Monday, May 4, 2020

When Strangers Come Knocking---Part 9

This is the next installment of my series to be published the first Monday of each month.

There are members of false sects, like Jehovah's Witnesses, that come knocking door-to-door hoping to convert you. Instead of ignoring them, it is we who should try and convert them. In 1 Peter 3:16, our first Pope writes, "But in thy hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks thee to give the reason for the hope that thou hast. But do this with gentleness and respect,..." Before the Great Apostasy, the Church would send missionaries to the ends of the Earth to make as many converts as possible.

Those in false religions don't always come (literally) knocking at your door. It may be a Hindu at work who wants you to try yoga. It could be a "Christian Scientist" who lives next door and invites you to come to their reading room. Each month, I will present a false sect. Unlike the Vatican II sect, I do not see them as a "means of salvation" or possessing "elements of truth" that lead to salvation. That is heresy. They lead to damnation, and the adherents of the various sects must be converted so they may be saved.

In each month's post, I will present one false sect and give an overview of:
  • The sect's history
  • Their theology
  • Tips on how to share the True Faith with them
There was a time when the word "Hinduism" evoked images of Mahatma Gandi sitting in a lotus position and telling people to "Be the change you want to see in the world." The pagan religion is no longer almost exclusively comprised of Indians being catered to by Mother Teresa (but not converted by her). Famous converts to Hinduism include actress Julia Roberts, rock singer Adam Levine, and comedian Russell Brand. The attraction seems to be that Hinduism is non-dogmatic, teaches that we are "divine," and allows people to live as they wish because of the evil doctrine of reincarnation.

Hindu is a Persian term that means "the people and culture of the Indus River region." Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world today with about 800 million adherents. It is the predominant faith in India, where it comprises 82% of the population. Hinduism does not have an individual founder.  Scholars typically trace its origins to around 1500 B.C. in what is now known as India.  It began as a polytheistic and ritualistic family of religions with various sacred rites performed by the heads of particular households or tribes.  As time passed, the rituals became increasingly more complicated, and the need arose for a specialized priestly class to learn and administer them.  During this period, the Vedas were developed (and later written down) to instruct Hindu "priests" how to perform these rituals.

Hinduism does not have an official set of beliefs.  There is no formal creed one must accept to be Hindu. Instead, Hinduism is a quite diverse set of various religious beliefs and practices. Scholars do not typically define Hindusim in terms of common doctrine, but rather by loosely shared rituals, traditions, and religious inclinations.  Nevertheless, in an attempt to make sense of the broadness of Hinduism, it is worth noting some beliefs that are common to a large number of Hindus, even if they are not required by all.

Brahman: There is one supreme, impersonal reality called Brahman.  Brahman is the source of all things, but is not a personal creator. Brahman is, rather, the divine essence of all that exists. Brahman is impersonal, eternal, and beyond all human comprehension.

"Gods and Goddesses:" Many Hindus worship various gods and goddesses. They often believe that these beings can be appeased or appealed to through rituals and offerings in a temple, at a home shrine, by a sacred river, or in other places. Hindu scholars often explain that the millions of local and household gods and even the major Hindu gods such as Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), and Shiva (destroyer) are all expressions of the one divine essence, so that all Hindus are, in a sense, worshiping the same divinity. Despite these protestations, they cannot escape the fact that they are, in essence, polytheistic. The Hindus worship them as distinct entities, and not just a different manifestation of Brahman.

Karma/Reincarnation: According to Hinduism, our primary problem is that we are ignorant of our own divine nature. We have forgotten that we extensions from Brahman, and we have attached ourselves to the desires of our separate selves, or egos. The law of karma is essentially the moral equivalent of a natural law of cause and effect.  It basically says that we reap what we sow.  However, our actions not only affect us in the present life but on into future lives, which is why there is reincarnation. Any act of personal will is karma, and its effects keep us bound in the endless cycle of reincarnation.

Samsara: The perpetual cycle of birth, death, and rebirth that an individual endures until the balance of their karma is removed.

Moksha:  The liberation (the word moksha  means "freedom") from samsara and true enlightenment. In many forms of Hinduism, it means the realization of one's union with the universal essence of Brahman and thus one's complete union with all things. It is similar to the Buddhist belief in nirvana.

Enlightened Masters: Many Hindus accept various enlightened masters, avatars, or other wise persons who can serve as guides to faithful Hindus.  These individuals serve as examples and provide direction for those who want to achieve moksha or enlightenment from the suffering of samsara.

No One True Religion: Hindus believe that there are many paths to God. There is not one true religion or one right way to find Brahman.

(Sources for the above: See "Hinduism" in The Compact Guide to World Religions by Dean Halverston [1996], See also Nos and Nos Man's Religions [1980]).

Reincarnation: Doing Life Over Until You "Get It Right"
On December 7, 1977, Eldon McCorkhill (age 33) and Linda Cummings (age 28) were having drinks at a bar in Redlands, California. Their conversation eventually came to the subject of life after death. Cummings said she was firmly convinced that reincarnation was true. A spirited debate ensued, as McCorkhill was not a believer in cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. They argued all the way back to McCorkhill's apartment; once there, he took out a loaded gun and handed it to Cummings, saying, "If you believe in this, let's see what you'll come back as." Linda Cummings took the gun, pointed it at her head, and without hesitation, pulled the trigger. (See San Francisco Examiner, December 8, 1977).

Truly, the most horrific doctrine of the Hindus is reincarnation. Reincarnation is the belief among both Hindus and Buddhists that you will be "incarnated" (given a body) again ("re-") in order to progress and work out your karma (good and bad deeds) and ultimately escape the cycle of rebirths by attaining moksha or nirvana (a state of perfection which usually, but not always, involves the extinction of the self into "Oneness"). There are seven themes that are common in all variations of reincarnation:

1. A goal of ultimate perfection for humanity.

2. An evolution towards perfection that is achieved through reincarnation.

3. Your karma will affect the type of reincarnation you have; a bad karma will mean a rebirth in a worse or lower state, while a good karma will mean rebirth to a better or higher state.

4. Your self survives death in successive afterlives.

5. You get multiple chances to make amends for the wrongs you've committed.

6. You will always be reincarnated in a body susceptible to die until you reach moksha.

7. There are multiple planets, universes, and dimensions upon which you can be reincarnated; it is not limited to Earth.  

The True Church of Christ has always taught--along with the Apostle St. Paul---"(Just as)people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment" (See Hebrews 9:27). The popularity of reincarnation and Eastern Mysticism is rampant in the Vatican II sect, with many "priests" and loony "nuns" practicing yoga, un-Catholic forms of meditation, and "centering prayer," all of which is opposed to authentic Catholic teaching and is linked to Hinduism.

Here are but two reasons (apart from Church teaching) that reincarnation is both false, and the very idea of cycles of rebirth is not "giving people more chances," but actually quite evil:

1. One lifetime is enough to decide your eternal fate. What difference does it make if a person lives 7,000 years in various incarnations or 70 years in one lifetime when compared to eternity? Are not both infinitesimal when compared to eternity? Everyone is given ample opportunity to get to Heaven, and no one goes there unless they choose it! Not all experiences admit of second chances. The Hindus are fond of comparing life to a test that a kind teacher lets you retake if you fail. I could just as easily analogize to someone committing suicide by shooting himself in the head. There is no "do over," and the result is permanent. Provided that the person was of sound mind, the choice was freely made.

2. Reincarnation does nothing to explain evil and is unjust unlike Hell. Children can be baptized because they did nothing wrong in contracting Original Sin. It is simply the deprivation of sanctifying grace caused by the Fall of Adam. In a similar way, if a wealthy couple squanders millions of dollars, their children will be born into a poor state through no fault of their own but those children can work their way to wealth. Children who die without baptism are generally thought to enjoy some natural happiness (Limbo) because of no personal fault. Contrast this with reincarnation. In what sense does your self continue? If you have no memory of what you did in a past life (and you may not even exist as the same gender or on the same planet/dimension), in what sense do you survive death? If there is no bodily continuity, memory, or intellectual awareness, it seems like you're suffering for what someone else did, which is unjust.

Reincarnation also offers no solution to the problem of evil. For example, if someone is born with no arms because they assaulted people in a prior life, and they assaulted people in a prior life because before that life they couldn't control their temper, whence did evil originate? It's an infinite regress of past lives with no explanation. How did suffering begin in the first place if each life of suffering was caused by past bad karma? Moreover, there would be no free will in the view of reincarnation. Eventually, everyone will come to some "moksha." So it doesn't matter if you're Hitler or St. Francis of Assisi, you both get to the same place regardless of what you do. On the other hand, Heaven and Hell are freely chosen with the wicked punished and the good rewarded.

The Vatican II sect helps spread the wicked doctrine of reincarnation (and Hinduism in general). At Vatican II, Nostra Aetate para. # 2 states:

"Thus in Hinduism, men contemplate the divine mystery and express it through an unspent fruitfulness of myths and through searching philosophical inquiry. They seek release from the anguish of our human condition through ascetical practices or deep meditation or a loving, trusting flight toward God."

This is a false representation because it leads the Catholic to see Hindu mythology and philosophy as valid, as if they might effectively "search for" the "divine mystery," and as if Hindu asceticism and meditation bring about something similar to Christian asceticism. In what sense does worshiping the demon-"gods" of Hinduism comprise a "loving, trusting flight toward" the True God?

Reincarnation was explicitly condemned in the schema of what was to be the Dogmatic Constitution De Deposito Fidel Pure Custodiendo, which was drawn up by the greatest anti-Modernist theologians during the preparatory phrase of  Vatican II. "Pope" John XXIII and the other Modernists saw to it that the schema was rejected prior to the start of the Council because of its paucity of "ecumenical" character.

Proselytizing Hindus
Hindus are very difficult to pin down because they accept one religion is as good as another. Therefore they vary in their beliefs. Try to show them the inherent unfairness of reincarnation, as stated in the two points above. If reincarnation is true, why bother to be moral? You keep coming back and can do whatever you want. If someone "reincarnates" as an animal, on what moral grounds will they be judged? Hindus do not limit reincarnation to people. If the Hindu you are trying to convert is Indian, it is so wrapped up in the culture, conversion is extremely challenging, to say the least. We are called by God to try, and that does not mean every attempt will be successful.  

Hindus recognize a large number of books as sacred scripture (shastras). Most Hindus are familiar with only a few of these. The most popular is the Bhagavad Gita, which is a song recounting the interaction of prince Arjuna with the "god" Krishna; it expresses the hopes to which many Hindus aspire. The great diversity in beliefs and practices among Hindus reflects a number of factors, not just the sacred books, so arguing against the books will not help much. 

Going against their polytheism is a good approach. When we speak of God, we are talking about the Supreme Being. God is ultimate and eternal. God is, as St. Anselm wrote, "that than which no greater can be conceived." There cannot be two Supreme Beings for the obvious reason that neither of them would be supreme. There cannot be several ultimate realities because none of them would be ultimate. The only way around this is to lower the bar for what it means to be a god, which is generally what polytheists do. The "gods" are often born or formed at various times and might be limited to particular places. The "gods" have power over certain things and sometimes even need things from people. Men form idols with their own hands and must guard them against theft and shield them from the elements because the "gods" cannot protect their own sacred images. How does this make sense and qualify the Hindu "deities" as truly "gods"? 

Hinduism is a false, polytheistic, pagan religion with ill-defined beliefs. It is largely based on cultural tradition. It appeals to Westerners who like the demonic idea of reincarnation, and that we are all "divine." People can (and do) change their minds. There have been many converts to Traditionalist Catholicism; I converted my own parents and one of my close friends from law school. You can be God's instrument to free someone from the demonic "gods" of Hinduism, and the Satanic doctrine of reincarnation--with the horrible implication that morality doesn't matter because you can "do life over and over again." We need to understand, and try to impart to others, the correct idea that this life is the one and only chance you have to gain eternal salvation, so you had better get it right. 


  1. Just a reminder that "Pope" "Saint" John Paul II the Great...Apostate received the mark of Shiva.

    That reminds me of the song "Vatican II, what the heck are you?" where you can quote this:

    "Along came Mister John Paul Two an actor and a Marxist who received the Mark of Shiva on his brow"

    To those who haven't heard this song, listen to it. It's really good.

    1. Quam Oblationem,
      Never heard the song, but the lyrics are on target!!

      God Bless,


    2. Anyone who sees the photo of John Paul the Apostate receiving the mark of Shiva and still thinks of him as a "Pope" is thoroughly deceived.


    3. Joann,
      That’s the truth!!


  2. For the convenience of everyone, here's a link to the song. It's from True Restoration's Youtube account and it was endorsed by NOW.

  3. Sr. Francis Xavier, pray for us!
    There are even movies about dogs who reincarnate.

    1. Poni,
      Sad how all this is being pushed and not a word of protest from the V2 sect. They now “esteem” pagans!

      God Bless,


  4. To my Readers,
    Someone outside the United States asked if anyone knew of a Traditionalist therapist/ psychologist who could help with some problems. It could be done virtually. One friend I knew recently retired from his practice and does not accept any patients now.

    If anyone has information, please send to me via the comments. I will not publish it, but give the information to-the person via an email that protects my identity.

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    God Bless,


  5. Hollywood uses a lot Hindu symbolism and magick in their videos award shows and ceremonies such as the various music Awards.
    Hidden beneath the surface of Hinduism are Gods + Goddesses who are terrifying and demonic resembling the demonic Aztec Gods but slightly more demonic looking.
    Stay away from it don't look into this demonic gateway because it could lead you into temptation.
    Great article +
    God Bless

  6. Do you plan of writing about the Shroud of Turin, Introibo?

    1. @anon2:10
      It wasn’t “on my radar,” but you've given me an idea for a future post!

      God Bless,


  7. A useful link

    1. Very useful!

      Thank you for the information!

      God Bless,


  8. Dear Introibo - because you know Bp. Santay personally, what are the chances that the SSPV will give up their stance on the Thuc consecrations when Bp. Kelly exits the scene?

    It may be the first step for an imperfect general council.

    (On a side note, unless you believe that common error may be a reason, I don't think you can call Bp. Thuc an "archbishop" unless you believe John XXIII is a true pope.)

    1. @anon9:05
      I don’t know what Bp Santay thinks of the “Thuc Prohibition.” Just like Bp. Carroll, he must tow the line of Bp. Kelly. Neither would have been consecrated if Bp. Kelly wasn’t sure he would follow his policies.

      Is it possible that they are having doubts and maybe even rejecting the prohibition privately, known only to themselves and God? Sure. I wouldn’t be privy to such information as they would never share their inner thoughts on such a matter that could get them in hot water.

      So, one can only hope when one of them takes over, the prohibition will be dropped.

      As to Abp. Thuc, I give him the title as a sign of respect. Everyone thought he was an archbishop at the time, so I see no harm in referring to him by that title. Technically, you are correct that it should be Bishop Thuc.


  9. Thought "Dr." Taylor Marshall's book Infiltration was his greatest book (he even says that). Think again when listening to Tradcast.

    For those still thinking that we need a vaccine to "protect ourselves" and "trust" in CDC guidelines, just take a look at 1976 and see if you still think the same. Link:


    1. Lee,
      I am having phone problems and can't listen to the link you provided. However, I just wanted to say how can they come up with a vaccine for a virus? The powers that be can't vaccinate for the common cold or find a cure for it. Saw Dr. Fauci on video and TV stating back in January that there "was no human to human transmission". I don't care how many degrees Fauci has he is either stupid or speaks for the Commies in China. We, as a Country, are just going to lose more and more freedoms as a result of this so called Pandemic. Fauci, Birx, the democratic media, et al., have succeeded in one area and that is they have created a society with PTSD. Their so called scientific models predicting 2 million deaths has been proven to be an over blown falsehood. Just my 2 cents worth.


    2. Just came across another Dr. sensored by YouTube for speaking against Dr. Fauci, vaccinations and the virus. What happened to freedom of speech? If a person doesn't speak by agreeing with YouTube, Facebook, etc., they are censored. I never saw the video, but evidently it went viral and people are up in arms over it being censored. See linked article below.


    3. JoAnn,

      Thanks for the comment. I think Fauci and Birx are evil people by the fact that they have connections to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. I get sick of hearing this and that are "the new normal" from the media as if we are to be glad to give up our general freedoms and become more like the Communist Chinese. You're right that many people are becoming hypochondriac to the point of becoming Corna Karens and the so called models are being inflated for the globalist agenda. I hope you enjoy the podcast and video once you are able to watch them.


    4. Lee,
      Thank you for the information!

      While the virus is real, the initial projections were greatly inflated. You make some valid points.


    5. Lee,
      I have just started learning about the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation, along with vaccinations (better late than never). Last week I saw Bill Gates being interviewed on TV. He laughed, giggled and smiled ear to ear throughout the entire interview regarding the virus. The man left me with the impression that he is either 1) high on drugs 2) thinks the virus is a big joke or 3) is demon possessed! In any event, the guy is definitely evil.


    6. JoAnn,

      I would say he is # 3 or if not just a really evil man. For example he had Marina Marina Abramovic picked for promoting a virtual reality headgear for Microsoft. She is probably one of the most disgusting individuals in the world with her spirit cooking performances, taking menstrual blood and writing Satanic messages on walls etc. The youtube video had a larger downvote ratio than it did an upvote for obvious reasons. He has been seen in pictures with Jeff Epstein. His father was into eugenics and worked in promoting planned parenthood. Gates himself has talked about depopulation being a good thing in past conferences "so in can lower disease in poorer countries." He has put billions into funding vaccines working with the corrupt WHO and admitted that side effects could hurt up to 700,000 people including the elderly while also stating that vaccines need more indemnification from governments. He is certainly evil.


    7. Never was a fan of Gates. He does indeed promote an anti-life agenda.


    8. Lee,
      Thanks for the info regarding Gates of hell!! This Abramovic creature that he is using to promote Microsoft is totally evil. I am so turned off by Microsoft that I don't want any of their products in my home. I certainly will not take any vaccines either.


    9. JoAnn,

      The Gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I'm with you.


    10. JoAnn,

      Here is another video exposing the pseudoscience of vaccines.


    11. Lee,
      Thanks for the video. I agree with everything it said. I have only ever had the flu twice in my life. The one time I did get the flu I took the flu shot which was over 30 yrs ago. I have refused the flu shot since even though I am constantly pressured by Drs. to take it. Also,I have an autoimmune disease. I was pressured by Drs. to take a biologic. When I discovered that the biologic was from mice antibodies, I flat out refused as it didn't seem right to have mice antibodies infused into my body once a month at a cost of over $2,000. I chose instead to take an old drug that had been around for years and was being used "off label" to treat my condition. The drug was also very cheap compared to the biologic. The cheap, off label drug pushed my body into remission and I don't need it any more and am symptom free (thank God)!!
      Was wondering your thoughts if you think that the powers to be can mandate that everyone be required to take the COVID-19 vaccine? I keep hearing people saying that they will make the vaccine a requirement for employment. What are your thoughts? Thanks.


    12. JoAnn,

      If it comes to the point of where they force it in order for me to return to my workplace, I will claim religious exemption or medical exemption and tell them I have had an injury in the past due to a vaccine (I have) and that it's against my religion to inject aborted baby cells and adjuvants that would potentially cause me harm either in the short run or long run especially when it says so on the vaccine insert. Shouldn't be an issue especially if you have papers. If that doesn't work I'll either sue or quit my job and start from scratch working independently. Thankfully there are alot of people waking up to the immorality and serious side effects to vaccines and there has been quite a push back. Even Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is against them, website here Vaccine pushing doctors know this so that is why they are coming up with other drugs such as remdesivir which is also highly questionable: link here This wouldn't be such a problem if people weren't willing to comply despite their own rights. If more people questioned everything and quit letting doctors dictate their life and knew their rights these mandates wouldn't be so effective. For example: I don't mind if people want to where a mask, but I do have a problem with mandating everybody to or else service will be refused to you if you don't comply especially when a month or two ago some doctors and media outlets were talking about how masks weren't effective.


    13. Lee,
      You are so right about "letting doctors dictate their life". Each year I refuse a flu shot and each year I am pressured and treated awful because I won't comply and take a flu shot. This past year every time I went to any doctor I had to fill out Medicare paperwork and had to provide answers as to whether I had taken the flu shot and,if not, I had to state why! I always find myself being at odds with doctors because I won't just go along with whatever they deem appropriate. I also agree regarding the mask issue. We were told no mask required then everyone had to wear a mask to go into a store or building.
      As far as I am concerned the medical "profession" is not a profession any more. It ceased being a profession long ago and became greed filled. Drs are supposed to take an oath "to do no harm". It has been my experience that they do more harm than good these days being profit and Pharma driven. We live in a society filled with the sickness of sin and lack of a conscious.


    14. Hi JoAnn,

      Would you mind sharing the biologic you referenced? CD/MMS, DMSO? Thank you in advance, for providing this information for "entertainment purposes only", or whatever legalese is appropriate, and I understand it is not to be taken as any sort of medical advice.

      -Seeking Truth

  10. I know this is an unrelated topic, but with the upcoming "Mother's Day" holiday, it occurred to me that this celebration is very likely quite foreign to any Catholic sensibilities. Upon doing some light research, I found out that it was founded by a Methodist, Anna Jarvis. The fact that some Protestant was able to create a commercialized holiday that is revered by modernity is rather disconcerting to me, and I figured it might be good to suggest it as a potential topic for some future article on this site.

    However, it is merely a suggestion, and in no way do I mean for you to be obliged to go over it if you have plenty on your plate as is, or even if you are uninterested of course.

    God bless, and a blessed feast day of the Apparition of St. Michael!

    1. Neyoriquans,
      Thank you my friend, and May St Michael watch over you! I’ve never heard that accusation against Mother’s Day. I’m intrigued. There may indeed be such a post in the future.

      God Bless,


    2. Neyoriquans,
      Does the same apply to Father's Day as well as Mother's Day?


    3. neyoriquans,

      Happy feast of the Apparition of St. Michael to you.
      Pray the St. Micahael Chaplet if you can remember.


    4. @Introibo - I would definitely love to hear your thoughts on the matter should you take up the topic!

      @JoAnn - Interestingly enough, despite a more Catholic historical precedent for Father's day-like commemorations honoring fathers, the holiday in the US can also be traced back to a Methodist protestant, Sonora Smart Dodd! An interesting tidbit I suppose.

      @Lee - Thank you for the Steven Speray article! I love his blog, and will definitely look forward to reading the new post! If I'm not mistaken, he has a solid devotion to St. Michael the Archangel, so it should certainly prove a great read for the day.

  11. Introibo,

    The 4th Sunday of Lent known as Laetae Sunday or Mothering Sunday is a day in which Tradition states people are to attend the Church of their baptism. I believe this day to be the real Mother's Day as the Church is our Mother! See link below.


    1. Hello,
      Laetare Sunday IS Mother’s Day in the UK! This is one tradition that was maintained when the Church of England broke off from Rome under Henry VIII, and even later on when the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was finally abolished under the boy King Edward and until now. Most Brits did not know their modern Mother’s Day has Catholic roots!

    2. @anon9:17
      You and Joann have taught me something! As I mentioned below, I will need to do further research on this interesting topic.


    3. Introibo,
      See below link regarding Mothering Sunday in the UK and Ireland. Found info regarding Laetae or Mothering Sunday fascinating.

  12. Joann,
    I will research this further! Thank you for the information.


    1. Dear Introibo, I was just reading Dom Gueringer (The Liturgical Year Volume 8 Paschal Time Book Two), and in the introduction to the 4th Sunday of Easter which talks about the Sacraments and firstly baptism, I thought you would be interested in the following, as it ties into the tradition of returning to the church of baptism as a Mothering Sunday:
      “Let us love this August mystery of Baptism, to which we are indebted for the life of our souls, and for the inedible character which makes us members of our divine Head, Jesus. The holy King of France, St. Louis, who was baptized in the humble village of Poissy, loved to sign himself “Louis of Poissy”. He looked upon the baptismal font as the mother who had given him a life incomparably superior to that which made him the son of an earthly monarch:-she gave him to be a child of God, and heir to the kingdom of Heaven. We should imitate this saintly King. “

    2. And PS, in that same introduction, Dom Gueranger (and I would recommend this The Liturgical Year to everyone), goes on to speak of the validity of baptism of desire.

    3. @anon2:07&2:12
      Yes, I have The Liturgical Year and I thank you for pointing it out to me! King St Louis IX is my Patron Saint!

      God Bless,


    4. Anon @2:07 - Thank you much for sharing about Mothering Sunday and King St Louis IX!!


    5. You are very welcome! Soon we will celebrate the feast of King Saint Louis IX’s first cousin, King St. Ferdinand on May 30, a very holy man and King!

  13. Can you talk next about the neocatechumenal Way?

    1. @anon9:48
      Already done long ago my friend! please see my post:


  14. Regarding Father's Day,I didn't realize that the Feast of St. Joseph on March 19 is Father's Day according to Church Tradition. I have learned alot this week!!

    "In the Roman Catholic tradition, Fathers are celebrated on Saint Joseph's Day, commonly called the Feast of Saint Joseph, March 19, though in certain countries Father's Day has become a secular celebration. It is also common for Catholics to honor their "spiritual father," their parish priest, on Father's Day."

    1. In Spain, March 19 is Father’s Day!

  15. Intro,

    What great timing. Tomorrow will mark 3 years since my conversion from the Hare Krishna Hindu sect. May 12, 2017. Thanks for posting this! God can do all things!

    - Your Friend Colin

    1. Colin,
      What a great anniversary to celebrate! Three years of God’s Grace in the One True Church! Deo gratias! May you continue to grow in the true Faith, my friend!

      God Bless,


  16. Introibo,
    Have you done a post on Deepak Chopra? If not would you consider doing one? This Hindu preaching his version of Christ infuriates me!

    In his book The Third Christ, Chopra says, “Jesus did not physically descend from God’s dwelling place above the clouds, nor did he return to sit at the right hand of a literal throne. What made Jesus the Son of God was the fact that he has achieved God-consciousness.” So Jesus is God in the sense that we are all “God,” or that we all have the spark of “God-consciousness” within us, waiting to be actualized. That’s why Chopra tells us, “Jesus intended to save the world” not by dying for our sins but, “by showing others the path to God-consciousness".


    1. Joann,
      I will definitely consider a post on Deepak Chopra.


  17. Jehovah W. are most aggressive sect. I go in where they put stuff and write Catholic truth on front page, destroy the rest. They are dogged. We have met several times, giving out our writings. One poor lady looked stricken when I told her she was in religion invented in 1800s. Their rejection of Christ as True God and True Man is on luther.
    This blog series is so wonderful!!!! TY. I tried getting Catholic books in my 20s: Anti catechism of anti Pope Jp2, Glories of Mary (great!!!)...and... A priest called Kung (grrrr)
