Monday, March 23, 2020

When God Permits A Plague

As I write this post, the non-stop frenzy over the spread of COVID-19 (aka "coronavirus") continues. Officially recognized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC), it is shutting down entire countries and playing havoc with national economies. A couple of weeks ago, one of my long-time readers asked me in the comments section to explain the Catholic response to the pandemic. I gave a response in which I offered my opinion, and I stated there is no "Catholic position" on the outbreak of a disease. Her question kept me thinking, even as I find myself working from home and using Skype with clients. I think a bigger question underlying this threat (and the concomitant hysteria), is "Why does God permit such evil?"

People begin to question God's omni-benevolence. Why does God permit such things, and why doesn't He stop them, or at least save the good people? This is known as the problem of theodicy (i.e., "the vindication of divine goodness and providence in view of the existence of evil"). The problem felt by all of us at some point, to one extent or another, is formulated as: (1) If God is all good He would want to stop evil; (2) If God is all powerful (omnipotent) He can stop evil; however, evil exists. Therefore, there is no all good and all powerful God. This post will examine theodicy, and how to make sense of this evil pandemic.

God is Good in Spite of Evil's Existence
Merely attempting to answer how God's goodness and power are reconcilable with COVID-19, can seem insensitive and uncaring, especially because so many people have been affected by this disease. If you, or a loved one, have suffered in any way because of the coronavirus, please know that I am deeply sorry for your experience. Our first response as Traditionalists is to empathize with those who suffer, and most especially, if they are also members of the One True Church. St. Paul writes under Divine Inspiration in Romans 12:15, "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." After empathizing with, praying for, and helping those who suffer, we must be prepared to answer their questions about how a good God can permit such evil. "But in thy hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks thee to give the reason for the hope that thou hast. But do this with gentleness and respect..." (1 Peter 3:15).
Many points in this post were culled from Thomistic philosophy sources, most especially-- See theologian and philosopher Grenier, Thomistic Philosophy, [1948], 2:11-20 and 2:359-364.

1. God is not the cause of evil.
It seems as though God must be the cause of evil. Since God is the Creator of all things, and evil is something, does it not logically follow that God created evil? In a word: NO. The reply is found by defining the word "thing." In Thomistic terms, a thing is a substance, or a thing in itself. We must concede that God created all substances, but we need not agree that there are evil substances. The question naturally arises, "How can evil be real but not a "thing," or a substance?" The answer lies in the fact that evil is the real privation, lack, or corruption of something good. A couple of analogies may help illustrate this point:

  • Evil is like having a wound in your leg. The wound does not exist in itself, rather it exists in something good, i.e., a leg. Anyone who had a wounded leg knows the wound is real, but the wound does not exist apart from the leg.
  • Evil is like a sweater with holes in it from moths. The holes do not exist apart from the sweater. It is a lack of material. A totally moth eaten garment would no longer exist. Hence, evil is a real corruption, but not a real substance. 
2. Evil is not only a lack of good.
In order for a privation to be evil, it must be something the substance should possess. For example, neither rocks nor blind people have the ability to see. However, there is no privation of sight in the rock because rocks are not meant to see; yet people are supposed to see by nature. For a human being to be blind, it is a physical evil, but the absence of sight in a rock is not evil because there is nothing lacking in its nature. 

3. If God is not the cause of evil, from whence does it originate?
 Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of evil, moral evil (e.g., murder, rape, lying, etc.) which is the direct result of the abuse of free will, and there is physical evil (e.g., hurricanes, fires, floods, famine, diseases, etc.). God is free to create any world He wished (His free will), and He chose this world. As to moral evil, it began with the abuse of our First Parents free will when they committed Original Sin. It affected everything. People are now inclined to do evil. Satan and his demons were angels who abused their free will and rejected God. 

God wanted to create a world of free beings who choose to be with Him. God the Son, Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, became Man and suffered, died, and rose from the dead. He redeemed us and founded His One True Church whereby people can be saved and escape evil forever in Heaven. This is why moral evil exists: the possibility of the abuse of free will. There is also the possibility of salvation offered to all.

The objection then arises: What are we to make of the billions who did not have the opportunity to believe through no fault of their own? A possible solution is God wants as many people as possible to be saved and He wants as few as possible to be lost. So what God has done is to create a world having an optimal balance between saved and lost. A world that involves the maximum number of saved for the minimum number of lost people. And he gives sufficient grace for salvation to everyone whom He creates. Everyone can be saved if they want to be saved. Perhaps God has so ordered the world that those who never hear about Christ and the Church and are lost are only people who would not have believed in Him even if they had heard about it. In other words, anyone who would have believed and entered the Church to be saved if he heard it, is born at a time and place in history where he does hear it. 

 The logical objection would be, "So isn't it more merciful not to create such a person in the first place if God knows they freely choose damnation?" To this it can be replied that if you change one thing in this world, it will have repercussions on everything else. Who knows how the absence of those people would affect the salvation of others? Remember too, people are only lost through their own fault.

4. How do you explain physical evils?
Physical evil is connected directly or indirectly to the agency of free, rational creatures who are moral agents. There are nine (9) ways physical evil is caused in the world.
  • Self-infliction. Many people choose to abuse drugs, alcohol, practice unnatural sex acts, smoke, overeat, etc. All these things can cause disease, suffering, and an early death (not to mention causing moral evils on society)
  • Indirect result of free choice. While no one wants to be poor, many people choose not to use their God-given talents and are lazy. They don't want to work very hard, get an education, or do as much as they can. I was born in poverty, and it took a lot of hard work to become a middle school science teacher, and then a lawyer. I worked many hard jobs while in college, teaching, in graduate school, and in law school. I then paid off my student debt in full within ten years after becoming a lawyer. Many with whom I grew up in New York City still live in poverty; many went to jail, and many died of drugs and/or alcohol. Proverbs 24: 33-34 tells us, "A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest—and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man."
  • Indirect result from the choices of others. You may be crippled in a car accident because someone else chose to drive drunk. Our Lady of Fatima said that, "War is a punishment from God for sin." Although no one is required to believe in private revelations, it makes prefect sense. War is simply the evil men do magnified. If everyone sins and turns from God, He can allow them to go their own way. Little conflicts end up as big ones. Communism is the grand scale turning away from God. If people believed in God and followed Him, Communism would be non-existent. Even if you are not a Communist, you can suffer as a result of their actions, including wars
  • Byproducts of a good process. The enjoyment of swimming can be an occasion of drowning, flying on a plane can be the occasion of a crash. Every step we take while walking could result in us tripping and breaking our necks, yet although everything has inherent dangers, no one would seriously suggest that we should never walk, drive a car, or take a plane 
  • Necessary for a greater physical good for something else. The early bird gets the worm (good), but the worm gets eaten (not good for the worm). Some people in Africa may get eaten by wild animals, and although animals are not moral agents, a disordered world was caused when sin entered by Adam. In extreme circumstances, some people have cannabalized others 
  • Needed for a greater moral good. Physical evils often remind us how short our time is on Earth, so we think of God and turn from sin
  • Justice from God in punishing evil actions. God inflicted the plagues upon the Egyptians in their refusal to release the Jews. (See Exodus chapters 7-11)
  • From Original Sin. Death and the suffering that comes with it was inflicted by the Fall. "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned..." (Romans 5:12)
  • The result of Satan and his demons. According to theologian Ott, "The evil spirits also seek to hurt mankind physically also, through the causing of physical evil (e.g., Tob. 3:8, Job 1:12, 1 Cor. 5: 5)."   Once more, from theologian Ott, "In some cases people are possessed, in which case the demon takes forcible possession of the human body, so that the bodily organs and the lower powers of the soul, but not the higher powers of the soul, are controlled by him. The possibility and reality of possession is firmly established by the express testimony of Christ, Who Himself drove out evil spirits and Who bestowed power over the evil spirits on His disciples (Church's power of exorcism---St. Mark 1:23; St. Luke 10: 17 et seq)." (See Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, The Mercier Press, [1955], pgs. 121-122)
Some Truths to Remember During the Pandemic
Having gone through the fundamental principles of evil, I would like you to remember these following points as we go through this pandemic:

1. Although we may not know why God permits a certain evil, God has a plan in which everything ultimately works out for the best. Just because we may not know why (we have limited intellects), God knows why, and we need to trust in Him.  Once, here in New York City, I was listening to a radio show in which a man was telling about (what he thought) was the worst day in his life. He was going to work to meet a very important client and needed to be on time. The subway was late and after he came up, he decided to take a shortcut through an alley to make up for the time delay. A man came up behind him with a gun and demanded his wallet. He handed over his wallet, and the mugger hit him over the head with his gun, rendering the man unconscious before he fled. Waking up two hours later with his head splitting and his wallet gone, he was also late for work. He suddenly realized all the panic on the street. It was September 11, 2001, and he worked in the Twin Towers. Had he been on time for work, he would have died. The mugging saved his life!

2. God is calling upon us to think about Him and what is really important in life. This is a great lesson during Lent. "In all thy works remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin." (Sirach 7:40). Turn from sin and stay in God's sanctifying grace always. 

3. God is sending us a trial to see how we respond. It is an opportunity to build character. Could God be punishing humanity for its many sins?  Possibly, but you also have a chance to expiate your sins and gain great graces by offering up your mental anguish (and sickness if you [God forbid] get it) to God in reparation.

4. God has not (and will not) abandon the members of His One True Church who call upon Him. He will get us through, and give us the strength we need to face what we must. We must pray and be in the state of grace. Christ is there with us in our trials. "For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin" (Hebrews 4:15). 

I am most especially remembering all my readers (and their families) in my prayers, and I ask that you please do the same for me (I already remember you all every day, and also Sundays at the Most Holy Sacrifice). We need to storm Heaven with our prayers now more than ever. I think St. Vincent de Paul said it best, "When once we have placed ourselves totally in the Hands of God, we have no cause to fear misfortune; for if any should come to us, He will know how to make it turn to our good, by ways which we do not know now, but which, one day, we shall know." 


  1. I do not question the goodness of God when I see natural evils.

    On the other hand, when I see universal unbelief, legalization of horrific sins, and systemic rejection of God, I am tempted to question the goodness of MAN. Usually I consent to the temptation.

  2. Introibo,
    I can't begin to thank you enough for this timely and informative article! The article addressed and answered many questions, particularly on theodicy and the existence of evil. In light of the Coronavirus pandemic the Bible verse from Luke 21:11 keeps coming to mind where pestilence is referenced as being one of the signs of the last days. With the happenings around the world and the Vatican II sect counter church masquerading as the true Catholic Church, I believe the end of days is close at hand. God help us.

    1. Joann,
      More then one person is thinking the ned is at hand with what has been going on! Whether near or far, the important thing is to always be ready when God comes for us either individually (death) or collectively (Second Coming).

      God Bless,


  3. "For example, neither rocks nor bind people have the ability to see."

    Bind should be 'blind'.

    The Catechism Explained by Spirago and Clarke had a good section on the meaning of 'extra Ecclesiam nulla salus', particularly with regards to those who are not visible members of the Church through no fault of their own. As St. Paul noted in Romans 5:13, "For until the law sin was in the world; but sin was not imputed, when the law was not." That is, if one was unaware of the Mosaic law (or, thereafter, the Church's law), then any transgressions of that law were not imputed upon you; yet, that did not excuse you from obeying the Natural Law, which binds us all, as attested by Paul earlier in the 2nd chapter of the same epistle: "[12] For whosoever have sinned without the law, shall perish without the law; and whosoever have sinned in the law, shall be judged by the law. [13] For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. [14] For when the Gentiles, who have not the law, do by nature those things that are of the law; these having not the law are a law to themselves: [15] Who shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness to them, and their thoughts between themselves accusing, or also defending one another, [16] In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel."

    In other words, those who remain outside of the Church *through their own fault* cannot be saved.

    As for COVID-19 itself, I am reminded that there are many from older generations (who grew up during illnesses with a higher casualty count) that consider our (and I say this collectively, referring to all nations) response to this virus to be a demonstration of weakness and a softer culture. Maybe they're right. Yet some will retort that these measures, if they save lives, are ultimately worth it, despite whatever economic pain may result. And maybe they're right too; our limited nature means we'll never know what would have happened had governments prioritized societal and economic continuity over public health.

    That being said, one can get the sense that all these responses in general reflect a disordered attachment to this physical life in and of itself, without regarding our eternal destination afterwards (this is exemplified in the worldwide cancellation of public 'Mass' for the most part in the Novus Ordo religion; was there ever a time in history where a plague rendered the cancellation of public Mass if a priest was otherwise available to say it? If nothing else, it portrays the change in mentality introduced by the Novus Ordo, for a priest can still offer the Sacrifice if no laity are present, yet if it is only a communal meal, why bother if no one is present?).

    Ultimately, however, this whole episode (regardless of how it ends) should be a sobering reminder that everyone will die one day. Adjust your life accordingly, so that you may have the grace of a happy and holy death.

    In the meantime, support your local economy by whatever means are available to you, because a lot of people in the service industry are struggling now. May this pandemic be an opportunity for all of us to grow in the virtue of Charity!

    St. Valentine, pray for us.

    St. Roch, pray for us.

    St. Joseph, patron of the dying, pray for us.

    Our Lady, Health of the Sick, pray for us.

    Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have Mercy on us.


    A Simple Man

    1. Also, a brief postscript on how evil occurs to someone, particularly with regards to its manifestation as the indirect result of someone else's actions.

      You wrote "even if you are not a Communist, you can suffer as a result of their actions, including wars." You can add COVID-19 to that list, because it was the malfeasance of the CCP that contributed to the spread of this virus.

      If they had been open and truthful about this virus from the beginning, instead of secretive and deceitful, this could have been culled at Wuhan.

      Instead, not content with misleading the world about how many of their people have died (because I simply do not believe their own statistics in light of their past performance), they're now attempting to gaslight everyone with their Communist propaganda.

      Alas, the Party is everything. The State is all; its glory and power are all that matter, regardless of how many Chinese are thrown into its ravenous gears.

      If only Karl Marx had known what misery his ideology would unleash upon the world!


      A Simple Man

    2. Simple Man,

      1. Thank you for pointing out my typo. It VERY difficult to self-edit, especially with a full-time job!

      2. I agree with most all of what you write, but I need to clarify that simply being Outside the Church without personal fault is not enough to be saved. Church membership is a necessity of means, not of precept only. The True Roman Catholic Church is necessary, not only by precept, but by a necessity of means--"extra Ecclesiam nulla salus" ("Outside the Church, no salvation"). This entails that salvation does not come automatically assured to someone because he is invincibly ignorant and guiltless in failing to use the requisite means of salvation. In the natural order, for example, if a ship sinks and you were invincibly ignorant of needing a lifeboat and/or life-jacket on board (and therefore you were without one), your ignorance and freedom of malice will not prevent you from drowning.

      The staunchest supporter of the absolute necessity of belonging to the Church (extra Ecclesiam nulla salus) was theologian Michael Muller (1825-1899), a contemporary of Pope Pius IX. He wrote a catechism entitled, Familiar Explanation of Christian Doctrine. It sets forth perfectly the teaching of the Church:

      "Q. What are we to think of the salvation of those who are out of the pale of the Church without any fault of theirs, and who never had any opportunity of knowing better?

      A. Their inculpable (invincible) ignorance will not save them; but if they fear God and live up to their conscience, God, in His infinite Mercy, will furnish them with the necessary means of salvation, even so as to send, if needed, an angel to instruct them in the Catholic Faith, rather than let them perish through inculpable (invincible) ignorance.

      Q. Is it then right for us to say that one who was not received into the Church before his death, is damned?

      A. No.

      Q. Why not?

      A. Because we cannot know for certain what takes place between God and the soul at the awful moment of death.

      Q. What do you mean by this?

      A. I mean that God, in His infinite Mercy, may enlighten, at the hour of death, one who is not yet a Catholic, so that he may see the Truth of the Catholic Faith, be truly sorry for his sins, and sincerely desire to die a good Catholic.

      Q. What do we say of those who receive such an extraordinary grace, and die in this manner?

      A. We say of them that they die united, at least, to the soul of the Catholic Church, and are saved.

      Q. What, then, awaits all those who are out of the Catholic Church, and die without having received such an extraordinary grace at the hour of death?

      A. Eternal damnation."

      Ignorance does not save. Only the True Faith saves. Does this in any way detract from our duty to convert everyone to the One True Church? Hardly. If anything, it should make us work harder for the salvation of souls. In the natural order, if you knew someone was poor and starving, would you bring them food or rely on God to miraculously feed them? In like manner, we cannot depend on rare miracles to save souls. As Shakespeare wrote, "Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to Heaven."


  4. One thing thing I've heard a lot is the phrase "We're all in this together" as if that is supposed to comfort us depending on what our current circumstance is. I like what you said towards the end "He (God) will get us through, and give us the strength we need to face what we must." The world's phrase is trusting oneself as if we have a kind of strength through our own merit, whereas we should be trusting in God, since everything is within His divine providence. The Psalm says "Put not your trust in princes: In the children of men, in whom there is no salvation. His spirit shall go forth, and he shall return into his earth: in that day all their thoughts shall perish. Blessed is he who hath the God of Jacob for his helper, whose hope is in the Lord his God: Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all things that are in them."Ps 146:2-6

    A few things that irk me is how in many states, churches are being closed (including traditional (sedevacantist) Catholic ones) as well as small businesses. Nevertheless you'll see over 100 people at Wal-Mart, or a grocery store, etc. because they are deemed "essential" services. Some places are even giving curfews and I'm sure if the deep state and big pharma finally get their way (maybe not now but in the future) they will start forcing vaccinations (like in Denmark) against people's will and surveillance everybody like in China because it's of the interest of "public health." I am reminded of the Acts of the Apostles "But Peter and the apostles answering, said: We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5:29

    If Our lady of Fatima said "War is a punishment from God for sin" and God inflicted the plagues upon the Egyptians in their refusal to release the Jews it's really a wonder how God has put up with this world in the last 60-70 years. How He hasn't come back to judge the living and the dead already even though sin has multiplied and become more demonic in nature. Truly He is merciful.


    1. Lee,
      What you write is true. God is Merciful but He is also Just. You rightfully point out how the things of the soul are more important than the things of the flesh. So, although the Second Coming has not yet occurred, God HAS inflicted the world by the eclipse of His One True Church, and with Her eclipse, the True Mass, Sacraments, and preaching of the truth has greatly diminished to the point many people have no access to a Traditionalist Church or Chapel. That is a plague far worse than the Egyptians endured, or COVID-19!

      God Bless,


    2. Introibo,
      "God HAS inflicted the world by the eclipse of His One True Church, and with Her eclipse,"

      We, who have found our way home through this eclipse of the true Church have much to be grateful for!!


    3. Joann,
      Yes, more than we can ever realize in this life!

      God Bless,


  5. I've been seeing lots of theories connecting the pagan idolatry of October's Amazon (sin)od to today's outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

    I think that could be a likely corollary to today's pandemic. On a somewhat tangential point, seeing as idolatry is strictly prohibited in the First Commandment, would that make idolatry the worst sin man can commit? My logic is the gravity of sin follows the hierarchy of the Ten Commandments, but then again, I think of the unforgivable sin Jesus mentions, that of a sin against the Holy Ghost, so I've wondered about this for a bit.

    1. Neyoriquans,
      The worst of sins is the "unforgivable sin" of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. Here is how theologian Stoll, in reference to St. Matthew 12: 31-32 explains it:

      "Jesus did not speak of every sin or blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, as these Fathers recognized and St. Augustine proved. Since a particular blasphemy is mentioned in the context, it seems but natural that this sin, with every circumstance that constitutes its species infima and peculiar malice, should be the sin of which Jesus spoke. The blasphemy had the guilt of some—not all—of the six sins against the Holy Spirit; and these were not separate sins in the case of the Pharisees, but were united and formed unum peccatum totum.

      In order to have the "unforgiven sin" there must be present all elements that constituted the sin of the Pharisees: A blasphemy by which divine works and effects are attributed to the powers of evil; the work must be evidently divine to him who blasphemes it; the blasphemy must be uttered deliberately and willfully, out of pure malice, without any extenuating circumstance present; the blasphemer must have the purpose of preventing or destroying the operation of grace in the hearts of men. With diabolical malice and against the dictates of his own conscience, says St. Bede, such a man dares to oppose God directly."
      (See AER, October 1942, pgs. 253-254)

      God Bless,


    2. Thank you Introibo for those great theological resources! It's actually quite scary reading through those conditions and comparing it to, say, the Pachamama episode this past October. May God have mercy on us.

    3. Neyoriquans,
      May God have mercy on us all, indeed, my friend!


  6. I found it quite pleasant Sunday morning to see no business open. I also found it quite pleasant to see all the Novus Ordo blasphemies shut down.

    1. Tom A. Where I live, one of the big gun/sporting goods stores was open on SUNDAY and I heard there were lines stretching very far out the door.

    2. @Tom,
      Not having the Novus Bogus service is always a good thing!

      People are probably worried that if shortages get severe, they may be subjected to home invasions and want the gun for protection. Just a thought.

      God Bless you both,


    3. I am always prepared and never need to go wait in any line. Its called common sense.

    4. Tom,
      Common sense is a trait many lack.


  7. Theories about why this virus came about when it did and how the world can cope with it.

    With that said, the only real thing we know about it is that it gives everyone another opportunity, another chance that may be the very last one ever granted by God, to turn away from the world and to God, trusting in Him alone and completely, come what may. May those of us who do believe pray that many more will see this opportunity, take it with purpose, search and find the truth which is only that which the true Catholic Church provides, and come into (or back into if a member of the counterfeit church) the only place of peace, joy, and refuge from this vale of tears.

  8. It's possible one among the VERY MANY reasons for this shift in public + consciousness is removing China's outright iron fisted lucrative control of the World's products goods medicine etc...
    For the first time since the 1980's North America is producing products + goods that were unilaterally moved to China decades ago.
    I'm open to being wrong + I know there MANY other reasons on top of theory.

  9. Christ taught us to fear not that which kills the body but fear the one who kills our soul. He also said the rain falls on the just and the unjust. We should all feel blessed to live in such times where we can give great glory and honor to God Almighty while all around us are mired in their natural selves. I do not pray that this pestilence spares humanity, I pray that souls return to the true faith before they die.

    1. Tom,
      I agree that the soul is the most important thing in the world (or “not of the world”). I also hope souls return to the One True Faith before they die. I just hope I misunderstood what you wrote when it seems to imply that humanity should be wiped out in a worldwide pestilence. That would not be charitable—to say the least.

    2. We must always remember that if it wasn't for God's Grace, we would be lost.


    3. No, I would never imply that. The neo pagan humanistic new world order is man centered and therefore life is now the highest good. So the mob is willing to destroy all that western man has achieved in order to save a few lives. This was not the attitude of the west in the 1940s, but it is the attitude of post christian man in the 2020s. Of course, my selfish self wishes this pestilence would disappear, so I must make an act of the will and accept that God’s Will be done and that this scourge be a wake up call for man to return to the true faith. Being a pessimist by nature, I do not think modern man will change and more chastisements are on the way. The NO false sect has shown its true colors and has ran away from the battle. There are things worse than bodily death.

    4. Would it be wrong to say certain people need to be put to death if what they do deserves the death penalty? I'm thinking particularly of politicians and those outside the government who have power through their money and from their foundations. What are we allowed to think without sinning ourselves? Of course I want them all to convert and repent of their sins but I also want everybody to convert and repent of their sins such as a convicted murderer but a convicted murderer's sins don't always excuse him/her from capital punishment. Any suggestions or thoughts?


    5. Tom,
      Thanks for the clarification.


    6. Lee,
      Proposition required by Pope Innocent III as a condition to be readmitted to the Church: "We declare that the secular power can without mortal sin impose a judgement of blood provided the punishment is carried out not in hatred but in good judgement, not inconsistently but after mature deliberation."

      Hence, if your motivation is not out of revenge or hatred, but to remove someone from what Aquinas called "the body politic." Since we can't determine or sit in judgement over those who we think deserve death, it is proper to pray, e.g., "Lord, convert these people who do evil and GIVE THEM JUSTICE FOR THEIR EVIL DONE." In such a thought or prayer, you are being very charitable in (a) wanting them converted, while (b) simultaneously asking God to judge them and give them their due. If this includes taking their life, God will so decide.

      If you think that someone deserves the death penalty, you may certainly express that opinion without sin, provided you are not suggesting a lynch mob or someone killed upon an arbitrary whim. You think that the secular power would find him guilty for a punishment deserving of death, and if so, it should be carried out.

      God Bless,


    7. Thank you Introibo for taking the time to research the answer for me. That was very clear and provided the necessary distinctions as far as explaining true justice. I guess a better way to look at it is God's will be done.


    8. Tom A.,

      "The neo pagan humanistic new world order is man centered and therefore life is now the highest good. So the mob is willing to destroy all that western man has achieved in order to save a few lives"."

      According to the above statement are you suggesting that saving the economy is more important than saving people's lives?


  10. IAAD - do you think you can make an online library in some future?

    1. Poni,
      Do you mean somehow putting my library of books online by scanning them or making them e-books? If so, I just don’t have the time and I’d have to check all copyright laws, etc. I don’t think I’ll be able to do so. Maybe when I retire!


    2. I understand
      God Bless you and your family

    3. Poni,
      Please note that I always stand ready to locate any information from my library for you and all my other readers who ask!

      God Bless

  11. Introibo,
    Just read 2 disturbing articles regarding not treating people for the virus over 60 Italy and an article regarding allowing elderly in America die to save the economy. Am I being paranoid, or is this virus being the excuse used to finally put in place euthanasia for the elderly? Death panels?

    1. Joann,
      Those reports are true and accurate. It was only a matter of time before killing unborn babies would lead to murder of the elderly and others “less worthy” of life.


    2. Mankind has become totally depraved by trying to usurp God. "Worshiping the creature more than the creator". Mankind has basically set himself as God and, in so doing, is an agent of the Devil of death.

    3. Joann,
      Absolutely! These are evil days. I'm inclined to believe the end can't be all that far off.


    4. Introibo,
      Our murderous society is keeping Planned Parenthood open during this crisis so as not to deprive people of getting abortions. It has been reported that all elective surgeries are not to take place, however, it is ok to elect to have an abortion. Killing babies and the elderly, disabled, etc., is sanctioned by this ungodly, depraved society. Where is the outrage at such?? People seem to be more concerned over their greed and love for mammon than for lives.


    5. Joann,
      I can’t disagree. Your assessment is right on. If COVID 19 doesn’t kill us, we will do it by societal suicide!


  12. For more thoughtful reading on this, "A Cure Worse Than the Disease" is the title of an excellent article by Bp. Sanborn at his blog:

    1. Jannie,
      Thank you for the excellent information!


    2. Young people are now dying as a result of COVID-19. One as young as 4 yrs old. Science today is not what it was during the Black Plaque, or the Spanish flu. To compare today's science to plaques in times past is ridiculous. When this virus starts striking younger and younger people and taking their lives, will they be treated as nonchalantly as the elderly, disabled, etc. Comparing auto accidents, etc., to a biological virus is ridiculous. Because abortions are permitted that is no reason to permit the killing of the elderly,etc. Two wrongs do not make a right. We are made in the image and likeness of God, all of us. We are to preserve life as it is a gift from God. God is the creator of life. It is not up to MAN to decide who lives and dies. Being made in the image of God, we are to preserve all life, not destroy it. God says we are the "apple of his eye". Man wants to destroy people to preserve the economy and thus place a price tag on person's head. I wonder what Jesus would say about that? "No man can serve two masters: for he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other,Ye cannot serve God and MAMMON". Matthew 6:24.


    3. I will admit, I was a little surprised to read His Excellency Bishop Sanborn's commentary on this disease. I'm still struggling to come to a conclusion on the matter, but I am leaning towards the national responses being disproportionate to the threat.

      I think it would have been much more prudent to quarantine and protect the most vulnerable instead of locking down an entire nation, but I understand the reasons and arguments for doing so. It's a difficult call to make no doubt. The goal should be to prolong people's lives as much as possible though, given this time is the only time we get to justify ourselves in the sight of God.

      Bishop Sanborn's conclusions seemed to not weigh these concerns as much as I would have expected, but I do think he still raised very fair points overall.

    4. Perhaps it would have been more prudent to quarantine the seemingly most venerable in the beginning of the outbreak. However, that was not done and we are where we are as a result. Letting people die by refusing medical treatment is MURDER. Doctors are supposed to take an oath to "do no harm"! This is a new disease and when you come right down to it, not much is known regarding the long term implications it may have on the general population as a whole, including the very young and young. Just saw where a baby has the virus. This society is so selfish and money driven that it is rare to find almost anyone who is charitable, unselfish and not greedy today. In my opinion, anyone who places money and the economy before saving lives is not a Christian, regardless of their position or title.


    5. Bp. Sanborn did say some hard-sounding things. I was having some trouble with his language there. But I am someone in the senior age group, as is he, and I didn't take from the article that he was calling for government triage of health care for people based on age.
      I think he'd be the first to say that any kind of "Lifeboating" of society is an immoral response to the situation and needs to be condemned. If he is saying that, though, he needs to turn in his purple cassock. And his black one. But I do trust, that as a reliable Catholic cleric,he teaches and believes in personal sacrifice and unforced charity and not government tyranny.

    6. Bp. Sanborn makes some good points.

      Here is a good point a commenter made on Novus Ordo Watch to add to Bp. Sanborn's article "According to the CDC "From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus." Where was the world wide Quarantine?

      I have no doubt that Covid-19 is real and happening on a global scale but I believe it is more than the outbreak that is going on here. I think the Left Wing politicians and the globalists along with the media and liberal doctors obsessed with vaccines are using this opportunity to screw up the economy, take people's civil liberties away and blame Trump in the process. Also they paint this awful picture that because people aren't "medical professionals" (as if they are) that hydroxychloroquine, quinine (found in tonic water such as Canada Dry), and a proper amount of Zinc and Vitamin C aren't "safe" enough as if there hasn't been enough studies, even though in other countries they've been shown to be quite effective. It's obvious that Pelosi and the gang care more about diversity, the green new deal, firearm confiscation etc. in the stimulus package than to take care of the American people. They along with the globalist are the true disease licking their lips at ceasing the opportunity to control everybody. That is no conspiracy.


    7. Lee,
      Very interesting commentary! Thank you for sharing this with us.


    8. Neyoriquans,
      I’m in basic agreement with your assessment.
      Bp. Sanborn, in my opinion, does not weigh the real concerns you mention as he should have done.


    9. I don't think it is a coincidence that Bishop Sanborn's article "A Cure Worse Than the Disease" is a recent quote by Pres. Trump "Cure Can't be Worse than Disease". See below link:


    10. Joann,
      Yes, today’s society Puts no value on life. Remember what Scripture says about the “love of money”!


    11. The below link is a scientific comparison between the Swine Flu and COVID-19:


  13. Introibo,
    Just saw the below linked article. It seems people are drinking "Trump's Kool Aid". Sounds like cult like behavior to me. Reminiscent of Jonestown. I know I have commented more than my share, but I am outraged by the prospect of the elderly, disabled, etc. tossed aside and left to die without medical treatment over money. This is diabolical.


    1. Joann,
      That is a moral outrage!


    2. @JoAnn,

      It depends on the circumstances. It is an undeniable fact that there are some businesses which will not return to activity the longer that the national economy is stalled. Furthermore, in terms of risk mitigation, any country's leaders (not just our own) have to the weigh the risks of public health policy versus public economic policy when it comes to the common good.

      On a national scale, authorities do indeed have to weigh the cost of lives in the aggregate versus the cost of increasing destitution (with the corresponding increases in depression and suicide rates that come with it). As it stands, one can certainly make the argument that the current statistical data regarding the virus does not support the corresponding measures taken to mitigate its effects (as manifesting in more draconian measures depending on what part of the country you live in).

      There are certainly measures that can (and should) be taken to mitigate future pandemics, such as reducing bureaucratic red tape and decoupling from China in terms of industrial dependency.

      However, to recognize that there is an increasing human cost to the current economic stall, and that we as a nation will have to choose between that cost and a potentially higher COVID-19 death toll, is hardly cult-like behavior.

      And, for what it's worth, President Trump - although wanting things to get back up and running by Easter - did note that it was still up in the air, depending on what conditions will be like actions that that time.


      A Simple Man

    3. A Simple Man,
      I don't know your age, but I am 66 yrs young. If you want to die for Trump's economy, go for it, just don't include me.
      Why hasn't Trump or anyone in his family or the Vice President come down with the virus with all their international travel, parties, handshaking, etc? I bet they were all vaccinated against it. Trump downplayed the seriousness of the virus from the beginning and that is one of the reasons the Country is in the position it is in today. He is such a narcissist that he couldn't fathom that the virus wasn't a "hoax" directed at him to take him down. However, the one thing he did do was shut down travel from China, but as far as I can see that is it. All he basically worries about is the economy and how it will affect the election.
      Your speaking about hypothetical circumstances that could occur in the future regarding depressions and suicides. What about the reality of people in the present who may be refused medical treatment due to their age or disability? As far as certain businesses closing, that too is hypothetical. When Trump was denying and lying to people about the seriousness of the virus, perhaps he should have thought of those things and not lay the lives of the elderly down due to his arrogant and narcissistic personality. He cares nothing for people, he is strictly a money man and it comes across every day at his press conferences as he is so disingenuous. He is a Malignant Narcissist who lacks empathy. If you want to put your trust in a Narcissist, go right ahead, just leave me out of it.

    4. JoAnn,

      We could have Hilary Clinton in office. Would you rather have her? Would I die for Trump's economy? No, but I would rather have a president who is pro freedom instead of the democrats who want to take (they already are in some places) our freedoms away and convince people that it's a good idea. Freaking out about this virus gives them the advantage and that's what they want. Sure it's real and lots of people are getting it but there are ways to cure it and Trump is being prohibited by the dems from allowing certain medications to be used because they don't think they are safe enough when it's a total lie. I guarantee you the vaccine isn't going to be safe (as they are so excited about) and besides who wants aborted baby cells, aluminum, thimerosal (mercury), formaldehyde, kidney cells from an African monkey pumped into them anyways? Ingredients here: Many people get vaccine injured or die from reactions every year and the news and doctors never say a word about it except that they are "safe" and that's not including the neurological damages they can cause in the long term because of the aluminum (studies show alzheimer's patients have increased amount of aluminum in the brain) mercury etc. What's truly sickening is the media's rabid hatred of Trump from day one when Trump has been giving press conferences every day since he declared a national emergency and has been overwhelming concerned with every aspect. If our country stays shut down for a longer extended period and a great depression happens, that would be a terrible thing for everybody. All businesses but especially small businesses are the backbone of the economy. What would you do if truck drivers are forced to shut down? Are you self sufficient and could you handle that for awhile if it got to that point or should I say do you want it to get to that point? I have elderly parents and they aren't blaming Trump for what has happened or calling him a narcissist. They're using common sense. Stay home and go out when they have to and have good hygiene. I do like alot of your comments and I don't mean to sound like I'm chewing you out on this post. All the best and no hard feelings.


    5. @JoAnn,

      Given the number of elderly figures in power who have actually tested positive for COVID-19 as of late (see various Iranian mullahs, or most recently Prince Charles of the UK), I couldn't begin to tell you why neither Pence nor Trump have shown any symptoms.

      And economic damage is hardly hypothetical, based on historical trends (or depending on what part of the economy you work in, as manifold people within the service, travel, and entertainment industries will currently tell you). It may indeed serve as the impetus for society to shift its priorities on the whole to more wholesome ends, but to say that there *will* be a human cost to this sort of government reaction is not being hypothetical in the least. Consider: given the hysteria generated by the media and the government, there are a lot of people hoarding medical resources that would otherwise be available to actual caregivers. In like manner, this hysteria is driving more people to clinics and hospitals when they may not truly be suffering from COVID-19, further diluting the quality of care and actual time spent with patients who truly need attention. In effect, these result in people being denied care (by degree, if nothing else).

      That being said, I have in no way insinuated that people should be *denied* care based on their age or disability, and it's ludicrous on your part to suggest I have in any way professed that.

      The bottom line, however, still holds: governments will have to decide whether the economic cost (and the subsequent human costs that come with it) is worth the current steps being taken to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, particularly when more targeted actions would result in the same effects with less disruption.

      Alas, we're not God, and any actions taken will likewise be imperfect. Hindsight will undoubtedly prove to be a wicked beast when this current pandemic has passed, as it always tends to be.

      May the Peace of Christ be with you.


      A Simple Man

    6. A Simple Man,
      "However, to recognize that there is an increasing human cost to the current economic stall, and that we as a nation will have to choose between that cost and a potentially higher COVID-19 death toll, is hardly cult-like behavior."
      What is the above statement if not insinuating that certain people will be selected to die for the cause?


    7. Lee,
      I voted for Trump. However, never again. I am not "calling" Trump a Narcissist, he is one. It is very obvious. I have read multiple articles written by Psychiatrists who say he is one also. I have had numerous conversations with people who actually laugh at his obvious narcissistic personality and tend to overlook it. I have tried to overlook his obvious narcissism, but no more. Narcissistic people lack empathy. He is like a spoiled child who is used to getting his own way by berating others, belittling and bullying others. Unfortunately, this time is different. He can't bully and intimidate and make this foe go away at his whim. This virus foe has him beat and baffled. He can't pay it to go away either. He spent weeks denying the seriousness of the virus when he could have been proactive instead of trying to wish and deny it away. He is now touting Easter as the time to get people back to work because that is what HE wants. This virus is not subject to Trump's whims and wants, or to anyone else's for that matter. If Trump thinks he knows more than the CDC and Infectious disease Drs., and goes against their recommendations and allows people to return to work too early, the time we have thus spent will have been a waste as this virus could explode like pouring gasoline on a fire in progress. It will only set the Country further back and the depression you are so afraid of will come upon us that much faster. That is common sense!


    8. JoAnn,

      "What is the above statement if not insinuating that certain people will be selected to die for the cause?"

      It is only a recognition of the obvious: each action has consequences.

      Can the current lockdown be extended for months on end? Certainly it could, but the economic consequences would be devastating, and would therefore impact American lives to a great degree. Alternatively, given the still-unknown nature of COVID-19 in its totality, perhaps this lockdown is truly worth it (although the increasing amount of data on those who have it is beginning to indicate otherwise).

      Perhaps the current actions being taken are only delaying the attainment of herd immunity among the American populace; we just don't know.

      Either way, there will be some people who may die as a result of the actions currently being taken that might have survived had they *not* been taken. The vice-versa is *also* true, that some people may survive as a result of the actions being taken that would have otherwise died.

      The thing is, neither you or I have any way to quantify "what-ifs", and I do not envy those who in charge who have to actually make the decisions at the end of the day that will impact countless lives.

      It's really no more complicated than that, and your implication that I somehow approve or desire the death of the elderly for the sake of getting the economic engine back up and running is quite simply silly (especially since, the longer economic activity is stalled, there will likely be elderly people who die who otherwise would not have, had standard access to their usual amenities been available).

      We're all going to die of something, in the end. My hope is that however it happens, it shall be a holy death, for you and for me.


      A Simple Man

    9. JoAnn,

      You sound like you've been watching Rachel Maddow or Bryan Stelter. I already told you that Trump has been recommending hydroxychloroquine (which is known to work) and those like Governor Andrew Cuomo refuse to let doctors treat people with it. Plus the CDC vaccine "professionals" want it to last 18 months so they can create a vaccine in order to prepare the whole world to take it because it's going to "save you." I'm sorry I guess I'm being narcissistic" If you don't vote for Trump you're just helping the Democratic agenda that much more. That's right, you're helping Pelosi and Biden who are such "good Catholics." Stop watching fake news.


    10. Lee,
      Your insinuating that I am voting for Biden is totally wrong, and I take exception to it. Your assumptions are wrong. For your information, for the first time in my life I will not be voting. Also, I am not watching "fake" news. I don't even know who Rachel Maddow
      and Bryan Stetlar are. The President you are following is FAKE. He cares nothing for anyone except as he thinks it pertains to him and his ego. He thinks everything is about him. He is arrogant to the max and thinks he is an authority on every subject, including science and Infectious diseases and is clearly a danger. Trump by mentioning the potential use of
      hydroxychloroquine for the virus has created a national shortage of the drug and those people who have been taking it on a regular basis to treat Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis can't get it. It was totally irresponsible for him to mention that drug as a possible "cure" because he has a "feeling" about it when there is no scientific evidence to back up his "feeling". You are freaking out over vaccinations. Why? Are you listening to right wing Alex Jones? As a child I had many vaccinations. Do you want us to go back to having small pox, measles, etc? You are drinking Donald's Kool Aid, but won't take a vaccination. I bet Donald and his family have already had the vaccination as none of them has come down with the virus.


    11. A Simple Man,

      Sorry, for misunderstanding you. Please accept my apologies.

      "We are all going to die of something, in the end. My hope is that however it happens, it shall be a holy death, for you and for me."



    12. JoAnn,

      I listen to Dr. Susanna Humphries, Del Bigtree (who started the show the doctors) who left along with 3 other doctors because of the vaccine issued, a scientist named Mike Adams AKA (the health ranger) and others. I posted for you the ingredients in them. Does that not bother you? As a Catholic you should be against having aborted baby cell tissue injected into you along with the other toxic metals. Many die from them and get injured much worse and suffer neurological damage either instantly or through a long period. So yes it's something to be concerned about because the government wants to push them to be mandatory just like they already are in Denmark. That's what I'm more concerned about. It's not a "conspiracy theory." Donald Trump is for them which I don't agree with.

      As far as President Trump goes I'm not saying he's perfect. It's totally wrong that he supports the LGBT, that he's for 5G, among other things, but not voting for him or voting against him is still helping the Democrats and they want to take away many of your rights like your second amendment, etc. If he were so "into himself" why would he want to give relief money to help so many Americans who have lost their jobs over this? If it ever does get it passed through Congress would you mind sending me the money you get since it's Trump fault?


    13. Watch this JoAnn and tell me what you think.


    14. Lee,
      I never said it was "Trump's fault". (I presume you are alluding to the virus). The virus is NOT Trump's fault but he inflamed the situation by not heeding the Intel regarding the seriousness of the virus. For weeks he downplayed it, denied it and lied about it to the American people. Trump is what he calls others, FAKE news. If it wasn't for the Infectious Disease people, he would still be denying and falsifying the seriousness of this virus. The checks are stimulus checks engineered to stimulate the economy.
      As far as vaccinations and their ingredients, I know nothing about them. I have never even taken a flu shot. The last time I was vaccinated was as a child. I do know I have seen reports where there are people who won't even vaccinate their children. I do not understand what conspiracy theory is behind vaccinations or would compel the Government to force vaccinations. I have been worried for years by virtually the majority of pharmaceuticals coming from China. In light of what has just happened with China and this virus, I would think people would be more concerned about swallowing pills made by China!!


    15. JoAnn,

      Where are you getting your information from? As far as the seriousness of the virus, I found that during the 2017-2018 season 900,000 people (abouts) got the flu and 80,000 died in that season. That's a lot of people. The institute for health metrics and evaluation from the university of Washington school of medicine estimated about 80,000 deaths this season from Covid-19. This means it's on the same scale as the flu as far as the death toll. The CDC and WHO didn't suggest we quarantine and shut down everything back then. It's true that others he calls fake news are fake news. Now if you want to call him fake news that is your decision and we can agree to disagree on that point. Trump for me is pro freedom and he is for our religious freedom along with our other freedoms which he has been fighting for. If he is gone and the democrats end up in office, they'll end up making us become more like China's surveillance state. If you want that, then you're an idiot.


    16. Lee,
      You evidently are incapable of engaging in an intellectual debate on a civil level without resorting to name calling. Very Trump like indeed.



    17. This is not a debate. It's a discussion that we don't agree on. I'm backing up my claims with as much facts and data supporting my viewpoint as possible based on links I provide and within reason. You apparently can't handle it. Very democrat like indeed (Not saying you are one even though that's how you probably interpret it).


    18. Lee,
      Only people who "can't handle it" resort to name calling. Trump would be proud of you.


  14. Introibo,

    Just saw the below linked article. Sounds like cult like behavior. Reminiscent of Jonestown. People wanting to die to save the economy.


  15. Fun fact: According to the book "The Lives and Times of the Popes" by Chevaler Artaud de Montor (imprimatur 1911) Pope St. Gregory the Great instituted processions on the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Litany of the Saints on the feast of St. Mark on account of the increased virulence of the plague which had carried off his predecessor Pope Pelagius II. The disease ended in a fit of sneezing and yawning, and the pope ordered that "God Bless You" should be said to those who sneezed, and that the sign of the cross should be made on the mouths of those who yawned. When the plague ceased the antiphon Regina Coeli Laetare was introduced in the chants of the Church. It is affirmed by pious writers that, at the moment when the plague decreased in virulence, there appeared on top of the mausoleum of Adrian an angel sheathing his sword. Thenceforth that mausoleum was called Castle of St. Angelo and an angel in marble was placed on it, for which Benedict XIV substituted the one in bronze, which still remains there.


    1. Lee,
      Very interesting! Thank you for sharing!


  16. There are things worse than death. In WWII we sacrificed a half million American young men to protect our way of life. Today, we sacrifice our way of life to prevent the loss of life. Those who give up freedom to gain safety will have neither in the end. I think we have gone way overboard with this lockdown.

    1. Tom,
      I don’t think it’s that clear cut. I’m sure there’s information the government isn’t telling us. Maybe it has the potential to mutate and decimate whole countries. Right now, in NYC, the ICUs are nearly at full capacity.


    2. Introibo,
      I just read an article out of Iceland that says that they have isolated 7 mutations of COVID-19. I can't find the article right now, but if I do I will post it.

    3. Joann,
      That would be interesting for all of us. Thank you in advance if you find it and post it here in the comments.


    4. Tom,

      What "way of life" are you wanting to protect? The New York Stock Exchange and Trump's economy. Comparing fighting WWII to preserve the Country's way of life to today and fighting to contain a deadly virus are two separate and completely different scenarios. You are worried about sacrificing your way of life to prevent the loss of life. I am worried about preventing the loss of life being sacrificed so you can have your WAY of life!

    5. JoAnn, I did not say I wanted to protect anyway of life. I simply mentioned that we as a society now place human life as the highest good, even above other ideas we once held higher. Of course our “way of life” is sick and debauched right now, but these draconian measures to preserve human life are going to be worse than the disease. The governments will use this opportunity to establish more restrictions now and in the future. We will have gained no additional safety and we will have given up much for nothing.

      Introibo, I understand this disease will have a huge impact on lives and institutions. It is not a hoax. As in any epidemic or pandemic, prudent temporary measures are always needed to alleviate suffering. But just because there will be car accidents in the future, we do not ban cars. It may sound harsh, but society always has to live with some level of loss of life otherwise we would still be huddled in caves afraid to go anywhere. We are possibly destroying a thriving economy for a very bad flu season. This is not a moral question either, its one of prudence and a calculation of costs and benefits. I have read way too many comments these last few weeks from Catholics who think its our moral duty to stay home. If that were true, the we should all stop driving lest we might hit a pedestrian. As usual, the average citizen is driven by emotion and easily manipulated by the ever influential media.

    6. PS, JoAnn, every disease is deadly to someone. Responses to diseases must be proportional. Every year tens if thousands die from the flu, but we do not shut down the world every flu season. How much more susceptible will the weak be to disease if we destroy our economy and plunge into a depression? Where do you draw the line JoAnn as to what is an acceptable risk? You and most others are thinking short term.

    7. Tom,
      I concur that during flu season there are many infected and many die. However, I do not see hospitals during a normal flu season pushed to beyond capacity such as in NYC. If there was not stay at home implemented then how much worse would be the strain and costs put on the hospitals and health care system? We are fighting and trying to contain an unknown enemy as we don't know that much about this virus vs. influenza. Car accidents occur and they are accidents and people die. I don't understand how you can compare auto accidents to fighting a virtually unknown virus that could mutate and possibly wipe out most of the population. When you come right down to it, we don't know that much about this enemy. It is best, in my opinion, to err on the side of caution.
      I have been reading for months about euthanasia to kill off the elderly. I guess it is now happening at a very fast rate.


    8. Due to the shortage of face masks and protective equipment in the medical profession, especially for Drs., nurses, what happens if they start getting infected and dying? I wonder how many will stay in their jobs and not just walk away so as to protect themselves and their families from becomming victims of the virus? If the Country loses a majority of Drs and Nurses, who is left to treat not only COVID-19, but other health conditions as well. It is unthinkable that the medical professionals don't have proper protective equipment in this Country!! It is like sending a solider to war and not giving him a gun to fight the enemy.


    9. 37 Drs have died in Italy to date due to COVID-19. See link below. Pharmacists are now also becoming victims of COVID-19. Why can't people see that this virus is NOT the flu, but a deadly infectious virus?? Perhaps it is because we have a Pres. who denied and downplayed the seriousness of the virus from the beginning and he infected people with his nonchalant attitude toward it. He also refers to the virus as the "flu". In so doing he has endangered many lives.


    10. JoAnn,

      That is bias left leaning website. No wonder you think Orange man bad. In one of the adds they take clips of Donald Trump's speech and manipulate it to make it sound like he downplayed the Virus from the beginning. If you actually watch his speeches he at first said he hoped it wouldn't get bad (He didn't personally think it was going to get bad) but he also said it could get bad and that they were preparing and keeping an eye on it just in case.

      Just like all the fake news spreading about the man who died from hydroxychloroquine. They suggest it's "dangerous" to take but what they aren't telling people is that the chloroquine version that was used by the man was the type which was to clean fish tanks and not the anti malaria type.


    11. Below is an article out of Italy stating the amount of Doctor's deaths there since my other link was accused of being from a "liberal leaning" site.

      My Trump has gotten alot of people paranoid about reading or watching anything not sanctioned by his greatness since it is all "fake news". I guess one is not supposed to think about anything that is not being reported by Fox News or his sanctioned sources. I have good God given cognitive thinking skills and can think for myself. I don't need to follow a cult of personality.

      Lee - I suggest you go watch Fox News some more. Goodbye.


    12. JoAnn,

      The mainstream news media (including Fox News) is controlled by Big Pharma. Big Pharma with those like Dr. Anthony Fauci are crooked people. They have an agenda. The agenda is vaccines. Even Paul Offit says the first vaccine that they have right now for Covid 19 is to dangerous because it was tested on rats and it killed the rats. Paul Offit is also on record for saying that children should be taken from their parents if they refuse to receive vaccines. Hilary Clinton has said this very same thing. Their agenda is depopulation and control and Bill Gates is on record saying we need to depopulate the world and limit families because it offsets what happens in poor countries. I know you don't agree with this because you've been reading a lot about Euthanasia and they are for that to. Hydroxychloroquine (the anti maleria type not the fish cleaner type) can help people with Covid-19. A french doctor said it would be wrong not to use it. The democrats are not allowing it to be used. I don't believe Trump is of the same agenda as those I mentioned above.

      I don't watch fox news very often. Although I do like hearing what Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingram have to say sometimes. What's wrong with that?


    13. JoAnn,

      Thus far, the comorbidity rate for COVID-19 is over 99% in Italy (in other words, less than 1% of the documented deaths were solely due to the virus):

      Meanwhile, per public statistics, Italy reported 633,113 deaths in 2018. Thus, given current COVID-19 *related* deaths of 8,215 (as of this time), that amounts to about 1.29% of Italy's normal death toll.

      If you account for comorbidity and deaths that are *solely* due to COVID-19 (in other words, at less than 1% of the total, this would be less than *83* people), then that percentage becomes less than 0.0129%.

      In other words, the number of people in Italy who have died *solely* because of COVID-19 amounts to less than 0.02% of the normal amount of deaths pre-coronavirus (as of 2018).

      Perspective is always important to maintain with anything.


      A Simple Man

    14. A Simple Man,
      How would you account for the amount of Dr. deaths? Thanks.


    15. Lee,
      They don't need to vaccinate people to depopulate the world, COVID-19 is doing a good job of that. To make it depopulate the world even faster, all they need to do is stop quaratining. people.
      Also, with the majority of pharmaceuticals being made in China, God only knows what
      is in them and what effects they are having. Recently, Zantac was recalled due to a cancer causing agent being contained in the ingredients.


    16. JoAnn,

      Since the data regarding how many doctors die on an annual basis in Italy is not readily available, applying the prior statistic on COVID-19's death rate would imply that of the 37 who have died thus, only 1 doctor (at most) died solely because of the virus, as all others would have possessed comorbidity on average.

      It's also entirely possible that every single Italian doctor who's died so far was the picture of perfect health (which would be unlikely, but not impossible). But I'm not entirely sure as to the relevance.

      After all, doctors are people too, so they all die of something in the end anyway, like suicide (which occurs at a rate which is more than double the rate of the general population). Given their constant and continuous contact with patients that are suffering from a previously unknown virus, it would be more surprising if they *weren't* dying from it.


      A Simple Man

    17. JoAnn,

      How long do you think we should be in quarantine? I agree with you on the pharmaceuticals.


    18. Here are what some doctors say about the panic.


    19. A Simple Man,
      It is being reported here in the U.S. that younger people are being hospitalized due to COVID-19 than the elderly. For example, in Maryland the highest hospitalizations are in the age groups between 30 yrs to 59 yrs:
      20-29 yrs - 107
      30-39 yrs - 136
      40-49 yrs - 161
      50-59 yrs - 149
      60-69 yrs - 110
      70-79 yrs - 75
      80+ yrs - 21

      The comorbidity of these younger people could hardly be substantial?


    20. Lee,
      Below is what 800,000 Drs. say about COVID-19 in a letter to Pres. Trump:

      "As more than 800,000 physicians across more than 40 specialties in medicine, we continue to support travel and gathering restrictions to slow the transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Physicians, other health professionals, and staff are putting themselves in harm’s way without adequate personal protective equipment or necessary tools (such as ventilators) as well as with no proven treatment or vaccine for the virus."


    21. JoAnn,

      You didn't answer my question. How long do you believe we should be in a quarantine? 1 month, 2 months, 18 months or how about we stayed quarantined for now on in case another outbreak potentially could happen?

      Why are the 800,000 doctors supporting travel and gathering restrictions when we could reduce it even more by not having those things if this so deadly?

      Why aren't these health officials suggesting Wal-Marts, Lowes, grocery stores etc. to be closed and wear biohazard mask and suits to deliver everybody's food and supplies at their door step?

      A majority of people who call themselves Catholic including "experts" such as canonist, theologians, clergy believe Francis and the New Church is the Catholic Church. Should we believe what they say and believe by faith and not by sight that he is the pope just because they are the "experts?"


    22. The nine most terrifying words in the English language.


    23. Everybody chill + pray for each other.
      God bless

    24. @Andrew,

      Something very disconcerting I've noticed across the Internet's sedevacantist community is an abnormal level of vitriol and discord amongst us on topics relating to this virus.

      For example, on a blog post from Novus Ordo Watch (I forget which one specifically), in the comment section, a large group of the regular commenters got into a quite heated discussion over something that for all intents and purposes, should not have been fought over.

      I think this whole virus thing has demonic forces written all over it, and while I am still completely unsure of what the biological threat of the disease is, I think the political, spritual, and social threat of this disease are more than enough to wreck havoc on the world.

    25. @Neyoriquans and Andrew,
      I agree with you both! I think that there are many people with strong views, and that is all well and good--however, maybe we just need to pray for each other and get through this pandemic first.

      God Bless you both,


    26. All

      I apologize if I offend anybody including JoAnn. Thank you for all your criticisms. It is true we do need to pray and not worry and get through this strange time of Covid 19. My problem is the long term as I've mentioned in my previous posts. I care about freedom, particularly my freedom a practicing the Catholic faith which in itself has been robbed from us to practice in an ordinary circumstance because of the Vatican II Church. When prisoners get released as in New Jersey, and gun sales are prohibited, and curfews are set for ordinary citizens who could face up to jail time or fines, something isn't right. When we can't simply go to Church until further notice because democratic baby killing governors say so and when they plan on taking our religious exemptions from vaccines away for the sake public health then then I have a big problem. I've seen so many traditional Catholics act like this is a temporary thing and everything will go back to normal once it's over depending on when it's over. I think this is part of planned agenda while at the same time the virus being a real thing. If people disagree, that's fine. It's just my perspective and I want to share it because I care.


    27. Lee,
      Well stated! I respect the opinions of all my readers; you, Joann, Jannie, Simple Man, and everyone else. there are many issues we cannot settle during the time of the Great Apostasy. just remember the maxim of St. Augustine: "In essentials, unity; in doubtful matters, liberty; in all things, charity."

      God Bless,


  17. Introibo,
    I found the article from Iceland linked below. However, my mistake as it was 40 mutuations of COVID-19 and 7 infections.


  18. Introibo and your goodness would you please pray for Fr. Anthony Cekada who is hospitalized with another stroke?

    1. Jannie,
      Of course I will pray for a full, complete, and speedy recovery for Fr Cekada. I ask all my readers to do the same.

      God Bless,


    2. Jannie,
      Thanks so much for letting us know of Fr. Cekada's condition. When I first found Tradition 5 yrs ago this month, I reached out to Fr. Cekada via email and the phone for guidance. He always answered my emails and took my phone calls and helped me immensely. I will be praying for his recovery.


    3. You're very welcome, JoAnn.
      Glad you found tradition! It is a precious gift, indeed.

  19. Introibo,
    I know nothing about vaccinations as I have never even taken a flu shot. I have recently learned that certain vaccinations use cells from aborted fetal tissue. That reason being why some people decline the measles vaccine. Regarding vaccinations and, vaccinations for COVID-19 in particular what is the appropriate Catholic response to vaccinations? Thanks.


    1. Joann,
      General principles must be applied as there can be no concrete and specific ruling in the absence of a pope. I will not address the specifics of vaccines causing diseases. The scientific jury is out with good evidence on both sides.

      Two questions now arise:
      1. Are they moral?
      2. Should you refuse them if you believe that they are unsafe?

      As to #1: In 2017 the Modernist Vatican put out this declaration:
      "In the past, vaccines had been prepared using cells from aborted human fetuses, however currently used cell lines are very distant from the original abortions ... today it is no longer necessary to obtain cells from new voluntary abortions, and that the cell lines on which the vaccines are based in are derived solely from two fetuses originally aborted in the 1960’s."

      Even a broken clock can be right twice every 24 hours. The cells are so remote, they cannot rightfully be said to still be part of the aborted babies. No new abortions have been procured. I submit my opinion to correction in light of opposing evidence and submit to the judgement of Holy Mother Church should we once more have a pope.

      Take into consideration that according to the World Health Organization (WHO), immunizations prevent two to three million deaths worldwide every year, and 1.5 million more could be avoided if more people are vaccinated.(See Hence, I believe they are moral.

      2. Since there is substantial evidence that vaccines save lives, it would take more than a subjective belief to reject vaccines proven effective over a long time, such as polio. I don’t believe vaccines that have been around for a while should be rejected; newer ones could be delayed or forgone for serious objections with substantial evidence.

      What about COVID-19? Since, we know nothing since it does not yet even exist, I cannot give an opinion.


    2. The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (“VAERS”), to which doctors and patients may voluntarily report adverse vaccine events, received 58,381 reports in 2018, including 412 deaths, 1,237 permanent disabilities, and 4,217 hospitalizations. An HHS-funded three-year review by Harvard Medical School of 715,000 patients stated that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported” to VAERS.20 This could mean there are a hundredfold more adverse vaccine events than are reported to VAERS.

    3. This is one of the NEW cell lines. "Human diploid cell strains (HDCSs), possessing identical chromosome sets known to be free of all known adventitious agents, are of great use in developing human vaccines. However it is extremely difficult to obtain qualified HDCSs that can satisfy the requirements for the mass production of vaccines. We have developed a new HDCS, Walvax-2, which we derived from the lung tissue of a 3-month-old fetus. We established primary, master and working cell banks successfully from reconstituted frozen cells. Observations during the concurrent propagation of Walvax-2 and MRC-5 cells revealed differences in terms of growth rate, cell viability and viral sensitivities. Specifically, Walvax-2 cells replicated more rapidly than MRC-5 cells, with Walvax-2 cells attaining the same degree of confluence in 48 hours as was reached by MRC-5 cells in 72 hours. Moreover, Walvax-2 cells attained 58 passages of cell doublings whereas MRC-5 reached 48 passages during this period. We also assessed the susceptibility of these cells to rabies, hepatitis A, and Varicella viruses. Analysis of virus titers showed the Walvax-2 cells to be equal or superior to MRC-5 cells for cultivating these viruses. Furthermore, in order to characterize the Walvax-2 cell banks, a series of tests including cell identification, chromosomal characterization, tumorigenicity, as well as tests for the presence of microbial agents, exogenous viruses, and retroviruses, were conducted according to standard international protocols. In conclusion, results from this study show that Walvax-2 cell banks are a promising cell substrate and could potentially be used for the manufacturing of HDCVs."

    4. "Durning his recent testimony, Dr. Plotkin was asked how many fetuses were related to his work in vaccines to which he confidently answered “two.” However when the attorney gave Dr. Plotkin a copy of his own study citing his early work at the Wistar Institute, the doctor was forced to admit that in just one study, out of several conducted, he used the tissues of “76 fetuses.” Later during questioning, Dr. Plotkin states with a grin:
      “The Catholic Church has actually issued a document on that…I think it implies that I am the individual that will go to hell because of the use of aborted tissues which I am glad to do.”

    5. In The HighWire’s second installment of Plotkin On Vaccines, Bigtree tackled the lack of proper vaccine safety studies with the help of Dr. Plotkin’s testimony. After establishing that there is no evidence available showing both Tdap and DTaP vaccines don’t cause autism, Dr. Plotkin was asked by the attorney, “If you don’t know whether DTaP or Tdap cause autism, shouldn’t you wait until you do know, until you have the science to support it to then say vaccine don’t cause autism?”

      Dr. Plotkin responded:
      “Do I wait? No. I have to take into account the health of the child.”

      The attorney then posed the question, “And so for that reason, you are okay telling the parent that DTaP, Tdap does not cause autism even though the science isn’t there yet to support that claim.”

      Dr. Plotkin answered:

    6. 1. There is plenty of proof that more than 76 babies were aborted in the name of "vaccines" the most recent was in 2015.

      2. There is no evidence or study to prove or disprove if vaccines cause Autism or any other injuries or deaths. Vaccines list vaccine reactions such as SIDS and others on the vaccine inserts.

      3.The VAERS Reporting system only reports 1 percent of vaccine injuries, reactions, and deaths.

      I have many other points I will leave in here for now so you can digest this information.

    7. "A new study published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology concluded the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) vaccine schedule was 15.9 times over the recommended safe level of aluminum when researchers adjusted for body weight.

      Study researchers also estimated that a child who followed the vaccine schedule would be in a state of “chronic toxicity” for 70% of the child’s first seven months of life, 149 days from birth to seven months."

    8. Here It Is: SIDS Listed as a Side Effect on a DTaP Vaccine Insert

    9. You can not sue the vaccine industry if you get injured, etc. "The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) was signed into law by United States President Ronald Reagan as part of a larger health bill on November 14, 1986. NCVIA's purpose was to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims[1] in order to ensure a stable market supply of vaccines, and to provide cost-effective arbitration for vaccine injury claims.[2] Under the NCVIA, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was created to provide a federal no-fault system for compensating vaccine-related injuries or death by establishing a claim procedure involving the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters.[1][3] As of October 2019, $4.2 billion in compensation (not including attorneys' fees and costs) had been awarded.[4]"

    10. The need to compare health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children is urgent yet HHS refuses to conduct vaccinated vs. unvaccinated study of their vaccine schedule.


    12. In light of all the above information, I do hereby suspend my prior judgement and answer. If, indeed, babies are murdered to make vaccines--and I now see credible evidence that they are---that would make any vaccine so produced immoral in its making and its use.


    13. Anon @6:33:

      "There is plenty of proof that more than 76 babies were aborted in the name of "vaccines" the most recent was in 2015".

      Regarding the above, would you please provide a citation and link? Thank you.


    14. Introibo,

      Please see below quote and link: what would the objections be to taking one of the below vaccines from animals?

      Every medicine has side effects, adverse reactions, allergies, warnings, etc. What may be good for one person may prove to be detrimental to another.
      As an example,I cannot take any statin drugs used to treat high cholesterol as it affected my breathing. However, the majority of people taking this medicine have no problems like the one I did. Also, because the medicine affected my breathing, I don't expect it to be taken off the market due to an adverse reaction I had when the majority of people benefit from it.

      "Several vaccines currently available in the United States were developed using animal cell strains, primarily using cells from African green monkeys. These include vaccines against Japanese encephalitis, rotavirus, polio, and smallpox. Of these, only rotavirus and polio vaccines are routinely given."


    15. Joann,
      After thinking about what was written, here is what I concluded:

      1. IF aborted babies were used (not including the two from the 1960s) it is immoral. The allegations that more aborted babies were used must be MORALLY CERTAIN. I do believe such evidence exists. Please see The American Life League is an excellent source. However, should any vaccine NOT be made from aborted babies, it may be used.

      2. Your analogy to statins is spot on. I know someone who nearly died from taking aspirin. Many people, myself included, were vaccinated as a child with no side effects.


    16. Joann,

      Dr. Stanley Plotkin (one of the leading experts on vaccine development and research) admitted under oath that more than 76 fetuses were "harvested" to be used in a vaccine study.

      The Embryo Project Encyclopedia

    17. Anon @11:10,

      Thank you for the links!


  20. Introibo,

    "The Catholic Church, well-known for its teaching about the sanctity of life, does not hold that all means to prolong life must be pursued in all situations".

    What is the Church's teaching in regard to the quote from link below?


    1. Joann,
      I respond to the prolongation of life issue in my post:

      As I wrote: “according to theologian Jone, "For the preservation of life and health, one must employ at least ordinary means. Ordinary means are: proper food, clothing, housing, and physical recreation; likewise medicinal remedies which are not beyond the means of the sick person...Employing extraordinary means of preserving one's life is generally not obligatory." (See Moral Theology, The Newman Press, [1962], pgs. 135-136).

      According to theologian Connell, "A person is obliged to to use ordinary means to preserve his life, but not extraordinary means, such as a very expensive operation, the procuring of an 'iron lung' for permanent need, or the continued and frequent use of blood transfusions." (See Outlines of Moral Theology, [1958], pg. 124)

      Notice that the terms are not very concrete. What, exactly, constitutes "very expensive"? Is it an absolute dollar amount, or relative to the person's wealth? If the latter, what percentage of money is considered "very expensive"--15% of their money, etc.? What does "continued and frequent" mean? Once a year for life? Four times a year for the foreseeable future? When Jone and Connell wrote (1962 and 1958, respectively), blood transfusions were much more risky and the need for them has abated in many cases due to developments in medicine.“

      This is a difficult area without a pope to settle matters.


  21. JoAnn,

    They are not just in measles vaccines. They are in the shingles vaccine, the chickenpox vaccine, and more strains are found in many other types. Even the World Health Organization admits they are not safe behind closed doors and yet these same drs say they are safe when not in public: Video here: about 9 min.

    And the CDC admits in federal court that they don't have studies that say vaccines do not cause autism. video here: about 7 min. even though supposed hundreds of studies suggest that they don't cause autism by the media and others.

    The World Health Organization wants to have everybody vaccinated by the 2030 here:

    The Novus ordo church said in a 2005 pontifical study said, "As regards the diseases against which there are no alternative vaccines which are available and ethically acceptable, it is right to abstain from using these vaccines if it can be done without causing children, and indirectly the population as a whole, to undergo significant risks to their health. However, if the latter are exposed to considerable dangers to their health, vaccines with moral problems pertaining to them may also be used on a temporary basis."

    If you want to imitate the Novus Ordo even though vaccines have been proven to not be safe or moral, then be like the rest of people who don't care. I on the hand care and will fight against this.


  22. Anyone know who ordained
    Fr.Courtney Kriar in Las Vegas,NV?

    1. Bp. Gunther Storck who was consecrated by Bp. Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers.


    2. Lee,
      Bp. Storch was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Blaise Kurz, the first Bishop to come out against Vatican II and who defended Fr DePauw!


    3. I did not know that. Catholics always connect in one form or another. Bp. Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers was the confessor to Pope Pius XII when he was a priest and had a hand in the defintion of the Assumption of the BVM.


    4. Lee,
      Michel Guerard des Lauriers was a TOP RANKING approved theologian! He actually drafted Munificentissimus Deus (Apostolic Constitution defining the dogma of the Assumption) at the request of Pope Pius XII. Very little was changed by the pope. At least 95% was his writing!


    5. Thank you!
      I've always held the Thuc line as valid and Catholic.

  23. The best book aI have read on the Cross and the necessity for it for our real happiness even in this life is “Why the Cross?” By Father Edward Leen. He explains it in a way that appeals to our modern way of thinking. We must be purified either in this life or purgatory. It is better for us to be so in this life as we will gain merit and the more pure our soul becomes, the happier we will be as are knowing, loving, and serving God will make us happier even in this life. The willing acceptance of this pain for the love of God will be more than made up by and increase in happiness due to our better relations with God if we will it. The purification in purgatory is a mercy, but it is terrible. We can’t escape it as the bad thief shows us, but if we will it for the love of God, it will truly make us happier even in this life. Read this book. It will blow open the eyes of your soul. Jesus and Mary, David

    1. David,
      Thank you for the book recommendation!

      God Bless,


  24. Joann,

  25. Introibo,
    In this time of pandemic when people cannot go to confession or attend Mass, what should we be doing to be and keep ourselves spiritually prepared for the worst?


    1. Joann,
      Traditionalist priests are still hearing Confessions, even here in New York, as long as people stay outside with no more than 9 people in the Church. They are ever-available should anyone need the Last Rites. In addition, I would suggest the Rosary and an Act of Perfect Contrition (at minimum) every day and every night.

      I have a Holy Candle burning here in my house before the Most Sacred heart of Jesus Christ. Spiritual reading and extra prayers whenever possible. Pray for the conversion of sinners, the grace of final perseverance, and a swift end to this pandemic.

      Those are my suggestions.

      God Bless,



  26. "If I shut up heaven, and there fall no rain, or if I give orders, and command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people: [14] And my people, upon whom my name is called, being converted, shall make supplication to me, and seek out my face, and do penance for their most wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and will heal their land. [15] My eyes also shall be open, and my ears attentive to the prayer of him that shall pray in this place." Chronicles 7:13-15



    1. I shared the above verse from Chronicles today with a Novus Orodite and was attacked beyond belief. I really wasn't prepared for the amount of anger I received. Basically, I was told that it was like "blaming man" for the virus. I replied "don't shoot the messenger, God said it not me".


    2. Given that man is to blame for Original Sin - something far more deadly than COVID-19 - that seems a rather unusual thing to get upset about.

      After all, as far as Scriptural verses go, that passage is relatively mild regarding God's righteous wrath and the severity of His justice.


      A Simple Man

    3. A Simple Man,

      "Regarding God's righteous wrath and the severity of His justice", evidently the Novus Ordo are ignorant of God's wrath and justice, or are in denial. I was totally taken off guard regarding the amount of anger displayed by the Novus Orodite over the verse from Chronicles. Since the Novus Ordo is a man made religion, no wonder they can't accept that man is the blame for anything.



    1. Ah!
      Follow the money trail...

  28. On YouTube there was traditional Catholic audiobook... about submission to Divine Providence. I was always off the spectrum worried or fearful.
    Now, i am utterly at peace.
    God is in control.
    63m babies in US alone,decades of attacks on Blessed Virgin Mary by false popes with almost deafening silence,idolatry in Vatican with one group to blame: pesky sedevacantists who dare to complain...
    God actually is being lenient.
    My personal opinion, Great Age of Mary will be followup. Total opinion. John
