Monday, September 7, 2020

When Strangers Come Knocking---Part 13

This is the next installment of my series to be published the first Monday of each month.

There are members of false sects, like Jehovah's Witnesses, that come knocking door-to-door hoping to convert you. Instead of ignoring them, it is we who should try and convert them. In 1 Peter 3:16, our first Pope writes, "But in thy hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks thee to give the reason for the hope that thou hast. But do this with gentleness and respect,..." Before the Great Apostasy, the Church would send missionaries to the ends of the Earth to make as many converts as possible.

Those in false religions don't always come (literally) knocking at your door. It may be a Hindu at work who wants you to try yoga. It could be a "Christian Scientist" who lives next door and invites you to come to their reading room. Each month, I will present a false sect. Unlike the Vatican II sect, I do not see them as a "means of salvation" or possessing "elements of truth" that lead to salvation. That is heresy. They lead to damnation, and the adherents of the various sects must be converted so they may be saved.

In each month's post, I will present one false sect and give an overview of:

  • The sect's history
  • Their theology
  • Tips on how to share the True Faith with them
The New Age Movement
The New Age Movement (NAM) is a loosely structured network of individuals and organizations who share a vision of a new age of enlightenment and harmony (the so-called "Age of Aquarius") and who subscribe to a common worldview of pantheism where "god" and the universe are the same. For this reason, the New Age is a pagan movement and not a sect as defined in Catholic theology. There is no single organization or common creed, no unifying code of morality, and no worship proper to the NAM. The ideas of the New Age have permeated society in every aspect. Many people co-mingle New Age beliefs with their professed religion, be it Vatican II sect, Protestantism, Judaism, etc. This makes the NAM possibly the most insidious of all false religious systems that try to proselytize you to one or more tenets.

This post will focus on the beliefs that are part of the NAM, with the proviso that not all beliefs are subscribed to all involved. Some don't even realize they hold one or more NAM beliefs, or that they are incompatible with the religion they profess.

One of the most concise and accurate descriptions of the NAM was given by Stratford Caldecott in booklet form, the pertinent part of which I reproduce below. I do not endorse all of what Mr. Caldecott (d. 2014) writes, nor do I agree with his religious views--but his synopsis is spot-on accurate. For those who wish to read his entire booklet, please See 

The umbrella term "New Age" was first popularized by Alice Bailey in the 1930s, founder of an offshoot of the Theosophical Society (itself begun in New York in 1875 by the Russian-born occultist H.P. Blavatsky). It was picked up again by Baba Ram Dass (alias Richard Alpert) and others in the 1960s, when it became popularly identified with the coming astrological "Age of Aquarius". In that Age, it was prophesied, mankind would finally "come of age", renouncing the use of force and establishing a new world order of peace and harmony, an era of higher or cosmic consciousness and universal love.

If the origins of the term and to some extent of the movement lie in modern occultism, social and cultural conditions at the end of the last century played their part by enabling exotic alternatives to Christian belief to flourish. The progress of science, though impressive, had left many people dissatisfied. Hungry for some kind of spiritual fulfillment which neither science nor Christianity seemed able to offer, they were easily attracted to spiritualism and the Theosophical Society. The movement quickly divided and sub-divided (Krishnamurti, Steiner) and other influences came to bear (Jung, Teilhard, yoga, ecology, feminism). The scriptures of other religions, alongside the writings of Jewish Kabbalists, Christian mystics and previously obscure Christian heretics, became more widely available in translation. In the wake of Swami Vivekananda and the Vedanta Society, new gurus appeared from the East.

Also contributing to the emergence of the New Age movement was Vatican II. The Modernists have a Naturalistic outlook and eschew the supernatural. The ecumenism in the heretical document Nostra Aetate instructed Catholics to make contact with, "respect," and "learn from" all false religions because they contain some "rays of truth."  People, hungry for the real truth that was stolen from them, started turning to these false sects for answers. A form of emergent Neo-Gnosticism emerged. As a backdrop, Gnosticism—from the Greek gnosis, “knowledge”—was a heresy that emerged in the second century A.D., purporting to offer knowledge of otherwise hidden “truth” as the indispensable key to human salvation apart from the One True Church. Though Gnosticism with its "secret knowledge" is long gone, a revival of it (Neo-Gnosticism) occurred in the late 1960s in the wake of Vatican II.  These ideas include:

  • Humans have the "spark of the divine" within
  • Humans are ignorant of their "divinity"and must be made aware of it
  • Jesus came as One of many "way-showers" to bring enlightenment to humanity 

These ideas eventually became prominent in NAM, as will be shown next in this post.

Major Tenets of NAM

1. Ecumenism/Eclectic Beliefs.
New Agers combine and synthesize religious and philosophical ideas from Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Mohammed, etc. There is no one true faith or one true Messiah. New Agers believe there is truth in all religions and religious traditions.(Are you listening, Mr. Bergoglio?). This willingness to pick and choose what they believe from various sources of enlightenment is a vivid demonstration of the arbitrary and inconsistent nature of the worldview. They consult the Bible, but also feel free to consult the pagan Hindu Vedas, the Koran, as well as openly occult psychics and "channelers," whose “revelations” from spirit guides  [i.e., demons]are considered just as authoritative as those found in the Bible. They have no hesitation in consulting astrologers and others who practice the occult arts of necromancy, palm readings, Ouija boards, tarot cards, etc. Reincarnation is also commonly held by New Agers.

2. Monism.
Monism is the false doctrine that all reality is a unified whole. Everything in the universe is conceived as being composed of the same substance. Humanity, God, and nature are seen as three waves in a single ocean. All reality is both interdependent and interrelated. 

3. Pantheism. 
This is the view that "All is 'God' and 'God' is All." There is no distinction between Creator and creation. The NAM god is an impersonal, amoral "it." 

4. Moral Relativism. 
Moral Relativism is not one doctrine, but rather can be classified into two (2) distinct and broad theses, both of which deny an external, unchanging Moral Norm. Cultural/Normative Relativism is the teaching which holds that a person must behave in accordance with the accepted norms that have evolved in his/her society. Conceptual Relativism holds there is no such property as good or evil; rather goodness is a function or relation between an action and society. The very meaning of "right and wrong" is relative to any given society. NAM subscribes to both theses.

5. Deification of Humanity. 
From monism and pantheism, it follows that humans are "god" but don't yet realize it. Once "god-realization" is achieved, it remains to "awaken" as many others as possible. When this realization reaches a critical mass, the planet will experience "The Age of Aquarius;"-- a new world order of peace, harmony, and "universal love." 

Almost all New Agers reject and seek to eliminate:
  • all organized religion, especially Christianity
  • "patriarchal" society
  • "Destruction of the environment" (since all is god). 
(See, e.g.,  Russel Chandler, Understanding the New Age, [1991]).

The Spread of New Age Ideas
According to the Pew Research Center:

Most American adults self-identify as Christians. But many Christians also hold what are sometimes characterized as “New Age” beliefs – including belief in reincarnation, astrology, psychics and the presence of spiritual energy in physical objects like mountains or trees. Many Americans who are religiously unaffiliated also have these beliefs.

Overall, roughly six-in-ten American adults accept at least one of these New Age beliefs. Specifically, four-in-ten believe in psychics and that spiritual energy can be found in physical objects, while somewhat smaller shares express belief in reincarnation (33%) and astrology (29%).

But New Age beliefs are not necessarily replacing belief in traditional forms of religious beliefs or practices. While eight-in-ten Christians say they believe in God as described in the Bible, six-in-ten believe in one or more of the four New Age beliefs analyzed here, ranging from 47% of evangelical Protestants to roughly seven-in-ten Catholics (sic) and Protestants in the historically black tradition.

Moreover, religiously unaffiliated Americans (those who say their religion is atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular”) are about as likely as Christians to hold New Age beliefs. However, atheists are much less likely to believe in any of the four New Age beliefs than agnostics and those who say their religion is “nothing in particular.” Just 22% of atheists believe in at least one of four New Age beliefs, compared with 56% of agnostics and eight-in-ten among those whose religion is “nothing in particular.”

Americans who consider themselves to be spiritual but not religious also tend to accept at least one New Age belief. Roughly three-quarters of U.S. adults in this category hold one or more New Age beliefs, including six-in-ten who believe spiritual energy can be located in physical things and 54% who believe in psychics. And among those who say they are religious and spiritual, 65% espouse at least one New Age belief. (See; Emphasis mine). These are just four beliefs associated with the NAM, and all of them are distinctly occult.

New Age Infiltration in Various Aspects of Life
  • Health. NAM promotes "holistic health," the idea that you treat a person, not a body part. So if you have a heart problem, you don't take heart medication (or heart medication alone) you need pagan meditation for the mind, and use crystals to align your "chakras" or "life-force centers" (whatever that means). Also used is "Reiki healing" (pagan, and used by Jorge Bergoglio).
  •  Psychology. Many psychologists and mental health professionals now employ "human potential therapies" which tell you that you can "do anything" and deny sin, or anything else which might make someone (rightfully) feel guilty
  • Politics. Since all things are interdependent and unified, there must be a One World Government whereby we act locally but think globally.  NAM supports environmentalism, LGBTQIA++ perversion "rights,"and "equality through Socialism"
  •  Education. Most public schools now teach "values clarification" whereby students are taught there are no objective moral values. Intelligent Deign Theory is forbidden. References to Christianity are only made to paint Christians as villains. Yoga and pagan forms of meditation are made part of physical education classes, and everyone must learn to become an "environmentally conscious global citizen," thereby making children easy subjects for a One World Government (look at all the Millennials who support Bernie Sanders, AOC, etc). 
  • Religion. The Vatican II sect has adopted, de facto, many NAM practices such as yoga, Reiki, moral relativism, ("Who am I to judge?")--and ecumenism. Bergoglio pushes ecological care as being a sin on the same level as many grievous and wicked acts such as abortion, which he derides as one of many traditional "simple minded rules." 
Proselytizing in a New Age
The best way to proselytize New Agers is to try and attack their underlying belief in pantheism. Some may not even know that this is what they believe. Since some people have only one NAM belief, you may need to attack that one belief only (e.g., reincarnation). They are not per se of the NAM because of one belief. You must see their overarching worldview. If they are New Agers, do not  attack each belief. Go after pantheism. Basically, New Agers, like Buddhists, believe we are all "divine" since "all is God," and people are not aware of it ("universal amnesia"). We need to be "awakened to our divinity."   

Here are four talking points:

1. The universal amnesia regarding our "divinity" cannot be satisfactorily explained.
If humanity is really "part of the divine," how is it that we are unaware of it? Wouldn't "god" know he is divine? Why does it take some guru, or yoga, or pagan meditation for "god" to realize who he is? How do we account for this "cosmic amnesia"?

2. How does the pantheist know that HE is not the one mis-perceiving reality?
The New Agers claim that Christians who believe in a world external to their senses are caught in the grip of an illusion, because "all is one." How does the NAM member know it is we who are deceived by our common sense experience and not himself for thinking that "all is one;" contrary to what reason and sense experience tells us?

3. If pantheism is true, we can never distinguish between fantasy and reality. 
The burden of proof is clearly on the New Ager to tell us why we should abandon our common ability to distinguish between fact and fantasy. We should believe what our experience tells us is true unless or until we have good reason to think otherwise. The NAM reverses this and would have us believe what is counter-intuitive is true despite the lack of evidence. This is absurd.

4. If pantheism is true, there is no good or evil. 
If all is "God," then God allowed the mass murders committed by Joseph Stalin, and God allowed the altruism of St. Francis of Assisi. How can they be morally equivalent? Inanimate objects are divine on the pantheistic worldview. They have "spiritual energy." Does that mean they are self-aware? If not, how can they be equally divine with rational creatures? If so, do we harm them by throwing them or breaking them up? Don't they then have rights of some sort?

Finally, remind them that all religions do not teach the same doctrines. One cannot rationally claim that the various world religions are teaching the same basic truths. This becomes evident by examining key doctrines in each religion. The Bible reveals that there is one personal God who is Triune in nature. The Koran teaches there is only one God--"Allah," but God cannot have a Son, and there is no Trinity. The writings of Confucius affirm polytheism (there are many "gods"). Buddha taught that the concept of God was essentially irrelevant. These mutually exclusive beliefs cannot all be true. Hence, the NAM "God" is a liar, OR if truly an impersonal "it" into which we will be absorbed and lose our individuality, how is this any different from non-existence like atheists teach? Why is only "part of God" capable of rationality (humans) and part non-rational (like rocks)? Which is it?

The NAM encompasses many falsehoods and deceits. It has infiltrated, to one degree or another, the way the modern world thinks since the Great Apostasy of Vatican II. The New Age openness to channeling—consulting psychics in order to contact the dead, or to contact a "guardian angel," or "spirit guide" is an especially grievous sin against God. The whole movement is seeped in the occult and the pagan, which in turn opens a person to demonic forces. 

As I've written before, occultic practices are condemned by both the Bible and Church teaching. "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you." (See Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Emphasis mine). According to theologian Jone, "Spiritism claims to be able to communicate with the spirit world and endeavors to establish such commerce with it. Although spiritism is for the most part fraud, still the intention alone to enter into communication with spirits is gravely sinful. Therefore, it is mortally sinful to conduct a spiritistic seance or to act as a medium." (See Moral Theology [1961], pg. 100; Emphasis mine). 

It's called "The New Age Movement," but it's just re-packaged falsehoods brought to you from the Father of Lies. 


  1. The proliferation of NAM is a sign that we are in the Age of Antichrist. The Lord warned us that there would be many false christs and false prophets. And Saint Paul warns us against the tricks and deceptions of the devil (2 Thessalonians 2). In short, we must be attentive and pray all the time.

    1. Simon,
      We may indeed be near the time of the Antichrist.

      God Bless,


    2. Speaking of Antichrist, you ever heard anything about these so-called “Universal Noahide Laws”?

  2. As Emile Cammaerts stated in his work on G.K. Chesterton, "when men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing. They then become capable of believing in anything."


    A Simple Man

    1. Simple Man,
      One of my all time favorite quotes!

      God Bless,


    2. This is why we have Bergoglio who says he does not believe in the Catholic God but who has converted to the green religion and who wants us to do the same. No thanks, Bergie, I'm Roman Catholic, not Green Catholic.

  3. And I add that to preserve ourselves from the false doctrines encouraged by the V2 sect, we must reject this sect and turn to the true Catholic faith as it has always been believed and taught until V2.

  4. From the TV show Bewitched starting in the late 60's to Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Charmed, the TV brought this new age sorcery and paganism right into homes. One didn't even have to leave the home to become exposed to such depravity. Of course these shows were made so as to appeal to the young minds so as to brainwash them while young. On the other hand, I have 2 Aunts left out of my paternal grandparent's family of 12 who were raised by pious and devoted Catholic parents pre-Vatican II and who are both in their 80's and are steeped in New Age Nonsense. They are Novus Ordo adherents who believe in Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. They think any and all are great so long as one isn't a practicing pre-Vatican II Traditional Catholic!! Of course, these Aunts love Francis the fake! Needless to say but I am the outcast of the family as I won't go along to get along with their New Age pagan beliefs. How upside down the world has become since Vatican II.


    1. Joann,
      You see exactly when and how the NAM began its infiltration. It’s sad about your aunts. Like it says in Romans 1:22, “ Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools...”


    2. Upon looking up the series Bewitched, I saw that the creator,director,executive producer and producer were all Jewish. I wonder if this is just a coincidence or if the infiltration was on purpose to target and further pollute the gentiles? Link below.


  5. In many ways the NAM, the NO fake church, and the private revelation crowd share many of the same traits. They all have as the source of their beliefs their own interprepation of revelation. All place their conscience or understanding above any teaching authority.

    1. Tom,
      Yes, it began with Luther putting the Bible outside and opposed to Magisterial authority. Now, it has degenerated to “we are our own authority.”

      God Bless,


  6. Freemasonary is the largest new age
    Occult religion within this Country.
    You are not going to convert these people barring direct Old Testament style divine intervention from our Blessed Lord.
    May our Blessed Mother pray for you and
    our Blessed Lord Love you

    1. Andrew,
      You’re probably right, but we have to try and pray for such conversions and leave it up to God and His Mother!

      God Bless,


  7. The NAM is the state-sanctioned religion in the US. It's incredible that anyone believes church and state are separated here. The NAM is so pervasive it is almost invisible; the only way to see its presence everywhere is to see things from the Traditional Catholic worldview. While the NAM is a syncretic mix of many pagan beliefs and platitudes it's insidious that they take one truth in particular - the existence and role of Angels - and appropriate it to their own perverse ends. Just sowing more confusion! Thanks for this timely and thorough post.

    1. Milkbone,
      Thank you my friend! Do you notice all those New Age bumper stickers that promote angels? For those who know better it is not the good angels, but the fallen ones whom the NAM calls upon.

      God Bless,


  8. The new Age, new normal, new world order is upon us. Please share this video May Our Lord conquer.


  9. Anyone know of any live internet feeds which pray the Holy Rosary together?

    1. Andrew,
      I do not, but I ask my readers to reply if they know of such an Internet feed.


  10. Unfortunately, the latest update on Fr. Cekada is very, very sad...
    This is what Bp. Dolan wrote on Twitter:
    "Fr Cekada is indeed dying. It seems useless to torture him with any further medical procedures. My goal now is to see him back at home, under the care of hospice, and assisted spiritually. Please pray for this, and the supreme grace of a good death."

    I just don't know what to say...

    Most Holy Mother of God, please intercede for this faithful servant of your Son and our only Saviour, Jesus Christ!

    Joanna S.

    1. Joanna,
      How sad! Let us all pray for Fr Cekada!!!


    2. Sorry to hear this as it's one less valid Catholic Priest in the World.
      I hope him and Bp.Ramolla make amends before his Death.
      God bless

    3. Joanna,
      Thanks for the update on Fr. Cekada. Very sad indeed. Prayers for him.


    4. Death comes to us all.We should always be prepared.A priests soul will be judged more then us lay folk.How terrible for any priest to have driven folk to give the True Faith away.May God have mercy on his poor soul

    5. @anon6:48
      Are you referring to the apostate priests who went along with Vatican II in the 1960s, or are you referring to Fr Cekada as “driven folk to give the True Faith away”?


    6. Ask the all the folk upwards of more then two hundred who left back in 2009 at SGG.Ask where did the 100K go that he stole from the church bank account of the now defunct St Clares in Columbus,OH.Pages could be written on him and Bp Dolan

    7. Anon6:17
      It’s no secret that Fr Cekada and I had theological disagreements. However, to insinuate that he was an embezzler when he was never even indicted (let alone found guilty) is calumny. He is entitled to the presumption of innocence.

      Like the boors on two (now defunct) websites would rant against Fr Cekada and Bp Dolan week after week; going so far as to claim that Bp Dolan has “dubious orders” because of an alleged “one handed priestly ordination” by Abp. Lefebvre. They claimed “several witnesses.” When I asked for just one name they conveniently were unable to give even one name. No pictures, and the testimony of several priests who were never there.

      It was these kinds of falsehoods leveled against Fr DePauw—he had “Masonic connections,” etc.

      No one is perfect. I never have nor would I accuse any man (especially a Traditionalist priest) of wrong-doing without incontrovertible proof. To accuse a faithful priest of such things—especially when they were never charged nor convicted—is awful. To do so when he’s no longer here to defend himself is cowardly, calumnious, and disgusting.


    8. Fr.Cekada published material that was less than flattering on a Priest friend of mine who is now deceased.
      The Priest in question responded to me with these words,
      "That's his opinion and come Judgement Day he may be correct.
      One thing is positively certain,our Blessed Lord isn't worrying me or Fr.Cekada on your personal Judgement.
      He's going to ask what Andrew did,didn't do,and what he failed to do,understand?
      Pray for yourself,have a Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for yourself,and get right w/our Blessed Lord.
      Until we are living like a Saint what others do + say is of no concern to us.
      Once we are livng the life of a Saint,then me + you can worry about Fr.Cekada's opinions.
      Pray for him,Priest's go through much more than you all realise.

  11. Introibo,
    Why and how has all this New Age nonsense infiltrated the medical profession? Just went to an M.D who prescribed Yoga, Tai Chi, mindfulness, etc. When I tell Drs., I won't practice such stuff and don't believe in it they get very indignant and upset with me. It seems Drs. are using this New Age nonsense as a cure all for everything. I call them "witchdoctors"!!


    1. Joann,
      Many in scientific fields are upset by the rampant atheism. Convinced that Christianity is incompatible with science. The NAM allows them to be acceptably “spiritual but not religious.”

      From Simple Man above:

      As Emile Cammaerts stated in his work on G.K. Chesterton, "when men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing. They then become capable of believing in anything."


    2. In the 1930's the Masonic Alcoholics Anonymous was founded. In the 1950's the American Medical Association recognized Alcoholism as an illness. AA became incorporated into the medical profession and pushed upon Alcoholics as the solution to Alcoholism. From the Masonic 12 Step Programs we now have the New Age Movement being pushed by the medical profession as a cure all for everything. I think it ironic that most modernism can be traced back to the Masons. Just my 2 cents.


    3. The Masonic AA program and its 12 Steps is a dismal failure. The amount of AA adherents and the success rate of those actually able to get sober and maintain sobriety is very low. Those of us who do not attend AA but are sober and have maintained sobriety are looked upon by the medical profession as liars. I have recently had to search for new physicians and each time I have been asked if I am drinking and I say "no", I am questioned over and over, especially when asked if I attend AA and say "no". They will not believe me. Finally, the other day I had enough and told the doctor "look if you won't believe me, please take a sample of my hair and/or blood as proof that I don't drink alcohol". I have not drank in 34 yrs, acquired sobriety and maintained it without AA or the 12 Steps. Taking a drink of Alcohol is the fartherest thing on my mind. Thanks be to God and his Grace!


  12. Slightly off topic but I just had to share this with you.

    One more argument in favour of the truth that Novus Ordo is sheer LUNACY.
    This is an excerpt from a Polish online TV show, broadcast just yesterday, 'starring' a quite popular conservative Novus Ordo 'priest' from Poland, by the name of Daniel Wachowiak. Here's what he has to say about his church:

    "Ever since the establishment of the Church 2,000 years ago the only normal one in the Church has been its founder, that is Our Lord. The others - we're all nuts. I keep saying, now I defined it like that, take for example the Creed: we believe that the Church is holy but not because of our holiness, us who are plain, ordinary sinners but it is holy beacuse of the holiness of Our Lord. So, for 2,000 years we've been normal as well as abnormal, taking into consideration us, humans. It's good Our Lord's with us. I've made this deal with Our Lord (sic!) that as long as He's in the tabernacle, which means He puts up with us, I'm beside Him. But if He one day slams the door of the tabernacle (sic!) and goes away (even more sic!), then I'll follow Him. It may sound a bit provocative but I believe He won't leave the Church despite - and I'm now approaching the question asked by you (the interviewer) - despite the fact that we sometimes feel confused in the Church (...)."

    Provocative? This is blatant blasphemy!
    Sorry for the incomprehensible bits and pieces but I tried to render his words as faithfully as possible - this is what he actually said.

    Honestly, the VII sect is now in such a degenerate state that they make the New Age quacks seem quite sensible in comparison.

    Thank God for the light of the True Faith!

    Joanna S.

    1. mark of false religion is utter confusion, which this man you describe demonstrates.
      He needs prayers as do his followers.

    2. Joanna,
      You are so right. "Thank God for the light of the True Faith"!! I thank God every day for the True Faith! We are so fortunate.


    3. Joanna,
      Thank God indeed! The V2 sect becomes more of a blasphemous joke every day—-as you’ve demonstrated,


  13. Fr. Anthony Cekada has died today.

  14. Fr. Cekada died this morning.

    May he find his eternal refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and be generously rewarded for all he did to save souls in these troubled times.

    Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Through the mercy of God, may he rest in peace. Amen.

    Joanna S.

  15. Hello all,

    Fr. Cekada has passed away this morning.

    May he rest in peace.

  16. To my readers:
    Fr Anthony Cekada (b 1951; ordained 1977) has gone to Judgement. He was the best known proponent of Sedevacantism. He did much to convert souls to the One True Church. Please join me in praying for the repose of his immortal soul.

    Requiescat in Pace, Fr Cekada.


    1. Yes indeed,he was the most well known voice of the sedevacantist opinion,even the Remnant have an article on his Death.
      I hope he's in Heaven or Purgatory.
      Requiescat in Pace Fr.Cekada.

  17. Fr. Cekada was an intellectual light in the Catholic world when light needed to be shined on the errors and rot of Vatican 2. He seemed to have packed enough action in service to the Church in the decades he was given, to fill the lifetimes of several men. His penetrating wit was a trademark of his. He will be missed and I'm sure God will welcome him with the words: "Well done, good and faithful servant..."

    1. Fr.Cekada will be missed greatly. When I first found Sedevacantism/Tradition, he answered my emails and would always take my phone calls. He was so kind and gracious. May he rest in peace.


  18. For the person looking for a live rosary feed, have you tried the website? They have some kind of call in for the rosary according to their twitter posts @dailycatholic.

    I haven't used it, but perhaps they can at least point you in the right direction if they don't have what you are looking for. I hope this helps.

    RIP, Fr. Cekada.

  19. I used to watch his debates on Thuc Consecrations, the blackboard and chalk.
    Why? Very interesting, to learn.
    But I also wished I had had a teacher like him in Religion.
    Instead I got false nuns denying miracles of God, laity asking us what we thought on issues already settled by the church, Brother denying Resurrection.... As a freshman in 1974 Novus Ordo high sch I knew something terribly wrong when the nuns asked us to do a project on the 5 Great Religions. Sick.
