Monday, June 15, 2020

The Androgynous "God/dess"

"Bishop" Nicholas DiMarzio (b. 1944) is the chief-layman of the Vatican II sect's Diocese of Brooklyn. He has been accused by two men of sexual abuse when he was a "priest" of the sect's Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey. DiMarzio has vigorously denied the charges and is considering a lawsuit against his accusers for deformation. (See Whether or not he's guilty of abuse remains to be determined. As to the charge of heresy, DiMarzio's guilt has never been in doubt. Many in the Vatican II sect are once more pushing the idea of God as Father/Mother, and using "inclusive language" (i.e., language that refers to both genders, or is gender neutral). On the Brooklyn diocesan website, there is an interesting piece entitled, "Should We Refer to God as Father or Mother?" which informs the reader as follows:

Faith in God as the "Father" is known in many religions of the world. In Israel, God is called "Father" inasmuch as he is the Creator of the universe. Even more, God is Father because of the covenant and the gift of law to Israel, "his first-born son." God is also called the Father of the king of Israel. In a very special way, he is "the Father of poor," of the orphaned and the widowed, who are embraced by his loving care. According to the [heretical 1992] Catechism of the Catholic Church, "by calling God “Father, the language of faith indicates two main things: that God is the first origin of everything and transcendent authority; and that he is at the same time goodness and loving care for all his children." God’s parental tenderness can also be expressed by the image of motherhood that emphasizes God’s intimacy between Creator and creature. However, this experience also teaches us that human parents are fallible and can therefore disfigure the face of the fatherhood and motherhood. While people tend to make distinctions between the sexes, God transcends such distinction. In other words, he is neither man nor woman: he is God. (Emphasis mine).

Well, God is immaterial, correct? Also, the Bible tells us "There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28; Emphasis mine). There is a push by feminists in the Vatican II sect to remove "sexist" language from the Bible and their "liturgy." The renewed push is being joined by the perverts in the "transgender rights" movement. After all, if God has no sex and can be both male and female, then can't we express whatever gender we prefer? This post will set forth the case against the "androgynous god/dess" that feminists, transgenders, and "eco-theology" "Mother Earth" worshipers would like to gain acceptance. They want to make God in their image.  

The Arguments for "Gender Bias"
Those seeking an "inclusive language" Bible and worship service (I would never dignify the Novus Bogus with the appellation of "Mass"), understand all too well the meaning of "lex orandi lex credendi" (loosely translated as "the law of prayer is the law of belief"). If you make the sign of the Cross and pray, "In the Name of God the Creator, and of God the Redeemer, and of God the Sanctifier," how you think about God will change. When the Modernists replaced the Mass with a Protestant-Masonic bread and wine service, they made changes that would (and did) affect beliefs. 

To give two examples, the traditional Offertory of the Mass was replaced by a prayer asking God to make the host "the bread of life" and the wine "our spiritual drink." Neither phrase expresses Transubstantiation or the Real Presence; they could mean anything. In the True Mass, when the Host is given in Communion, the phrase "May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ preserve thy soul to everlasting life" is recited by the priest while making the sign of the cross over each communicant who is kneeling, and then placed on the recipient's tongue. The Modernists hand out the cracker to people standing, and put it in their hand. The President (or an "Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist [sic]") says, "The Body of Christ," to which the recipient responds, "Amen." They rejected the proposed words "This is the Body of Christ" because it is too specific. 

"Body of Christ" could refer to the people and you often will see inane signs in the Vatican II sect temples that say, "We are One Bread and One Body." The host could be a symbol of how each person participates in the "body of Christ" (Church).  The recipient responding "Amen" is exactly what many Protestant so-called "Reformers" did when they eliminated the Mass and rejected the Real Presence. The spiritual (not Real) presence is dependent on the faith of the people--"Amen," unlike Transubstantiation which effectuates the Real Presence whether you believe in It or not. The result? According to a 2019  Pew Research Poll, only 31% of the Vatican II sect members in the United States believe in the Real Presence (which they don't have, but it is still "on the books" as an official teaching---See ). 

In order to make a new concept of God, a decidedly androgynous one, there is a movement in the Vatican II sect to regard God as male and female, and use inclusive language to cement this concept in the minds of their members. The arguments used to advance this agenda are basically four:

1. God is a Spirit. Therefore any terms we use to describe Him are purely metaphorical. There is no reason not to refer to God in feminine or gender neutral language.

2. The Bible also sometimes refers to God in feminine terms, so there's nothing wrong with using such language.

3. God is referred to in masculine terms because of the culture in which the Bible was written. Christ became a Man instead of a woman because that was the only way to be heard in a patriarchal culture. 

4. God loves us all equally as Galatians 3:28 states. No one should feel excluded by dated male terminology.We are all made in the image and likeness of God. 

Each of these arguments will be addressed.

God Revealed Himself
Reply to argument 1. There are three texts from the Bible often cited by feminists to prove God is gender neutral. Numbers 23:19 says, "God is not a man that He should speak falsely, nor human that He should change His mind. Is He one to speak and not act, to decree and not fulfill?"In similar fashion, 1 Kings 15:29 states: "The Glory of Israel neither retracts nor repents, for He is not man that He should repent." Hosea 11:9 reads: "I will not give vent to My blazing anger, I will not destroy Ephraim again; For I am God and not man, the Holy One present among you; I will not let the flames consume you."

Numbers 23 refers to God  being faithful to His promises, and not "overcome by threats" like a man (See theologian Haydock, The Douay-Rheims Old Testament with a Comprehensive Catholic Commentary, [1859], pg. 188). 1 Kings is about the same theme (Ibid, pg. 359).  Both verses stress the absolute veracity of God as the Supreme Being Who is true to His promises. God is not human, hence He is not capable of lying or changing His Mind like humans. Neither text states or even implies, however, that because God is not human, he is not masculine or isn't to be spoken of in exclusively masculine language. In fact, while asserting that God is not human, the text applies masculine pronouns to God. Nothing in the texts suggest God may rightly be spoken of in female as well as male language. In Hosea (or Osse), God is not subject to the desire for revenge (Ibid, pg. 1120). This means that God is superior to humans and not that He is androgynous, or that masculine terms do not/should not apply.  

Reply to argument 2. Commonly cited passages for justifying using feminine terms (or gender neutral terms) for God are Deuteronomy 32:18, which refers to "the Rock that begot thee ... the God who gave thee birth." Psalm 22:10 says of the Lord, "Thou hast been my guide since I was first formed, my security at my mother's breast. To Thee I was committed at birth, from my mother's womb Thou art my God." In the former text, God is compared to a mother in "giving birth" to the Jews; in the latter text He is seemingly compared to a midwife.

Psalm 131:2 says, "I have stilled and quieted my soul like a weaned child. Like a weaned child on its mother's lap [so is my soul within me.]" David applies this language to God, suggesting a maternal image of Him. Also, in Isaiah 42:14, it depicts God as saying, "I cry out as a woman in labor, gasping and panting." Notice well that these passages compare God to a woman, but do not declare God to be a woman. No where in the Bible or in Sacred Tradition is God thought of as female or gender neutral. The same type of feminine comparison is made of Moses. In Numbers 11:12, Moses asks, "Have I given birth to this people?" Does this imply Moses to be a woman? Transgender? A hermaphrodite? This is sheer grasping at straws.

Reply to argument 3. This assumes the Almighty God, Creator and Master of All, is somehow beholden to His creatures and must conform to their whims. It's actually quite blasphemous. Maleness is a reflection of God's role as the Creator and as King of all that exists, and He came in the fullness of time. In other words, He came when it was right to do so, not because this happened "by accident" thereby "making" Him conform to societal standards. God designed the family to be led by the husband, assisted by his wife. The husband is the head of the family; the wife is the heart of the family (See Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii).God revealed Himself to us as masculine. This is recorded in the Bible, of which God is the Author, of His revelation in Sacred Tradition, and in His Incarnation as the Man-God Jesus Christ.

Reply to argument 4. Yes, God loves us all, and we are all His creation. He died for all, even though all are not, in fact, saved. Two points need to be made:

(A) The Different Roles of Men and Women.
In marriage, women are the heart of the home, while the man is the head of the household. This in no way makes women inferior; the greatest human being was the Blessed Virgin Mary. (Christ was both True God and True Man, Mary was only human).God set up a specific order, and men are not to be subject to the authority of women in the home or in the Church.

(B) The Image of God.
Although God is Spirit, He created man in His image and likeness. Woman was created from man. Therefore, men are directly in the image of God, and women are indirectly in the image of God. This is one of the reasons women cannot be validly ordained as "priestesses." St. Bonaventure, Doctor of the Church, explains that Holy Orders does not look to the soul alone, but to the soul united to the body, and by this reason the signification [of God's image] is produced which must be a visible sign.  Men are therefore directly in the image of God, Who has called Himself "Father," and Whose Son [masculine reference] took on a male body. Men can therefore signify the Image of God and Christ in a direct manner, which women cannot do. (See theologian Wahl, The Exclusion of Women from Holy Orders, CUA Press, [1959], pgs. 45-55).

A "God" of Their Own Making
According to theologians McHugh and Callan, the sin of superstition consists of either a vice that offers improper worship to the true God, or divine worship of a false god. Offering false worship would be accomplished by e.g., opposing the truth of religion, like using Old Testament rites that signify Christ is yet to come. (See Moral Theology, [1930], 2:359). However, having a distorted view of the true God, and having a false god that is worshiped seems to be a fine line. 

It is a fact that Catholics and Mohammedans do not worship the same God. Christians worship the Triune God—Father, Son and Holy Ghost—and no other god. Allah is a false moon god. In Romans 1:19-20, St. Paul explains that all people have some real knowledge of God by general revelation, so that they are without excuse for not knowing that God exists. However, speaking at Mars Hill in Athens (Acts 17), St. Paul argued that even some of the Greeks’ own philosophers and poets gave evidence of a rudimentary knowledge of God—but this was not a saving knowledge, and the Apostle was brokenhearted when he saw the Athenians at worship.

When it comes to the androgynous "God/dess" of the feminist, transgenders, etc, we definitely have the sin of false worship, but could the conception of the Trinity be so skewed as to constitute idolatry of a false god, like Allah? A human illustration may help make my point. Donald Trump is currently the President of the United States. George W. Bush and Barack Obama are living former presidents. Suppose someone who knew nothing of Trump as a person and little of the American form of government, pieced enough information together and concluded that the most politically powerful person in the United States lives in Washington D.C., that he is a former Senator from Illinois, and that he is called Commander-in-Chief George W. Trump. Here is my query: Does this conclusion offer a poor and distorted, though partially correct, representation of the real President Trump? Or is it a construct that combines pieces of three men who hold/held the presidency into an imaginary person whose title, although accurate in the abstract, misrepresents the president and casts him as a primarily military figure? Is it a poor construct of fact, or is it fiction?

Is depriving the First Person of the Most Blessed Trinity of His masculinity by calling Him "God the Creator," or "God the Father/Mother" an inept representation or is it a new "god/dess"? When Christ is never referred to by His Title of  God the Son or even Son of Man, is it truly the Christ of Catholicism distorted, or is it the beginning of ecological-feminist-transgender "Gaia" worship? The consequences of this new "inclusive language" and conception of "God/dess" is staggering.

Mr. DiMarzio and his fellow pseudo-bishops of the Vatican II sect are pushing for a new and perverse way to think and talk about God. It is significant that the Deposit of Divine Revelation, given to us by God Himself, describes Him in masculine terms. Given the centrality of God's masculine description in Revelation, it is hard to understand how abandoning this exclusively masculine language for God is anything other than abandoning Divine Revelation itself and therefore jettisoning the True God for a feminized, emasculated, transgendered, and androgynous idol. 


  1. Introibo, if one was baptized in a language that does not have a masculine form of "Son", only neuter, is it invalid?

    1. @anon3:41
      Yours is an interesting question. If the WORD conveys masculine gender child (Son), even if the word itself is neuter (although I’m unaware of any language where this would be the case), the Baptism would be valid.

      The Trinitarian formula given by Christ at the Great Commission must be used. As long as the words are “I baptize thee in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”— the baptism would be valid because the masculinity is expressed even if the case of the word is neutral.

      In 2008, even the Modernist Vatican declared Baptism not using the Trinitarian formula to be invalid. “ The variants to the baptismal formula treated in the Responseemploy terms for the Divine Persons which are different from those found in the Bible. Such formulas result from certain feminist ideas about God, in order to avoid saying Father and Son, which are considered sexist. But substituting other names for Father and Son undermines our faith in the Trinity.” Even a broken clock is right twice every 24 hours! However, everything in the Vatican II sect is subject to continuous change. At the end of that same document ecumenism is invoked:

      “ The ecumenical importance of guaranteeing true Baptism is clearer now than ever before. We call ourselves Christians in virtue of our common Baptism. With regard to the numerous persons who belong to Churches or Ecclesial communities not in full communion with the Catholic Church, even if there are deficiencies with regard to faith, the other sacraments and Church governance, “Baptism constitutes the sacramental bond of unity, which exists among all those who by means of it have been regenerated.”

      Even when they get something right, there is heresy injected into it somehow. (See

      God Bless,


    2. I'm from the Philippines and the neuter word was used at my baptism in the Vatican II sect.

      Translating "son" or "daughter" to Tagalog, Cebuano, etc. would just result in "anak" which is neuter.

      So at the time I was baptized in the Vatican II sect, I was validly baptized, correct?

      Anyway, whatever the case, Novus Ordite baptisms would be doubtful anyway due to bad theology which will probably result in a defect in intention.

    3. @anon6:37
      I just learned something about Tagalog! In my opinion—just a layman’s opinion—the Baptism was valid. However, you rightly point out that many other deficiencies (and even possible invalidating defects) arise in the Vatican II sect baptisms. See my post:

      The Society of St Pius V (SSPV) conditionally baptizes anyone on whom the new Rite was used. You might want to discuss this with a Traditionalist priest.

      God Bless,


    4. That is very interesting to me as well.
      It seems like a perfect case in point to show why the use of Latin in the Church was always insisted on; it is, besides other things, a preventative against misunderstandings and errors in the performance of Her Sacred rites.
      P.S.: Introibo, this is one of your best articles yet. I learned so much from it.
      Thank you.

    5. Jannie,
      Thank you! It’s for people like yourself that I keep writing.

      God Bless,

    6. Indeed. Although the Holy See sometimes allowed missions to use the vernacular at Mass (ex: in China), this never applies to the Canon and the Consecration to ensure the validity.

  2. Feminism is a lie from the pit of Hell and it's literally a weapon invented by pre-1970's Communists
    to destroy Christendom without firing a single shot.
    Circa 2020,many women and even some Men are self described
    We've gone too far in every aspect,and this current communist urban insurrection is God's wrath.

    1. Imo Satan was let loose in 1861.
      American War of Northern Aggression had over 500,000
      A few Western European religious,at that time,thought our "civil war" could have been the beginning of the Last Days.
      Death + suffering on that scale was inconceivable to the civilized world and it was unthinkable just a fee decades before 1861.
      Not for nothing you could be 100% correct.
      Either way,planet Earth has taken an unstoppable nosedive on every level since 1964.
      God bless

    2. Andrew,
      Yes, I think all Traditionalists can agree Vatican II and it’s heresies have taken us on a pathway of complete destruction.


  3. Francis the fake "Pope" "floats new feminism". Guess he is trying to put a new spin on the age old lie of feminism. See below link.


    1. Joann,
      Thank you for the information! We see the lie of feminist, transgender “theology” infecting the V2 sect more and more. Bergoglio is only too happy to help these lies and perversions progress.

      God Bless,


  4. Will we have a new "neutral" translation of the Pater ? This false apostate conciliar church allows itself to be imbued with demonic ideologies of the world and is not afraid to blaspheme God !

    1. Simon,
      Yes! Certain “women’s ordination” groups have proposed revising the Pater Noster to say, “Our Father/Mother Who Art in Heaven...”

      God help us all.


    2. Francis the fake does a good job of worshipping "Mother Earth" also. Everything Francis does is fake, fake, fake!! How anyone can think this masquerader is a true Pope boggles my mind. Perhaps he will be the last of the fake Popes as all signs seem to be pointing that the end is fast approaching.


    3. Joann,
      If someone had told me in January of this year that by mid-March I would be under virtual house arrest from a virus which would decimate the economy and thugs who riot would be portrayed as victims beginning in May, I would have thought they were nuts.. but here we are! Is the end near? I wouldn’t be surprised.


    4. The so called "Vatican" is supporting Black Lives Matter and calls it "non-violent"!! Just proves the "Vatican" is the "blind leading the blind". Vatican II sect "Bishop's" and "Priests" are kneeling to BLM. All this kneeling is IDOLATRY!

    5. Black lives matter are now wanting to destroy any image of a European Jesus Christ (have mercy on us) and Blessed Mother.

  5. The sooner the NO sect reveals their false theology the better. I am hoping their next false pope is left of even Frankie.

    1. Tom,
      I understand where you’re coming from, but I wonder if ANYTHING would wake up the people at this point.

      God Bless,


    2. Maybe the Indult crowd will wake up. The vast majority of Novus Ordites will never wake up. Then there are the anything but sedevacantism crowd (ie fools at Remnant) who will defend the legitimacy no matter what Bergoglio and Co. does or says.

    3. @Tom
      I've stopped using the terms
      -Sedevacantist' 'R&R'
      'Indult crowd' etc for 1 reason.
      We are,without any doubt even from normies,in a critical
      tragic tense hour of history.
      Trad-Catholics need unity as every group previously mentioned have more in common with each other as opposed to 21st Century secular Godless types.
      Imagine if enough FSSP + ICKSP
      clergy could receive
      conditional trad-ordination from
      Valid Trad-Rite Bishops,we the Faithful could live to see enough Thuc Lefevbre Mendez clerics drop the polemics,
      and allow all trad-Catholics access to their chapels even if we dont subscribe to their
      opinion on the apostasy.
      Our opinions are meaningless anyway as nothing will be judged until a Catholic Pope/Hierarchy retake Vatican Hill the Dioceses Seminaries etc
      I've talked with so called Indult types online + suggested we "Sedevacantists" are your
      only potential allies as most non-Catholics generally dislike or hate Catholicism.
      Sorry for being long winded and untalented at writing.
      Pray for unity and try to be the peacemaker who says nothing when insulted and be the example.
      Pray for me to do the same.
      God bless

    4. Andrew,
      Your comments always contribute to the quality of the blog! Be assured of my prayers.


  6. Scott Hahn referred to the Holy Ghost as a mother in his book "First Comes Love." He denied in a letter from 2009 that he referred to The Holy Spirit as feminine. Years before that the New Oxford review didn't let him get away with it when they critiqued his book stating:

    "…Dr. Hahn seems to want to downplay Jesus so as to make more room for the Spirit: “Christians can place too much emphasis on Christ [!] — if we also neglect the stated purpose of His coming. He came to earth in order to give us the Spirit.” But Dr. Hahn has this somewhat backwards. …Yes, Christ gave us the Spirit, but the primary purpose of Christ’s coming was not to give us the Spirit, but rather to call for repentance and offer salvation. The greatest accomplishment of Christ was not to give us the Spirit; rather, the greatest accomplishment of the Spirit was to give us Christ the Savior.

    Moreover, the burden of Dr. Hahn’s article is to argue, in his own voice or by approvingly quoting others, that we must see the Holy Spirit as “mother,” “motherly,” “maternal,” and “the uncreated principle of maternity,” as well as “feminine” and “bridal.” Likewise, an “attribute” of the Holy Spirit is “womanhood.”

    Dr. Hahn finds great significance in the fact that the Hebrew word for “spirit,” ruah, is a feminine noun, and that an Old Testament term for the Spirit, shekinah, is also a feminine noun. We would add that the German word for girl, das Mädchen, is a neuter noun, not a feminine noun — which proves what? Also, the Greek word for spirit, pneuma, is a neuter noun and the Latin word for spirit, spiritus, is a masculine noun — proving what?

    Feminist theologians and their Queer cheerleaders have been campaigning for a feminine Holy Spirit for decades. How odd — how depressing, actually — to see Dr. Hahn jump on the bandwagon.

    (“Burn, Baby, Burn!”, New Oxford Review, Sep. 2002)

    Interestingly enough Ratzinger (B16) is quoted in his book Daughter Zion stating, "Because of the teaching about the Spirit, one can as it were practically have a presentiment of the primordial type of the feminine, in a mysterious, veiled manner, within God himself."

    In a sermon given by JPII on Jan. 28, 1979, in Mexico, he says “It has been said, in a beautiful and profound way, that our God in his deepest mystery is not a solitude, but a family, since he has in himself fatherhood, sonship and the essence of the family, which is love.”

    Proof positive that the Vatican II Church is an effeminate religion. No wonder there is so many lisp speaking clergy that wave their hand in such a gay manner.



      Here's NOW article about Scott Hahn's stupid beliefs about the Holy Ghost.

    2. A novus ordo "missal for kids" said that the Holy Trinity was a "family" with so much "love" that they were "one God"!

    3. More than anything else, the inordinate focus on the SCOTUS has betrayed just how skewed the federal government has become from a Constitutional standpoint.

      The executive now possesses legislative *and* judiciary powers in its various regulatory agencies.

      The judiciary has become a super-legislature of sorts, changing or altering laws already on the books (thus setting "precedent") instead of making a flat determination of whether a given case or law passes Constitutional muster.

      The legislative has essentially given away much of its own powers, thus limiting its own effectiveness.

      As such, the "checks and balances" have been significantly minimized in the practical order.

      That being said, on a moral level, the SCOTUS is simply reflecting the current understanding of secular society with regards to sex and gender, regardless of how divorced from reality such an understanding is. Given how politicized and democratized the SCOTUS has become (because even if we don't vote for these judges directly, presidential and Senate elections have practically become referendums on SCOTUS picks), it's no surprise that some of them (save for relative bedrocks like Alito and Thomas) are susceptible to public opinion (especially after the Kavanaugh confirmation debacle).

      But, in the end, this is ultimately a logical outcome of the presupposition underlying America's founding principles, per the Declaration of Indpendence: namely, that governments derive their powers "from the consent of the governed." If the governed thereby consent to laws which are contradictory to the Natural Law or Divine Law, then by what measure can one disagree if democratic consent is the driving criterion?

      This in itself is an inversion of the true order of authority, as Paul speaks of in Romans 13: governments derive their just powers from God, and not from men. To assert the former recognizes the inherent limits of government power, for they are bound by both Divine and Natural Law; to assert the latter logically results in governments reflective of whomever possesses the most earthly power in society, for good or ill.

      And right now, the secular power in America is held substantially by the Left.


      A Simple Man

    4. Since it is "Gay Pride" month is it any wonder that the Supreme Court ruled during June regarding employers and discrimination regarding the LGBT. Instead of feeling "pride" these perverts should be ashamed and humiliated.


    5. Simple Man,
      People forget the US is founded on Masonic principles. The influence of the Church and the sizable Catholic population held it back. Since Vatican II we are seeing those Masonic principles run their course!

      Very true!


    6. Poni,
      Unreal! Unfortunately, it doesn’t surprise me.

      God Bless,


    7. Seems Judge Gorsuch who was Trump's appointment to fill Judge Scalia's shoes voted for the LGBT workplace agenda. He is a disgrace.

    8. Joann,
      He is a disgrace. Sadly, he wrote a pro-life book a few years back that would have (unfairly) disqualified him, yet Trump was able to get the Senate Republicans to strong arm him through. I thought he would be solidly strict constructionist. Instead he legislates from the bench.


    9. Before he was confirmed to the Supreme Court, I had read, but then at the time dismissed, an article that stated not to rely on Gorsuch as a paragon of conservatism. The reason given was the he had lived in Boulder, Colorado, and, at the time he lived there, attended a very liberal Protestant church with his wife and family. By liberal, I mean -- women pastors, and very "open" to alternate lifestyles, which would make his decision today understandable. I don't know if Justice Gorsuch lives there today.

      But the article stated that this alone was reason to suspect his purported conservative bona fides. In hindsight, it seems that there may have been something to it.

      For whatever it's worth, I think Gorsuch has become another Sandra Day O'Connor: Nominated by a Republican, but flips upon appointment, and is decidedly moderate to slightly left leaning.

    10. @anon8:50
      At this point, I’m in basic agreement with your analysis. Sadly, Gorsuch replaced Justice Scalia (under whom I studied Constitutional Law for a semester in law school). He was brilliant and was a strict constructionist. Gorsuch reads no discrimination based on “sex” to encompass sexual orientation and gender dysphoria (“transgender”).

      If you like reading law material, you need to read the phenomenal dissent of Justice Samuel Alito; he puts Gorsuch to shame! Only Alito and Thomas don’t legislate from the bench.

      I’m afraid Gorsuch will go the way of John Roberts; legislating part time instead of full time like Breyer, Bader-Ginsberg, Sotomayor, and the dyke Kagan.

      Isn’t it strange that almost all ideological shifts on the Court are from right to left? Only once was there a shift from left to right. In 1962, JFK appointed his friend Byron White to the Supreme Court. White, a former football player (“Whizzer White”) and trial lawyer, was the last non-judge to be appointed and the first to be confirmed by the 100 person Senate after Alaska and Hawaii joined the Union. He was seen as very liberal.

      Lo and behold, in 1973 he wrote the dissenting opinion in Roe v. Wade, and in 1986, he authored the majority opinion in Bowers v. Hardwick which upheld the Constitutionality of anti-sodomite laws (Bowers was reversed in Lawrence v. Texas 21 years later).

      As JFK was a member of the True Church (even though not a good Catholic), and in spite of the fact that White was Protestant, I like to think the nexus to a member of the One True Church gave him the grace to move in the right (correct) direction.


    11. Introibo,
      After most of the police are defunded in this Country, won't they then go after dismantling the Courts? Where will justice be then? There won't be any. If someone doesn't like the way you look they can shoot you and nothing will be done. Just saw where police officers were poisoned at a Shake Shake and are in the Hospital. This Country is totally out of control. Something needs to be done to stop this insanity, yesterday.

    12. Joann,
      Defunding the police is insanity. It will be anarchy followed by martial law (the beginning of Communism here?). I can only hope it stops immediately. Pray hard.


    13. The police are going to hate black people just more. They loose funding because of a black man.

    14.'s my problem with the USA being a monarchy, and presumably, a Catholic monarchy. At the time during Vatican II, when the Church --- arguably more than at any period in her history --- needed someone who defend her from her enemies --inside and extra ecclesiam ---can you name a single one family or one person from these "monarchical" families who stood up for Holy Mother Church?

      Or did they capitulate just like practically all the rest? We both know the answer.

    15. Poni,
      I agree.

      It would have to be a True Catholic Monarch like King St Louis IX. Since we are without a pope we will get no true Catholic Monarch.


    16. Introibo,
      Police are already being defunded where I live and in other cities also. The blacks are being used by the Commies to fulfill their agenda and they can't see it. Psychological defenses were lowered by the hysteria and fears perpetrated by the virus. When psychological defenses are lowered people can be manipulated easier. I realize we need to pray as never before, but the people need to be informed as alot of us were blindsided by the events currently happening.

    17. If only USA gave back its big debt to France after its independence from the UK, France would have not have an economical crisis, the freemasonic French Revolution would not have occured, Napoleon (who attempted to destroy the Church) would not have spread revolutionary ideas everywhere, Karl Marx would not have written his Manifesto, communism would have not been born.

      And now the USA is predicted to be communist soon. Things return, don't they?

    18. Anon @10:21 and Introibo,

      There is indeed no Catholic monarch today, but monarchies have a lesser tendency (obviously) to be communists.

    19. Just as the Church was infiltrated by Mason's and Communists and Vatican II came into being with hardly any pushback save for a very few, the same is happening to this Country. The majority of the people are either blind or just plain lackadaisical. The powers that be in the movement are not being covert regarding their agenda to change the Country to communism, but being very overt and there is hardly any pushback. People have been so intimidated into being afraid of being labelled a "racist" that they will go along with virtually anything, even communism. My 2 cents. JoAnn

    20. Joann,
      Very sad, but also very true. Are we witnessing the end of the United States? Time will tell.


    21. Introibo,
      Stumbled on the following quote on Gorsuch's Yearbook page from Columbia. I wonder how closely he was vetted? It seems conservative imposters are everywhere these days!

      "The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer” -Henry Kissinger, August 29, 1967


    22. Joann,
      Wow —nothing more to say; an eye opener


    23. @anon12:11
      Yes, what goes around does indeed come around!


    24. Remind everyone that June is month of the
      Sacred Heart of Jesus.

    25. Andrew,
      You just did! Thank you! (Although the Vatican II sect celebrates "Gay Pride Month")


  7. What disgusts me more than sodomites/transgenders themselves (even though the are an abomination) are those who are not sodomites/transgenders but who nevertheless support and defend them. Now that the Supreme Court ruled that today, just be ready for an increase of drag time story hrs across the states.


    1. Correction: drag "queen" story hrs.


    2. Lee,
      Your prediction will be proven true, I'm afraid.


    3. We Men in the West,are either too soft,effeminate,Godless,
      demoralized,degenerate,selfish or some hopeless combination of the above.
      2011 was when I FINALLY understood Men MUST make our Blessed Lord,the Holy Trinity,and his Holy Catholic
      Church the center of our minds lives families and existence.
      Until a mass awakening amongst
      American Men,don't expect anything to improve.

      Jesu Christiè,
      dona nobis pacem.


    4. I'm sorry to say the "American Experiment" looks like a failed one at this point in history.
      The SCOTUS is one of the three now rotted out branches of US government, with the exception of the tiny minority of justices who still understand that civil law - derived from natural law - has Divine origins.
      I mean, how have we gotten to where a 6-3 majority of supposedly educated, thinking humans consider the actual physical sex of individuals to be a matter of ideology that can be voted on?
      Are these "Conservative" appointments to the Court, such as Gorsuch and others who contribute to rulings that support naturalism, "controlled opposition" to Natural law principles? If they are conservatives then what is conservatism anyway, and what is it "conserving", after all?

    5. Jannie,
      Gorsuch and Roberts can’t even “conserve” the meaning of words. The 1964 Civil Rights Act protects exactly five categories:
      Race, color, religion, sex, and national origin.

      In 1964, sex referred to being male or female. Period. The Orwellian Newspeak that tells us sex isn’t biological or that gender is distinct from sex, so you can “choose your gender” was unheard of in 1964. Gorsuch reads “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and being “transgender” because they are “related to sex”

      Rape is related to sex. So is sexual harassment. Does Gorsuch mean we cannot refuse to hire someone who was convicted of rape or who was fired in the past for sexual harassment? If Congress wants to include sodomites and transgenders, they can pass legislation. In fact, they tried and failed. So six lawyers on the Supreme Court decided to legislate what they wanted.

      Call them controlled opposition—they may be—call them useful idiots, as I do. However, please don’t anyone call them principled or just.


    6. I call them (the justices) libtards who work for the devil.

      I'm still angry over the fact that work places are making people wear masks. The scamdemic is well below a 1% death rate. We're being lied to about the actual numbers. Dr. Fauci said a couple months ago masks don't work against Covid 19. The CDC keeps changing their minds about it. Even on the box for a specific kind of mask it says it's ineffective towards Covid. BLM and Antifa are gathered like sardines in cities rioting and encouraged while Trump is criticized for having a rally here soon (such hypocrisy). Contact Tracers (another bunch of crap) aren't allowed to trace BLM protesters.

      There is no reasoning with the unreasonable, but how long will it take before enough reasonable people force reason on the unreasonable? If anybody has any good news feel free to share it.


    7. Lee,
      Regarding masks, I don't think it is a coincidence that Antifa members wear masks and now we are too. I personally think the masks are a symbol as they don't protect against the virus and they breed bacteria!!

  8. Thank you for this Introibo! It’s amazing that DiMarzio is considered a “conservative” in the Vatican II sect. He is an associate member of Opus Dei just like “Fr.” George Rutler.


    1. JCA,
      Amazing isn’t it? A heretic like DeMarzio seen as “conservative.” People don't realize that the problem is inherent in the very nomenclature. There are no “conservative” and “liberal” Catholics. Those are political appellations. In theology you are Catholic or not. There are no degrees of Catholicism. That’s Modernist ecclesiology and exactly what they want you to think. When seen as Catholic or not, all or nothing, then the wolves in shepherd clothes stand exposed!!

      God Bless you my friend,


    2. So true on theology and ecclesiology Introibo! I believe “conservatives” like Opus Dei were part of the Thermidor phase where Vatican II revolution gives itself a “moderate” appearance to pacify restless spirits. Thus, the gains of the Revolution are secured.

      God bless,


  9. Hello, Introibo: I'm the poster @8:50. I would like to read Alito's dissenting opinion. Where I can find it? Blessings to you.

    1. @anon9:35
      The majority opinion and Alito’s logically air-tight dissent (Kavenaugh wrote a separate dissent, not nearly as impressive), can be found here:

      The case is called Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia.


    2. LGBT rights are protected against discrimination, but see below what happened to a hospital employee who was fired for saying "all lives matter". I would think all lives would matter in a hospital!! This Country has gone completely insane.


  10. @anon1:25
    You reminded us of a truth we need to always keep in mind. As Pope Pius XII said, “The greatest sin of our age is that it has lost all sense of sin.”

    God Bless,


  11. Reading all these comments make me wish that the many prophesies about the restoration of the Church and the coming of the French Great Monarch would be fulfilled. Come be the "Age of Mary" when the Church will bloom.

    1. Anon 12:37-
      Read the Book of Revelation and you will see that the end is upon us. There is only tearing down of God and Society. It is happening at a very rapid pace.

    2. @anon6:06

      It is my belief that today's society will produce the antichist himself.

      However, nowhere is it written in the Book of Apocalypse (or Revelation for a protestant taste) that the world will immediately end after the death of the antichrist.

      On the other hand, many saints talk about a period of peace for repentance before Christ returns. Even our Lady of Fatima said that Russia will be consecrated by a pope.

      For example, the prophecies about the French Great Monarch who will assist the pope by any means was not just invented by a saint or two. Many saints and venerables, some popular, talked about it.

  12. Anon @5:47,

    "But of that day and hour no one knoweth, not the angels of heaven, but the Father alone."

    Not required to believe in private revelations. If you want to fine, but I don't.


    1. JoAnn,


      I actually don't know if you've mistaken me as anon@6:06 or don't know what he, or I said.

      @anon6:06 said that the bible says that the end is upon us. You should tell him/her


      Not required to believe in private interpretations of the Book of Revelation. If you want to fine, but I don't.



      I didn't even say that all should believe that the Great Monarch will indeed come. Where did I say that?

      I'm just saying that his private interpretation has no basis AND (NOT BECAUSE) some private revelations point the contrary.

    2. In fact, it was anon @6:06 who was saying when the end is. Not me. Don't mix up the persons you want to address to.

    3. Sorry for not being perfect!


    4. You're doing it again. Placing words in my mouth.

      Even for us imperfect people, is it acceptable to place words in another person's mouth? Words which they themselves opposed and argued against?

    5. Pax! Everybody is quoting anonymous so we can be confused.

    6. Sorry I didn't clarify. Maybe I'm defending myself too much.

      But I meant that anon @6:06 was trying to interpret when the end will come. He said that it's now. So I said he can't know that.

      And then you end up accusing me of the one who was saying when the end will come. Even saying that I'm stating that we are bound by private revelations. Only delusional sedes believe that, which is why I take your rash judgement as an insult.

      And now you're talking about people being imperfect. All of us are imperfect. But only people rashly judging other people actually reverse (not just twist) what other people say.

    7. You acting like a "snowflake". Take a chill pill and get over yourself. Pax!

    8. "Sorry for not being perfect" was meant as an APOLOGY which I guess you didn't understand, or won't accept. For the second time, sorry!

    9. JoAnn,

      Now that you clarify it, I now understand and accept.

      Though I still don't see how that's an apology. A murderer doesn't apologize by saying "I'm imperfect so I killed your son". (I'm not saying you're like a murderer, just giving an example). Like we're all imperfect. But we don't accuse round earth apologists as flat earthers.

      Anyway, sorry for bursting out in anger.

      Poni and anonymous,

      Yeah, I'm sorry. Just can't help it when I'm accused of something I just rebuked. Also only delusional sedes believe that private revelations bind, which is also why I took it as an insult.

      Anyway, I apologize to all of you.

    10. Anon @ 3:47 - For the 3rd and last time, I Am Sorry!

    11. Anon 3:47,
      You stated that only "delusional Sedes believe that private revelations bind". Not everybody on here is a seasoned Sede such as yourself. Some people may be new and don't know that and it doesn't necessarily make them "delusional". You are Anon. and nobody but you knows who you are.

    12. JoAnn, why? I already said I accepted your pardon. And sorry, again. :D Guess I intimidated you.

      Anon 6:38

      I think you need context. I never said that private revelations bind. That doesn't mean you can say I think I do.

      It's not against sedevacantism to believe that private revelations bind. It's against Catholicism. So it's an error in faith. You wouldn't take it lightly if someone seriously said you are teaching an error in faith.

      Or maybe you should just clarify?

    13. Anon @7:27,
      You didn't intimate me. Just wanted to make sure I was clear in saying "sorry". That is all, no big deal.

    14. I was quoting you regarding "delusional Sedes" and private revelations. Sede's are Catholic.

    15. Not all sedes are Catholic. What about feenyite sedes?

      Sedevacantism is our movement and reasoning. Catholicism is our faith.

      And yes, believing that private revelations bind is something delusional sedes do.

      So, remember that it should be the accuser who gives proof. Inncoent until proven guilty. Did I say private revelations bind? No. So does that mean that you can assume I do believe so? No.

  13. Black Lives Matter is not just a "racist" group or movement. BLM is a demonic group at the very core of it. BLM invokes spirits of the dead and practices libations. Please see link below:


    I believe this is what all the kneeling and prostrations are about. This is Satanic worship at its core.
