Monday, June 8, 2020

Know Justice--Know Peace

New York City has been described by many adjectives. Boring is not one of them. A lifelong New Yorker, I was in the "hot spot" of the COVID-19 epidemic which nearly claimed the life of my best friend (now fully recovered, Deo gratias) and still keeps me confined, as if under house arrest, while working at home the best I can. Now, I'm in the midst of riots, more scary than the virus, instigated by the brutal death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Floyd, an African-American, was restrained by a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, who knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes while Floyd was crying out that he couldn't breathe. The three attending police officers did nothing to stop Chauvin. Floyd was pronounced dead and Chauvin faces charges of second degree murder and second degree manslaughter. The attending officers also face charges.

Protests and rioting have since broken out all around the country. Unfortunately, most were not peaceful, constitutionally protected protests. Most were violent riots resulting in looting and deaths of innocents. As this wave of rioting continues, a few preliminary remarks are in order. By all indications, Chauvin was wrong, yet he did not have his day in court. The presumption of innocence (introduced as a legal concept by my Patron Saint, King St. Louis IX), applies to Chauvin just as much as it did to O.J. Simpson. We have no legal right to call him a "murderer" until he either (a) pleads guilty, or (b) is found guilty by a jury of his peers. All the facts are not before us and the jury is still out (literally) on whether or not he committed murder. Floyd was not detained "just because"---he was accused of passing counterfeit money. Second, all of those "protesters" committing illegal, immoral acts such as looting, arson, and assault/murder, are just thugs.   A totally peaceful protest is fine, whether or not you agree with the cause, but acts that are illegal/immoral are not protests, but an excuse for lawlessness and to intimidate. They hurt a cause, and never help it.

While watching one such act of senseless rioting, there was a sign one person held with the motto, "No Justice, No Peace." It then occurred to me that these thugs have no idea (or choose to willfully ignore) what the law, justice, and peace really mean. In the wake of the Great Apostasy, the true meaning of those words have been either obscured or given new and false meanings. All the Vatican II sect clergy talk about the need for "social justice," which almost always means pandering to sodomites and illegal aliens who take away much needed resources from U.S. citizens while they commit crime. "Peace," to them, means pacifism in the midst of dangers we must fight. In this post, I will lay out the teaching of the Church on what law, justice, and peace really mean.

(I credit the work of theologian Cahill, The Framework of a Christian State [1932], and theologian Civardi, Christianity and Social Justice [1961] from which I composed the rest of this post; except where attribution is specifically given to another theologian.---Introibo).

Church Teaching on the Law and Civil Authority
Moral Law
The moral law may be defined as the norm of human conduct promulgated by a legitimate authority for the common good. It is then subdivided into:
  • The Natural Law. This receives  its name because it is impressed by nature and made known by the very nature of humanity; that is to say, by the use of reason.The Author of the Natural Law is the Author of human nature---Almighty God Himself. It is the voice of reason, of conscience, that tells us the basic principle, "Do good and avoid evil." All people feel that it is wrong to lie and murder, and it is good to keep your promises and help others. St. Paul affirms this in his letter to the Romans that the pagans, who had no written law (as had the Jews), "...are a law unto themselves. They show the work of the law written in their hearts." (Romans 2:14-15). They will be judged by God, St Paul affirms, based on the Natural Law which is known by all humanity.
  • Positive Law. This is not made known by natural reason, but by an act of the legislator who promulgates it. Therefore, positive law is further divided into Divine Positive Law and Human Positive Law, based on whether the promulgating authority is God or humans.
  1. Divine Positive Law can only be known through Divine Revelation. It consists of the Holy Bible and Sacred Tradition and is correctly interpreted by the Magisterium.
  2. Human Positive Law is either civil (if made by the government) or ecclesiastical (if made by the One True Church). 
Civil law has its foundation, its source, and its binding force in the Natural Law. It is not without reason the Book of Proverbs states, "By Me, kings reign, and lawgivers decree just things; by Me, princes rule and the mighty decree justice." (Proverbs 8:15-16). Civil Law also has its sanction and its limitation in the Natural Law. The lawgiver cannot decree anything contrary to it. When a civil law contradicts the Natural Law, the Angelic Doctor, the great St Thomas Aquinas informs us that it is not a true law, but a corruption of law. It is not binding in conscience, and a person may disobey, e.g., a law that would have them participate or sanction the killing of innocent unborn babies by abortion. Do people have a right to rebel and overthrow the government? That question will be answered later in this post.

Church Teaching on Justice
Justice is the cardinal virtue that prompts us to give everyone his due. There are three kinds of justice, each named after its objective.
  • Commutative Justice. This regulates the relations between one individual and another; for example, seller and buyer. The seller is bound by justice to give sound, wholesome goods. The buyer is bound by justice to pay the agreed upon price.
  • Legal justice. This regulates the relations between the government and its subjects. The government has an obligation to pass just laws for the benefit of the people, and the people are bound to obey those laws. In penal law, the punishment must fit the crime. Hence, it would be unjust to give the death penalty to someone who stole a small amount of money, or to give a fine to a murderer. 
  • Social justice. This governs the relations between different social classes, and between employers and employees. 
Notice how, when properly understood, justice is in no way offended by opposing sodomite "marriage," or wanting illegal aliens deported. Sodomites violate the Natural Law as to the proper ends of sexuality and family. No government is bound in justice to give benefits to people who violate the very laws promulgated to regulate entry.

Church Teaching on Peace 
There is an inward peace that reigns among the faculties of people, whereby the lower are subject to the higher; and there is an outward peace that reflects the relations between humans as individuals, between classes, and between different nations. There are three principles that guide Church teaching regarding outward peace:
  • It is founded upon true peace as defined above.
  • It is not any peace at any cost. When justice is seriously violated and there is no other means of redressing it, it is lawful to have recourse to force, which is entirely distinct from violence. Force, unlike violence, is not summoned to the service of caprice or of passions, but of law and order. Hence, there are times a country may wage a just war. Force is not a gang of hoodlums rioting, killing, burning and destroying property, and stealing because they are "outraged" over a wrongdoing to someone.
  • It must also have a firm foundation in charity. If men loved others for the love of God, peace will be assured.
The Duties to (and limits of) Governmental Authority
Our Lord Jesus Christ taught by His Divine example:
  • Christ proved the binding effect of law by submitting Himself to it. As a Child, He submitted to the Circumcision. He submitted to the Presentation in the Temple. At 12 years old, He went with His mother and foster father to Jerusalem for the Passover, to fill another requirement of Jewish Law.
  • At the beginning of His public ministry, He assured His listeners, "Do not think that I have come to destroy the Law or the prophets. I am not come to destroy but to fulfill." (St. Matthew 5:17). When He cured the ten lepers, He required them to show themselves to the priests, keeping in line with the law of Leviticus 14. When asked if it was lawful to pay tribute to Caesar, He replied, "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God, the things that are God's." (St. Matthew 22:21).
  • He preached obedience even to wicked lawgivers, like the scribes and Pharisees, by saying, "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach." (St. Matthew 23:2-3).
  • Christ refused obedience to wicked laws, unjust rules, and arbitrary requirements which the Pharisees added to the Mosaic law (like the requirements concerning certain ablutions, and the Sabbath rest which had become unbearable and unreasonable). He publicly complained that the Pharisees "...tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders..." (St. Matthew 23:4). He further rebuked them severely saying, "...Well do you make void the commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition." (St. Mark 7:9). 
  • Only in one case is a Catholic exempt from obedience to the State: when the law is clearly unjust and contrary to the Will of God. It then does not bind in conscience. As Pope Leo XIII beautifully summarized: The one only reason which men have for not obeying is when anything is demanded of them which is openly repugnant to the natural or the divine law, for it is equally unlawful to command to do anything in which the law of nature or the will of God is violated. If, therefore, it should happen to any one to be compelled to prefer one or the other, viz., to disregard either the commands of God or those of rulers, he must obey Jesus Christ, who commands us to "give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's," and must reply courageously after the example of the Apostles: "We ought to obey God rather than men." And yet there is no reason why those who so behave themselves should be accused of refusing obedience; for, if the will of rulers is opposed to the will and the laws of God, they themselves exceed the bounds of their own power and pervert justice; nor can their authority then be valid, which, when there is no justice, is null. (See Diuturnum, para. #15)
The Conditions When Revolt Can Be Permitted
People have a right to defend themselves against a tyrannical government that goes against God's law. However, to resist the government is always an extreme measure, and therefore it can only be resorted to in extreme cases and under certain well-defined conditions of Natural Law. The most terse and eloquent exposition of the four (4) requirements when open opposition to the government is permitted was penned by theologian Rickaby in the Dublin Review, April 1865 on resisting tyrannical government; De Regimine Principium..
  •  The First Condition. The government must become substantially and habitually tyrannical. It must lose sight of the common good, and pursues its own selfish objectives to the manifest detriment of the people, most especially when their religious interests are concerned. The people cannot resort to physical resistance for the redress of any and every grievance.  If they could, civil war would be the common condition and peaceful progress would wholly cease. In every nation there are innumerable conflicting interests to be considered and some people are bound to suffer injustice. These ordinary injustices should be remedied through the lawmaking authority available to them, whether by voting, or by appealing to those in power. Resistance to the government can only be tolerated in the case of a government that is substantially and habitually tyrannical and therefore opposed to the common good. 
  • The Second Condition. All legal and peaceful means have been tried in vain to recall the ruler/government to a sense of duty. The conditions of lawful self-defense are substantially the same in the case of resistance to private, individual aggression and that of aggression by the government. Now, in the former case, a man cannot kill another in self-defense if he can escape the aggression in any other way. [In secular law, this is also applied in many states. Here, in New York, if someone tries to start a fight with you, there is what the law calls "The Duty to Retreat," whereby you must try to get away from the aggressor. This duty extends to all situations except if you are in your home or in your place of business. Then you may immediately fight back---Introibo] So also, if a tyrannical government can be brought back to reason by legal means it has the right to be brought back by legal means. In a republic, such as the United States, rebellion is very difficult to justify because the government can be rejected at the polls. 
  • The Third Condition. There must be a reasonable probability that resistance will be successful, and not entail greater evils than it seeks to remove. Therefore, the reasonable hope must exist that the tyranny will be overthrown and end, or at least the beginnings of improvement will be effectuated.If the uprising would result in greater misery and suffering for the people, resistance cannot be undertaken. 
  • The Fourth Condition. When the judgement is formed as to the evil of the government, and the resistance necessary, it is not the opinion of a few, or some instigating group, but it is the manifested sentiment of the majority of the people, so that it may be morally considered as the judgement of the nation as a whole. In countries, there is often a group trying to incite revolution "for the good of the people" when it is actually for the group's own good.  They have no right to incite the masses through fear-mongering and acts of violence. 

The Facts and  The Teachings of the Church as Applied to the Instant Case
  • The death of George Floyd was tragic. Whether or not it is murder has yet to be determined, and I wonder if it's even possible for Chauvin to receive a fair trial with all the publicity.
  • To say the actions of Chauvin (in his abuse of force) are indicative of all (or most) police officers is false. To say that it is indicative of white people hating black people is racist. It is no less racist than suggesting all black people hate white people. One of the cops charged is Tou Thao, who is Vietnamese. Does that make all Asians racist against black people too? 
  • While one may peacefully protest against real or perceived injustice, thugs who riot while looting, killing, and burning down buildings are criminals who need to be arrested and detract from anything worthwhile that may be said during a peaceful protest.
  • These are Communist tactics to incite racial hatred and violence. Police are having their hands tied when they are needed to protect the people. As I wrote in my post of 2/10/2020 against racism, The liberals are making non-whites "victims" and want job quotas (think Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ), while conservatives are claiming racial superiority in the form of "White Nationalism." Both are causing a new and real hatred based on skin color. Both are evil.
  • You have no need to apologize for being white, yellow, red, brown, or black. God made one race, the human race. All lives matter, not just black lives. There is no obligation to promote black owned businesses, as if we "inherited" a sin for which we must make reparations.  
  • Heather MacDonald, author of The War on Cops [2016] relates that "The irony is The Washington Post's own database collects the statistics, but The Washington Post doesn't write that. Here's another interesting fact, a police officer is 18 and a half times more likely to be murdered by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be murdered by a cop, or killed by a cop." (Emphasis mine). There is no systemic racism among cops at large. 
  • The problem is not having the right ideas about social justice and related matters due to the Great Apostasy having eclipsed humanity's teacher and source of holiness; the One True Church of Jesus Christ. I do not now, nor have I ever endorsed racism of any kind. This post is not intended to approve whites hating blacks, forcing the the races to separate, or white supremacy movements. The condemnation of what "Black Lives Matter" is instigating (racism), is not an excuse to become racist against black people. 
  • As you can see from the above, there is no tyrannical government oppression that would warrant rebellion against the government. Moreover, these rioters clearly fall under the "small group instigators" condemned in the writing of theologian Rickaby. They are a disgrace. You can fix any real or perceived injustice by peaceful protests and voting.
  • As an aside, please take note that political correctness supersedes public safety. While people are demonized if they don't agree or take part in the peaceful protests, have you noticed that in nearly all of them, people are not social distancing with COVID-19 still a pandemic? People were given tickets for gathering too closely in parks because they were being foolish and endangering public safety; now if they do the exact same thing for a protest, they're being called "courageous." The only police we need to fear are the "PC police."
The sign "No Justice, No Peace" was clearly a threat held up by the rioter I saw. It translates as, "If you don't do what we want ("justice") you will have rioting that you can't control (no "peace"). The truth is that these rioters don't know justice, so they will never know true peace. That peace can only be had by true justice. You need to follow Him Who is rightfully called the Prince of Peace, and His One True Church. As the Bible tells us, "Opus justitiae pax"---"The work of justice shall be peace." (Isaiah 32:17). 


  1. Thanks Introibo for this sound and timely post!
    Not far from where I live women are being intimidated on the streets by Black Lives Matter into getting down on their knees and apologizing for "white privilege". If approached by these racists, I will not apologize for being white, nor will I kneel. If they have a problem with my color, they can take it up with God who made me. I do not judge people by their color. However, I do judge people by their actions and the way they treat others.
    Also, near where I live in an affluent suburb near D.C. the "woke community" had a group of white Black Lives Matter supporters get down on their knees and apologize for "white privilege" and then prostrate themselves. Is this a new religion?? Perhaps a religion of the anti-Christ where man is worshipped. In any event, I will not kneel, prostrate myself or apologize for being white.

    1. Good for you JoAnn!
      Absolutely repulsive to see
      grown Adults kneeling before
      Laymen begging forgiveness.
      This is country is effeminate.

  2. In my opinion Floyd wasn't killed. I believe the scene we all saw was staged. Also the arrested cop (mugshot) isn't the same guy we saw on Floyd's neck.

  3. The Looters should've been mowed down with AK-47's by the Army.
    President Trump allowed wholsale anarchy while both Women + Men were brutally beaten and murdered for being European,by other European Whites in some cases.
    A Spanish looking police officer was set on fire in Mexico.
    This is an entire Global Communist revolution
    Pray the Holy Rosary daily PLEASE and avoid the fake Luminous Mysteries.
    Fr.Marcellus Moylan from Our Lady of Victory has an excellent sermon covering this subject on YouTube
    God bless

    1. Andrew,
      You are right to avoid the “Illuminati mysteries” and thank for the information on Fr Moylan.


    2. @anon 7:32 AM

      "President Trump allowed wholsale anarchy while both Women + Men were brutally beaten and murdered for being European,by other European Whites in some cases."

      Correction: the **mayors and governors** allowed anarchy.

      There are limits to what Trump can do from a constitutional standpoint, as we are a federal republic. The President is not a national dictator; the first line of response to these incidents is ALWAYS the local and state executives unless it touches on a federal matter.

      The National Guard was already activated in many places; however, as we've seen in D.C. and California, their respective municipal/state executives are already taking steps to remove them, even while the riots are continuing.

      Furthermore, the Posse Comitatus and the 1807 Insurrection Act place limits as to how the US military can be deployed within our borders.

      If the riots continue on, then the cities and states need to step up. It is not the immediate responsibility of the federal government to cover for the failures of states and local municipalities to defend their own (after all, if places like New York or Minneapolis want to defund their own Police Departments, then that is their decision to make, no matter how boneheaded, and it is not Trump's responsibility or prerogative to intervene). Furthermore, as the black supremacist and notable liberal Shaun King (of all people!) recently pointed out, these cities where the riots are the worst have been subject to Democrat rule for decades: let them reap what they have sown.

      If it becomes clear that these riots are actually actions of Insurrection with support from foreign powers (and not just rioting), then the military can be deployed to the extent possible. Not before.

      Because I can guarantee that trying to act before that (regardless of how well-intentioned) will be met with cries of "dictator Trump" by the media, no matter how craven. And, as we are seeing by Trump merely *talking* about the Insurrection Act, those outcries are swift indeed.


      A Simple Man

    3. Simple Man,
      Your legal analysis is right on target. As to the Insurrection Act, it was invoked by George Bush, Sr. in 1992 for the LA riots. It was also invoked more than once by both JFK and LBJ.
      Yet only Trump is being admonished not to use it.

      God Bless,


  4. What's really dangerous is how those like AOC and Ilhan Omar are promoting the sunrise movement as well as calling for the defunding of police. Can you imagine a world without any police? Who would be in charge of law and order? These people want control and suppression of the truth in exchange for their imaginary world of evil. St. Michael, Patron of the police. Pray for us.


    1. Lee,
      I seriously wonder if the majority of people have a brain. Banning/Defunding the police? Yes, St Michael the Archangel—and Almighty God Himself—-save us!!

      God Bless,


    2. Illan Omar should not be allowed to serve in our government.
      Catholics are jailed and sometimes executed by the State in Arab nations.
      If we can't practice our religion in their Nations,then they have no right to run our Nation and dictate policy.

    3. @anon9:13
      In my opinion, all Mohammedans pose a threat and should not be allowed to hold elected office. Period.


    4. I totally agree Andrew. I'll take it a step further, she needs to be imprisoned for treason and her plots to take down America.


    5. I agree Lee.

  5. You are all being fooled. Covid-19 is a hoax from start to finish and George Floyd was a pornographic film star in his own fake snuff film broadcast by psychotic media with marxist rebels ready to riot and marxist politicians ready to reform society.

    Your reality is scripted and you’re stuck in their false narrative.

    The only solution is Catholicism as this is a supernatural battle.

    1. @anon8:47
      I agree that the only solution is Catholicism. COVID-19 nearly claimed the life of my best friend, and someone I knew from Church died from it. I don’t think it is a hoax. Was Mr. Floyd some “hero”? No! However, I’m not prepared to say his death was faked.


    2. Most of us believe Covid-19 was an excuse to start a global communist police state.
      However,the virus is real and affects those with serious debilitating health issues.

    3. Andrew,
      As you stated it sure has been proven that the virus was an excuse to start a global communist police state. The subsequent rioting and destruction of the Country is further confirmation of their agenda. It has been gut wrenching watching what is being done to this Country.

    4. ...and what is being done to this country is what first had to happen to the Church. Satan is having his day.


    5. But today it is the Feast of the Queenship of Mary. May the last day belong to us all.


      No proof of a virus. The only virus is the one in your minds placed there by the forces behind the media.

  6. David,
    You said it all so very well! Thank you for such a concise summation and bringing up excellent points about the “less than angelic” Mr. Floyd.

    God Bless,


  7. George Floyd was trying to pass a counterfeit bill which is illegal. If he hadn't broken the law, he wouldn't be dead. Also, I have read that he was resisting the Police and even spat in the Officer's face which is probably why he was being restrained while being high on drugs. The media and Black Lives Matter seemed to jump on this whole scenario so quick as it was an opportunity to advance their communist agendas. I live in a City where black on black crime/shootings happen on a daily basis. Just last weekend there were 14 black on black shootings and 2 died. It seems only Black Lives Matter if both people involved are not black. BLM is hypocritical and they are the racists. How many innocent police have been wounded and died during their "peaceful" protests?? Where is the justice in that??

  8. Poni,
    What you write is sad but true.

    God Bless,


  9. Went shopping the other day and couldn't believe the amount of white women wearing "Black Lives Matter" t-shirts. Can't these people see that they are being used by a racist group to further it's racist agenda??

    1. Joann,
      It’s more important to be “PC”


  10. I have been wondering about the compulsory wearing of face masks. We were told for weeks by Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, etc., that the wearing of face masks wouldn't help and were not needed against the virus. All of a sudden everyone changed their tune and wearing face masks became compulsory. This seemed to coincide with the rioting and looting nicely so the criminals and perpetrators can conveniently hide behind them!! Coincidence??

    1. The masks lower people's immunity and increase their risk of succumbing to a virus. This is intended as they want to reduce the population, especially the costly elderly, through mask-wearing and vaccinations. See Doctor Blaylock's highly informative writing on masks.

    2. Anon @10:30 - You are right on! Would like to add that one of the reasons they want to reduce the elderly is that the elderly are more likely to be conservative and vote Republican and also they are the ones who can't be easily manipulated and fooled.
      Just my 2 cents.


  11. Poni you are correct.
    If the Communists prevail,the
    Looters will be the first in
    Gulags.(Useful Idiots)

  12. All these white people are kneeling and asking pardon from black people for so called "white privilege."

    When will Jorge Bergoglio kneel, bow down, and ask pardon from Catholics that he and his entire Vatican II clergy are impostors to the Catholic Church? When will they admit that they've been too "privileged" for being in possession of Catholic Church buildings (built before Vatican II)? It will never happen just like these brain dead leftist will more than likely not listen to the voice of reason because they are all evil. So many different places in hell await these miserable wretches.



    1. Lee,
      I will bet that Jorge Bergoglio kneels down and prostrates himself before Black Lives Matter and asks for forgiveness for his "white privilege"!!

    2. JoAnn,

      It wouldn't surprise me if he washes their feet on a daily basis instead of waiting on Holy Thursday.


    3. Lee and Joann,
      Bergoglio only prostates himself before his master—-Satan.


    4. Who will be "Pope" Francis' next "canonization - will it be George Floyd or Joe Biden?

  13. Introibo,
    If Vatican II hadn't taken place, I wonder if we would be going through this? Vatican II has had such negative effects everywhere and on everything it seems. As a result there has been such a breakdown in the family which results in a breakdown in the communities and fosters lack of respect for authority and disbelief in God and the Commandments. Your thoughts?? Thanks.

    1. Joann,
      I honestly believe that virtually everything that is wrong in the world today is directly or indirectly the result of Vatican II. I’m not exaggerating or using hyperbole to make a point.

      There are no more countries that have Catholicism as the State religion. Evil religious liberty came from Vatican II. The channels of Grace, the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments have been replaced by invalid forgeries.

      Morals cannot stand without the True Faith. Bergoglio pushes ecumenism, condones sexual perversion (Who am I to judge?), and they have child predators protected from the law in large numbers. When Ireland repealed Constitutional protection for unborn babies, Bergoglio did nothing to try and defeat that evil proposal. Only the sound of crickets. Murder of children became legal with 67% voting for it.

      I could go on and on, but it all shows that every major evil in the world today was brought about by Vatican II. Had Roncalli never usurped the throne of St Peter and Vatican II had never happened, all himan history would be different today...and different for the better.


  14. I will say several things: One of which, and I know your readership is predominately White, you will find "conciliatory" (yes; I'm using that word on this site!); the second of which, I maintain is just as true, but more controversial, because it makes White people uncomfortable; and by its very nature, except for point 3 (below) for all practical purposes excludes non-Whites, generally speaking.

    The first is this: Even if this officer is found guilty of a crime, that does NOT mean that it was necessarily racially motivated. Not every interracial criminal mischief is predicated on the basis of hatred of the "other" race. We simply do not know at this point whether or not that was the case here; it is up to our legal system, which as you mention, provides the defendant with a presumption of innocence, which must be the final arbiter. If that were the case, that is unfortunate--and bad, but it ultimately changes nothing: If someone Black kills someone because he's White or because he wants his wallet, in both cases, the victim is just as dead; it changes nothing.

    The second is this (and this is not original with me). The United States has historically wronged 3 groups of people:
    1. The American Indians, who were largely slaughtered;
    2. Blacks, through slavery;
    3. The unborn through murder in the womb. This latter is the worst of crimes because they are the most defenseless and these Mortal Sins pile up thousands and thousands of times every day.
    Additionally, these souls are lost forever to the Beatific Vision, confined to Limbo.

    The deleterious social and cultural effects of all 3--especially #3, are still with us today. Perhaps #1 is most obvious, because American Indians are relegated to "reservations" from land which was taken from them. But it amazes me that even "conservatives" will try to deny the lingering effects of points 1 and 2.

    Why don't you see more Indians? Because the United State practically killed them. Which treaties with the Indians did the US follow? Not a single one.

    None of this is to excuse, property destruction, rioting, killing Whites because they are white---and yes I know---there is more Black on White crime (far more) than vice versa. The ends don't just the means, and those rioters (with plenty of emasculated, effeminate looking White boys in there, by the way) are promoting Communism.

    All of these are MORTAL SINS, which if one dies with them either not forgiven in the Tribunal of Penance or, lacking this, with a Perfect Act of Contrition, results in Hellfire and eternal damnation.

    Now, with respect to Catholicism --- and I'm fully a Traditionalist Catholic-- let's not pretend that there is not historical racism within the Church.

    Third point: (and I could provide others): When the author of this blog (a few weeks prior to this post) mentioned the bishop who was forced to concede that he withheld his intention in ordaining "natives"----those "natives" were BLACK. The bishop withheld his intention of ordaining black candidates to the priesthood. That's what it was, and that was the motivation behind it.

    Fourth point: Up until 1946(?), if you had Jewish blood coursing in your veins, even though you were Catholic, you could not become a Jesuit. I can hear it said---well, it was owing to the history, or the so-called "nature" of Jewish people. To which I say, be that as it may---it's still based on race, because that candidate is a baptized Catholic. Right? Otherwise he wouldn't be seeking the priesthood.

    All in all, what really matters, in the end--is whether we are either in fact, or at least by desire, members of the Holy Catholic Church. And furthermore, whether or not we persevere in the state of sanctifying grace until our last breath, where the time of merit is over, judgment is imminent, and eternity becomes our ever-present reality.

    1. I am really tired of the "Black Slavery" issue being brought up like it happened yesterday.
      It was 100's of years ago. No one living today had anything to do with it. The Civil War was fought and won by the North. No one ever mentions all the WHITE blood that was shed to free the slaves. No matter what the white man has done to apologize for slavery has never, or will it ever be enough for the Blacks it seems. Have they ever thought to consider what their lives would be like today if their ancestors hadn't been brought to this Country but left in Africa?? The Black community needs to grow up, take responsibility and quit their whining - nothing, but nothing the White man has done to atone for slavery, not even spilling of White blood to free them during the Civil War is enough. Frankly, their actions and reactions make me nauseated. My 2 cents.

    2. @anon8:34
      Thank you for the thoughtful comment.

      I honestly don’t know if my readers are predominately white. It’s a rational assumption but I have many readers from the Philippines and Nigeria. Also, just because I have readers in England doesn’t necessarily make them white.

      1. I agree that a finding of guilt on the part of the officer does not automatically equate with being racist or racially motivated.

      2. This country’s leaders have wronged Native Americans and black people, conceded. The wrongs against the unborn are the worst—very true for the reasons you stated.

      3. There has been historical racism in the Church. As individuals conceded; as official teaching, denied. The case of the South American bishop who withheld his intention when ordaining native candidates to the priesthood was motivated by racial hatred. The Church never taught or condoned such hatred. Pope Gregory XVI immediately sent a bishop from Rome to ordain the Native clergy and make them valid priests.

      4. Do you have a citation as to the exclusion of “Jewish blood” from the Jesuits? Who instituted it and by what document did Pope Pius XII (1946?) abolish it? Malachi Martin was of Jewish descent and ordained in 1954. Jews are not a “race” in the proper sense—they are a religion. If they were a race then there could be no accepted converts. You can’t “convert” from white to black (although some seem to be trying really hard these days). Consider too, Sammy Davis Jr. He converted to Judaism. He doesn’t look anything like any Jewish people I know—-and I know many here in New York.

      I agree wholeheartedly with your last paragraph.

      God Bless,


    3. I think part of the difficulty with regards to "Jewishness", as even some Jews would readily admit, is that it's not a strictly religious designation (at least, not anymore), but also an ethnic and/or cultural one.

      After all, regardless of how much it sounds like an oxymoron, there are those considered Jews who are atheist or agnostic, if considering their matrilineal descent alone.

      Now, one could argue based on purely Scriptural terms that one cannot be a Jew outside of the religious parameters set by God (which would be the sensible position to take); however, Judaism in its current state (Talmud and all) is far removed from the original covenant established by God, which was superseded by Christ's New Covenant with His Church, the New Israel that is comprised of both Jew and Gentile.


      A Simple Man

    4. Simple Man,
      What you say is true; there is no way to correctly solve the issue as to who qualifies as a Jew. I take the religious/Biblical view. That’s why I’m interested if the anonymous poster has a citation to a “Jewish ban” coming from the Jesuits. How did they define Jews? Personally, I think the ban is a myth. Let’s see if he has anything to back up his assertion.


    5. In regards to racism and the Church historically speaking, I think it goes a long way to look at a country before and after conversion. When Catholics evangelized new nations, the home nation remained intact. For example look at the Catholic evangelization of South America vs the Protestant evangelization of the US. South America has their distinct culture, their distinct race intact. The protestants slaughtered the Indians wholesale leaving nothing but a shell. All the countries Catholics went to were kept intact, Mexico is still home to Mexicans, Brazil to Brazilians, ect. They were strictly instructed to keep the people, culture and structure intact so long as it didnt conflict with the True Church. Outside of Canada, countries that Catholics went to were still left to the home nation. Church teaching forbids racism and I think its incredible that so many different nations with different cultures and languages can unite under the True Faith of Christ yet still retain their individuality.

    6. David,
      Great and true analysis!


    7. Wait why do you view Filipinos seen as dark-skinned? Is it because of the president?

  15. My only way to see through the last few months of madness:
    I have complete trust in the Most Holy Trinity, the Holy Mass, and the Queenship Of Mary as the Mother of God. However, hope of the return of true Catholicism leading the world out of all of its current errors, is being held seemingly by a very thin thread.
    I recognize that there has been a direct line of evolution from the world’s correct rejection of Hus and Wycliffe, to the satanic acceptance by much of the world of Martin Luther, to established freemasonry leading to the “rights of man” in the French revolution, to the US being established under those same freemasonic ideals. This exact same thinking led to communism, and to Catholics being treated as fascists for resisting communism in Franco’s Spain and Salazar’s Portugal, along with today’s acceptance and idealization of socialism under any other name it is given. One of the single most important historical events in 2000 years occurred via Vatican II, which has directly resulted in the current state of moral degradation and the political correctness of mortal sin.
    My and my wife’s parents have a total of about 100 descendants, and out of that total I alone believe in the true Catholic religion as taught by the Apostles and the true Church. I am laughed at and scorned in my cherished beliefs. Thus, I hold to my thin thread of hope. It is at times very, very difficult to see the world awakening to its errors and reverting to the times of universal Christendom, recognizing Christ as King and Sovereign over all souls. None of my siblings, in-laws, children or spouse will change (yet!) to follow me in the Catholic faith.
    Again, the perfection of the Mass, and the 100% conviction that at some point in the future the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary’s Immaculate Heart will triumph remains the one and only hope allowing me and the whole world to go forward with the two most powerful, and it seems the only, weapons we have - prayer and penance.
    Thank you Introibo for helping (along with NOW & the Daily Catholic websites) me and others hold on & not let go!

    1. @anon6:35
      Thank you for the kind words my dear! So sorry that your family has not yet seen the light as have you. Don’t despair! Keep showing them the way by your words and actions. Most importantly, pray for them—as will I.

      God Bless,


  16. reply as anon6:35 - Thank you for any prayers, they are all much needed! We must all pray for strength for one another as Catholics, while also praying that the gift of Grace from the Holy Ghost will enlighten all those under the dark cloud of ill-conceived theology, philosophy and confused political ideas. I also must give thanks to Steven Speray, John Daly, and the Christ or Chaos websites for boosting my strength and hope every day.
    P.S. I am a 66 yr old Irish-American male taught the Catholic faith by a strong, very Catholic, mother and father.

  17. Introibo: Regarding the prohibition of persons of Jewish descent--no matter how distant --- from being admitted to the Jesuit order until 1946, please see:

    For the record, I knew this before then from thoroughly Catholic sources. I'm only surprised that I managed to get the year that this racist rule was abolished!

    1. @anon11:15
      Thank you for the citation! It was a uniquely Jesuit affair, and not one involving Church discipline. The source omits its origin. There were some Jews who faked conversion to bring down the Church. Remember, the if an adult recipient of Baptism has a positive contrary intention NOT to receive Baptism, it is invalid. This would affect the validity of orders and the Jesuits became one of the most Modernist orders in the Church. Malachi Martin, a real snake in the grass, was a Jesuit who was ordained in 1954, and is alleged to have been a behind the scenes player in drafting and passing Nostra Aetate, which “absolved” the Jews of Deicide. Martin is said to have had Jewish grandparents.

      The rule served a non-discriminatory purpose at its inception. In light of Martin, perhaps it should have been kept.


  18. Thank you for this Introibo! I posted it in a Novus Ordo Facebook apologetics group in order to spread your work. I got one very negative emotion filled response so far. I was wondering if you have a quick reply. This is it:

    “The alternative would be what, rounding up the “bad guys” the sodomites and bend them until they break! Or burn them at the stake🔥better yet let’s crucify them all, all the sinners, all the nonbelievers or lax laity! Modernist you call us, the nerve.”

    Thanks and God bless!


  19. JCA,
    Thank you for spreading the word my friend! My reply:

    That Vatican II taught Modernism is inescapable. The ecclesiology of Lumen Gentium is incompatible with all solemn teachings of the Magisterium prior.
    Sodomites should not be given the legal status of “marriage” or allowed to be priests. Homosexuality is one of the Four Sins That Scream To Heaven For Vengeance, and until the early 1970s it was correctly identified as a personality disorder; it only changed that designation due to political correctness and pressure. Neither my post nor I have EVER condoned lawless violence against anyone—-I’ll leave that to Black Lives Matter.

    I have no problem with reasoned criticism, but all you’ve done is attack a Strawman argument with vitriol.

    God Bless,


    1. Thank you so much and God bless Introibo!

  20. What I find ironic and sad is that the same leftist tactics used by modern day bolsheviks to suppress those on the American Right, are used by so called semi trads when it comes to sedevacantists. Censorship, as hominen attacks, disinvites to forums. Those in error can never stand up to those who speak Truth. So they have only one option, silence and marginalize their opponents.

    1. Tom,
      That’s the truth. Silence the opposition and make them look bad “by any means necessary.”


    2. These are the exact tactics of the idiots at The Remnant and 1P5.

    3. Tom,
      I’d expect nothing less from $teve $kojec!


  21. Another false religion, the Palmarian Church:
    - The “official Bible“ has many manipulations
    - Mary´s soul consort of Melchisedec
    - Canonized Roncalli and Montini
    - The “penitential rosary”, including 3 sets of sorrowful mysteries, 2 of joyous mysteries, one set of glorious mysteries and one set of “eucharistical mysteries”, each decade including one Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be and “Hail Most Pure Mary, Conceived without Sin”. The last prayer is the “Palmarian salutation”
    - The Palmarian Holy Week is scheduled the 21 to the 27 of march ALWAYS. It is to mention that they believed “it was no use to change it at all times, bc it is a fact that Jesus died the 25th of March thus the 25th is ALWAYS Good Friday”
    - May dedicated not only to the Blessed Mother but to the Holy Ghost too.
    - The whole website is filled with “U have to believe us U need to believe us look U don´t need evidence we are so devout ipse dixit if U don´t believe us U are lazy and stiff-necked” Compare: St Thomas Aquinas proves the Church is the True Church of Christ from his philosophy and reason
    - The Roman Church is not the Church anymore, the Palmarian Church is the new church
    - Like communist tv, they boast how their church is growing so much.

    1. Poni,
      Yes, the so-called Palmarian “Church” is a false sect and an actual cult.

      God Bless,


    2. Well I agree that the church currently occupying Rome is not the Catholic Church. On that we can agree with them. Hahaha


  22. "Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

  23. Joann,
    Yes. The good people have turned cowardly.


  24. We should also consider that much the evil done in the world is done by good people being on the wrong side.

  25. Communist revolution and our President is doing nothing to
    stop the violence.

  26. The protestants would tell you that God capriciously *willed* this sins to be committed, yet you don´t have merit if you denounce them.

  27. Seattle has had a statue of Vladimir Lenin since the mid-90's. Its executive and law enforcement authorities have habitually refused to put away repeat offenders. Polticially, the city has tilted evermore leftward into Soviet territory.

    The residents are getting exactly what they voted for. That they don't like its practical manifeststion is immaterial if they don't actually change as a result of what they've unleashed.


    A Simple Man

  28. Also, as a brief note Andrew: when the President's own generals are criticizing him about invoking the Insurrection Act (constitutionally, I don't know if the threshold has yet been reached for him to override the state and local authorities, quisling mayor and governor aside), how confident can he expect his orders to be followed if he *did* tell the military to restore order?


    A Simple Man

  29. Why do the majority of Conservatives always seem to be wimps, especially in a time of crisis like this? Their silence is deafening. Could it be their silence is a sign of complicity in the matter? Are the majority of Conservatives just basically a bunch of cowards at the end of the day? As a Conservative I am embarrassed by the lack of outrage and the lack of fight and lack of strength displayed by Conservatives as a whole.

  30. Because conservatives and liberals are just two types of the same modernist creature. The libs drive the train and the conservatives apply the brakes now and then.

  31. Simple Man,
    You’re on target as usual.

    Pope St Pius X said it best, “All the evil in the world is due to lukewarm Catholics.” That’s what gave us V2. A person of conviction takes action, not merely gives lip service to principles.


  32. A Simple Man,

    I have read where Gov. of Washington states that it is illegal to send the military to the State of Washington. However, the group that took over an area in Seattle states that it is "autonomous". If the area is "autonomous" it is no longer apart of Washington. In that event why would it be illegal to call in the military?

    1. JoAnn,

      Until the denizens within the CHAZ can provide their own power and grow their own food, I don't think we can truly call it "autonomous" in any sense of the term.

      That being said, this is a rather unprecedented situation in which the local government - instead of resisting the whims of these anarchists - are accommodating their tantrums. Given the federal nature of our state governments, this could very well be argued as an experiment in local governance instead of an armed insurrection.

      The question is if sufficiently many citizens of Seattle disagree with what's happening, would that give the federal government the necessary impetus to act?

      I lack the knowledge or expertise of a Constitutional lawyer, so I can only speculate.


      A Simple Man

    2. No.


      A Simple Man

    3. @anon12:56 AM

      I suppose this is one of the weaknesses of anonymous accounts, in that anyone can pretend to be another person. I'm not exactly sure why you decided to (poorly) imitate me of all people, because I'm not one to be pithy. One-word answers are ones that I avoid anyway, because they tend not to explain anything.

      Why imitate me? Be your own commentator and contribute to the discussion. :)


      As a brief follow-up to your prior post: despite the dressing up and play-acting by some of the protestors, it doesn't appear that any of the businesses within the CHAZ have been looted or burned down; in fact, they appear to be open. People are also apparently free to come and go as they please (with the possible exception of certain public officials). This gives the whole thing the air of being an unlicensed street fair...for the time being.

      Time will tell whether or not the situation will continue to escalate, but Seattle's officials may have decided that letting these people have their LARP session is less costly in the long run than forcefully restoring order (which I personally don't agree with, because some of these types trying to run the CHAZ are fully on board with causing a revolution, notwithstanding the fact that Seattle's acquiescence means their civil authority has no practical consequences for disobedience...which is not a position you want to be in).


      A Simple Man

    4. A Simple Man,
      Thanks much!
      I can't remember where I read that the evil doers in Seattle are making people show their ID before entering their homes. Also that they are making businesses pay money to have an open business. If this scenario is true would that change anything in regard to calling in the Military?
      I am concerned that they are going to try to take over in other cities as well as in Seattle. Wondering if it is time to move to the Country and away from the City.

    5. The CHAZ stunt in Seattle is nothing but an election year trap. They have no intention of seriously establishing an independent nation. I base this claim on their lack of forethought and planning, just my observations.

      The whole point is to trap the President into using force. Then they can scream, take pictures, and play victim to make the current administration look bad. It's obvious and childish. If I can see what they are up to, let's hope the President can too. Best course would be to ignore them until they give up for lack of food, attention, or interest, or when bad weather sets in. We'll see. We do not need more incidents or more violence.

      As for conservatives doing nothing, some of that could be a result of stunned, manipulated confusion. It's the same reaction you would have if someone else's out of control child attacked you. You don't want to defend yourself too much for fear of hurting the child, in which case you freeze in stunned confusion, then try the most harmless self-defense you can come up with. The puzzler is why conservatives feel this way towards psychopaths bent on destroying everything positive about civilization. It could be that despite the Left's 24/7 narrative of their victimhood, they in fact hold a sword to all of our throats in our fear of reprisal by racism accusations. If we could get past this particular weapon of mass confusion, we could start to defend our civilization.

      Why has an unmerited charge of racism become such a life-threatening accusation? For one, "racism" has no careful definition and exists more as a word leftists use when they don't like something. Some people see racism everywhere, even where it does not currently exist, because it makes them feel morally superior. For the most part it is one of the few sins people still see as sinful.

    6. People are being held hostage by the word "racist". The real racists are the ones screaming and using the word to hold over people's head and to get them to kneel and bow down before them.

    7. Milkbone and anon9:43,
      Great observations. Those who oppose the Masonic-Communist agenda had best wake-up and act before it is too late.


  33. All I can say is that events seem to be proving the saying true: "As goes Rome, so goes the world".

    1. Jannie,
      Truer words were never written.


    2. "As goes Rome, so goes the world".
      Rome has a fake "Pope" - the U.S. has a fake "President". Perhaps the last President the way things are heading in the Country.

    3. @anon5:20

      What do you mean by the U.S. having a fake president

    4. He talks a good talk, but actions speak louder than words. That's all.

    5. So that makes him a fake president?

    6. Communist thugs and criminals are running this Country. People need to wake up!

    7. The President needs to put his ego aside and do what is right for the COUNTRY. He is already trying to appease them by changing the date of his rally. There is no appeasing them as they are offended just by the color of the white man's skin. They are burning, looting, destroying statutes, police TV shows are being taken off the air, etc., etc. Nothing, but nothing will appease them. The President talks about dominance and force, but does nothing. The remembrance of Nero comes to mind.

  34. Does anyone think it is a coincidence that CHAZ is located in the sodomite area of Seattle? That the crazy Mayor is herself a Lesbian? That the founders of BLM are Lesbian?


  35. If only that was all they wanted. They want our wealth. The elites have stirred up the envy of the poor and are coming after the wealth of the middle class. First they destroyed the small businesses with this ridiculous virus and now BLM. It is a communist revolt for our wealth. They are so stupid because if they succeed, the wealth will wind up in the hands of the elites and we will all be poor. That is the goal of the one world elites.

  36. Hello,

    Medium has provided a long article that goes very in-depth on a lot of exculpatory evidence regarding the cops and George Floyd:

    However, the media likely won't bring this up, because a frenzied mob is what they apparently want (likely for crass political reasons).


    A Simple Man

    1. Simple Man,
      Thank you for sharing this information!


  37. "Conservatives" are clueless and have been led astray like everyone else in this Godless enlightenment dying empire.
    Start telling people around you nothing will save us except
    Traditional Catholicism and Catholic Monarchy.
    If they ask you to prove it,
    respond with
    "Has Godless enlightenment secularism helped us in any way since 1964?"

  38. And that's why no one will be able to overthrow the government of the Antichrist, as it will be manifestly evil ONLY to a few. (And clearly no one is able to eject the government in the US or anywhere else by it is just one big Party, with actors playing different roles for different sectors of the dumb masses)
