Monday, October 5, 2020

When Strangers Come Knocking---Part 14

This is the next installment of my series to be published the first Monday of each month.
There are members of false sects, like Jehovah's Witnesses, that come knocking door-to-door hoping to convert you. Instead of ignoring them, it is we who should try and convert them. In 1 Peter 3:16, our first Pope writes, "But in thy hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks thee to give the reason for the hope that thou hast. But do this with gentleness and respect,..." Before the Great Apostasy, the Church would send missionaries to the ends of the Earth to make as many converts as possible. 
Those in false religions don't always come (literally) knocking at your door. It may be a Hindu at work who wants you to try yoga. It could be a "Christian Scientist" who lives next door and invites you to come to their reading room. Each month, I will present a false sect. Unlike the Vatican II sect, I do not see them as a "means of salvation" or possessing "elements of truth" that lead to salvation. That is heresy. They lead to damnation, and the adherents of the various sects must be converted so they may be saved.
In each month's post, I will present one false sect and give an overview of:  
  • The sect's history
  • Their theology
  • Tips on how to share the True Faith with them
One of the most wicked and dangerous of all false religions is Islam. Founded by the madman Mohammed in the seventh century, Moslems or "Muslims" as they like to be called, are warlike and and hate Christ. Their sheer numbers make them a force with which to be reckoned. According to the Berkley Center:

Islam is the world’s second largest religion after Christianity, with approximately 1.5 billion adherents—nearly a quarter of the global population. Islam dominates the religious landscape of the Middle East, North Africa, and large parts of Asia. Though the Arab world is often regarded as the historical heartland of Islam, Arabs comprise only about 20 percent of the world’s Muslim population, while about 30 percent come from the Indian subcontinent and the rest live in Asia outside the Middle East and the West. The country with the largest Muslim population is Indonesia, home to about 13 percent of all Muslims worldwide. Islam is the largest religion in Africa, with a particularly strong presence in the North and West. Sizeable Muslim minorities exist in many countries, including Russia and China. Islam is the second largest religion in much of Europe, and Muslim communities exist in North and South America as well. (See

In the United States, Islam has grown at an incredible pace. According to the Pew Research Center:

Since our first estimate of the size of the Muslim American population, the number of U.S. Muslims has been growing rapidly, albeit from a relatively low base. When we first conducted a study of Muslim Americans in 2007, we estimated that there were 2.35 million Muslims of all ages (including 1.5 million adults) in the U.S. By 2011, the number of Muslims had grown to 2.75 million (including 1.8 million adults). Since then, the Muslim population has continued to grow at a rate of roughly 100,000 per year, driven both by higher fertility rates among Muslim Americans as well as the continued migration of Muslims to the U.S. (See 

I wish to credit my somewhat sanitized exposition on Islam, as condensed from Introduction to Islam: Beliefs and Practices in Historical Perspective, [2015], by Carole Hillenbrand. Hillenbrand is an eminent authority on Islam. She is currently Professor Emerita in Islamic History at the University of Edinburgh and Professor of Islamic History at the University of St Andrews. I will then bring to light the face of Islam few discuss for fear of being labeled "Islamophobic" by the PC-left wing crowd. 

Islam, which means "submission to God" was founded by Mohammed (sometimes spelled Muhammed). His followers came to be identified as Moslems or Muslims, i.e.,  “those who submit to God." Moslems consider the term Mohammedans and its variants offensive because it implies to them that they worship Mohammad instead of the moon-god "Allah."

Mohammad, a descendant of Ishmael, was born in the year 570 to a minor clan of the Quraish tribe in Mecca.

Orphaned at an early age, he was raised by an uncle, Abu Talib. As a child, he took care of herds. Later, he subsisted as a camel driver.

Eventually Khadija, a wealthy widow, employed him. They fell in love and were married. As a wealthy merchant, Mohammed had contact with adherents of monotheistic religions on the trade routes and time to pursue religion. At the time, Mecca was a place where polytheism and animism thrived. Each tribe had its own deity and made annual pilgrimages to Mecca to pay homage. There were reportedly three hundred sixty (360) deities that were worshipped. The first shrine that greeted pilgrims entering Mecca was a statue of Allah’s (a false moon-god) three sensuous-appearing daughters (al-Lat, al-Manat, and al-Uzza). The Ka’ba that housed a black stone allegedly given to Abraham by Gabriel was dedicated to the god Habal. Mohammed would make the moon-god the "god of Islam."

In 610 AD, at the age of 40 and while meditating in a cave on Mt. Hira, Mohammad fell into a trance. Trembling and sweating, he heard the angel Gabriel say to him, “Recite!” This was the beginning of a series of “recitations” given to him over a period of years which became the Moslem "holy book" or Koran (also spelled Qur'an). 

Mohammad’s career as a "prophet" in Mecca then began. His message to the Meccans was this: There is only one God to whose will people must submit, and there will be a day of judgment when all people will be judged in terms of whether or not they have obeyed God. Some ac­cepted what he said and became Moslems; others (the majority) rejected his message. Rejection of Mohammad and his message by the leaders of the Quraish led him to look for some other place where this new religion could be established. The people of Yathrib (now Medina) had expressed interest and openness to Muhammad and his followers, so they left Mecca in 622 AD and settled there. Moslems use the date of the migration, the hijrah, as the start of the Moslem era. ["AH" after a date  = After the hijrah].

In early January 630 AD [8 AH] Mohammad led an army of 10,000 to Mecca and con­quered his enemies. The Ka’ba was cleansed of idols, and shrines to pagan gods were destroyed. Mohammad retained Mecca as the center for pilgrimage, and certain holy places, such as the Ka’ba and the well Zamzam. He died in 632 AD (10 AH) at the age of 62. 

There are the "Four Great Beliefs" (or "truths"):

1. “There is no God but Allah” [La-ilaha-ill-allah].
  • God is One (the Trinity is explicitly denied)
  • God is unique and no other shall be worshipped. Mohammed is Allah's prophet.
2.  “God is the greatest” [Allah-o-akbar]
  • Allah must triumph over all false religions

3. “In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful” [Bis-millah-al-rahman-o­rahim]
  • There is nothing more merciful and gracious than Allah
4. “If God wills” [Insha-allah]
  • Everything is predestined by Allah
The Koran is the highest authority in Islam. It is the earthly version of a heavenly book and the um-al-kitab (mother of all books). The Koran is divided into surahs (chapters) and ayats (verses), and maintains its authoritative character only in Arabic. 

To be saved, one must belong to Islam, and their good deeds must outweigh their bad deeds. Heaven consists of carnal pleasures, such as deflowering virgins for Moslem men. Hell is eternal torture for non-Moslems and bad Moslems. 

The Five Pillars of Islam (What every Moslem must do)

  • To recite the Shahadah [to bear witness] with conviction–“There is no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet” [La-ilah-ill-allah-wa-Muhammad-rasul-allah]
  • To pray [salat]. A Moslem must perform the ritual prayers while facing in the direction of Mecca five times a day: at sunrise, at noon, in the midafternoon, at sunset, and before retiring. At noon on Friday, Moslems are expected to gather at the mosque (place of prayer)
  • To fast [saum]. This is done during the ninth lunar month, Ramadhan, to commemorate when Mohammad received the Koran. Moslems must fast from daybreak to sun­down. It is expected that this time will cause them to reflect, teach them self-discipline, and underscore their dependence on Allah.
  • To give alms [zakat]. One-fortieth of one’s income is prescribed.
  • To make the pilgrimage [hajj]. If possible, a Moslem should visit Mecca at least once in his or her lifetime. The last month of the Islamic calendar, called al-hajj, has been desig­nated as the official period of pilgrimage.
Mohammed's beliefs were really an amalgamation of the beliefs of pagans, Jews, and Catholics. Hence, the prohibition on eating pigs as "unclean" (Jewish belief), Mohammed taken to Heaven by a Pegasus (winged horse in paganism), and belief in the Immaculate Conception of Mary (Catholic).

Our Lord Jesus Christ vs. The Demonic Mohammed
Now that the basics of Islam have been set forth, the stark differences of Christ Who founded His One True Church shall be compared to the false "religion of peace" and its equally false prophet Mohammed. There is an excellent circular I read compiled by Mr. Stanley Robertson. Although not a Traditionalist, Mr. Robertson has done an excellent job of exposing Islam as a false and wicked sect. Below, I set forth some of his pertinent points. The author's citations are retained as he wrote them.

  • Said Allah hates those who don't accept Islam. (Qur'an 30:4, 3:32, 22:38)
  • Permitted stealing from unbelievers. (Bukhari 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764)
  • Permitted lying. (Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)
  • Murdered those who insulted him. (Bukhari 56:369, 4:241)
  • "If then anyone transgresses the prohibition against you, Transgress ye likewise against him" (Qur'an 2:194)
  • Jihad [War] in the way of Allah elevates one's position in Paradise by a hundred fold. (Muslim 4645)
  • Married 13 wives and kept sex slaves. (Bukhari 5:268, Qur'an 33:50)
  • Slept with a 9-year-old child. (Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236)
  • Ordered the murder of women. (Ibn Ishaq 819, 995)
  • "O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness." (Qur'an 9:123)
  • Encouraged his men to rape enslaved women. (Abu Dawood 2150, Qur'an 4:24)
  • Demanded captured slaves and a fifth of all other loot taken in war. (Qur'an 8:41)
  • Was never tortured, but tortured others. (Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)
  • "And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah" (Qur'an 8:39)
  • Blessed the brutal murder of a half-blind man (al-Tabari 1440)
  • What are the Greatest Commandments? "Belief in Allah and Jihad [War] in His cause" (Muslim 1:149)
  • Died fat and wealthy from what was taken from others in war or demanded from others in tribute
  • Advocated crucifying others. (Qur'an 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)
  • According to his followers: Had others give their lives for him. (Sahih Muslim 4413)
Jesus Christ:
  • "For God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting." (St. John 3:16)
  • "Thou shalt not steal." (St. Matthew 19:18)
  • "Thou shalt not bear false witness." (St. Matthew 19:18)
  • Preached forgiveness. (St. Matthew 18:21-22, 5:38)
  • "If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." (St. Matthew 5:39)
  • "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Sons of God" (St. Matthew 5:9)
  • Was celibate
  • Never hurt a child
  • Never harmed a woman
  • "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." (St. Matthew 5:5)
  • Never encouraged rape. Never enslaved women. Honored women and held all to the highest standards of purity. "But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart." (St. Matthew 5:28)
  • "The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve." (St. Matthew 20:28)
  • Suffered torture, but never tortured anyone
  • "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (St. Matthew 5:44)
  • Healed a blind man (St. Mark 8:28)
  • What are the Greatest Commandments? "Love God and love thy neighbor as thyself." (St. Matthew 22:34-40)
  • Demanded nothing for himself. Died without possessions
  • Was Himself crucified for love of humanity and to save others from eternal Hell
  • According to his followers: Gave His life for others. (St. John 18:11) 

Now ask yourself, "Which of the two lived a good life?"  "Which of the two founded a 'religion of peace'?"

Proselytizing Moslems
 Be careful as to where you are and to whom you speak. Many Moslems become violent if you say anything against their wicked religion. If it is a harmless convert or someone raised to be an adherent of Islam and they ask you to come to their mosque, here are some tips for proselytizing them.

 Prepare yourself to respond to objections to the Christian faith (e.g. denial of Jesus crucifixion, charges that the Bible has been changed, Christians worship three Gods, etc.) and to Moslem apologies for Mohammad from the Bible (Mohammad is the prophet like unto Moses foretold in Deuteronomy 18:15-18, the Paraclete foretold by Jesus in St. John 14-16, etc.).

For example, the Islamic objection to the crucifixion of Jesus runs thus; Moslems believe that God would not dishonor his chosen prophet Jesus by allowing him to be crucified. Point out that Jesus predicted His own death on several occasions during His life (St. Matthew 12:39-40; 16:4, 21; 17:22-23; 20:17-19; 26:2; St. Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34; St. Luke 9:22, 44; St. John 2:19; 10:11, 17-18; 12:32-33). Christ is not merely a prophet, but God Incarnate as proven by the Scriptures. He died to save humanity.

Moslems claim Mohammad [and not Jesus] as the fulfillment of the prophet "like Moses" foretold in Deuteronomy 18:15, 18. Moslems claim that the phrase in verse 18 “from their brothers” is a reference to Israel’s brother Ishmael, and that Mohammad is a descendent of Ishmael. However, verse 15 clarifies what is meant by this phrase. “From among you” would indicate that this prophet would be an Israelite.

Moslems claim that the phrase “like me” must refer to Mohammad because he was like Moses in many ways. However, many people have been "like Moses" in many ways: birth, marriage, proclaiming God’s words, ruling people, death, etc. It is not the common aspects but the unique aspects of Moses that separate the candidates. Moses saw the Lord “face to face” ( Exodus 33:11) instead of receiving revelation through dreams and angels. Moses did great miracles (Deuteronomy 34:10-12). In these things Mohammad is not like Moses at all, but Jesus fulfills the criteria perfectly. 

Point out the evil life and character of Mohammed as contrasted with Christ. If speaking to a Moslem woman, ask if she agrees that Allah is a misogynist. She will deny it. Then point out the following:

 Islam gets its teachings from the perverse and wicked man, Mohammed. His teachings are contained in the Koran, believed to be revelations given to him by the god "Allah." Next to the Koran, most Moslems accept the teachings of the Hadith, a book which purports to be a record of the words, actions, and the silent approval, of their "prophet," Mohammad. The Tabari is a collection of Koran verses and Hadith quotes, and is illustrative of how "Allah" allows women to be abused, to the point of likening them to animals and sex objects. 

"Allah permits you to shut them [women] in separate rooms and beat them, but not severely. If they abstain, they have the right to food and clothing. Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Koran." (Tabari IX:113; Emphasis mine)

One of the worst practices in Islam is female genital mutilation (known as "FMG"). Young girls have their clitoris removed (most times without anesthesia) to eliminate their sexual drive ensuring they will not be attracted to boys and become "prime property" on the "marriage market" as a virgin. 

Men are allowed to be wife beaters. The Koran 4:34, "Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], beat them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand." (Emphasis mine). 

Here is a brief run down of the status of women in the Koran and Hadith. Women:
  • Can be shut in separate rooms
  • Should be beaten if disobedient
  • Are to be treated like domestic animals
  • Have deficient minds
  • Make up the majority of damned souls in Hell
The Koran is an evil book written under demonic inspiration. Strong words? I own a copy. Here's what it teaches:

"O ye who believe!  Fight the unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you; and know that Allah is with those who fear Him."  (Sura IX 123) Islam spread by means of violence. Catholicism spread by being persecuted and loving Her enemies along the way.

"They do blaspheme who say: 'Allah is Christ the son of Mary.'  But said Christ: 'O Children of Israel!  Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.'  Whoever joins other gods with Allah, Allah will forbid him the Garden, and the Fire will be his abode.  There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help."  (Sura V 75) Islam says Christians go to Hell, and Christ is not Divine; He allegedly told others to worship the false moon "god" Allah. There is nothing in the historical record to substantiate (a) Christ did not claim to be Divine and (b) He commanded worship of a false "god."

"O ye who believe!  Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors:  They are but friends and protectors to each other.  And he amongst you that turns to them (For friendship) is of them.  Verily Allah guided not a people unjust."  (Sura V 54) Mohammedans are told not to have Christians or Jews as friends.

If they protest "that is not the correct interpretation of the Koran," you can respond:
1. It is practiced the way just described in Islamic counties.
2. The Koran cannot be interpreted peacefully:

 "So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the Faith: (Establish) Allah's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind: No change (let there be) in the work (wrought) by Allah: that is the standard Religion: but most among mankind understand not."  (Sura XXX 30)  Traditionalists who commit violent acts do so in spite of  Church teaching to the contrary. Moslems who commit violent acts do so because of their false religion. Its history is one of violence, and this can be objectively proven. 

Islam is a sect from Hell. The false Vatican II sect teaches in Nostra Aetate, para. #3: "The Church (sic) regards with esteem also the Moslems. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God." (Emphasis mine)

"Pope" "Saint" John Paul II kissed the Koran and prayed, "May Saint John the Baptist protect Islam." Maybe he should be given the title "John Paul the Great Mohammedan."

"Pope" Benedict XVI  called for Christians "to open their arms and hearts" to Moslem immigrants and "to dialogue" with them on religious issues. Ratzinger told participants that the Catholic (sic) Church is "increasingly aware" that "inter-religious dialogue is a part of its commitment to the service of humanity in the modern world."

"Pope" Francis prayed towards Mecca and said, "Islam is a religion of peace, one which is compatible with respect for human rights and peaceful coexistence."

The True Church does NOT regard Mohammedans as "worshiping the same God." Traditionalist Catholicism and Islam have competing theologies which are mutually exclusive. "Allah" is the name of a false moon "god" exalted by the false prophet Mohammed.  The psalmist tells us that  "All the Gods of the Gentiles are Devils" (Psalm 96:5) and hence to whom do they render their worship? The Scriptures tell us clearly "They provoked Him by strange gods, and stirred Him up to anger, with their abominations.  They sacrificed to devils and not to God: to gods whom they knew not: that were newly come up, whom their fathers worshiped not. "  (Deuteronomy 32:16- 17)

They "sacrificed to devils and not to God" - regardless of whether or not they might have believed they were rendering homage to the True God, the reality is quite the contrary! It is an erroneous proposition to qualify a prayer addressed to the devil as authentic prayer. Islam is a false religion. It does not come from God, and those who follow it lose their soul. Gone are the days when St Francis of Assisi met Sultan Al Malik Al Kamil. The Saint told him, "If you wish to convert to Christ, and your people with you, I will most gladly remain among you out of love for Him. If you are hesitant about abandoning the law of Mohammed for the faith of Christ, order an immense fire to be lit; I will enter into it with your priests and you will see which is the surer and holier of the two creeds, and which one you must follow."  There was no "esteem" for the false religion shown, and peace was by conversion.

Gone are the days of King St. Louis IX and Pope St. Pius V who fought to keep the infidels out of Catholic Europe. Vatican II welcomed them in with "open arms," and rejected Catholicism as the State religion.

Gone are the days when artificial contraception, abortion, and euthanasia were banned and large families flourished. "Christian" Europe is shrinking while the Moslem hordes breed us out of existence. We must convert as many as possible and pray for a miracle. In the not too distant future, don't be surprised to see the Grand Imam of the Islamic Republic of Italy issuing fatwas ("laws") from the erstwhile St. Peter's Basilica. God save us. 


  1. Thanks for another great article. We should not listen the members of the false church who praise Islam and false religions, who discourage proselytism and thus condemn souls to damnation. Bergoglio and his gang are antichrists and Satan's henchmen.

    1. Simon,
      The V2 sect loves all false sects—and hates the remnant True Church!

      God Bless,


  2. Thank you for this Introibo! I’ll try to share it later.

    I remember the day after 9/11, Opus Dei assigned its top theologian (a validly ordained priest before Vatican II) to give an hour long conference on how “good” Islam is.

    1. @anon7:34
      What an insult to the people the Mohammedans murdered. It doesn’t surprise me that the priest was a member of Opus Diaboli

      God Bless,


  3. Muslim men objectify and treat women as chattel. I travelled extensively in the middle east 40 yrs ago and the treatment of women in Muslim countries was horrible. Prior to travelling to the middle east, I had no prior contact with Muslims. After visiting several Muslim countries and my experiences with them, I kept saying "these people are evil". It was like they had no consciences. When I arrived back in the U.S., I actually got down on the ground at the airport and kissed the ground!


    1. Joann,
      Any non-Mohammedan who visits an Islamic country will absolutely want to kiss the ground where those demons are not in control.


  4. Good article Introibo! Can you please comment on pre-Vatican II priest Fr. Miguel Asín Palacios. He was a big apologist for Islamic Spain.

    I am anon 7:34. I just forgot to sign my name. The Opus Diaboli priest was also from Spain. He’s the late Fr. Joseph de Torre. Check out his list of writings. Bishop Sanborn told me they’re “very bad.” The University of Navarre and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross use him a lot.


    1. JCA,
      Fr Palacios claimed Moslem influences on Dante’s Inferno. He was very sympathetic to Mohammedans. Although to the best of my knowledge and belief he was never censured, his views hold no water.

      Fr de Torre was a Modernist. I have some of his writings, so it doesn’t surprise me that he would defend Islam. He went to Judgement in 2018. God pity him. We can only hope he repented before he died.

      God Bless,


    2. Thank you Introibo! I wish we could find some censure of Fr. Asín Palacios but most Catholic hispanists would surely disagree with him.

      I used to bump into Fr. de Torre almost everyday Introibo. His philosophy book is really big. His theme in the 9/11 talk was basically the 800 years of Moorish Spain was “very good.” He should tell that to the martyrs of Córdoba or many Spanish martyrs who appear almost everyday in the breviary. Let’s hope he repented!

      God bless you Introibo!


  5. Andrew,
    The V2 sect is a Mohammedan’s best friend!

    God Bless,


  6. I noticed you wrote “everything is predestined by allah”
    Does that mean that, just like the Protestants, Mohammedans believe their god wants people to sin and go to hell?

    1. Indeed, anon10:18. Although answering-islam is a website run by Evangelical Christians (i.e. non-Catholics), it is a treasure trove of citations and sources regarding Islamic doctrine, the Qu'ran, and commentary from actual Muslims about the meaning of their own faith and what they believe.

      To summarize some key points about Islamic doctrine on predestination:

      - Absolutely EVERYTHING happens by the will of Allah; every other agent and creature is utterly passive, and only Allah is active. (This implicitly denies the free will of man.)

      - The fate of all souls is predestined by Allah, whether it be salvation or damnation. "Do you wish to guide him whom Allah has caused to err? And whomsoever Allah causes to err, you shall by no means find a way for him." S. 4:88

      - Even faith in Allah is predestined. (I.E. an implicit denial of man's ability to accept or reject the grace of God.)

      - Even though what we will is also predestined by Allah, we also held to account for what we will. ""Wherever ye are, death will find you out, even if ye are in towers built up strong and high!" If some good befalls them, they say, "This is from Allah"; but if evil, they say, "This is from thee" (O Prophet). Say: "All things are from Allah." But what hath come to these people, that they fail to understand a single fact? Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from Allah. But whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul. And We have sent thee as a messenger to (instruct) mankind. And enough is Allah for a witness." S. 4:78-79

      - This predestination even extends to original sin; per Islamic tradition, Allah willed Adam to sin and fall away. Even with regards to adultery, "Allah has fixed the very portion of adultery which a man will indulge in, and which he of necessity must commit (or there would be no escape from it)." (Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Number 6421, 6422)

      In other words, it cannot be said that Allah has a character of his own that can be called perfectly just or perfectly good, for he is the author of both vice and virtue, the cause of salvation and damnation; the only consistent character trait is pure will, and pure power, without any of the eminent holiness attributed to God by the Catholic Church.

      To call such a being as one and the same as the God worshipped by Abraham (as the Vatican II Sect teaches in its own official Catechism) is nothing short of blasphemy.


      A Simple Man

    2. A Simple Man:

      It reminds me of the blasphemous Roger Waters song called “What God Wants to Get - Part One” If anybody Reid the read the Singing for satan article on this band, the song basically was “God wants to get X evil thing”.

    3. Simple Man,
      Great summary!

      God Bless,


  7. Bergolio says "there is no Catholic God". Could the next Vatican II sect "Pope" then be a Muslim?


  8. Joann,
    Using their logic, why not?


  9. My husband has Covid-19 and is a patient in a Novus Ordo Hospital. He just called me and told me that he changed rooms. When he was being wheeled down the hall he saw a crucifix with Buddha in place of Jesus on it. How disgusting and revolting. People who don't know any better see this and think that is what Catholicism stands for.


    1. Joann,
      Wow. Just when you think they cannot get anymore perverse and blasphemous, the V2 sect proves you wrong. Praying for you and your husband, and I ask my readers to do the same.


    2. Also, the Novus Ordo Hospital referenced above turned their "Catholic" Chapel over to the Muslims. Seems Buddah and Allah have taken over the Novus Ordo Hospital!! Totally revolting.


    3. JoAnn, I am sorry your husband is sick and I hope he is home soon. How do you know your husband has covid? Did a pcr test administered in the hospital come back positive? Also, did he have certain covid symptoms that put him in the hospital or was he there for other medical reasons and then a covid diagnosis came after and in conjunction with it?

    4. Hello JoAnn, we are praying for you and your husband. It would be very helpful if not too much of an intrusion to hear your answers to the anonymous writer above. If I could add another question, did your husband have the flu shot at the end of last year? God bless you!

    5. Anon @6:56 -
      My husband is a teacher and became sick at school on Sept. 21st, running a temperature of 101 with chills. On Sept. 24th he went to CVS for their self-administered PCR Covid-19 test. The results came back negative on Sept. 27th. By the time the test results came back he was worse with a temperature of 103, extreme weakness and could barely walk or get off the sofa. Since the Covid-19 test was negative we were baffled by his increasingly worse symptoms. He became very lethargic, slept all the time and was hard to wake up, had dry cough, no appetite and wouldn't drink many fluids. He refused to go to the Hospital as he was afraid of contacting the coronavirus there. Nothing would bring the 103 fever down and he could barely stand up and I called the Ambulance against his will. He was transported via Ambulance to the ER on Sept. 29th. He was diagnosed with a positive Covid-19 test administered by ER personnel and I believe it was an antigen test as the results were very quick according to my husband. He was given a chest x-ray and had double pneumonia also.

      Anon @ 1:52,
      No, my husband did not have a flu shot at the end of last year. Neither of us take any flu shots or vaccines of any description.

      Watching this virus gradually and totally ravage my husband has been devastating and an awakening. Prior to him becoming ill with Covid-19, I was somewhat buying into the theory that the virus was overblown, that it was just another flu or cold virus. It is not. It ravages some people and is lethal. I have always believed and practiced erring on the side of caution. While we both wore masks in stores, used copious amounts of hand sanitizer and religiously washed our hands, and social distanced it found a way to infect my husband and ravage him.

      I have no symptoms so far. Each day I wake up and wonder if today will be the day I have symptoms. Why I don't have any symptoms, I don't know as I took care of my husband for 8 days prior to him being admitted to the Hospital.

      This virus should not be taken lightly or cavalierly. It garners respect due to the devastation it can inflict on some. My 2 cents.


    6. Anon @6:56 and 1:52-
      Wanted to let you know that my husband was put on Dexamethasone and Remdesivir to treat Covid-19. I believe Pres. Trump was given the same medications.


    7. Anon @6:56 and Anon @1:52,
      Thanks so much for the prayers!


  10. Wow. so your husband didn't have covid but flu symptoms which turned out to be pneumonia and COVID later. Normally you would get covid first and it could then develop into pneumonia. Yet all the while he and you were wearing masks and practicing all the social distancing and sanitation protocols. How interesting. I do hope your husband fully recovers soon.

    1. Anon @8:22,
      When the self-adminstered Covid-19 test came back negative from CVS, we assumed he had the flu. The Drs in the Hospital stated that the self-administered CVS test was inaccurate and a false negative for Covid-19. The Drs stated that the Covid-19 then turned into double pneumonia. I do not recommend having self-administered Covid-19 tests done for lack of accuracy. Therefore, the false negative test cost my husband a lot of time and added suffering in obtaining proper treatment for Covid-19.


    2. What about hydroxychloroquine? Check out "Americas Front Line Doctors" and what they have to say here:

    3. Anon @8:12,

      If hydroxychloroquine was all that Trump had claimed in the past, why wasn't he given it when he actually became infected with Covid-19?


    4. No clue. Maybe he was. But what is more important is that many doctors are speaking out about the efficacy of this drug and the fact that MSM and social media platforms are trying to silence this story is worth investigating. Some of these MDs have lost their jobs for bringing out this story.

    5. Anon @5:25,
      Pres. Trump was not given Hydroxychloroquine. Below is a list of medications that the President was given, some of which are in Clinical Trials. Pres Trump and others who have touted Hydroxycholoroquine as an unsubstantiated treatment for Covid-19 has caused a shortage of the drug by people who have been taking it for diseases which it is FDA approved such as Lupus and these patients have been unable to get the medicine. This action by Trump and others is totally irrresponsible as Hydrocycholoquine is not even in clinical trials to treat Covid-19. Pres Trump by trying to play scientist and Doctor has caused much confusion and much disinformation concerning Hydroxychloroquine and caused a national shortage of the drug as a result.


    6. Sorry your husband was ill. Hope he fully recovers.

      The problem with masks is that they are mandated. If someone wants to wear a mask, let them. But it is extreme overreach to shut down churches, schools, and businesses, and make us all cover our faces like zombies. It's a wildly superstitious overreaction for political theatre bc it's an election year.

      What concerns me is that many people will have weakened immunity after all this falderol ends, if it ever does. A healthy person needs small daily exposure to germs to keep resistance. During my first two years as a teacher, I was constantly ill, but after that I had super immunity - never caught the flu or even a cold for the past 25 years despite being in constant contact with kids and adults. I truly believe in strengthening the immune system through good nutrition and constant exposure to normal germs. When I felt run down, extreme exercise usually checked whatever might have been about to attack my immunity. And this is despite being a pathological insomniac with an unbelievably stressful life.

      It also helps to maintain normal weight; the link between covid mortality and obesity is strong. (So why aren't they outlawing donuts and junk food?? Makes you question the sincerity of the politicians who have foisted this power grab on us.)

      Burning masks is such a temptation, and hand sanitizer would probably make a great accelerant. Hydroxychloroquine was not allowed to be sold in most places, again because the government wants to push this covid hysteria on us so that they can then force us to submit to vaccination.

      Don't get me started on the evils of vaccines....

  11. Dear Editor

    Hello from Down Under :Melbourne,Australia.

    Thank you for your very interesting website and info.You must spend many hours in preparing your articles.Well done brother.

    We are a family who attend the Masses of good Father Phillip Eldracher.A very hard working Cleric who has a passion for Souls and preaches solid sermons.If you like to go to Bishop Sanborns's seminary website and scroll down the right side to the link to Mary Help of Christians Chapel where there are many Mass videos available.Enjoy them.See our nice Altar.We need several more priests for the work here in Australia.

    We are so impressed with Bishops Sanborn and Selway after the scandalous,devious and rotten Father Julian Gilchrist who was here under Bishop Pivarunas and the CMRI.Bishop Pivarunas came here twice for Confirmations and must be disgusted to lose many Souls(Btween us and Brisbane,over one hundred Souls)We were so pleased to see him go.He was a total bum and damaged Souls.He stole funds from us and was always over in your county bumming around where he is now.Several years we had no Christmas Mass as he was spending Christmas with his family in Idaho.Contacts over there have said he has already lost three CMRI missions.Why does Bishop Pivarunas tolerate him when his other priests are so hardworking and grow their missions.Our Bishops said they would of expelled him.Infact he is is a utter joke of the SSPX here.

    We pray you will publish our words.Keep up the excellent work.Prayers for you and your family.We will have several Masses offered for you.

    1. Hello anon9:53,

      What exactly were the concerns with Fr. Gilchrist as far as Australia are concerned, and how long ago were they?

      (Per CMRI's website, he's currently serving two missions in Montana, which is actually down from the four advertised last year; I've only had the chance of meeting him once, at a 2019 private Mass held at a parishioner's home outside of Billings.)

      (The closest priest that CMRI has to Australia right now is Fr. Brendan Legg, but he's exclusively stationed in New Zealand.)


      A Simple Man

    2. @anon9:53
      I thank you for the kind words and Masses. I’m glad you are with priests you like. I will not comment on your assertions regarding Traditionalist clergy as I know nothing about it.

      I would like if you could answer Simple Man’s query above. If you have knowledge of wrongdoing you must go the authorities to have them arrested(if illegal) and if immoral you must publicly denounce them with the evidence.

      Unsubstantiated claims should never be made.

      God Bless,


    3. We are SSPX supporters who live in Post Falls,ID.We too have heard many bad things about that priest.Some of the evidence about him is losing the two missions in the Fiji Islands Down Under which CMRI had for over 15 years.Word came to us that the folk there were so angry at his rudeness they converted to a Protestant Sect.Tis is just the tip of the iceberg.Two Missions over in MT,what happened to the other two.

    4. Hi Introibo

      I knew this Gilchrist fellow years ago at Immaculate Conception Church at St Cloud,MN.A very strange and unbalanced individual.

    5. Dear "Simple Man"

      I'm writing from Australia. There are no concerns with Fr Gilchrist CMRI. He is an excellent priest and we knew him for many years. All good priests are persecuted.

      Some of the faithful in Australia preferred MHT to CMRI due to the fact that the CMRI official policy is to allow more back and forth from the SSPX Mass, whereas MHT is more clearly non una cum. For this reason, the Mass centres were given over to MHT. Australia is very different from America. There are many SSPX faithful in Australia and few sedevacantists. SSPX are inclined to wage war to try to exterminate true doctrine on the papacy and the Church, and like all wars, that can be very unpleasant. Besides that, they believe Francis is pope so should logically worship at a Mass that includes his name, and that can't be non una cum.

      A non una cum environment is peaceful. Certainly we ourselves found no lack of peace under Fr Gilchrist either, but some were concerned about the CMRI policy that things might slide in that direction slowly, and more leeway might be given to the SSPX.

      We were also sent derogatory comments from someone (similar to the above tone) when we began attending Fr Gilchrist. We are very glad that we chose to ignore them. We are very grateful to him for everything he did for us and we are certainly better off for having attended his Masses. God bless Fr Gilchrist, an exceptional priest.

      The other side of the story is that Fr Eldracher is also a wonderful priest and never ceases sacrificing himself for his flock. MHT are a great group of priests.

      God bless all the Catholic clergy and may they live long.

      From an Aussie.

    6. Hello all,

      Given that we have claims going in different directions (both for and against Fr. Gilchrist's character), I'm going to default to presumption of innocence (so to speak), since I lack direct experience or an authoritative judgment from the appropriate authorities on the matter. After all, there are manifold reasons why certain missions change hands, or why some missions may end up closing down in favor of focusing on others, not necessarily for negative reasons.

      To the anon(s) that claim to have direct experience with Fr. Gilchrist that was truly as negative as you allege, I would highly recommend you take Introibo's advice and notify Bp. Pivarunas through the appropriate channels so his Excellency can investigate.

      Speaking in general: given the fractures and disputes between various sede groups over the years (some of which run long, and as a result now have a spot of bad blood), I'm usually hesitant to speak or engage with rumors of such a nature (especially if I have no direct experience with the individuals involved), not only due to the risk of committing calumny on my part, but also because of the risk of scandalizing others.

      Just my two cents.


      A Simple Man

    7. Dear Idaho SSPXers,

      What you heard is nonsense. Fr Gilchrist told us he left the Fiji mission because they were Feeneyite heretics. All are obliged to accept the teachings of the Church on that matter which is found in the Council of Trent, in the catechism and many other places.

      I have heard many things about Post Falls too. But I rather not repeat gossip. Instead I will give what are, apparently, facts. The SSPX in Post Falls sent a child predator by the name of Kevin Sloniker to run boys' camps at grave risk to those young boys. Everyone should beware of SSPX who have been shown to cover up for predators. Kansas Police Beaureau investigation is investigating the whole of the SSPX due to abuse cases.

      People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

      Prayers for you all.

    8. What happened to Father Anthony Short CMRI?

    9. False,the folk in Fiji did accept the Church teaching on BOB and BOD.they did not go to a Protestant Sect but back to the SSPX.They don't want anything to do with Sedevacantism now.We should know as we go to Fiji every year for our holidays.They are very nice and caring folk.

    10. Introibo.Short was expelled from CMRI after he had sexually abused and sodimised a young boy at the CMRI boys camp held at Idaho.We are thankful that Bp Pivarunas took this action.The boy suffering from trauma try to take his life.His dad and mom found him just in time.

      These problems can happen in any Traditional group and as one priest said a few months ago,there will always be bad priests.It is up to us lay faithful to take action.

  12. Such a timely article about attempting to convert Muslims, because Francis' new encyclical Fratelli Tutti (Tutti Fruity as it has been called) said the opposite and misrepresented St. Francis (as if he were an ecumenist) when he said,

    "Unconcerned for the hardships and dangers involved, Francis went to meet the Sultan with the same attitude that he instilled in his disciples: if they found themselves “among the Saracens and other nonbelievers”, without renouncing their own identity they were not to “engage in arguments or disputes, but to be subject to every human creature for God’s sake”. In the context of the times, this was an extraordinary recommendation. We are impressed that some eight hundred years ago Saint Francis urged that all forms of hostility or conflict be avoided and that a humble and fraternal “subjection” be shown to those who did not share his faith."

    A little off topic, but I have to praise the many Jews in New York for their defiance of the dictator Gov. Cuomo for burning the masks in a bonfire. I'm glad Bp. Dolan speaks out against all this BS in many of his sermons which can be found online.


    1. Lee,
      Talk about historical revisionism regarding St Francis of Assisi! Everything—even history itself—-must change according to its dictates!

      God Bless,


    2. Lee,
      There are many of the same similarities between the Spanish Flu and Coronavirus such as mask wearing. Many people during the Spanish Flu balked at the idea of being mandated to wear masks. Spitting in public was forbidden. Churches were closed. I don't understand how wearing a mask is an infringement on freedom when the alternative which could very well be death due to Covid-19.


    3. Mask wearing is a compete joke and anyone who buys this is a moron. In fact, it is now coming out all over the place that mask wearing is causing sicknesses. Here is one from the other day on how masks cause pneumonias:
      Perhaps JoAnn's husband got sick from and contracted pnuemonia while wearing an idiotic mask all day and the original negative covid test was correct? Just sayin...

    4. Perhaps you wouldn't be so cavalier in your attitude if a person stood shoulder to shoulder with you sneezed and coughed all over you without wearing a mask and two days later tested positive for Covid-19 and ended up in the ICU.

      I don't think anyone likes wearing a mask except criminals and Antifa. This virus is not an ordinary flu virus. I watched first hand what it did to my husband. He did not have any ordinary flu and CVS should be banned for their self-administered Covid-19 tests. Those who are misleading people are those who follow Trump's lead and now he is out there saying contracting the virus was "God's Blessing". Now that is an idiot and moron.


    5. It boggles my mind how many arm chair physicians are out there and each thinks they know more about the virus than M.D's and infectious disease physicians who are on the front lines and see and work with patients who have Covid-19 all day long. People today believe only what they want to believe regarding the virus and precautions. Much the same as the Vatican II sect where it is ok to pick and choose what to believe so long as it suits one's narrative and personal agenda.


    6. Anon @9:06,
      I wear a mask where it is required in my State. Since you are referring to "anyone who buys this as a moron", quit being a coward and hiding behind "anonymous" and state your real name when you call people "morons"!


    7. JoAnn, I read all your posts above and here is what I have to say. First, you and your husband wore masks and used copious amounts of hand sanitizer, and maintained social distancing and he STILL got sick. Obviously they didn't work. As for DT you don't know a) if he ever really had COVID or b) what he really took if anything. Could have been a pre-election stunt for all we know. As for the efficacy of the drug, it is known. As far as testing goes, none are accurate especially the PCR. I know of someone who signed up for a test, decided not to go for it, and then received a letter that he tested positive and had to self-quarantine. As for masks, if you choose to wear one in public that is your choice but I happen to think you are moron for doing so. That being said, I would defend your right to be a moron because I believe in freedom and I strongly oppose any sort of mask mandate upon me. Lastly, I don't know you (other than your name)and you don't know me and that is the way Introibo runs his blog. If you enjoy publishing personal info about yourself on a public blog that is again your choice and nobody is stopping you but you shouldn't demand it of others. Cheers.

    8. The problem with masks is that to be effective they should be discarded often with a new clean one. Most people use them for days and days and weeks. This makes them more dangerous than beneficial. The average person is not trained in the proper use of PPE and therefore these mask mandates are counterproductive. Honest medical professionals know this but the whole issue of masks is now political and the wearing of masks by healthy people in day to day activities is now a matter of social confirmity.

    9. JoAnn,

      I got sick back in early January and it kept me out for about two weeks. I had all the symptoms of Covid and I felt like I was going to die. I don't know if I had Covid because that was before it was being talked about and I simply stayed home and took natural supplements such as Vitamin C and D, rested in bed, and eventually I got better. Even though I had such a bad experience, I still don't wear a mask nor expect others to wear a mask because I can't breathe when wearing one and afraid it will cause me to have an asthma attack (which is something I used to have). Even if I didn't have that problem, I still don't believe they work even though many do. Here is a video showing what science said back before 2020 and here is another video showing a doctor demonstrating how vapors go right through or around any mask and here is what Dr. Fauci said back in March which is the complete opposite of he what wants everybody to do now

      I'm sorry your husband is going through what he is going through and I will pray for him to get better soon. What really bothers me is the mandates, lockdowns, etc. because the UN wants everybody to get used to this as the new normal. If the governments push wearing the masks like they have been and get people to believe in it as they have, then they will eventually push us to get used to getting vaccinated so that way we can have a certificate to travel, shop, go to work and school etc. which is all part of the plan and the globablist have admitted this. The same people who are for aborting innocent babies that say my body, my choice are the same people who don't believe it's your body or your choice when it comes to your own health and well being.


    10. Anon @6:46,
      You evidently think so highly of yourself and are so arrogant that anyone who has a different opinion than you is a "moron". Laws such as not stopping at a red light are "mandated" to prevent injuring yourself and others so are laws against drinking and driving, wearing seatbelts, etc. Just because you don't care about spreading a deadly disease to others, doesn't mean that is your choice. I sure wouldn't want to come into contact with somebody such as you. You probably wouldn't CHOOSE to cover your mouth if you sneezed or coughed in my vicinity as that is your choice and it infringes upon your freedoms to do so. Believe me, this "moron" doesn't care to know or have contact with such as you.

    11. Lee,
      Conspiracy theories are running rampant regarding this virus and they are proving counterproductive. I don't like wearing a mask any more than you do. However, a lot of people are not responsible enough to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze near others. They then become a walking health hazard to others and, even, potentially deadly. It is not just about "your own health and well being" but about your neighbor as well. "Love your neighbor as yourself".


    12. JoAnn,

      Are you implying that I don't love my neighbor if I don't wear a mask because it is somehow selfish? I told you that I have a health condition which can cause me a problem if I wear the mask. So are you loving your neighbor by not considering their health conditions by wanting them to wear the masks anyways just because if makes you feel better?

      If I drive a car am I not putting others at risk of an accident? We don't just stop driving cars because of the risks. We take risks all the time, even if they are potentially deadly.


    13. Lee,
      If you have a health condition and cannot wear a mask, I believe that is an exception in most areas.
      It is not about wearing a mask to "feel" better. It is about wearing a mask to protect others from a potentially deadly virus. Next time you are driving your car don't stop at a red light as mandated by law and see what happens. It could be a deadly accident or a fine for breaking the law.

    14. JoAnn,

      I already sent you a video that showed the science and a demonstration that proves that they don't work. Wearing a mask is about submission in order to condition everybody for what is to come. That is not a conspiracy theory. Take a look at Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Maxine Waters and even Dr. Fauci among others. Each one of them have been caught in recent months not wearing masks in public areas despite their own strict admonitions that we should all have mandatory masks. They know it doesn't work, otherwise they would have been a little more scupulous about wearing it wherever they were. Driving itself is a risk. That was the point. You need lights to direct traffic (because they work and are necessary) so that argument is irrelevant.


    15. So blowing thru a red light holds the same fatality probability as COVID? JoAnn, you're an idiot. You must be one of the morons I see wearing masks in their car with the windows rolled up. Keep breathing in your own carbon dioxide all day dimwit, it's totally working.

    16. Lee and Tom A.,
      I cannot agree more!

      Anon 3:00 PM,
      I see what you mean but please, let's not offend each other, it won't get us anywhere. After all, this blog is one of the few places where we can still have meaningful discussions on the Internet.

      I'm glad your husband feels better now and is home - I hope he recovers soon.
      There's a few things I'd like to share with you and all of the Readers.
      In Poland there's mandatory mask wearing practically everywhere in public starting this Saturday. Health ministry and the police are threatening us with a "zero-tolerance" policy and fines. There will be no health exceptions, unless you have a proof that you're either disabled or crazy (doctor's certificate proving so will be OBLIGATORY). This comes in a form of a regulation which is subordinate to a bill concerning infectious diseases and the former violates the latter in this precise case. Moreover, this phony regulation also infringes upon medical confidentiality.
      Doctors in Poland "treat" their patients via telephone and are free to send them for a Covid test - if the patient is positive, the doctor gets paid more by the public health insurance. Doctors do not have to touch their patients now and get paid even more for doing absolutley nothing at all! The result is - surprise, surprise - daily Covid-positive records!
      If Trump does not win the elections, we're through. He's practically the only prominent public figure both willing and capable of stopping the Covid madness - he's given a good proof of that on Twitter (by the way, his Tweet saying that we should learn to live with this virus like we did with the flu which can be even deadlier was censured by Twitter!). As for Trump taking medicine still in clinical trials - I'm sorry but this is pure naivety. He's the POTUS, one of the few most powerful men in the world of politics - he certainly knows what he was taking and it sure was safe. He's not the first one to use Covid politically but he might be the only one to do so for the common good.
      Science has known the coronavirus species since the 1960s, each year there's a different seasonal influenza virus that has to be lived through. And we always did live through it.
      I would have never thought I'd hear the "love thy neighbour and mask thyself" cliché on this blog. Your husband, JoAnn, got sick despite all the masking, distancing and hand sanitizing. Using this rhetoric: how many people did you possibly infect with some sort of (deadly?) virus or germ last year, or the year before with no mask on? This shaming just gets us nowhere, we only grow hostile of each other - isn't it convenient for the pushers of the Covid-19 religion?
      Why did so many people forget that the standard way of dealing with seasonal viruses has always been: wash your hands, eat healthy, when sneezing and coughing stay in bed. Now it's sheer lunacy: scrape you hands with alcohol and chlorine, mask even though you have no symptoms, deprive yourself of the sunlight and the company of other people, eat junk and watch Netflix while you self-isolate because a piece of (used) cloth makes everyone immortal.

      One last thing:
      some days ago the Chief Sanitary Inspector in Poland had a moment of truth on a radio show when asked abut the masks. He said this: "People are to wear masks in order to REMEMBER that there's a pandemic going on."
      Any more questions?

      Joanna S.

    17. JoAnn may be wrong about coronacircus but please don’t call her a moron a dimwit or an idiot. You can respectfully tell her about the nonsense, like Lee is doing

    18. JoAnn may be wrong about coronacircus but please don’t call her a moron a dimwit or an idiot. You can respectfully tell her about the nonsense, like Lee is doing

    19. Lee,
      Where did Trump's deviance in letting people around him shake hands, hug, etc. get him? Most of the White House is now infected including him. This is the same man who a few months ago said the virus was a "hoax". It is your business what you do and believe. I personally think most of this anti-mask hysteria is driven by conspiracy theorists. Even in 1918 during the Spanish Flu masks were mandated and certain people balked against wearing them. I am done discussing the subject any further. You believe what you believe and I believe what I believe. Peace.


    20. Anon @3:00,
      With your choice of words such as "idiot" and "moron" you make traditionalists look bad. I hope others aren't judging the rest of us traditionalists by you as the majority of us are not that crass, ignorant and totally classless as you.


    21. JoAnn,

      Fair enough. Some of those people were wearing masks that got sick by on the white house lawns. If they work why did they get sick? Most people have mild symptoms, while others can get real sick. One thing that makes me mad is how they are blowing the numbers out of propertion. The CDC said that out of the death rate, 6% died strictly from Covid while the other 94% were from other health problems (diabetes, heart problems etc.). 6,000 doctors signed a petition saying we should open back up and protect the vulnerable and many of them are not for wearing mandatory masks. This means it's not as deadly as the media is making it look and we are being controlled unjustly without getting on with our lives back to the old normal. The real conspiracy are those in charge of the UN, WHO, glabalists like George Soros and Democrat governors and mayors (with a few Republicans) pushing Chinese agenda. I'm against Marism because it's condmned by the Church. That is what they are trying to turn our country into. I don't agree with Michael Matt on a lot of things because of his R&R heretical theology but I will give him credit for putting out this wonderful video:


    22. If I am wrong, someone please respectfully let me know, but to my knowledge the masks are to protect others, not to protect the one wearing them. Hence, "the love your neighbor" I previously cited.
      Is there any one who has watched another suffer or took care of another with severe Covid-19? This is not an ordinary flu or virus by any means. My husband became severely ill. Not all do. However, in my husband's case he progressively got worse to the point of not being able to get off the sofa or hardly walk. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion concerning Covid-19, I also am entitled to mine. I tend to err on the side of caution, wear a mask where mandated to protect others in case I should be infected and am asymptomatic, and respect the seriousness of this virus as I have seen first hand it's ramifications. Hope I didn't cause offense to anyone.


    23. To my Readers,
      I must interject here. I agree with Joanna that we must treat each other with respect as Traditionalists. In Galatians 6:10 we read, “ Therefore, whilst we have time, let us work good to all men, but especially to those who are of the household of the faith. ” There are few of us who hold to the True Faith, so let us act in charity.

      @anon3:00 You have the right to express your opinions here as often as you like—as do all my readers. However, it is not necessary to express yourself by insulting others who comment here. Joann is a very good person and very devout. Simply because you have a difference of opinion on a matter that does not relate to Faith or Morals, you may RESPECTFULLY disagree and make your arguments and points. Tom, Lee, and Joanna have done so in an intelligent and kind manner. Joann is always kind and intelligent but I don’t blame her for responding as she did given your invective.

      Express your opinions freely, but name calling is unnecessary and does (as Joann pointed out) make us all look devoid of charity towards each other.


    24. JoAnn,

      Please excuse my many typos. I'm glad your husband is feeling better. Like I said, I got sick back in early January before anybody cared and whatever I had (could have been the China Virus don't know, nor do I care) still doesn't sway me to think that all should wear masks just because of my awful experience. I understand your concerns but that 12 min video showing the actual studies from science should convince you along with the other one which showed vapor smoke go right through or around each mask that he tested. I don't mean to sound crude, but if you can smell a fart with a mask on (people have told me they have) then I'm pretty sure an invisible virus will some how work its way through or around the mask if it wants to. Just sayin. It's not a conspiracy that the New World Order is upon us. Francis along with many of the "cardinals" and "bishops" are part of it.


    25. Here is one for the road (warning a couple vulgar words):


    26. Lee,
      Why do Doctors, Dentists, etc. wear masks when practicing medicine if they don't work? Perhaps large droplets are caught in the masks such as when one coughs or sneezes and therefore, better than no protection at all. I don't know. I am not a mask expert. I am not trying to change anyone's beliefs on the subject. I have been trying to defend my own opinion on the matter and explain my stance. While so doing, I have been attacked and called a "dimwit, moron and an idiot". Only Anon 4:55 stepped up and asked that I not be called such names. This has been very disconcerting to me as the people on this blog are supposed to be Catholic traditionalists. If that is the way the majority allow one of their own to be referred to and treated, I don't need any enemies.


    27. JoAnn,

      Why are so many doctors believers in vaccines and denitst believers in fluoride? Do they not know what's in them and how they can potentially injure or even in some cases kill people (as they have)? Do dentist not believe or perhaps care about the toxicity of fluoride? I don't know the reasons why doctors and dentists do or believe the way they do. I don't trust a majority of them and I say that reluctantly because I actually personally like doctors and dentists and appreciate them for all the other good things they do.


    28. First, in general: there's enough rancor and acrimony in the world as is without bringing it amongst ourselves. I understand that political and social tension is high in America right now, but there's no need to malign the motives of traditional Catholics who have disagreements in good faith.

      Second, to JoAnn specifically: I recommending reading the PDF linked at the following link -

      To summarize a few points:

      - Various studies going back many years downplayed or outright rejected the efficacy of masks in reducing viral transmission; it was only within the past year that this longstanding consensus suddenly got turned on its head for COVID-19 (which in and of itself is suspect).

      - The current studies being cited to support the efficacy of masks in reducing COVID transmission were either cited incorrectly or are of dubious statistical value.

      - The potential side effects of wearing a mask for extended periods of time likely have more adverse health effects depending on what risk group you fall into, and on what your mask is made of, to the level of actively introducing medical maladies that would not have occurred otherwise.

      Hope this provides the alternative perspective you were looking for!


      A Simple Man

    29. Calling people names such as "moron and idiot and nitwit" is maligning Catholics and they are not "in good faith" by doing so.

    30. Dear JoAnn,
      I didn't mean my comment to sound prideful. Back in the early March when the Covid hype first started I thought for a short time that this virus might be as dangerous as suggested by the media. Regardless of my initial fear I decided not to follow the TV coronavirus reports and just see what happens. And I'm glad I did that.

      I'm no medical expert (nor am I trained in theology) but I try to draw my conclusions from reason, to the best of my knowledge, like we all do. And I mean no disrespect for you - I'm sorry that your husband fell sick and I'm aware that his illness must have caused you pain.

      As for doctors wearing masks for surgeries: these, I believe, are essential because you don't want a surgeon suddenly have a sneeze into an open wound (you just never know when you're going to get that itchy sensation in your nose). In order to protect themselves from some sort of bio-hazard laboratory workers need to wear uniforms that look like space suits. And we're told to have a piece of cloth over our nose and mouth to protect us and the others. This just doesn't hold water.
      The idea that you can spread respiratory disease without having the usual symptoms (coughing, sneezing) is totally false. The human body has bacteria and viruses galore. If you get infected, this does not automatically mean you're dangerous - unless you develop clear symptoms there's no risk of spreading the disease. Otherwise, life on Earth would be impossible - we would've just died out.

      All we need now (and always) is common sense - after all, not believing the mainstream media and questioning things (along with the Grace of God) sure paved way to Traditional Catholicisim for many of us. I hope the same will be true for this coronavirus thing.

      God Bless You,
      Joanna S.

    31. @JoAnn
      Deo Gratias on the recovery of your husband.
      God bless -Andrew-

    32. To anon12:46,

      Perhaps my first comment should have been more specific then as regards the recent comments:

      "First, in general [but in particular to those calling JoAnn names]: there's enough rancor and acrimony in the world as is without bringing it amongst ourselves. I understand that political and social tension is high in America right now, but there's no need to malign the motives of [JoAnn] who [has] disagreements [about other commenters' take on COVID-19 policy] in good faith."


      A Simple Man

    33. I have never in my entire life been called "moron, nitwit or idiot" or any other similar names before. I was very, very upset as a result. I was actually not going to comment any further and just leave. I may be oversensitive as a result of dealing with Covid-19. It has been very difficult to cope and deal with seeing the devastation of this illness first hand. While my Husband is now home, he is very far from being well. There is a lot that is still not known scientifically and medically about this virus. My Husband was treated with medications that are given to severe cases of Covid-19. I just found out that he was treated with blood thinners also. The virus somehow can cause certain individuals blood to clot. This is a very serious complication of the virus. To say that I fear this virus is an understatement having witnessed the devastation that it has done to his body. Everyday I wake up and wonder if today will be the day I have symptoms and get sick.
      The Governor of my State has mandated masks be worn in all stores, etc. Yes, I comply with the Governor's mandate. While, I don't like wearing masks, it never even dawned on me not to comply as I worked as a legal assistant and paralegal for years. However, just because I comply with the Governor's mandate that is no reason to be called "moron, idiot and nitwit".


    34. Joann,
      You know you have my prayers and those of almost ALL my readers. Unfortunately, one boor is all it takes to make us all look bad. I’m implementing a new policy of not publishing comments that are uncivil to fellow Traditionalists—esp as regards matters not pertaining to Faith or Morals.

      Remember what our first Pope wrote, “ But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with GENTLENESS AND RESPECT (1Peter 3:15; Emphasis mine).

      You’re a great person Joann.


    35. JoAnn, did it occur to you that your husband may have become sick from wearing a mask all day long? Others have. Also, it seems possible that your husband's blood issues were caused by the meds, not a virus. It is common that drugs, while treating one symptom, cause side effects. It is also common for doctors to prescribe additional drugs to treat the side effect conditions caused by the drugs used to treat the primary condition. Lastly, I don't understand why working as a legal assistant / paralegal has any correlation to complying with a governor's mandate to wear a mask.

    36. Anon @8:24,
      "Law enforcement are charged with enforcing this order. Those who "knowingly and willfully" violate the order could be charged with a misdemeanor resulting in a year in prison and a fine of $5,000."
      The above is the consequences of not adhering to the Governor"s mandate. I, therefore, try my best to abide and comply with the Governor's order.


    37. "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God, the things that are God's."

    38. Can somebody please tell me when the NWO theory became infallible Catholic doctrine? When did anti-masking in a pandemic become Catholic infallible doctrine? Seems that people are confusing religion with politics.

    39. It is a shame when conspiracy theories and unfounded opinions overtake Christian Charity and kindness and cause such rancor and division among Catholics.

  13. Hello. How would you respond to the objection that Thomas Aquinas “was pagan bc he respected Aristóteles?”

    1. Hello anon4:27,

      "Respecting Aristotle" does not in and of itself entail a denial of God or the Catholic faith.

      Furthermore, a pagan, in the original sense of the word, was a pejorative word used to describe polytheists (those who believed in many gods), and that was the sense in which paganism was still understood in St. Thomas's time. Although the word has broadened with the growth of the modern New Age movement to refer to those with any sort of religion that does not partake of the mainline world religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Shinto, Buddhism, Hinduism, and the like; even now, pagans are largely pantheistic, polytheistic, and animistic in terms of beliefs and practices.

      As such, to assert that St. Thomas Aquinas was pagan merely for "respecting Aristotle" is quite simply absurd.


      A Simple Man

    2. @anon4:27
      To be a pagan means (in the time of Aquinas) to worship many different “gods.” Just because Aquinas respected Aristotle’s learning in philosophy does not imply paganism in the least.


  14. My husband who was diagnosed with Covid-19 was discharged from the Hospital. Thanks for all the prayers!!


    1. Your husband had the flu. That's why he is home from the hospital. It should also be mentioned that his mask didn't prevent the flu. Now, I am glad the man is home but please do not try to make the flu into anything more than the flu.

    2. I am not trying to make the "flu into anything more than the flu". He was treated and diagnosed by a Physician in a Hospital with Covid-19. Were you the attending physician? If not, I suggest you keep your disinformation to yourself as people like you are dangerous.

    3. From the amount of vitriol and name calling spewed at on the subject of Covid-19, masks, etc., I am really beginning to wonder if the same would have been done if I was a man and had a wife diagnosed with Covid-19 and was a mask wearing, hand sanitizing, social distancer who adhered to their Governor's mandate??

  15. Deo gratias! I pray he continues to improve.

  16. To my readers:
    Someone wanted to comment here about downloading Catholic material from the web. He asked if I could edit his name out. I am unable to do that, but if you resend the comment anonymously I will publish it.


    1. Surely. The comment said as follows:

      I recommend Catholics to download any catholic material they want/need. I am afraid of future internet censorships and i think it would be a good idea if all of us download catholic books, articles, and papal writings not only for ourselves but also to share them with potential future converts.

      To give you ideas, I think you can download out of print books in the internet archive, for example, i found the Summa Theologica. Also, i have downloaded many articles form the web using the Books application in my I-Pad; i ignore if a mac compute or a cellphone can do so, but i believe it is worth a try.

    2. You know, I thought the same thing before

    3. I am glad you had the same though before.

    4. Lee, can i ask you a favor? Can you republish my comment in the combox of Novus Ordo Watch? I can't access my Disqus account.
      God Bless You.

    5. Anonymous 10:32

      I have no control over comments at Novus Ordo Watch. I'm not a moderator over there.


    6. But, can you copy the comment and publish it as if it were your own?

    7. "I recommend Catholics to download any catholic material they want/need. I am afraid of future internet censorships and i think it would be a good idea if all of us download catholic books, articles, and papal writings not only for ourselves but also to share them with potential future converts."

      And for accessibility on paper, in book form, a tip:

      From Blog Posts or Notebook to Book : Part I, up to reproducible originals · Part II, from reproducible originals to books you can turn the pages of

      I don't describe book binding myself, as there are excellent tutorials by people who do that much better than I.

    8. Mr. Lundahl;
      Thank you for your participation. God Bless You

  17. Was Saint Alexander Akimetes
    canonized under the Catholic Church or by the Eastern Orthodox?
    Thank you God bless -Andrew-

    1. Andrew,
      To the best of my knowledge and belief, he was recognized by the Church prior to the formal canonization process and had his feast kept in the Eastern Rites pre-V2. He is also venerated by the Eastern Schismatics.


  18. One more comment on masks and traditional Catholicism. We did not become traditonal Catholics and sedevacantists because we easily fall for the mainstream party line. The same skeptical attitude that keeps us away from the modernist NO sect or buying into the errors of the R&R camp have told us that there is something amiss with this whole Covid “crisis.” I, and I am sure all the readers here, are grateful to God Almighty that JoAnn’s husband is doing well. I am also 100% convinced that masks, social distancing, and lockdowns are useless and even harmful as dictated by the nomenklatura.

  19. I am late to this thread, but it's been interesting on a lot of levels!
    First, JoAnn, I am glad to hear your husband is out of the hospital and
    out of immediate danger now. I pray he continues to improve. Please take comfort in the "IAAD" reader community that is rooting for you.
    Intro, this was a great post. In a short article you described things I never heard of about Islam (and I've read alot about it!)
    Thank you again for all you do. And thank you for maintaining your comment section. I can't be easy. For me it is like having a big discussion room where we Trads can interact with others who treasure the True Faith.
    I pray for you and everyone here, too.

    1. Jannie,
      Thank you! I try the best I can!

      God Bless,

  20. Introibo,
    If you have time would you mind reading the link below. Does it make a difference that the fetal cells used were derived from an abortion years ago vs a recent abortion?


    1. Joann,
      Some theologians make a distinction between fetal cells and cells derived therefrom over an extended period. I really need to research this at length to give a proper answer. I’ll try if I get time later this week.


  21. Hi Introibo,
    Can you explain why in 2 places, which titles you may be familiar with, or even possess, "Defense of the Catholic Church" and "Handbook of the Catholic Religion" by Frs FX Doyle and Wilhelm Wilmers respectively, both Jesuits, and latter a bishop's theologian at Vatican 'I' and also noted theologians Suarez and De Soto of the Jesuits and Dominicans respectively (as I've heard) say Mahometans worship the true God in a false manner, contra your statements in this blog post? Thanks.

    1. Mary's Vagabond,
      There are nuances to the subject, and without reading what the quotes are in context, I'll say this:

      1. Islam is monotheistic, and not put on the same level as paganism. Subjectively, some Moslems may intend to direct their worship to the True God.

      2. Objectively, Islam worships a false moon "god" who is not a Trinity and morally defective. The god of Islam cannot be the True God.

      If the Islamic god is the same that Catholic worship, then we must also conclude that the "Great Architect of the Universe" the Masons worship is the same as Catholic, which is absurd.

      That some Moslems may INTEND to worship the True God is CONCEDED, that the sect worships the True God (falsely or not) is DENIED.

      These are the important distinctions many in the Vatican II sect overlook.

      God Bless,


    2. I recall that Chesterton called Calvinists diabolists, since they make "God" the author of sin.

      However, often enough Calvinists are referred to as worshipping the true God, falsely, since nominally they worship the Trinity and Our Lord Jesus Christ.

      One could however say "Mahometans worship the true God in a false manner" is incompatible with "with us" as we are aloof of this false manner. Hence the impossibility to pray with Muslims, in a Mosque facing the qibla, or with Calvinists.
