Monday, December 17, 2018

When Harry Became Sally

 I once worked with a woman who was a recovering anorexic. She was 5'3" tall and weighed 92 lbs. She could not look at herself in the mirror. Her sister had to pick out her clothes, brush her hair and teeth, and tell her that she looked fine. If this lady looked at herself in the mirror, she perceived her body as being morbidly obese. She had starved herself to the point of having heart problems, yet still thought she was vastly overweight. Thankfully, with years of therapy, she could maintain a weight that wouldn't put her in the hospital, and she could work as a paralegal. 

Getting professional help was the right thing for her to do. Notice what did not happen; she was not told that if she "identified as being morbidly obese" that's fine, and everyone must consider her as such. If you don't recognize her as morbidly obese, there is something wrong with you. You have a mental disorder---an "anorexicphobe" --who is afraid of (and discriminates against) people who identify as a different weight class. You should attend sensitivity training and march in the "Transweight Rights Parade." The scenario seems ludicrous, but it's really analogous to the insanity taking place today with the "Transgender Rights" movement. Traditionally, if someone had a baby, you would ask, "Is it a boy or a girl?" The answer you might get in 2018 to that question is "maybe." Orwell's 1984 has arrived 34 years later.

Gender dysphoria is defined as the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex. It is a mental disorder which we are being asked to accept as normal, while those who oppose it are to be considered bigoted (at best) or having a neurosis or "phobia" (at worst).  I rarely recommend books in my posts, but I highly recommend the erudite book When Harry Became Sally published earlier this year, and authored by Dr. Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D. Some of the material in the rest of this post is culled from his excellent work, and I give him full credit for his incisive analysis of this latest threat entering our Sodom and Gomorrah society. Dr. Anderson's book title is a humorous spin on the hit 1989 comedy movie When Harry Met Sally starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan. The reason for the title lies in the fact that the movie attempted to answer the question, "Is it possible for a man and woman to really be 'just friends'?" Now, we are being asked to consider if it's possible for a woman to be a man and vice-versa. 

Transgenderism is Based on the Heresy of Gnosticism
Gnosticism flourished during the second century and taught that the material world is bad and dominated by evil and ignorance, but the spirit world is good. Since a good God could not have created an evil world, Gnostics taught that the world must have been created by a flawed "God." Yet within this corrupt world remains a spiritual component, fragments of the true and good God.

In the Gnostic view, there is a true, ultimate and transcendent God, who is beyond all created universes and who never created anything in the sense in which the word "create" is ordinarily understood. While this True God did not fashion or create anything, He (or, It) "emanated" or brought forth from within Himself the substance of all there is in all the worlds, visible and invisible. In a certain sense, it may therefore be true to say that all is God, for all consists of the substance of God. By the same token, it must also be recognized that many portions of the original divine essence have been projected so far from their source that they underwent unwholesome changes in the process. To worship the cosmos, or nature, or embodied creatures is thus tantamount to worshiping alienated and corrupt portions of the emanated divine essence. (See 

This distorted worldview had a profound impact on how Gnostics perceived the human person. They believed most people possess a "divine spark," a piece of the true God, within them. However, this spark is trapped within a corrupt body, which few people recognize, and as a result, live in ignorance and attachment to the material world. A person can achieve salvation, however, by attaining secret knowledge of his or her true self and eventually leaving the prison of the body at death (If a person fails to become sufficiently enlightened, this spark again becomes imprisoned in another body.)

Some Gnostics were pagan, but many others combined it with Christianity and considered themselves to be higher and more enlightened Catholics. These "Gnostic Catholics" denied the Incarnation of Christ. After all, how could a good God possess an evil body? Instead of salvation coming through Christ's death on the cross, they taught it came through attaining secret spiritual knowledge, or "gnosis." Gnostics, therefore, would agree that what you think and feel is more real and important than your material body, and determines what's "real."

Dr. Deanna Adkins, a professor at Duke University School of Medicine and the director of the Duke Center for Child and Adolescent Gender Care (which opened in 2015), has stated, "From a medical perspective, the appropriate determinant of sex is gender identity." Does this rule apply to all mammalian species? Why should sex be determined differently in humans than in other mammals? If medical science holds that gender identity determines sex in humans, what does this mean for the use of medicinal agents that have different effects on males and females? Does the proper dosage of medicine depend on the patient’s sex or gender identity?

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines "gender identity" as “a person's internal sense of being male, female, or something else." This clearly indicates there is more than just "male and female." There are (literally) bathroom signs which read "Whichever" and show a half-male, half-female body as shown at the top of this post. The APA still classifies Gender Dysphoria (or "GD")---formerly Gender Identity Disorder (or "GID")--- as a mental disorder. Yet they tow the line of the "LGBT" activists and promote it. These LGBT perverts used massive PR and political pressure to have the APA remove homosexuality as a mental disorder. Can the removal of GID/GD as disorders be far behind? We've come a long way---away from sanity, morality, and the One True Faith. 

Transgenderism is Child Abuse

 The American College of Pediatricians issued an incredibly brave statement in 2017. Daring to oppose the new pagans and the PC crowd, they stated the following salient points:

  • The American College of Pediatricians urges healthcare professionals, educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.

  • Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: “XY” and “XX” are genetic markers of male and female, respectively – not genetic markers of a disorder.

  • No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex. Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept; not an objective biological one.

  • A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. Gender Dysphoria (GD), formerly listed as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), is a recognized mental disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-5). The psycho-dynamic and social learning theories of GD/GID have never been disproved.

  •  Puberty is not a disease and puberty-blocking hormones can be dangerous.

  •  According to the DSM-5, as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.

  • Rates of suicide are nearly twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, even in Sweden which is among the most LGBTQ – affirming countries.

  • Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse. Endorsing gender discordance as normal via public education and legal policies will confuse children and parents, leading more children to present to “gender clinics” where they will be given puberty-blocking drugs. This, in turn, virtually ensures they will “choose” a lifetime of carcinogenic and otherwise toxic cross-sex hormones, and likely consider unnecessary surgical mutilation of their healthy body parts as young adults.

(signed) Dr. Michelle A. Cretella, M.D.
President of the American College of Pediatricians

Transgenderism: Against God and Nature

 As theologian Ott teaches, "The primary purpose of Marriage is the generation and bringing up of offspring." (See Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, [1955], pg. 462). This Catholic doctrine is also enshrined in the 1917 Code of Canon Law, Canon 1013, section 1. People who are mentally ill and are transgender, see their gender as a "feeling" that is "fluid."  Therefore, the differences between male and female, much like the clothing we wear, are separate from our identity and are constantly in flux. Manhood and womanhood are mere societal constructs used to describe what we see but lack any substantial basis in reality. Transgenderism seeks the destruction of marriage and the proper raising of children, as well as the reality of manhood and womanhood necessary to both.

Don't be surprised to see "Trans-Species" people as the next "victim" group seeking "rights." People with Species Identity Disorder ("SID") consider themselves non-human and are featured at sodomite parades.  The arguments used by the trans-species movement to question their human status are essentially the same as those of the transgender movement. We see the unholy alliance of homosexuality and transgenderism leading us away from God and reason. They seek to eliminate the human race as God created it. 

Bergoglio: Promoting Evil

 Bergoglio knows that he must throw an occasional bone to the "conservative wing" of his sect. However, God's Moral Law and the dogmas of His One True Church never change and must be vigilantly upheld and affirmed. Someone who, for example, states his belief in the Divinity of Christ at one time, and denies it at another time, is no Catholic. The denial of a truth need not be specific and in words. As theologian Merkelbach teaches, heresy consists of dictis vel factis  or more precisely in "signs, deeds, and the omission of deeds." (Summa Theologiae Moralis, 1:746.)

Here's just some of Bergoglio's promotion of the Gnostic, child abusing, family and humanity destroying transgenderism and "LGBT issues"

  • December 2013: Francis is named "Person of the Year" by both Time and the sodomite rag The Advocate, in large part because of his welcoming tone on so-called LGBT issues
  • January 2015: Francis met at the Vatican with a transgender man from Spain who had been rejected by his local parish after undergoing sex change surgery. Diego Neria Lejarraga reported about his/her/its meeting with the "pope," saying Francis called Lejarraga in response to a letter that had been written, and Francis invited Diego and his "partner" to the Vatican
  • November 28, 2015: While on an apostolic visit to Uganda, a country with strong anti-sodomy laws, Francis called on Christians: "to build a more just society which promotes human dignity, without excluding anyone, defends God’s gift of life, and protects the wonders of nature, his creation, and our common home." Afterwards, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said that the line "without excluding anyone"---"would also include people with homosexual tendencies."
  • October 2, 2016: Referring to a transgender man with whom he met at the Vatican, Francis said, "He that was her but is he." He also suggested church ministers to accompany LGBT people, saying this is "what Jesus would do today."
  • July 10, 2017: Through a letter from a papal aide, Francis sends a congratulatory blessing letter to a Brazilian sodomite couple on the occasion of the baptism of their three adopted children.
  • July 2017: An Argentinian nun who organized an outreach ministry to transgender woman receives a supportive note from Francis for her "innovative work"
  • April 2018: A French "priest" claims that in a private meeting with the Francis, he approved of the priest’s work blessing "same-gender couples"

The above was taken from "New Ways Ministry" a self-described group of Vatican II sect clergy and laity who "Through research, publication and education about sexual orientation and gender identity, we foster dialogue among groups and individuals, identify and combat personal and structural homophobia and transphobia, work for changes in attitudes and promote the acceptance of LGBT people as full and equal members of church and society. New Ways Ministry is a member of "Equally Blessed," a coalition of faithful Catholics (sic) who support full equality for LGBT people both in the Church and in civil society." (See

Transgenderism imposes a perversion of the mind, denying basic reality for Gnostic ideology. Indeed, transgenderism is seeking to eliminate the human race as God created it. Sociologists tell us to qualify as a religion, a group needs to have a creed (beliefs), a code (moral precepts), and a cult (means of worship). 
The whole LGBT rights movement has a Gnostic creed, a code that anything taught by God through His One True Church must be eliminated, and a cult of self-worship and self-deification. A modern day false religion of sorts, spawned from Hell. 

Woe to anyone who opposes them. Persecution through "anti-discrimination" laws will target anyone with decent moral standards. I can't help but think of Pope St. Pius X who (perhaps being given a glimpse of what is happening today) proclaimed: "...the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a Church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer. [...] Indeed, the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries, nor innovators: they are Traditionalists. (Emphasis mine). 


  1. Great article! I love the analogy you give at the beginning. Do you ever wonder why God does not end it now? Waiting for all the vacant chairs in heaven to be filled. Still some souls to be saved. When He comes in will be in Anger. The good willed have much to fear I cannot imagine what it will be like for the others.

    1. John Gregory,
      The days are evil. How much longer will this go on? No one knows; but let’s be prepared and in the state of sanctifying grace, so we are always ready for whatever comes our way!

      God Bless,


    2. I often wonder how long this will continue, also. When I was young and my brother would act up, I would wish for my dad to come along and end it, even though I knew I would "catch the switch" right along with my brother. Haha
      Anyway, I like to hope that most people have the difference between men and women figured out. However, in a generation or two, sanity will be extinguished. We are only seeing a drop of the insanity to come. The targeting of children in the gov't schools, Novus Ordo "catholic" schools, library Drag Queen Story Hours, movies/books/TV programming, and music will yield a darker time than we see now.
      My daughter teaches Kindergartners. The difference in the children today from just 6 years ago is almost unbelievable...they want to be entertained and refuse to try to learn their lessons, refuse to sing as it's "boring", sit like zombies during "free play", have no interest in arts & crafts. They have been raised on screens for 6 years now; their brains and wills are mushy and ready for evil. They will easily accept all of the evil and pass it on to their children.
      You are right, Introibo, in that we ought to be prepared and in a state of sanctifying grace.

    3. Thanks for the validation, Michelle. As a former middle school teacher here in NYC, I see huge differences (mostly for the worse) between children that I taught in the 1980s and today. Your daughter sees a difference in less than 10 years time!

      The days are indeed evil, and God is our only hope. Thanks for commenting Michelle!

      God Bless,


  2. The LGBT crowd have hi-jacked everything that is decent and good in this society with their perversion. My question is “why have the good people allowed it”??

    1. To answer Joann’s questions, no one cares about religion or morals anymore. These sickos are everywhere because people have forgotten God and only care about their work and hobbies

    2. @Joann and anon2:57
      I think that people who remained neutral in a time of crisis will have much for which to account. We can all do something to stop the madness. Joann, you know, as do I, that evil triumphs when good people do nothing. Anonymous makes a sad, but true observation.

      God Bless,


    3. Introibo - Why do the good people do nothing? Do people perceive this hi-jacking of everything decent by the perverts as a passing fad that will blow over? Is it due to the fact that people are preoccupied with their jobs, and hobbies as Anon@2:57 stated that leads to gross selfishness?

    4. Joann,
      I think there are many reasons:
      1. Gross selfishness as Anon@2:57 states
      2. The apathy of “I can’t make a difference anyway”
      3. The idea of prayer alone (without good works) will solve the problem
      4. Some actually think it’s not that bad because they’ve bought into the propaganda

      It’s sad beyond words, Joann. We can all do something. Then things would change. I salute the Brave Dr. Michelle Cretella who stood up against the perverts as I cited in my post.

      We need more people to do the same—even in a small way.

      God Bless,


  3. The LGBT crowd reminds me of the Sedevacantists. Both groups think they are something they are are not and then try to force it upon everyone else. The difference is the LGBT crowd is successful.

    1. If you are going to call yourself Catholic and you are going to call that clown Bergolio your Pope, then act like a Catholic and submit to his teaching authority.

    2. Frankie self identifies as the Pope, and recognize´n´resistors are just like the liberals that blame you of "Hate Crime" if you do not accept his "papacy".
      For a R&R, even people like Luther, Peter Dimond, James Martin, Henry VIII, Pelagius, and many more, can be Popes, and the Church can give heresy, Christ can leave Spouse to the gates of hell.
      Because if a Pope and the Priests can say that there is no hell, that all previous Popes were merciless, that the Church is wounding herself, and make false masses with false sacraments, there is no point in being Catholic. Still, however, you can be the Pope.
      All recognize´n´resistors should stop writing their personal opinions and looking for what the Catholic Church teaches, and pray to God and Mary for an answer rather than wasting time making silly theories about Benni´s resignation.
      For Greater Glory of God,
      Long Life Christ the King and Our Lady of Guadalupe.

    3. @Tom and Poni
      Well said!

      God Bless,


    4. From what you say we conclude that St. Belarmino, St. Francis Sales, St. Alphonsus of Liguori, and Pope Paul IV were not doctors and the sovereign pontiff of the Church, but rather ideologues of a degenerate doctrine. And canon 188.4 of the Code of Canon Law also imposes this doctrine. Lucid is to consider that the Church can take souls to hell by the "pope".

    5. Laymen do not have the authority to declare who a reigning pope is and they also don't have the authority to apply canon law to the hierarchy. You make the mistake of thinking you can determine who is a pope from your home based computer.

    6. @anonymous3:25
      Wrong. You make the mistake of thinking someone who denies the dogmas of Faith can be pope! According to Canonist Coronata:

      “If indeed such a situation would happen, he [the Roman Pontiff] would, by divine law, fall from office without any sentence, indeed, without even a declaratory one.” (Institutiones Iuris Canonici [1950] 1:316.)

      It is by DIVINE LAW the pope falls from office NOT Canon Law, although Canon Law embodies principles of Divine and Ecclesiastical Law.

      “The First See (Pope) is judged by no one” is procedural. As canonist Cappello explains:

      “Immunity of the Roman Pontiff. ‘The First See is judged by no one.’ (Canon 1556). This concerns the Apostolic See or the Roman Pontiff who by the divine law itself enjoys full and absolute immunity.” (Cappello, Summa Juris Canonici 3:19.) In civil law, I cannot convict an abortion “doctor.” I certainly can call him a murderer in the moral order even if I cannot in the civil courts!

      Moreover, we can judge Bergoglio BEFORE he was “elected” for being a heretic. Pope Paul IV in Ex Cum Apostolatus Officio made it clear that heretics are also barred BY DIVINE LAW FROM ATTAINING TO THE PAPACY.

      Again, from canonist Coronata:
      “Appointment to the Office of the Primacy. 1. What is required by divine law for this appointment… Also required for validity is that the one elected be a member of the Church; hence, heretics and apostates (at least public ones) are excluded.” ( Institutiones I.C. 1:312)

      We can determine from common sense, and the Teaching Of The Church that Bergoglio is not (nor could he ever be) pope—no computer necessary!


  4. Not to mention the drag queen trend going on everywhere, which is like a minstrel show mocking women. How come black face is taboo, but drag queening isn't?

  5. Introibo,

    Very succinctly put!

    I am very blessed to have been born before all this madness, because I did wish I was born a boy throughout childhood and even into my teen years. Mostly, it was the oversexualization of women in mass media that caused it. I wanted to study and write and explore; I didn't want to be a "stupid bimbo" whose only purpose in life is to look pretty. I was also terrified of puberty because I knew developing a womanly figure would make me a target for harrassment and degredation, not to mention the dangers of becoming pregnant by an attacker.

    If, as an impressionable child, I was told that my lack of interest in dolls and makeup, and my interest in the sciences and arts were proof that I'm a "boy trapped in a girl's body"... or if I was offered a way to avoid the pains of puberty, I would have probably fallen victim to the brainwashing. I mean, what child WANTS to get sick once a month from early teens until middle age? I would have loved to avoid it.

    But, thank God, my mother showed me a butch lesbian on TV one time and simply explained that you can't change your sex, you can only put on a costume. She didn't so much explain as ask, "Is this what you want to become?" "No, ma'am!" Haha. Pictures speak a thousand words. So I accepted reality.

    What they're doing to children is so, so wrong on so many levels.

    Thank you always and God bless!


    1. Sarah,
      You always add to the discussion. Thank you for commenting!

      God Bless,


  6. A lot of this gender identity confusion can be caused by parents in wanting a particular sex. For instance, when they find out they received a female instead of the male they wanted they try to turn the girl into a boy. Some parents will dress the girl in boy’s clothing, cut their hair like a boys and have them participate in boy sports instead of girly things. The opposite is true also if the parents want a girl and get a boy. They will feminize the boy. The boy ends up baking with mom in the kitchen and emulating her to please her. Instead of thanking God for the child they received, they are so selfish as to try to change the child into what THEY want them to be.

    1. You’re correct, Joann. I’ve seen it myself. One boy was feminized by his parents and acts like a homosexual as a result. Parents have an awesome responsibility before God, which many take for granted.

      God Bless,


    2. The below link is self-explanatory, but could someone tell me why this child’s parents aren’t locked up??

    3. Joann,
      That link made me physically ill. Those parents of that boy should be locked up for child abuse! God help us!


  7. It looks like the R&Rers are going through their own blogging identity confusion crisis right now. The contradiction they live day in and day out must eventually take a hugh toll on their intellect. It is funny that they have one side saying the heretic Bergolio is Pope while the other side says the heretic Ratzinger is still Pope. Talk about confusion.

    1. 1:If they just look at Church teaching, yes, they would know what their position is: neo-gallican. Recognize´n´resistors are so much like transgenders.... they just need information of what Catholic is.
      2: Feminist never look at the mirror and see what is really misogynistic. Instead, they look for "micro-machism" :?(
      3: I was also pre-transgender in my younger days. Thanks to the mercy of God and Our Lady, that kindergarten was not like this in my days: now i could self-identify as a feminine-boy or even worser: as a "Theologian"
      For Greater Glory of God,
      Long Life Christ the King and Our Lady of Guadalupe.

  8. “Transweight”. I think I will now write a book with that title. It will be the easiest diet book ever written.

    1. Lol! Funny, but you might also be onto something!

      God Bless,


  9. One reality that is causing this unstoppable avalanche of demonic activity is the Traditional Catholic bishops priests and chapels not being united in some form.
    We should all strive for complete unity regarding the Thuc Lefevbre Mendez lines of clerics/chapels.

    1. I couldn’t agree more, Andrew!

      God Bless,


    2. When the shepherd is struck, the sheep scatter. With no true papal authority in Rome to follow all those sheep who still hold the Catholic Faith are scattered in various camps trying to survive. Unity for a Catholic is found in submission to a Pope with all professing the One True Faith. Good luck trying to apply that to the Novus Ordo mess.

    3. Tom,
      Andrew wasn’t talking about the Vatican II sect. I think we need to achieve more unity to get a pope back!

      God Bless,


  10. Andrew ~ Let's address the elephant in the room. You talk about not being united in some form, then in the next breath state that we should strive for complete unity.

    Being "united in some form" (what does that even mean?) clearly won't cut the mustard. And unity with the SSPX, Resistance and the likes isn't at all feasible while they're holding to a false, neo-Gallican ecclesiology. Now, as far as the lack of unity and squabbling among the sedevacantist clergy: Let's call it for what it is --- shameful and, in many cases, scandalous.

    If what you're saying, is that the sede clergy should make settling their differences and standing united a matter of priority and urgency, I couldn't agree more. The fact that there is no unity is an indictment on all of us.

    I, for one, am none too comfortable with the apparent "tribalism" of the various sede groups.

    1. I was stating Traditional Roman Catholic clergy should make a concerted effort to unite and work with each other,including the resistance.

  11. Replies
    1. Poni,
      According to Theologian Jone, it is love for all humans that comes from a deep love of God. (See “Moral Theology”, pg. 77-78)

      God Bless,


    2. Good. I hope to achieve this. When you ignore Church teaching, you become very bitter. But when you want to follow it sincerely, you love God very deeply.
      For Greater Glory of God,
      Long Life Christ the King and Our Lady of Guadalupe.
