Monday, July 22, 2024

A Hidden A-Gender: The Denial Of Reality


“Anything could be true. The so-called laws of Nature were nonsense. The law of gravity was nonsense."---Eric Blair aka George Orwell, 1984.

I have often stated that sexual perversion and the occult are the two biggest threats to humanity in the time of Great Apostasy. Homosexuality, the sin of Sodom (hence "sodomites" correctly describes homosexuals), is one of the Four Sins That Cry To Heaven For Vengeance.  After Vatican II, sodomites were tolerated. Then, they were accepted. Now, they are openly celebrated and unnatural vice is promoted. In the alphabet of perversion ("LGBTQIA2S+"), "transgender" goes beyond the rest in its denial of reality itself. The sodomites deny God and His Natural Law. From that, now comes the denial of basic biology and laws of logic. 

Biological men win women’s beauty pageants. Biological men beat women in swimming and weightlifting competitions. Biological men demand to be called women and to be referred to with female pronouns and vice versa. Minors are given “hormone blockers” (they are not tame, but poisonous) and cross-sex hormones, and some have their genitals or breasts surgically removed. To oppose these outcomes earns one the title of “transphobe” — a made up word, signifying a bigot with a mental illness and in the immoral grip of hateful error. Welcome to 1984 forty years later. 

This post will expose the ongoing threat of "trans-mania" and the role of Bergoglio and his sect in advancing it. I wish to credit the myriad sources, both online and books/periodicals, that were used by me in the formation of this post. I take credit only for the formatting of said information into a concise and readable post. WARNING! This post contains sensitive matters that some may find disturbing. Reader discretion is advised---Introibo

What is "Gender Theory"?
 It is the false and unscientific idea that each person is made up of different aspects of each gender. It is broken down as follows:
  • Sex has to do with the body/biology (genitals, chromosomes, etc.)
  • Gender Identity concerns the "self-awareness" of who you are "in your head"
  • Gender Expression is how someone presents themselves to others in terms of clothes, actions, mannerisms, etc.
  • Attraction is who or what someone is attracted to sexually; men, women, even animals (beastiality)
Allegedly, everyone has a gender identity which may or may not conform with their biological sex. 

The Four Falsehoods of Gender Theory
1. Binary is bad.
The claim: There are more than two genders. 

The truth: God created male and female--period. It is the very basis of the sodomites' "LGBT" label. Lesbians are women attracted to other women. "Gays" are men attracted to other men. Bisexuals are men or women attracted to both men and women. Transgenders are men or women who want to live as the opposite sex, or an "alternative" (made-up) "gender."

2. Gender is a spectrum.
The claim: There are many different genders on a whole spectrum of identity.

The truth: There are many different ways we express masculinity and femininity because we are all different people. That doesn't imply there are roughly seven billion different genders. The reality remains that we are male or female. According to ABC News, there are 58 genders (See Does anyone even know what "Two-Spirit" means and how it differs from being "Genderqueer" or "Neutrois"? Sheer insanity.

3. Man and Woman are merely "social constructs"
The claim: The social roles of men and women differ according to time, place, and culture. There is nothing objective about those terms.

The truth: Social roles may change, but sexual differentiation is based on biological facts, not social constructs.

4. Gender identity is separate from biological sex.
The claim: How we live our lives is independent from our genitalia.

The truth: A comprehensive survey of the scientific evidence was published in 2016 in The New Atlantis. It discussed over 200 peer-reviewed studies in the biological, psychological, and social sciences. It concluded: 

The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex--that a person might be "a man trapped in a woman's body," or a "woman trapped in a man's body"---is not supported by scientific evidence. (See Meyer and McHugh, "Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences," The New Atlantic: A Journal of Technology & Society, 50, Fall 2016, pg. 8; Emphasis mine). Moreover, if gender identity has nothing to do with biology, why the demand for surgeries and hormone blockers? "I identify as.." translates to "I pretend to be..."

The Invented Vocabulary of a Warped Ideology
The following words and phrases are made up by gender theorists to make them sound as if what they are peddling is real instead of jabberwocky. 

Assigned at Birth: This made up phrase refers to the sex given on a person's birth certificate. It's as if some nurse puts a label in an arbitrary and capricious manner on a baby. The obvious attempt is to, once more, dissociate biological sex from gender. To label a child with male genitalia as a boy and female genitalia as a girl is biologically factual regardless of what that child may "feel like" in the future. Only in rare instances of a child born with a true intersex condition, having genitals of an ambiguous nature, would the term really apply.

Cisgender: "Cis" means "on the same side" implying that your gender lines up with your biological sex and plays into the lie that they can be separated. If anyone asks me if I'm cisgender, I always reply, "No, I'm a man." 

Preferred Gender Pronouns (PGPs) and Gender Neutral Pronouns (GNPs): This allows men who consider themselves women to call themselves "she" and "her" while women who think they are men can call themselves "he" and "his." Gender neutral pronouns such as "they" and "them"  are also used. A while ago, I was reading an article in the New York Times. A trans-pervert was stopped from going somewhere and it read, "They were refused entry." As someone who reads English it was confusing because I thought several people were prevented from going some place when it was just one person. There are also made up pronouns like ze (pronounced "ZEE") and hir (pronounced "HEAR.").

Transphobic: A fictitious mental disorder by which people who don't believe there are 58 genders and you can "pick your pronouns" are thereby psychologically unsound, hateful, and bigoted. It is a way to bully Christians and those with traditional values not to speak out or else they will face consequences.  

"Transgenderism" vs. Scientific Fact: Background
Transgenderism is an umbrella term encompassing any person who embraces an identity discordant with their biological sex, with or without emotional dysphoria. Transgenderism is an ideology, whereas gender dysphoria is a diagnosis. Previously known as gender identity disorder (GID), gender dysphoria (GD) is a diagnosis listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), a compendium of mental health disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association. The first time that the concept was published in the DSM was in 1980, when the term was listed as transsexualism (DSM-III version). In 1994, with the publication of the DSM-IV, the term was replaced with gender identity disorder (GID). In 2013, GID was replaced in the DSM5 by gender dysphoria, a term meant to eliminate the idea that identifying with a different gender than one’s birth sex is a disorder. Just as homosexuality was a disorder until 1973, the change has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with ideology. 

Gender dysphoria is currently defined as a marked incongruence of at least six months’ duration between one’s experienced/expressed gender and “assigned gender.” It’s also accompanied by at least two of six additional criteria:
  • marked incongruence between expressed gender and primary or secondary sex characteristics,
  • a strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics,
  • a strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender,
  • a strong desire to be the other gender or an “alternative gender,”
  • a strong desire to be treated as the other gender or an “alternative gender,”
  •  and a strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender or an “alternative gender.” (See American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5-TR, rev. 5th ed. [2022]). 
The current version of the DSM, DSM-5-TR, made other changes, including replacing “desired gender” with “experienced gender,” “cross-sex treatment regimen” with “gender-affirming treatment regimen,” and “natal male/natal female” with “individual assigned male/female at birth.”
(See Michael B. First et al., “DSM-5-TR: Overview of What’s New and What’s Changed,” World Psychiatry 21, no. 2 [June 2022]). 

Historically, people with gender congruence difficulties could be divided into two distinct populations: very young children (said to have early-onset gender dysphoria) and adults (late-onset). The young children, usually males, often demonstrated gender-atypical behavior (e.g., boys who liked to play with dolls) at a very young age. Most of these children outgrew the behavior during or after puberty and became comfortable with their birth sex, although they were more likely to be homosexual than the general population. The adults were usually male who often lived successfully as men into adulthood.

Now, in addition to early- and late-onset gender dysphoria, a third population has emerged. This group consists of a population of adolescents (predominantly female) who have no history of gender dysphoria or gender atypical behavior and suddenly declare themselves transgender. The term rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) has been proposed to refer to this third group. 

The Intersex Justification
Transgender people are mentally ill. Their "allies" are morally depraved. You will often hear both discussing poor "intersex people" as proof that there are more than two biological sexes, and the need for "transgender acceptance." Intersex is almost always misunderstood and purposely misrepresented to give undue credibility to transgenders. 

New life begins at the moment of biological fertilization. Chromosomal sex is established at fertilization when a sperm containing either an X- or a Y-chromosome combines with an egg, which contains an X-chromosome, to produce an individual with either XX or XY genetics. If the genes associated with the Y-chromosome are present and functional, then development will proceed to create male physiology. If these genes are not present or are dysfunctional, then regardless of whether
there is one X-chromosome or several, development will proceed down the female pathway. Part of this pathway includes what are called bipotential or undifferentiated gonads, which form during the fourth week post-fertilization and are the structures from which either male or female gonads form.

Starting in the sixth week post-fertilization, these structures begin to differentiate along male or female lines depending on whether the genetic signals to develop into a male are present or not. Either male gonads (testes) or female gonads (ovaries) develop. The presence or absence of testes drives the rest of sexual differentiation. If testes are present, development proceeds along the male track. If testes are absent, development proceeds along the female track. 

 Although things may go awry in this process, at no point is there a third track. Likewise, although sexual development can proceed abnormally and may lead to unintended, largely dysfunctional combinations of male and female traits, it never leads to a third sex with its own physiologic function. Fetal development produces males and females, not all of which are entirely healthy and sexually functional, but there are no asexual, neuter forms of humanity.

Recently, intersex has been defined quite broadly so that even minor abnormalities in the genitourinary system, which do not result in any genital ambiguity, are included.  An oft-quoted statistic states that 1.7% of the population is intersex. (See Leonard Sax, “How Common Is Intersex? A Response to Anne Fausto-Sterling,” Journal of Sex Research 39, no. 3 [August 1, 2002]).

However, when limited to the relevant sexually ambiguous cases, it has been estimated to be 0.018% of the population. (Ibid). Science confirms there are two, and only two, biological sexes, not three or more.

How Common is Transgenderism and What Causes It?
Prior to the year 2010, transgenderism was very rare. One study showed an overall prevalence among
adolescents and adults of 4.6 per 100,000. (See J. Arcelus et al., “Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prevalence Studies in Transsexualism,” European Psychiatry 30, no. 6 [September 2015]).

 In the mid-2010s, however, the prevalence of overall LGBTQ identification began to skyrocket. In a 2021 Gallup poll, 15% of adult Gen Zers (born 1997–2003) identified as bisexual and 2.1% as transgender. (See Jeffrey Jones, “LGBT Identification in U.S. Ticks Up to 7.1%,” Gallup, February 7, 2022, A 2021 Barna survey showed an even higher percentage: 39% of 18 to 24-year-olds identified as LGBT. (See George Barna, “New Insights into the Generation of Growing Influence: Millennials In America,” Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University (October 2021), uploads/2021/10/George-Barna-Millennial-Report-2021-FINAL-Web.pdf). 

Transgender ideologists will often attribute the cause of this massive surge to...being left-handed (!) "Even as the discrimination against left-handed people abated, more of them came out, as they were no longer afraid of the stigma and forcing themselves to be right-handed. That explains the rise in LGBTQ+ persons because society is more accepting, " they will sanctimoniously intone. However, is that true? The facts show otherwise. 

The factors causing transgenderism are complicated to sort out since there’s a lack of evidence for what, exactly, is transgenderism. There is no agreed-upon explanation, and there are likely multiple contributory factors. In childhood-onset GD, evidence supports the following:
  • There may be a genetic component, although it is not determinative.
  • Stereotypical masculine and feminine behaviors exhibit along a spectrum. Those with gender atypical behavior in childhood are more likely to identify as transgender.
  • There is no scientific basis for sex discordance between the brain and the body. A newborn boy already has a masculinized brain due to the effects of testosterone during in-utero development.
  • Studies to date indicate that brain activity in transgender persons is closer to that of their birth sex than their perceived gender. 
In people with adolescent-onset transgenderism, also known as ROGD, there are many associated factors, including mental illness, peer group influence, and social media.  Professor of psychiatry Paul McHugh observed in his clinic a group that consisted of conflicted and guilt-ridden homosexual men who saw sex change as a way to resolve their inner conflict about being homosexual. (See Paul R. McHugh, “Surgical Sex: Why We Stopped Doing Sex Change Operations,” First Things (November

Multiple studies have found a higher rate of mental illness in people who identify as transgender. In one study, almost 50% of those pursuing gender-affirming treatment had at least one personality disorder (PD) at presentation, most commonly borderline PD.(See Annalisa Anzani et al., “Personality Disorders and Personality Profiles in a Sample of Transgender Individuals Requesting Gender-Affirming Treatments,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 5 [February 27, 2020]). Autism is also more common in young people with gender identity issues.

A systematic review in 2019 also showed a high rate of mental illness in adults presenting as transgender, including major depressive disorder (20.6%), specific phobia (10%), adjustment disorder (5.7%), generalized anxiety disorder (4.8%), and dysthymia (a mood disorder, 4.8%). (See Larissa Dias de Freitas et al., “Psychiatric Disorders in Individuals Diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria: A Systematic Review,” Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 74, no. 2 [February 2020]). 

When quacks ("doctors") want to push "gender-affirming care" which will ruin someone's life, they will ask parents and/or loved ones, "Would you rather have a living (daughter/mother/female friend, etc) or a dead (son/father/male friend, etc)? Remember this: Over the long term, mental illness is significantly elevated in people who identify as transgender, whether or not so-called "gender-affirming care" is rendered. Also, the suicide rate is significantly elevated in the transgender population, whether or not gender-affirming care is provided. (See Cecilia Dhejne et al., “Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden,” PLoS One 6, no. 2 [February 22, 2011]). 

Speak the Truth and Get Cancelled
Rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) is mainly characterized by the age of onset during or shortly after puberty, predominantly in females. ROGD was proposed as a new classification of gender
dysphoria in a 2018 landmark article by physician-scientist Lisa Littman. Littman noted that parents in online discussion groups were reporting that their adolescent and young adult (AYA) children who had no history of GD experienced a perceived sudden or rapid onset of GD. She describes the sample of people in her study as “distinctively different than what is described in previous research about gender dysphoria because of the distribution of cases occurring in friendship groups with multiple individuals identifying as transgender, the preponderance of adolescent (natal) females, the absence of childhood gender dysphoria, and the perceived suddenness of onset.” (See . Lisa Littman, “Parent Reports of Adolescents and Young Adults Perceived to Show Signs of a Rapid Onset of Gender Dysphoria,” PLoS One 13, no. 8 [August 16, 2018]). 

In Littman’s study, a high percentage (62.5%) of adolescents and young adults identifying as transgender had at least one preexisting mental health or neurodevelopment disorder. A majority had high expectations that transitioning would solve their problems in social, academic, occupational, or mental health realms. The study also noted an association with a traumatic and stressful event (48.4%), an increase in social media use (63.5%), and belonging to a peer group in which at least one peer came out as transgender (69.3%). Littman’s hypothesis for explaining the phenomenon of ROGD included social influences, parental conflict, and maladaptive coping mechanisms

Littman received vituperative hate and rage for daring to say ROGD is learned behavior and stems from mental health issues and environmental causes. She was forced to print a retraction of sorts, in which she did not retract her findings or hypothesis based on those findings. A comparable study by professor of psychology Michael Bailey of Northwestern University received similar backlash (See J.
Michael Bailey, “My Research on Gender Dysphoria Was Censored. But I Won’t Be,” The Free Press ( July 10, 2023), 

As Dr. Bailey himself wrote:
On March 29, I published an article in the prestigious academic journal Archives of Sexual Behavior. Less than three months later, on June 14, it was retracted by Springer Nature Group, the giant academic publisher of Archives, for an alleged violation of its editorial policies.

Retraction of scientific articles is associated with well-deserved shame: plagiarism, making up data, or grave concerns about the scientific integrity of a study. But my article was not retracted for any shameful reason. It was retracted because it provided evidence for an idea that activists hate. (Ibid; Emphasis mine). 

The concept of ROGD became even more publicized with the book Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier. Shrier suggests that access to smartphones and social media in a population of young girls experiencing mental health crises has fueled ROGD. Read how she was cancelled by the "Lavender Lobby:"

What Should Be Done About Transgenderism?
Transgenderism, when imposed on those under 18, is really legalized child abuse. We don't allow kids to drink alcohol under age 21, but now the medical-politically-correct establishment will make a confused adolescent "transition" rather than be treated for mental illness. As the incidence of GD has skyrocketed, so has the number of gender clinics. Although a parent should reasonably expect their child with GD to receive a thorough evaluation and to be presented with the least invasive options first, this is not what is occurring. Most gender identity treatment centers utilize the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) guidelines, which ascribe to the gender affirmative model (GAM) of care. 

Surgeries for females who desire to appear male may include mastectomy, hysterectomy, removal of ovaries, construction of a “penis” (metoidioplasty or phalloplasty), and implantation of artificial testicles. Surgeries for males who desire to appear female include genital surgery, breast augmentation, vocal cord surgery, throat surgery, and facial feminization surgery. These surgical interventions are not only fraught with complications and difficulties, but they result in permanent disfigurement and detrimental effects on sexual and genitourinary function. Add to this the side-effects of the cross-sex hormones and the increased mortality rates. 

Although one should expect that such drastic interventions should be based on high-quality evidence of benefit, this is hardly the case. The evidence for any benefit from these interventions is of very low quality. Long-term studies are lacking, and there are no randomized, controlled trials.

The Denial of Reality is Here
If one engages in non-heterosexual activities, what one does as a male or female violates God’s wise commands, but the fundamental ontology of maleness and femaleness remains in place and assumed. Not so with gender ideology, which assumes that ontology is entirely fluid and dependent on one’s erotic will. This insistent ideology further demands that third parties identify the transgender person as that person sees fit. To do otherwise is to “misgender” someone, which is taken to be as horrible as using a racial epithet. Thus, to inaccurately identify another person’s sex is considered hateful and may cost the offender their livelihood. Sodomites deny the Natural Law. Transgender ideology denies basic reality itself. Biology does not apply. Transgender ideology is destroying an entire generation, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is the purposeful propagation of mental illness and perverted behavior. 

Bergoglio: Promoter of Perverts and the Denial of Reality
The record speaks for itself
July 2022: Pope Francis shows that he understands sexuality in more interpersonal and psychological ways. Francis explicitly connects sexuality to affectivity and relatedness, acknowledging that sex and gender are more connected to who and how a person loves another.

July 2022: Pope Francis holds a private audience at the Vatican with six trans women of “different cultural and social backgrounds.” One of the women calls this meeting an “important message” for Pride.

August 2022: Pope Francis meets with another group of transgender people who have been cared for by a parish church in Rome.

September 2022: Pope Francis meets with a group of Italian LGBTQ+ advocates to discuss building a more inclusive church, telling them to seek a church “that excludes no one.”

September 2022: For a community of trans women in Italy, finding welcome at a Catholic church—and from Pope Francis himself—has been life changing. 

July 2023: On a podcast answering young people’s messages, Pope Francis tells a transgender youth that “God loves us as we are.”

August 2023: At the World Youth Day opening ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal, Pope Francis says that “in the church, there is room for everyone,” leading the young pilgrims in a chant of “Todos, todos, todos!” which many interpret as including LGBTQ+ people.

August 2023: Pope Francis tells a transgender women that they “are daughters of God” and that God loves them as they are. 

That God loves us as we are, insofar as we are Created by Him,  CONCEDED. That He loves us without changing our lives and doing His Will, DENIED. 

Of course, who can forget, December 2023 when Fiducia Supplicans allowed Vatican II sect "priests" to "bless" same-sex couples and other couples who are not married according to Church teaching. 

Transgenderism needs to be treated as the mental illness it is, and all "gender-affirming" therapies outlawed. All homosexual activity must be criminalized once more. If serious measures are not taken, society will crumble even more quickly.  Once the created categories of male and female have been abandoned, along with the idea of the Fall, then anything goes concerning sexual identity and sexual activity (as long as the sex acts are consensual, says the secular "wisdom"). The sky is the limit when the heavens are emptied of God.  Earth becomes a new kind of "inclusive and diverse" madhouse. The Wisdom of God speaks thus: “For those who find Me find life and receive favor from the Lord. But those who fail to find Me harm themselves; all who hate Me love death” (Proverbs 8:35–36).


  1. I remember a book by former Congressman William Danmeyer, it was called "Shadow in the Land, the Rise of Homosexuality". This congressman had the insight to see what was coming down the road for America. What was interesting about the book, one of the first things that the sodomites needed to do was infiltrate the psychiatrists association in order to start the process of changing people's mentality.

    And here we are. Woe to the who call evil good and good evil.

    1. @anon7:23
      That book was a no-holds barred powerhouse in opposing the sodomite agenda! I read it when the book first came out in the late 1980s. I learned much from the Congressman. In retrospect, it's as if God granted him a glimpse into the future. If anyone can get a copy, they should read it for themselves and see how things have unfolded as planned!

      Thank you for commenting!

      God Bless,


  2. Greetings, Introibo and friends of the blog! A well-known blogger called "Mundabor", critical of Sedevacantism, has on his blog a series of articles that deal with the issue of heretical popes that the Church would have had in theory. I don't know if what is stated in them is true, that's why I ask for your help.

    Thank you immensely.

    Young reader from Spain

    1. Young Reader From Spain,
      The post is pure blather. The author gives his own definition to heresy, claims Pope John 22 was a "heretic" on a point of theology concerning the Beatific Vision, and yet remained pope.

      1. Heresy is defined as "A teaching which is directly contradictory to a truth revealed by God and proposed to the faithful as such by the Church." (See theologian Parente, Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology, [1951], pg. 123).

      2. At the time of the controversy in question, Pope John 22 was teaching that the souls of the blessed do not possess the Beatific Vision and will not possess it until the Last Judgement.

      3. Here, the theologian Le Bachlet says that John22 proposed his teaching only as a “private doctor who expressed an opinion, hanc opinionem, and who, while seeking to prove it, recognized that it was open to debate.“ (“Benoit XII,” in Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, 2:662.)

      4. Ergo, since seeing the Beatific Vison by the saved upon death was not yet a dogma but up for theological discussion, and Pope John 22, as a theologian, taught it as an opinion subject to correction by the Church, he never taught or proposed heresy.

      God Bless,


    2. Thank you very much!

      Young reader from Spain

  3. Excellent post. It is interesting to note how gradual the process of this subversion has been, until it began to snowball in the 2010's. Everything else was and is being subverted gradually as well.

    When the true purpose of the sexual faculty is denied (as the -only- true purpose), then literally anything else is seemingly permissible. Truth is one, falsehood is legion.

    1. cairsahr__stjoseph,
      A legion of falsehoods is upon us...and growing!

      God Bless, my friend,


  4. I feel false religion is much more harmful than the transgender craze. It is the problem behind all problems.

    1. Poni,
      I agree! The Vatican II sect does not condemn, and even supports, both the occult and sexual perversion. With the One True Church driven underground, this madness in the world is the result!

      God Bless,


  5. Gender theory and all that surrounds the LGBT movement are the sign of a decadent, perverted and morally degenerate world. Apostasy is the cause of it all. And with the Church eclipsed, there's no longer any organized opposition to affirm the truth and denounce error. The days of the Antichrist are at hand !

    1. Simon,
      Right you are, my friend! Could the Antichrist be very near? Only time will tell.

      God Bless,


    2. Elon Musk thinks that those who encourage giving puberty blockers to children should be jailed. I agree, and so should those who pervert children's souls with filthy LGBT propaganda about "sexual diversity" and "inclusion". "Story time" by degenerate drags has replaced Catholic teaching....

    3. Simon,
      On this point, I too, agree with Musk.

      God Bless,


  6. Introibo:

    1. Please see the tragic case of David Reimer, who was born a boy. There was an accident with his circumcision, and he was raised as a girl. He felt uncomfortable as a girl. He was told the truth, and he went back to living as male.

    2. About Father Joseph Greenwell: He has shown kindness to me personally. Also, if you are concerned about how he says Mass, Immaculate Conception Church has a livestream of their Masses.

    3. Did you start getting to know SSPV while you were still attending Mas with Father DePauw?

    4. Have you ever met Stephen Heiner, associated with True Restoration and Bishop Sanborn's Roman Catholic Institute?

    5. A while back, you agreed with a statement posted to your blog that people such as Black and Jewish people should be accepted if they want to convert to Catholicism. You have said that you attend SSPV. Do you think that SSPV in general would accept if a large number of, say, Black or Jewish people would want to convert?

    Thank you.

    1. @anon3:52
      1. The case is a very sad one, indeed. John Money was a perverted child abuser, and is one of the driving forces behind the perversion we see today. He was truly Satanic.

      2. If Fr. Greenwell is offering Mass reverently and behaving as a priest should, I'm very happy about it. All of us can change for the better with God's grace. We are all "works in progress."

      3. Yes. I was in contact with many priests; independents, SSPX, SSPV, and CMRI---but remained with Fr. DePauw until he went to Judgement on May 6, 2005.

      4. No, I have never met him personally.

      5. Yes. I would hope ANY Traditionalist clergy would welcome with open arms any sincere converts to the One True Church. "Catholic" means universal, and encompasses all human beings regardless of race, nationality, or former beliefs. Fr. DePauw had a sizable number of both African-Americans an Hispanic people at the Ave Maria Chapel. He also presided over at least one interracial marriage.

      God Bless,


  7. Introibo .


    A writing like this is well overdue . This perverted , sick and crazy world is out of control .

    Thank you so much for the expose . God bless you

    Melbourne , Australia

    1. Jane,
      Thank you! The "trans-madness" needs to be exposed and combated with all our strength.

      God Bless,


  8. Be careful with "furries" and "bronies", who draw themselves as antropomorphic animals. It does not seem to us that all of them are perverts, but they often engage in deviant illustrations and might attract children to their covens.

    1. @anon4:54
      I consider them as having a mental disorder. While not as dangerous as "trans madness," you rightly point out one big problem.

      God Bless,


  9. Hi Introibo

    On the recent What Catholics Believe (SSPV) with Father Jenkins . Father Jenkins said that there is doubt about the ordination to the priesthood of Bishop Williamson and Bishop Dolan (RIP) . This info was given to him years ago by a source of which he will not say . Is he for real . We and many others are sick and tired of this garbage . Father Jenkins said those who were confirmed by Bishop Williamson should be conditionally reconfirmed!!!!!!!!

    Father Jenkins doe's not care about the moral implications of these lies and calumnies. We don't think Father Jenkins is a holy priest .Just judging by this video . Why has he an obsession and excessive attachments to this garbage along with the Thuc Bishops . Why is he always tearing down other Traditional Bishops trying to help the faithful during this time of apostasy .Do you ever see the CMRI or other Bishops tearing down and attacking others . No you don't . We are not watching that program again . Shame on you Father Jenkins .

    The biggest laugh on the SSPV and Father Jenkins is most of their faithful do accept the Thuc line and go to them when out of town .

    1. @anon6:16
      This goes back to the alleged "one handed ordination" by Abp. Lefebvre. Two major problems: (1) NO ONE and I mean NO ONE has ever given the name of an actual witness who saw one hand being used--and there is no affidavit from any such witness. A nameless, faceless "witness" is no witness at all. (2) Even **IF** one hand was used, it makes no difference. One hand suffices for validity. It is a "non-problem." No conditional confirmations or ordinations are necessary. Fr. Jenkins seems to speak for himself. I know of no other SSPV clergy who hold to this position. Why he does it? Who knows. On this issue he should be ignored, and the SSPV should ask him to please desist from any further dissemination of this claptrap.

      God Bless,


  10. I agree 100 percent with the above comments about Father Jenkins .Shame on him . Where will it end ?
    If there was a great concern about this ,why did Father Jenkins have no problem working with the then Father Dolan for years with the SSPX and then the SSPV . I don't watch that program anymore .Anyway it is always with Father Jenkins , no other priests .Just beyond belief .
    It would be interesting to know if Father Jenkins had read the whole open letter to the SSPV by Mario Derkson on the Thuc Bishops ? Bet he put it in the garbage .
    God bless you Introibo

    1. @anon6:34
      You are correct that only Fr. Jenkins is concerned with this matter.

      God Bless,


  11. Off-topic: what do you think of them ?

    1. @anon2:40
      Whacky and dubious. "Secret episcopal consecrations" and being in monasteries with not much of substance to offer. Pray for them and don't heed what they say, is my advice.

      God Bless,


  12. I really don't think most Traditional Catholics would worry about the comments by Father Jenkins on the above topic Introibo . I did hear once that if the SSPV changed it's position , he would leave and start another chapel . It is a pity they don't have other SSPV / CSPV Clerics on that program .

    On the subject of old books . I have been going through a number of catalogs of the past decade from PCP books .It is a pity that they did not republish a number of those books which some were very rare . Some were in a poor condition or water damaged .There is such a hunger for that material . I love reading . Perhaps I should of started a small republishing company in Traditional Catholic books .Also I found that they would be selling a book of say a five volume set but they didn't have the other four volumes . Many priests would want those editions .

    Do you have any idea how big the libraries are at Immaculate Heart seminary and the sisters Motherhouse at Roundtop?

    God bless

    1. @anon6:40
      I do not know the approximate size of the SSPV libraries. I'm sure they have plenty of good philosophy and theology to train the nuns and future priests (as well as being good for the priests and bishops to use for reference.

      God Bless,


  13. Introibo.Have you met the two CSPV bishops?

    1. Yes, and the SSPX bishops and a few "Thuc bishops" as well!

      God Bless,


  14. Hi Intriobo,

    I know this is off topic but what do you know about The Wizard of Oz and it's appropriateness for children?

    1. John,
      The Wizard of Oz is occult and was the first popular movie to make inroads to the general public spreading the lie that Wicca (witches) can be "good or evil." ALL witchcraft is evil and condemned by God.

      The Wizard of Oz (1939) was based on a book of the same name written by Frank Baum, an occultist who claimed he had "channeled" the idea from an other-worldly source. (See Michael Patrick Hearn edition; The Annotated Wizard of Oz, New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1973) In the movie, the protagonist (Dorothy) and her friends are following the "yellow brick road." In Heaven, it is said there are "streets of gold" (See Apoc. 21). They go to see the "all knowing, all powerful" Wizard of Oz. Only God is omniscient and omnipotent. It turns out the Wizard is just a fake. (Wiccans denigrate or even deny the Christian God). Lastly, they are told that the power to obtain all they want (courage, brains, a heart, and going home) "lies within"--a common theme in witchcraft and Satanism; independence from God because "you are god within."

      God Bless, my friend,


  15. I knew I asked the right person. Thank you my friend.

    God bless,

  16. Do you know if it was forbidden by the Church?

    1. John,
      In my research, I came across article from various newspapers and books stating that "several Catholic bishops" had denounced the book and movie. No mention was given of any specific bishop. To the best of my knowledge and belief, it is not on the Index of Forbidden Books. The consultors had a great many writings to consider starting in the 20th century under Pope St. Pius X. They have to consider everything and do not rush to judgement. However, the Index condemns in general, any book (placed on the Index or not) which is

      " teaching or fostering any kind of superstition, fortunetelling, divination, magick, communication with spirits of the dead, and all other similar practices"

      Thereby, the Wizard of Oz is de facto condemned. There are more than a few V2 sect high schools that sponsor Wizard of Oz plays, openly endorsing them.

      God Bless,


    2. Thank you very much Intriobo!

      God bless you.

    3. How does this square with the fact that the Legion of Decency said the movie was appropriate to watch for all ages (given the A rating)? Curious because I see some movie adaptation of condemned books given the ok rating.

    4. @anon9:02
      While good and well-intentioned, The Legion of Decency was not a Roman Congregation/organ of the Magisterium and could make mistakes. The Legion was mostly concerned about depictions of sex, violence, and anti-Catholicism. The Wizard of Oz flew under the radar on those issues, and was not condemned. Note "several" Catholic Bishops condemned Wizard of OZ, not ALL. Occultism was "snuck in." It was "only a dream" and had "clear depictions of good and evil." In 1956, The Legion condemned the movie "Baby Doll." It contained no overt sex, violence, or anti-Catholic propaganda, yet Cardinal Spellman used his considerable influence to get The Legion to condemn it for reasons of which he was not clear.

      For the most part, the legion was good, but it is not Magisterial, and should not be considered such.

      God Bless,


    5. Thank you! I had a guess that would be the answer but it makes sense all things considered.

  17. Do you own many rare books Introibo ? I agree with the above comment that PCP should of republished some of those fine works . Perhaps someone else will in the near future .
    I really think that Father Jenkins is out on his own on several issues . Even the young man on What Catholics Believe was surprised at Fathers comments about Bishop Williamson and the one hand garbage .

    God bless you , Robert

    1. Robert,
      I do have some rare old Catholic books.

      God Bless,


  18. Introibo,

    Thank you for presenting this information. Although I don't want to know much about it, it is good to "know thy enemy". I definitely have some good talking points should the matter come up in conversation.

    God Bless,
    -Seeking Truth

    1. Seeking Truth,
      Admittedly not a pleasant topic, it is important to know about "trans-insanity" and how to respond as a Traditionalist!

      God Bless,

