Monday, February 13, 2023

Homeopathy II: Answering My Critics


In my January 9, 2023 post I wrote about the errors of homeopathy. I received quite a pushback from those who swear by the practice. (See The purpose of this post is to answer those critics' objections. I'm sure they are good and well-intentioned people. This is not to be an attack on any person's character who uses homeopathy. I believe homeopathic remedies to be bad for both body and soul. Many of the contentions brought forth by my objectors were "speaking past" what I wrote and not really addressing the problems. I will let this post be my last word on the topic--at least for a long time. You, my dear readers, must decide for yourselves what to do, but I feel I that I have a duty to make the information clearly known. 

Just as in my 1/9/23 post, I want to state that in addition to the sources listed below, I have drawn heavily upon many other papers and books on homeopathy, most notably Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, 6th edition, reprint [1978]; and Martin Gumpert, Hahnemann: The Adventurous Career of a Medical Rebel [1945]. My post is my compilation and condensation of the pertinent sources with my commentary. All credit for the facts herein I give to the appropriate authors, and I take credit only for putting their works into a concise and thorough post.---Introibo

Homeopathy is Based on Occult Principles
An indisputable fact is that the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, was a Freemason and occultist. The objection was raised, "Thomas Edison was a Freemason, does that mean we can't use a lightbulb, or that they are somehow evil?" The objection totally misses the point. Freemasons can do good things, just as anyone else. Freemasonic clerics are also presumed by the Church to confer valid Sacraments, which is why the "Masonic Objection" to Archbishop Lefebvre's ordination by Cardinal Leinart (who was considered to be a high ranking Freemason) holds no water. 

Homeopathy is not bad because it was founded by a Mason/occultist, rather it is bad because it is founded on occult principles. To illustrate: If Satanist Aleister Crowley wrote a book on e.g., marine biology, the book is not thereby Satanic, nor is the subject matter. His Book of the Law, [1909] is evil because the subject matter is Satanic. Hence, there is a difference between a book written by a Satanist and a Satanic book.  Likewise, homeopathy is not simply made by an occultist, but is based on occult principles.

As I wrote in my last homeopathy post, some homeopathy "medicines" are diluted to the point where they no longer exist. You're basically drinking ordinary water.  How can a substance that, in some cases, is literally no longer present be stronger than when it's present? How can a dilute substance be stronger than the same substance less diluted? Hahnemann reasoned we must be dealing with energy, not matter. If one can really produce dramatic healings with virtually no physical medicine, then we must be dealing in the realm of a vital force, or some spiritual power that resides within matter itself.
(See Hahnemann, Organon, pgs. 112-113; See also Yogi Ramacharaka, The Science of Psychic Healing, reprint [1937], p. 104). 

He concluded that homeopathy must produce spiritual medicines, not physical ones.

If so, how could spiritual medicines affect and cure physical diseases? Apparently, they could not; the only way a spiritual medicine could work on a physical illness was if a physical disease was only a symptom of a much deeper spiritual disease. Hahnemann thus concluded that disease was not ultimately physical in nature but “spiritual.” Therefore, because disease represents an improper function or imbalance of vital force or energy, it must be cured by a like healing or realignment of energy. This, he believed, was accomplished by medicines prepared homeopathically.

Therefore, homeopathic medicines are spiritual, energetic medicines, not physical medicines, and the homeopath works ultimately with energies, not physical disease. In his Organon of Medicine, Hahnemann declares the following:

The diseases of man are not caused by any [material] substance,… any disease-matter, but… they are solely spirit-like (dynamic) derangements of the spirit-like power (the vital principle) that animates the human body. Homeopathy knows that a cure can only take place by the reaction of the vital force against the rightly chosen remedy that has been ingested. (See Hahnemann, Organon, p. 18). 

He continues, ...the true healing art is… to effect an alteration in… energetic automatic vital force… whereby the vital force is liberated and enabled to return to the normal standard of health and to its proper function…. Homeopathy teaches us how to effect this. (Ibid., p. 67). 

Once Hahnemann believed he had discovered that the true cause of illness and disease was based in energy, not matter, his hostility toward the medical profession re-doubled.

They only fancied that they could discover the cause of disease; they did not discover it, however, as it is not perceptible and not discoverable. For as far the greatest number of diseases are of dynamic (spiritual) origin and dynamic (spiritual) nature, their cause is therefore not perceptible to the senses; so they [doctors] exerted themselves to imagine one… (See Ibid., p. 32)

Unfortunately, once Hahnemann entered the realm of “spirit,” all bets were off; he could never really know the true cause of disease. He could never again practice medicine based on the physical body in the way the average physician does. He even confessed,

It is the morbidly affected vital energy alone that produces diseases. … How the vital force causes the organism to display morbid phenomena [symptoms], that is, how it produces disease, it would be of no practical utility to the physician to know, and will forever remain concealed from him…. (See Ibid., pgs. 99, 102).

Thus, for Hahnemann, There was nothing he would ignore except the immaterial, meta­physical sources of illness for nothing could be ever known about how disease originates. (See Martin Gumpert, Hahnemann: The Adventurous Career of a Medical Rebel [1945], pg. 137).

Here is the fundamental problem between classical homeopathy and modern medicine: physicians are trained to painstakingly uncover the root cause of disease, but Hahnemann maintains the entire procedure is worthless. Hahnemann again confessed,

It is unnecessary for the cure to know how the vital force produces the symptoms. To regard those diseases that are not surgical as [physical] … is an absurdity which has rendered allopathy so pernicious….It is only by the spiritual influences… that our spirit-like vital force can become ill; and in like manner, only by the spirit-like… operation of medicines that it can be again restored to health. (See Hahnemann, Organon, pg. 21, cf. pg. 112). 

The spirit-like operation of medicines is how homeopathy claims to cure. Hahnemann taught that:

Homeopathic Dynamizations are processes by which the medicinal properties, which are latent in natural substances while in their crude state, become aroused, and then become enabled to act in an almost spiritual manner on our life;... (See The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homeopathic Cure—Theoretical Part, trans, Louis H. Tafel,  [1976], pg. 17). 

In speaking of the “healing energy” of his medicines, he freely admitted such energy did not reside in the “corporeal atoms” of the substances themselves:

That smallest dose can therefore contain almost entirely only the pure, freely-developed, conceptual medicinal energy, and bring about only dynamically such great effects as can never be reached by the crude medicinal substance itself taken in large doses. It is not in the corporeal atoms of these highly dynamized medicines,… that the medicinal energy is found. (See Hahnemann, Organon, pg. 101). 

Finally, he confessed that homeopathy alone could restore the vital force to its proper func­tioning, increase its energetic powers for healing, and that such powers had divine origin;

Only homeopathic medicine can give this superior power to the invalidated vital force….
We gradually cause and compel this instinctive vital force to increase its energies by degrees, and to increase them more and more, and at last to such a degree that it becomes far more powerful than the original disease….The fundamental essence of this spiritual vital principle, imparted to us men by the infinitely merciful Creator, is incredibly great…. (See Hahnemann, Chronic Diseases, pgs. 14-15). 

In essence, Hahnemann taught that diseases are simply too profound and spiritual for any physician to ever locate them by scientific instruments or specific tests; furthermore, classical homeopaths would claim that any modern “scientifically oriented” homeopathic physician who does so is only deceiving himself. Diseases are the result of energy imbalance, and it is the energy imbalance that must be corrected. Moreover, what "fundamental essence of this spiritual vital principle, imparted to us men by the infinitely merciful Creator" is this Mason talking about...the soul?  This is the occult principle of homeopathy. There's no getting around it. 

Three Levels of Occult Homeopathy
Homeopaths can be divided into three categories: (1) the traditional homoeopath who largely follows the unscientific and occultic theories of the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann; (2) the scientifically and/or parapsychological oriented homeopath who attempts to bring homeopathy into the twenty-first century, including, however, the suspect practice of “infinitely” diluting its medications; and (3) the “demythologized” homeopathist who thinks homeopathic medicines may work by unknown principles but questions that homeopathic medicines can be effective in dilutions so high that none of the original medicine remains. They sometimes invoke quantum physics as an explanation. 
(See David S. Sobel, ed., Ways of Health: Wholistic Approaches to Ancient and Contemporary Medicine [1979], pgs. 301-305).

The traditional homeopath generally follows the teachings and philosophy of Samuel Hahnemann, offering the least amount of revision, if any, in light of modern scientific knowledge. This group almost blindly accepts all or most of Hahnemann’s ideas and is the most overtly reactionary, anachronistic, and occultic among the three. They readily prescribe ho­meopathic medicines in such high dilutions that not a single molecule of the original substance remains. They believe that the homeopathic practice of repetitive shaking and diluting the sub­stance somehow energizes it to become an effective medicine. They may employ astrology, radionics devices, pendulums, or spiritistic revelations in their work.

The second category is comprised of both scientifically oriented homeopaths and parapsychologically oriented practitioners. The scientific homeopath usually operates in con­junction with scientific medicine and believes that homeopathy works on the basis of physical principles that have not yet been discovered. This group thinks science will one day prove the truth and efficacy of homeopathy, but they have no idea how this will be accomplished. 

Even in the third category of "scientific homeopath," problems remain in the classification of their practices. Many of them still maintain that homeopathy is only effective in such high dilutions that not a single molecule of the homeopathic medicine remains. This raises the issue of "are they really scientific"? The appeal to quantum physics fails since  neither the actions of sub-atomic particles, nor their observed paradoxes, are applicable to the homeopathic claim that infinite dilutions of a substance somehow produce extremely powerful medicines. 

Some critics told me homeopathy is like antivenom for a snakebite. Antivenom is traditionally made by collecting venom from the relevant animal and injecting small amounts of it into a domestic animal. The antibodies that form are then collected from the domestic animal's blood and purified. Versions are available for spider bites, snake bites, fish stings, and scorpion stings. Antivenom is therefore something, not something diluted to the point of nothing. The analogy fails. 

Vaccinations allegedly demonstrate the “like cures like” principle because an individual is immunized against a disease by giving him a small part of that which causes the disease. Allergies allegedly demonstrate that substances which are often in a very weak concentration can produce very powerful and even violent reactions in the human body. Hormones and biocatalysts also demonstrate that minute amounts of a substance can powerfully affect the physical organism.

Homeopaths will cite illustrations. One milligram of acetylcholine dissolved in 500,000 gallons of blood will lower a cat’s blood pressure. Pure penicillin will inhibit the development of some microorganisms even when it is diluted at one part to fifty million; the thyroid hormone is effective at one part per ten trillion of blood plasma, etc.

The problem with these illustrations is that even if they were legitimate applications, they could still not prove homeopathy. They could only suggest it might be true in theory; but, in fact, they are usually not even legitimate applications.

Vaccinations and homeopathic remedies work on entirely different principles and have different effects. Vaccinations deal with physical substances designed to stimulate the production of specific antibodies to act against specific microbes. It is scientifically demonstrated that they are effective in this.

How does this have anything to do with homeopathy? Homeopathic treatments are not intended to stimulate antibodies, do not produce them, and, in fact, often do not contain even a single molecule of the alleged medicine. Vaccinations work on a physical, material level; homeopathic treatments work on an entirely non-physical level, allegedly altering the “vital force” of the body. Or, they claimed to work in a scientifically undemonstrated manner supposedly acting on the immune system in some unknown way. Nevertheless, such supposed action is not much different from occult magick; magick is also scientifically undemonstrated and works in an unknown manner (think: Reiki, etc.). 

In the cases of allergies, hormones, and biocatalysts, we are again dealing with the demon­strated effect of known material substances on the body. They are proven to work as claimed.

Homeopathic medicines or effects do not work as claimed; they are not material, not demonstrated, and probably never can be demonstrated.

In addition, although hormones, biocatalysts, and the entities producing allergies are much smaller than tiny grains of sand, they are gigantic suns in comparison with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic remedies are infinitely more minute or even non-existent, yet such “medicines” of homeopathy are said to work even when none of the original medicine remains.

Other Objections Answered
  • Homeopathy has worked for over 150 years. I've seen [insert names] cured. 
Reply: Claims to healing are cheap; proof is another matter. So then how do we really know it was homeopathy that cured any practitioner’s patients when there is no proof? Often the anecdotal evidence is the weakest of all because it is wholly uncontrolled and subject to the errors of observation or logic of both patient and practitioner. Astrologic medicine has made similar claims for much longer than one hundred and fifty years. Astrologers also think their practices have served as the basis for successful astrological treatment of disease. But, like homeopaths, they are wrong and have been proven wrong.

  • There are scientific studies that prove homeopathy effective.
Reply: No, there isn't. The same old disproven studies are trotted out. All extensive reviews and meta-studies conclude that homeopathy is a mere placebo effect at best. It is pseudo-science. (See 

  • It can't be a placebo effect, because homeopathy works on infants and dogs which don't have use of reason. 
Reply: If such an effect had really been proven, I think everyone would know it. It would have spurred a multi-billion-dollar research program, and homeopathy would have been accepted long ago. For Americans, the discovery of a dramatic new healing power for their infants and pets would hardly go unnoticed. Furthermore, corporate interests (Big Pharma) would have been secured by the promise of vast profits in the neo-natal industry and veterinarian care. Such a discovery would have caused a public sensation from the implications alone. Interestingly, homeopaths often appeal to the "Big Pharma Is Against Us" conspiracy theory, yet in this case they dismiss obvious and huge profits that could be gained by Big Pharma. 

  • Modern medicine (often called by the archaic "allopathic" medicine) gave us the COVID vaccines and other scams.
Reply: That modern medicine has produced bad things; CONCEDED. That everything modern medicine has produced is bad; DENIED. Let's face facts: (1) modern food with all its chemicals and processing is the worst food in history; (2) the pollution of the air, (especially around major cities) is the worst ever; (3) the stresses of modern life are the worst ever--and YET people are living longer on average--than ever! We can attribute this to (a) homeopathy, (b) modern medical screenings, surgeries and medicines; (c) Divine intervention; or (d) something else. Since most people don't use homeopathy, choice (a) can be dismissed. If someone wants to assert Divine intervention, I'd like to see their proof. If something else, what is it and what facts support it? In the absence of such evidence I must conclude the answer is (b). 
  • The FDA regulates homeopathy. It's OK.
Here's what the FDA has to say:
On December 6, 2022, FDA issued a final guidance, Homeopathic Drug Products, that describes the agency’s approach to prioritizing regulatory actions for homeopathic products posing the greatest risk to patients. The FDA is prioritizing specific categories of drugs, such as those intended for populations at greater risk for adverse reactions. There are currently no FDA-approved products labeled as homeopathic, and the agency cannot ensure these drugs meet standards for safety, effectiveness, and quality. Previously, the FDA warned the public about homeopathic products, including those containing a toxic substance and ones recalled due to contamination.  

(See Emphasis mine). Doesn't sound too reassuring, does it? 
  • Even if occult, you can take homeopathic medicine as long as you bless it with holy water or touch it to some other sacramental.
This is tempting God. To knowingly involve yourself with something based on occult principles and expect God to protect you in spite of your knowledge and consent is ludicrous. Do you think it OK to read the Satanic Bible as long as you sprinkle the pages with holy water? How about reading it through sunglasses blessed by a priest? It's as bad as someone who thinks wearing a Brown Scapular is a license to sin. Wear the Scapular and live like a heathen--then expect to be given the grace of Final Perseverance. It doesn't work like that. 

Homeopathy is just plain bad. Think of people who may neglect real medical treatment for this sham and find out (God forbid) too late that what could have been cured can no longer be. Waiting for a diluted nothing to cure something resulted in real harm. I'll repeat what I wrote in the conclusion of my last homeopathy post: Do not seek the services of some homeopath and warn anyone who does go of the inherent peril. None of the claimed evidences offered in support of homeopathy, theoretical or practical, proves that homeopathy is an effective medical procedure. Not only does homeopathy fail to operate under the principles of scientific medicine, it may cause bodily harm and involve one, unwittingly, in the occult that can lead to demonic possession. 


  1. As a trained herbalist, I agree.

    1. Ozson,
      Thank you, my friend!

      God Bless,


    2. Introibo,
      Looking forward to your article on my previous enquiry.

      God Bless

    3. Ozson,
      Look for it during the month of March.

      God Bless,


    4. OZson, where did you get your training? I'm very interested in finding good information on herbalist remedies etc, since I now realize I cannot in good conscience give my children homeopathic medicines... Any solid info would be greatly appreciated!

    5. Dr. Christophers School of natural healing is the best. There is no new age stuff and somewhat of a christian perspective. They are a mormon family, and all thier kids names are herbs.LOL
      Very good. there is a course for families all the way to become a master herbalist.
      my website is
      here is the schools website:

  2. An excellent follow up to your first writing on this subject.Thank you Introibo.

    1. @anon9:01
      Thank you! Hopefully, people will see through homeopathy.

      God Bless,


  3. Another home run on this subject. Thank you so much for exposing the truth of this wicked fraud that has captured so many Catholics. Prayers for you.

    1. @anon11:02
      Thank you! I never realized how many Traditionalist Catholics were using homeopathy until I published my first post on the topic.

      God Bless,


  4. Why does the phrase "turning to fables with itching ears" come to mind?

    1. @anon11:20
      Yes, 2 Timothy 4: 3-4, is most applicable in this case!

      God Bless,


  5. Let's face facts: (1) modern food with all its chemicals and processing is the worst food in history; (2) the pollution of the air, (especially around major cities) is the worst ever; (3) the stresses of modern life are the worst ever--and YET people are living longer on average--than ever! We can attribute this to (a) homeopathy, (b) modern medical screenings, surgeries and medicines; (c) Divine intervention; or (d) something else. Since most people don't use homeopathy, choice (a) can be dismissed. If someone wants to assert Divine intervention, I'd like to see their proof. If something else, what is it and what facts support it? In the absence of such evidence I must conclude the answer is (b).

    I would say d and partially b. The something else in d would be natural remedies that God designed to help heal our bodies that we know works.

    For example: Vitamins and minerals are natural (there are synthetic types now which can cause cancer). When we get deficient in a specific type such as low magnesium it can lead to heart problems, restlessness, spasms etc. or if we are low in Vitamin C scurvy could develop, or if its zinc we would be more at risk of catching a virus.

    Another natural remedy example would be in herbs and wild edibles. For example cloves worked as a natural antiseptic if you chew on it, aloe vera helps soothe sun burns, peppermint can help gastro intestinal problems and so forth.

    I would say that b is partially the answer because while modern medical screenings, surgeries, and medicines can be useful and fix certain problems, multiple cat scans could cause cancer, surgeries can lead to further complications including death, and modern medicines can lead to other problems that have severe side effects.

    Medical mal practice is the third most leading cause of death in the U.S. This isn't to say that we shouldn't trust all doctors, but question their approach and reasons for doing what they do.

    The very fact that almost all of them wore masks during 2020-2021 and are still wearing masks in hospitals and doctors offices as well promoting the vaccine makes me highly suspicious of their intentions especially when studies showed that neither masks worked to stop a virus nor a vaccine was truly "safe and effective"

    1. @anon1:18
      You make an excellent point about using non-homeopathic vitamins, minerals, and herbs! I agree with that as well.
      Thank you for commenting.

      God Bless,


    2. The main reasons people live longer are public sanitation, improved housing and improved access to food, at least in many places. Healthcare contributes a maximum of 4 to 5 years to life expectancy, but is also the third leading cause of death.

      At lot of these improvement in public health happened at the same time that people became more faithless. God gives rewards people for the good they do in this life if he cannot give them an eternal reward. The apparent prosperity of our current times seems to be evidence of this, as is its spiritual poverty.

      In the USA the food quality is abysmal is most places but much of the rest of the world doesn't suffer from the same problems.

  6. Hello Introibo:

    I am @anon3:46 PM from yesterday. Thanks for answering my questions.

    Some more comments:

    About question 1a.: I am single, but I am an abuse victim, and I am now in a better situation. I have sadly in the past had instances where I (or another person trying to help me), have contacted law enforcement, and have not gotten help. I just want to mention this.

    About question 1b.: I'm sorry for not being clear enough. I hope that this is better: "Henry" wants to marry "Sally", who is NOT interested in Henry. Henry files a false marriage license saying that he and Sally are married. Sally goes to the police and also gets a civil divorce or a civil annulment. Sally wants to become a traditional Catholic. Can she do that AND get married in a traditional Catholic chapel, to a man other than Henry? Please mention if you need more clarification.

    Thank you. Anonymous

    1. @anon6:57
      I'm sorry to hear that the law enforcement authorities were not able to help you; I'm happy you're in a better place.

      1b. Filing a false marriage license is a serious criminal offence. Henry would (or SHOULD) be prosecuted, and Sally is not married. She is free to marry in a Traditionalist Catholic chapel. The annulment of a marriage that never took place SHOULD be easy under civil law.

      God Bless,


  7. 1.You have not shown any proof of homeopathy being an occultic practice. You haven't even shown Hanneman to have been an occultist.
    2.You have not answered the questions about the popes never condemming it. Homeopathy was very widely used during the times of our great popes of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and not only did they not condemn it, they used it. Yes, I read your argument that those sources stating papal approval "didn't count" because they were pro-homeopathy sources. It seems that the only sources that do count are the ones you agree with.
    3. The process of making homeopathic remedies is very straightforward. No vodoo involved. No witchcraft. No magic. Sorry. It's pretty dull, really. No occultic practices involved. Nothing like the extremely bloody business of pharmaceutical drugs and the countless aborted babies used in their manufacturing.
    4. You are very naive to believe that the FDA and our mainstream healthcare system are trying to cure disease. The FDA and the pharmaceutical companies do not want to cure disease because then they will go out of business. As I have mentioned before, and you haven't commented on this, hoeopathic remedies are not patented, so there is very little money to be made. Vaccines on the other hand, now there's some money to be made! Safe and effective! Get the shots or lose your job! Now that's a successful medical business model.
    5. Just because you personally don't like something, and just because it doesn't fit in with your idea of good old-fashioned pharmaceutical medication, doesn't make it satanic. I have really lost a lot of respect for you on this matter because you just had it out for homeopathy, but you have not done anything to prove that it is evil or that it doesn't work. Just that you don't like it.
    My opinion might be cheap, but I have had many successes using homeopathy. No witchcraft, voodoo, or dead babies required.
    God bless,

    1. Faith,
      1. Hanneman was a Freemason who believed in "spirit medicine." Do you believe illnesses are caused and cured by non-physical "energy"? This is the teaching of occult practices such as Reiki and Yoga.

      2. In my last post on homeopathy, I pointed out that NONE of the so-called "papal approbations" are supported by anything more than vacuous claims. If a homeopath can make a copy and publish any alleged papal approbation of homeopathy, I'd like to see it.

      3. The problem is the occult PRINCIPLES. Also, how does NONE of a substance do more than SOME of a substance? Not all modern medicine is based on abortion.

      4. They COULD be patented. Don't think there isn't a way for crafty lawyers to do it, especially if backed by big bucks with the promise of huge profits.

      5. I don't like it based on the facts I have set forth. All my readers, including you, are free to make up your own minds.

      God Bless,


    2. Wow that is a lot of rage because of dumb homeopathy. Why don't you focus on getting angry with other topics, instead of bringing unnecessary discussion into the combox?

  8. Hello Introibo:

    Two Novus Ordo Catholics get married civilly. It is the first marriage for both. They do not have a Novus Ordo ceremony. If they want to become traditional Catholics, should they have a traditional Catholic wedding?

    Thank you. Anonymous

    1. @anon7:25
      Does the canonical forum pertain to members of the Vatican II sect? They consider themselves Catholic. The SSPX and SSPV would marry them as they believe them so bound. I don't honestly know how to answer that question 58 years after Vatican II.

      God Bless,


  9. Introibo.Have you been to most parts of the States?What about other parts of the world?Where would you like to travel to?


    1. James,
      I've been to 21 states and 5 countries (mostly business related). I'd like to see all 50 states.

      God Bless,


  10. Introibo,

    Well, thank you for these posts on the topic, and for trying to warn and help others. The posts serve as nice references for people wanting to learn about the dangers and origins of homeopathy.

    I think you said it well, that people are "speaking past" what you wrote. People, in general, don't want to have their beliefs challenged, especially long held ones. Just like Vatican II, the proof of its falsehood is right there, for anyone who cares to look.

    I think people need to be more discerning than ever about their health care providers, these last few years have really done a number on many of them. Pray, eat healthy, and move.

    "How about reading it through sunglasses blessed by a priest?" Ah, if only there were such a tool to protect us as we navigate the world!

    God bless you, and may everyone have a beneficial and penitent upcoming Lenten season.
    -Seeking Truth

    1. Seeking Truth,
      A blessed and spiritually fruitful Lenten season to you, my friend!

      God Bless,


  11. Well said Seeking Truth.

    Introibo,what are the five countries you have been to?

    God bless

    1. @anon3:15
      The five countries: Canada, France, Spain, Portugal, and Belgium.

      God Bless,


  12. I will not waste your time and mine arguing in the comments, however I am currently writing a paper with my thoughts on this subject. If you're open to my response, I will gladly share when it is finished.

    I do urge all Catholics to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Do not take Introibo's word at face value. He is not a homeopath, he is also not a moral authority in any way. Ask your priest if you have any questions about occultism. As for the efficacy of homeopathy, try it for yourself and you be the judge of whether it works or not.

    As a Traditional Catholic Mother of five, I will continue to use homeopathy for myself and my family with a clean conscience.

    1. Michelle,
      Yes, everyone should do their own research. Look into what I wrote as well. I'm confident any honest person will reach the same conclusion as I did.

      God Bless,


    2. Michelle,
      I would like to read your paper, if you would please direct me to it, or if you will be some time in working on it, if you would in the meantime direct me to any sources you find credible/helpful.

      I have had some apparent success with homeopathy for myself and my family, even my dog, for various illnesses, but it is also true that one of the principles laid out by Introibo, that homeopathy operates on the level of "energy", was mentioned to me by the practitioner. Without understanding why Introibo criticizes the "dilution" aspect, I know this is also true for some of the remedies I have used.

      I tend to agree with the poster above who said that God gives us natural remedies that we can use because they work and give all the credit to Him for our success, so intuitively I am inclined to not reject homeopathy because of the success I have had.

      Thank you,

    3. Michelle's (well-written) paper may be accessed here: {link removed by me---Introibo}


    4. To My Readers:
      Michelle's paper was respectful and well-written. I chose to censor the link because it contains errors in its defense of homeopathy which would require a response by me--and I want to give this issue a rest for awhile.

      If Michelle and Stephanie want to start a pro-homeopathy website and publish it there, they have a legal right to do so. If that happens, I'll respond on this blog in due time.

      God Bless,


    5. "He is not a homeopath, he is also not a moral authority in any way. Ask your priest if you have any questions about occultism. As for the efficacy of homeopathy, try it for yourself and you be the judge of whether it works or not....I find it to hard to believe that anyone would take your word over a priest's." This is unnecessary - why, as a Catholic, must you degrade someone else to try and strengthen your argument? I'm not a doctor - should I do whatever they tell me? Shouldn't I or Introibo be able to research and use our heads? Sorry this upsets your view. It is painful when this happens, but that's life. We find out something isn't quite what we thought it was, and we have to be able to take an honest look at it and adapt. The internet reveals you have invested yourself in this topic, even helped with a CFP podcast on it, and asked advice from homeopath for your rebuttal (Joette Calabrese, who pointed you to yet another homeopath Dana Ullman for "proof", after you early wrote: "Your research is biased. This entire blog post is your objective opinion. " I may as well ask the car salesman if the used car is reliable. You downgrade herbalism in your video (I'd sooner trust that). The placebo effect is very powerful and is well-documented (the babies/animals argument is flawed). It's subjective, especially when in print, but I think most would conclude that this is in fact a trigger-point / hot topic for you, after reading what you wrote and the manner in which you wrote it. Of course you want to help others and take care of your kids, but a clean conscience requires one to not be dogmatic about the opinion they profess. I'm glad your paper was at least respectful and well-written, but after reading these articles, I can't see how anyone could ignore everything that the actual homeopathic founders have written. "However, it horrifies me that you think you know more than a traditional Catholic priest." - did you ever consult other sede priests, or just the homeopaths?

    6. It's quite possible Michelle has a business that invovles homeopathy consulting on a wordpress hosted website - if true, doesn't this not show enormous bias on her part??? So again, if true, she wants to potentially advertise her business (consults aren't cheap). Perhaps a client or potential client read these articles, and things went from there. Just hypothesizing, but it would explain much.

  13. "Here is the fundamental problem between classical homeopathy and modern medicine: physicians are trained to painstakingly uncover the root cause of disease, but Hahnemann maintains the entire procedure is worthless."

    This is actually incorrect. Modern day physicians are trained to recognise constellations of symptoms and then apply a diagnosis that is thought to fit with this. However, many of these diagnoses have no empirical scientific evidence to back them or the theories behind them. Indeed, much of modern medicine is myth and superstition.

    I do believe that the origin of many illnesses has a spiritual or emotional root, but I also appreciate that the physical attributes of an organism and its environment play a role also. We are spirit AND flesh and so it would make sense that defects with one would affect the other. The root cause of all of these problems is fallen human nature aka original sin.

    1. @anon5:08
      That Original Sin brought suffering and death; that sin (like unnatural sex acts) can bring disease like AIDS, CONCEDED. In this limited sense they are "spiritual." In the sense that your soul can be manipulated by homeopathy "energy" DENIED. Nothing in the material world can affect a spiritual substance, and energy is part of the physical world. To claim otherwise is to fall into the occult "energy manipulation" practices such as Reiki and yoga.

      You write: "Modern day physicians are trained to recognize constellations of symptoms and then apply a diagnosis that is thought to fit with this. However, many of these diagnoses have no empirical scientific evidence to back them or the theories behind them. Indeed, much of modern medicine is myth and superstition."

      Reply: So recognizing signs (objective) and symptoms (subjective), and then testing with MRIs, blood tests, etc. for a diagnosis and treatment is "myth and superstition"?
      I'll take that over some quack who thinks nothing of a substance is more potent than some of a substance which can "balance your energy" for which there is ZERO proof.

      God Bless,


  14. Hey Lee, you need to go after sorcery *cough* *cough*.. I mean pharmaceuticals next. The devil is the prince of this world after all. The magical language that comes out of pharma is intentionally designed to deceive but is in plain sight. Side effects? How about unwanted effects that you could experience from taking this substance. Pharmakeia is the Greek word for Sorcery after all. Pills for pain, for dysfunctional control of the passions, to suppress pregnancy, to murder your unborn child, to fix your upset stomach caused by overeating, to restore your libido, to protect you from all sorts of imaginary causes of death. The only thing they aren't selling are love potions!

    1. I think this would be a good idea. Pharma loves its "miracle cures" and frequently sells poisons as being good for us.

      I would like to see Lee write on this topic even if it is only to show that his attacks aren't completely one-sided.

    2. @anon5:15 and 10:02
      Lee didn't write this, I did. I have already stated that conventional medicine has many of its own problems. These posts I write to expose the occult. Homeopathy is per se occult, modern medicine is not.

      God Bless,


  15. Hello! This is super a fascinating topic. I have grown up around a more homeopathic atmosphere. But it never did much for me, I defiantly see a lot of negatives and falsities in western medicine also. I guess where I stand is more in just eating healthy. Using real medicines. Vitamins, minerals Ect. Exercise.Basically things God created. Two things I’m kinda curious about to understand better. 1. In my research I’ve seen so much occultism in medical practice. Experiments. Many medical schools and organizations being funded by masons. The fact medical science thinks itself in a way as a god of what is fact in health. I would love see an article or take on it. 2. Doing things like breathing exercises or focus. Challenging the mind and body. Not with any yogi practice. But just learning to become more in tune with your own body as God created. What is your take on the line drawn there ? I’ve tried to look into it. Growing up doing martial arts. I love the discipline. But never mess with weird practices.

    1. @anon4:45

      1. I may indeed tackle that topic later this year.

      2. If you are meditating as a Catholic and doing breathing exercises to warm up before, e.g., walking or some such activity, I see no harm. As to the martial arts, be careful. See my post:

      God Bless,


    2. Do you have any warnings against Bach Flowers? I was autoimmune to glutamine which modulates emotions and had systemic stem cell cancer. I lived in a space of emotions totally off or at 5000rpm in first gear for 20 years including all of my teenage years. Once that was overcome there are still residual emotional cycles that pop up not infrequently and aren’t related to my life circumstances. Bach flowers cancel these very quickly so I can get on with my duties. I don’t want to take something that is associated with the occult though.

  16. Hi Introibo,

    "RE: some homeopathy "medicines" are diluted to the point where they no longer exist. You're basically drinking ordinary water."

    In many cases you're consuming small amounts of alcohol, like ethyl alcohol or brandy. Is it possible that it is the alcohol which has the primary effect on the individual in, for example the case of bach flowers?

    RE: "It can't be a placebo effect, because homeopathy works on infants and dogs which don't have use of reason.

    Reply: If such an effect had really been proven, I think everyone would know it."

    Is it also possible that very small amounts of alcohol also provide apparent symptom relief to infants and animals? Is it possible that the greater exposure of many adults to alcohol renders the small doses in homeopathic medicine ineffective? The people in my family who respond to such remedies generally don't consume alcohol more than once every few months. But there are plenty of people who do consume alcohol more frequently for whom homeopathic remedies are ineffective.

    I would have to agree that pharmaceutical companies, especially those involved in cancer treatments and the FDA that is supposed to regulate behave as though they are a cartel and their actions betray them. I'd encourage you watch the film "Burzynski: the cancer-cure cover up." The modern biographical story of Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD who discovered an innovative patent-protected cancer therapy currently enrolled in FDA clinical trials. This story sheds light on the current regulatory and industry roadblocks preventing these life-saving medications from reaching the market as of 2016.

