Sunday, January 26, 2014

Satan Has United Them

 This past week, January 18-25, 2014, has been the "International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" in the Vatican II sect, promoted by the U.S. Conference of "Catholic Bishops." The theme of this monstrosity is "Has Christ Divided Us?" The upshot in Modernist theology is that since we're all part of the "Church of Christ" in one degree of participation or another, why  are we kept apart by "our common faith in Christ" from full participation, one and all? The Vatican II sect bishops' website has a list of resources available including:
  • Suggestions for observing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
  • Thematic poster art, music, and prayer cards (English/Spanish)
  • Scripture readings, commentaries and questions for reflection
  • Ecumenical prayer service model
  • Historical and contextual information

  •  The last part is interesting. When you understand the historical context, you realize it's incompatible with authentic Church teaching and hence heretical. Begun originally as the “Octave of Christian Unity” with the approval of Pope St. Pius X, this week-long observance had as its non-ecumenical intention of bringing back into the fold of the Catholic Church all schismatics and heretics (e.g, the Orthodox and Protestants). Now, it's about forgetting dogma and uniting in "LCD religion" (that's least common denomination heavy on feeling good about the "Lord Jesus" and absent any idea that to be Christian means to belong to His One True Church and accept Her teachings).

     Compare what Antipope Francis had to say with the Instruction of the Holy Office On The "Ecumenical Movement" under Pope Pius XII in 1949.

    Antipope Francis:
    "As we find ourselves in his presence, we realize all the more that we may not regard divisions in the Church as something natural, inevitable in any form of human association. Our divisions wound Christ’s body, they impair the witness which we are called to give to him before the world. The Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism, appealing to the text of Saint Paul which we have reflected on, significantly states: “Christ the Lord founded one Church and one Church only. However, many Christian communities present themselves to people as the true inheritance of Jesus Christ; all indeed profess to be followers of the Lord but they differ in outlook and go their different ways, as if Christ were divided”. And the Council continues: “Such division openly contradicts the will of Christ, scandalizes the world, and damages the sacred cause of preaching the Gospel to every creature” (Unitatis Redintegratio, 1).

    Christ, dear friends, cannot be divided! This conviction must sustain and encourage us to persevere with humility and trust on the way to the restoration of full visible unity among all believers in Christ. Tonight I think of the work of two great Popes: Blessed John XXIII and Blessed John Paul II. In the course of their own lives, both came to realize the urgency of the cause of unity and, once elected to the See of Peter, they guided the entire Catholic flock decisively on the paths of ecumenism. Pope John blazed new trails which earlier would have been almost unthinkable. Pope John Paul held up ecumenical dialogue as an ordinary and indispensable aspect of the life of each Particular Church. With them, I think too of Pope Paul VI, another great promoter of dialogue; in these very days we are commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of his historic embrace with the Patriarch Athenagoras of Constantinople.

    The work of these, my predecessors, enabled ecumenical dialogue to become an essential dimension of the ministry of the Bishop of Rome, so that today the Petrine ministry cannot be fully understood without this openness to dialogue with all believers in Christ. We can say also that the journey of ecumenism has allowed us to come to a deeper understanding of the ministry of the Successor of Peter, and we must be confident that it will continue to do so in the future. As we look with gratitude to the progress which the Lord has enabled us to make, and without ignoring the difficulties which ecumenical dialogue is presently experiencing, let us all pray that we may put on the mind of Christ and thus progress towards the unity which he wills."

    Got that folks?  Our divisions "wound Christ's Body?" The Church is a perfect society and She is not at all harmed by those who leave through schism and heresy. It is they that go on the way of perdition! The "Bishop of Rome" (glad he's honest enough not to call himself the pope!) is supposed to be "open to dialogue" and you'll never hear an exhortation to join the One True Church as the ONLY means of unity! Now compare the Holy Office in 1949:

    "Also they (who seek the reunion of heretics and schismatics with the Church) must restrain that dangerous manner of speaking which generates false opinions and fallacious hopes incapable of realization; for example, to the effect that the teachings of the Encyclicals of the Roman Pontiffs on the return of dissidents to the Church, on the constitution of the Church, on the Mystical Body of Christ, should not be given too much importance seeing that they are not all matters of faith, or, what is worse, that in matters of dogma even the Catholic Church has not yet attained the fullness of Christ, but can still be perfected from outside. They shall take particular care and shall firmly insist that, in going over the history of the Reformation and the Reformers the defects of Catholics be not so exaggerated and the faults of the Reformers be so dissimulated, or that things which are rather accidental be not so emphasized, that what is most essential, namely the defection from the Catholic faith, be scarcely any longer seen or felt. Finally, they shall take precautions lest, through an excessive and false external activity, or through imprudence and an excited manner of proceeding, the end in view be rather harmed than served.

    Therefore the whole and entire Catholic doctrine is to be presented and explained: by no means is it permitted to pass over in silence or to veil in ambiguous terms the Catholic truth regarding the nature and way of justification, the constitution of the Church, the primacy of jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, and the only true union by the return of the dissidents to the one true Church of Christ. It should be made clear to them that, in returning to the Church, they will lose nothing of that good which by the grace of God has hitherto been implanted in them, but that it will rather be supplemented and completed by their return. However, one should not speak of this in such a way that they will imagine that in returning to the Church they are bringing to it something substantial which it has hitherto lacked. It will be necessary to say these things clearly and openly, first because it is the truth that they themselves are seeking, and moreover because outside the truth no true union can ever be attained. (Emphasis mine).

    Can anything be further apart than the Roman Catholicism espoused by Pope Pius XII, and the Modernism of Antipope Francis? Christ cannot divide us in the One True Church, but Satan can unite those in the Antipope's ecumenical monster---"Frankenchurch." God help us.

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