Monday, March 10, 2025

Mel Gibson And The Force


Mel Gibson is both an enigmatic and tragic figure. I had my brush with him when he attended Midnight Mass at the Ave Maria Chapel with Fr. DePauw in 1994. The award winning movie star, director, and producer brought his wife and three oldest children. He asked the head usher if he could speak to Father after Mass. Fr. DePauw, who focused on all things spiritual, knew nothing about him, yet agreed to speak with him in private. They would talk together for about 30 minutes.

The next Sunday, Father said he was impressed with Mr. Gibson who stated that he "wanted to be a good Traditionalist" and had come up with a "great idea for a movie." (That was probably a reference to The Passion of the Christ, which came out ten years later in 2004).  That movie was (in my opinion), the greatest film of all time. Mel Gibson's father, Hutton Gibson, was one of the very first sedevacantist laymen, who unfortunately was also a Home Aloner. (Hutton Gibson died in 2020 just short of turning 102 years old). 

Since that time, Gibson got divorced and had adulterous affairs resulting in illegitimate children. I don't know if he has gotten his act together, but we must pray for him. He is said to have another epic movie coming out on the resurrection of Christ. Recently, Gibson gave sedevacantism notoriety when he appeared on the "Joe Rogan Show." Rogan is all over the place in his beliefs. He does not affirm belief in God but is "open to it," favors the legalization of marijuana, supports socialized medicine, yet affirms the right to bear arms and rejects cancel culture. He supported Trump in 2024, but endorsed Communist Bernie Sanders in 2020. 

One of my readers sent me a video clip that shocked me. While talking with Rogan, Gibson talked about his encounter with a qigong (pronounced chee-gong; and also spelled chi kung) "master." The actor relates how seemingly supernatural things were taking place, and Gibson asked the advice of an unnamed  Traditionalist priest to see if it was "demonic." Unfortunately, it doesn't seem Mel was dissuaded nor do we know the eact exchange between him and the priest. 

All forms of alleged "energy healing" (most notably qigong and Reiki) are occult and, therefore, demonic. This post will expose energy healing as the occult practice it is, so it may be avoided.  

"Energy Medicine"
Qigong and Reiki are two of the best known pagan/occult "healing" methods. These methods share a common belief in the universe as a unified field of energy that produces all form and substance. This vital force, which supports and sustains life, has been given many names. The Chinese call it “chi,” the Hindus call it “prana,” the Hebrews call it “ruach,” and the American Indians name it “the Great Spirit.” (See e.g., The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life, [2024]).

This energy is not a visible, measurable, scientifically explainable energy. Rather, it is believed to be a “cosmic” or “universal” energy based on a monistic (all is one) and pantheistic (all is God) worldview. To enhance the flow of “healing energy” in the body, one must allegedly attune to it and realize one’s unity with all things. Becoming “one” with this universal energy (“God”) yields health. (Whoever heard of a sick god?) One must also “smooth out” any energy blockages that may develop within the body. Then one will be healthy.

To understand energy medicine, one must understand two important underlying concepts: auras and chakras. 

Auras are sometimes referred to as a human energy field and are found outside the body. They were popularized by Theosophist (occultist) Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854–1934). Leadbeater transitioned from an Anglican priest to a spiritual mystic who believed he had clairvoyant powers. He spent much of his time studying (and adopting) occult beliefs and practices. As a result of his studies, he determined that “It is not around the human body alone that an aura is to be seen; a similar cloud of light surrounds or emanates from animals, trees, and even minerals, though in all these cases it is less extended and less complex than that of man.” (See C. W. Leadbeater, “The Aura,” The Theosophist, December 1895,

 Leadbeater’s ideas caught fire and were later adopted and spread by famed clairvoyants/occultists like Rudolf Steiner and Edgar Cayce.  Auras allegedly have seven layers connecting with the seven chakras but "each person’s aura has a unique size, shape, and frequency and contains distinct energetic imprints of their mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional conditions." (See Eliza Swann, Auras: The Anatomy of the Aura, pg. 36)They are frequently illustrated as rings of colors and light around a human body, but they can come from anything physical. The various auric layers are:

  • Causal Body: outermost layer; connected to the Crown Chakra
  • Celestial Body: responsible for spiritual ecstasy
  • Etheric Blueprint: the body’s map of energy
  • Astral Body: controls dreams and psychic energy
  • Mental Body: responsible for spiritual discernment and gifts like clairvoyance
  • Emotional Body: connected to Sacral Chakra; where our feelings reside
  • Etheric Double: gives vitality and life
(See Ibid, chapter 5). 

Auras haven’t been empirically demonstrated by science, but those who subscribe to this  pseudoscientific belief will point to electromagnetic fields as "evidence" of their existence. Coexisting with auras are "chakras," which reside within the body (and under the protection of the aura) which will be examined next.

Like auras, chakras have roots in Eastern religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism, and they are promoted heavily in the occult, which shares much with Eastern worldviews. According to these belief systems, the world is made up of energy, even down to the air we breathe and the ground we walk on. Our bodies comprise energy points called chakras. Chakra comes from the Sanskrit word that means “wheel.” Author and “intuitive healer” Cyndi Dale describes them this way: “Chakras are energy centers in our body that, when perceived by those of us who are blessed to be able to see them, look like wheels of light spinning in and around the body — stars in miniature.”(See Cyndi Dale, “Introduction” in Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras: Your Definitive Source of Energy Center Knowledge for Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Evolution, [2015], pg. xlv). 

Depending on the source you reference, there are generally between five and seven chakras in the human body, though some will claim there are up to 88,000 chakras.

In the West, the seven-chakra system is the most popular. Beginning in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the system was developed by various sources, including Theosophists Helena Blavatsky and Charles Webster Leadbeater (the same person who popularized auras). Each chakra is found along the human spine, from the head to the tailbone. They are all said to be connected to various organs, and the chakras’s health determines one’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Eliza Swann summarizes the seven chakras and their purposes this way:

  • Root (Muladhara): at the base of the spine; responsible for survival
  • Sacral (Svadhisthana): below the belly button; responsible for creativity and sexuality
  • Solar Plexus (Manipura): near the stomach; responsible for willpower and identity
  • Heart (Anahata): in the chest; responsible for connection and humility
  • Throat (Vishuddha): near the throat; responsible for communication
  • Third Eye (Ajna): between the eyebrows; responsible for wisdom and intuition; helps a person ascend to higher consciousness
(Source: This list was derived from Swann, Auras, chapter 4). 

Qigong and Reiki
Qigong is described as:
Like qigong, Qi~ssage (energy massage) focuses on balancing and enhancing the flow of energy through the body’s energy channels, or meridians, in part through the power of your mind, or your visualization, and, most importantly, the unconditional love from your heart….. There are twelve major energy channels in your body and hundreds of energy points all over your body. Each of these points affects the balance and flow of your body’s energy; however, only a couple dozen of these energy points are vitally important in helping you heal and in helping you experience and maintain your optimal health and wellness. (See,physical%20stimulation%20of%20the%20body.). 

According to, "Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy."

The Occult Connection:
Wherever it has appeared—in ancient paganism, modern occultism, or parapsychological research—this “life force” has been accompanied by altered states of consciousness, psychic phenomena, and contact with spirits. Additionally, those who are capable of perceiving, and adept at manipulating, this force invariably are shamans (e.g., witch doctors), “sensitives,” or psychics, thoroughly immersed in the pagan/occult world. 

Many energetic health therapies seek to enhance the flow of “healing energy” in the body. Unfortunately, by engaging in such practices, many people have been sucked headlong into occultism. The person will start to use meditation that induces altered states of consciousness opening the door to demonic possession/obsession (N.B. Demonic obsession is disturbance by demons from without the person's body). 

One such example is Dr. Bernie Siegel, a Brooklyn, NY born Jew and former surgeon. He retired in 1989, and will turn 91 this year. He is deeply involved in the occult and has written many books on the subject of occult healing via "energy manipulation" which includes both reiki and qigong. In Siegel's book, Love, Medicine & Miracles he writes of how he met his "spirit guide" (demon) during a "mystical exercise" at a conference led by a couple, the Simontons:

The Simontons taught us how to meditate. At one point, they led us in a directed meditation to find and meet an inner guide. I approached this exercise with all the skepticism one expects from a mechanistic doctor. Still, I sat down, closed my eyes, and followed directions. I didn’t believe it would work, but if it did, I expected to see Jesus or Moses. Who else would dare appear inside a surgeon’s head?

Instead I met George, a bearded, long-haired young man wearing an immaculate flowing white gown and a skullcap. It was an incredible awakening for me, because I hadn’t expected anything to happen. As the Simontons taught us to communicate with whomever we’d called up from our unconscious minds, I found that talking to George was like playing chess with myself, but without knowing what my alter ego’s next move would be.

George was spontaneous, aware of my feelings, and an excellent adviser…. All I know is that he has been my invaluable companion ever since his first appearance. My life is much easier now because he does the hard work. (See  Love, Medicine & Miracles, [1998], pgs. 19-20). 

In addition, Siegel has come to believe in reincarnation and practice necromancy. All along with "energy healing." The biggest problems with reiki and qigong, is an implicit belief in the heretical view called pantheism, where "God" and the universe are one and the same. Alterations of life energy are sometimes said to be the source of events that previously have been called supernatural or miraculous. Some adherents of energy-based medicine offer the life force as an explanation for what people have called miracles. In this scheme there is no longer a need for a personal, all-powerful, transcendent God. Instead, the impersonal life force is the cause of “miracles.” Moreover, being part of this life force, we too can master it and perform “miracles” as well. Jesus, then, was merely a master of this life force.

Remember what Mel Gibson claimed happened to him.

The Vatican Council of 1870 Condemnes Pantheism
 From the First Vatican Council (1870), Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic FaithDei Filius states:

The Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church believes and confesses that there is one true and living God, Creator and Lord of heaven and earth, Almighty, Eternal, Immense, Incomprehensible, Infinite in intelligence, in will, and in all perfection, who, as being one, sole, absolutely simple and immutable spiritual substance, is to be declared as really and essentially distinct from the world, of supreme beatitude in and from Himself, and ineffably exalted above all things which exist, or are conceivable, except Himself. 

3. If anyone shall say that the substance and essence of God and of all things is one and the same; let him be anathema. 

4. If anyone shall say that finite things, both corporeal and spiritual, or at least spiritual, have emanated from the Divine substance; or that the Divine essence, by the manifestation and evolution of itself, becomes all things; or, lastly, that God is a universal or indefinite being, which by determining itself constitutes the universality of things, distinct according to genera, species and individuals; let him be anathema. 

5. If anyone does not confess that the world, and all things that are contained in it, both spiritual and material, have been, in their whole substance, produced by God out of nothing; or shall say that God created, not by His will, free from all necessity, but by a necessity equal to the necessity whereby He loves Himself; or shall deny that the world was made for the glory of God; let him be anathema. 

Life energy is what pagan religions and occultists have called God. This is the cornerstone of occult  spirituality: You shall be as gods. If the energy flowing through us is indeed the life force that permeates reality, it must be what we have called God. If we are energy and energy is “God,” then we must be divine. Energy-based practitioners and patients that embrace this point are likely to be involved in a number of related occult practices that result from such reasoning. Some, like actress Shirley MacLaine, may become so bold as to say “I am God!” Of course, not all practitioners and patients have made this leap, but if the underlying principles of life force energy are followed through to their logical conclusions, this is the end of the line: We are "divine." You have implicitly accepted a heresy condemned infallibly by the Vatican Council of 1870.

Even The Vatican II Sect Agrees
Proving the old aphorism, "Even a broken clock is right twice each day" true, the Vatican II sect "bishops" condemned the practice of Reiki in 2009, four years before Bergoglio was elected "pope." The document entitled Guidelines for Evaluating Reiki as an Alternative Therapy, has this to say in paragraph #9:

The difference between what Christians recognize as healing by divine grace and Reiki therapy is also evident in the basic terms used by Reiki proponents to describe what happens in Reiki therapy, particularly that of "universal life energy." Neither the Scriptures nor the Christian tradition as a whole speak of the natural world as based on "universal life energy" that is subject to manipulation by the natural human power of thought and will. In fact, this worldview has its origins in eastern religions and has a certain monist and pantheistic character, in that distinctions among self, world, and God tend to fall away. (Emphasis mine)

Their conclusion:
Reiki therapy finds no support either in the findings of natural science or in Christian belief. For a Catholic to believe in Reiki therapy presents insoluble problems...In terms of caring for one's spiritual health, there are important dangers. To use Reiki one would have to accept at least in an implicit way central elements of the worldview that undergirds Reiki theory, elements that belong neither to Christian faith nor to natural science.
Without justification either from Christian faith or natural science, however, a Catholic who puts his or her trust in Reiki would be operating in the realm of superstition, the no-man's-land that is neither faith nor science. Superstition corrupts one's worship of God by turning one's religious feeling and practice in a false direction.(See paragraphs 10 and 11; Emphasis mine. The term "Catholic" is meant to denote a member of the Vatican II sect). The same would hold true for qigong and all "energy healing" methods. 

Mel Gibson had an encounter with occult forces. There's no escaping that fact. We need to remember, however, that pain and suffering in this world is very real. Consequently, in many cases individuals (like Mel Gibson) turn to energy-based occult "medicine" because of a desire for health. As such, when interacting with those involved in questionable forms of alternative medicine-such as energy-based medicine-we need to be sympathetic and compassionate, but unafraid to present the truth for spiritual health comes before all else. "And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in Hell." (St. Matthew 10:28). 


  1. Thank you for you post, Introibo. When I was still Novus Ordo, I had brushes with both Buddhism and Taoism. I even heard from Protestant preachers that it was wrong but still continued to do it. But with the grace of God, I became a trad and rejected them. Good news is that a Traditional priest, Father Kryssov from Russia from CMRI is coming to my province of Cebu to say mass. Thank you very much Introibo. Keep up the good work.

    1. Ryan,
      Thank you, my friend! Glad you were saved from Eastern paganism by the grace of God, and God bless Fr. Kryssov!

      God Bless,


  2. People in our apostate age try all sorts of things without knowing what they're getting into, like those who fall into drug addiction, pornography or crime after trying seemingly innocuous things or out of vain glory-seeking. It is to be hoped that all those who are captive to these evils will find the way, the truth and the life, which is Jesus Christ.

    1. Simon,
      I share in your hope, my friend!

      God Bless,


  3. Gibson says in his interview with Joe Rogan that the priest he sought advice from was an old Jesuit, "a traditional old guy" he argues (possibly to make it clear he was no Novus Ordo 'priest' as the audience would expect) and "a cross between Jimmy Stewart and Elmer Fudd" (as to the way he spoke).
    "Is there anything like demonic about this guy?", Gibson asked the priest.
    The priest's reaction was: "whoa, whoa, whoa, dude, did he heal you?" Gibson replied: "why, yes, he did". The priest replied: "that's alright then. I have no trouble with something like that because it was within the realm of possibility that somebody had power like that and then it's inexplicable but it works." Gibson himself affirms that it (the 'healing') did work.

    My guess is that his encounter with energy healing could have occured in the 80s when he was involved in shooting "Lethal Weapon" (which features a prominent jiu-jitsu fight scene). Gibson is said to have been immersed in martial arts and his current partner in adultery is allegedly proficient in jiu- jitsu.

    One more reason to stay away from anything stemming from pagan cultures of the Far East. In the end, it's always a package deal - you get the occult element whether you like it or not (and chances are you're going to like it in the end, as happened to Dr. Siegel).

    Thank you for a great post, Introibo!

    God Bless,

    1. Joanna,
      Thank you so much for an informative comment! Your observation regarding Eastern pagan cultures is right on target: "In the end, it's always a package deal - you get the occult element whether you like it or not..."

      God Bless,


  4. Interesting Joanna! All Hollywood is suspect on many levels. They are govt agents helping to brainwash the masses...MK Ultra, Operation Mockingbord, peration Lockstep etc. There is always some agenda despite their seemingly good works, like the movie about Christ. There is evidence I have read even about the star who portrayed Jesus in that movie. He is likely involved in trafficking children, hence that last movie about trafficked children. All is a scam or hidden agenda.

  5. You will have to research yourself. Everything I write gets wiped clean before I can submit.
    Many people report on these topics on Rumble, bitchute etc. Here is one video with attached videos in comments.

    Even NOers report these evils.

    Research Mother Teresa connection to Epstein and Robert Maxwell.

    1. @anon5:57
      I found the sources wanting. I don't believe for a moment that Jim Caviezel is involved in trafficking children. I'm no fan of universalist Mother Teresa, a "saint" of the V2 Sect, but the only real source I found was an Indian journalist, Salah Choudhury, a convicted felon. Extreme allegations require strong evidence. I see none here.

      God Bless,


  6. Like I said, most "evidence" disappears online. Anyone can believe whatever. I have read about this for years. I have all the evidence I need to know all in hollyweird is nefarious. Just like the medical "industry"; just like our hijacked government; just like the hijacked Church. All the world is a stage. God bless.

  7. I forgot to add, that all of hollyweird is awash in freemasonic symbolism including Jim and Mel, for those with eyes to see, sometimes even wearing the G pins. You should be able to find many photos online of them and others exhibiting such.
    A nun in Mothera Teresa convent admitted to selling children.
    I personally know someone who said Catholic Charities stole her baby in hospital. She found her son 30 years later. She of course hates the Catholic Church because of this, not seeing the evil forces at play, just the Church or what she perceives is the Church. I think it is common knowledge at this point how corrupt Catholic Charities is...

    1. I know that you people have often researched a lot about these topics, and are tired of being asked to provide evidence, explain the theory, etc. Therefore I do not come here in a spirit of opposition, rather in the spirit of learning where you are coming from.

      When you have time, maybe you could provide us with some of the information you remember. When we have time, we will look at the evidence that has not been deleted, if there is such evidence, while you narrate here. that which has been deleted. Is this fine? Grave accusations need grave evidence, but I don't believe you believe this just because.

    2. Dear El poni...some things can be found, some cannot so easily. Yes, been on this for a number of years. A decade or more. Freemasonry has many levels. They control all narratives. People, like us, I guess, think they just usurped the Church...but left the rest of the world/earth/false reality untouched. They reign. All can be discovered. Seek the truth in all things and you will find. God bless.

    3. @anon9:41
      Poni is correct. You have bought into "The Matrix" view of reality where absolutely nothing is as it seems. Do you know how many times my spiritual father, Fr. DePauw, was calumniated as a "Freemason" and a "double agent" working for the Vatican II sect? It both angered and hurt him terribly, and I can vouch before God (having been a close friend of his) that it was all a pack of lies.

      Let me begin by saying that there are very good theological reasons to declare Mother Teresa non-Catholic. Nevertheless, the citation says her order was investigated. Investigated doesn't mean guilty. Former NYS Governor Elliot Spitzer would indict people and investigate them as Attorney General of NY so as to make people think his political opponents "must have done something wrong." It worked. Even though nothing came of the indictment or investigation, their donations dried up, and he became governor.

      A nun admitted to selling children. Ad arguendo, if true, it doesn't mean Mother Teresa did so or approved such. Archbishop Lefebvre once ordained a man to the priesthood who later left because he was a sodomite. Does that mean the Archbishop was a sodomite or knowingly approved of homosexuality?

      Gibson and Caviezel wearing Masonic pins---do you know how easy it is to photoshop images on the web?

      Even the John Birch Society, which sees conspiracies everywhere, praised Sound of Freedom. Are they sex traffickers too? Controlled opposition? Please.

      Yes, people can believe what they want, but a rational person should have much credible evidence. In the balance hangs people who have a right to their good name--and not to have a bad name unduly made worse by fanciful tales.

      I'm sure Pizzagate, Qanon, the faked Moon landing, and Elvis working at the local supermarket years after he faked his death can all be proven if the evidence didn't just up and disappear.

      Calumny is a serious sin and one should be careful before making serious accusations without serious evidence.

      God Bless,


    4. Thanks for the comments Introibo. I couldn't find evidence that Fr Gommar DePauw was accused of being a freemason. You should update his Wikipedia page if he was wrongly accused. My point is these posts are that the freemasons not only hijacked control of the Catholic Church and continue to dupe a billion self identifying Catholics but also the world at large. If you think they don't control the media, the entertainment industry and world governments, fine by me. I can't convince many about the lies of the Novus Ordo regardless of evidence supplied. Some group praises the They are duped too. Has the movie done anything to combat trafficking? Or did it enrich nefarious agents or all the above? All sorts of groups praise pope Francis and many of the Charities which are evil...people and groups can praise anyone. I see many people praise the doctors who help kill their loved ones by injecting poisons. That doesn't persuade me that poisons may be good sometimes if a man in a white coat with a degree tells me so. Thanks for alerting me to photo manipulation. Like I said, the truth can be found just as most here discovered the Truth re the Novus Ordo. And since I am sinning by pointing out nefarious agents in or out of the false churches, I will leave it at that. Thank you.

    5. @anon6:37
      I don't deny for a moment that high ranking Masons have done a lot more than create a false sect claiming to be Catholic. In medio stat veritas. They don't control everything and everyone. Many persons have claimed I'm a "secret Jew" here to deceive people. The "evidence" is that (a) I'm a lawyer, (b) I'm from NYC, and (c) I don't like Hitler. Ergo, I'm a "secret Jew" or my wife must be a Jew.

      Theresa Benns was one of many who pushed the "Fr. DePauw is a Mason and double agent" nonsense; the "theologian" who gave us "Pope Michael" in Kansas and is back Home Alone.

      My point in bringing up the John Birch Society is that they are driven by conspiracy theories and saw none there. That says a lot. That Francis cannot be pope is based on incontrovertible facts about what he teaches in writing and by word--much published by the Vatican itself. Applying Catholic theology to the problem, the result is sedevacante---not dubious evidence of a conspiracy. Most people follow him because they are not students of Catholic theology; "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." (Hosea 4:6).

      You are not "sinning by pointing out nefarious agents in or out of the false churches" --you must first establish that they are such with STRONG evidence or say that you believe based on a, b, c that they MAY be such.

      God Bless,


    6. Thanks again for the comments Introibo. I didn't say they control everything/everyone...but it is pretty close to that considering no one battles these evils. The brainwashing of the world through media/movies/politics etc. allowed 2020 to go off without a hitch. The world masked up, and lined up for suicide shots as commanded. This is not a conspiracy, it is a fact. The New World Order is upon us. Thanks to all these players and weak men bred from a lack or hatred of God has brought us here.
      I briefly looked up the Birch society. The first so called conspiracy that's mentioned is that they believe that fluoride in water is poison. It is. Not a conspiracy. They seem to believe communists are everywhere. They are. True. They dominate.
      Sadly, the world disagrees with the "incontrovertible facts" that Francis cannot be pope. Just like they disagree with the Ten Commandments or that God made male and female, not 7 genders as the Talmud offers or what modern men offer. All I hear from people is..that is a Trad conspiracy...or sorry you are deceived by the evil catholic church. I am not a student of theology and I do not follow Francis. Nothing comes easy in this life as all of this is rather hard to understand. I had to study/pray for years to finally understand enough to flee NO and then it took 5 more years to flee R&R. I know no one in close proximity who believes as I do. So I had time to do some other research too. Hope more wake up to all the conspiracies, which are true.:) God bless.

  8. Many people tied to the movie Sound of Freedom are connected to child trafficking, including its main investor. The sheep who go to these movies thinking they are helping to get word out there of these evils are just funding the evil doers. Endless cycle. Just give them bread and circuses....

    1. @anon10:11
      Please see my comment to anon9:41 above.

      God Bless,


  9. One problem that I have mentioned before here and I see it all the time is that people mistakenly follow who they think leads them to the Truth. Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” was a very good movie on many levels and people just know him as “a good Catholic” on the surface level. Many are not familiar with his adulterous lifestyle, the occult connection, etc. When people start to research and learn more about the problems with the conciliar church (the V2 sect), they get wise to many things and they start to look to people who they see as authority figures and experts in this area. Even conservative Novus Ordo’s fall into the same category as many in the R & R camp. Few cross the threshold to the Sedevacantist position because to them it is “too extreme”, not realizing that the alternative is FAR more extreme e.g. a heretical pope and a defecting church (an impossible situation). Just like those who follow Gibson, there are many who follow EWTN and Catholic Answers for guidance, hoping that they will find people there who have discovered what they have discovered, namely, that the conciliar church is flawed on so many levels. Grace, and the humility that goes along with it, is what is needed to arrive at the Truth, if one is truly sincere. Grace and persistence and the lack of both are why some people ascend quicker and some sadly fall and never recover. Louie Verrecchio used that grace to ascend to higher levels; whereas, Steve Skojec fell further and further into agnosticism, having never moved in the correct direction to Sedevacantism. There are some who do not seem to have the grace and knowledge to see that Sedevacantism is the only logical conclusion, yet nevertheless, they made it clear that it was always “their way or the highway.” Michael Voris fit this category extremely well. Over the years, he demonstrated clearly that he was an egomaniac, yet he could never put the puzzle pieces together that led to the Truth, despite his constant harping on how he had the One True Faith. It is actually good that his apostolate “Church Militant” crumbled. He had amble amount of time to get there, yet he never got there. I would say that “The Remnant” is even more culpable than Voris is. Men like Michael Matt and Chris Ferrara are more knowledgeable and this has been clearly seen in their differences between their apostolate and “Church Militant” through the years. Yet, wouldn’t they have the greater sin? To the one who has much, much more will be demanded of him. For them, after all these years to still hold to Recognize-and-Resist as the correct position is both laughable and sad at the same time. There is no middle ground. It’s Novus Ordo or Sedevacantism. Pick one. Stop whining about Bergoglio and all of his predecessors going back to Roncalli. If they were all truly pope, then adhere to everything they taught because it is magisterial. It’s that simple. If not, then join the Sedevacantist ranks where your talents could go to greater use. Of course, it would mean giving up one’s livelihood and this is not easy, but aren’t we supposed to follow the pearl of great price? There is no excuse anymore for so many knowledgeable R & R’s. None. It would actually level the playing field a bit more if “The Remnant” went the way of “Church Militant” and went under as an apostolate. It does more harm than good. For all the truths that they annunciate there, they still do not hold the true position because they refuse to relinquish the poison with the good (to use the Pope Leo XIII reference in “Satis Cognitum”.) When the apostasy and persecution magnifies (and it will), those in the middle will have to side with the Novus Ordo or Sedevacantism. Most will choose the incorrect position. The minority will have the True Faith. That is obvious. Hopefully by then, these people stuck in a rut will use the real “force” (the gifts, fruits, and virtues of The Holy Ghost) to lead them where they should have always been. May that force be with them.


    1. TradWarrior,
      Excellent commentary as always, my friend!

      God Bless,


  10. Love that Trad Warrior! 1000%.
    Meanwhile for anyone interested, a sede priest who escaped NO and lost all in the process (he mentors me from afar) sent this out with his newly formed YouTube channel. He doesn't know how to upload photos yet but so far I have benefited from some of the sermons. I pray someone else may as well.
    I guess I have to put link amd text in another comment...

  11. As mentioned:
    This is my next YouTube video of my sermon of the first Sunday in Lent.
    My plan is to only send out one or two more emails linking my YouTube videos of my sermons which is more like a podcast than a video.
    It is of interest to me that although this email goes out only to a handful of people nevertheless, these videos are being listened to at a rate that far exceeds my email addresses.
    I do believe that these sermons are valuable at least because they are not restricted in their content as they would be if they were given in the context of some traditional groups which would forbid certain things from being said. I could list almost every single traditional group and site specifically what things would be forbidden to be said should a sermon be given within their context. But I will spare you such a burden. At one time or another, I worked within the context of many if not most traditional Groups. So I know firsthand what would be permitted and what would not. For example, in one recognize and resistance Traditional group I was chastised and “fired” for using material and Quotations from Saint Alfonso Liquori , moral doctor of the church. I had thought that having become “traditional” Priest I could now freely preach what the doctors of the church themselves have taught. I could not have been more wrong. Unless a priest is “independent“ you can be sure that there are parameters in which he Must not speak. Another example: in another recognize and resistant traditional group not only could I not preach things and quote from Archbishop Vigano, which raised questions about the validity of the pontificate of Francis, but even asking questions about it IN PRIVATE became the basis for my dismissal in such a group. Please do not be mistaken, what I say applies also to Sede V groups. Given the fact that I have been so ignorant and naïve myself with regards to ecclesiastical politics, I can safely say that anyone reading this email has no idea of how politicized and controlled are the words of a priest when preaching a sermon. Again, I will reiterate, you have no idea of how controlled are the words of a priest when preaching a public sermon. And therefore anyone who claims to be seeking the truth, should not expect to find it completely within the context of a priest’s sermon, which is under the jurisdiction of any ecclesiastical body whether N. O. or Traditional.

    You should know that my only restriction is that while I can say, Francis is not a valid pope, I cannot say that other Vatican II popes are not popes as well. I can present evidence that can prove such as the case, but I cannot state it explicitly in the sermon. Again, I will say, you have no idea of how controlled are the words of a priest when preaching a public sermon.

    A case in point. There is a certain priest that I have spoken to in person, who previously was a NO priest, but then became a.Sede Vacantist Priest related to me how he tried to address the issue of imModesty with his chapel located in a very warm climate. And I hope you do not need me to explain how women think with how they put clothing on in a warm climate. Over the course of a few sermons, this courageous priest tried to address this problem, which is virtual suicide for a priest to address. Normally speaking, a bishop should support a priest provided He is preaching in accord with Papal church teaching. But that is not how any groups function. I know of no group in which the tail does not wag the dog. And so when parishioners of this courageous priest complained to their bishop about this Priest’s sermons, the priest was chastised and not the people . And so what did this priest do? He went independent. This was a Sede Vacantist group and a SV Priest.

  12. Continued:

    For the record, I had no intention of being ever an independent priest. My decision to leave the new Mass and say the Traditional mass was made while thinking I would still be in communion with the pope and the bishops throughout the world. My current situation as an independent priest is where I ended up not by design, but by default. In almost every single situation, which was not anticipated by my naïve self, it was my preaching which was largely responsible for my undoing. I have come to my current beliefs regarding the crisis of the church, not primarily through theological reflection, but primarily through a process of elimination. If a priest cannot preach the truth, explicitly authorized by Church teaching, then he cannot be preaching within the Catholic church, whose Lord said, I am the way the life and the truth. Bishops use to support Priests who preached orthodoxy, now they support the “faithful” if they complain. Why? Because the faithful provide financial support for the institution and not the priest. Yes I’m sorry to say the bottom line is almost always the Almighty Dollar.
    Heresy used to be the boundary line between legitimate and illegitimate Preaching and ecclesiastical authority. Today orthodox preaching is rarely to be found. In almost every single sermon of a traditional priest, you can be sure that what he says is merely the tip of the iceberg compared to what he knows. And what he knows, he simply cannot say.
    Should anyone wish to pursue questions with me on an individual basis please feel free to contact me through email. I know much more than I can say, and I can say publicly only a lot less of what I know.
    May God bless your efforts in coming to the truth.

    1. @anon2:07
      Before I allow you to keep up these comments, please tell me:
      When, where, and by what Bishop were you ordained? Was it the Traditional Rite? What is your name?

      Please give a CV. I have a duty before God not to allow people to be duped by a fraudulent "priest." If you are a true priest, you will have no problem answering my queries.

      God Bless,


    2. It is not clear to me if YOU are the priest or are publishing something FROM this priest. In either case, I'd like to know the information I requested.


    3. The priest did not post, I said he is a priest who mentors me. He prefers to remain anonymous on his videos because he has encountered many problems after he appeared on True Restoration, which was removed from YouTube. He does not read this site as far as I know. I just thought people may want to listen. I do not think he is a duper.

  13. Introibo:

    I thought that the priest mentioned above was traditionally ordained by Bp. Williamson. Then he went to an independent chapel, became sedevacantist, and is still independent but associates with a sedevacantist group.

    I think I know who this priest is. Was he associated with Feeneyites?

  14. Introibo:

    I am Anon 7:43 above. Would you like me to say who I think this priest is, and where his chapel is?

    1. Sure. Please state how you know this and what degree of certainty you have regarding the matter.

      God Bless,


    2. Introibo:

      The video link above:

      leads to a YouTube channel where in one of the other videos:

      there is a sign that has the name of the chapel. It is Mary Help of Christians Oratory in Phelps, NY.

      I think that the priest is Father David Philipson.

      He did an interview with RCI(Bishop Sanborn's group), but I can't find that anymore. In it he said that he would drive to Reading PA to the seminary to spend time with the RCI priests. I don't know if he does that anymore.

    3. Yes, this is correct. He was conditionally ordained in 2019 I believe by Williamson. He stated that in the video that was removed. I know he communicates with Sanborn but he is independent. Since he posted the chapel, I guess he won't be anonymous.

  15. Regarding good health, wear the Green Scapular and offer this in the morning:

    MOST Holy Mary, Mother of the Incarnate Word, treasure-house of grace, and refuge of us wretched sinners, with lively faith we have recourse to thy motherly love, and ask of thee the grace of ever doing God’s will and thine. In thy most holy hands we place our hearts, and of thee we ask health of body and soul, and as we have the same hope that thou, our most loving Mother, wilt hear us, we say to thee with lively faith:

    Ave Maria… (x3)

    Let us pray.
    DEFEND, we beseech Thee, O Lord! through the intercession of the blessed Mary ever Virgin, Thy servants from all infirmity, and mercifully deign to guard them, prostrate in the sincerity of their hearts before Thee, against the snares of the enemy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  16. I would just like to ask everyone to pray for my parents, who seem to be taking an interest in the practice of Catholicism, the study of catechism, and, God willing, sedevacantism and the rejection of the Novus Ordo religion. Pray also for me that I may persevere in faith and virtue. Having a melancholic temperament, my willpower is somewhat fickle, which prevents me from keeping resolutions and mortification, things so important during Lent.
    God Bless Introibo and everyone in this site.
