Monday, April 18, 2022

Covering Up The Obvious


WARNING! The contents of this post may be found disturbing. Reader discretion is advised. The account I give at the beginning of this post is true and accurate. Only the names of all involved (except the Vatican II sect "bishops") have been changed. ---Introibo

It was the summer of 2019, and I received an unexpected message. I have a Facebook profile on which I rarely post and update infrequently. I use it for the primary purpose of staying in touch with friends who live far away.  On this particular day, I received a friend request from Peter, someone who grew-up down the block from me here in New York City. We knew each other since the age of five, and we were never friends. Peter was a bully and wasn't liked by many. He got involved in drinking and drugs at 13, but managed to get his act cleaned up and immersed himself in bodybuilding. 

Like many bodybuilders, Peter became narcissistic and even more disliked. He was the youngest of eight children of a devout Irish Catholic father, and Italian Catholic mother. His parents were tired of supporting him, so he took every civil service exam possible. At age 24, he was accepted to the NYC police academy, and became a cop. That was in 1989, and I had not heard any more about him until his friend request arrived thirty years later. 

As a teenager, I had made my dislike of him no secret, and told him to his face to stay away from me. Therefore, his friend request intrigued me, and I accepted. The next day I received a message from him via FB Messenger. He told me that he was sorry for the way he had treated me those many years ago. He had "found Jesus" and was contacting everyone he had ever wronged to personally apologize to them. He said he would like to meet me for lunch and apologize in person. As his request seemed very sincere, I accepted. We met in a diner in midtown Manhattan on a Saturday afternoon two weeks later. 

The man I met was a shell of his former self. Completely bald and sickly-looking, he shook my hand. "Thank you for coming. I'm really sorry for being such a [expletives deleted] towards you." I responded the only way a true Catholic could--I sincerely forgave him. We took our table at the diner, and after I told him what I had been up to the last three decades, he told me his story, one that was quite sad.  

Peter was a dedicated cop who made many arrests, over 90% of which ended in convictions. He moved up the ranks and in 1999 he was made a detective. He was at the Twin Towers when 9/11 took place, and lost three of his friends on the police force. The horrors of what Peter saw resulted in severe nightmares and hallucinations, to the point that he needed to be confined in an asylum where he spent several months on large doses of psychotropic medications. When Peter was released, he was diagnosed with a serious lung disease as a result of breathing in the toxins in the air at Ground Zero, and his physical health deteriorated as well. 

The NYC Police Department allowed Peter to retire with 75% of his salary tax-free for life plus medical benefits for his being incapacitated in the line of duty. He received a tidy sum up front as a "permanently injured first responder" from the State and Federal government. With that money, he bought a one-bedroom condo in a very nice section of Long Island. Both his parents were deceased, and none of his seven siblings wanted anything to do with him (they were like him in the past and none of them got along). He had no children and had never been married. Peter spent his days praying in his condo alone, only going out to buy food and other necessary items. His only three close friends were killed in 9/11. 

"I always admired how seriously you took religion, even as a teenager," he said to me. "I remember you left the Church to go to that Latin Mass priest on Long Island." [A reference to my spiritual father, Fr. Gommar DePauw---Introibo]. I told Peter I did not leave the Church, but the Vatican II sect, and it wasn't because I wanted to hear Mass in Latin. I explained the Great Apostasy and sedevacantism to him, as he listened intently. "Wow! That's heavy theological stuff," he replied. "But I'm finished with priests of any kind. Period." He reached into his coat on the seat next to him, and handed me some legal papers. "A big shot lawyer like you should understand this stuff." 

It was the beginning of a class-action lawsuit against the Diocese of Brooklyn, consisting of all of Queens County and Brooklyn in NYC. Peter was one of the plaintiffs. When he started smoking marijuana and taking amphetamines, he picked them up from a dealer who sold them in a schoolyard in Brooklyn next to a Vatican II sect church. Peter was very high one day, when he was approached by "Fr." Bill (invalidly ordained in 1969 by the false "Bishop" Mugavero, one of the first priests to be invalidly consecrated in 1968). Fr. Bill was 36, handsome and well-built. He told Peter that he could make him into a bodybuilder if he would give up drugs. Peter agreed.

He began working out at a gym with Fr. Bill, who drove to visit Peter's parents. The cleric made up a story on how they met, and told them he would make their son's body strong while keeping him out of trouble. His parents were delighted he was friends with a priest. They continued working out, and after a few months, Fr. Bill said he would need to "see how his body was developing" to make him even stronger. He took Peter to the rectory, and into his bedroom. He then told him to strip down to his underwear and do ten push-ups. While doing the push-ups, Fr. Bill jumped on top of him, removed the boy's underwear and forcibly sodomized him. 

When it was over, Fr. Bill told Peter that if he said anything to his parents, or stopped working out with him, he would tell his parents he saw him high on drugs and having sex with another boy (the first was true, the second a lie). Since he was a priest, they would believe him and disown Peter. Knowing how devout his parents were, he continued to be molested for the next year, until Fr. Bill was reassigned to a new parish--his tenth assignment in eleven years. Even more disturbing, the complaint alleges that Fr. Bill (who was finally reassigned to an all woman college before his retirement) had sexually assaulted over 200 (yes, two hundred) young boys. It further alleges (with evidence) that "Bp." Mugavero, his successor, "Bp." Daily, and his successor, "Bp." DiMarzio, all knew about Fr. Bill's crimes and covered it up. (The current "Bp"--Brennan did not take over until 2021 and is therefore not mentioned). At the time, the suit had joined over 90 plaintiffs

The New York State Legislature passed the Child Victims Act, allowing people like Peter to sue for sexual abuse no matter how long ago the abuse took place. It allowed all such lawsuits until August 13, 2021. Over 10,000 lawsuits were filed, and four of the eight Vatican II sect Dioceses in New York State immediately filed for bankruptcy protection. Peter told me, "You have no idea how pervasive it is--much worse than even the media portrays it." Two of his best friends that were killed in 9/11 were also abused. One victim's predator left the clergy and fled the country, the other victim's predator had died. 

In the year 2000, only Fr. Bill was alive and well in this country. Peter used his contacts as a detective to find his exact whereabouts. He and his two abused friends on the police force then began an elaborate plan to kill Fr. Bill and make it look like a gang killing. They spent a long time making sure they had alibis, the exact location where they would lure him, etc. Peter would make sure that after Fr. Bill got shot, he would be the one to go up to him, remind him of what he had done, and put the final bullet in his head, consigning his perverted soul to the flames of Hell. 

The execution was finally set for October 2001, but 9/11 intervened. When he first got his apartment, Peter thought of killing Fr. Bill alone and then shooting himself. He began to read the Bible one day, "believed in Jesus" and abandoned his plan. "I forgave him," he told me. "If we don't forgive others God will not forgive us. Before I am at total peace, I have to apologize to all I hurt in life by my words or actions. That's why I'm here with you today." As we got up to leave, we shook hands, and I hugged him. We exchanged phone numbers. I called him later that year and invited him to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family and me. I couldn't stand the thought of him spending those days alone. He politely declined, saying he would be eating a turkey sandwich alone, and he liked it that way. We email about once a month, and I send him articles on the True Faith--he always thanks me for doing so. He awaits justice from the legal system.

What angers me isn't just the cover-up of the individuals responsible, but the cover-up by both the media and the Vatican II sect of the underlying problem that's the cause of it all---homosexuality. The truth must be suppressed in order for the myth of "homosexuality is normal" to continue. This post will expose the root cause of the abuse problem in the Vatican II sect. 

Covering Up The "H-Word"
In 1961, Bella Dodd, a famous Communist lawyer who embraced the Catholic Faith, admitted she was part of a plot to place Communists in the seminaries years before in the 1930s. She had personally helped over 1,000 such men into seminaries whose purpose would be to "change the Church beyond recognition." She had claimed such before, but never so forcefully. It was the eve of Vatican II. I know a man who spoke with Dodd personally. She said the Communists planted "soft men," a reference to sodomites. Why was it needed for them to be practitioners of unnatural vice? A non-pervert Communist might be converted to the Faith, but those burning with unnatural lust, surrounded by other men are not thinking of the things of God and are least likely to convert.

The transition from traditional teaching against homosexuality, to acceptance (if not promotion) happened at Vatican II and grew exponentially in the sect. Compare below:

Traditional Teaching:

The Third Lateran Ecumenical Council 1179 A.D. 

Canon 11: "...Let all who are found guilty of that unnatural vice for which the wrath of God came down upon the sons of disobedience and destroyed the five cities with fire, if they are clerics be expelled from the clergy or confined in monasteries to do penance; if they are laymen they are to incur excommunication and be completely separated from the society of the faithful..." (See; Emphasis mine).

Pope St Pius V:

Cum Primum  April 1, 1566:

"Having determined to do away with everything that may in some way offend the Divine Majesty, we resolve to punish, above all and without indulgence, those things which, by the authority of the Sacred Scriptures or by most grievous examples, are more repugnant to God than any others and raise His wrath: that is, negligence in divine worship, ruinous simony, the crime of blasphemy, and the execrable libidinous vice against nature. For such faults peoples and nations are scourged by God Who, according to His just condemnation, sends catastrophes, wars, famine, and pestilence ... and if he is a cleric, he will be subject to the same punishment after having been stripped of all his degrees [of ecclesiastical dignity]." (Emphasis mine).

1917 Code of Canon Law

Canon 2357: section 1:  Lay persons who have been legally found guilty of a crime of sexual immorality committed with a minor under 16 years of age or rape, sodomy, incest, pandering, are ipso facto infamous, besides being subject to other penalties which the Ordinary may deem proper to inflict.

Canon 2359: section 2: Deprives clerics (guilty of the same crimes enumerated above) of "any office, benefice, dignity, or position which they may have and in more serious cases be deposed."
(See Canonist Bouscaren, Canon Law: A Text and Commentary (1951), pgs. 931-932).

Vatican II Sect Teaching:
When the Vatican II sect was created by the Modernists, they sought to conform Christ to the world. Modernism is the polar opposite of Catholicism. By introducing false principles by which theology should be guided, they lead the way to acceptance of unnatural behavior. The "Constitution on the Church in the Modern World" (Gaudium et Spes) begins the moral decay:

Para. #54:  "The circumstances of the life of modern man have been so profoundly changed in their social and cultural aspects, that we can speak of a new age of human history. New ways are open, therefore, for the perfection and the further extension of culture. These ways have been prepared by the enormous growth of natural, human and social sciences, by technical progress, and advances in developing and organizing means whereby men can communicate with one another. Hence the culture of today possesses particular characteristics: sciences which are called exact greatly develop critical judgment; the more recent psychological studies more profoundly explain human activity; ..." (Emphasis mine). 

Para. #62: "In pastoral care, sufficient use must be made not only of theological principles, but also of the findings of the secular sciences, especially of psychology and sociology, so that the faithful may be brought to a more adequate and mature life of faith." (Emphasis mine). 

The pagan aspects of psychology and sociology were thereby introduced. Vatican II joins modern psychology in the heretical teaching of humanity's "intrinsic self-worth." In Gaudium et Spes, para. 24 states, "...if man is the only creature on earth God has wanted for its own sake, man can fully discover his true self only in a sincere giving of himself," as if people possesses such value in themselves that it would cause God to create them.  In the Catholic meaning, the self-worth or "dignity of man" cannot be considered as a characteristic in people's very nature that imposes respect for all choices, because this dignity depends on right will turned toward the Good and is therefore a relative and not an absolute value. 

The stage was set for a series of "declarations" that would weaken and collapse traditional morality in sexual matters. In 1975, the Modernist Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (sic) promulgated a Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics.  The declaration, approved by Montini (Paul VI), reverses the presumption of guilt on the part of those who commit sexual sins. Paragraph # 10 states: "It is true that in sins of the sexual order, in view of their kind and their causes, it more easily happens that free consent is not fully given; this is a fact which calls for caution in all judgment as to the subject's responsibility." (Emphasis mine). 

(N. B. In sins of serious matter, it is presumed that free consent of the will is present, unless the Confessor finds out otherwise. One would--logically and naturally--presume that those engaging in sodomical acts are not coerced or unaware of what they are doing. Here, the declaration adopts erroneous principles of modern psychology that people are "born" homosexuals with desires they "can't help" and act upon them with less than full consent of the will---Introibo). 

On October 1, 1986, the same Modernist Congregation, headed by Ratzinger at this time, released the Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic (sic) Church On the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons. This 'letter" (or "declaration") states in para. #7: "Homosexual activity is not a complementary union, able to transmit life; and so it thwarts the call to a life of that form of self-giving which the Gospel says is the essence of Christian living. This does not mean that homosexual persons are not often generous and giving of  themselves; but when they engage in homosexual activity they confirm within themselves a disordered sexual inclination which is essentially self-indulgent." Here, those who engage in unnatural vice are often "generous and giving" of themselves. Couldn't you say the same of all serious sinners, such as thieves and wife beaters? 

In paragraph #10, we are treated to this gem: "It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech or in action. Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church's pastors wherever it occurs. It reveals a kind of disregard for others which endangers the most fundamental principles of a healthy society. The intrinsic dignity of each person must always be respected in word, in action and in law." While I don't advocate violence against anyone, the State has the right to imprison such persons; and what, exactly, constitutes "violent malice in speech"? 

I guess Pope St. Gregory the Great was guilty of "violent malice in speech" when he said, "Brimstone calls to mind the foul odors of the flesh, as Sacred Scripture itself confirms when it speaks of the rain of fire and brimstone poured by the Lord upon Sodom.  He had decided to punish in it the crimes of the flesh, and the very type of punishment emphasized the shame of that crime, since brimstone exhales stench and fire burns. It was, therefore, just that the sodomites, burning with perverse desires that originated from the foul odor of flesh, should perish at the same time by fire and brimstone so that through this just chastisement they might realize the evil perpetrated under the impulse of a perverse desire." (St. Gregory the Great, Commento morale a Giobbe, XIV, 23, vol. II, p. 371; Emphasis mine). 

Vatican II Sect: Exonerating Sodomites
The Nature and Scope of the Problem of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests and Deacons in the United States, commonly known as the John Jay Report, is a 2004 report by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic (sic) Bishops (sic). It can be read in full here:

The group The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests aka SNAP, had a stinging critique of the Report. Although I disagree with much of what SNAP publishes, they were on the mark with these four criticisms of the John Jay Report:
Here are four of the most crucial fallacies in the document:

--The crisis is and was unforeseeable, the report claims, because child molesters don’t have forked tongues or devil tails and can’t be easily detected. Fair enough. But the report essentially dodges the crucial question: Why don’t bishops quickly out and oust child molesting clerics the first time they sexually assault a child? (And why then, if predators can’t be spotted in advance, do bishops tout their alleged seminary “screening” processes as panaceas?)

--The crisis was long ago, the report claims, because the bishops say so. Never mind the fact that only a handful of five and ten year olds march down to the police station and promptly report their own victimization, so it’s dreadfully misleading and dangerous to assume clergy sex crimes have gone down in recent years.

--The crisis isn’t all that bad, the report suggests, because many of the kids who are or were violated had experienced puberty. Never mind the fact that child sex crimes, no matter at what age, are always illegal, immoral and hurtful. So the hair-splitting between pedophiles and ephebophiles (a distinction that seems to matter to few besides bishops) is, for the most part, at best irrelevant and at worst distracting.

--Most important, the crisis isn’t the bishops’ fault, the document implies. It was what the New York Times calls the “Blame Woodstock” defense. At best, this is naïve. At worst, it’s deceptive. There are at least three reasons why it may appear to some that abuse ‘peaked’ in the 60s and 70s. The first is that victims during those years are old, strong, smart, healthy and desperate enough to finally be able to report their horrific pain. The second is that bishops are much more willing to disclose clergy sex crimes that are beyond the reach of the criminal and civil justice system than more recent clergy sex crimes that could result in prosecution and litigation and embarrassment. And bishops are more willing to acknowledge child felonies committed under their predecessors than themselves. (See 

However, both the John Jay Report and SNAP fail to mention the "elephant in the room," namely, homosexuality in the clergy. A review of the report will show the large disproportionate number of male victims. Study after nationwide study has yielded estimates of male homosexuality that range between 1% and 3% (See Muir [1993] Homosexuals and the 10% fallacy. Wall Street J March 31). The proportion of lesbians in these studies is almost always lower, usually about half that of male sodomites. So, overall, perhaps 2% of adults regularly indulge in homosexuality. Yet they account for between 20% to 40% of all molestations of children.(Ibid). 

If 2% of the population is responsible for 20% to 40% of something as socially and personally horrific as child molestation, something must be desperately wrong with that 2%. Not every sodomite is a child molester. However, so many do molest children that the risk of a homosexual molesting a child is 10 to 20 times greater than that of a heterosexual. Also absent from the Report is the removal of the prohibition on men with same-sex attraction (SSA) from entering the seminaries after Vatican II, causing many of the seminaries to become little more than "pink palaces" for perverts. 

Now, Bergoglio goes so far as to state: "If they [gay priests] accept the Lord and have goodwill, who am I to judge them? They shouldn't be marginalized. The tendency [same-sex attraction] is not the problem... they're our brothers." (Emphasis mine). The enemies of the Church were successful in setting up the Vatican II sect and helping to "make gay OK." That is why it will never be mentioned in a bad light by the sect, or by the godless media.

The Ultimate Goal: Pedophilia as a "Civil Right"
The sodomite acceptance (and even promotion) in society was unthinkable even 25 years ago. We now have "transgender" perverts convincing parents to mutilate their children's bodies. The final step will be legalizing pedophilia. There can be no negative news of homosexuals harming children; pedophilia is not to be seen as a sodomite crime against children. The campaign is to slowly but surely have it seen as a positive expansion of so-called "gay rights."

In the U.S. and Canada, the North American Man-Boy Love Association marches proudly in many "gay pride parades" with the stated goal of removing the barriers to man-boy sex. Note the phrases they use are removal of “oppression towards pedophilia” and gaining the “liberation of pedophilia.” It is clear that those who advocate the legalization of sex between adults and children intend to argue that such conduct is a “civil right,” deserving of the same legal protections afforded to racial and ethnic minorities. The Vatican II sect is complicit in this goal, and covers up the obvious connection between homosexuality and molestation.

Here are the facts:
  • Over 90% of child molesters are male
  • 25-40% of molestations are same-sex, far in excess of the percentage of homosexuals
  • 43% of sex between teachers and pupils is homosexual
  • 50% of sex between foster parents and foster children is homosexual
  • In a study of 21 "group home" sex scandals — 71% were homosexual
  • Of those who commit incest: Homosexual parents — 18%; Heterosexual parents — 0.6%
(See Freund K, Watson RJ (1992) "The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study." Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 18:34-43). 

Even as I write this post, transgenders are breaking down the last rationale society holds for rejecting pedophilia, i.e., the child cannot consent. However, children who think they are members of the opposite sex are now being allowed by parents to dress, act, and even mutilate themselves with drugs and surgery to become "who they really are" because it's allegedly "in their best interests." So who needs consent? We make children eat healthy food and get vaccinated without consent, so if my child feels attracted to a man at 7 or 8 years old, it might be in his "best interest" to have a sexual relationship with that man. God help us. 

Please pray for my friend Peter, that God may heal him and lead him into the One True Church. You don't know him, but God does, and hears our prayers on his behalf. Pray for all the Victims of Vatican II who have been physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually harmed. It was difficult for me to write tis post. I keep thinking of Our Lord's words, "It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble." (St. Luke 17:2). 


  1. What these false priests are doing to children is horrible. They are destroying the lives of these children and they are tarnishing the reputation of the Catholic Church. The Church is holy, pure and spotless but the V2 sect is a cesspool filled with perverted pedophiles and sodomites. It is not the faithful Bride of Christ, it is the Great Prostitute who fornicates with the world. The false V2 clergy already "bless" Sodomite civil unions and Bergoglio favored such unions before his usurpation of the papacy. I suppose that one day there will be "Sodomite weddings" in church, performed by Sodomite "priests". It really is the Church of Sodom and Gomorrah. If God destroyed these two cities because of the sin of sodomy, we can imagine the worst for all the cities and countries that celebrate "gay pride". Let's keep praying !

    1. Simon,
      I don't doubt the sect will soon being blessing "same-sex unions" in the near future. Pray very hard, indeed!

      God Bless,


    2. What Did Jesus Mean When He Said to Peter ‘Get Behind Me Satan’?
      Peter meant well, but he had no idea what he was saying. As well-intentioned as he was, he was obstructing the will of God — the very mission of the Messiah — and so Jesus spoke this famous rebuke, “Get behind me, Satan!” (Matthew 16:23).

      With all due respects to hour intentions sir I will pray to the Holy Spirit that he will inspire you to see a phsychiatrist and a spiritual director to help you reconcile you with your church and with our Lord Jesus Christ instead of continuing serving Satan.

    3. @anon2:15
      So being against Sodomites is "serving Satan"? In your execrable English, it's not clear exactly what is your message. You have not made yourself clear, nor explained why I'm allegedly "serving Satan." Of course, there's the ad hominem that I need a "phsychiatrist."

      I will pray that God will give you the ability to understand the things you want to convey, and not to call mindless names.


  2. Several times in the past, I thought "It can't get any worse" and lo and behold it is worse.

    One would think that, having installed the antipapacy and the newchurch, it is unnecessary for the devil to push evils to such an extreme; he already led most of the world either out of the Church or to a false papacy. What more is there to do ? Perhaps he is setting up to lead the world to the antipapacy in Rome, but not Bergoglio; someone more 'old-school'; and moreover he has to do this. It's in Apocalypse, and we'll find out more after Apoc. 6: 12-17. (Otherwise there's no point in saying more).

    1. cairsahr__stjoseph,
      I feel the same--just when you think the lowest level is reached by the Vatican II sect, you are proven wrong. I think the Last Days are not that far off.

      God Bless,


  3. Milo Yiannopoulos has recently refrained from his homosexual marriage and his homosexual past and is now attempting to help men come out of it. He admitted he was molested by a "priest" in his youth and that is was the cause of him being gay. He has since return to the religion of his youth, believing it to be the Catholic Church. Now if we could just get him to see that Church Militant, who he occasionally writes for, isn't Catholic but rather part of the problem of being united to the Vatican II sect that would be great.

    Nothing annoys me more than to hear "conservatives" say "As long as they (Sodomites) leave me alone they can do whatever they want behind closed doors and I have no problem with that." The truth is they who say such things are not conservative, not moral, not thinking about how they (Sodomites) do hurt people especially the young by their example.

    I have a theory that the reason unnatural vices such as sodomy, incest, bestiality, transgenderism, etc. are becoming more prevalent these days is because of feminism. When feminist push for being military officers, police force, political office, or any other means of command by emasculating men (because men as a general whole let them have their equality) it leads to more absurdity and sins crying out for vengeance. People can disagree with me and I know these sins have been around from the beginning of mankind but Feminism was the first sin:

    When the natural order of hierarchy is destroyed there is chaos. This is why the Vatican II sect is not only the Novus Ordo but the Ordo ab chao Church.


    1. Feminism is poison for women, families and society. The man was created first and he must have the first rank before the woman. But this has been overturned by leftists who coined Women's Rights Day, where they demand the "right to abortion" and "gender equality". And today's men approve of these aberrations, softened as they are after the "#metoo" offensive. It all came with the ongoing apostasy. The only woman I venerate is Mary Most Holy, who asked nothing for herself but always did the will of God and enjoins us to do whatever her Divine Son tells us to do (Jn 2: 5).

    2. Lee,
      I agree with you (and Simon) that Feminism and their pro-abortion agenda is pure evil. Did that cause the rise in unnatural vice? I don't know, but it is an interesting theory.

      God Bless,


    3. I agree, Simon.
      I am old enough to remember when Feminists began dissuading men from exercising their leadership roles and pushing women to the forefront decades ago, first by picking on them just for being men and calling them "sexist".
      Later it went on to create new generations of soft men who are not only okay with sharing their God-given tasks with women, but some actually prefer to let the women supplant them because they don't want to argue over who does what, plus it can afford them an "easier" lifestyle. I know because I know men who live like that, even though they are perfectly capable of fulfilling their roles as leaders/providers..
      Feminism was never a boon to women; the early feminists said openly that it was a movement for "free love", birth control, and re-thinking of sex-roles. I guess those things didn't seem unreasonable to the naturalist types years ago, but it seems that over time
      abortion, sexual perversion and the gender-bending ideology being taught to kids in schools has shown itself to be feminism's terrible outcome.
      It really is the enemy of men and women. And an affront to God.


    4. God created woman to be man's helper but the demon persuaded woman that she should rebel against man and take his place, hence the current chaos. Feminism is an assault of the devil against the divine order and the authority of God.

    5. The first modern type of Feminists were called "Witch."
      Conspiracy.from Hell.
      These gals blatantly displayed who their masters was and exactly who ran their show.
      Look them up,their pics were boldly occult black magic-esque.


  4. Introibo,
    A moving entry. I will pray for your friend.
    Unfortunately, I notice that more and more also in my country - Poland - sodomite perversions are promoted. Even the Novus Ordo "Archbishop of Krakow" Marek Jędraszewski said words of truth from the pulpit:
    "The red [communist] plague no longer walks our land, but a new, neo-Marxist one has appeared, wanting to control our souls, hearts and minds. Not red, but rainbow."
    Even in the Novus Ordo they have "elements of truth".
    When I talk to my friends from school I unfortunately do not see the future of my country as Catholic. Most of my acquaintances are unfortunately possessed by impurity and are ready to sacrifice every moral principle in the name of this hedonistic paradigm of impurity.
    Once in a class (in public school) we were talking about respect and tolerance of LGBT (it's not in the curriculum). Most of the boys specified that it was abnormal for a man to live with a man (they have no problem with lesbians). And the girls were supportive of LGBT. Then the teacher said (she is a staunch anti-clerical leftist) that "Boys are less mature. Girls mature faster and have empathy and respect and tolerance for others." I have been praying for this woman ever since.
    Unfortunately, there is unlikely to be anything left of my generation of Poles unless God's grace pulls us out of this mess. We must pray and trust that the Blessed Virgin Mary will give us the necessary graces.
    I think that Ms. Joanna S. will agree with me in my description of the present situation in Poland.
    I have a question for you Introibo, how did you present sedevacantism to your friend? In the form of some syllogism or what? Because people who are not interested in theology do not know the matter thoroughly and do not have time to read volumes of textbooks of preconciliar theologians.

    God Bless,

    1. Your teacher repeated the same nonsense on of my former teachers said, just backwards. "Gay ppl are more friendly and comprehensive with wahmen"

      Maybe it's our empathy that betrays us. But I kid you not. Out of that 2% of the population, there are vicious monsters desirous to rape our sons. Not very pro-female, mind you.

      Girls in my generation always wanted to have a sodomite friend. It was some sort of fashion among them to desire it. Boys were more sensible about the topic. Curiously, both of them disliked lesbianry. The question is: When are pro-gay females going to listen to men who are more at risk from the sodomites?

      Specially if they believe politely asking a woman if she would like a drink is akin to rape.

    2. Pawel,
      Peter did have a basic understanding of Catholic teaching from his parents. I asked him, "If someone said they didn't believe Christ was God, but called himself a Christian would you accept him as such?" Of course he said "no." Then I gave him concrete examples of how Bergoglio did not believe Catholic teaching so he cannot be Catholic. He who is not Catholic is not part of the Church. However, in order to be Head of the Church, you must be part of the Church. Hence, Bergoglio is not pope. That's how I started the explanation and then showed how it began with Vatican II which started a new religion falsely claiming to be the Catholic Church.

      So sad how the sodomites are portrayed not as mental and morally sick but "cool"

      God Bless you both,


    3. Introibo,
      Thank you so much for your reply. Unfortunately, most of my friends do not know the basics of the Catholic catechism - the result of Novus Ordo catechesis. I recently spoke with a Novus Ordo priest (middle-aged) who is a religion teacher in my public school. He told me that "it used to be taught that there is no salvation outside the Church, but later, as a result of the development of psychology, there was a departure from this teaching". He also told me that "the one thing that is unchanging in Catholic doctrine is that God is a personal God, a God who wants a relationship with man." I also heard about students setting up a Facebook for Moses in one religion class....

      I see we have similar experiences. There are pretty and nice girls in my school too, who besides supporting abortion, want a sodomite friend because "guys just want sex". I pray for a good wife for the future.

      Please pray for my intention.
      God Bless,

    4. Yes, it is true that many guys only want sex. That's why mixed ed is so problematic. Different sex friendships are either too superficial or become eventually romantic. A common bullying/harassment technique in my generation was "crush-revelation", or revealing the victim's crushes.

      Phones in class are also a bad idea because it's so easy to use them for cyberbullying, which makes it even more diabolical.

      I am so glad I am out of skool now!

  5. Introibo,

    I’m very sorry for what your friend had to endure. He’s very lucky, though, to have you for a friend. God will draw greater good from the horrific evil he was subjected to. I believe that the fact that he didn’t get to execute his revenge on that monster of a Novus Ordo “priest” might be a sign that his future conversion is still possible. I’ll definitely keep him in my prayers!
    May St. Joseph, Solace of the afflicted, intercede for him and for all the victims of the demonic Vatican II sect.

    Just a few words regarding the blabber issued by the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith (or CDF): only that society is healthy which exposes vice, esp. unnatural vice, for what it is and ruthlessly banishes it from its midst.

    “Homosexual activity is not a complementary union, able to transmit life; and so it thwarts the call to a life of that form of self-giving which the Gospel says is the essence of Christian living.”
    Where in the Gospel does it say that procreation is the essence of Christian living?! Are they nuts or am I seeing things?

    Also, that bit about sodomites who by the practice of their unnatural acts “confirm within themselves a disordered sexual inclination which is essentially self-indulgent” can actually be attributed to ANYONE guilty of mortal sins of lust, be they contrary to nature or not. Once again, the horrible crime of sodomy gets neutralized and made to appear “normal”.

    Plus the insufferable “intrinsic dignity” – the buzzword of the Vatican II religion, to which they treat just about everyone, with the notable exception of true Catholics. We are, naturally, the rigid hypocrites, lol!

    It’s beyond hilarious that these CDF goofs still seem to be seen as the watchdogs of orthodoxy by the so-called Vatican II conservatives.

    God Bless You All,
    Joanna S.

    1. Joanna,
      Great insights on the "Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith"! Hopefully, we will get to read another article of yours soon!

      God Bless,


    2. @Joanna S

      Contact Bishop Markus Ramolla Our Lady of Victory for possible Holy Mass.He has a few active Sede Priests in East Europa.

      God bless -Andrew

  6. Introibo: I always try to be really honest about who I am. I'm traditionalist, believing in "sedevacante", but I'm goody-goody. I'm not particularly nice or warm, and I don't particularly care what people think of me--- outside the Church, and inside the Church alike. When I get my monthly bills, the only name I see on is my own.

    Ironically, I think it's also why a lot of people trust me: What you see is what you get.

    Regarding your friend: if he had committed that murder against that priest---invalid priest OR 100% valid priest, and then been been taken to trial for it: He could be on tape admitting to the crime (who, what, where, when, why, and how) if I were on that jury: Your friend would WALK out of that courtroom a free man. I would make sure of it. I think they call it "jury nullification", and if I couldn't get a "Not Guilty" verdict from the other 11 jurors, it would at least be a hung jury which would mean, at the very least, that the prosecutor's office would have to refile the case.

    I would be the defense attorney's "dream juror".

    In my view, his mental anguish and the anguish of a trial would be punishment enough.

    I hope you stay in touch with him. He really needs you. I hope you can empathize if religiosity, especially of the Catholic type, may not be his "thing". Given his circumstances, I completely get it. I would hope it would not be, but I'm not an angel: I hear the guy.

    Traditionalist or not, how many of us truly, truly forgive others? I'll be honest with you, I don't always, and for FAR LESS than what he's gone through. He's a better man than A LOT of traditionalist Catholics, including myself.

    On a lighter note, this is a great narrative. It should be an article in some magazine.

    1. David, why do you judge A LOT of Catholics? How do you know they don't forgive others? JoAnn (I love you JoAnn please don't get angry with me) for example forgave someone that hurted her. Don't dare you say she hasn't gone through a lot.

    2. David,
      I also have a tough time forgiving. I struggle with anger issues, but I've gotten better through prayer and trying hard. I understand where both you and Peter are coming. Had he carried out his original plan if 9/11 hadn't happened, I would shed no tears over Fr. Bill's death.

      Three things were brought out to me by this experience:
      1. God can reach us and help us heal no matter what our circumstances. We can change like Saul became St. Paul.

      2. Whenever you do the right thing, it comes back to you by Divine Providence. By forgiving the Satanic monster, Fr Bill, Peter did not commit suicide, thereby saving his own soul.

      3. We are only in competition with ourselves. I thought I was being a "big man" by forgiving Peter--until I heard his story. What I did was NOTHING in comparison. Thankfully, neither of us has to "compete" with Peter. As long as I'm a little bit better than the guy I was yesterday, that's all that matters to God.

      God Bless,


  7. Meant to say: "I'm NO goody-goody" any means whatsoever

    1. David,
      I got that! Nor am I; I'm just a guy who tries hard with God's grace! I think God will bring Peter into the True Church before his life is over. I'm sure God still has great plans to improve all of us if we let Him.

      God Bless,


  8. Greetings and Happy Easter. Certainly this article is hard but necessary. I share with you another piece of news that has deeply saddened me because I am sorry that we have to put up with these bad shepherds:

    1. Even though "Saint" John Paul the Great Apostate said that his sect (which is not the Catholic Church) does not have the power to ordain women, nothing says it won't happen one day. If a modernist like Chow becomes the leader of the V2 sect, what would prevent him from altering his sect's teaching on the ordination of women, as some want to do with sodomite unions ?

  9. Great article.

  10. What is your view of the idea, that marital age should be relowered to 14 / 12 (c. 50 % of each sex mature) as in most previous centuries, or at least to 16 / 14 (c. 95 %) as within 1917 code?

    I mean, taking advantage of someone sexually mature is not technically speaking pedophilia, but taking advantage of is still evil and being taken advantage of is still bad for one.

    A N D being forced by law to stay celibate for up to 6 years in most cases, and even more in rarer ones after you have your first sexual desires, is a kind of situation that opens up for grooming. Being instead married is a situation that makes one somewhat relatively speaking safer.

    Obviously for it to work, one needs younger limits for going to work as well. If a boy of 14 marries a girl of 12 only when both have rich parents or are actors, it's too rare to really help.

    1. Hans,
      I think with the immaturity of most under 18, it is a bad idea. Here in the U.S., the vast amount of young marriages end in divorce. Getting jobs to support a family is another problem. For MOST marriages to be successful in this country, you need to be in your mid-20s.

      God Bless,


    2. Isn't part of the problem a culture that expects a long "adolescence" as the word is seen in cultural terms?

      Isn't part of that problem a culture that expects education to go on into the midtwenties?

      While I was a teacher at a school, I enjoyed eating with the guy or the gal of a couple who were in eighth grade, or with both of them. They were polite, and I was hoping they were getting stabilised (not marriage, but like engagement, preparing for marriage) earlier than most.

      Now, he was into Hip Hop, she into Classical music and ballet, both were still in an educational system encouraging each to be simply himself or herself rather than "limit oneself" in order to adapt to the other. I was angry to learn that they had broken up a few months after I left.

      You also say "in this country" - as I recall, you are in New York. Before Clinton, there used to be different state limits for marital age going down as young as 12.

      Before I came to that school, in 94 or early 95, there was a story in a girls' magazine (I had figured that not wanting to remain a bachelor, and having exhausted the possible love interests in my surrounding, and having little time to socialise, I'd be better prepared to meet girls by reading those, than by reading the kind of publications labelled "for men"), and the story said, a girl of 12 had been able to quit school, by marrying an old man. She wasn't discontent with the arrangement, but Bill Clinton had a gut feeling of disgust with the perversion of it ... and he promised this would never happen again (like Milosevic had promised Serbs, they would never again be thrown stones at by Albanians, in Kosovo). Limits were raised to 16 for both sexes, nation wide.

      And a third : how is your argument not an argument to raise the marital age even more, to 25? Which would mean even more teens driven to fornication, pre-marital motherhood at extreme best (btw, the failed marriages might be childless ones, right?), sexual exploration leading up to perversion, sexual self disgust leading up to sex change, depression leading up to suicide?

      You cannot make a law of the ideal of every one obeying it getting "above average" chances. You cannot have 100 % or approaching above average, you can only have up to 50 % above and equally up to 50 % below average, depending on how many are exactly at average.

    3. Hans,
      1. Yes, expecting a long "adolescence" is part of the problem but not likely to be resolved anytime soon. Part of the reason is the increased life expectancy. In 1917, at the time of the Code of Canon Law, life expectancy in the U.S. was 47. In 2021 it is 77. You "couldn't afford" to have a long "adolescence" so to speak. Here in NY (and almost all other states) to get a civil service job (cop, fireman, sanitation, teacher) requires a minimum age of 21. Hard to support yourself and a family as a clerk at a supermarket.

      2. There is no Federal Marriage age. The states have always determined the age of marriage. 48 states have a minimum age of 18. Nebraska has a minimum age of 19, and Mississippi has a minimum age of 21. New York and six other states have an absolute prohibition on marriage between a minor and an adult. Minors can marry each other with parental consent or judicial decree. In all states the age never goes below the age of 15 with consent or decree, except for Massachusetts which has 12 as the minimum age--but there has been no so case of parent of judge allowing it below age 14 in that state.

      Bill Clinton is a pervert and would not be "disgusted" by anything sexual. A good friend of Jeffery Epstein, he probably had a couple of 12 year olds--or younger. Despite attempts to link Trump to Epstein, trump never went on trips with Epstein--Clinton did.

      3. As Aquinas taught, not every aspect of morality should be legislated. Hence, I would not advocate 25 as a marriage age by LAW but as COMMON SENSE. Some 18 year olds have successful marriages and most don't. I was a virgin until I married in my 40s. So please don't excuse sinful behavior as teens being "driven" to fornication. The adultery rates among those who marry early are high--were they "driven" to that too? Maybe an argument for polygamy?

      God Bless,



    4. 1) "Hard to support yourself and a family as a clerk at a supermarket."

      Minimum wages? I don't believe in federal ones, I believe in state by state ones, Alaska and Florida having different living expenses. But the point is, full time work should not be remunerated by wages too low to support children at least if your wife is also working.

      2 "In all states the age never goes below the age of 15 with consent or decree, except for Massachusetts which has 12 as the minimum age--but there has been no so case of parent of judge allowing it below age 14 in that state."

      In the case I read of, 12, SC.

      3 "Some 18 year olds have successful marriages and most don't."

      Is there a difference in favour of age disparity?

      "I was a virgin until I married in my 40s."

      I'm 53, unfortunately still both unmarried and virgin.

      "The adultery rates among those who marry early are high--were they "driven" to that too?"

      Was this not mostly the case among childless marriages? In that case an argument against having legal or easy to access contraceptives.

      Here is about a mother who became so first time at 14:

      DEVENIR MAMAN À L'ADOLESCENCE: un témoignage 🤰🏼 (questions/réponses)
      16 avr. 2022 | AUDREY D.

      Unfortunately she promotes both abortion and adoption as being as valid options for a teen pregnancy, but she took a better one, herself, and she is at 28 as far as I can see still with the father of her first child.

    5. Hans,

      1."But the point is, full time work should not be remunerated by wages too low to support children at least if your wife is also working."

      What you think SHOULD BE and WHAT IS THE CASE are two different things. That's not going to happen for many political reasons

      2. "In the case I read of, 12, SC."

      Hence, the term "fake news." IF true, it would be by a special bill passed by the South Carolina legislature and signed by the governor. How often will that happen?

      3. "Is there a difference in favour of age disparity?" Yes, if an 18 year old woman marries a man ten years or more her senior. However, the difference is not that much better.

      "I'm 53, unfortunately still both unmarried and virgin."

      If you feel called to the married state and have not found someone, I can understand the disappointment of not being married. You should not feel unfortunate for having kept God's Law on no sex outside marriage. For that you should be rightfully proud.

      "Was this not mostly the case among childless marriages? In that case an argument against having legal or easy to access contraceptives."

      It was slightly higher among the childless--but NOT by much!

      God Bless,


    6. "That's not going to happen for many political reasons"

      Like Pope Pius XI being a nincompoop? Like Bernie being non-Catholic and pro-abortion?

      The former is not how we speak about a true pope. The latter is accidental.

      "Hence, the term "fake news." IF true, it would be by a special bill passed by the South Carolina legislature and signed by the governor. How often will that happen?"

      My point is, back then it was legal in SC. It was Bill Clinton who raised it to at least 16 across the states, or tried to.

      "Yes, if an 18 year old woman marries a man ten years or more her senior. However, the difference is not that much better."
      "It was slightly higher among the childless--but NOT by much!"

      This sounds marital statistics of the US are such that everyone is getting damned - unmarried because they mostly can't be chaste or can't without committing other sins, and married because they don't stay with spouses. So, if God requires of us to HOPE, this means we should feel some aloofness at least about those statistics.

      "If you feel called to the married state and have not found someone, I can understand the disappointment of not being married."

      I have found someone. I have not found conditions of for instance an income from my writings.

      "You should not feel unfortunate for having kept God's Law on no sex outside marriage. For that you should be rightfully proud."

      One can be proud and even so unfortunate. There is a cost. It was already years ago such, that I prayed to be either married or dead a year hence.

    7. Hans,
      "Like Pope Pius XI being a nincompoop? Like Bernie being non-Catholic and pro-abortion?

      The former is not how we speak about a true pope. The latter is accidental."

      Like the fact the U.S. is founded on Masonic principles--of course including "separation of Church and State."

      "My point is, back then it was legal in SC. It was Bill Clinton who raised it to at least 16 across the states, or tried to."

      Read what I wrote--IT WAS NOT LEGAL. It was a one-time bill to allow ONE EXCEPTION. The parents must have had plenty of political juice--if the story is true.

      "One can be proud and even so unfortunate. There is a cost. It was already years ago such, that I prayed to be either married or dead a year hence."

      How sad you felt that way. Not a Catholic response. God may be calling you to the single vocation which is most noble. A prayer like that basically says, "Either give me what I want or take my life--my way or else." I hope and pray you do not pray that way or feel that way anymore.

      God Bless,


    8. OK, here is one thing.

      It is not for you to decide if the response is Catholic or not, and if you are praying for a celibate vocattion, go to Hell.

      We are not in communion. Anyone who has prayed that for me has been my enemy over years, and if God has heard them, it is a trap, by which I have been disabled to pray correctly myself.

      I prefer you going to Hell over myself going to Hell because of your blindness!

    9. Hans,
      I can absolutely decide if a response is Catholic, just as I can decide that Bergoglio is not Catholic--all based on Catholic teaching.

      Yes, we are not in communion because you follow a mental patient with delusions of grandeur as "Pope" Michael. I haven't seen your writings on your "pope's" website; why is that?

      It is Catholic teaching that we must all conform ourselves to the Will of God, even when it's something we don't like. I pray for you to do the Will of God, WHATEVER THAT MAY BE. Very Catholic.

      I have tolerated your comments and responded in charity for a long time--even as you follow a false pope as a Conclavist.

      Wishing people to "go to Hell" (myself or others) is a total lack of Catholic charity and sinful if you truly wish their damnation.

      Your comments are no longer welcome here and will no longer be published on this blog. I pray for your conversion--and mental health.

      May God Save You,


    10. Great. I always thought that he's a weirdo.

  11. Doesn't the Holy Bible state homosexuality being a punishment for Apostasy+ Idolatry?

    1. My thoughts exactly, after a certain idea, preliminarily not dis-promoted by Pius XII, namely Adam having non-human direct ancestry in the immediately previous generation, objectively involving God committing heavy child abuse on Adam by raising him as a feral child or getting around it in other non-ideal ways, undeserved before he had sinned, why would God not deliver such guys who believe that up to a homosexuality involving precisely child abuse?

      Since then, lots have turned over to more "classic" homosexuality, as the apostasy has shifted to saying Adam's parents weren't totally non-human, as Jimmy Akin would arguably argue : this meaning simply that Adam was not the first man, and his position couldn't reasonably be such as to give all of mankind miseries for a sin of someone basically just a nominal figurehead.

    2. Andrew,
      According to theologian Haydock, God withdrew His Grace from those who did not recognize Him from creation and worshipped idols. [An idol is anything we exalt above the True God. The First Commandment does not say, "Thou shalt not be an atheist," but rather, "Thou shalt not have strange gods before me." Drugs, money, sex, are all substitute "gods" for many].

      (See "Catholic Commentary on the New Testament" pg. 1479).

      God Bless,


    3. "anything we exalt above the True God."

      Including a false image of God.

    4. @Hanz,
      The "Divine Mercy" comes to mind as a false image.

  12. Greetings. I apologize for introducing these topics and if you ask me not to do so, of course I will. I have many doubts and I have read this strong discussion between a sedevacantist catholic priest and a sedevacantist catholic and my doubts increase. The discussion is very hard and this faithful accuses Father Desposito of being a modernist:

    "You modernists always justifying your apostasies no matter what: Cum Ex is an Ex Cathedra encyclical that every Catholic must obey forever and that establishes that the heretic is AUTOMATICALLY deposed, excommunicated and out of the Church."

    I would like, if of course I may, to ask you who is right here. Thanks.

    1. Jacinto,
      You are not alone in being confused. I think that Fr Desposito is espousing bad theology to support sedeprivationism. Ex Cum is infallible because it already declares what the Church already taught. There is no need for "warnings" and Cum Ex is truth. Fr. Desposito gets many things wrong--not just in this instance.

      God Bless,

