Monday, August 8, 2022

Blessed Be Her Glorious Assumption


To My Readers: Thanks to Lee, I get a much needed break as he is the guest poster this week. It is a timely post that helps us better understand and appreciate Our Blessed Lady's Assumption into Heaven, which we celebrate next Monday, August 15th. It is my favorite Marian feast day. Please feel free to comment and ask questions as usual. Any questions/comments specifically for me will be answered as always, but it may take me a bit longer to respond this week. For those of you who are interested, and haven't heard my interview for Catholic Family Podcast regarding Father DePauw, it may be accessed here:

My screen was blank and voice distorted to protect my anonymity.  I highly recommend Mr. Kevin Davis's Catholic Family Podcast. He is an outstanding Traditionalist Catholic gentleman.  

God bless you all, my dear readers---Introibo

Blessed be Her Glorious Assumption
By Lee

1950 was a year of exultation in the Catholic Church because on November 1st, Pope Pius XII proclaimed and defined as a dogma the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Munificentissimus Deus (MD). Prior to this time, the Plenary Council of Baltimore (1885) had kept the Holy Mother's Assumption (August 15th) to be among the six feasts as holy days of obligation in the United States. It had great significance years before being proclaimed a dogma.

According to St. John of Damascus, at the Council of Chalcedon in 451, Roman Emperor Marcian requested the body of Mary, Mother of God. St. Juvenal, who was Bishop of Jerusalem replied “that Mary died in the presence of all the Apostles, but that her tomb, when opened upon the request of St. Thomas, was found empty; where from the Apostles concluded that the body was taken up to heaven,” the saint recorded. This is known as the Dormition of Mary which many have held in the Eastern Churches.

Whether she died ("fell asleep") and her body and soul was taken up into heaven by God, or whether she was spared death and carried off much like that of Enoch (Gen. 5:24) or the prophet Elias (2 Kings 2:1) is for Catholics open for belief because Pius XII declared "by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and by our own authority, we pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma: that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory." (MD #44; Emphasis mine) Regardless of what state she was in, all Catholics are bound to believe is that Mary was assumed into Heaven or as Pius XII said, "if anyone, which God forbid, should dare willfully to deny or to call into doubt that which we have defined, let him know that he has fallen away completely from the divine and Catholic Faith...  It is forbidden to any man to change this, our declaration, pronouncement, and definition or, by rash attempt, to oppose and counter it. If any man should presume to make such an attempt, let him know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul." (MD #45,47)

A Meditation To Consider

The fourth glorious mystery (Assumption of Mary) of the rosary can be the most delightful, but sometimes hardest to think about, when in prayer. There is not much from the early Church written about it, so we are only left with the imagination and beautiful art passed down through the centuries. However, there is a book to help this problem called The Mystical City of God which has the most carefully detailed events recorded. This book is based on private revelation and so a Catholic is not bound to believe it, nor even agree with it, but the Church through its popes have highly recommended it to be read among the faithful. Here is an example of what a few of them said:

Pope Pius XI

On April 29, 1939 Pius XI granted an audience to the publisher of The Mystical City of God. He told him: “You have done a great work in honor of the Mother of God; she will never permit herself to be outdone in generosity, and will know how to reward a thousandfold. We grant the Apostolic Benediction to all readers and promoters of The Mystical City of God.”

Pope Leo XIII

In 1900 a devout Canadian lay woman undertook the project of printing in one book the instructions of Our Lady found at the end of the chapters in The Mystical City of God. She traveled to Rome, obtained an audience with Pope Leo XIII, and informed him of her project. The great Pontiff not only gave her the Apostolic Blessing, but to the amazement of many, he ordered her book to be printed on the presses of the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda in Rome. The book is still extant and is titled Sublime Doctrine de la Mère de Dieu sur les vertus Chretiennes (extrait de la ‘Cite Mystique de Dieu’ par le Ven. Marie d’Agreda) (Rome: 1900).

A few months later it was observed by a Canadian diocesan journal: “The reserve which is ordinarily maintained on the subject of private revelations has no longer any real reason to exist in relation to The Mystical City of God, since His Holiness Leo XIII has been so good as gladly to encourage the project of spreading among the faithful the science of the saints which is contained in that heavenly Life of the Mother of God.”

Pope Pius IX

He stated “The Mystical City of God is a most excellent book, very appropriate for propagating the veneration of the Virgin Mary, and an antidote against the evil doctrines of our days.”

Pope Benedict XIII

The Mystical City of God, having been minutely scrutinized periodically for decades by Rome, was finally given entire and unequivocal approval by Benedict XIII, who signed the following decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, which was examining the cause for the beatification of Ven. Mary:
“It is ordered that the cause of the above-mentioned Servant of God shall be continued before the holy Congregation of Rites without further examination of The Mystical City of God, and these books can be retained and read. March 14, 1729.”
For more info, go to

In her book The Mystical City of God, Ven. Mary of Agreda gives this account of the Assumption of Mary:

The Glorious Transition of Mary

The great Lady came to the entrance of her oratory in order to receive the vicar of Christ our Savior. Kneeling at his feet She asked his blessing and said: "I give thanks and praise to the Almighty, that He has brought to me the holy Father for assisting me in the hour of my death." Then came saint Paul, to whom the Queen showed the same reverence with similar tokens of her pleasure at seeing him. The Apostles saluted Her as the Mother of God, as their Queen and as Mistress of all creation; but with a sorrow equal to their reverence, because they knew that they had come to witness her passing away. After these Apostles came the others and the disciples still living. Three days after, they were all assembled in the Cenacle. The heavenly Mother received them all with profound humility, reverence and love, asking each one to bless Her. All of them complied, and saluted Her with admirable reverence. By orders of the Lady given to Saint John, and with the assistance of Saint James the Less, they were all hospitably entertained and accommodated...

The apostle Saint Peter, as the Head of the Church, called them all together in order to tell them of the cause of their coming, and spoke to the assembly: My dearest children and brethren, the Lord has called and brought us to Jerusalem from remote regions not without a cause most urgent and sorrowful to us. The Most High wishes now to raise up to the throne of eternal glory his most blessed Mother, our Mistress, our consolation and protection. His divine decree is that we all be present at her most happy and glorious transition. When our Master and Redeemer ascended to the right hand of his Father, although He left us orphaned of his most delightful presence, we still retained his most blessed Mother. As our light now leaves us, what shall we do? What help or hope have we to encourage us on our pilgrimage? I find none except the hope that we all shall follow Her in due time.

Saint Peter could speak no farther, because uncontrollable tears and sighs interrupted him. Neither could the rest of the Apostles answer for a long time, during which, amid copious and tenderest tears, they gave vent to the groans of their inmost heart. After some time the Vicar of Christ recovered himself and added: My children, let us seek the presence of our Mother and Lady. Let us spend the time left of her life in her company and ask Her to bless us. They all betook themselves to the oratory of the great Queen and found Her kneeling upon a couch, on which She was wont to recline for a short rest. They saw Her full of beauty and celestial light, surrounded by the thousand angels of her guard.

The natural condition and appearance of her sacred and virginal body were the same as at her thirty-third year; for, as I have already stated, from that age onward it experienced no change. It was not affected by the passing years, showing no signs of age, no wrinkles in her face or body, nor giving signs of weakening or fading, as in other children of Adam, who gradually fall away and drop from the natural perfection of early man or womanhood. This unchangeableness was the privilege of the most blessed Mary alone, as well because it consorted with the stability of her purest soul, as because it was the natural consequence of her immunity from the sin of Adam, the effects of which in this regard touched neither her sacred body nor her purest soul. 

The Apostles and disciples, and some of the other faithful, occupied her chamber, all of them preserving the utmost order in her presence. Saint Peter and Saint John placed themselves at the head of the couch. The great Lady looked upon them all with her accustomed modesty and reverence and spoke to them as follows: "My dearest children, give permission to your servant to speak in your presence and to disclose my humble desires." Saint Peter answered that all listened with attention and would obey Her in all things; and he begged Her to seat Herself upon the couch, while speaking to them. It seemed to saint Peter that She was exhausted from kneeling so long and that She had taken that position in order to pray to the Lord, and that in speaking to them, it was proper She should be seated as their Queen...

After some time She spoke to them again, and asked them to pray with Her and for Her in silence, which they did. During this quietness the incarnate Word descended from heaven on a throne of ineffable glory, accompanied by all the saints and innumerable angels, and the house of the Cenacle was filled with glory. The most blessed Mary adored the Lord and kissed his feet. Prostrate before Him She made the last and most profound act of faith and humility in her mortal life. On this occasion the most pure Creature, the Queen of the heavens, shrank within Herself and lowered Herself to the earth more profoundly than all men together ever have or ever will humiliate themselves for all their sins. Her divine Son gave Her his blessing and in the presence of the courtiers of heaven spoke to Her these words: "My dearest Mother, whom I have chosen for my dwelling-place, the hour is come in which thou art to pass from the life of this death and of the world into the glory of my Father and mine, where thou shalt possess the throne prepared for thee at my right hand and enjoy it through all eternity. And since, by my power and as my Mother, I have caused thee to enter the world free and exempt from sin, therefore also death shall have no right or permission to touch thee at thy exit from this world. If thou wishest not to pass through it, come with Me now to partake of my glory, which thou hast merited."

The most prudent Mother prostrated Herself at the feet of her Son and with a joyous countenance answered: "My Son and my Lord, I beseech Thee let thy mother and thy servant enter into eternal life by the common portal of natural death, like the other children of Adam. Thou, who art my true God, hast suffered death without being obliged to do so; it is proper that, as I have followed Thee in life, so I follow Thee also in death." Christ the Savior approved of the decision and the sacrifice of his most blessed Mother, and consented to its fulfillment. Then all the angels began to sing in celestial harmony some of the verses of the Canticles of Solomon and other new ones. Although only saint John and some of the Apostles were enlightened as to the presence of Christ the Savior, yet the others felt in their interior its divine and powerful effects; but the music was heard as well by the Apostles and disciples, as by many others of the faithful there present. A divine fragrance also spread about, which penetrated even to the street. The house of the Cenacle was filled with a wonderful effulgence, visible to all, and the Lord ordained that multitudes of the people of Jerusalem gathered in the streets as witnesses to this new miracle.

When the angels began their music, the most blessed Mary reclined back upon her couch or bed. Her tunic was folded about her sacred body, her hands were joined and her eyes fixed upon her divine Son, and She was entirely inflamed with the fire of divine love. And as the angels intoned those verses of the second chapter of the Canticles: "Surge, propera, arnica mea," that is to say: "Arise, haste, my beloved, my dove, my beautiful one, and come, the winter has passed," etc., She pronounced those words of her Son on the Cross: "Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit." Then She closed her virginal eyes and expired. The sickness which took away her life was love, without any other weakness or accidental intervention of whatever kind. She died at the moment when the divine power suspended the assistance, which until then had counteracted the sensible ardors of her burning love of God. As soon as this miraculous assistance was withdrawn, the fire of her love consumed the life-humors of her heart and thus caused the cessation of her earthly existence.

Then this most pure Soul passed from her virginal body to be placed in boundless glory, on the throne at the right hand of her divine Son. Immediately the music of the angels seemed to withdraw to the upper air; for that whole procession of angels and saints accompanied the King and Queen to the empyrean heavens. The sacred body of the most blessed Mary, which had been the temple and sanctuary of God in life, continued to shine with an effulgent light and breathed forth such a wonderful and unheard of fragrance, that all the bystanders were filled with interior and exterior sweetness. The thousand angels of her guard remained to watch over the inestimable treasure of her virginal body. The Apostles and disciples, amid the tears and the joy of the wonders they had seen, were absorbed in admiration for some time, and then sang many hymns and psalms in honor of the most blessed Mary now departed. This glorious Transition of the great Queen took place in the hour in which her divine Son had died, at three o clock on a Friday, the thirteenth day of August, she being seventy years of age, less the twenty-six days intervening between the thirteenth of August, on which She died, and the eighth of September, the day of her birth. 

The heavenly Mother had survived the death of Christ the Savior twenty-one years, four months and nineteen days; and his virginal birth, fifty-five years. This reckoning can be easily made in the following manner: when Christ our Savior was born, his virginal Mother was fifteen years, three months and seventeen days of age. The Lord lived thirty-three years and three months; so that at the time of his sacred Passion the most blessed Lady was forty eight years, six months and seventeen days old; adding to these another twenty-one years, four months and nineteen days, we ascertain her age as seventy years, less twenty-five or twenty-six days.*

Great wonders and prodigies happened at the precious death of the Queen; for the sun was eclipsed (as I said above in No. 706) and its light was hidden in sorrow for some hours. Many birds of different kinds gathered around the Cenacle, and by their sorrowful clamors and groans for a while caused the bystanders themselves to weep. All Jerusalem was in commotion, and many of the inhabitants collected in astonished crowds, confessing loudly the power of God and the greatness of his works. Others were astounded and as if beside themselves. The Apostles and disciples with others of the faithful broke forth in tears and sighs. Many sick persons came who all were cured. The souls in purgatory were released. But the greatest miracle was that three persons, a man in Jerusalem and two women living in the immediate neighborhood of the Cenacle, died in sin and impenitent in that same hour, subject to eternal damnation; but when their cause came before the tribunal of Christ, his sweetest Mother interceded for them and they were restored to life. They so mended their conduct, that afterwards they died in grace and were saved. This privilege was not extended to others that died on that day in the world, but was restricted to those three who happened to die in that hour in Jerusalem. What festivities were celebrated on that occasion in heaven I will describe in another chapter, lest heavenly things be mixed up with the sacred things of earth...

Her Burial
In order that the Apostles, the disciples, and many others of the faithful might not be too deeply oppressed by sorrow, and in order that some of them might not die of grief caused by the passing away of the most blessed Mary, it was necessary that the divine power, by an especial providence, furnish them with consolation and dilate their heart for new influences in their incomparable affliction. For the feeling, that their loss was irretrievable in the present life, could not be repressed; the privation of such a Treasure could never find a recompense; and as the most sweet, loving and amiable intercourse and conversation of their great Queen had ravished the heart of each one, the ceasing of her protection and company left them as it were without the breath of life. But the Lord, who well knew how to estimate the just cause of their sorrow, secretly upheld them by his encouragements and so they set about the fitting burial of the sacred body and whatever the occasion demanded.

Accordingly the holy Apostles, on whom this duty specially devolved, held a conference concerning the burial of the most sacred body of their Queen and Lady. They selected for that purpose a new sepulcher, which had been prepared mysteriously by the providence of her divine Son. As they remembered, that, according to the custom of the Jews at burial, the deified body of their Master had been anointed with precious ointments and spices and wrapped in the sacred burial cloths; they thought not of doing otherwise with the virginal body of his most holy Mother. Accordingly they called the two maidens, who had assisted the Queen during her life and who had been designated as the heiresses of her tunics, and instructed them to anoint the body of the Mother of God with highest reverence and modesty and wrap it in the winding-sheets before it should be placed in the casket. 

With great reverence and fear the two maidens entered the room, where the body of the blessed Lady lay upon its couch; but the refulgence issuing from it barred and blinded them in such a manner that they could neither see nor touch the body, nor even ascertain in what particular place it rested. In fear and reverence still greater than on their entrance, the maidens left the room; and in great excitement and wonder they told the Apostles what had happened. They, not without divine inspiration, came to the conclusion, that this sacred Ark of the covenant was not to be touched or handled in the common way...
So great was the care and solicitude for his most blessed Mother, that in this particular He used not so much precaution in regard to his own body, as that of the most pure Virgin. In her Immaculate Conception He made Her like to Himself; likewise at her birth, in as far as it did not take place in the common and natural manner of other men. He preserved Her also from impure temptations and thoughts. But, as He was man and the Redeemer of the world through his Passion and Death, He permitted with his own body, what He would not allow with Hers, as that of a woman, and therefore He kept her virginal body entirely concealed; in fact the most pure Lady during her life had Herself asked that no one should be permitted to look upon it in death which petition He fulfilled...

In order that this and many other miracles wrought by the power of God on this occasion might become better known to the world, the Lord himself inspired all the inhabitants of Jerusalem to be present at the burial of his most blessed Mother, so that there was scarcely any person in Jerusalem, even of the Jews or the gentiles, who were not attracted by the novelty of this spectacle. The Apostles took upon their shoulders the sacred body and the tabernacle of God and, as priests of the evangelical law, bore the Propitiatory of the divine oracles and blessings in orderly procession from the Cenacle in the city to the valley of Josaphat. This was the visible accompaniment of the dwellers of Jerusalem. But besides this there was another invisible multitude, that of the courtiers of heaven. It was composed of the thousand angels of the Queen, continuing their celestial songs, which were heard by the Apostles and disciples and many others, and which sweetly continued for three days.

When the procession came to the holy sepulcher in the valley of Josaphat, the same two Apostles, Saint Peter and Saint John, who had laid the celestial Treasure from the couch onto the bier, with joyful reverence placed it in the sepulcher and covered it with a linen cloth, the hands of the angels performing more of these last rites than the hands of the Apostles. They closed up the sepulcher with a large stone, according to custom at other burials. The celestial courtiers returned to heaven, while the thousand angels of the Queen continued their watch, guarding the sacred body and keeping up the music as at her burial. The concourse of the people lessened and the holy Apostles and disciples, dissolved in tender tears, returned to the Cenacle. During a whole year the exquisite fragrance exhaled by the body of the Queen was noticeable throughout the Cenacle, and in her oratory, for many years...

Having again gathered in the Cenacle, the Apostles came to the conclusion that some of them and of the disciples should watch at the sepulcher of their Queen as long as they should hear the celestial music, for all of them were wondering when the end of that miracle should be. Accordingly some of them attended to the affairs of the Church in catechizing and baptizing the new converts; and others immediately returned to the sepulcher, while all of them paid frequent visits to it during the next three days. Saint Peter and saint John, however, were more zealous in their attendance, coming only
a few times to the Cenacle and immediately returning to where was laid the treasure of their heart.

Her Assumption into Heaven
On the third day after the most pure soul of Mary had taken possession of this glory never to leave it, the Lord manifested to the saints his divine will, that She should return to the world, resuscitate her sacred body and unite Herself with it, so that She might in body and soul be again raised to the right hand of her divine Son without waiting for the general resurrection of the dead. The appropriateness of this favor, its accordance with the others received by the most blessed Queen and with her super eminent dignity, the saints could not but see; since even to mortals it is so credible, that even if the Church had not certified it, we would judge those impious and foolish, who would dare deny it. But the blessed saw it with greater clearness, together with the determined time and hour as manifested to them in God himself. When the time for this wonder had arrived, Christ our Savior himself descended from heaven bringing with Him at his right hand the soul of his most blessed Mother and accompanied by many legions of the Angels, the Patriarchs and ancient Prophets. They came to the sepulcher in the valley of Josaphat, and all being gathered in sight of the virginal temple, the Lord spoke the following words to the saints.

"My Mother was conceived without stain of sin, in order that from Her virginal substance I might stain lessly clothe Myself in the humanity in which I came to the world and redeemed it from sin. My flesh is her flesh; She co-operated with Me in the works of the Redemption; hence I must raise Her, just as I rose from the dead, and this shall be at the same time and hour. For I wish to make Her like Me in all things. All the ancient saints of the human race then gave thanks for this new favor in songs of praise and glory to the Lord. Those that especially distinguished themselves in their thanks giving were our first parents Adam and Eve, saint Anne, saint Joachim and saint Joseph, as being the more close partakers in this miracle of his Omnipotence. Then the purest soul of the Queen, at the command of the Lord, entered the virginal body, reanimated it and raised it up, giving it a new life of immortality and glory and communicating to it the four gifts of clearness, impassibility, agility and subtlety, corresponding to those of the soul and overflowing from it into the body.

Endowed with these gifts the most blessed Mary issued from the tomb in body and soul, without raising the stone cover and without disturbing the position of the tunic and the mantle that had enveloped her sacred body. Since it is impossible to describe her beauty and refulgent glory, I will not make the attempt. It is sufficient to say, that just as the heavenly Mother had given to her divine Son in her womb the form of man, pure, unstained and sinless, for the Redemption of the world, so in return the Lord, in this resurrection and new regeneration, gave to Her a glory and beauty similar to his own. In this mysterious and divine interchange each One did what was possible: most holy Mary engendered Christ, assimilating Him as much as possible to Herself, and Christ resuscitated Her, communicating to Her of his glory as far as She was capable as a creature.

Then from the sepulcher was started a most solemn procession, moving with celestial music through the regions of the air and toward the empyrean heaven. This happened in the hour immediately after midnight, in which also the Lord had risen from the grave ; and therefore not all of the Apostles were witness of this prodigy, but only some of them, who were present and watching at the sepulchre. The saints and angels entered heaven in the order in which they had started; and in the last place came Christ our Savior and at his right hand the Queen, clothed in the gold of variety (as David says Ps. 44, 10), and so beautiful that She was the admiration of the heavenly court. All of them turned toward Her to look upon Her and bless Her with new jubilee and songs of praise. Thus were heard those mysterious eulogies recorded by Solomon: Come, daughters of Sion, to see your Queen, who is praised by the morning stars and celebrated by the sons of the Most High. Who is She that comes from the desert, like a column of all the aromatic perfumes? Who is She, that rises like the aurora, more beautiful than the moon, elect as the sun, terrible as many serried armies? Who is She that comes up from the desert resting upon her Beloved and spreading forth abundant delights? (Cant. 3, 6-9; 8, 5). Who is She in whom the Deity itself finds so much pleasure and delight above all other creatures and whom He exalts above them all in the heavens! O novelty worthy of the infinite Wisdom! O prodigy of his Omnipotence, which so magnifies and exalts Her!

Amid this glory the most blessed Mary arrived body and soul at the throne of the most blessed Trinity. And the three divine Persons received Her on it with an embrace eternally indissoluble. The eternal Father said to Her: "Ascend higher, my Daughter and my Dove." The incarnate Word spoke; "My Mother, of whom I have received human being and full return of my work in thy perfect imitation, receive now from my hand the reward thou hast merited;" The Holy Ghost said: "My most beloved Spouse, enter into the eternal joy, which corresponds to the most faithful love; do Thou now enjoy thy love without solicitude; for past is the winter of suffering for Thou hast arrived at our eternal embraces." There the most blessed Mary was absorbed in the contemplation of the three divine Persons and as it were overwhelmed in the boundless ocean and abyss of the Divinity, while the saints were filled with wonder and new accidental delight.

I personally believe in the account given by The Mystical City of God and agree with the popes who give their approval and blessing for the faithful who read it. The beautiful thing about the Catholic Church is that it has treasures, such as these writings, to increase in the faithful lively sentiments of faith, hope, and charity. From Eucharistic miracles, to the stigmata, to incorruptibles, relics, Marian apparitions (approved), wonders of the saints, exorcism stories, and so many other things, what other Church can contend with the Catholic Church as being the One True Church? Absolutely none.  


  1. I heard that Hans Kung the apostate said that the Assumption is an assumption. These fools have no fear of the Lord. Even Satan himself fears the power of God Almighty.

    1. Tom A,

      While we don't know if Hans Kung went to hell we can make that assumption.

      As Pius XII said, "if anyone, which God forbid, should dare willfully to deny or to call into doubt that which we have defined, let him know that he has fallen away completely from the divine and Catholic Faith...let him know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul."


    2. Wow! I think these wags say such scandalous things, in big part, for the "quotability" factor.
      But these blasphemers and apostates would be better off thinking, instead, on how they will be assessed by God when they stand before Him.
      When they do, they will become hot with shame at the memory of all their "clever" lines!

    3. Jannie,

      Out of curiosity, what is a wag? :)

      God bless,

    4. Tom,
      Kung was considering suicide near the end of his life. No fear of God indeed.

      God Bless,


    5. He was a denier of the dogma of papal infallibility, so it is not surprising that he questioned the dogma of the Assumption. To deny a dogma is to deny them all and to be outside the Catholic faith.

    6. Pius XII declared,
      "By the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and by our own authority, we pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma: that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory."
      Pope St.Pius V declared the same authority with the Council of Trent Sessions yet Pius XII mutilated Holy Week and various other traditions including Holy Communion fast.
      I will never understand how Catholics defend his innovations? God bless -Andrew

    7. Andrew,

      When true popes speak authoritatively, we don't question it. If we did, we wouldn't be any different than Protestants who question everything including each others interpretation of the bible.


    8. Lee,

      Or even of the SSPX which follows the same reasoning with Tradition.

    9. We will continue to disagree until we have a Catholic Pope + Hierarchy.
      Catholics who reject the 51-58 innovations do not question everything,simply what contradicts sacred traditions.
      Once change innovation and "Liturgical experimentation" enter the picture, everything is up for grabs.
      God bless -Andrew

    10. Andrew,

      Why would we need a Catholic pope + hierarchy if you don't agree with the pope and hierarchy of that time? Who is to say you will agree with a future pope + hierarchy, if that pope + hierarchy says Pius XII was right in what he did?

      What contradicts sacred tradition is being against the authority of him who has the right to make changes to the missal. "He who hears you, hears me. He who despises you, despises me" said our Lord to His Apostles.

      It's just your opinion that it was a "liturgical experimentation." If you read Mediator Dei and the other documents regarding the liturgy, Pius XII explains how he was returning to ancient traditions and at the same time modify circumstances so that way the modern worker would go to the sacred ceremonies. Disciplinary changes such as those can be changed so long as it's not harmful. The fact that you imply that it's harmful means you believe the Church issues harmful beliefs to the faithful. That's wrong, dare I say heretical. Just beware of what you are saying.


  2. I look forward to you debating the Una Cum issue with Kevin Davis. There are a lot of exclusive sedevacantist errors that need to be put to rest so that people can just be Catholic.

    1. Anon 2:57

      I'm not sure if you are addressing that question to me or Introibo. I've never spoken with Kevin Davis but I believe he does a great job on his podcast and I highly recommend people to listen to his channel as often as they can.


    2. @anon2:57
      If your comment is for me, I will discuss topics of interest, but I will not debate Mr. Davis on anything. (I don't even know his position on Una Cum). Mr. Davis's podcasts are informational and unity is something we both seek. I highly recommend listening to him as Lee said.

      God Bless,


    3. The 1 issue many Catholics have w the CMRI is their rejection of Council of Trent and obeying the Pius XII post 1956 "changes."
      Once experimentation is introduced, anything is up for grabs. The following consecutive decades of liturgical and fasting "changes" is proof.
      I'm not looking to argue nor debate,we must follow the Council of Trent.
      God bless -Andrew

  3. Thanks for this great post, Lee. It is a very beautiful account of the Assumption of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.

    Hail Mary, full of grace,
    the Lord is with thee.
    Blessed art thou amongst women,
    and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
    Holy Mary, Mother of God,
    pray for us sinners,
    now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

    1. Simon,

      The account from Ven. Mary of Agreda is certainly a beautiful meditation and it just makes us love Our Lady that much more. Take Care.


  4. I've been behind on posts for a while, but at last I've caught up, and boy have there been great posts! Lee, this was an excellent post (your others have been awesome too!), and the parts you shared from The Mystical City of God truly moved me. I have yet another great book to add to my reading list!

    I'm glad to see everyone still here, and to see Jacinto and Manel Bonet having stuck around. For those that asked for prayers in prior posts, I've included you in mine as well.

    God bless you all,

    P.S. great interview, Introibo! Also, off topic, I told my dad I wanted to watch The Lord of the Rings (and The Hobbit) movies (I remember you talking about it in a past post, and it interested me) and he said he was up for it. If I'm not mistaken, The Hobbit came before The Lord of the Rings in regard to the books, but the order was reversed for the films, correct? If so, which order would you recommend watching the films in? Thanks!

    1. Dapouf,
      I think the movies should be watched in the order released as they convey the meaning of the books well, in my opinion. Books don't always need to be in the same order when "translated" so to speak, into film. Your father and you are in for a treat!

      Thank you for listening to the life of Fr. DePauw.

      God Bless,


    2. Introibo,

      Thank you for your reply! Keep up the great work; you're in my prayers as always!

      God bless,

    3. Dapouf,

      Thank you for the kind words.

      What stuck me most was how the account explained that she didn't have to die but chose to in imitation of our Savior and that it happened on a Fri. August 13th and then her body assumed in to heaven on Sun. August 15th. Interestingly enough the feast of the Dormition of Our Lady is celebrated on Aug 13th, in the Eastern Churches.

      Yes, all the details are quite touching and it's no wonder why some popes and so many bishops recommended it.


    4. Lee,

      I agree, that part was one that moved me the most, especially moments before it when Our Blessed Mother adored Our Lord and prostrated herself with great humility at His feet. The description was so eloquent and beautiful that I can barely find the words to talk about it. The other moment that really touched me, and I must admit brought me to the verge of tears, was St. Peter's speech. The description and details were so vivid, I could imagine myself there with great ease and the emotions that would've been going through the people present.

      I didn't know that bit about the feast of the Dormition of Our Lady being celebrated on the 13th in the Eastern Churches, thank you (now I'll have to see if my mother mentions it in four days)!

      God bless you,

    5. Dapouf,

      Another beautiful thing that nobody talks much about is how Our Lady's body was not affected by age as she got older but that she maintained a youthful appearance and this is due to the fact that she was not tainted by the stain of sin. Ven. Mary of Agreda mentions this elsewhere. She also mentions how our bodies start slowly corrupting after our 33rd year. I find it all very fascinating.

      Here is something else you might find interesting when you have time:


    6. Lee,

      I guess I misclicked and my reply to this message was published as it's own new thread of messages. That's ok, though I have something else I wish to mention so I'll do it here.

      Relating to your mention that the Eastern Churches celebrate the Dormition of Our Mother on the 13th, I found out today that my mother (Maronite) also celebrates it on the 15th (perhaps a change made after Vatican II?). I tried verifying if the other Eastern Churches celebrate it on the 13th, but it also seems that they celebrate it on the 15th. Do you have any sources that mention the feast being celebrated on the 13th by a particular Church?

      God bless,

  5. Question for Introibo. Unrelated to the topic but...

    If an atheist responds to an argument for God's existence with an appeal to the "argument from ignorance" fallacy how would you respond or translate that as? My thinking is that they say this because to say "I don't know how to respond so I will dismiss your argument" but interested to hear your thoughts.

    1. What do you mean?

    2. @anon12:02
      The "Argument from Ignorance" may be positive or negative. In the positive form, it would be "You cannot prove that God doesn't exist, therefore He does exist." That would come from a believer. Atheists would use the negative form, "You have no evidence God exists, therefore He does not exist."

      This CANNOT be used against an argument for God's existence BECAUSE YOU ARE OFFERING EVIDENCE. The atheist MUST attempt to offer a defeater for your argument. Saying, "You have no evidence" when you just offered evidence just makes him look supremely ignorant himself.

      God Bless,


    3. Yep, that's what I exactly thought. They just dismiss the argument because they can't refute it and wish to remain ignorant. Am I understanding correctly?

    4. @anon6:51
      It's worse than a mere dismissal; they are claiming no evidence exists after you present evidence! If they claim "that's not evidence"--the burden of proof is on them to prove why it's not evidence.

      God Bless,


  6. Lee,

    Yes!! I'd been pondering for years the question of what we will look like in Heaven after our bodily resurrections. Ven. Mary of Agreda gives a potential answer! There are so many little gems to be found in only what you've provided; I'm looking forward to reading all of The Mystical City of God someday.

    Thank you for the link. I glanced over it and it looks very interesting. I'll check it out in more detail when I get the chance.

    God bless,

  7. What are we to think of Ishmael, the rejected son of Abraham?
    God says his sons would be a "great nation." because they descend from Abraham.
    Islamists will argue this is proof of their religion.

    1. @anon3:43
      If anything, it proves they are a FALSE religion. The true children of Abraham are those who do the works of Abraham, those who accept the fulfillment of the promise made to the Patriarch in Jesus Christ Our Lord.

      Therefore, Saint Paul tells the Galatians, “For you are all the children of God by faith, in Christ Jesus. … And if you be Christ’s, then are you the seed of Abraham, heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:26, 29).

      Also according to several scholars: "According to Muslim tradition, Abraham and Ishmael built the Kaaba, the cube-like structure in the Sacred Mosque in Mecca. But outside these traditions there is absolutely no evidence for this claim - whether epigraphic, archaelogical, or documentary. Indeed Snouck Hurgronje has shown that Muhammad invented the story to give his religion an Arabian origin and setting; with this brilliant improvisation Muhammad established the independence of his religion, at the same time incorporating into Islam the Kaaba with all its historical and religious associations for the Arabs. (Ibn Warraq, "Why I Am Not A Muslim," [1995], pg. 131).

      The idea of Ishmael being a 'Father" of the madman Mohammed, is a lie.

      God Bless,


  8. We all really need to avoid YouTube as its owned by Google and we know Google is a huge player in the advance of the demonic-influenced new world order agenda and suggest those who are faithful Catholics find another platform to use.

    1. Catherine,

      Thank you for the comment. I'm with you. I don't like the big tech companies either for many reasons. Other than making comments on a disqus account and writing on here I don't have a social media account and never had one. I'm against FB, Twitter, and Instagram as much as the other platforms you mentioned but if people want to use them for a good purpose I see no problem in that. We must reach out to those who are lost/confused and those who are lost/confused are mostly on all the mainstream platforms.

      There are plenty of platforms such as Rumble, Bitchute,, Brighteon, etc. The problem is getting them to take off because their services need work. Even though they don't have censored videos, searching for results is mediocre, load speed isn't always good and the availability isn't as good. If they could make them as good as youtube, I think more people would use them. Youtube offers an incentive of paying a person for uploading a video if they have so many subscribers. This is not to say we should give in but the reality is their service is better overall. The other platforms need to compete in order for them make youtube a thing of the past.

      To be honest, I miss the good ole days when people talked on a telephone, didn't have a cell phone (unless they were rich or if it was for emergency), where we had to work hard to find books for information instead of searching on the internet, when people had cash in their pockets instead of credit/debit cards. Cell phones, internet, and a cashless society are worse than platforms because our freedom, privacy, and hard earned work are taken away. Should we give those things up too and go back? I would like to, but it isn't going to likely happen and so we must go forward and use them for a good purpose until we no longer can.


    2. Catherine,
      What platform do you suggest?


    3. Blogger also belongs to Google

  9. I was born on Aug 15.
    3 separate times in my life I came
    "this close" to dying.
    Convinced it was my guardian angel and Blessed Mother who saved me w their prayers.
    God bless you all.

    1. @anon6:22
      Thank you for sharing the power of the Blessed Virgin and one's guardian angel! Happy Birthday this coming Monday.

      God Bless,


    2. Thank you Sir.
      God love you.

  10. Lovely excerpt from the Mystical City of God. It compels me to want to read the whole thing. Thank you for the article.


    1. Robert,
      I agree. Lee's writings are excellent! "The Mystical City of God" is a wonderful book that every Traditionalist should own and read.

      God Bless,


  11. Introibo,
    I can't tell you enough how much I enjoyed the podcast on Fr. DePauw!
    I do hope you're back sometime with Mr. Davis on Catholic Family Podcast. It would be great if you could tell us some more about the role Card. Spellman played in the post-conciliar struggle of Fr. De Pauw. If I remember correctly you once wrote that His Eminence would tearfully beg forgiveness of Fr. DePauw for not having done enough as a Prince of the Church to avert the Modernist carnage - this is the stuff we need to remind people of.

    Fr. De Pauw deserves much more recognition than he gets nowadays. I also believe his strategy of exposing the Modernists the way he did (hats off to your lawyer-friend and his battle with the NYC sodomite legislature!) was the right way to go, given the good-willed loyalty confused Catholics had toward the Vatican in those years.

    God Bless You,
    Joanna S.

    1. Joanna,
      Glad you liked it and I will be back on in the future. I could have continued to talk about Fr DePauw for another two hours, at least! That's what happens when you combine the life of a unique priest with a NYC lawyer who can't shut up!!

      God Bless,


  12. Hello Introibo
    I too agree with Joanna.Thank you so much.

    Two questions

    1-Is it okay to read books on the subject of exorcism,how satan and the demons attack people,etc.Someone once said that if you take a interest in this subject you can be attacked and become possessed.If you are living the True Faith,going to the Sacraments,praying the daily rosary and personal prayers and invoking the daily protection of St Michael this hopefully will not happened.

    2-When a man is courting and during engagement,what signs of affection can he show towards his future wife?Would kissing on the lips be left to the wedding day?Is it okay to give her a kiss on the cheek?Advice please

    May everyone have a very grace-filled Feast day on August 15th.May the Blessed Mother always keep us under her mantle.God bless you

    1. @anon6:52
      #1--First, make sure that the book is a good Traditional Catholic book written before Vatican II and with both Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur. This way you know you are getting something that's correct and not false information. To know the enemy and how to combat him is fine. However, if it becomes unhealthy fascination, you might wind up spending more time studying about that than things specifically about God. People have also been tempted to read non-approved books and "dabble" in confronting evil spirits. This would put the person in grave danger.

      #2--If you are engaged, a light kiss on the lips hello and good-bye is ok provided there is no danger of arousal and doing more. According to theologian Jone, "Ardent, prolonged and repeated kissing is often a mortal sin." (See "Moral Theology," [1961], pg. 155).

      God Bless,


    2. Introibo,

      I'm not in a stage of life where I'm ready to court, indeed I'm unsure of what my vocation is in the first place, but this is a topic that has interested me for a while, so I'd just like to jump in real quick and ask this: Regarding #2, does the same (regarding kisses) hold true outside of engagement? The most I've read about the married life was a book on the Christian father (can be read at:, and if I recall correctly it briefly touched the topic of courtship but never went too far into detail on what was and wasn't permissible.

      I know the degree and intensity of affection that can be shown during different stages of courtship is a sensitive/delicate topic, especially in our feelings-based society, and I also understand if there's no universal answer and it depends on the person and what is an occasion of sin to him, but I'm just interested in your thoughts on this. If it's better, you could also email me privately (same email as always).

      God bless,

    3. Dapouf,
      Outside of engagement, you must be extra vigilant against impurity. Kisses on the cheek should be all, and never date alone if possible. Stay in public places and/or double date. What theologian Jone said above about mortal sin and kissing is even more pertinent.

      God Bless,


    4. Introibo,

      Thanks. To clarify, when you say never date alone, do you mean LITERALLY just you and your date, or even with unknown people (such as in a public restaurant, with many people around and not in a private corner)? The only other practical thought that's crossed my mind is how well-known these Catholic principles still are, and whether prudence could be negatively misinterpreted by a potential partner, but I suppose that's a whole other bridge to cross when (and IF) I get there! LOL.

      God bless,

    5. Jmm... I suppose the late hour got to me. It seems you already answered the question I asked, in your original post, since after saying never to date alone, you say to stay in public places/double date. I'll take this as my sign to sleep :).

      God bless and goodnight,

    6. Dapouf,

      St. Bernard, when advising his monks: "Do nothing, that you would not do if I were present."

      God bless you and your vocation search. I'll pray for you. Please pray for me, too, and for my own intentions.

      -Seeking Truth

    7. Seeking Truth,

      A blessed feast of the Assumption to you! Thank you for your prayers, my friend; I will indeed have you in mine too. May we follow God wherever he calls us!

      God bless,

  13. Introibo.Is it okay during engagement to give your future wife a hug.

    If there is arousal occuring everytime during a gentle kiss on hello and goodbye,it is wise to be married sooner.My grandpa told me that even before Vatican two a small number of gals were expecting their first baby on their weedding day.

    This is a good subject that maybe you could do a future writing

    1. @anon6:02
      I will consider a post on this topic. Hugging during engagement is permissible unless there is danger of arousal and doing that which is sinful.

      God Bless,


  14. Lee, thank you very much for this article. It motivates me to order a copy of the Mystical City of God. Do you have any thoughts on the abridged version?
    One objection to the film The Passion of the Christ was that Our Lady was portrayed as an older woman with wrinkles, and dirt on her face during the Passion of Her Son.
    Blessed Be Her Glorious Assumption!

    1. Barbara,

      The abridged version is fine, although more details are found in all four volumes. You can order it anywhere, although I think you can get all four volumes cheaper (don't quote me on that) on the link I listed in the article which goes to Mr. Tim Duff's website.

      I agree with you on the objection you have with The Passion movie regarding Our Lady. She was beautiful, is still beautiful, and will always be beautiful. Being completely stainless from sin, it only makes sense that she is perfect and that she should be portrayed as such.

      Thank you for the comment.


  15. Lee,

    Many thanks for your efforts on this post, and for introducing me to this private revelation. I had been thinking that I need to learn more about the Assumption to aid me in my rosary devotion, and behold, soon after I see your new post.

    "The account from Ven. Mary of Agreda is certainly a beautiful meditation," - indeed, and I echo others' comments such as Dapouf's. Our Lady provides an example to us, all the way to the end of her earthly life. God bless you and your efforts. I will share with others what I have learned about this joyful mystery.

    -Seeking Truth

    1. Seeking Truth,

      I appreciate your support on here and in the combox of Novus Ordo Watch.

      Ven. Mary of Agreda was a humble servant of God. The very fact the she was able to bi-locate, so as to teach Indians in what is now New Mexico-Texas the Catholic Faith before priests were able to arrive to baptize them, is enough for me to believe her. She is now an incorruptible and her body is on display in a Church in Spain, which is more testimony that God was pleased with her.

      Thank you for your gracious comment.


  16. Dear Introibo,

    In December last year, a CMRI priest, Fr. Gabriel Lavery, tweeted: "There was no decree in 1747 lifting the ban on 'Mystical City of God.' On January 16, 1748, Benedict XIV issued a decree stating that the doubt on her virtues could not be settled unless the book was found to be free from errors against faith or morals. In 1773 the final decision was against the book and Pope Clement XIV issued a decree putting an end to the cause of her canonization forever on account of the book." ( -- see the 3rd picture)

    In a separate post of yours (, you indicate that the book was placed on the Index in 1681 but removed three months later, but this would be irrelevant if the book was then banned in 1773.

    The site that Lee linked to where the papal endorsements are taken from says that the "1907 Catholic Encyclopedia contained so much Modernist pseudo-scholarship that when the first volume of it, ironically containing the very article on Ven. Mary, was boldly presented in person to St. Pius X, he threw it on the ground." But there is no citation for this story and to my knowledge Pope St. Pius X did not take any official action to reflect his alleged displeasure.

    I understand that the revelations to Sr. Agreda are private and not part of the Deposit of Faith. My interest in resolving the status of "Mystical City of God" is because I read it as a member of the NO Sect and really took it to heart. I want to know if I should throw away the books as well as the handouts of quotes I made for myself containing inspiring excerpts. I would greatly appreciate your help or suggestion.

    Thank you as always,

    1. Stephanie,
      I anonymously contacted Fr. Lavery in the hopes I could obtain citations to his sources. So far, he has not answered.
      If what Fr. Lavery says is true, then you reach the correct conclusion that the book must be shunned. If he responds, I will write back to you here. My advice if and until that happens:

      I make it a rule that I never rely on private revelations for anything. This very problem shows why. May I suggest you get inspiration from the writings of the spiritual giants, whose works of piety have stood the test of time?
      Look into the writings of St. Francis de Sales, St. Alphonsus Liguori, or St. Theresa of Avila.

      I understand how you feel. As a teenager (17 years old), I got inspiration from "The Magnificent Promises" prayers of St. Bridget. Imagine my disappointment when Fr. DePauw told me the Promises (but not the prayers themselves) were condemned by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office. I never recited those prayers again, because if they were attached to something false, why would I want to pray them? It was from that early age I made the decision not to rely on private revelations, but the wealth of spiritual prayers and advice given by numerous saints and approved by the Church without these kinds of controversy.

      God Bless,


    2. Dear Introibo,

      Thank you for your thoroughly kind reply. If it ends up that Mystical City is unapproved, I will follow in your footsteps once you learned about the condemned promises attached to the St. Bridget prayers. I appreciate your encouraging me to consider St. Alphonsus, St. Teresa, and St. Francis de Sales.

      Thank you again and God bless you also,

    3. Hello again Introibo,

      I had the idea of looking to see whether Fr. Lavery had tweeted about Mystical City of God beyond the text I shared with you. He has indeed, and all of his tweets are firm in maintaining that this work is unapproved.

      Many of his objections can be read by scrolling through this thread:

      In brief, Fr. Lavery has gathered many original documents. This past April, he said he is waiting to obtain some more before publishing his refutation.

      I'm convinced!

      Kind regards,

    4. Stephanie,
      I'm so glad you have peace of mind, and thank you for the link. He never got back to me, and since he is publishing a refutation, that explains why.

      God Bless,


    5. Stephanie,

      I got in a confrontation about the MCOG with Fr. Lavery. He cleverly cites things but does not put into perspective what the reality is regarding this book. He essentially is going against the approbations of many popes who not only give an Apostolic Blessing to the readers of such a book but that it is safe for Catholics to read.

      What he fails to understand is that when the book was placed on the index it was because of a faulty French translation that was given to the pope (Innocent XI) due to the Jansenists of the time. When he was given the original Spanish version it was lifted and was examined further and that is why pope after pope have praised it since. It also has bishops who give it imprimaturs and Nihil Obstats which guarantees its safety to be read without a danger to ones faith.

      Of course this does not mean it has to be believed for it is still a private revelation but to contradict what the Church has said in reference to this book is a disservice because it goes against the Church's better judgement and defeats the purpose to increase ones devotion to the BVM.

      Ven. Mary of Agreda was very humble and btw is an incorruptible who during her life was known factually to have bi-located to America to instruct the Jumanos tribe of Texas. Here is a good article about that

      Who are you going to listen to, Fr. Lavery the doubting Thomas or the Church and it popes and bishops from before Vatican II along with common sense which shows that Ven. Mary of Agreda was truly a holy person?


    6. Dear Lee,

      How kind of you to take the time to reply with another comment, which I am only now reading.

      I just came back here to comment because Fr. Lavery briefly speaks on this topic at this year's (2024) Fatima Conference: (I have it timestamped to begin at 10:24 intentionally). He reiterates that the series is not approved by the Church.

      I believe he is aware of what you say regarding the faulty French translation. Please see his tweet here:

      He has said that the opposition of the Popes is documented and can be accessed online:


    7. Hello Introibo and Lee,

      We have another update from Father Lavery. He is making progress on publishing.

      Tweet 1:
      "A few days ago I received scans of docs on Agreda I found in the Holy Office archives last July. Now the tedious process of transcribing/translating old handwriting to publish 8 yrs of careful research. The words of Leo XIII when opening the Vat. Secret Arch. come to mind."

      Tweet 2:
      "There is so little patience for careful research today when everyone wants immediate answers on social media and rapid publishing of content. This is so prejudicial to truth. Just this week TIA came out with a Q&A on Agreda that has so many errors I don't know where to begin!"

