In 2018, false pope Jorge Bergoglio announced the formation of "CHARIS," or "Catholic (sic) Charismatic Renewal International Service." This new body within the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life replaces the two existing services known as the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service and the Catholic Fraternity. (See Not open to hearing what I had to say, we politely parted ways. The meeting did inspire this post, which will allow me to demonstrate three things: (1) the necessity of Latin, (2) the Church's teaching on extraordinary gifts, such as glossolalia or "speaking in tongues," and (3) the blatant apostasy of Jorge Bergoglio and how he cannot be (and could not even attain to being) pope.
The Language of the Church
Pope Pius XII, in his magnificent encyclical on the Liturgy, Mediator Dei, had the following to say regarding the use of Latin:
"The use of the Latin language, customary in a considerable portion of the Church, is a manifest and beautiful sign of unity, as well as an effective antidote for any corruption of doctrinal truth." (para. #60; Emphasis mine).
The three arguments most often advanced against Latin by Modernist apologists don't hold water.
In the words of the great liturgist Fr. Gueranger, "It is completely false to claim that the Liturgy was celebrated in the vulgar or spoken tongues of the peoples to whom the Faith was initially proclaimed in the time of Christ...the Liturgy was celebrated in the three languages which were nailed to the cross of the Savior, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, and for over one thousand years it was only celebrated in those three tongues or dialects of them...up to the fourth century it was only in these three languages and not even in their dialects." (See Liturgical Institutions, "The Anti-Liturgical Heresy"; Emphasis mine)
In the True Mass we have words of Hebrew (Alleluia, Amen), Greek (Kyrie and Christe eleison), but mostly Latin. The True Mass is linked to Calvary as it is the unbloody Sacrifice of the Cross. The Novus Bogus is humanity's celebration of itself (YOU-charist), entertaining itself, and having a "happy meal" in the vernacular.
2) The Church has approved the vulgar tongue in the Eastern Rites.
Not really. The recognized liturgical languages of Slavonic, Coptic, Ge'ez, and Armenian are not "spoken" languages, just like Latin. The Church wants languages which are both objective and stable.
3) The people cannot have "full, conscious, and active participation" if they don't understand the language used at Mass.
The following proposition of Quesnel (d. 1719) was CONDEMNED in the Apostolic Decree Unigenitus of Pope Clement XI: "To refuse to the simple folk the consolation of joining their voices to that of the whole Church [by praying in the vernacular] is a practice contrary to that of the Apostles and is against the will of God." The Council of Trent, Canon IX, "If any one saith, that the rite of the Roman Church, according to which a part of the canon and the words of consecration are pronounced in a low tone, is to be condemned; or, that the mass ought to be celebrated in the vulgar tongue only; or, that water ought not to be mixed with the wine that is to be offered in the chalice, for that it is contrary to the institution of Christ; let him be anathema." (Emphasis mine)
A Universal Church needs a universal language, welcoming all, but belonging to none! As Fr. Gueranger said, "Hatred for the Latin language is inborn in the hearts of all the enemies of Rome."
True and False Tongues
Kenneth Copeland (b. 1936), is one of the Word-Faith Movement preachers. I wrote a post on them here:
Along with so-called "Charismatic Pentecostals" and some other Protestant sects, they believe in charismata ("gifts of the Holy Ghost") such as prophecies, healings, miracles, etc. They claim to be "slain in the Spirit" and "speak in tongues." Do they really? First, the teaching of the Church, then the problems with modern day "charismata."
1. The Apostles and extraordinary gifts. According to theologian Scheeben: The internal perfection [of the Apostles] arose from the fact of their being eye-witnesses and ear-witnesses of the whole Revelation, and of their being so filled with the Holy Ghost that each of them possessed a complete and infallible knowledge of revealed doctrine; while the external perfection was the gift of miracles, by which they were able to confirm the authenticity of their testimony...As soon as the original and fundamental promulgation of the Gospel was complete there was no longer any necessity for the extraordinary Apostolate. (See A Manual of Catholic Theology, [1890], 1:37-38; Emphasis mine).
Theologian Van Noort teaches: Therefore, as apostles, each of them had (a) a direct divine mission to carry out both of the aforementioned tasks all over the world. Furthermore, (b) they enjoyed the charisms (1) of revelation, (2) of infallibility (in matters pertaining to their mission), and (3) of miracles. The apostolate was, to begin with, by its very nature an extraordinary gift, confided to these men alone. (See Dogmatic Theology, [1961], 1:39; First emphasis in original, second emphasis mine). In end-note #19, Van Noort references the work of heretical theologian Oscar Cullmann (d.1999). Cullmann, a member of the Lutheran sect, was an "observer" at Vatican II and a driving force behind the One World Church ecumenical movement. Cullmann advanced the heretical view that apostolic grace must perish with the Apostles or survive them in its entirety. Van Noort responds that the dilemma is resolved in Catholic theology by distinguishing between a mission of the Apostles which is an extraordinary, noncommunicable charism relating to the founding of the Church, and an ordinary communicable and non-miraculous charism relating to the preservation of the Church. It is only the latter that is carried down through the ages by the Apostolic Succession of Catholic bishops.
The charismata is therefore not in use after the founding of the Church. Yes, there have been certain saints in the Church that had various miraculous gifts, but this is not (as the Charismatics claim) true of all members of the Church. The vast majority are devoid of any miraculous deeds.
Babbling Deceivers
The Charismatics (both Protestant and Vatican II sect) are heard "speaking in tongues" at their services. What, exactly, are they saying? In a word: Nothing. As far back as 1972, University of Toronto linguistics professor William Samarin had this to say:
There is no mystery about glossolalia. Tape recorded samples are easy to obtain and analyse. They always turn out to be the same thing: strings of syllables made up of sounds taken from among all those that the speaker knows, put together more or less haphazardly but which nevertheless emerge as word-like and sentence-like units because of realistic, language-like rhythm and melody. Glossolalia is indeed like language in some ways, but this is only because the speaker (unconsciously) wants it to be like language. Yet in spite of superficial similarities, glossolalia is fundamentally not a language. All specimens of glossolalia that have ever been studied have produced no features that would even suggest they reflect some kind of communicative system...Glossolalia is not a supernatural phenomenon...In fact, anybody can produce glossolalia if he is uninhibited and he discovers what the "trick" is... (See Tongues of Men and Angels, [1972], pgs. 227-228; Emphasis mine).
Having been exposed as no known languages, how do Charismatics respond? They are told, "600 million Christians (sic) have received the Holy Spirit gift of their own spirit language." (See book description for 70 Reasons for Speaking in Tongues: Your Own Built-in Spiritual Dynamo [2010], by Bill Hamon; Emphasis mine). They point to 1 Corinthians 13:1, " If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal." (Emphasis mine). Charismatics will claim that this verse "proves" there are "angelic languages" and that's why it sounds like gibberish and does not conform to any earthly language. The Biblical account of true glossolalia gives the lie to that contention.
In Acts 2:1-4 we read, "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." The Scripture relates how Jews, gathered in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost from around the world, had grown up speaking languages other than Aramaic, yet all could understand these uneducated Galileans. They were able to speak in many (and authentic) languages.
This is confirmed by the great St. John Chrysostom who wrote, And as in the time of the building of the tower [of Babel] the one tongue was divided into many; so then, at Pentecost, the many tongues met in one man, and the same person used to discourse both in the Persian, and the Roman, and the Indian, and many other tongues, the Spirit sounding within him: and the gift was called the gift of tongues because he could all at once speak divers languages. (See Homilies on First Corinthians, 35.1; Emphasis mine).
Bergoglio: Speaks with Forked Tongue
In 2014, Bergoglio ("Pope" Francis) asked Word-Faith charlatan Kenneth Copeland to pray for him and "unity in the Body of Christ." (See This is rank heresy. The Church is always One and unified--the existence of apostates, heretics, and schismatics in no way detracts from Her unity. In 1865, The Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office issued the decree Quod Vos, approved by His Holiness Pope Pius IX. It states," ...[The] Church of Christ never lost her unity. She will never lose it, not even for the shortest space of time. In fact, she will continue everlastingly according to divine revelation. How, indeed, can one believe the Church will continue everlastingly, if generation after generation, exactly as it occurs in the changeableness of earthly things, she were to take on to her essential state a new appearance and shape, and, what is more, if the Church herself at some time or other could withdraw from the unity of faith and communion on which she was founded by Jesus Christ and by which she was spread by the Apostles? For this reason St. Ambrose says the kingdom of the Church will remain forever because the faith is indivisible, the body is one [cf. Eph 4:14]."
Moreover, upon Bergoglio's "election" in March of 2013, Copeland published an interview with Rt. Rev. Tony Palmer, a former director of Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ South African office and co-founder of The Ark Community, an international and interdenominational community of Christians based in the United Kingdom, has been extensively involved with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR). (See The post by Kenneth Copeland Ministries continues, It was during a mission to Argentina five years ago that Palmer met and soon became close friends with Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope [sic] Francis I.
“We had called on him to ask permission to minister in churches within his diocese for renewal,” Palmer recalled recently of that first meeting. “Immediately, Cardinal Bergoglio shared his heart and appreciation for what we were doing, and fully embraced us and the work of the Holy Spirit in and through us—not only to Catholic people, but to all Christian denominations.”
Palmer was asked, What is uniquely different and meaningful about Pope Francis and his appointment? His response:
PALMER: An important attribute that Pope Francis brings to the Papacy is his honest and sincere openness to the unity of all Christians. He is a man of God who understands the unity of the Church in its diversity. He constantly shows his public fraternal brotherhood toward all Christians. For example, when he was introduced during a large Christian meeting in Buenos Aires where over 5,000 evangelical protestant leaders were in attendance, Pope Francis (then Cardinal Bergoglio) knelt down in front of the evangelical pastors and asked them to lay hands on him and bless him! Every year, as Cardinal, he would join his evangelical brothers (pastors) for their annual week-long retreat—not as a guest speaker to teach, but as one of them. During our times together, we have spoken about our shared pain of the division of Christians, and together we have shared both tears and prayers for her healing—the one Bride of Christ. (Emphasis mine).
Joining in a false sect's services is an act of apostasy. St. Thomas Aquinas discusses how external acts relate to the sin of apostasy. In one of the objections he proceeds later to refute, he mentions as an example of apostasy not only undergoing the Jewish religious rite of circumcision but also the worshiping at the tomb of Mohammed: “…if anyone were to have himself circumcised, or to worship at the tomb of Mahomet, he would be deemed an apostate” (S.T., II-II, q. 12, a. 1, arg. 2). And again, the Angelic Doctor, "It belongs to faith not only that the heart should believe, but also that external words and deeds should bear witness to the inward faith, for confession is an act of faith. On this way too, certain external words or deeds pertain to unbelief, in so far as they are signs of unbelief…” (S.T., II-II, q. 12, a. 1, ad. 2; Emphasis mine). Theologians and canonists teach that manifest heresy consists in "signs, deeds, and the omission of deeds."
(See Merkelbach, SummaTheologiae Moralis, 1:746.).
As an alleged "Cardinal," Bergoglio was non-Catholic. According to canonist Baldii, "Barred as incapable of being validly elected [pope] are the following: women, children who have not reached the age of reason, those suffering from habitual insanity, the unbaptized, heretics and schismatics..." (See Institutiones Iuris Canonici [1921]; Emphasis mine). It is impossible for Bergoglio to have ever obtained to the office of pope. Remember this the next time some SSPXer or Vatican II sect apologist wants to argue about "warnings" and "deposing a pope by a council." It's all irrelevant; he never could have become pope.
Finally, here is a short video with Copeland "praying in tongues"for Bergoglio. It comes with a very sarcastic (and humorous) translation in captions below. (WARNING! The video was produced by Protestant heretics and I do not endorse them. They are correct, however, that Copeland is a fraud and "speaking in tongues" is nonsense.---Introibo).
Bergoglio Joins With Charismatics To Form A One World Religion
Here are the reasons Bergoglio is so enamored by the Charismatic Movement:
1. It implicitly denies there is only One True Church.
If these "gifts" of the Holy Ghost (allegedly speaking in tongues, "healings," etc.) are true in the "Catholic" Church and they also happen in various Protestant denominations, then it stands to reason that there are "elements of truth and sanctification" outside the True Church by which people can achieve holiness and salvation. (Sound familiar?).2. It replaces the hierarchy with an alleged direct contact with God, and denies the Indefectibility of the Church.
Priests are seen as "one of the guys." Being able to roll on the ground "speaking in tongues" is more important than the ability to offer the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Charismatics will also say things like, "God has put it on my heart that I should..." Or, "God told me..." If you have direct contact with God, why do we need the Church and Her hierarchy as intermediaries between God and people? If the Church teaches one thing, but God has supposedly told you something different, guess which one will be obeyed. The charismatics also deny Indefectibility by claiming that an integral part of the Church (charismata) was absent for centuries, so the Church was somehow deficient. This is impossible if the Church is Indefectible.
3. It denies traditional Catholic spirituality and leads to deception (and even possession) by evil spirits.
Say goodbye to the Rosary, novenas, and The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. St. John of the Cross, one of the greatest masters of the spiritual life had this to say:
- "And I greatly fear what is happening in these times of ours: If any soul whatever after a bit of meditation has in its recollection one of these locutions, it will immediately baptize all as coming from God and with such a supposition say, 'God told me,' 'God answered me.' Yet this is not so, but, as we pointed out, these persons themselves are more often the origin of their locution." (See St. John of the Cross: The Ascent of Mount Carmel. Book II Ch. 29)
- "Through the desire of accepting them [direct messages/gifts from God] one opens the door to the devil. The devil can then deceive one by other communications expertly feigned and disguised as genuine. In the words of the Apostle, he can transform himself into an 'angel of light' (II Cor. XI:14). (...) Regardless of the cause of these apprehensions, it is always good for a man to reject them with closed eyes. If he fails to do so, he will make room for those having a diabolical origin and empower the devil to impose his communications. Not only this, but the diabolical representations will multiply while those from God will gradually cease, so that eventually all will come from the devil and none at all from God. This has occurred with many incautious and uninstructed people." (See St. John of the Cross: The Ascent of Mount Carmel. Book II Ch. 11)
4. It has the same goal as Modernism and Masonry: A One World Church Without Catholicism
Charismaticism is pan-denominational, with an alien and non-Catholic theological idea of "baptism in the Holy Spirit" as if you come into direct contact with God. It vitiates the need for the Mass and Sacraments. It is also rooted in the Modernist ideal of experience over reason. Charismatics cannot give a reasoned theological explanation of how (allegedly) speaking in tongues and rolling on the floor brings one closer to God or even why God would manifest Himself in behavior usually associated with mental patients. Finally, your beliefs don't matter. As long as you profess belief in some vague form of "Christianity" (The Great Architect of the Universe, perhaps), you are all part of "the Church" and can have an "experience of God."
Glossolalia is no longer necessary after the Church was founded and the Apostles died. From the death of St. John, the last Apostle, in 100 AD, the Deposit of Revelation was complete and there was no need of speaking in tongues, or the other extraordinary gifts. The so-called Charismatic Movement disdains Latin, and seeks to join with frauds and heretics like Kenneth Copeland to build a One World Ecumenical Sect led by false pope Francis. They utter nonsense, when the real gift of tongues consists of speaking true languages. Many there are who follow them, wanting to speak in "tongues of angels" but who will soon discover that nonsensical utterances used as "prayer" is inspired by fallen angels.
Bergoglio, Copeland, and all involved in the "Charismatic Movement" who don't repent, will find themselves tongue-tied when on the Last Day they hear Christ clearly speak to them:
"Not everyone that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the Will of My Father who is in Heaven. Many will say to Me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in Thy Name, and cast out devils in Thy Name, and done many miracles in Thy Name? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew thee: depart from Me, thou that work iniquity." (St. Matthew 7:21-23).
Another counterpoint against the charismatic movement that is admittedly more puerile: it not only looks and sounds childish, but is inherently chaotic and disorderly in practice. Chaos and disorder are the preferred tools of the Adversary, not God.
ReplyDeleteIt would be more accurate to describe such a movement as an inaccurate parody of Christianity, and as such is off-putting to anyone with a modicum of sense; mistakenly thinking of such as belonging to the essence of Christianity, many therefore drop the religion entirely. And thus the Adversary laughs with delight.
No wonder Bergoglio likes it so much.
A Simple Man
Simple Man,
DeleteYour wisdom shines forth once more!
God Bless,
Any wisdom I can profess to have is on loan from God, nothing more. :)
A Simple Man
Excellent article Introibo.
ReplyDeleteBut may I ask, that although using Latin at the Holy Mass us very practical, are some trads right in saying that Latin is in itself a sacred and holy language?
Or does it have have precedence over all languages, because it was a language used during Christ's Passion, and is used by the Holy See as an official language? Thanks.
DeleteI would say it has a precedence for the reasons you state. Additionally, as it is a dead language it guards the meanings of dogma as the language stays the same and retains identical meaning.
Actually, Latin is not a dead language. It is perhaps better to say that it is a beautful and eternal language.
DeleteSo the Church doesn't teach that holiness is itself part of the essence of the Latin language?
DeleteRichard P, it's like saying a soul in mortal sin is dead. It doesn't mean it's dead though literally.
DeleteLatin is dead such that it can no longer evolve and grow.
DeleteI’ll agree to that!
I am unaware of any Church teaching that Latin itself is holy. It is holy as used by Holy Mother Church for it's characteristics cited by the popes.
It is holy on account of it being nailed to the Cross in John 19:20. The titulus contained 3 languages (Hebrew, Latin and Greek), whose dialects were adopted in early liturgies. Latin is dead in the sense it does not evolve, leaving its meaning very precise, and thus advantageous for the worship of God who is immutable.
DeleteI'd like to hear the charismatics "speak in tongues" with a mask on their face? Maybe it will make more sense to hear their nonsense than the wearing of the mask itself. In my opinion, ventriloquist have a much more impressive skill.
DeleteVentriloquists are at least entertaining!
God Bless,
DeleteYou might enjoy the Vent Haven Museum. Video here: Maybe one day we'll see a charismatic person who claims to speak in tongues do so as a ventriloquist in order to add to the ridiculousness.
DeleteThank you for sharing!
I have two Latin-French missals, one from Rev. Marbeau (autographed by Saint Pius X), the other by dom Gaspar Lefebvre. Even if I pray in my language, I think that Latin is very beautiful. Sometimes I listen Gregorian chant and it is more beautiful than the modernist chants that I heard for a long time in church.
DeleteAn autograph from a saint! Something to keep in your family forever. At the Novus Bogus, any chant is going the way of the dinosaurs and replaced with vapid secular nonsense such as “Michael Row the Boat Ashore” (at best) or decadent pop and rock songs held out to be “spiritual” (e.g. “Here Comes the Sun” and “Don’t Stop Believin’”). Another sign of how low the V2 sect has fallen.
God Bless,
I found this missal autographed by Saint Pius X at my voluntary workplace. I will indeed keep it and that of Dom Lefebvre too. These are treasures so that we do not forget how the holy Catholic Church celebrated its liturgy before the V2 disaster and how it still celebrates it in communities which are not in communion with the false church.
DeleteThere was nothing that seemed too "off" at our last NO parish, although my husband and I always cringed when the pastor literally shouted the fan chant for the local NFL team right after the final blessing at Sunday "mass"! The bringing in of bongo drums and weird music drove me out of the choir in which there were also a few members of the charismatic movement; the conversation about being "slain in the spirit" always made me shudder!
ReplyDeleteWhen we left the NO for good, we set out on a rickety raft in search of Christ's True Church. That was well over a decade ago. Encountering several storms along the way, we finally found the safe harbor of Traditional Roman Catholicism, thanks be to God.
The events that have unfolded in the years since the election of Bergoglio have more than proved us right in running from Jorge's gang of vipers, although we never doubted our decision. I have come to believe the V2 church is the "spiritual" arm of the One World Order. Absolutely. The evil of it is obvious, in your face and undeniable.
DeleteI couldn’t agree more. Yet for every brave soul in search of the truth like yourself, there are three others that refuse to see the evil right before them. “ Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?” (St Mark 18:8).
God Bless,
You are biased. Where are the words of Pope Paul VI, John Paull II and Benedict XVI suppoting the Catholic Renewal? Search a little bit and you will find them. This post is really not fair.
DeleteWithout a doubt, Montini (Paul 6), Wojtyla (JP2), and Ratzinger (Benedict 16) all supported “renewal.” Unfortunately, it’s not Catholic by any stretch of the imagination. It is Modernist ecumenical apostasy teaching that rolling around saying gibberish is “speaking in tongues.” The Charismatic Movement is evil to the core—and proof that the “popes” going back to Roncalli (John 23) are false popes. This is why I’m a Sedevacantist.
I hope you find your way out and into the One True Church, as Jannie (comment above) did.
God Bless,
DeleteGiven the evidence provided as to why the Charismatic movement contradicts the Church's own theological principles prior to Vatican 2 (per Scripture and Tradition), citing the magisterial teachings of Paul VI, JPII, and BXVI results in one of two conclusions:
1) The Church's theological principles as taught for centuries were previously incorrect.
2) There was something fundamentally lacking in the magisterial authority of Paul VI, JPII, and BXVI.
Choose wisely.
A Simple Man
DeleteThe Pentecostal/Charismatic movement or "renewal" is nothing more than the emergence of Voodoo. People going into trances, rolling on the floor,shaking, speaking in tongues, etc., is indicative of Voodoo. Please see below link. Do your research before getting involved with this movement that has been incorporated into the Vatican II sect by so-called "Popes". This Charismatic/Pentecostal renewal is pagan and has its roots in Voodoo. Beware!
Speaking as a former Charismatic and recovering Modernist, I can tell you please beware of this fraudulent language. I never professed the gift as a Charismatic youth, but one day, as a married Charismatic adult, I was told that I had received it, on having followed the explicit instructions to the T - "rest your arms on your lap, palms open, keep saying 'la-la-la-la-la', free your tongue, it will come - start with 'alleluia' and keep repeating it, it will come. The Lord wants to lavish you with His gifts, be open to the Spirit." Though reluctant at first, I believed them on account of them being elders, who often claim the right of obedience and submission. I practiced praying in tongues during my prayer time until, amidst a great struggle (for fear of rejecting a gift from the Lord) I replaced that with silence during my prayer time, on Jan 8. 2 weeks prior we'd attended our first Traditional Latin Mass. Supernaturally, grace followed. You can read a part of the story here:
DeleteSheriff shooter,
DeleteThank you for sharing your testimony!
My hometown is so deep into Apostasy the average citizen has either never been to Church or attended once for someone's funeral.
ReplyDeleteI'm not implying everyone in this city is an open rebellious Apostate,just in general.
Very dark hopeless place to be but it's a lukewarm apostasy,not rebellious nor personal.
Thank you for the weekly blog entry and helping me learn more about the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Faith.
God bless - Andrew
DeleteThank you for the kind words my friend! The times are bleak, but Christ’s One True Church will exist until the end of time; so take some solace in that fact!
I did some research on the start of the modern day Pentecostal movement and its roots.
ReplyDelete1. William Seymour, founder of the modern Pentecostal movement was an African American. He was Baptized Roman Catholic in 1870. He attended a Baptist Church, was raised in poverty and received little formal education when growing up and claimed to have visions of God.
2. In 1906 William Seymour started the Azusa Street Revival which lasted 3 yrs. The mission held services 7 days a week with a crowd of up to 1,500 people. From the start the movement was racially egalitarian
3. In 1908 doctrinal differences arose as well as issues of race and Azusa Street suffered a split.
4. By 1914 Pentecostalism had spread to almost every major U S. City. All American Pentecostal Denominations can trace their origins to Azusa Street. The mission's doctrines then quickly went around the world. Hence, Azusa Street is cited as the primary root of modern day Pentecostalism.
5. In Sept 1922, William Seymour died of a heart attack. Seymour's wife became Pastor after his death and carried his work on until her death.
https://www. Supplement-Mi-So/Seymour- William-Joseph.html
DeleteThank you for the information! It will benefit not only myself but my readers.
Christianity has another serious problem: it is extremely emotional and effeminating. In these groups there are a lot of sodomites and men of dubious masculinity dancing and smiling as retarded. There are some images of an Italian charismatic group performing for the fake Pope Francis who is the cumulative of the ridiculous.
DeleteSadly true. Reason has been not merely devalued but abandoned.
I watched a clip of the novus ordo "Episcopal Consecration" of
Delete"Bishop" Obanyi.
It's happening in Africa too but in a different manner.
The "Church Fathers" in Africa incorporate tribal folk songs and dances within their liturgy.
The novus ordo is a global diabolical sect that destroys everyone including Souls who mean well.
DeleteYes, the Novus Bogus “inculturation.” Giving you the WORST humanity has to offer. Instead of lifting people’s minds to Heaven, it lowers them to Earth.
Thank you, Introibo, and all those who wrote insightful comments. This echoes, and adds to, my view of this topic. If people actually read what Acts 2 says, everyone understood the other people speaking their own authentic languages. The Holy Ghost undid the curse of Babel and imparted clarity and understanding.
ReplyDeleteRichard P,
DeleteExactly right. A “secret tongue” in no language and is not of God.
God Bless,
ReplyDeleteHave you done or would you consider doing a post on the end times, beast Antichrist, etc?
DeleteSee my post
ReplyDeleteGot the shock of my life today. Turned on a local TV station and the NO was on with the "Archbishop" saying the NO. The "Archbishop" was using Latin only until the Gospel reading. I couldn't believe my ears! Do you have any idea what this is about? Is it to cater to the FSSP, etc? I have never encountered Latin at a NO before. Your thoughts. Thanks!
It's possible every day Life is imploding on such a rapid level even some N.O. types are beginning to slowly awaken + convert.
Andrew and Joann,
DeleteAndrew, I think you're being way to optimistic. Joann, I think they are trying to keep people away from Traditionalists by pretending to be "traditional" and keep people in Bergoglio's clutches.
I just recently travelled to my small hometown in northern Pa. I was shocked at the amount of people I talked with, mostly young 20-30's, who told me they had never paid much attention to politics and elections before all the recent happenings. They are now scrambling like crazy to find out current events and trying to understand the craziness being fostered upon the American people. If this is happening on a large scale in the political arena, I believe it is also happening on a religious level. People are seeking, researching and questioning to become informed as never before. The NO is more than likely cognizant that as more people question and research that they are going to discover Tradition and learn about pre-Vatican vs. the fake Vatican II and it's "Popes". Perhaps by incorporating Latin into the NO they are trying to stop an exodus away from the NO and into Tradition as more people become informed?
"Once there are no more valid priests they’ll permit the Latin Mass."
Delete- Rev. Carl Pulvermacher OFMCap, Former Editor, The Angelus
I've gone through all of your articles on the charismatic movement, including the pentecostals, and find it all disturbing and troubling. During the same time period, I came across some YouTube videos of a young man named Steven Bancarz, who seems to be all the rage in the charismatic movement. He claims to be an expert in the New Age movement who found Jesus and now has a "ministry" warning people of the dangers of the New Age movement. It seems to me that he has left one false religion and back into the relgious belief of his childhood. At first, I was deeply saddened by it all, and now I find myself angry for the false teachings coming out of the pentecostal charismatic movement. It seems to be filled with nothing but charlatans spouting confusion and chaos amongst so-called Christian believers.
ReplyDeleteCyrus Tar,
DeleteThe Charismatics are every bit as wrong as New Agers--and the "Spirit" that guides both is anything BUT Holy! More Victims of Vatican II. Sad.
God Bless,