Monday, January 30, 2017

Addicted To Masonry

 Pope Pius XII once said, "The greatest sin of our age is that we've lost all sense of sin." Truer words were never spoken, especially in our age. Divorce and remarriage is no longer a mortal sin that requires your repentance and living as brother and sister. No, you can live in open adultery, and the Vatican II sect will find ways to give you "communion." Worse still, is the attempt to explain away sin as an "illness." Take the example of New York pervert Anthony Weiner, the former congressman who tweeted pictures of his genitals to women he hardly knew across the country. He lost he seat in Congress, lost his bid for mayor of NYC, destroyed his marriage, and is being investigated for possible sexual communication with a fifteen (15) year old girl. Weiner never asked forgiveness of God. No one acknowledges sin. No one does penance.

Perverts are now "sex addicts" who need group therapy and couldn't help themselves. Weiner actually went to some "Sex Addicts Anonymous" group for a huge sum of money to "cure himself."  The "Twelve Step Program" made famous by Alcoholics Anonymous ("AA") is now in vogue to allegedly help people beat all kinds of "addictions" including, but not limited to, drugs, gambling, tobacco, and sex. Virtually any vice is now labeled an addiction. While AA may have helped some people stop drinking, it does far more harm than good. As a matter of fact, the origins and purpose of AA are quite disturbing. Most people are unaware of the occult/Masonic origin of AA and its (rather successful) campaign to promote religious indifferentism and eliminate the sense of sin.

AA's False Representation and True Origin

According to AA: "Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety." Seems benevolent enough until you dig beneath the surface.

 AA started when William (Bill)Wilson and Dr. Robert (Bob) Smith met in 1935. Both men were alcoholics who met at the Oxford Group,a non-denominational group allegedly modeled on early Christianity.  The Oxford group literature defines the group as not being a religion, for it had no hierarchy, no Church, and "no plans but God's plan." Their chief aim was "A new world order for Christ, the King." (See F. Buchman, Remaking the World. Blandord Press, London (1961)). Due to this affiliation, people have tried to paint AA as "Christian," yet the facts speak for themselves. AA denies any religious affiliation, and the Oxford Group denied being a religion, yet claims to build a "new world order" for "Christ the King." They knew "God's plan" through some "personal experience." The Group called it, "Listening for God's guidance, and carrying it out."

 The official AA biography of Bill Wilson, entitled Pass it On, details Wilson and Smith practicing séances and communing with demonic spirits while writing the program of AA and the Twelve Steps. Bill Wilson explains one of their experiences with a Ouija board:

"The ouija board began moving in earnest. What followed was the fairly usual experience-it was a strange mélange of Aristotle, St. Francis, diverse archangels with odd names, deceased friends–some in purgatory and others doing nicely, thank you! There were malign and mischievous ones of all descriptions telling of vices quite beyond my ken, even as former alcoholics. Then, the seemingly virtuous entities would elbow them out with messages of comfort, information, advice—and sometimes just sheer nonsense." (See Pass It On, pg. 278). 

It is an abomination to attempt to contact the dead. As I've written before, necromancy (attempting to contact the dead) is condemned by both the Bible and Church teaching. "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you." (See Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Emphasis mine.) According to theologian Jone, "Spiritism claims to be able to communicate with the spirit world and endeavors to establish such commerce with it. Although spiritism is for the most part fraud, still the intention alone to enter into communication with spirits is gravely sinful. Therefore, it is mortally sinful to conduct a spiritistic seance or to act as a medium." (See Moral Theology, pg. 100; Emphasis mine). 

AA has its origin in the demonic. The triangle within a circle (symbol of AA) has its origin in secret societies. The Rosicrucians (a secret society tied to masonry) uses it to impart and convey its teachings to initiates.  According to Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age (published by AA), Wilson says of the symbol:
"That we have chosen this symbol [for A.A.] is perhaps no mere accident. The priests and seers of antiquity regarded the circle enclosing the triangle as a means of warding off spirits of evil, and AA’s circle of Recovery, Unity, and Service has certainly meant all that to us and much more." (pg. 139; Emphasis mine.) 

Twelve Steps To Losing The Faith

 The Twelve Step Program is little more than an exaltation of positive Indifferentism (the belief that all religions are more or less equally good). 

Step Two states: "[We] Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity."

What "Power" is that? It could mean God, an impersonal "god" of the deists, or the "Great Architect of the Universe" of the Masonic Lodge.

Step Three states: " [We] Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." 

" we understood Him." Any understanding of  "God" as some higher "Power" are all equally good and praiseworthy.

Step Eleven states, [We] Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out."

 To whom do they pray, and how do they meditate? "Conscious contact with God"? What does that mean? Contact by some direct communication as the Oxford Group claimed? 

Step Twelve states, [We] ... had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs."

A "spiritual awakening"? It certainly is not to the One True Church of Christ. They are further instructed to "practice these principles in all our affairs." 

AA even has chapters for atheists and agnostics but will not allow proselytism, or for anyone to pray in the Holy Name of Jesus! (As Bergoglio would say, "Proselytism is nonsense."). They do not "tolerate" the idea that any person's religious beliefs are superior to another's, nor that anyone's "spiritual beliefs" may be wrong. Despite AA's protestations that it is "not allied with any sect, denomination..." the New York State Court of Appeals (the highest court in the state) determined that AA is  religious in the broad sense of the term. (See Matter of Griffin v. Coughlin 88 N.Y.2d 674 (1996)). A religion of indifferentism that can tolerate anything except the Truth!

People in these Twelve Step programs will begin to imbibe something worse than alcohol; the idea that any "Higher Power" worshiped by anyone is just as good as any other. It matters not if you are Hindu, Moslem, Protestant, Vatican II sect, or Traditionalist. Any religious belief can help you in life, and (by implication) the afterlife. After enough exposure, you're on the road to believing it and rejecting the idea of a One True Church. 

Scientific Studies Dispute AA's Effectiveness

In 2006, the Cochrane Collaboration, a health-care research group, reviewed studies going back to the 1960s and found that "no experimental studies unequivocally demonstrated the effectiveness of AA or [12-step] approaches for reducing alcohol dependence or problems."

AA claims a 75% success rate, yet "in his recent book, The Sober Truth: Debunking the Bad Science Behind 12-Step Programs and the Rehab Industry, Lance Dodes, a retired psychiatry professor from Harvard Medical School, looked at Alcoholics Anonymous’s retention rates along with studies on sobriety and rates of active involvement (attending meetings regularly and working the program) among AA members. Based on these data, he put AA’s actual success rate somewhere between 5 and 8 percent." 

Even more frightening, "There is no mandatory national certification exam for addiction counselors. The 2012 Columbia University report on addiction medicine found that only six states required alcohol- and substance-abuse counselors to have at least a bachelor’s degree and that only one state, Vermont, required a master’s degree. Fourteen states had no license requirements whatsoever—not even a GED or an introductory training course was necessary—and yet counselors are often called on by the judicial system and medical boards to give expert opinions on their clients’ prospects for recovery." These same mostly unqualified people will be teaching the occult/Masonic ideology intrinsic to AA.

 (Information on scientific studies culled from the work of Gabrielle Glasser located at

Summary and Conclusion
  • The sense of sin is largely lost in our modern society. People make "bad judgments" or have "illnesses." The idea of moral failure, sin, penance, and asking forgiveness from God are now nearly obsolete.
  • The Vatican II sect is working towards this goal of eradicating the sense of sin as well,  both in teaching and practice.
  • One of the major organizations (claiming not to be a religious sect or denomination) that pushes the notions of religious indifferentism, and ignores the concept of sin, is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
  • AA was founded by two alcoholics who got the ideas for their loosely knit society from occult practices, and they were influenced by Masonry.
  • The Twelve Step program is nothing more than religious indifferentism from which Christ and His One True Church are excluded. They tolerate any beliefs as long as they are not true.
  • People in these Twelve Step programs will begin to see all religions as more or less good, and question (even reject) the idea of One True Church.
  • The 75% success rate claimed by AA has been called into doubt by recent scientific studies that put the actual number at no more than 8%.
  • Most of the counselors are completely unqualified, to the point that even high school drop-outs can  function as a "counselor." These are the same people who will tell you all beliefs are equally valid.

 There are many more effective methods of treating alcoholism (or any other problem) than organizations using the Masonic Twelve Step method. If you or someone you love suffers from a problem considered "an addiction," consult with a doctor you trust, shop around, and find treatment from a person or group unaffiliated with the Twelve Steps. Most important to your recovery, is your spiritual health in the One True Church. Christ and His Mother will help you through your sins.  Otherwise you'll put your soul in peril as the Masonic "cure" is worse than the so-called "disease" it purports to fight.

Monday, January 23, 2017

In The Red

 "Father" John Zuhlsdorf, a former Lutheran, was "ordained" a Vatican II sect "priest" by John Paul the Great Apostate on May 26, 1991. Known as "Fr. Z," he maintains a popular blog wherein he promotes so-called conservative ideas and sells coffee for profit. He currently resides in Wisconsin, but it seems like this man spends more time promoting himself and his products on the Internet than doing anything one would expect from a cleric. On the other hand, since what many Vatican II clerics are doing these days lands them in jail, perhaps it's a better option after all. Mr. Z is fond of writing "Say the Black, Do the Red." This is a reference to the True Roman Missal, where what is to be said is written in black type, and what is to be done is written in red type. (The very name "rubrics," or "rules" to be observed in offering the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, comes from the Latin word ruber, i.e., "red"). The same is true of their "Sacramentary" for the Novus Bogus, or at least it was; keeping up with how fast the Vatican II sect changes is difficult.

Mr. Z wants to promote "reverence" in the Vatican II sect mockery of the Mass, known as the Novus Ordo Missae or "New Order of the Mass." (sic) I prefer to call it the Novus Bogus, as it is both new and invalid. Trying to make one of these services "reverent" is like putting lipstick on a pig. In 2002, the bishops of the United States, with the blessing of Modernist Rome, issued another General Instruction on the Roman Missal (Hereinafter, "Instruction"). This is their version of the rubrics to be employed for a "proper and reverent celebration of the Eucharist."

 Much has been written about the evil doctrines and invalidating consecration brought about by the recitation of the heretical text of the Novus Bogus. In this post, I will show how even the very actions are either evil or incentives to impiety. Since the True Church cannot give that which is evil or an incentive to impiety, it did not come from the Church, but from heretics who lost their office by Divine Law and started a false religion.
The Instruction will appear in red type, and my response below it will be in regular black type.

A Heretical Structure

35. The acclamations and the responses of the faithful to the Priest’s greetings and prayers constitute that level of active participation that is to be made by the assembled faithful in every form of the Mass, so that the action of the whole community may be clearly expressed and fostered

  • The Mass is not a "communal activity;" this idea was expressly condemned by His Holiness Pope Pius XII in Mediator Dei, "For there are today, Venerable Brethren, those who, approximating to errors long since condemned teach that in the New Testament by the word 'priesthood' is meant only that priesthood which applies to all who have been baptized; and hold that the command by which Christ gave power to His apostles at the Last Supper to do what He Himself had done, applies directly to the entire Christian Church, and that thence, and thence only, arises the hierarchical priesthood. Hence they assert that the people are possessed of a true priestly power, while the priest only acts in virtue of an office committed to him by the community. Wherefore, they look on the eucharistic sacrifice as a 'concelebration,' in the literal meaning of that term, and consider it more fitting that priests should 'concelebrate' with the people present than that they should offer the sacrifice privately when the people are absent." (Emphasis mine)
  • The emphasis is always on "conscious, active participation." The clear import is that for centuries at the True Mass (and Traditionalists today) are unconscious and inactive at the Holy Sacrifice when they lift up their mind and heart to God by praying the Rosary, following the prayers in a hand Missal, or meditating on the sacred action. To "participate"  for Vatican II means to banter back and forth and be preoccupied doing something so you don't get bored.

50. When the Entrance Chant is concluded, the Priest stands at the chair and, together with the whole gathering, signs himself with the Sign of the Cross. Then by means of the Greeting he signifies the presence of the Lord to the assembled community. By this greeting and the people’s response, the mystery of the Church gathered together is made manifest.After the greeting of the people, the Priest, or the Deacon, or a lay minister may very briefly introduce the faithful to the Mass of the day.

  • "Standing at the Chair" means the "priest" is now at the center of the assembly. Where is the tabernacle? Probably relegated to a hole in the wall. 
  • The "mystery of the Church" is not made present by the assembly and "presider" or "president of the assembly" (as they now commonly call the former "priest") exchanging greetings and responses. The Mass is the Sacred Mystery in and of Itself.
  • "Introduce the people to the Mass of the day"---whatever that means

59. The function of proclaiming the readings is by tradition not presidential but ministerial. Therefore the readings are to be read by a reader, but the Gospel by the Deacon or, in his absence, by another Priest. If, however, a Deacon or another Priest is not present, the Priest Celebrant himself should read the Gospel, and moreover, if no other suitable reader is present, the Priest Celebrant should also proclaim the other readings as well.

  • In typical Protestant fashion, the role of the priest is reduced. There is some wacky distinction between  what is "presidential" and "ministerial." You will look in vain at pre-Vatican II sources for such terminology and distinctions
  • Get as many laymen and even laywomen involved as possible. The priest is a last resort to "do the readings." Have a married "permanent deacon" at every "celebration." 
  • I wonder if the female "lectors" ever "proclaim" the following reading, "Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith." 1 Corinthians 14: 34.
82. There follows the Rite of Peace, by which the Church entreats peace and unity for herself and for the whole human family, and the faithful express to each other their ecclesial communion and mutual charity before communicating in the Sacrament.

  • The Church always has Unity; it's one of the Four Signs of the True Church along with Holiness, Catholicity, and Apostolicity. There is no need to "entreat" "unity for herself" (sic)
  • The "whole human family" cannot have peace if they are outside the True Church. It may be "bumper sticker theology" but it's true; Know Christ (in His One True Church), Know Peace. No Christ (outside His One True Church), No Peace.
  • The "sign of peace" is now a bunch of handshakes, kissing, back-slapping, and idle chatter while Christ is (allegedly) Physically Present. Yet they clearly believe that His "presence in the assembly or community" is of equal importance. A denigration, if not implicit denial, of the dogma of the Real Presence. 
379. The Church offers the Eucharistic Sacrifice of Christ’s Pasch for the dead so that, since all the members of Christ’s Body are in communion with one another, what implores spiritual help for some, may bring comforting hope to others.

  • Excluded in the Instruction is ANY mention of the dreaded word "Purgatory." It would be decidedly Catholic.
  • No mention of the Four Last Things.

 I could go on and on, but I need not belabor the obvious: The Novus Bogus is invalid and heretical even in its very actions; by what it does, and fails to do. Actions often speak louder than words. This whole farce is an incentive to impiety. However, we know the Church cannot give incentives to impiety. The Council of Trent declared, "CANON VII.--If any one saith, that the ceremonies, vestments, and outward signs, which the Catholic Church makes use of in the celebration of masses, are incentives to impiety, rather than offices of piety; let him be anathema." So ask yourself "recognize and resisters" of the SSPX and the rest, "How could this be from the True Church?" Please don't talk about "abuses" and what "the pope really said," because this is from the official text of the Modernist Vatican! 

 Perhaps after a few more cups of his coffee, Mr. Z will wake up to realize the only "black and red" coming from the Modernist Vatican is the black smoke from the red flames of Hell. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

Trumped Up Charges

 On Friday, January 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America, after the nastiest and most contentious election in U.S. history. He lost the popular vote, but won the Electoral College, the method used to decide the president since this nation was founded. The reaction of the left-wing was disturbing, from signs proclaiming "He's not my president," to demonstrations planned for the Inauguration. Had this happened eight years ago when Obama was sworn in, there would have been cries of "racism" against any such protesters. (For the record, Obama was not the "first black president," he is bi-racial. He was, however, the first Communist in all but name). Trump is far from perfect, but the reactions of many (including members of the Vatican II sect), are outrageous. People are claiming it's their "right" not to recognize him as president and to oppose everything he does, regardless of the merits.

 What does the One True Church teach about the duties owed by citizens to the State? That is the topic to be covered in this post.

Catholic Principles on the Authority of the State and the Duties of Citizens

 I will turn to the most eloquent teacher on such principles, His Holiness Pope Leo XIII.

1. All authority comes from God, but the person invested with authority can be designated by the people by different methods at various times. 

" It is of importance, however, to remark in this place that those who may be placed over the State may in certain cases be chosen by the will and decision of the multitude, without opposition to or impugning of the Catholic doctrine. And by this choice, in truth, the ruler is designated, but the rights of ruling are not thereby conferred. Nor is the authority delegated to him, but the person by whom it is to be exercised is determined upon."--Diuturnum # 6

"There is no question here respecting forms of government, for there is no reason why the Church should not approve of the chief power being held by one man or by more, provided only it be just, and that it tend to the common advantage. Wherefore, so long as justice be respected, the people are not hindered from choosing for themselves that form of government which suits best either their own disposition, or the institutions and customs of their ancestors."--Diuturnum # 6

2. Authority exists so that the common good (and the good of individuals) may be more easily and perfectly obtained.

"But in order that justice may be retained in government it is of the highest importance that those who rule States should understand that political power was not created for the advantage of any private individual; and that the administration of the State must be carried on to the profit of those who have been committed to their care, not to the profit of those to whom it has been committed."---Diuturnum # 16

3. Authority must be exercised with justice and in a fatherly manner for the advantage of all members of society.

"... God has always willed that there should be a ruling authority, and that they who are invested with it should reflect the divine power and providence in some measure over the human race... They, therefore, who rule should rule with evenhanded justice, not as masters, but rather as fathers, for the rule of God over man is most just, and is tempered always with a father's kindness. Government should, moreover, be administered for the well-being of the citizens, because they who govern others possess authority solely for the welfare of the State. Furthermore, the civil power must not be subservient to the advantage of any one individual or of some few persons, inasmuch as it was established for the common good of all."---Immortale Dei # 4 and 5

4. Legitimate authority must be respected and obeyed conscientiously. 

"Whence it will behoove citizens to submit themselves and to be obedient to rulers, as to God, not so much through fear of punishment as through respect for their majesty; nor for the sake of pleasing, but through conscience, as doing their duty."---Diuturnum # 13

"Both the natural and the Christian law command us to revere those who in their various grades are shown above us in the State, and to submit ourselves to their just commands."---Graves de Communi Re # 9

5. If lawful authority commands anything contrary to natural and/or Divine Law, there is a duty not to obey the command (an intrinsically unjust law like abortion).

"The one only reason which men have for not obeying is when anything is demanded of them which is openly repugnant to the natural or the divine law, for it is equally unlawful to command to do anything in which the law of nature or the will of God is violated."---Diuturnum # 15 

Ask yourself, "Are the protesters against Donald Trump adhering to the principles defined by Pope Leo XIII?"  Traditionalists suffered through the presidency of Barack Obama without questioning his designation by the people to rule. We prayed and fought against his disastrous policies with dignity and in the manner consistent with Church teaching. We resisted in appropriate ways when sodomite "marriage" was foisted upon the nation with the help of two of his Supreme Court nominees, and when he declared that determining the humanity of unborn children was "above his pay grade." (Good thing Lincoln didn't think determining the humanity of slaves was above his pay grade, Mr. Obama). 

 Has the Vatican II sect admonished anyone for this unprincipled behavior? Perish the thought. Traditionalists should protest outside the Modernist Vatican with signs that read, "He's not my (or anyone else's) pope."

Monday, January 9, 2017

Secret Santa

 As the Christmas season winds down with the Feast of the Most Holy Family (January 8, 2017), I'm writing to ask Traditionalist parents (if they haven't done so already) to eliminate Santa Claus from their homes, and don't tell their children about it. No, I'm not here to tell you the letters in "Santa" spell "Satan," but I will bring home two points; (1) you must lie to your children multiple times about a fictitious character that you want them to think is real, and (2) it lessens their belief in other things you tell them; like the existence of God. All this for folklore that has nothing to do with the real meaning of Christmas, and serves to make kids materialistic. Just what we need, right?

 There is good reason to believe that the modern day Santa, far from being St. Nicholas, is a Masonic ploy to detract from the real meaning of Christmas, just like the Easter Bunny detracts from the most important event in human history; the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Consider the following carefully.

Santa is God-Like

 People calling themselves "Christian" lie to their children about the existence of a supernatural, all-knowing being who is watching them and holding them morally accountable. This "God-surrogate" is an all-seeing person endowed with miraculous powers, who’s making a list and checking it twice in order to find out if you've been naughty or nice. "He knows when you are sleeping; he knows when you’re awake. He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good, for goodness’ sake!" Fear not, however, no matter what you’ve done, he thinks you’re good and delivers the presents. Is this caricature of God something about which you want to lie to your children? 

 Once they find out that you have lied to them about Santa’s existence, how can doubts not also arise that you have been lying (or wrong) as well in telling them that God exists? Maybe the whole Christmas story is a myth which thinking adults should outgrow. I’ve heard ignorant atheists actually comparing God to Santa Claus and saying that there is no more evidence of God’s existence than Santa’s. In lying to your children about Santa Claus, you may be setting them up for fall. If you think I'm exaggerating, there's at least one high ranking Freemason who agrees.

Giving Children "Masonic Doubt"

 Gaylord Z. Thomas, a major in the United States Air Force, and a 32nd degree Mason, compares Santa Claus to The Legend of Hiram Abiff. According to Masonic Education (See, Hiram Abiff was comissioned by King Solomon as chief architect and master of works at the construction of his temple. As the temple is nearing completion, three fellowcraft masons from the workforce ambush him as he leaves the building, demanding the secrets of a Master Mason. Hiram is challenged by each in turn, and at each refusal to divulge the information his assailant strikes him with a mason's tool. He is injured by the first two assailants, and struck dead by the last.The assailants are brought to justice, and King Solomon informs the people that the secrets of the Master Mason are now gone. Such is the tale told to Freemasons entering the Third Degree. Masons use the story to show "how Hiram's death was also his triumph--as the resurrection of truth over ignorance is always a victory,..." (See It is the triumph of Masonic naturalism ("truth") over the "ignorance" of the Church. Masonry claims to have the truth and will keep it secret (like Hiram Abiff) while seeking to destroy the ignorance of its enemy, the True Church. 

 Major Thomas now compares this legend to Santa. "Another parallel to Santa can be seen in how Hiram is struck down and how Santa Claus 'dies' in the minds of our youth. Hiram was met at the first principal gate and struck with the Rule, inflicting the first wound. He is struck in the throat, the place of our voice. Is it not by word of mouth from their fellow school children (or siblings) that Santa Claus is also first struck?" 

Next, "Hiram was met at the second principal gate and struck a second wound by the Square. He is struck in the chest or heart, the place of our affections. Is it not normally by the word of the parents, those who stand upright in the minds of the child, that the first realization about Santa Claus is confirmed? And doesn't it almost always break their hearts to hear this news? They are growing up." 

Finally, "Hiram is met at the third gate, and the final blow by the Setting Maul is dealt to his head, the place of our intellect. Similarly, children aware of the true nature of Santa forcefully kill Santa in the minds of other children by ridiculing, often with blistering logic, those who still believe in Santa." (See He approves of this "death of Santa." 

Almost all children will experience three bad events  from being lied to about Santa Claus by their parents:

  • They will be told by older siblings or school companions that their parents lied.
  • They have the trust in their parents broken, and maybe a lingering doubt about what else they lied about--like perhaps God. Parents are seen as hypocrites by telling them "don't lie;" but they themselves lie for children's entertainment.
  • They are angry and wish to destroy the lie in the minds of other children--they have become skeptics at an early age

Why would any parent do this to a child? The Masons may not have created Santa Claus, but they sure know how to use this myth to dislodge Christ from people's minds; especially the minds of children here in the United States.

Santa: A Fairy Tale Made Analogous To God
Consider these parallels:

  • Has white hair like wool (Apocalypse 1:14)--so does Santa
  • Has a beard (Isaiah 50:6) --so does Santa
  • Comes in red apparel (Isaiah 63:1-2)---so does Santa
  • Hour of His coming is a mystery (Luke 12:40; Mark 13:33)--so is Santa's 
  • Omnipotent -- all powerful (Apocalypse 19:6)--Santa can deliver all the world's toys in one night
  • Omniscient -- knows all (Hebrews 4:13; 1 John 3:20)--Santa knows the good and bad deeds of all kids in the world
  • Omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-10; Ephesians 4:6; John 3:13)--Santa has to be everywhere in one night
  • Comes as a thief in the night (Matthew 24:43-44)--enters your home like a thief!
  •  Judges (Rom 14:10)--decides if you're bad or good, but unlike Christ, all will get rewarded

So when they stop believing in the lie they were told, maybe they will (consciously or subconsciously) make the connection to disbelief in God and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  

The Solution: St. Nicholas

 Don't lie to your children about the existence of a mythical creature with God-like characteristics, and then try to keep Santa's non-existence a secret.  Like in some European countries prior to Vatican II, you can give the gifts on December 6th, the Feast of St. Nicholas. Explain this feast to your children, and keep Christmas strictly religious. Acquaint your children with the historical Saint Nicholas, and most importantly, acquaint them with the historical Jesus. In fact, share with them how Christmas myths like the "little drummer boy" began. Let them know that Jesus wasn't really born on December 25th, but it counters a pagan holiday during the early Church. Let them know Santa isn't real, but unfortunately, some parents have fallen for a Christmas counterfeit that will try some children's faith in God. You can keep giving gifts on Christmas, as long as they know it's in honor of Christ, and in imitation of St. Nicholas. By doing all this, your children will have a stronger, more durable faith as a result.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Was Padre Pio An Ecumenist?

 I have never written a post on Padre Pio, whom the Vatican II sect has declared a "saint." There is so much conflicting testimony about him ( ranging from claims that he was a staunch Traditionalist, to claims he was a Modernist and a fake) that it is very confusing to know what to believe. Padre Pio, born Francesco Forgione on May 25, 1887, was a Capuchian priest ordained in 1910. It is claimed he had received numerous spiritual gifts, including bi-location and the visible wounds of Christ in his hands (called the "stigmata"). He died September 23, 1968--about four years into the creation of the Vatican II sect, which took off when "Pope" Paul VI signed the heretical document Lumen Gentium. Wotyla (John Paul the Great Apostate) "beatified" Padre Pio in 1999, and "canonized" him in 2002.

 I asked my spiritual father, the great Fr. Gommar DePauw (who founded the Traditionalist movement to preserve the True Faith in 1964), what he thought of Padre Pio. His reply was most interesting. Father's older brother, Fr. Adhemar DePauw, OFM, had been commissioned by Pope Pius XII in the 1950s to investigate the Capuchin in Italy. Fr. Adhemar was sworn to secrecy, and never revealed what he discovered to anyone but the pope. Fr. DePauw said that his brother never wanted to speak of him, even in those things which were of common knowledge and not related to his investigation and vow. This led Father to conclude his brother did not think highly of him. He went on to tell me that he had heard from high ranking sources at the Vatican (back in 1962, when he was a theological expert, or peritus, at Vatican II) all kinds of conflicting reports and testimonies, and he honestly did not know whom (or even what) to believe about Padre Pio. He concluded by saying, "He will never be one of my favorite so-called saints."

 So why a post now? I've always had misgivings about Padre Pio. I never give any credence to anti-Catholic sources, however Archbishop Pasquale Gagliardi (1859-1941), claimed that Padre Pio faked his stigmata using carbolic acid which he had purchased. The Modernist Vatican dismissed the claim, stating that the acid was used to sterilize needles that Padre used for injections against the Spanish Flu, which was raging at the time and there was a shortage of doctors. Also, there are allegations that Abp. Gagliardi was quite immoral and persecuted Padre Pio (See  Once again, conflicting accounts. There are two opposite and believable stories about a photo where Padre is kissing Archbishop Lefebvre's ring. According to one source, he predicted the Archbishop "would divide the Church." According to other eyewitnesses, nothing of the kind was said. Pope Pius XII allowed people to visit Padre, but it was Montini the false pope ("Pope" Paul VI) who dismissed all charges against him. I have come across some information, which if true, would expose him as a non-Catholic.

A reader of my blog, Mr. Frank Rega (a good and sincere man) has written a book on Padre Pio, and has great devotion to him. However, what Mr. Rega wrote on his own blog, "The Shield of Faith," would make Padre an ecumenist heretic. Since it was written by a great devotee of Padre Pio, I can't dismiss it as biased against him. What follows is the post he wrote entitled, "Padre Pio was not a rigid Traditionalist." (See

 The title alone gave me pause. A Traditionalist is simply a true Catholic in this age of the Great Apostasy. We recognize the state of sedevacante, and reject the Vatican II Robber Council, as well as the man-made sect it spawned. Mr. Rega rejects sedevacantism, and is a "conservative" member of the Vatican II sect. Even the conservatives are infected with the heresy that you can be "Catholic in degrees." This is an outgrowth of Vatican II's heretical ecclesiology. Let's examine what was written.

Evidence of Ecumenism

From "The Shield of Faith:" 

The following documented cases are presented as evidence that Padre Pio believed that non-Catholics could be saved and even receive the sacraments.

Adelaide McAlpin Pyle, a Baptized Protestant
“She will be saved because she has faith.”

Most of the information for this first account comes from the English version of the book Mary Pyle, by Bonaventura MassaThis work was diligently compiled from written documents and taped oral testimonies, kept on file in the archives of Padre Pio’s friary in anticipation of the process for Miss Pyle’s Cause for Beatification.

The wealthy Presbyterian, Adelaide McAlpin Pyle, was the mother of Mary Pyle, a well-known convert to Catholicism who renounced her family fortune in order to spend her life near Padre Pio. The Pyle family was related by marriage to the Rockefellers, and made their fortune in the soap and hotel business. After Adelaide found out that her daughter Mary had chosen to move to southern Italy to learn about God from a saint, curiosity impelled her to travel from her plush New York townhouse to medieval San Giovanni Rotondo, in order to meet this holy man. 

In spite of an unpleasant initial encounter, Adelaide eventually became quite friendly with Padre Pio. She made numerous journeys from America, beginning in the mid-1920s, to visit her daughter Mary, and to meet with the Padre. Mary often tried to convince her mother to convert to Catholicism as she herself had done, but Adelaide reportedly said in Padre Pio’s presence, “I would rather allow myself to be burned alive for my religion!” Padre Pio advised Mary not to push her mother to convert: “Let her be! Don’t upset her peace.”  However, Mary continued to worry because her mother was not a Catholic, and Padre Pio counseled, “Let’s not confuse her. She will be saved because she has faith.”

In 1936, Adelaide, who had grown older and was nearing death, made one last trip to San Giovanni Rotondo. As she said good-bye to Padre Pio at the end of this visit, the saintly priest pointed heavenward, saying to the Protestant Adelaide, “I hope we will see each other again soon, but if we don’t see each other here, we will see each other up there.”  She passed away in the fall of 1937 at the age of seventy-seven.  Her daughter Mary then became pre-occupied about her mother’s salvation. After dreaming that her mother was in Rome standing in front of the Vatican, she poured out her anxiety to Padre Pio. He replied, "And who told you that your mother could not be saved?”   (Emphasis mine)
Now you might be thinking that maybe she converted secretly (known but to God) on her deathbed, and so died as a Catholic. Nothing wrong (or heretical) with that--everyone should pray for such wonderful conversions. But what is written next expressly denies this is what happened or what Padre Pio meant.

Did Padre Pio receive a revelation that Adelaide Pyle had secretly ‘in pectore” converted to the Catholic Faith? If that were true, he most certainly would have told this to her daughter Mary, who was obviously distraught from worrying over her mother’s salvation. Further, it seems likely that if Adelaide had converted, she would have shared this good news with her convert daughter. It is reasonable to conclude then that Padre Pio believed that this particular person who died outside the Church could be saved. In addition, there is evidence that Padre Pio would have been willing to hear Adelaide’s confession, and grant her sacramental absolution. On one occasion, she had confided to her daughter her great desire to kneel before Padre Pio in his confessional, but she lamented that her inability to speak Italian made this impossible. When Padre Pio heard of this, (apparently it was after her death), he bemoaned, “Oh! If she had only done it! As for the language, I would have taken care of that!” (Emphasis mine)

 This is sheer heresy, for no one outside the One True Church can be saved, nor can non-Catholics be given the sacraments. There are two more scenarios given: Padre Pio asks people to pray for a soul about to appear before God. That soul turns out to be the Anglican King George. He does not pray for his conversion. According to "The Shield of Faith," However, it is not recorded or implied that he asked his confreres to pray for the deathbed conversion of the king – an important intention that Padre Pio in all likelihood would have explicitly stated, if such were his purpose. Although he mentioned the king to his priest colleague, he did not tell the friends in his room that they were praying for a non-Catholic until they had finished their prayers. One cannot therefore say that it is to be assumed that as Catholics they were praying for the king’s conversion...Of course this scenario would not be acceptable to one who holds that Padre Pio subscribed to a literal extra ecclesiam nulla salus position. Those who hold that position are left with the unlikely alternative that they were praying for a Catholic, and that Padre Pio had requested the prayers because he was given a private revelation that King George V of England was secretly a Roman Catholic, loyal to the Pope!

Finally, there is this scenario about a Jew, Julius Fine, whom Padre Pio claimed was saved, but Padre never mentioned Baptism of Desire, or that Mr. Fine had converted to to the Faith. Mr. Rega concludes, His ingenuous openness to the plenitude of God’s mercy anticipated the explicit declarations of the Church during and after the Second Vatican Council on the possibility that non-Catholic churches can be a "means of salvation,"  and on the reception by non-Catholics of the sacraments in certain cases. Padre Pio actually believed that the gospel of Jesus Christ was Good News! Heresy is never "good news."

What the True Church Teaches about Salvation and Sacraments for Non-Catholics

1) No one who dies outside the One True Church can be saved. (De Fide)
 According to theologian Tanquerey, "Outside the Church there is no salvation...Whoever culpably remains outside the Church to the end of life cannot be saved; he is culpable who does not seek the truth when he is in serious doubt, and, a fortiori, he is culpable who knowingly and willingly does not enter the Church when he recognizes it as true...Whoever inculpably remains outside the Church can be saved provided he belong to the Church through faith and charity, or perfect contrition " (Dogmatic Theology 1:138-139; Emphasis mine). 

"There is one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all can be saved." Pope Innocent III, ex cathedra, (Fourth Lateran Council, 1215).

2) The Sacraments may not be given to non-Catholics. 

"It is forbidden that the Sacraments of the Church be ministered to heretics and schismatics, even if they ask for them and are in good faith, unless beforehand, rejecting their errors, they are reconciled with the Church."

(See Pope Benedict XV, Code of Canon Law [1917], Canon 731, section 2)

"In the case of those [non-Catholics] who are in good health, the prohibition [to receive the sacraments] is absolute; no dispute on this point is possible in view of the repeated explicit declarations of the Holy Office." [e.g. decree of Aug. 28, 1669].
(See canonist Woywod, A Practical Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, rev. by Rev. Callistus Smith, Vol. I [New York, NY: Joseph F. Wagner, 1952], n. 625; Emphasis mine)

"In danger of death a heretic or schismatic may be absolved conditionally if he is in good faith and cannot be convinced of his error. As far as possible scandal most always be avoided." (See theologian Jone, Moral Theology, [1962], pg. 394; Emphasis in original)

Padre Pio remains an enigma. Is it possible that Mr. Rega simply interpreted the actions of Padre incorrectly, or that the sources are flawed? Perhaps. If what he states about Padre Pio is true, then he was not a Catholic, but a heretic. If he thought there is salvation apart from the Church so that non-Catholics--as non-Catholics---can be saved, that is heretical and false. If he intended to give the sacrament of Confession to a non-Catholic who simply wished to confess without rejecting her errors, that is a grave sacrilege; and if he believed there was nothing wrong with this, he is heretical. 

I always felt something remiss about Padre Pio. He accepted the wicked Montini as "pope" yet allegedly had such great spiritual gifts of discernment. What makes me most skeptical is his adulation by the Vatican II sect and his "canonization" by the wicked Wotyla. Mr. Rega's explanation of these words and actions by Padre Pio would go a long way in making sense of it. He would be an ecumenist just like them. I hope Mr. Rega, a good man, will now see the errors of the Vatican II sect and convert. Yes, I will pray for his conversion, because to be "partially Catholic" means to be totally lost.