overwhelming, you've yet to cite any. I'm not surprised.


    3. And what evidence would this be? NOTE- I never said you were a feeneyite. I said you had the feeneyite mentality of trusting people with no credentials (i.e Brother Nathaniel) above the actual scholars. Sort of like feeneyites trust a pair of fake benedictines in New York above the Theologians.

    4. Yeah. What do I know? My dad's family died in Auschwitz but I am sure he just made that all up. Talk about pathetic comments. I am also a Jew and an actual Catholic. Brother N is useful idiot. Reality refutes both of you. Yes, your hate for Jews is obvious, you guys are one trick ponies with the same phony history. If you lived 2000 years ago you would be the same enemy of Christ you are now.

    5. The main problem with holocaust denial is what about all of the survivors, families affected, etc.? As I mentioned earlier, my great grandfather saw one of the camps. Did he lie to us, anonymous, as well as everyone else? Utter foolishness. Dave, don't let these people get to you. They hated Christ first, and they still hate him now.

    6. Please cite your sources Anonymous @ 5:42 for your three points. Please explain how your version of history comports with, e.g., Cardinal O'Flaherty rescuing Jews from extermination and the testimony of Herbert Kappler who stated arranged the deportation of over 2,000 Jews to die in gas chambers. He demanded 50 kilograms of gold from the Jewish community in Rome to prevent it. Kappler was converted by Card. O'Flaherty while in prison.


  23. Hunter, your definition is dripping with irony. According to the info i'm posting you are a Holocaust Denier. You don't get to "sift" the definition like the FSSPX sifts Paul VI!
    You either accept the definition in its entirety or you are a *gasp* HOLOCAUST DENIER!!!

  24. First of all, again, what part of the definition did I sift? Definition- "the Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators." What part of that did I deny?

    Ok, you claim to be highly educated. What are your credentials? I admit I'm a layman on the subject, but if you're so educated on the subject you'd have seen the real evidence, not made up evidence peddled by con men. Who were these supposed conspirators using hitler, stalin, churchill, etc. as puppets? The Freemasons? Communists? You should be more specific.

    My comment on him being a schismatic was in response to Catholics quoting him as some hero. He's not a "Brother", even the Easterns say that. He has no credentials, and people who've known him have said he manipulates people. The difference is Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn stuck with speaking out against Communism. Nothing wrong with that. There are things wrong with Bro. Nathanel as I've pointed out.

    In response to your final part, yes, I would agree. This endless debating distracts from the real enemies of the Church. There have been many converted Jews who have benefited the Church, for example, St. Teresa of Avila.

    God Bless you.

  25. Hunter - are you playing games with me? Lol I made my comment in response to your initial post following my request for you to specifically and completely define "Holocaust Denier."
    The following was your entire response: "One who denies that there was an intentional campaign of genocide against the Jews in Europe."
    There is NO mention of a figure of 6 million in that statement. Your (initial) reply, my friend, definitely would equate to Holocaust denial, according to the working definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. If historians - or for that matter anyone - questions anything they've laid down they'd automatically be deemed "Antisemites"/"Holocaust Deniers." That is totalitarian. They are seeking to control your speech and to impose a form of thought control.
    From the Novus Ordo Watch website article, 'The “Hate” Canard: Is Opposing Sexual Immorality and its Purveyors a Matter of “Hatred”?'
    "Our society is saturated with political correctness. The leftist thought police has long tried to commandeer what vocabulary the populace is “permitted” to use. The idea behind it is that the way we speak necessarily influences how we think, and so self-censorship in words quickly leads to self-censorship in thoughts."
    This same self-censorship principle well and truly applies to the Holocaust Denier scenario. You've repeatedly emphasized the hatred of Jews aspect as the driving force behind HD, using anecdotal accounts involving random nutcases you know, and their extreme beliefs and practices. It's ALWAYS hate, haters and hatred and NEVER people of principle who just want the TRUTH. Again, the Jewish people don't have any exclusivity on being murdered en masse. I think that Khrushchev intentionally starved circa 17 million Ukrainians to death in the winter of 1931. Others *deny* it was that many. (Bp. Sanborn is one of them. ) I'm not going to lose my mind over it/break communion with people with whom I disagree. If the truth is that's it's fewer, so be it. But for Holocaust cultists the six million is an article of faith in their religion. Woe betide anyone who dissents!

    You wrote: "Ok, you claim to be highly educated. What are your credentials?"
    In fact I wrote: "Unlike you, it seems, I'm highly educated regarding the conspiracy that pulls the strings in all these conflicts..."
    Why are you (unsucessfully) trying to turn this around and put pressure on me? Why do I need to be credentialed? One may well ask Introibo what his credentials are that allow him to publish a series of articles authoritatively speaking about the dangers and evils of rock music? And he'd correctly answer that years of study qualify him.

    Look, there's no need to be "more specific" at this stage - it's a huge subject. I've simply been gently trying to get you to see that these conflicts were planned. None of them were accidental. But as far as specific people, Jews and Gentiles, working together/marching in step - sure, many can be named - Bernard Baruch, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff - the list is enormous. Here's an interesting excerpt I found online.
    Interestingly, Bella Dodd related that she was instructed to go to a swanky address in New York to get her orders if communications between her and her Moscow handlers was ever severed.
    As far as Bro Nathanael is concerned,
    I don't know much about him, but if he's truly exposing falsehoods he is to be applauded as a hero. Re: "He has no credentials, and people who've known him have said he manipulates people." Really? Did they say that? Well, then, his lack of credentials and his manipulative ways puts the final nail in his coffin! *wink*
    Have a great day! :)

    1. I think your taking definitions a little too literally here. You asked me what the holocaust was and I gave a definition.

      I'm not going to break Communion with someone for denying a historical event. I just speak with the evidence.

      Yes, on the subject of MUSIC that he's writing about, and other subjects that he's studied. You said "I'm highly educated regarding the conspiracy that pulls the strings in all these conflicts". But I asked what are your credentials IN THAT FIELD. It's like me telling introibo I'm highly educated in Classical Music. I may study the subject and enjoy it, but I'm not a musician. If a Musician says I'm wrong, I'd trust him over myself of course. But ok, fine, years of study do qualify someone in some aspects. You could be well researched but still be looking at biased evidence.

      I will take a look at that article.

      The thing with brother Nathanael is he is a mixed bag. Some of the people who went to synagogue with him, said he went to their synagogue in need of food and shelter, but later began to disrupt services and make them pay for things. I don't know the whole story and I may be wrong on some part.

      God Bless you! :)

    2. Hunter, why are you so concerned about Brother Nathanael's personal life and what do you mean he is a mixed bag? Do you disagree with the massive amount of information on his Website? Does it bother you that he exposes the Jews?

    3. What about the evidence at Nuremberg? The evidence of the brave Hugh O'Flaherty and testimony of Nazi Kappler? The "massive evidence" alleged by Anonymous @7 pm is on the same quality and quantity as the "massive evidence" that Elvis is alive, Martians walk among us, and the Earth is flat.


    4. Well to be specific I said "massive amount of information" not "massive evidence" although Bro. Nathanael has a lot of that as well.

      Regarding Fr Hugh O'Flaherty he seems to have been a wonderful priest who provided shelter for refugees and pows so what is your point? If he claimed he witnessed Jews being gassed and incinerated he either lied or else he never really said it.

      Have you read anything by Father Denis Fahey? May I suggest "The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation", "The Kingdom of Christ and Organized Naturalism" and "Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism."

    5. So if Hugh O'Flaherty claims anything not in line with your predetermined conclusion he's either a liar or someone else is lying that he said it. Let's hope you're never on a jury. "This guy is guilty and anyone who claims otherwise is a liar and must not be believed so we can convict him."

      The testimony of Kappler is also a lie? The evidence of Nuremberg is all lies? Or it was all fabricated? There are now people who (literally) are claiming the Newtown shooting never took place and no one was killed. It's all a government conspiracy. What a horrific pain to inflict upon the families that lost loved ones; especially children.
      These outlandish theories, which hold that the Newtown school shooting was a staged mass murder engineered by gun control advocates will not be deterred by the evidence. Proponents of this whacky conspiracy theory claim Sandy Hook children had been taught to play victims that day, and frequently cruise into town with cameras to “expose” the “child actors" who "are still alive." I wonder how many of these kooks also buy into the ideas of those who deny the planned extermination of the Jews by Hitler.

      I also hope you realize that your reasoning is circular and invalid. "If anyone claims they saw Jews gassed or incinerated they must be lying, because it never happened. We know it didn't happen because those who say it did are lying."


    6. Hold the phone! The reason I'm "Introibo" is precisely because I fully understand what will happen if politically correct ideas are challenged. I remain anonymous to protect my family and friends from repercussions regarding my ideas and beliefs. Nevertheless, I follow the manifest weight of the credible evidence where it leads, and in the case of Hitler, it doesn't lead where you take it.

      Yes, I do believe in conspiracies. One gentleman commented about that above (his wife is a Jewish convert) and I do believe many wealthy Jews are anti-Christians. None of that means Hitler didn't plan the extermination of the Jews. We even have the crime of conspiracy, but we must be certain there is sufficient evidence.

      I have yet to hear a refutation of the evidence at Nuremberg. I am more than willing to debate, but I have yet to see the evidence from your side. You simply talk about having evidence without actually producing any.

      "Group think?" You gotta be kidding! Yes, this blog is produced by a proud sedevacantist Traditionalist and it is meant to be a place to warn and instruct my fellow Traditionalists and make some converts from the V2 sect. However, I'm not a follower of any particular clergyman and I allow people to disagree. That doesn't mean I don't have strong opinions I will defend. I have NEVER been a "follow me or die" person like many a Traditionalist cleric--and some laity.

      Satisfy my ego? Yes. That's why I remain anonymous and spend my time researching and writing making no money on it. It's definitely a narcissistic trait.

      God's instrument? I hope I'm so lucky, and I'm very unworthy to be used as such. Whatever good comes of this blog is the result of the Good Lord, not me. I have readers, but I have no followers. The only One worth following is Christ and His One True Church. People should believe what THE CHURCH TEACHES. I have always said that on matters not decided by the Church, my opinion is just that--an opinion. Your accusations are unjust and unfounded.


    7. Dear Anonymous-

      No, it does not bother me. What I criticized was the quoting of less than credible people who lie about stuff as sources. If you'd like to debate the holocaust, there are revisionists with far more credibility than him.

  26. I published this as my policy is to allow all comments that do not use vulgarity, blasphemy, or are baseless ad hominem claptrap. However, I must ask WHO produced these films? What are their qualifications? Just because it's on film doesn't make it true. Watch an Oliver Stone film if you don't believe me!


  27. Dear Anonymous,

    Sorry for my delay in replying. I'll have a reply to you tomorrow.

    God Bless you!

  28. Dear Introibo,

    I am afraid I must openly call this blog post as one profoundly ignorant of Traditional Catholic reality and do deeply lament its rather offensive contents. To dispell the myths that are here furthered, I will attempt to explain just what the relationship is between National Socialism and Traditional Catholics.

    First of all, the word "nazi" is a racist slur against Austrians, Bavarians and those of close Bavaro-German ethnicity, employed in its earliest variants since the Middle Ages, and was particularly directed against the Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I by communists and their judaeo-masonic Allies, then applied universally to Germany and Austria during the Third Reich by the corrupt press. This can all be confirmed by a simple glance at the "Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache", the Etymological Dictionary of the German Language. National Socialism has always been abbreviated as NS, itself a shorter form of the correct NSDAP. As such, I would consider it appropriate for this insult to cease being used by Christians, please.

  29. In the name of my exterminated family, and all those who suffered for being Austrians or Germans proudly defending their country, but chiefly, in honour of Christ, Who Is The Truth, I beg you to apologize for some of the offensive content in your post. I know you have done so in good faith and to defend your understanding of Christianity, but please do know that we all have much more to learn than seems at first sight.

    With Greetings in Christ,


  30. Finally, I would like to make sure you understand that no one, not even these very humble and most pious Catholic National Socialists, have denied nor deny the many errors, excesses and wicked acts comitted during the Third Reich, among which are certainly not the inflated numbers and myths of Concentration Camps - but which country or government is free from these faults? Let us not see the sparrow in the foreign eye without noticing the enormous timber in one's own, particularly if someone is American as yourself, for your country has brought enormous misery and suffering all throughout the world, and, very honestly, very little to no good, unless you consider anti-catholic Americanism, Revolution, degenerate morals or Judaeo-masonry at large a good, in which case I would question your Catholicity. One can and should be a patriot, perhaps even a nationalist, as we learn from the Fathers, who would always publically venerate, honour and fight for the pagan Emperor, but never a worshipper of the state, not even the Vatican state, nor any one of its heads, nor much less approve any of their wicked acts whatsoever. I hope these words, many as they are, have been of some good for you, and I will assure you of my continued prayer intentions for you and your blog.

    With Greetings in Christ:


  31. To my readers,

    I published “Austrian Orthodox Catholic” just for laughs. At the risk of sounding uncharitable, he’s more in need of lithium than a refutation! Once more, we have assertions without evidence.

    — Introibo

  32. I don't believe the
    6 million number.

  33. Gee. I wonder why?

    Do you also believe the earth is flat? Please don’t answer. It’s a rhetorical question.

    I recommend a good examination of conscience and reflect on your motives for your historically unsupportable opinion.

  34. I'm not humored by AOC's comments because I believe he is spot on with everything he wrote. Wise and learned person that will be rejected only because his information conflicts with many people's comfortable world views. Hopefully this entire comment section will wake a few Catholics up to how badly we have been deceived about many events that directly and indirectly relate to Vatican II and the Roman Catholic Church.

    Dave, your family wasn't "exterminated" pal so grow up. The holohaux story doesn't hold up to honest scrutiny in the least or I for one would believe it. It's a joke. Yeah maybe you lost family members in the war but that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. You only believe the Holocaust fable because it was indoctrinated into your mushy skull all your life. No excuse now as too much information is available to remain ignorant and blind. Now its time to learn some critical thinking skills buddy. Read some material written by Jews themselves since you think everybody else is antisemitic. And what is their agenda Dave? that they would refute the hoax only to lose everything in their lives as well as their good name? The fact is most people don't deny the Holocaust because they hate Jews; they deny it because its claims don't hold up - period. Yeah maybe some people hate Jews but some people hate Catholics and everybody else too so get over it. Lastly, to deny a Jewish conspiracy is ludicrous as the evidence is all over the place. Since you claim to be a traditional Catholic then go read some books by Father Denis Fahey and see if that changes your tune somewhat. There is an article I recall reading from "Look Magazine" that predates Vatican II and if I remember correctly it was called "How the Jews Changed Catholic Thinking." I recommend that article and Father Fahey just for starters. Maybe those sources will help change your tune. Maybe.

    1. How about the FACT Fr DePauw was a prisoner at Dachau and saw Jews persecuted along with Catholics? How about the testimony of Kappler and Nuremberg are all lies? It’s your revisionist side that lacks the evidence.

      — Introibo

  35. Father DePauw probably did see Jews persecuted at Dachau and ???? Every honest holocaust skeptic admits that Jews were persecuted including David Irving. Nuremberg was a stage show - the testimonies were forced and others forged. There is a reason no trace of a so-called Holocaust appeared until decades following the war- it didn't happen. David Irving cites everything he could his hands on about Germany including testimony from at least one of Hitler's personal secretaries and not a trace of a Holocaust surfaces A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E. Revisionists lack evidence? Are you kidding or what? The Holocaust story couldn't even be true if I tried to believe it because the claims are impossible. There is no real evidence on your part. The best you have are tattoos of numbers and lots of emotional extermination stories like Dave's. Stories that's it. You can't even produce a single Arial photograph of the coke piles or black smoke that should be all over the place if that number of corpses were open-air incinerated. Open air incineration oh please. I challenge you to take a phone book out of your house and try and get it to burn up in your back yard Introibo. Let us know how long it takes you to burn the whole book. If I had the time and desire I could pick the story apart all day long but I am a passer-by on this blog. Do your own homework or stay where you are what do I care.

    1. Go back to the famous libel case involving David Irving in 2000. Holocaust deniers have put forth an objection that the amount of fuel necessary to cremate that many bodies would have been impractical. In 2000, David Irving sued an author in British high court for libel, for calling him a "Hitler partisan" who manipulated the historical record to deny the reality of the Holocaust. At the widely publicized trial, the prosecuting attorney claimed that it would take mountains of coke to burn all the bodies. An expert witness for the defense countered by showing German patents, issued before the war, for a mass crematorium that could be run almost entirely off the body fat of the corpses disposed in it.

      There is real evidence the Nazis exterminated Jews. Why did Pope Pius XII rescue Jews in particular? More propaganda and lies!!! Just like 9/11, the Moon landing, and the Newtown shooting all never happened!

      Unlike you, the universe where I live has a sky that is blue.

      — Introibo

    2. Correction... The look magazine article was dated 1966. Here is the link:

    3. How convenient - no bodies to prove 6 million dead by gas and patents for mass crematoriums that would run off body fat? Had to cremate those bodies huh, otherwise they would have them to show and autopsy them. Where are these mass crematoriums Introibo? SHOW me. How about the patents? Can you PROVE they weren't drafted AFTER the war like the new ceiling hatches they built to "prove" a Zyclon B entrance? Man you are a gullible guy and yet somehow you are a Sedevacantist which doesn't really add up.

    4. I’ve gone over the evidence at Nuremberg and of Pope Pius XII. I’m gullible because I believe the manifest weight of the credible evidence. Ok. No amount of evidence can convince you otherwise. No matter. The point of my post was you cannot be a Traditionalist and an occultist, which is what Hitler was and Professor Kurlander shows. Bp. Williamson denies the Holocaust and is NOT a sedevacantist! If that doesn’t show which positions are correct, nothing will!

      — Introibo


    You cannot refute any of these answers to your anti-Semitic, conspiratorial crap. But I know you will not read it our respond point for point. Because you don’t want to be confused with the facts.

  37. As I said - you won’t address the facts because you don’t want to be confused by them. Honest to God, I am adding you to my daily rosary because you are placing yourself in eternal jeopardy. Read your replies, look at the rage you cannot quite keep at bay. You need to repent. Your motives have nothing to do with an unbiased, calm, dispassionate study of facts. You know this.

  38. Most people who reject the Nazi horrors perpetrated upon the Jews are bound up with anti-Semitic hatred? That's a pathetic canard but it does not surprise me that you would use it. You don’t attack positions; you attack people because that is the sort of person you are- a cocky windbag filled up with himself. I disbelieve the holohoax but that doesn’t make me hate Jews any more than Jews who disbelieve in Christ hate individual Christians. We're talking about idealogies an cultures not individual people. You call me a racist and an anti-semite but I am neither and neither is anyone else I personally know who believes as I do. Actually, it is YOU who are bound up with a hate group against people who believe like me! Now if racism consists of hating a GROUP simply based of their membership as you just said then you would have to call Jews who hate Christians racists too. As for Jews hating Christ Himself, Jews do not believe the claims about Jesus and many remain skeptical that he even existed so your point is irrelevant to the discussion. What is relevant is that there is a network of Jews in control of the major power sources of the world who openly hate Christian culture, values, and beliefs and are bent on destroying that. Hitler understood, as did many Catholic monarchs throughout the centuries, the same threat and he took steps to prevent Germany from succumbing to what has now happened to the US and many other nations. Catholic nations have long suppressed the Jews because they believed that with Jewish finance, usury, naturalism, etc. Christians would suffer greatly. The holohoax was a scheme devised by Jewish Freemasons against Germany and funded by Jewish Wall St. tycoons in order to further impose Jewish hegemony and culture that many Christians, unlike yourself, are not afraid to identify. Moreover, the holohoax has been used as THE pretext to wipe out millions of innocent people, steal their land and resources, criminalize skeptics, cause a series of ongoing wars, grant endless sympathy, book deals, and financial rewards to "survivors" and their extended families (such as David), and establish a new universal dogma that supersedes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. YOU are a defender of that new super dogma you ignoramus. For that alone you are a failure to the Christian cause especially when it comes to understanding the great apostasy. Anyhow, your real message is that holohoax unbelievers & skeptics are racists and yet you wouldn’t dare say the same about the Jews who unanimously deny the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and in many cases, his actual historical existence. Don’t forget the Catholic Church used to promote the idea that that Jews in general are “Christ killers” who conspired to commit the crime of Deicide and that God’s curse remains on them. So if someone who denies the holohoax is an anti-Semite and racist according to you then according to your own definition the traditional Catholic Church is a racist, anti-Semitic religious organization. Indeed that has been the charge by proponents of your side for millennia.

    1. Yes, I'm such a cocky windbag I keep my identity a secret. I have attacked the POSITION throughout this post that one cannot be both a Nazi and a Traditionalist using a peer-reviewed book by a qualified historian regarding the occult history of Hitler and his goons.

      I know a man at a Traditionalist Chapel I sometimes attend, who for some years was an atheist before returning to the Faith. When I asked him how he could have gone from a Traditionalist to an atheist, he explained how he was of the conspiratorial mind-set about the Jews and the "holohoax." He came to believe that Christianity was a conspiratorial hoax engineered by the Jews to weaken the Roman Empire; teachings such as "turn the other cheek" destroyed them. Thankfully, he did years of research, and got back his Faith (not to mention his sanity). This is the craziness that your kind of reason-challenged arguments engenders.

      Yes, the true Church still teaches that jews are guilty of Deicide because the High Priest was given authority by God to bind all Jews by what he said, like "Let His Blood be upon us and our descendants." We have been accused of anti-Semitism as a result. Nevertheless, this is an impetus for converting them NOT hating them or denying historical facts to make them the continuous "boogeyman" of humanity.

      I'll second what Dave wrote, "Go away." You probably have better things to do anyway. Like burning a cross on the lawn of an African-American family who moved into a neighborhood filled with members of the Master Race.


  39. I'm a "Traditional Catholic" (i.e. Roman Catholic that ignores the Novus Ordo and all the numerous changes from 1951-present day.)
    I don't believe the 6 million number for various reasons.
    I sincerely hope my view doesn't cause concern or suspicion among modern Traditional Catholics.
    There are many working class and middle class "Jews" who are just as uninformed and clueless as the average Gentile.
    When people say
    "Jews are responsible for...." it's just a way of correctly identifying the main group responsible for our nightmare scenario starting in the mid 19th century.
    (Yes mid 19th century)
    There are Gentile "Shabbos Goy" who have enabled and worked right along side the elite Jews who orchestrate all of this degeneracy perversion infiltration and apostasy.

    1. This is not that kind of blog anonymous so watch yourself. I'm surprised you were even allowed to post blasphemy here.

    2. I disagree with the comment but what was the blasphemy?

      — Introibo

  40. Somebody asked if the subject of the article (Pro. Kurlander) was Jewish and you became noticeably uncomfortable with the comment. It would appear your boy Kurlander is an Ashkenazi Jew. Your readers may find the name connection interesting:

    "This surname KURLANDER was an East Ashkenazic Jewish regional name, originally derived from the Old German KURLAND (Courland) which is now part of Latvia. The name of the region comes from the name of KURS, a Baltic people who, together with the Letts, inhabited this area. The name is also spelt KORLAND, KURLENDER, KORLENDER, KURLANDSKI, KURLANSKY, KURLIANDSCHICK and KURLIANDCIK."

    1. Wow! You’ve proven...your own ignorance! Prof. Kurlander is not “my boy” but a qualified scholar. As such, his work must stand or fall based on the quality of his research.

      Even if he were Jewish (I don’t own “The Golden Book Of Ashkenazic Jewish Names for Neo-Nazi Idiots”) so what?? That’s called an ad hominem fallacy in logic. Suppose a Catholic writes a book against abortion. Does that make its arguments wrong or information incorrect? The professor’s book doesn’t mention the attempted extermination of the Jews, but the occult forces at work in Hitler’ s regime.

      I’ve said all I’m going to on this topic. Why don’t you wash your long white sheets and get ready for your next cross burning?

      — -Introibo

  41. Pax et Bonum,

    Could I translate this post into Brazilian Portuguese?

    Br. Dismas Maria

    1. Br. Dismas Maria,
      Of course you may translate it, as long as attribution and a link is given to this blog.


    2. I do not know when I will publish the translation (maybe in some years), but I will sure give the source.

      God bless you and pray for us,

      Br. Dismas Maria

  42. Another excellent article, Introibo! I recently had an exchange with a young so-called sedevacantist, who took objection to my lumping in the Neo-Nazis and Marxists here in NYC as Leftists who are determined to destroy what's left of our economy and quality of life in the Big Apple. He was offended that I dared to lump Nazis in with Communists, and said it was a cringe opinion to think that Socialists are Leftists. Instead of engaging me in ideas, he immediately went to insults while praising Nazis who saved their country from the Marxists and utterly opposed communism. When I asked him why he felt it necessary to resort to insults instead of refuting my claims that Nazis and Marxists are two sides of the same totalitarian coin, he proceeded to insult me further. I tweeted this article, and quite a few others to back my claim. Silence. What I found even more disturbing, is that he has posted on Twitter an interest in becoming a priest (!) along with other tweets where he made positive remarks regarding fascism. I've noticed this propensity for Nazis and fascism before, and find it deeply troubling that so-called Traditional Catholics would ever dare associate themselves with such vile and ugly ideologies.

    1. CyrusD78,
      It is frightening how many Millennials adhere to extreme position simple BECAUSE they are extreme. One such sede contacted me via the comments wanting to be a priest. He went to a CMRI seminary only to be dismissed for wanting to become an Eastern Schismatic. After becoming Schismatic, he gave up faith in God entirely to be a Neo-Nazi,

      Another wanted to be a Traditionalist priest and now declares himself a bi-sexual Communist.

      Gen X has its share of problems, but whacky extremisms wasn't one of them, Deo gratias!

      God Bless,


  43. Hi Introibo,

    I wanted to follow-up on my post from several days ago regarding this so-called sedevacantist on Twitter who I've continued to try and engage with over his tweets regarding Hitler and the Nazis as saviors of Europe. He is clever in how he'll juxtapose an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in one tweet, followed by another tweet of Fr. Maximilian Kolbe with a member of the Wehrmacht and I'm guessing another priest. When I asked who the soldier was, when and where this was taken, and who the unidentified priest was, I got nothing but silence. What I found particularly troubling about this one photo is that there is a statue of the Blessed Virgin in the background. In my mind, when I saw this photo in relation to the other tweets by this individual, I was thoroughly angered. To me, it comes across as an endorsement by the Catholic Church (in his mind) of the Nazis and a justification for invading most of Europe and their antagonism and eventual war between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

    His followers/admirers were the ones to answer for him, including one where it was claimed that I don't know what antisemitism is, and that I must be a believer in the Dual Covenant heresy. I respond by posting a link to your article on just that topic. Again, crickets. This person has now blocked me, effectively, in his mind, letting him off the hook.

    I also posted a link prior to being blocked with an article from the ChristOrChaos website on Pope Pius XII, and the work that he did, mostly in secret, to save as many Jews as possible from the Nazis. In that article, it clearly states that Pius XII did not support the Nazis or Hitler. I doubt that this person, or any of his followers, will respond to the article, which just demonstrates to me their cowardice and poor understanding of the relationship that the Church must have to the Jewish people, especially that we must be working towards their conversion and salvation.

    As you mentioned in response to my original post, that so many Millennials adhere to such extremist positions, which I think is closely tied to our educational system that has failed its students by indoctrinating them into the current system of madness gripping this country and the world. I also think there is a connection between most Millennials having little to no real-world experience, of hardship and struggle. Perhaps this young man is filling that gap in this very strange and perverted way. I’ve noticed this with my nieces and nephew who went to college as smart, innocent teenagers and came out the other side completely different people. Three nieces were radicalized and motivated by hatred (BLM supporters) of all that came before them. Even my nephew, who identified as a conservative, is now considering working for the ACLU after he finishes law school.
    Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts and experiences as we make our way through this extremely difficult and challenging time for all people, and especially true traditional Catholics.

    God Bless,

