Monday, August 28, 2023

Mediatrix Of All Grace


During the days of the last true pope, His Holiness Pope Pius XII, the pontiff had requested some theologians to become part of a commission to survey the world's bishops regarding their opinion on a dogmatic definition of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Mediatrix of All Grace. Anticipating a positive outcome of the poll, the Holy Father also instructed them to prepare a draft of an Apostolic Constitution defining the dogma. Fr. DePauw knew at least two theologians appointed to that commission, and he too, believed that Mary's role as Mediatrix could (and should) be formally defined ex cathedra as a dogma of Divine and Catholic Faith.

Less than a year later, Pope Pius XII died, and Roncalli ("Pope" John XXIII) scrapped the entire project as being "offensive to Protestants." Then there was to be an entire document on the Mother of God at Vatican II. The orthodox theologians in the Preparatory Commission drew up the schemata to be named  DOGMATIC CONSTITUTION ON THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, AND MOTHER OF MEN. Within it, Mary was defined as Mediatrix of All Grace. It, too, was relegated to the trash bin by a slim majority of  stalwart Modernist bishops. The final vote to retain the Constitution failed; 1,097  bishops voted to keep the Constitution on the Blessed Virgin Mary, and 1,114 bishops voted to completely eliminate the Constitution altogether. 

The Modernists at the Robber Council had a particular hatred for Mary's prerogative and title as Mediatrix of All Grace. In his Theological Highlights of Vatican II, Joseph Ratzinger ("Pope Benedict XVI") discussed the decision on the separate schema, as well as the content of the text on Our Lady (Ratzinger was a peritus or "theological expert" who helped and advised the ringleader of the Modernists at the Council--Joseph Cardinal Frings):

It was without doubt an explicitly ecumenical decision when the Council decided in the fall of 1964 to incorporate the schema on Mary as a chapter in the schema on the Church. . . . In the text, which replaced an earlier draft, the old systematic Mariology was to a considerable extent (though not completely) supplanted by a positive and scriptural Mariology. Speculation was replaced by inquiry about the events of salvation history and these have been interpreted in the light of faith. The idea of Mary as ‘co-redemptrix’ is gone now, as is the idea of Mary as ‘mediatrix of all graces.’ The text still retains a vestige of the latter title when it says that the custom has developed in the Church of addressing Mary as mediatrix as well as with other titles, but this undoubtedly is very different from saying that she is mediatrix of all graces. (Emphasis mine).

The Modernists wanted to go even further in their quest to belittle Mary into obscurity, but being as wise as the Serpent of Old (their Infernal Father), they knew better, or they would jeopardize everything they sought to do. As arch-heretic Fr. Yves Congar, another peritus, wrote:

I saw there a drama which I have experienced all my life. The need to fight, in the name of the Gospel and of apostolic faith, against a development, a Mediterranean and Irish proliferation, of a mariology which does not come from Revelation, but is backed up by pontifical texts. . . . We tell each other we must not be too antagonistic, for fear of bringing about worse than what we are anxious to avoid.

(See My Journal of the Council, entry for September 22, 1961). Note well, that the despicable Congar thinks pontifical texts are in no way a development and explanation of the Deposit of Revelation, but something alien to it and even opposed to it. 

Title and Prerogative of "Co-Redemptrix" NOT as Hated by Modernists

While the proposed schema also included a definition of Mary as Co-Redemptrix, it was not as opposed or hated by the Modernists as Mediatrix of All Grace. The reason was because the Modernists believed that those who are not learned could easily misconstrue the teaching on Mary's Co-Redemption, and be led into heresy. (Fred and Bobby Dimond reject the title Co-Redemptrix altogether due to their culpable ignorance in all things theological). If Mary is Co-Redemptrix, then could she not be said to have "offered her Divine Son" and therefore be considered a priest? (This would open the path to "priestesses" and would be radically ecumenical). 

Around 1870, the idea of living as a victim began to gain popularity among a number of generous souls, especially women religious, who proposed to assist the priests through their prayers and sacrifices. They thought naturally of Mary praying and offering herself for and with her son, and they loved to consider her as their sacerdotal virgin or the virgin Priest. This devotion aroused great enthusiasm, and was at times expressed in formulas scarcely theological.

In 1873, Pope Pius IX approved a book written by Msgr. van den Berghe entitled Mary and the Priesthood. In it, the author employs the term "Virgin Priest." The Pope justified its use by the fact of Mary's role in the sacrifice of Jesus as divini sacrificii socia (or "an associate of the Divine Sacrifice").  In 1906, Pope St. Pius X granted an indulgence for a prayer containing the invocation, "Mary, Virgin Priest, pray for us." Pope St. Pius X explained this designation by stating, with St. Antonius of Florence, that, although Mary had never received the sacrament of Holy Orders, she nevertheless possesses as much dignity and grace as are found in the priesthood.  

During the reign of Pope Benedict XV, the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the  Holy Office issued a decree stating:

After mature examination the Eminent Cardinals, general inquisitors of the Holy Office, have decided that images of the Blessed Virgin Mary wearing priestly vestments are not approved. (April 8,1916)

In reality, the representation in question was that of an orante (i.e., a female figure in the posture of prayer in ancient Greek art) which some persons mistook for Mary vested as a priest. 

In 1927, the Holy Office opposed the propagation of devotion to the "Virgin Priest." Even though only the picture and the spread of this devotion have been forbidden, the Holy Office was unfavorable to this title, since it might lead poorly-instructed Catholics to believe that Mary had received the sacrament of Holy Orders or is to be considered a "female priest." Yet these decrees of the Holy Office in no way affected the pronouncements of Popes Pius IX and St. Pius X that Mary was "an associate of the Divine Sacrifice," and that she was enriched with "as much dignity and grace as are found in the priesthood." 

One can see how, if not precisely defined, this doctrine of Co-Redemptrix could be the subject of aversion to those who fear Mary leading the way to female priests, or manipulated to make other simple people believe that women can be priestesses. Realizing this double danger, the Holy Office acted. At the Robber Council, the Modernists were well aware how they could sell a false interpretation of this doctrine to the detriment of the Blessed Mother and the faithful. 

(See historian Samaha, Priestly Dimension of Mary, University of Dayton, [2000], for historical information I used above). 

Mediatrix of All Grace

In this section, the prerogative and title Mediatrix of All Grace, given to the Most Immaculate Virgin Mary shall be explained so that all might understand it, appreciate it, and realize why the Modernists hate it so much. I have compiled and condensed the Mariology works of theologians Garrigou-Lagrange, Pohle, O'Connell, Neubert, and Carol. I take credit only for condensing the information from these sources. Furthermore, I have avoided, as much as possible, technical theological terminology that would need elaboration. In this way, I hope to make the explanations as easy to understand as possible for the average Traditionalist who has no advanced study in philosophy or theology.


1.  The Meaning of the Prerogative

Mary is the one through whom all graces are bestowed upon humanity. Just as no one goes to the Father, except through Jesus Christ, so too, no one goes to Jesus except through His Immaculate Mother. By the term "all grace" it is meant just that: all sanctifying grace, actual grace, infused virtues, the Gifts of the Holy Ghost, and all favors in the natural order (insofar as they may help attain eternal life) come to us through Mary. Why do all graces come through Mary? Primarily, because she gave us the author of grace, the God-Man Jesus Christ through her virginal womb. Secondarily, through her participation in her Divine Son's Passion as Co-Redemptrix, she subordinately to Christ and in virtue of His power, cooperated in His redemptive work, and she should therefore have a certain right to cooperate with Him in the distribution of the graces He so merited. 

Protestants will object that the Bible teaches there is but one Mediator between God and humanity; Jesus Christ (See, e.g., 1 Timothy 2:5).  However, while this is true, Mary, as Mother of God and Mother of Men, serves as a bond between people and her Son. Her mediation, far from diminishing or replacing that of Christ, results from His mediation and seems to complete it: it is carried out under Christ and in union with Christ from Whom it receives all its efficacy. 

Mary, by her intersession, allows all graces to flow to humanity throughout all space and time. Those prior to Mary's Assumption received grace in view of the future merits of Our Lady, and since her Assumption, all receive grace through her intercession. This does not mean we must ask for God's grace in Mary's name, but rather, whether she is invoked or not, we get the graces through her intercession. 

2. Holy Scripture indicates this prerogative

In Genesis 3:15 we read, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; They will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel." Our Lady is shown as intimately united with Christ in the whole process of redemption. Since the actual dispensation of grace is but an aspect of that whole process, it follows that Mary should be part of it. Mary's intercessory power is seen at the first miracle of Christ wrought at Cana (St. John 2:1-11), and in the sanctification of St. John the Baptist while in the womb of St. Elizabeth (St. Luke 1:41). 

3. Sacred Tradition indicates this prerogative 

There is no exact explicit mention of Mary as the "Mediatrix" in the first few centuries. but the root of the teaching was definitely with the Church Fathers:

St. Ambrose of Milan (c. 339-397) wrote:

Mary was alone when the Holy Spirit came upon her and overshadowed her. She was alone when she saved the world — operata est mundi salutem – and when she conceived the redemption of all — concepit redemptionem universorum.

St. Ephraem of Syria (c. 306-373) called Mary the “dispensatrix of all goods.”

St. Cyril of Alexandria (d. 444) wrote:

Hail, Mary, Mother of God, by whom all faithful souls are saved.

Mary, as Mediatrix of All Grace, is implicitly revealed in the different titles which Tradition gives Mary—that of Mother of God, most powerful in intercession with her Son, that of the new Eve intimately associated with the Redeemer, that of Mother of all men. Besides, it is a doctrine explicitly and formally affirmed by the morally unanimous consent of Fathers and Doctors of the Church, of preaching throughout the Church, and of the Liturgy. 

4. The Magisterium positively teaches the prerogative through papal pronouncements

We judge nothing more powerful and better for this purpose than by religion and devotion to deserve well of the great Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, who is the treasurer of our peace with God, and the mediatrix  of graces....(Pope Leo XIII, Supremi Apostolatus officio; Emphasis mine).

... it is right to say, that nothing at all of that very great treasury of all grace which the Lord brought us--for 'grace and truth came through Jesus Christ' (Jn 1.17)--nothing is imparted to us except through Mary, since God so wills, so that just as no one can come to the Father except through the Son, so in general, no one can come to Christ except through His Mother. (Pope Leo XIII,  Octobri mense; Emphasis mine).

Hence that never dissociated manner of life and labors of the Mother and the Son... . there stood by the Cross of Jesus His Mother, not merely occupied in looking at the dreadful sight, but even rejoicing that 'her only Son was being offered for the salvation of the human race; and so did she suffer, with Him, that if it had been possible, she would have much more gladly suffered herself all the torments that her Son underwent' (St. Bonaventure I. Sent. d, 48, ad Litt. dub. 4). Now from this common sharing of will and suffering between Christ and Mary, she 'merited to become most worthily the Reparatrix of the lost world' (Eadmer, De Excellentia Virginis Mariae, 9) and therefore Dispensatrix of all the gifts which Jesus gained for us by His Death and by His Blood.... But Mary as St. Bernard fittingly remarks (De Aquaeductu 4) is the 'channel' or, even, the neck, through which the body is joined to the head, and likewise through which the head exerts its power and strength on the body. 'For she is the neck of our Head, by which all spiritual gifts are communicated to His Mystical Body.' (Pope St. Pius X, Ad diem illum; Emphasis mine). 

For he [St. Dominic] knew well that Mary ... has such influence with her divine Son, that He confers whatever of graces He confers on humans, does so always with her as minister and decision-maker. (Pope Benedict XV, Fausto appetente die; Emphasis mine).

... we know also that all things are imparted to us from God the Greatest and Best, through the hands of the Mother of God. (Pope Pius XI, Ingravescentibus malis; Emphasis mine).

... having been associated, as Mother and Minister, with the King of martyrs in the ineffable work of human Redemption, she is always associated, with a practically measureless power, in the distribution of the graces that derive from the Redemption.... And her kingdom is as vast as that of her Son and God, since nothing is excluded from her dominion. (Pope Pius XII, Radio Address to Fatima, May 13, 1946; Emphasis mine). 

Objection: Sacramental graces are effectuated ex opere operato ("by the work worked [done]"). As long as the proper administer uses the correct matter and form, with the intention to do what the Church does, the sacrament will confer grace to any recipient who does not place an obstacle (obex) in the way. Therefore, Mary is not needed, and does not dispense sacramental graces.  

Reply: Mary mediates sacramental grace in two ways. Remotely, she gave us Christ, Who as True God and True Man instituted the sacraments; and sacramental grace was merited by her together with, and subordinately to, Jesus Christ as Co-Redemptrix.  Proximately, to have the very desire to receive the sacraments, and the proper dispositions to do so worthily, are the effects of actual graces which come about only through the intercession of Mary Immaculate. 


It is of utmost importance that we understand, value, and defend the dignity of Mary, Mother of God. The Vatican II sect downplays or denies her prerogatives. It destroys her Holy Rosary by adding "Luminous (Illuminati) Mysteries" that are man-centered and Modernist. How can you pray the Rosary at all during the bantering back and forth that goes on at the Novus Bogus bread and wine service that makes a mockery of her Divine Son? Some Vatican II sect "theologians" even dare to call into question her perpetual virginity. 

A Traditionalist will recite thousands upon thousands of times during his life the hallowed phrase: "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen." If you want Mary praying for you at "the hour of your death," I can think of no better way to ensure that than by defending her prerogatives and honor now


  1. Excellent post ! We see the importance of praying to the Blessed Virgin every day. Modernists diminish her importance because they don't want to offend the Protestant "separated brethren". In doing so, they offend God and the Blessed Virgin.

    Hail Mary, full of grace,
    the Lord is with thee.
    Blessed art thou amongst women,
    and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
    Holy Mary, Mother of God,
    pray for us sinners,
    now and at the hour of our death.

    1. Simon,
      We must pray the Rosary daily and wear the five-fold scapular!!

      God Bless,


  2. More quotes from popes supporting Mary as the Mediatirx or Co-Redemptorix of all graces:

    Leo XIII, Encyclical, Iucunda semper, Sept 8, 1984. ASS 27, 1894. 179.

    ... when He [the Father] has been invoked with excellent prayers, our humble voice turns to Mary; in accordance with no other law than that law of conciliation and petition which was expressed as follows by St. Bernardine of Siena : 'Every grace that is communicated to this world has a threefold course. For by excellent order, it is dispensed from God to Christ, from Christ to the Virgin, from the Virgin to us.' [Internal quote from S. Bernardine, Sermon on Nativity of B. V. M. n. 6.]

    Leo XIII, Parta humano generi, Apostolic Letter, Sept 8, 1901, ASS 34, 1901, 195.

    So may the most powerful Virgin Mother, who once 'cooperated in love that the faithful might be born in the Church', be even now the means and mediatrix of our salvation. [Citing St. Augustine, De sancta Virginitate 6.]

    Benedict XV, Litterae Apostolicae, Inter Sodalicia, March 22, 1918, AAS 10, 1918, 182.

    ... the fact that she was with Him crucified and dying, was in accord with the divine plan. For with her suffering and dying Son, Mary endured suffering and almost death. She gave up her Mother's rights over her Son to procure the salvation of mankind, and to appease the divine justice, she, as much as she could, immolated her Son, so that one can truly affirm that together with Christ she has redeemed the human race. But if for this reason, every kind of grace we receive from the treasury of the redemption is ministered as it were through the hands of the same Sorrowful Virgin, everyone can see that a holy death should be expected from her, since it is precisely by this gift that the work of the Redemption is effectively and permanently completed in each one ... further, there is a most constant belief among the faithful, proved by long experience, that as many as employ the same Virgin as Patron, will not at all perish forever.


    1. Lee,
      Thank you for the citations! There are many such quotes, I showed at least one from each pope from Leo XIII to Pius XII for sake of brevity in making my point.

      God Bless,


  3. Congar urinated on the wall of the Holy Office building to show his contempt for this institution. No wonder Wojtyla named him "cardinal". A fine reward for the man who did the dirty work at Vatican 2.

    1. Reginald-Marie,
      Congar was Satan's ally. Hopefully, he didn't die that way. Modernists who stay such until death will realize Hell is for real.

      God Bless,


    2. I heard on a French sedevacantist Catholic program on Youtube that, according to Congar's niece, he recanted his errors on his deathbed. Let's hope so for his eternal salvation !

  4. Ratzinger's and Congar's responses to the Schema are the perfect summary of Modernism.

    1. @anon12:23
      I agree. Modernists hate the Immaculate Mother of God, and seek to disparage her at every opportunity.

      God Bless,


  5. "De Maria nunquam satis" (of Mary one can never say enough), the famous phrase of St. Bernard, was ridiculed at that abominable, fake Council. Some Modernist had the temerity to say "we've heard enough of her already" (I can't find the exact quote now). Isn't it a more or less sure sign of reprobation, to despise Our Lady like that?

    Those who are tempted to despair should pray to Our Lady without hesitation and with full confidence. Let us never ever neglect our most tender Mother! In Her Immaculate Heart salvation is sure (I needed to remind myself of this truth too)!

    Thank you for another great post, Introibo!

    God Bless You,
    Joanna S.

    1. Joanna,
      "De Maria nunquam satis" is the perfect motto for all Traditionalists!

      God Bless,


  6. Thank you for this article. It confirms my belief that the evil and enduring fruits of Vatican II may well have been a result of Our Lord's vengeance for this grave insult to His Mother. Or perhaps it was Her own response.
    I like to recall that one of the invocations in the Litany of Loreto is Virgo potens, Virgin Most Powerful.
    Ave Maria!

    1. Barbara,
      You are correct. The Son will abandon those who despise His Mother!

      God Bless,


  7. Oh Holy Mother of God: SOLO DEUS EXCELSIOR!

  8. Greetings. I am the non-believer reader from Spain who commented on this blog not long ago. I have many questions resulting from my ignorance -my ecclesial knowledge is not exactly extensive- and I hope you can answer me, if you please:

    1. I read that you are opposed to the Divine Mercy devotion, popular in the Church that you call Novus Ordo and promoted by a Polish nun, because the Holy Office in 1959 condemned it as I understand it. As I read in NOW, you defend your opposite position, arguing that those responsible for the Holy Office had been appointed by Pius XII, and it is true; but the pope was - well, or false pope, if you allow me I will use the name of pope even if you claim that he is not - John XXIII, who should have given his approval. If you do not recognize that he is Pope but accept a sentence that, even though it came from the Holy Office, was approved by John XXIII -whose maximum responsibility was the pontiff himself-, isn't that contradictory?

    2. On February 24, 1616, the Holy Office, during the pontificate of Paul V, concluded: «The proposition that the Sun is stationed at the center of the universe is absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical, since it explicitly contradicts many things. to the Holy Scriptures; the proposition that the Earth moves and is not at the center of the Universe receives the same judgment in philosophy; and in relation to theological truth it is at least erroneous in the Faith». Is this condemnation still valid, and therefore should a Catholic oppose the Earth revolving around the Sun?

    3. On November 1, 1567, Pope Saint Pius V published the Bull DE SALUTE GREGIS DOMINICI, strictly and perpetally prohibiting bullfights, and decreeing immediate excommunication against any Catholic who allowed or participated in them. A Catholic from my country cannot therefore participate in bullfights? Is this bull still valid?

    Thanks, I hope I don't bother.

    1. 1: The divine mercy prohibition under John 23 was released by Bishops who had been elected by the true popes of the past.

      2: There is a book about this topic, it is called "The Theological Status of Heliocentrism" and you can find it online for free. It should have more information on the topic & resources you can look up yourself


    2. @anon5:50
      1. I will admit that the condemnation of the Holy Office of Divine Mercy is devoid of papal approbation because Roncalli was not pope. However, the members of the Holy Office were all appointed by a true pope (Pius XII) and had Magisterial authority. While lacking papal approval, it was the decision of top orthodox theologians well-qualified to make such a determination. What Roncalli did or didn't do is therefore irrelevant.

      2. Modern cosmology is in no way heretical. The 1616 report issued by a group of theologians in response to a commission by the Holy Office. This document was never promulgated and is not magisterial. It was informational and advisory. Pope Pius VII definitively settled the issue in 1820:

      "The Assessor of the Holy Office has referred the request of Giuseppe Settele, Professor of Optics and Astronomy at La Sapienza University, regarding permission to publish his work Elements of Astronomy in which he espouses the common opinion of the astronomers of our time regarding the earth’s daily and yearly motions, to His Holiness through Divine Providence, Pope Pius VII. Previously, His Holiness had referred this request to the Supreme Sacred Congregation and concurrently to the consideration of the Most Eminent and Most Reverend General Cardinal Inquisitor. His Holiness has decreed that no obstacles exist for those who sustain Copernicus’ affirmation regarding the earth’s movement in the manner in which it is affirmed today, even by Catholic authors. He has, moreover, suggested the insertion of several notations into this work, aimed at demonstrating that the above mentioned affirmation [of Copernicus], as it is has come to be understood, does not present any difficulties; difficulties that existed in times past, prior to the subsequent astronomical observations that have now occurred. [Pope Pius VII] has also recommended that the implementation [of these decisions] be given to the Cardinal Secretary of the Supreme Sacred Congregation and Master of the Sacred Apostolic Palace. He is now appointed the task of bringing to an end any concerns and criticisms regarding the printing of this book, and, at the same time, ensuring that in the future, regarding the publication of such works, permission is sought from the Cardinal Vicar whose signature will not be given without the authorization of the Superior of his Order." Dated and promulgated August 16, 1820.

      3. It is no longer valid.
      "The authorities of the Catholic Church have often condemned bull-fighting. St. Pius V (1 November, 1567, Const. "De salute") prohibited this form of amusement everywhere, threatening with many penalties the princes who countenanced it, as well as the performers and spectators, especially clergymen and religious. But in Spain today these prohibitions are not in force. Gregory XIII (23 August, 1575, "Exponi") moderated the constitution of St. Pius V for Spanish laymen, and Clement VIII (Bull "Suscepti muneris", 12 January, 1597) reduced it to a jus commune, limiting the prohibition to holidays and to the clergy." (See,spectators%2C%20especially%20clergymen%20and%20religious.).
      Questions from my readers are never a bother my friend!

      Hope this helped!

      God Bless,


    3. Yes, you have both helped me, thank you and I will continue reading this blog if that's okay with you.

    4. @anon5:14
      Glad I helped, and it's great that you will continue to read here!

      God Bless,


  9. Introibo,

    Thank you for this post.

    Pope Leo XIII wrote about Mary as the Mediatrix of Graces. How can this be denied by the modernists at VII?

    “Proximately, to have the very desire to receive the sacraments, and the proper dispositions to do so worthily, are the effects of actual graces which come about only through the intercession of Mary Immaculate.” This is a great reminder of Mary’s generosity, and something to ponder. Where would we be without this desire and proper dispositions? I believe it was St. Louis de Montfort who recommended asking Mary to lend us her heart, with her dispositions, before worthily receiving our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

    Do you (or anyone) know anything about the supposed stigmatist, Rev. Zlatko Sudac, who was/is associated with Medjugorje? I believe he was very popular and in demand 25 years or so, ago. A quick internet search yielded he was relieved of some duties some years ago, as well as a creepy music album cover. Would a stigmatist cover up his forehead wounds sometimes when going out in public? I would think this would serve to be a potential proselytizing opportunity. I also noticed in this search that Bergoglio promoted Medjugorje a few years ago. Thank you.

    God Bless!
    -Seeking Truth

    1. Seeking Truth,
      I know "Fr." Sudac is a V2 sect "priest" and promotes the fake Medjugorje apparitions. That's enough to show he can't be of God. If any of my readers know more, please send it on.

      Self-anointed lay "theologian" Ron Conte of the Vatican II sect had this to say:

      "The Angelic Shepherd is a future holy Pope, who will take the name Pope Raphael. He will guide the Church from about 2029 through the entire remainder of the first part of the tribulation, and during the initial days of rebuilding and holiness afterward. He will be a miracle worker of great holiness. He will have the Seal of the Living God (Rev 7).

      I am certain that Fr. Zlatko Sudac is that future Pope Raphael and the Angelic Shepherd. He already has the Seal of the Living God. He is unable to commit any personal sins, mortal or venial. He can work many miracles. He currently resides on Krk island in Croatia."


      God Bless,


    2. The amount of private revelation in the novus ordo is insane

  10. Sorry, I meant to say, the amount of apparitionist hoaxes and "private revelation" in the novus ordo is insane.

  11. Anon 9:50 and 9:51,

    Don't be sorry!
    Apparitionist hoaxes and "private revelations" being one and the same in the Novus Ordo - you made a good joke, IMO!


  12. Introibo

    Can you give us the names of the books that you used for this writing. Where can you obtain them from?Thank you and God bless

    1. @anon3:47
      The books I have are old copies from the original date of publication. Some have been reprinted. I will list my sources below. You can put the title and author in at and it will let you know where (if at all) copies can be purchased.

      Juniper Carol--"Fundamentals of Mariology}[1956]
      Joseph Pohle--"Dogmatic Theology Volume VI; Mariology" [1916]
      Emil Neubert--"Mary in Doctrine" [1954]
      Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange--"The Mother of the Savior and Our Interior Life" [1948]
      Raphael O'Connell---"Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces" [1926]

      God Bless,


  13. In the occasion of “Mes de María” (Month of Our Lady) in the South Hemisphere (7 Nov. to 8 Dec.), we have translated this article to Spanish, dear Introibo.

    Laus Deo, Virgínique Matris María.

    1. Miles Christi resistens,
      Thank you for always helping spread the truth of Christ's One True Church!

      God Bless,

