Monday, June 26, 2017

The Role Of The Laity

 Anyone unfortunate enough to attend the Novus Bogus "Mass" of the Vatican II sect will immediately notice the following:

  • people standing around and talking as if they were at a social function
  • men and women dressed as slobs and prostitutes (especially during the summer) because that's how they "feel comfortable"
  • when "the liturgy" or "celebration of the Eucharist (sic)" begins, everyone is expected to sing songs (usually profane nonsense) and sway back and forth to strumming guitars
  • there is no sanctuary, just a table for anyone to approach and "sacred vessels" (usually made of pottery) that anybody can touch
  • men and women "proclaiming the readings" while the so-called "priest" ("Fr" Bob or just plain old "Bob") sits in a chair and takes a nap
  • endless bantering back and forth between Bob and the people
  • laypeople taking several monetary collections in case they need to post bail for Bob
  • men and women distributing "communion" in the hand, and giving the wine to anyone who wants a gulp ("Fr" Bob still napping)
 One of the main reasons the "mass" was changed like this by Vatican II (so we are told) is to permit "full, active, and conscious participation" as ordered by the Council document Sacrosanctum Concillium. "Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people (1 Peter 2:9; cf. 2:4–5), is their right and duty by reason of their baptism." (See para. # 14; Emphasis mine). 

 The laity does have a role in the life of the Church, but there is a correct understanding and a distinctly heretical one that has its origin principally in the Protestant so-called Reformation. This heretical understanding was adopted and implemented by the Modernists at Vatican II when the Counterfeit "Church" was created. I will set forth the heretical notion of the role of the laity, the true teaching of the Church, and give some further suggestions for this time of the Great Apostasy in which we live. 

Heretical Notion: The "Priesthood of All Believers"

 Heresiarch Martin Luther completely destroyed the true meaning of justification. According to Luther, Original Sin did not merely wound human nature, it corrupted it so that everything a person does is sinful. Justification is not intrinsic but an extrinsic covering of the sinful nature by the merits of Christ. This is accomplished by faith alone, a fiduciary faith that Christ will cover our sins ("like snow that covers dung."). Sacraments are only to increase and nourish faith. Furthermore,  a sacrament consists of two parts, a divine institution and promise of forgiveness. Only Baptism and the "Lord's Supper" qualify as sacraments, and neither is necessary for salvation. The Lord's Supper is in no way sacrificial. Luther himself admitted that he arranged things so that " is divorced from morals, grace from works, religion from government." (See Commentarium in Epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas, pg. 19)

 The notion of a "common priesthood of all believers" arose from this heretical notion which reduces Christianity to something that is internal and personal rather than social and sacramental. The Protestants wanted a special and personal seal of salvation more certain than Church membership and use of Her sacraments. Their heretical view of the Church makes it a congregation of the saved rather than an instrument of salvation, and twists sacraments into manifestations of grace already possessed rather than channels of grace to be received. 

 Since they fancy themselves as "the Elect," because salvation is assured by faith alone, they have a common dignity which finds its expression in a universal egalitarian "priesthood." Each person is their own representative before God. There is no Magisterium necessary to interpret the Bible. The idea of sacrifice, completely eradicated, made the priesthood an empty metaphor devoid of any real significance. Anyone can really do anything at their services. Someone is designated a "minister" based on schooling for biblical knowledge and oratorical skill in preaching. Everyone is equal, and needs to manifest their belief in a "faith community." The Modernists have taken the basic principles to the furthest extension. 

 Now, it should be obvious why "full, active and conscious participation" means everyone at the Novus Bogus "mass" must do something. You must give responses, "bring up the gifts," read from the "Lectionary," hand out "communion," sing songs, sway back and forth, shake hands and kiss, etc. If you're following along in your hand Missal, meditating on the meaning of the Mass, involved in mental prayer, praying the Roasry, etc., you're are not being "active," or a "fully conscious participant." 

There is, however, a correct notion of how the laity does participate in the Church, which will be explored next. 

Authentic Church Teaching On The Laity

 The Catholic Church's teaching on the common priesthood is primarily sacramental and social. In Holy Scripture, the Fathers of the Church saw a common priesthood that belonged to all Christian society and made them superior to the priests of the Old Testament. 

 St. Thomas Aquinas discovered in the sacramental characters of Baptism and Confirmation the precise means by which people are configured to Christ in His priesthood and are admitted to the common priesthood of His Mystical Body. These characters (i.e., indelible marks on the soul) allow the person to worship God according to the Rite of the Church and are passive potencies for the reception of the other sacraments. The Catholic, who participates in the common priesthood by these sacramental characters, worships God in the capacity of an active recipient of sacramental grace.  Therefore, meditating on the Rosary during Mass is full, active and conscious participation, not singing Stairway to Heaven by Led Zepplin while doing a "liturgical dance."

In the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, each member offers himself in sacrifice to God through an interior offering of the will and given expression in the sacramental Body and Blood of Christ which all offer to God together subordinate to and in union with an ordained priest. The ordained priest offers both in the Person of Christ (in persona Christi) which makes it a valid Mass, and in the Person of the Church (in persona Ecclesia) which makes it licit and pleasing to God. The layman only offers in his own person as a recipient of grace and not a minister and intermediary of grace from God to humanity. 

(Some of the above in this post was taken and condensed from theologian Rea, The Common Priesthood of the Members of the Mystical Body , Catholic University Press, [1947]). 


 It's been said that, "Before an institution collapses the more ridiculous it becomes." One look at what passes for "mass" at the local Vatican II sect parish proves that aphoristic saying true. As their numbers dwindle, those who remain are interested in entertainment and fun in the guise of "full, active and conscious participation" of God. However, God has nothing to do with it. They are paving the way for a One -World Ecumenical religion where anything goes except the truth. I urge my readers to do all they can to convert others while there is still time. Invite people to come to Church with you, give them good Traditionalist literature to read, much of which can be downloaded for free. If you can, contribute to Novus Ordo and Daily You might not agree with every opinion, but they do not subscribe to any error or heresy and do more than anyone to make people aware of the Truth in this time of the Great Apostasy. Pray for them if you cannot donate.

Remember, the laity must do all it can to spread the faith. Our priests and religious cannot do it alone. Do not get discouraged if your labors to convert do not (apparently) bear fruit. God asks only that we try. As for Frankie and his false clergy, they may seem to have the upper hand as they sway and dance in corybantic fashion, showing their contempt of the True Mass and worship of God. Keep in mind the words of Sacred Scripture, "Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap." (Galatians 6: 7-8).  

Monday, June 19, 2017

Judging The Book By The Cover

 When Karol Wojtyla ("Pope" John Paul II), one of the most evil men who worked for the destruction of the Church, died, people were chanting "Santo subito," which roughly translates as "sainthood now." He is revered as "Saint" John Paul "the Great" in the Vatican II sect. When I call him "John Paul the Great Apostate" people look at me with horror: "How dare you say such a thing! Can't you see what a holy pope he was for so many years?"  How is it even possible that such diametrically opposed views can exist about this man? I believe the answer lies in two reasons; (1) the general ignorance prevalent about the Faith, and (2) concern with externals. It's a deadly combination that blinds one from seeing the truth.

 What Faith Is--and What It Is Not

According to theologian Tanquerey, Faith is "the supernatural assent by which the intellect, under the command of the will and the influence of grace, firmly accepts revealed truths because of the authority of God Who is revealing." (See Dogmatic Theology 1: 193). John Paul II sees Faith as "an experiential state." Speaking to a group of clerics, Wojtyla said, "To enter into dialogue with God means to allow oneself to be won over and conquered by the luminous figure of the Revealed Jesus, and by the love of the Father Who sent Him. It is in precisely this that the faith consists.In faith, man interiorly enlightened and attracted by God, goes beyond the limits of purely natural knowledge, and experiences God in a manner that would otherwise be impossible." As you can see, Wojtyla is a good Modernist who reduces "faith" from an act of the intellect to feelings and experiences. This is reflected in the Novus Bogus "mass" where human entertainment, feeling good about yourself, and the elimination of anything deemed "negative theology" (like sin and Hell) reign supreme. 

 Wojtyla was a close friend of arch-Modernist Fr. Karl Rahner, whose teaching on the "anonymous Christian" was tantamount to universal salvation. Rahner was censured by Pope Pius XII, rehabilitated by Montini (Paul VI), and had a friend in Wojtyla who was greatly influenced by him. The heretical Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes (The Constitution of the Church in the Modern World) had Wojtyla, Cardinal Montini ( the future Paul VI), Cardinal Suenens, and Cardinal Lecaro as the chief architects. All were Modernists to the core. Gaudium et Spes along with Lumen Gentium (Constitution on the Church), set the foundation for the new religion--the Vatican II sect.

Lumen Gentium set up a false dichotomy between "the Church of Christ" and the Roman Catholic Church. In reality, they are identical, but this document of Vatican II falsely teaches that they are distinct. According to this Modernist document, the Church of Christ "subsists" in its fullness in the Catholic Church, but also subsists elsewhere in false sects according to how many "elements' they have. To have all the elements is best, but to have just some is equally good and leads to salvation. Gaudium et Spes teaches one of the trademark heresies of the Vatican II sect; the idea that by His Incarnation, Christ united himself with each man.  Vatican II speaks of a union between Christ and each man that results from the incarnation itself.  Wojtyla has taken this heresy and run with it full speed ahead to its logical consequence - universal salvation in a "church" that subsists everywhere. 

Gaudium et Spes # 22:

"For by His incarnation the Son of God united Himself in some way with every human being.  He labored with human hands, thought with a human mind, acted with a human will, and loved with a human heart." (Emphasis mine).

John Paul II in his first "encyclical" Redemptor Hominis #13; "We are dealing with each man, for each one is included in the mystery of the Redemption and with each one Christ has united Himself forever through this mystery." (Emphasis mine).

This means that no one can ever be separated from God in hell. He bases this heresy on the teaching of Vatican II in Gaudium et Spes #22, that Christ has united himself with each man in the Incarnation. The whole point of the Catholic Church is to unite mankind to Jesus Christ through the Faith and Sacraments. If the union between all of mankind and Jesus Christ occurred at the Incarnation, then the Church has no value and is, in fact, pointless. This is the "faith" of Vatican II and Wojtyla; the heresy of Modernism.

Hiding Heresy Well

 Wojtyla was an actor, and what a great act he put on for those who didn't understand the Faith, yet desperately wanted to believe "the essentials" hadn't changed after Vatican II. Here's how he did it.

1. Make "the culture of death" your theme. JPII would constantly reiterate traditional Church teaching on abortion and euthanasia to the applause of "conservative" Vatican II sect members. Granted they are huge evils. Unfortunately, no one stopped to realize that they reached catastrophic proportions precisely because Wojtyla simultaneously helped push for the removal of Catholicism as the State religion. Countries that never had legal abortion or euthanasia (Belgium, Ireland, Spain, etc) fell as part of the "culture of death" once the influence of Catholicism was gone. After all, the "Church of Christ" subsists in all sects!

2. "Mass" is only important if you feel good going to it. The Novus Bogus must be "relevant," focus on the material needs of the poor in "homilies," and--most importantly--be fun, fun, fun! If you don't find it amusing, simply stop going. Hell is never mentioned, nor Christ's sacrifice. Retain some of the key words (He died for us, etc), but do something different (have a Happy Meal).

3. Invert the primary and secondary purposes of the sacraments. Baptism is about "initiation into the People of God." Gone is the primary effect; the remission of Original Sin (a negative concept). Also removed is that orthodox term "Mystical Body of Christ." Penance is "reconciliation" because doing penance for sin is negative, and we're all saved anyway. The Eucharist is about "breaking bread with your neighbor." Confirmation is not being a soldier for Christ, it is "the completion of Baptism." (As if Baptism is somehow "deficient.") Marriage is all about conjugal love, not procreation. "Anointing of the Sick" (formerly Extreme Unction) is about bodily and mental health, not preparing the soul to meet its Maker. Holy Orders is being the "president of the assembly" not an alter Christus to offer Sacrifice to God and forgive sins.

4.  McCanonizations. Make "saints" by the dozen everywhere you go to show "holiness" in everyone from everywhere, even if they died relatively recently and have suspicious backgrounds. Wojtyla made more "saints" from 1978-2005, than were made from 33-1978. (including the phony "canonizations" 1959-1978).

5. Travel everywhere. The more people see you, the more you seem "in touch with the people." You become a superstar, like the blasphemous hippy Jesus Christ Superstar.

6. Talk tough, but do nothing. Slap heretics like Hans Kung on the wrist, but don't excommunicate anyone. Actually, you can't since everyone is united to Christ by virtue of the Incarnation. 

7. Sound profound, even when you're not. Talk about the "Theology of the Body," and come up with bold new concepts like, "the body of a man and a woman were made to complement one another." (Wow! Who woulda thunk it?)

8. Retain "traditional doctrine and discipline" while systematically undermining them. Be against women "priests" while allowing both men and women to do sacerdotal functions; i.e., distribute "communion,"  recite the "readings," bring up the "gifts," etc. Be against married "priests" while giving most duties to married "deacons," and make more and more exceptions for married clerics from Protestant sects to keep their wives should they want to be Vatican II sect "priests."  


 The majority of Catholics never knew the Faith well in the decades just prior to Vatican II. They were robbed of the truth and had it replaced with a counterfeit sect; a pallid imitation. Those who see without the eyes of faith perceive Wojtyla as a "saint." For those of us with the True Faith, we don't judge by worldly standards and appearances. "Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly." (St. John 7:24).  

Monday, June 12, 2017

If Your Eye Causes You To Sin

 Pornography is at an all-time high in consumption. The reason, which is fairly obvious, has been the advent of the Internet. No longer relegated to filthy magazines, which no decent person wants to get caught buying or reading, the Internet brings porn right to you with ease. I've read some estimates that say as much as 34% of all websites are pornographic. Many people try to turn this into a strictly religious issue, with some even claiming that porn has societal benefits (e.g., men will be less likely to commit rape, there will be less adultery, etc.).

As time goes on, more and more secular evidence is being brought forth which shows that there are benefits to obeying God's Laws, as well as even secular dangers to those who choose to disobey. Recently, a study by Simone Kuhn and Jurgen Gallinat, "Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated with Pornography Consumption: The Brain on Porn," JAMA Psychiatry 71, no.7 (July 2014) came up with incredible findings concerning porn's effects on the brain. Other studies show porn's effects on emotional health, sexual violence, and marriage (there were other factors, but I will focus on these findings). For the full article on the brain, See The other studies may be found in Appendix 1 of The Porn Myth, by Matt Fradd, Ignatius Press, [2017], pgs. 191-212.

1. Porn and the Brain

  •  When researchers compared the brain scans of porn users to non-users, those who used porn had a dulled reward center.
  • When the reward center is dulled, the person doesn't feel dopamine's effects like they used to do. This means that in order to get the same excitement as before, porn users must resort to more hard-core material.
  • Since porn addiction goes hand in glove with Internet addiction, such people have less gray matter in several important areas of the brain, such as the frontal lobes, the striatum, and the insula. These areas help people with self-control, prioritizing, and feeling empathy; when gray matter lessens, so do these important functions.
2. Porn and Emotional Health

There is a correlation between the frequency of porn viewing and:
  •  depression, anxiety, stress and various social problems.
  •  the motivation to pursue goals.
  •  changed sexual preferences.
  • poor overall health.
  • hurting oneself.
  • problems with intimacy.

3. Porn and Sexual Violence
  • Porn use increases the risk of developing sexually deviant tendencies such as beastiality by 31%
  • The risk of committing a sexual offense increases 22% in those who use porn frequently. 
  • There is a correlation between frequent porn use in men and the likelihood of rape. Rather than lessen the likelihood of rape, porn actually increases it.
  • States that had higher sales of porn magazines had higher rates of rape.
  • In one study, in 193 cases of rape, 24% of the rapists mentioned the use of pornography without any solicitation for such information.
4. Porn and Marriage
  • Porn heightens belief that marriage is "sexually confining," that promiscuity is normal, and that raising a family is unappealing.
  • Women who discover a husband's porn use may experience depression, fatigue, and suicidal tendencies.
  • Porn use correlates to higher incidence of adultery.
  • Porn correlates with sadistic marital rape. 
 There is no doubt that God's Laws are in place for our good both here (wellness) and hereafter (to get to Heaven). Don't be fooled into thinking that pornography is "harmless," "normal," or "prevents greater evils." Secular studies prove this is not the case. More importantly, porn is a mortal sin, making one worthy of Hell. Of course, there will be those who will try to minimize the deadly effects of porn on the soul and on society. Men will object, "I watched porn and never raped anyone." In the words of one researcher, "Many people share Strossen's opinion that men who consume porn but who have never raped a woman disprove the theory that porn can cause rape. This is comparable to arguing that because some cigarette smokers don't die of lung disease, there cannot be a causal relationship between smoking and lung cancer." (Russell,1995)

 Say no to porn, and parents, please check what sites your children and teens visit. As Our Lord said, "And if thy eye scandalize thee[causes you to sin], pluck it out, and cast it from thee. It is better for thee having one eye to enter into life, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire." (St. Matthew 18: 9).