Monday, July 29, 2024

Prophecy Expectation And Antichrist


To My Readers: My guest poster, Mr. Dominic Caggeso has some incredible insights this week on prophesy and the Antichrist. I'm sure you will find it of great interest. Feel free to comment as usual, and Dominic will reply. If you have a specific question or comment for me, I will respond as always, but it will take me a bit longer to reply this week.

God bless you all, my dear readers---Introibo

 Prophecy Expectation And Antichrist
By Dominic Caggeso

It is written in the Old Testament:

“Behold I will send you Elias the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” - Malachias 4:5

Apparently, the scribes at the time of Christ interpreted this to mean that the prophet Elias would literally come before the arrival of the Messias. We can glean this because just after the Transfiguration, the Apostles questioned Our Lord about Elias’ coming.

“And his disciples asked him, saying: Why then do the scribes say that Elias must come first? But he answering, said to them: Elias indeed shall come, and restore all things. But I say to you, that Elias is already come, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they had a mind. So also the Son of man shall suffer from them. Then the disciples understood, that he had spoken to them of John the Baptist.”

- Matthew 17:10-13

As we well know, Elias did not literally come before Our Lord. Instead, it was St. John the Baptist who spoke and acted in the prophet’s place, or perhaps we can say, in the spirit and power of Elias. St. John and Elias were both uncompromising, clear, and strong in their message. Both lived in the wilderness and wore rugged clothes. Elias was brought meager rations in the wilderness by a raven and St. John ate wild food in the desert. They both stood up to the corrupt, evil king and in both instances, it was the vengeful wife of the king that sought their lives.

Thus, the prophecy about Elias was fulfilled by the coming of St. John the Baptist in a way that the Jews had not expected. Most likely, the Jews were anticipating Elias to come and restore the literal Kingdom of Israel as it was in the time of King David. The majority of the Jews wanted an earthly-minded Messias, and consequently did not recognize Him as He preached and performed miracles before their eyes. 

It seems to me that prophecy is written in such a way as to be interpreted through one’s pre-existing worldview. If one is materially minded, then fulfillment is expected in the material world. If one is predominantly spiritually minded, fulfillment is sought, above all, in spiritual matters. Furthermore, prophecy is proven true only after it happens and not before. For these reasons, it is not surprising, therefore, that prophecy is fulfilled in unexpected ways.

I have published a new book about Biblical prophecy entitled Vatican II and Antichrist. To highlight my point concerning the tendency of prophecy to be fulfilled in unexpected ways, I would like to share an excerpt from the preface:

“The real key to grasping the fulfillment of prophecy is not in the deciphering of events or the power of human intellect. Prophecies come from prophets who speak forth the mind of God. It stands to reason, therefore, that in order to know the mind of God we must know what He has revealed to us, namely the Catholic Faith. God’s mind is not bifurcated. The aspects of our Faith are central to the understanding of prophecy. I find it opportune here to reiterate the integrity and simplicity of all that comes from God. Believing what the Church teaches, living the Faith with heroic virtue, mortification of our concupiscence, a strong life of prayer, and especially the Mass and the Sacraments will put us in direct contact with the fulfillment of God’s word, whether we realize it or not.

To the extent that we let our minds and hearts wander into the world, to that extent we lose our focus and our understanding dims. This is most likely the primary reason why the Jews did not realize that the ultimate fulfillment of prophecy, Our Lord, was standing before them, speaking and performing miracles in their very presence. They had given themselves over to worldliness, even if in a religious context. The prophecies about the Messias were being fulfilled in their midst and they were blind to Him. They fully expected a worldly Messias because they had read worldliness into the Sacred Scriptures.”

Having shared these reflections, I now wish to shift our focus to a related subject. Dear reader, I ask you to hold onto these thoughts about prophecy and our expectations, as I will revisit them shortly. Before doing so, let me highlight something perhaps equally astonishing and captivating as Biblical prophecy. Indeed, one might even consider it prophetic in its own right. I am referring to the intricate, poetic, and chronological parallels between Church history and the Old Testament. 

A Foundation for Interpreting Prophecy

As you might be aware, in April of 2024, I published another book entitled Divine Poetry, which seeks to demonstrate the astonishing chronological parallels between Catholic Church history and the history of Israel in the Old Testament. This seamless fabric of continuous prefigurement culminates at the end of the Old Testament in the books of the Machabees, when the evil Greek king Antiochus IV Epiphanes (the recognized prefigurement of the Antichrist, as I’ll get to further in this article) invaded the Jewish Temple, tore down all the ornaments, erected a new, second altar, outlawed traditional Jewish sacrifice and worship, and mandated his new profane sacrifice, the abomination of desolation. In Church history, this happened for us, in parallel, with the events surrounding the Second Vatican Council. I have previously written an article on this blog, Introibo Ad Altare Dei, that details these amazing parallels. This article was published on March 11, 2024, entitled The Novus Ordo, The Abomination of Desolation, And The Prophet Daniel.

The depth and scope of these chronological parallels between the Old Testament and Church history form a solid foundation to identify the abomination of desolation, which Our Lord warned us about in Matthew 24. If you go back and read that article from March 11, 2024, you can see the compelling evidence for this assertion. The abomination of desolation is the Novus Ordo Rite of Paul VI!  

This identification of the Novus Ordo Rite as the long-dreaded abomination of desolation in turn allows us to see a fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks from Daniel 9. I have also written an article on this topic for Introibo Ad Altare Dei as well, published on April 29, 2024. This article demonstrates how the seventy weeks starts with the decree of Pope Nicholas V to rebuild St. Peter’s Basilica after his election in 1447 and how the prophecy culminates with the Novus Ordo Rite being universally mandated across the whole world by Nov 28, 1971. As the prophecy states, “in the half of the week the victim and the sacrifice shall fail” and “there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation”. The Holy Mass was taken away in 1971, thus the “victim and the sacrifice” failed to be present in Catholic churches because it was replaced with the invalid, abominable Novus Ordo. I refer you back to that April 29 article. God willing, in future articles, I will endeavor to demonstrate that it is not just the Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks from the book of Daniel that has fulfillment in Church history, but several other visions and prophecies from the book of Daniel can be likewise interpreted by using the parallels between Church history and the Old Testament. In my book Vatican II and Antichrist I go through each of them in detail.

Our Expectations of the Antichrist

With these fulfillments of the visions and prophecies of Daniel in mind, I would like to come back to my first point concerning prophecy and its expected fulfillment. 

As the world around us unravels, disintegrates, and catches on fire, I would venture to assert that a little voice in the back of our heads is wondering if we aren’t approaching the end. Evil men, with the aid of technology, algorithms, and human psychology have obtained monopolies of power across almost every spectrum of society and established institutions. In the Church, the Second Vatican Council has destroyed the Faith of billions. The remnant of the Catholic Church is patiently keeping the doctrines of the Faith, in particular, Sedevacantism alone preserves essential Church teaching about the papacy, which is integral to the Catholic Faith. With so much destruction and confusion manifesting both in the secular and ecclesial worlds, I am guessing that many are expecting, now more than ever, the arrival of the Antichrist in the not-so-distant future. However, are these expectations like those of the Jews at the time of Christ? Have they overlooked prophecy fulfillment that is, even now, right before us?

This is exactly what I intend to demonstrate, God willing, in future articles. It is also what I demonstrate in my book Vatican II and Antichrist. I can’t relate all the necessary evidence in one article, hence the need for me to write a 200-page book. However, the stage can be set with three main points, after which, I will end this article with the enticing, and perhaps somewhat annoying phrase, “to be continued”.

Point One: The Douay Rheims Bible Gives Vital Clues About Antichrist

The Douay Rheims footnotes for the book of Daniel are filled with references concerning the Antichrist. The prophecies and visions in the book of Daniel often describe, so the footnotes tell us, the pagan kingdoms that ruled over the Jews from the Babylonian captivity until the coming of Christ. In particular, the actions of the Greek Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes feature prominently in various chapters. The footnotes are explicit that Antiochus IV Epiphanes is the prefigurement of the Antichrist. Here are some examples from the footnotes of the book of Daniel.

[8] "Another little horn:" This is commonly understood of Antichrist. It may also be applied to that great persecutor Antiochus Epiphanes, as a figure of Antichrist

- Daniel 7:8

[9] "A little horn:Antiochus Epiphanes, a descendant of Seleucus. He grew against the south, and the east, by his victories over the kings of Egypt and Armenia: and against the strength, that is, against Jerusalem and the people of God. 

-Daniel 8:9

[27] "The abomination of desolation:: Some understand this of the profanation of the temple by the crimes of the Jews, and by the bloody faction of the zealots. Others of the bringing in thither the ensigns and standard of the pagan Romans. Others, in fine, distinguish three different times of desolation: viz., that under Antiochus; that when the temple was destroyed by the Romans; and the last near the end of the world under Antichrist. To all which, as they suppose, this prophecy may have a relation. 

-Daniel 9:27

“The angel declares to Daniel many things to come, with regard to the Persian and Grecian kings: more especially with regard to Antiochus as a figure of Antichrist.” 

-Daniel 11 (Chapter Heading)

[21] "One despised:" Viz., Antiochus Epiphanes, who at first was despised and not received for king. What is here said of this prince, is accommodated by St. Jerome and others to Antichrist; of whom this Antiochus was a figure.  -Daniel 11:21

Recall from a previous paragraph in this article that Antiochus IV’s desecration of the Temple and his abomination of desolation are chronologically prefigured by the Second Vatican Council. Consequently, the implication from the aforementioned footnotes is clear. This conclusion is further reinforced by St. Alphonsus, who states in his book on the Holy Eucharist: 

“And this offering which our Lord then made of himself did not limit itself to that moment, but it only then began; it always has continued since, and it will continue forever. It is true it will cease on earth at the time of Antichrist: the Sacrifice of the Mass is to be suspended for twelve hundred and ninety days; that is, for three years six months and a half, according to the prophecy of Daniel: And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety day”

Point Two: Basic Catechism Indirectly Identifies the Antichrist

The Antichrist will impersonate Christ while at the same time mock and pervert Christ’s teachings. He will be a false Christ who will convince the world that he is the real Christ. Catholics know who, what, where, and how Christ is really and truly present in the world. We know that the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ. We know that the Holy Eucharist is Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.  We know that the Mass is the Sacrifice of Christ present on our altars. We know the pope is the vicar of Christ. We know that priests are “other Christs”. In short, the Catholic Church really and truly is Christ present in the world. Therefore, by the simple application of this Truth, there literally cannot be a greater Antichrist than an anti-church, anti-Mass, anti-pope, fake priests, etc. Even if a charismatic world politician unites the world’s governments, builds a third temple, tortures and kills Catholics, then this man still would not be a greater antichrist than the Vatican II antipopes. This is so because this man would not be taking the place of Christ, truly present in the Church. In short, to see the Antichrist, one must first possess the Catholic Faith.

Point Three: The Book of Daniel Unlocks Key Portions of the Apocalypse

The identification of the Novus Ordo Rite as the abomination of desolation is a key to interpreting the Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks from Daniel 9, as I have mentioned above. The “final week” from this prophecy is the time in which the abomination of desolation appears in the temple, at the mid-point of this “final week”.  If a week is a unit of seven, then the mid-point is three-and-one-half. 

It is this three-and-one-half unit of time, coupled with the abomination of desolation that links the book of Daniel to the book of the Apocalypse, in particular, the time of the Seven-Headed Beast-Out-of-the-Sea from Apocalypse 13. If you remember from my April 29, 2024 article (on Introibo Ad Altare Dei’s blog), the “final week” from the prophecy in Daniel 9 is also the period of the “Seven Kings”. It just so happens that St. John is told: “And here is the understanding that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, upon which the woman sitteth, and they are seven kings:” - Apocalypse 17:9 

The three-and-one-half times from Daniel 9 is a vital link to the book of the Apocalypse. This Beast with seven heads is permitted “to make war with the saints, and to overcome them” for “forty-two months” – Apocalypse 13.

Forty-two months is the same unit of time as three-and-one-half years. Thus, the implication can be made that the Beast is able to overcome the saints for three-and-one-half times because of the abomination of desolation. In other words, the Beast gains power over Catholics because he takes away the true Mass and substitutes the fake Novus Ordo Rite. The saints (Catholics) lost the graces from the Mass and also had the Faith stolen from them (in a manner of speaking). 


It makes total sense, and it is totally appropriate, that Biblical prophecy is centered on the Truths of the Catholic Faith, namely the Church, the Mass, and the Papacy. Prophecy is often fulfilled in unexpected ways. The chronological parallels between Church history and the Old Testament give us a firm foundation to identify the abomination of desolation as the Novus Ordo Rite, which in turn allows us to see the fulfillment of Daniel 9 in our times. Daniel 9 is structurally linked to key passages from the book of the Apocalypse. All of these visions and prophecies are a mystical and metaphorical portrayal of the Second Vatican Council and the reign of the Antichrist from the Vatican (the Temple of God). 

This short presentation is only the tip of the iceberg. In my new book Vatican II and Antichrist, other vision and prophecy fulfillments from the books of Daniel and the Apocalypse are also likewise demonstrated in this same context, plus much more! 

You can find this book at or you can visit my website to see the same content presented in PDF and video formats. I hope to delve further into these topics in future articles on this blog, God willing. To be continued.


  1. Your articles are always interesting, Daniel ! I'll be rereading the ones about Daniel's prophecy and the abomination of desolation, as it seems to apply very well to our times. The end of times may be near... one thing's for sure, certain signs seem to point to it. Modernists occupy the churches, but they have no faith. The sedevacantists are the small remnant of true Catholic faithful.

    God bless you Introïbo !

    1. Hello Simon, I am consistently astonished whenever I step back and remember the big picture, namely what you have just articulated: "Modernists occupy the churches, but they have no faith. The sedevacantists are the small remnant of true Catholic faithful."

      I pray for Our Lord to rescue His people!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. "This article contains a few major errors that I am not interested in correcting."

      Could you at least list them if you are unwilling to elaborate?

      If they are that major, that surely wouldn't be difficult.

      As it stands, you've offered no counter-argument, but only ad hominem.

    2. Hello Anonymous :) I don't think the readers of Introibo are gullible. In my experience, Traditional Catholics, especially Sedevacantists, are critical thinkers. They have seen through the lies and deceptions, (by the grace of God) of the Vatican II sect and have chosen to live much more difficult lives, often moving to be close to the Sacraments and/or being alienated from friends and family for their steadfastness in keeping the Faith.

      I am selling my new books, because I think the information is amazing, but also because my family needs the money. BUT, I also offer all the information in my books for free on my website, listed above in the article.

      I would be more than happy to send you free copies of my book, as I hope it will help you to see through the lies of Vatican II and the anti-popes. Just email me your mailing address.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Id like to apologize to Dominic, Introibo, and everyone who read my rant. I was out of line. If I could delete both comments, I would. Do with them as you wish.

    6. @anon2:37
      Apology accepted! It takes true humility and Catholic sense to apologize when wrong. We have a corresponding duty to forgive others as we want God to forgive us. I have deleted your comments prior.

      God Bless,


    7. @anon2:37 No worries :) The world is going crazy and it puts a lot of pressure on us, as we see the march of evil advance so much. I did appreciate your feedback, even if it was slightly harsh, b/c I do value knowing how my writing is viewed by different audiences. Ave Maria!

  3. Greetings to Introibo, Dominic and the other friends of the blog! Thanks for the article, I really liked it. I like to visit this blog because, unlike what happens with the "official" Church and its pages and media, I know that here they are not going to give me a distorted "truth", nor will they tell me that being a Christian is anything that It occurs to anyone. Nowadays it seems that you can be a Christian being whatever you want, that the Lord forgives you and accepts you just as you are.

    I know that my comments may not be of much interest, but in an anti-Catholic media linked to the Church they have published an article in which they talk about an international meeting organized by barefoot Carmelites in Spain, "Tibetan Buddhism and Carmelite Spirituality"

    I summarize the article:

    "It is an event that is being consolidated because, in the words of Father Jerzy Nawojowski OCD, director of CITeS - “University of Mysticism”, and in response to the existing need in Western societies, increasingly multicultural, "we want facilitate a genuine and respectful exchange between the two traditions, highlighting both similarities and differences, in order to enrich the spiritual and religious understanding of all participants"

    Also, responding to the need of our increasingly multicultural Western societies, we want to facilitate a genuine and respectful exchange between the two traditions, highlighting both similarities and differences, in order to enrich the spiritual and religious understanding of all participants. .

    The theme of this meeting was 'Guidelines for visualizing, contemplating and finding the sacred', which aims to highlight the importance of ethics and a certain discipline in each of these traditions to be able to prepare for enlightenment or contemplation within the process. of prayer as a means to achieve union with the "ultimate", whether through union with God in Christianity or awakening to compassion and universal wisdom in Buddhism.

    During the meeting there was the possibility of participating in the religious practices and rites of each of the traditions to know them better and to be able to experience it as a manifestation of the divine. This meeting is an opportunity to work together to promote a compassionate and harmonious world, sharing knowledge and practices that can contribute to a peaceful and enriching coexistence between different religions and cultures."

    1. Hello! Well, this sad spectacle that you described and summarized is one among countless others that have taken place since the Second Vatican Council. The Catholic Church teaches there is no salvation outside the Church. Catholics can never take part in non-Catholic religious ceremonies for many reasons, one of which is that it sends the message that other religions are "good", or at least don't lead to damnation. The Vatican II sect has departed from Catholic Church teaching, and we have seen them committing mortal sin and scandal with countless events that promote religious indifference like the one you described. This is just another reason to flee from Vatican II and the Novus Ordo, recognize that their leader is an anti-pope, and seek out the few (but growing) number of places where the Faith is still professed and the Sacraments are valid.

  4. What can a Carmelite religious learn from the Buddhist tradition? they ask the Carmelite priest

    "That's what we want to know... hahahaha. A little seriously, a little jokingly. But yes, it is true that there is a great lack of knowledge, I would say, an enormous ignorance on both sides; at least on the part of the Carmelite and Those of us who live here in our Western European context are sure of that.

    We have a very vague, if not zero, idea of ​​Buddhism. However, it is an ancient culture and religion that has millions of followers and that has been and continues to be fundamental for human development and the functioning of many peoples. Without a doubt, as the Secnd Vatican Council assured us, there are also seeds of truth in it and we want to know this truth.

    From pure pragmatism, I believe that we could learn from Buddhists the integration of the bodily dimension in prayer. “We are not angels, but we have a body.” With this phrase, Saint Teresa undoubtedly sensed the importance of this human dimension, but if she had met Buddhists, I think our Saint would love to learn and could learn a lot."

    And then they ask him if he thinks these dialogues might bother traditionalists, and he answers:

    "Sorry, I'm a foreigner and maybe I don't fully understand the meaning of this question, but it seems to me that you are referring to the possible criticism and misunderstandings on the part of some... come on, from our house, from the Catolic Church. Look, if you have a neighbor, you live next to him for years, and you haven't even said good morning or asked him what his name is, what does this mean? What does that mean to you? If it's your life choice, ok, I understand, but. Don't call yourself a Christian, please."

    So that I understand it, I don't know if you can help me:

    - Is being Christian as understood by the Carmelite priest "accepting the good of other religions because in them there are seeds of truth"? What does that have to do with what Christ preached?

    - In these meetings, isn't the message being sent that it doesn't matter what religion you profess? If the priest affirms that "we can learn from each other and that we can participate in the rites of other religions", does it not follow from these messages that Christianity is just another religion, like any other?

    I hope I haven't bored you, thank you for allowing me to share my reflections with you.

    Young reader from Spain

    1. Hello Young Reader from Spain,

      The Vatican II sect is in grave error by promoting and participating in such events. Such events are a deadly poison to any embers of Faith that still might exist in the hearts and minds of any unfortunate souls still trapped in the Novus Ordo system.

      There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. All other religions lead to Hell, plain and simple. To say there are "seeds of truth" in other religions is like saying a cake baked with arsenic has "seeds of nutrition". No person in their right mind would take a bite of that cake b/c one cannot separate the poison from the cake. So too with false, demonic religions (all religions except the Catholic Faith and Religion).

    2. That's a very apt parallel, Dominic!
      The more "seeds of truth", the more pernicious a given false religion is, just think of the conservative branch of the Novus Ordo.

      Thank you for guest posting!

      God Bless You All,
      A long-time reader

    3. Thanks to both of you for responding!

      By the way, Dominic, I sent you an email with a question; I hope you do not mind.


      Young reader from Spain

  5. Thank you for another comprehensive article, Dominic. Will return again to read in detail, as there are many signs that we could be approaching the final days.

    Today on the feast of St. Martha, I received an email from a Novus Ordo relative marking it as the feast of Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus. “Mary” is listed as patron of “spiritual studies and lectors.” Lazarus is listed as patron of “gravediggers.” That’s the best they’ve got for the beloved friends of Jesus on this earth. No mention of penitents or contemplatives. To avoid the miracle of his rising from the dead, Lazarus is restricted as patron of gravediggers. Modernists so intensely hate the supernatural, the communion of saints, and traditional Catholicism that they’re incapable of even minimal respect. How long before their modified memorials are abolished altogether?


    1. What a shame that these two great saints, so close to Our Lord, are minimized in the Novus Ordo! But, this is just par for the course. They have been doing similar things (and much worse) for decades now. I pray that one day, the Vatican II sect will implode and somehow be exposed, leaving true Catholics left standing to vindicate the True Faith and the True Church again. God's will be done!

    2. Alanna,

      you're so right! The Modernists are truly Naturalists at heart as if only the things of this world were of any importance. To reduce the holy siblings of Bethany to mere role models for gravediggers and lectors (women lectors and altar, ehm table servers?) is to minimize their lofty position as saints most beloved by Our Lord. Granted, the gravedigger deserves a patron saint too but that's not what these Modernists aimed at.

      God Bless You All!

    3. Anon@11:26, well said about modernists being naturalists. They’re obsessed with eradicating the traditional, supernatural and sublime, and their wrecking ball strategy has destroyed the true faith in 60 years of the Novus Ordo.

  6. Hello Dominic,
    Interesting article, and I will certainly look at your previous article about Daniel. The one issue I have is that The Church is not Christ, but His Bride. I agree with Rev. Herman B. Kramer that the Antichrist will be an individual man, and that the false popes are in the role of the False Prophet.

  7. This is such a mystical topic, with immense significance and deep mystery. I enjoy the discussion, but in no way insist on my position. However, I do accept and conclude in my book that the Antichrist is an actual man, 100%. And, of course I also agree that the Church is the Bride of Christ. I have heard and read many times as well that the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ. It is in that sense that I say the Church is Christ.
    Thank you for your kind words and your honest critique.
    Ave Maria!

    1. Dominic how can the holy pontiffs Pius xi and Pius xii be the first two heads of the beast which recieves authority from Satan and wages war against the saints? Roman pontiffs certainly do not receive their authority from Satan. Also now that the modernist antipope Ratzinger is dead and Bergoglio seems to be coming very close to his judgement, what position would it put us in, would you say Bergoglio is the antichrist or maybe his successor also how can rome both be destroyed and the seat of the antichrist at the same time and wouldn’t the antichrist reside in Jerusalem? Also do you think once the church is driven into the catacombs it will have a true Roman pontiff (though obviously not recognised by the public) or do you think Pius xii was the last pope ever and will have no sucessors? Do you think there will be a pope when our Lord returns?

      God bless

  8. If the 70th week ends in 2013 the question that arises is where does that put us now? We are now well past the end of the 70 weeks.

    1. yes... great question :) The 70th week (the final week) from the book of Daniel 9 seems to coincide with the period of the 7 Kings from the book of the Apocalypse. The period of the 7 Kings is the same as the "Seven-Headed Beast-Out-of-the-Sea", who in turn is followed by the "Two-Horned Lamb". That Two-Horned Lamb seems to have clearly been the dual anti-papacy of Benedict-Francis. Thus, if I were to guess where we are now... we are at the tail end of the Apocalypse, hopefully only a short time away from the destruction of the Great Harlot (the apostate Vatican).

      Its a ton of difficult imagery to take in, and it does require some studying. I have some graphical brochures that help to visual Daniel and the Apocalypse if you would like.

    2. I actually went and read your book yesterday; it was a relatively easy read. I found the material on the two horned lamb. But now even that is approx 20 months in the rear view mirror!

    3. Obviously I can't give a date... but I am sure compelled to think we are very close. There are two other gauges in that book to help pinpoint where we seem to be. Did you read the section about the 7 Kings and 2 Brothers. Also, the section on Rome/America parallels. It is way to much to type out here, but simply put, part of the total/chronological prefigurement of Church history by the Old Testament includes the Roman Republic/Empire and how it also seems to chronologically prefigure the American Republic/(and how it is transitioning to an elitist empire). I have some videos about that scattered around. One can be found on my YouTube channel (Maccabean Uprising). Anyway, the reason that is significant is because 1-2 years before the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, Rome went through the "Year of 4 Emperors". Through my eight years of studying and contemplating these parallels, it appears America (and the western world) is on the cusp of the "Year of 4 Presidents" in parallel. I am looking forward to see how it plays out, b/c its never as expected, but amazing nonetheless. If I am correct, that would mean the "destruction" of the Vatican is around the corner (the destruction of the Great Harlot... and also of apostate Jerusalem in parallel). If that doesn't make sense, please tell me, and I'll try to explain it better.

      Ave Maria!

  9. Oh yes sorry, I wasn't asking for a date :) But yeah I read through it all in one sitting. I was wondering at the end whether you were suggesting America could have four presidents in one year - I guess the way things are at the moment that is possible through wars/assassinations and who knows what else.

    1. @Anon 8:26 PM - TBH... I am expecting to have 4 presidents in one year, BUT these chronological parallels are so poetic, that of course this might not be the case. If Biden gets the 25th amendment, or he resigns or passes away, then if Trump wins.. that would be 3 presidents in one year already :) In my weaker moments, I try to dig deep into details and try to guess.. but in my better moments, I am content to resign myself to wait, watch and see. I am totally convinced that God has caused Church history to be chronologically paralleled by the Old Testament, and I am certain "about" where we seem to be on that timeline. As you said, with all the chaos, wars, assassinations, political tricks, and all manner of other crises, it seems possible.

  10. Where can we get more information about Padre Pio. I thought your video on that was fascinating. Something we have never heard.

    1. Oh... you found that video about Padre Pio :) I don't have my name attached to that video anywhere, but it is my voice. That video is the only content I have produced about Padre Pio. I guess I could write up that information and provide citations. Anyway, thanks for the kind words. It is a sensitive subject among Trads. It doesn't affect one's Faith if someone is a fan of Padre Pio or not (at least as far as I can tell). So, I didn't want to cause unnecessary arguments.

  11. Hello Dominic

    Great article and I enjoyed your discussion on Catholic Family Podcast .

    Have you read the writings of Traditional Catholic Joseph Saraceno at ? He has been teaching for years that our Lord will return on Pentecost Sunday and he is a prophet of God .

    1. I just checked out his website. He reached out to me on Facebook a little while back. We didn't end up having a discussion though. I can see, perhaps, why he thinks Our Lord will return on Pentecost as that is the day of God's descent upon His people. Also it is the day that fire Heavenly fire comes to Earth (as St. Peter says, the Earth will be destroyed by fire at the end of the world). It could also be a purgation for all those who are not damned but who still have the temporal punishment not yet atoned.

      Based on his website, it appears that we disagree about the Antichrist. It is my understanding that the Second Vatican Council, the Novus Ordo and the apostate Vatican ARE the final persecution of Antichrist. Everything out in the secular world is just an echo, a reverberation, or a lesser fulfillment of the greater evil of the theft of the Faith and the Mass away from countless billions of souls.

  12. Hello Dominic

    May God be praised now and forever

    This site never ceases to amaze me . Thank you so much Introibo for having you on here .You are amazing .

    If you look at the site of Steven Speray , he has a article about Joseph and his teachings . I don't agree with him on some things and your teaching on the AntiChrist is correct . Joseph has been a supporter of the CMRI since the days of Bishop Schuckardt . I was told he had a run in with Father Dominic Radecki at Queen of Angels Church a few years back and now attends the SSPX .

    On a different topic , Dominic have you thought of republishing many of the old good books on the True Faith that are now out of print . Someone made the recent comment here about all the old books that PCP books in the State of New York had but they just sold them on . Many priests and lay people would love those books on Doctrine , Theology , Saints and holy people , etc

    God bless you and your family


    P.S I will have Holy Mass offered for you and your family.

    1. Hello Anthony! Thanks for the info. I'll definitely check it out, and I appreciate your kind words.

      As for the reprinting of Catholic books (pre V2), we are actually working on it. My wife and I started a new little Catholic book publishing company named "Glorious Heritage Books". Actually, if you click on my name above, it should take you to the site. We have reformatted some old Catholic books already and are currently working with a small team of Sedes to develop more. I think there are 3 or 4 in the works now. I just today designed a new cover for the book by Pope St. Gregory the Great entitled "The Life and Miracles of St. Benedict".

      Thank you so so much for the Mass intention! That is such a great gift and I can't convey how much that means to me.

      Ave Maria!


  13. Hi Dominic,

    Thanks for the post. I know people who are enjoying your books. I've looked at your website in the past, and as you wrote, there is a wealth of information on there.

    God Bless!
