Monday, July 17, 2023

Defending Jesus As The Messiah


There is a large Jewish population in New York, and among NY lawyers. Having worked with them for years, I know that they will not try and make converts. Even the Orthodox Jews don't proselytize. According to Jewish scholar Rabbi Allen S. Maller:

Judaism lacks a strong missionary impulse because Judaism is a pluralistic religion. Judaism teaches that the Jewish way is right for us, but good people in other religions also have a place in the world to come. Correct behavior in society is more important than correct beliefs about God. Thus, while Jews welcome non-Jews to join us, we do not have a urgent motive to ‘enlighten’ or ‘save’ them.


Jewish people have more in common with Bergoglio than they probably realize--"Proselytism is solemn nonsense," said the Argentinian apostate. There have been a number of converts from Judaism to "Christianity" (I use that word broadly to encompass Protestant sects). The organization Jews for Jesus  is known for its proselytism of Jews, and promotes the belief that Jesus is the Christ --the Messiah promised in the Old Testament.

Hence, there is now a strong push by certain rabbis to prevent anyone from leaving Judaism. They concentrate on arguments meant to show that Jesus was not, and could not, be the Messiah. In this post, I will expose some of those arguments, and how to respond with evidence that shows Christ is the Messiah as prophesied. For this post, I have used many sources, and take credit only for compiling them into a terse post. I want to acknowledge in particular, a 1949 Catholic pamphlet written by an anonymous priest entitled Jesus Christ is the Messiah: Proven From The Bible.

Jesus Christ: Son of God and "Son of Man"
The term "Son of Man" is used over 80 times in the New Testament.  What does “Son of Man” mean?
When Jesus spoke of Himself and His mission, He often referred to Himself as “Son of Man.” Some, who are not well-versed in the Faith, may think "Son of Man" emphasizes Jesus' Humanity, while "Son of God" emphasizes His Divinity. In the context of Jesus, “Son of Man” seems to relate to Jesus’ self-designation and understanding of being the Messiah (though sometimes in a hidden or “secret” way).

In the Gospel of St. John, a bystander asks Jesus this very question: “Who is this Son of Man?” (12:34). Jesus, however, does not give a clear answer. He instead refers to himself differently: as the light. In St. Matthew 16, however, He is more explicit. When He asks His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” (16:13), Jesus affirms the response of St. Peter: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (16:16).

One of the most important prophecies Christ fulfilled was that of the "Suffering Servant" found in the Book of Isaiah, chapter 53:

Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
4 Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished.
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.
11 After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied ; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

Christ fulfilled all the Messianic prophesies, which in itself would take several posts to examine. In the next section will be specific Jewish objections and their refutations.

Charges Made and Answered
1. Jesus couldn't be the Messiah because He was not a prophet; He appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended.

Reply: In the mid to late second century, Judaism established an arbitrary "end of prophecy" upon the death of the prophets Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi and declared that Jesus cannot be the Messiah since "He appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended."

If this were true, then according to Judaism, the Messiah can never come.  Any Messiah that showed up today, tomorrow, next week, or next year would "appear on the scene over 2,300 years after prophecy had ended" and would not qualify as a prophet either.

2. Jesus couldn't be the Messiah because He could not have possibly fulfilled the messianic requirement of being descended on his father's side from King David.

Reply: Judaism has invented a requirement of patriarchal lineage (i.e. lineage through the father) that does not exist in Scripture.  The Law of Moses allows for inheritance and continuation of lineage through daughters as well as sons. (see Numbers 27:1-7)

In a rather ironic twist, modern Judaism only acknowledges Jewish heritage and legitimacy through a mother's lineage... not the father's.

3. The Virgin Birth is made up by Christians and not found in Scripture. Isaiah 7:14 says that a "young woman" will give birth and not a "virgin."

Reply: "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Emmanuel." (Isaiah 7:14; Emphasis mine).  

In Isaiah 7:11, God tells King Ahaz, "Ask for a sign for yourself from the LORD your God; make it as deep as Sheol or high as heaven."

Ahaz declines in fear saying, "I will not ask, nor will I test the LORD!" (verse 12)

In verse 14, God declares His choice of a miraculous sign for Ahaz: a virgin shall be with child and bear a son.

According to the Jewish "anti-missionaries" the miraculous sign God chose was that a "young woman" would get pregnant (presumably in the normal way) and have a son.  Really?  How is something that happens millions of times every year a miracle?

Yes, the Hebrew of this passage uses the word "alma."  Yes, that word generally means "a young woman," however, young women described using this word are virgins.  A young woman who is not a virgin is called a naarah.  Jacob's daughter Dinah (who is raped by a young man) is described using naarah and not alma.

Between 130 to 350 years before the Messiah was born, Jewish scholars translated the Hebrew Bible into Greek---a translation we call The Septuagint.  They translated the Hebrew word alma in Isaiah 7:14 into the Greek word parthenos.  This word parthenos means "a young woman who is a virgin".

4. Jesus Christ is not the "Suffering Servant." That title belongs to Israel. In actuality, Isaiah 53 directly follows the theme of chapter 52, describing the exile and redemption of the Jewish people. The prophecies are written in the singular form because the Jews ("Israel") are regarded as one unit. Throughout Jewish scripture, Israel is repeatedly called, in the singular, the "Servant of God" (see Isaiah 43:8). In fact, Isaiah states no less than 11 times in the chapters prior to 53 that the Servant of God is Israel. 

Reply: This is a common Jewish claim. Not surprisingly, there are several holes in their logic:

  • The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 is innocent and guiltless and "had done no violence, nor was there any deceit in His mouth."  In contrast, Isaiah describes Israel as a "sinful nation, a people weighed down with iniquity." (Isaiah 1:4)

  • The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53:3 was not esteemed by Israel ("we did not esteem Him") and yet Israel esteems themselves daily in their prayers.

  • The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53:8 suffers the penalty of the transgression in lieu of "my people," [Israel] "to whom the stroke was due."  This cannot be Israel.

  • The Suffering Servant dies, is buried, and is called rich in His death (verse 9) and yet the nation of Israel has (obviously) never died or been buried.

  • The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 serves as a "guilt-offering" (Hebrew: asham).  This type of offering is used to atone for willful sin.  Can the suffering of a sinful nation serve to atone for their own sins much less the sins of other nations?  No!
 Therefore, The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 is not Israel. Jesus Christ is the Messiah.

Though there were many factors that led the Jewish people to reject Jesus as the Messiah, it can be stated simply: they did not believe in Him because they did not want to believe. It is the same reason most people throughout history have rejected Jesus as Messiah. It is not that they could not believe, it is that they would not believe. It is not that people need more evidence, it is that they do not act upon the evidence which they have. As Jesus Himself said in the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man:
 If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe, if one rise again from the dead. (St. Luke 16:31). 


  1. The last claim, I have heard it was invented by medieval Jewish scholars, which is ironic because even the Orthodox rabbis rejected that interpretation. And even way before them, traditional Jewish rabbis always had interpreted Isaiah 53 to be a person (Messianic figure) rather than a nation. It would behoove them to ask how could they claim this in good conscience when all the others before them - unless if they admit that the Judaism of now is not the same as Judaism of old - rejected the nation theory.

    On another note, they will also claim that "God could not be a man", which is easily refuted since that principle is nowhere in Scripture.

    1. @anon6:56
      You are correct on everything you wrote. Thank you for your incisive comment!

      God Bless,


  2. Ratzinger said that we can agree with Jews who reject Christ's messiahship on the grounds that it is not clearly expressed in Scripture. This is obviously false. This is in addition to all the heresies, such as the claim that the Mosaic Covenant is still valid, and the ecumenical prayer meetings of false popes in synagogues, not to mention their refusal to convert Jews to the true religion. The V2 sect is synagogue of Satan !

  3. In one of the texts remembering FFr. Depauw you mentioned that at least from 1999 he did not mention JP2 in the Canon of the mass. I wonder if the same fate befell the "bishop of NYC"? Do you know if Fr. DePauw mentioned the "bishop" in the Canon?

    1. @anon12:37
      Father used the name of Bishop Kurz in the Canon (as he was under his direct episcopal jurisdiction) until the good and faithful Bishop died in 1973. He never used the name of ANY bishop after that. Being on Long Island with the Ave Maria Chapel since June 23, 1968, he was not in the Archdiocese of New York, but the Diocese of Rockville Centre (RVC) with comprises all of Nassau and Suffolk Counties. It was erected by Pope Pius XII in 1957, with Bp. Walter Kellenberg as its first Ordinary.

      Kellenberg would be both the first and last valid bishop of RVC. Father DePauw knew him as clueless. He actually skipped out of Vatican II to go sightseeing in Italy! He was replaced by the detestable "Bp." John McGann in 1971. He did everything in his power to stop Father DePauw and make his life miserable. He told everyone not to go to the "excommunicated priest" of the Ave Maria Chapel. Fr. DePauw quickly retained a lawyer and was ready to file a lawsuit for defamation of character, when he retracted his false claim of excommunication and said he was "not following Vatican II" which Fr took as a compliment.

      He was succeeded by "Bp" James McHugh who took over in January of 2000 and died from cancer in December of that same year. He was posthumously implicated in helping to cover up the sexual abuse of rampant sodomite "Cardinal" Ted McCarrick ("Uncle Ted"). McHugh had a V2 sect Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Angelicum in te 1980s. (How fast that once lofty Catholic institution fell so low).

      The next sorry excuse for a human being was "Bp." Billy Murphy. He had been an "auxiliary bishop" in (wait for it) BOSTON. (Need I say more?).

      Here's an excerpt from the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office investigation called "The Sexual Abuse of Children in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston:"

      "Bishop Murphy did not report to law enforcement any of the numerous allegations of clerical sexual abuse he reviewed nor did he ever advise the cardinal to do so. And even with undeniable information available to him, Bishop Murphy continued to place a higher priority on preventing scandal and providing support to alleged abusers than on protecting children from sexual abuse."

      He displaced some of the few remaining nuns in the diocese to build himself a renovated apartment to the tune of $800,000 of Vatican II sect members weekly donations to the diocese!! The purpose was "to have privacy to entertain clergy"!?! When finished, he had a large suite with a new fireplace with an oak mantel, a temperature-controlled wine storage cabinet, and a marble bathroom. Not bad! What ever happened to "social justice" and "concern for the poor"?

      He continued McGann's legacy of persecution against Fr. DePauw. When Father went to Judgement in 2005, we were all praying the Rosary at his wake. Who shows up at the door of the parlor room? His "Excellency"! The person in charge of the funeral and wake from the CTM told him to leave! "I came to pray the Rosary for Fr. DePauw," he replied (Yeah, as if this Modernist joker EVER prayed the Rosary!). He told Murphy he could pray IN THE HALLWAY, but not in the room as he had been Fr.'s enemy! Murphy did so and then had the gall to come back and tell the person, "I can offer the Requiem Mass for Father in the Ave Maria Chapel. I'm a diocesan bishop, it's licit." (It would be valid as Murphy was ordained in 1964).

      Although I often disagree with this man, I LOVED his answer: "Mr. Murphy, you will never do ANYTHING in our Chapel. You belong to a different religion." Turning red, Murphy left, never to return.

      Now, since 2017, there is the first layman of RVC, John Barros, neither priest nor bishop.

      So, no--Fr. never used the name of any Bishop after Bp. Kurz!!

      God Bless,


  4. P.S. And what happened during Good Friday and Holy Saturday liturgies when the celebrant is supposed to use (or to omit) the name of the pope (in the corresponding prayer and in the Exsultet respectively)?

    1. anon@1:51
      As in the case of sedevacante, it was omitted.

      God Bless,


    2. Has it happened since 1999 or even before?

    3. @anon10:59
      As I stated, no mention of any Bishop after the death of Bp. Kurz on December 13, 1973.

      God Bless,


    4. Thank you cery much. God bless

    5. 1. After Bp Kurz's death, under whose jurisdiction did Fr. DePauw find himself?
      2. Father was never formally excommunicated etc., right? Does that mean that the subsequent bishops of RVC quietly tolerated his activity and never successfully 'touched' him in a legal manner?

  5. Hello Introibo:

    1. Do you know who ordained Father M.E. Morrison, who runs the Traditio site?

    2. What should be done if a Traditionalist priest is charitably confronted for saying that people in temporal need should not be helped, and he won't respond? This question is NOT related to question 1 above.

    3. Not everybody who suffers from exhaustion has a problem with alcohol or drugs.

    Thank you. Anonymous

    1. @anon2:23

      1. No. I spoke with "Fr." Morrison personally about 15 years ago. He would not tell me. All he would say was that his bishop was valid. Any priest who cannot/willnot tell you his ordaining bishop has something to hide. While intelligent and personable, I will not consider him a valid priest unless he discloses proper documentation of his ordination.

      2. If he has a superior, he should be reported. If not, have nothing more to do with him.

      3. I agree. You are probably referring to my reply on a previous post from a commenter who asked what are signs that a person at work is on drugs. I cited several possible signs. Exhaustion alone, is not necessarily a sign of drug use, but it COULD be. The more signs I listed, which someone shows, the more likely they are an addict.

      God Bless,


    2. Hello Introibo:

      About 2. : If the priest has said to NOT call the place where his superior lives, what should be done?

      Thank you. Anonymous

    3. @anon1:59
      He has no right to prevent your complaint. Nevertheless, send a certified letter.

      God Bless,


    4. Regarding "Fr." Morrison and, I did a little digging recently because I enjoy the site. I came across an off-handed reference to a group of SSPX priests that left the society in the early '90s and formed something called the Society of St. John. For the life of me, I cannot locate where I read this. It might have been something Fr. Barbara or Fr. Ricossa wrote. I just can't find it. This group has a page on

      This group reportedly has come to oversee the Fisherman's and Seamen's Memorial Chapel at Pier 45 in San Francisco.

      Long and short, O.P., maybe contact the SSPX.

    5. Gjergj,
      Thank you for the information!

      God Bless,


    6. The "Traditio Fathers" do maintain a comprehensive list of Mass centers in the U.S. and elsewhere which they update, and which is very helpful for anyone looking for that information.
      They often repeat, though, in the Traditio Q&A section that they do consider Roncalli a valid pope (they call him "Good Pope John") being that there is no "proof" of his heresy. They claim he pleaded on his deathbed to "stop the council..." (hearsay, IMO); and that he did not sign off on the damning Council documents (technically true, since he died before it ended, but moot, I think). They believe the V2 mess fully started with Montini.
      I personally believe Roncalli was a false pope, although I am not sure it is blameworthy to hold the other opinion.
      And although the "Fathers" are right about the current Novus Bogus, and have an informative site, their background does seem mysterious and hard to hone in on.
      So, they aren't exactly at the top of my list of referrals to anyone asking deep questions about what it is to be "Catholic Roman". (Thank you for familiarizing some of us with that great term, Intro!)


    7. Jannie,
      Yes, I found that term interesting--"Catholic Roman"! I agree with your analysis of their "Traditional Catholic Mass Directory." You are correct as well regarding the stance of the "Traditio" website on Roncalli.

      While the stance on Roncalli is not something that would disqualify them as Traditionalist priests, the secrecy of ordination is very troubling. As I had said, "Fr." Morrison was very, polite, well-spoken and intelligent. When I asked him "Who was the bishop that ordained you?" He responded (words to the best of my recollection) "he was a Traditional Catholic Bishop." I repeated, "So, what was his name?" He replied, "He was very traditional." (Not answering again).

      When I asked a THIRD time, he said, "No need to worry about such things! Just ask yourself if the priest offers the True Mass reverently and brings you closer to God." That's when I politely excused myself; we shook hands, and I left. There is PLENTY of reason to worry if the priest is valid or not! Some "priests" of the Society of St. Peter go through reverent rubrics of the Mass, but it's invalid and does not produce the Eucharist. It is actually Modernist to suggest we should go by "feelings."

      ANY "priest" who will not tell you who their ordaining bishop was has something to hide, and I treat them as a Non-priest in practice.

      Thanks for commenting, Jannie!

      God Bless,


    8. Introibo,

      I did some searching on CathInfo to see if anyone had figured out "Fr" Morrison's ordination, and the closest that I could find was one of the posters recalling that they might have seen something about him being ordained by a bishop of the Duarte Costa line, though there was no link to a source and it does not make his ordination any less problematic. I did, however, find many posters who had the same experience as you when inquiring on his ordination. In any case, not a good look for his validity!

    9. Sneedevacantist,
      Until "Fr." Morrison explains EXACTLY who ordained him, I will never consider him valid. You can see why!

      God Bless,


  6. Introibo,

    Thanks for the information! The arguments made by the Jewish rabbis and scholars remind me of the concepts of "MY truth", and also "MY logic", and seem to make things up as they go.

    -Seeking Truth

    1. Seeking Truth,
      Never thought of it like that, but you're right!

      God Bless,


  7. Hello Introibo:

    1. The Traditio directory is very inaccurate. They have locations that no longer offer the Traditional Mass, and maybe have not done so for years, and there are locations that do offer the Traditional Mass, but which Traditio does not list. Then there are locations that are accurate, but the Mass times are not accurate, or Traditio lists a priest who is not at that location.

    2. Please pray for those who have been waiting for a long time, sometimes even years, to receive the traditional sacraments.

    Thank you. Anonymous

    1. @anon9:33

      1. It's not perfect, but as accurate as you can find. Mass centers change many times, as do the priests.

      2. Always!

      God Bless,


    2. Anon @ 9:33,

      The Traditio Fathers' Mass Directory depends on accurate submissions from the readership to keep it up to date.
      The directory is only as reliable as the information they receive.
      As Intro said, things can change pretty often, especially with the smaller, independent chapels.

      God Bless.


  8. Who is the man at the left of Jesus who looks like a movie director in the picture?

    1. Poni,
      I honestly don't know. The picture was to display the "Messianic Dignity of Christ." That's all I know. If any reader knows who that person is supposed to be, please leave a comment here.

      God Bless,

