Monday, December 18, 2023

Pope Pius XII And Technology


I hold Pope Pius XII to have been one of the greatest popes of the Church, and unfortunately, he has had no successor for just over 65 years. His Holiness was (and remains) the object of scorn and derision by those who claim he was "soft on Modernism," and "enabled" the Modernists, leading to the creation of the Vatican II sect. He has been accused of aiding and abetting Hitler, and introducing liturgical changes that "became harmful." I had written a post defending him: (See 

The pope is the Vicar of Christ on Earth, and is protected by the Holy Ghost from teaching heresy and giving anything evil to the Church. This is true of all popes; the great ones, the good ones, and even the bad ones. However, I have noticed that what separates great popes from the merely good or the (unfortunately) bad ones, is seen in their apparent prescience.  This can be detected in popes such as St. Pius V, Leo XIII, St. Pius X, and Pius XII. 

When Pope Pius XII went to Judgement on October 9, 1958, the world was a very different place. Not merely religiously, but technologically. No one was talking about the dangers of AI, the Internet was nonexistent, the phone was attached to the wall, television was pretty new on the scene, and a tablet was medicine you ingested. Most people don't realize that Pope Pius gave many papal addresses on technology during his reign which lasted 19 years,7 months, and seven days. 

There are some Traditionalists who spurn all technology as evil and to be avoided. They have a Luddite mentality one would expect from the heretical Amish, and not Catholics. On the other end of the spectrum, you have Traditionalists who embrace all technology without regard for the real dangers presented. Pope Pius XII spoke as if God granted him a glimpse into the technological world of today, and what he said demonstrated that he understood both the benefits and dangers technology poses, and he approached it with the right attitude, avoiding both total condemnation as well as unrestrained advocacy.

This post will show the wisdom of Pope Pius XII in approaching technology. It is a wisdom we all should embrace. 

Television can be a tool for great good or great evil. Unfortunately, many can't seem to distinguish between the content and the television itself. Fr. DePauw, my spiritual father, was an approved canonist from pre-Vatican II. From 1955 to 1962 he was Professor of Canon Law, Moral Theology, and Latin at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary for the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The Ave Maria Chapel (where Fr. offered the True Mass and sacraments from June 23,1968 until his passing on May 6, 2005) was located in Westbury, Long Island, not too far from an SSPX chapel. 

Fr. DePauw would watch a half-hour of the evening news after reciting his Breviary and other prayers, and before retiring for the night. The resident priest of the SSPX chapel in the mid-1990s gave a sermon claiming that the mere possession of a TV set was an occasion of sin, and that watching television (regardless of content) was mortal sin. He also made the mistake of accusing Fr. DePauw of mortal sin for watching the evening news, and causing scandal by owning one. Word of this got back to Fr. DePauw, and he was visibly angry as he responded the following Sunday in his sermon to those unfounded charges.

"Perhaps Fr. (name withheld by me---Introibo) would like to explain to me how an invention which he claims to be intrinsically evil was given a Patron Saint, St. Clare of Assisi, by Pope Pius XII. Popes don't give patron saints to that which is intrinsically evil, like abortion clinics that murder innocent babies. Not only is he incapable of making necessary and proper distinctions between content and the medium through which it comes, he would never be able to pass my Moral Theology course in a real pre-Vatican II seminary. If this is the kind of so-called guidance he gives his parishioners, he should refrain from ever giving any advice again. A priest should only give guidance when he knows what he's talking about; in the case of Fr. and all the SSPX priests I've ever known, this would require perpetual silence." The priest in question never retracted his incorrect statements, nor did he apologize to Fr. DePauw (quote written from notes I made after the sermon). 

Fr. DePauw knew his theology, as did the great Pope Pius XII. In the pontiff's address to delegates of the European Radio Union on October 20, 1955, he said the following:

Television has already appeared in many sectors and will appear in even more places, in public as well as in the privacy of the home, so that it is possible for all to enjoy it in peace and recollection. The good and evil which can result at the moment of broadcast or after it are incalculable and unforeseen. Make absolutely sure, therefore, that television does not serve to spread error and evil. On the contrary, make it an instrument of information, formation, and transformation...

Television can above all be of aid to schools and make teaching more efficacious by becoming a complementary element in the formation of pupils...The history teacher, for example, would be greatly helped by the projection of documentary films concerning the places which were the stage of important events. The teaching of the history of art would profit by placing before the pupils' eyes the masterpieces of painting, sculpture, the beauties of a picture gallery and in general the marvels of a city, with a lifelike presentation no book could guarantee...

Beyond the influence on school teaching we must consider that television can become an efficacious means of helping family unity in the home...[television] can reunite the whole family around the set... program directors must always concern themselves with more than artistic levels, in the respect that is due, obviously, to just standards of human and Christian morality.

Television also can become a providential instrument for a larger participation in the manifestations of religious life for all those who would be prevented from being actually present at them. The televising of liturgical ceremonies, the illustration of the truths of faith, the presentation of masterpieces of sacred art and many other things will carry the Word of God to homes, hospitals, prisons, and the most remote centers of population. God grant that the day may soon come when the pagan masses will themselves receive the Gospel more easily, thanks to this remarkable instrument. (Emphasis mine).   

In 1958, Pope Pius XII declared St Clare of Assisi the Patron Saint of Television, just as televisions were becoming universal in homes across most of the world. She was chosen because the virtuous nun had a miraculous event in her life. She was once too sick to attend Mass on Christmas, and she wept bitterly at not being able to attend and receive her Lord in Holy Communion. Suddenly, the Mass that was going on was projected onto the wall of her room where she could see and hear everything as if she were present. As the priest was giving out Communion, an angel appeared in St. Clare's room, and gave her Holy Communion while on her sick bed. God had "produced the first television" so to speak, in order to show His love to His beloved saint! 

The False Spirituality of Those Who Overemphasize (and Those Who Devalue) Technology
As I wrote above, there are those who condemn all technology and those who embrace it with no concern for the attendant dangers. In his Christmas Message of 1955, Pope Pius exposes and eschews the false spirituality the underlies both attitudes. The holy Pontiff lives by the old aphorism In medio stat veritas---In the middle lies the truth. 

...In truth modern man , precisely because he is in possession of all that the mind and labor of man have produced, ought to recognize even more the infinite distance between what he can do and what proceeds from the limitless power of God. But the reality is quite different... Not a few indeed permit themselves to be dazzled by the limited splendor deriving from these works, refusing to follow that internal prompting to seek their source and end, outside of and above the world of science and technology... Others on the contrary, in the opposite way... hope that man may renounce all this feverish external and, above all, technological dynamism, that he may enter within himself where he will find the richness of an interior life, all his, exclusively human, such as will satisfy every possible exigency. And yet, rather a withdrawing from life prompted by arrogance, almost despair, by the fear and incapacity to give oneself to the external order and has nothing in common with a genuine interior life which is complete, dynamic, and fruitful...(Emphasis mine). 

Youth and Technology
Millennials, and more so Gen Z, are the product of a technological age. My generation, Gen  X, is the last to remember growing up in a world devoid of personal computers and cell phones/iPhones. It is not unusual for me to see a family sitting in a restaurant and saying nothing to each other throughout the meal with eyes on their phones. It is the age of "antisocial media." It is a world of "cyberbullying," and where every form of evil and error can spread. The truth can also be given a boost as websites like Novus Ordo Watch prove. Here's what His Holiness had to say about youth and technology in an Address to Catholic Action on September 12, 1948:

It is no wonder then that technology too often dazzles the mind, especially of youth, which, entirely overcome by its fascination, runs the danger of losing the sight and the sense of what is spiritual, supersensible, and interior, of what is religious, supernatural, and eternal. Yet, it is precisely the men of the century of technology who have more need than ever before of the protective and steadying forces of religion. Take fire as an example. Restrained and guided, it is a good and indispensable help to man. Once out of control, it carries death and destruction, in annihilating flame, through city and countryside. 

The same is true of technology. A gift of God by its very nature, today's ultrapowerful technology becomes in the hands of violent men, of parties ruling with the brutality of force, of omnipotent and oppressor states, a terrible instrument of injustice, slavery, and cruelty. In modern warfare, technology intensifies---to an intolerable degree---the sufferings and torments of the populations. 

On the other hand, restrained and directed by a society which fears God, which obeys His precepts and esteems spiritual, moral, and eternal things incomparably more than the material; technology can bring us those blessings for which it was ordained according to the Creator's design. ...To the young of this generation: it is up to you to bring to your life and the State an energy of true religious faith so great that the scale of values established by God, the Creator and Redeemer, in which matter does not rule but serves, will be contentiously observed, and technology will be subordinated, according to the Divine Will, to man's dignity and liberty, to his peace and happiness, both earthly, and above all else eternal...(Emphasis mine). 

Will the Traditionalist youth of today take up the pope's call to action? Hopefully, it's not too late. 

Ultimate Value to be Found in Love of God Not Technology  
Humanity, in its arrogance, must never think more highly of itself as technology allows for greater domination over the world. People have always thought highly of themselves, lacking humility, until God brings them down to reality, as in the time of the Tower of Babel. Science and technology have become "gods" to many. Pope Pius XII warned of this in his Address to Gynecologists given on January 8, 1956.

Although the Christian applauds new scientific discoveries and makes use of them, he rejects all of materialism's exaggerated glorification of science and culture. He knows these occupy a place on the scale of objective values, but that, while they are not the lowest, neither are they the highest. In their regard too, he repeats today as ever and always: "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Justice." (St. Matthew 6:33)...The highest, the ultimate value for man is to be found, not in science or its technical capabilities, but in the love of God and devotion to His service...(Emphasis mine). 


Never before has there been such dangers, or such opportunities for true advancement, as technology gives to us today. Pope Pius XII was able to see what was  awaiting us over 80 years ago when his reign began. Before we make any decisions regarding technology, we would all do well to heed the sage advice of this true Vicar of Christ. 


  1. I believe Pope Pius XII saved many Jews during the war. In fact, many Jews thanked him for it. He spoke cautiously about the Shoah, so as not to make things worse. The bad reputation he's been given comes from the Church's mortal enemies, such as the Communists and their leader, the father of lies. On technology, I think the Pope could say the same things about the Internet if he were alive today. We know how bad there is on the web, for example porn websites, but we also know that the Internet can be a means of communication and spiritual advancement. It's thanks to the web that I discovered your blog and other wonderful websites about faith, like Novus Ordo Watch. The saying that truth lies between extreme positions is very true !

    1. Simon,
      What Pope Pius XII said could easily apply to the Internet, as you point out. I do wonder what he would say about the modern world were he alive today!

      God Bless,


    2. And also, what would he think of the situation of the Church today ? He couldn't have guessed that evil men like Roncalli, Montini or Wojtyla would do so much harm. Only God knows man's hidden intentions.

    3. Simon,
      True. However, what would Pope Pius have to say about what's going on in the world and what the V2 sect is doing? You are correct that he couldn't have expected all of this, but if God revealed to him the future, I can't fathom what would pass his lips. This is the pope who said in the 1950s, "The greatest sin is that the world has lost all sense of sin"!

      God Bless,


    4. The V2 sect has certainly lost all sense of sin, since it approves and blesses adulterous and sodomite unions. It has followed the godless world by inverting the notions of good and evil in the name of mercy and charity. She has become the greatest companion of souls to hell !

    5. Simon,
      100% correct!

      God Bless,


  2. Thank you, Intro.

    These days there has been a lot of nitpicking and accusations against Pius as a pope who went change-crazy.
    But he always reiterated the substance of Church teaching while allowing changes to things not touching on the body of Her doctrine. The never-known-before turmoil of his age - socially and scientifically - has to be taken into account so he can get a fair assessment.
    His pronouncement of the dogma of the Assumption of the BVM was his crowning glory.
    I too, believe he was the last true Pope.

    Off topic:
    The St. Jude Shrine in Stafford. TX writes (as of Dec. 17):
    Fr. Louis Campbell is in his final days....
    Please continue to pray for Father['s] intentions.

    God bless.


    1. Jannie,
      Absolutely, Pope Pius XII has been unfairly attacked on all sides. I will indeed continue to pray for Fr. Campbell, and I ask all my readers to do the same.

      God Bless,


  3. "In recent years, the movies and sports, to say nothing of the necessity of daily work, have tended to draw the members of the family increasingly away from home, upsetting the natural development of domestic life. How can We not rejoice to see the television efficaciously contributing to the restoration of the balance, offering the whole family the chance of enjoying together pleasant recreation far from the dangers of unhealthy company and places?

    Nor can we be indifferent to the beneficent influence which television is able to exercise from the social point of view in respect to culture, popular education, scholastic teaching, and the very life of peoples, who through that instrument will certainly be helped to know and understand one another better and to reach friendly concord and better mutual co-operation.

    Such considerations, however, must not blind us to another aspect of this delicate and important question. Although, in fact, television properly controlled may constitute an effective means of wise and Christian education, it is equally true that it is not exempt from dangers which may be the result of abuses and profanation brought about by human weakness and malice--dangers all the more serious since the suggestive power of this instrument is greater and the public toward whom it is directed is wider and more indiscriminate. Unlike the theater and the movies, whose spectacles are limited to those who choose to enter, television is directed, above all, to family groups of every age and sex and of various cultural levels, bringing to them the daily news, sundry news items, and all kinds of spectacles. Like the radio, it can enter any house and go to any place, at any time, bringing with it not only sounds and words but also the concreteness, and mobility of its images, which give it greater emotional influence, particularly in respect to the young. To this must be added the fact that television programs are based, in great part, on films and plays, which, as experience has shown, all too frequently do not satisfy the requirements of natural and Christian ethics. Lastly, it should be pointed out that television finds its keenest and most attentive audience among children and adolescents, who, by reason of their age, can more easily fall prey to its fascination and consciously or unconsciously, transmute into living reality the images they absorb from the animated picture on the screen. It is obvious, therefore, how intimately television affect the education of the young and the Christian spirit of family life.

    If we consider the inestimable value of the family, which is the primary cell of society, and if We reflect that within the walls of the home not only the bodily but also the spiritual development of the child must begin and grow--precious hope of the Church and of its country--We cannot but proclaim to all those who share the responsibilities of television that the duties and responsibilities which rest on the shoulders are extremely serious before God and society.

    Public authorities, above all, must take every precaution, so that the atmosphere of decency and restraint which should surround family life may not be offended or troubled."

    Pope Pius XII, "The Pope Speaks" Pgs. 178-179


  4. Greetings. I would like to ask something related to San Hipólito. I read on a site - which I don't know if it is reliable since it is Protestant - that he was the first antipope of the Church and that apparently maintained a binitarian, not trinitarian, vision of Divinity:

    "He does not say, "I and the Father are one, but we are one." For the word we are is not said of one person, but refers to two persons, and one power... (Hippolytus. Against Noetus: Against Hessrejía from Uno Noetus, chapter 7. From the Existing Works and Fragments of Hippolytus: Dogmatic and Historical. Roberts-Donaldson English Translators. Copyright © 2001 Peter Kirby)

    They further claim that he also taught that God has a 6,000-7,000 year plan:

    "And 6,000 years must be fulfilled, in order that the Sabbath may come, the rest, the holy day “on which God rested from all His works.” For the Sabbath is the type and emblem of the future kingdom of the saints, when they “will reign with Christ,” when He comes from heaven, as John says in his Revelation: For “one day with the Lord is like a thousand years.” Since, then, in six days God made all things," it follows that 6,000 years must be fulfilled. (Hippolytus. On the Hexaemeron, or The Work of Six Days. From Fragments of Commentaries on Various Books of Scripture.)

    1. Young Reader From Spain,

      See my comment to you below.


  5. It was like this? I am not Protestant, I already mentioned it; However, I read a lot from many sites.

    In the same place it is stated that Saint Hippolytus accused a pope named Callystus of the following:

    "The impostor Callistus...And those who listened to Callistus delighted in his postulates, continued with him, mocking both themselves and many others, and crowds of these naïves gathered at his school. So his pupils also multiplied, and they They strutted themselves above the crowds (attending school) in the interest of pleasures that Christ did not allow. But in contempt of Him, they placed restriction on the commission of any sin claiming that they forgave those who ascended (in the Callistus's opinions). For even he also allowed women, if they were not married, and burned with passion at a clearly inappropriate age, or if they were not willing to recover their own dignity through a legal marriage, which they They could have whomever they chose as a bed partner, whether slave or free, and that woman, although not legally married, could consider such a partner as a husband. Therefore women, reputed believers, began to rely on drugs to produce sterility, and to expel what had been conceived because of their desire not to have a child by a slave or any other miserable type, for the sake of their family or excessive wealth. Behold, how great impiety has this lawlessness of one proceeded, inculcating adultery and murder at the same time! And yet, after such bold acts, they, losing all shame, try to call themselves a Catholic Church! And some, under the assumption that they will achieve prosperity, go along with them. (Hippolytus. Refutation of All Heresies, Book XI, chapter VII).

  6. Thank you for this. It's nice to hear of Pope Pius XII being praised these days. Sedes, who call him the last pope, and should he respecting him, are often the ones spouting evil interpretations and ideas on his words, actions and laws.

    1. @anon9:31
      An embattled pope indeed! Thank you for commenting, my friend.

      God Bless,


  7. With this message I conclude, I hope not to bother you because this issue interests me but I will understand if it is not published.

    The same site states:

    "Hippolytus was the first to be branded an “antipope” partially because he and his followers refused to accept that Callistus could morally qualify for apostolic succession. Unlike Callistus (who some say was elected, but may not have been), Hippolytus was actually elected "Bishop of Rome" just after the death of Zephyrinus (Kirsch. St. Hippolytus of Rome. Catholic Encyclopedia). But because of Callistus's "liberal" views, many chose to follow Archdeacon Zephyrinus of Callistus instead. of Hippolytus If the Roman Church truly had apostolic succession how could she trace her church through the bribe taker Zephyrinus and the abortion allower Callistus instead of Hippolytus?

    Those associated with the Church of Rome should ask themselves if Hippolytus was elected Bishop of Rome in the 3rd century and Callistus was considered a corrupt “imposter” who sometimes lost control, wouldn't that make sense from a Catholic perspective? Romans that it was Callistus who should be considered the first antipope and not Hippolytus?"

    I insist that I do not know if this is true, that is why I would like to ask if the information provided by the page in question is false or not. Thank you very much for answering.

    Young reader from Spain

    1. Young Reader From Spain,
      Perhaps I'm overtired, but I'm a little puzzled by what this is all about. There are no citations and reads like blog blather. If you could provide me with the link, I'll read it and let you know what I think.

      God Bless,


    2. Greetings Introibo, thank you very much for answering. The article I referred to is the following:

      But it is in Spanish, I tried to translate it but with Google translator and I didn't get a good translation. I sincerely apologize for not speaking English.

      I just wanted to know if the claims on this page about Saint Hippolytus are true. Very thankful.

      Young reader from Spain

    3. The (pre-Vatican II) Catholic Encyclopedia has a very informative entry on St. Hippolytus of Rome

      You'll find there information on his conflict with Pope Zephirynus and his successor, Callistus, which resulted in Hippolytus becoming a schismatic and being elected an anti-pope by his few disciples.
      Hippolytus remained in schism until he and a true Pope, Pontius, were both exiled into the island of Sardinia. There, Hippolytus finally reconciled with the Church. Both he and Pope Pontius died in exile and have been revered by the Roman Church which is proof enough that Hippolytus indeed renounced his schism and anti-papacy before death.

      God Bless You,
      Joanna S.

    4. Young reader from Spain:

      DeepL is an excellent translator, even better than Google Translator. I'm not an English speaker either, so I use both.

    5. Joanna,
      Thank you so much for your excellent response!

      God Bless,


    6. Many thanks to Joanna and Introibo, and thanks also to Simon for recommending the use of this translator.

      Young reader from Spain

  8. My opinion is not relevant and I don't know if this comment will bother me because, as I explained, I am not a believer; I believe that, for a Christian today, watching television or using the Internet is not exactly something that contributes to growing their Faith or keeping them away from sin, but quite the oposite. For obvious reasons, I don't know what television was like during the pontificate of Pius XII, but I don't think it was much like it is today.

    1. @anon7:27
      You are not off the mark. The PRINCIPLES enunciated by His Holiness are perpetually valid, however their application would be different in this crazy, evil world of 2023. The way the vast MAJORITY of people use the TV and Internet is not conducive to becoming/remaining a Traditionalist Catholic--however, I like to think that this site, Nous Ordo Watch, Steven Speray's blog, etc. are notable exceptions. You can still use TV and the Internet for good.

      God Bless,


  9. If Pius XII had known about the drift of television and had seen what the majority of networks broadcast in my country, I don't know if I would have seen any goodness on television. For example, the movies that are broadcast. If there were an Index of films like there was of books - the one that Pope Paul VI or Montini suppressed - the question would not be which films would be in that Index but which would not. And about the Internet, and specifically social networks, not many good things can be highlighted either. It is true that there are pages like this one or NOW that are very good for Catholics, but also many others that spread lies, generate more confusion or directly incite sin or deny Christ, and even more so in a society that has not apostatized from the Faith but rather brags about it.

    This is why I don't have such a positive opinion of technology, without being openly hostile.

    Thanks for the article.

    Young reader from Spain

    1. Young Reader From Spain,
      I agree that there's way more bad than good on TV, movies, the Internet, etc. However, it is the responsibility of each of us to use our Faith-informed, God-given reason to use only that which is good in each.

      Thank you for your thoughtful comments!

      God Bless,


    2. Thank you, Introibo, for your wise answers; indeed, the previous comments were mine, I was wrong to separate them.

      Young reader from Spain

  10. Truly, the problem with young(ish) Traditional Catholics today is that they have been born and raised in a world where no vestige of Catholic culture remains and they don't realize what a tremendous loss that is. They don't remember and don't understand (don't want to find out?) how the society in general was like before Vatican II when Catholicism was still powerful enough to exert its influence even upon non-Catholics (the Legion of Decency anyone?). Let me give you an example: they will accuse Pius XII of naivety when it comes to the morality of television and its role in the family/society but will promote an occultist and lewd rock musician just because he happened to write a song about how people are out of touch with reality because of modern technology. Talk about naivety (and scandal)!
    In the 1950s Card. Stritch of Chicago ordered all Catholic girls to refrain from attending the Elvis Presley show that was coming to town. Yet, some Trad Catholics today see nothing wrong in promoting modern rock trash while downplaying a true Pope, even if he voiced only his opinion (a valuable and sage opinion at that!).

    Thank you for defending one of the greatest Pontiffs again, Introibo!

    God Bless You,
    Joanna S.

    1. Joanna,
      Yes, you are so right! Sodomite rock singer Elton John was angry at Bergoglio two years ago when he refused to bless same sex "marriage," yet funded a biographical movie of the pervert. According to one news source:

      "Elton John ripped into the Vatican and Pope Francis today after the Catholic Church announced it wouldn’t bless same-sex marriages because God “cannot bless sin.”

      The musician wasted no time pointing out the “hypocrisy” of the Church’s decision. In a Monday tweet, John pointed out that the Vatican invested millions of dollars into his biographical film “Rocketman” — a dramatized retelling of John’s rise to stardom and eventual marriage to husband David Furnish — allowing the Vatican to make money off of an LGBTQ story."

      I wonder what Elton John is thinking now after Bergoglio's about-face? I wonder how many today think sodomy can't be all that bad when the Vatican pays to glamorize it in the movies? The worst is yet to come.

      Merry Christmas, Joanna!

      God Bless,


    2. Today's youth no longer have a moral compass to guide them through this evil world. Young people in the V2 sect live under the illusion that this is the Catholic Church, and will accept adultery and homosexuality because the "Pope" approves of both. Only the wise can recognize the devil's work in all this.

    3. Introibo,

      Yes! Even a pop star pervert can see the glaring contradiction. Elton John and his ilk must be overjoyed with "Fiducia supplicans". It's a clear endorsement of what they've been pushing for decades, namely that (allegedly) love is love, even if it has some "flaws".
      Blessing "all that is true, good, and humanly valid" in perversion (para. 31 of "Fiducia supplicans") is the logical development of Vatican II's "rejecting nothing that is true and holy" in false religions ("Nostra Aetate").

      Merry Christmas to You, Introibo!


      Generation Z has been successfully groomed to accept perversion as normal. I shudder to think what awaits those who won't accept the new sodomite "normal".
      We need to pray constantly for the greatest of graces - final perseverance.

      God Bless You and Merry Christmas!
      Joanna S.

    4. The Antichrist's era will be one of persecution. It is already beginning with the scorn of those who reject the new "norms" accepted by this godless world. And the V2 sect is reconciled with this world and no longer wants to convert it. The days ahead will be difficult, but we have the means to weather the storm.

      Merry Christmas to all !

  11. Introibo,

    Thanks for your post. It is true Pope Pius XII often isn’t held in the highest regard.

    “This is the pope who said in the 1950s, "The greatest sin is that the world has lost all sense of sin"!” I had forgotten which Pope said this, what a great quote. I had thought it may have been from Pope St. Pius X.

    Jannie wrote “His pronouncement of the dogma of the Assumption of the BVM was his crowning glory.” I also think about something Bp. Sanborn has said about him. Something to the effect of how important it was that he canonized Pope St. Pius X.

    Regarding films, I remember hearing of the Church’s protective film rating system. A grade of “C” meant you shouldn’t watch. “A miracle on 34th St” was rated “C”… Presumably due to one of the main characters being divorced and starting a relationship with another lead. How “normal” divorce became over the years. I won’t mention what they are fervently trying to normalize now.

    I enjoyed St. Clare’s story with the not-so virtual Mass. I didn’t know about that. I also didn’t know about “Chaos Frank” and the Vatican’s funding of Elton’s movie. Well, I’m not surprised.

    “Humanity, in its arrogance, must never think more highly of itself as technology allows for greater domination over the world. People have always thought highly of themselves, lacking humility… Science and technology have become "gods" to many.” Indeed. As Christmas is immanent, let us be grateful of our Queen’s wonderful example of humility to us all, and to pray to be blessed with more of it.

    God Bless, and Merry Christmas to everyone,
    -Seeking Truth

  12. Merry Christmas to the readers and managers of the blog!

    Young reader from Spain
