Monday, June 1, 2020

When Strangers Come Knocking---Part 10

This is the next installment of my series to be published the first Monday of each month.

There are members of false sects, like Jehovah's Witnesses, that come knocking door-to-door hoping to convert you. Instead of ignoring them, it is we who should try and convert them. In 1 Peter 3:16, our first Pope writes, "But in thy hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks thee to give the reason for the hope that thou hast. But do this with gentleness and respect,..." Before the Great Apostasy, the Church would send missionaries to the ends of the Earth to make as many converts as possible.

Those in false religions don't always come (literally) knocking at your door. It may be a Hindu at work who wants you to try yoga. It could be a "Christian Scientist" who lives next door and invites you to come to their reading room. Each month, I will present a false sect. Unlike the Vatican II sect, I do not see them as a "means of salvation" or possessing "elements of truth" that lead to salvation. That is heresy. They lead to damnation, and the adherents of the various sects must be converted so they may be saved.

In each month's post, I will present one false sect and give an overview of:
  • The sect's history
  • Their theology
  • Tips on how to share the True Faith with them
If you think you can easily spot a Satanist, and you have no need to worry about him/her, think again. There are various types of Satanists, yet all are in the service of the devil; knowingly or otherwise. They are out to recruit your children, and trying to convert them is needed because no one is so far gone that God can not rescue them. You could be His instrument in doing so. Before going any further, I'd like to share a story I posted some time ago, wherein Fr. DePauw and my family had a run in with Satan worshipers.

It was a Sunday I would never forget. I arrived at approximately 8:30 for the 9am Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at Fr. DePauw's Ave Maria Chapel in Westbury, New York with my parents. That was usual for me. What wasn't usual was what my parents and I witnessed on that balmy summer day in 1987. There was a police helicopter flying low and circling the Chapel; not less than a half-dozen uniformed police were patrolling the Chapel grounds, and there were plain clothes detectives at the entrance. At first, I didn't know if we could go there--maybe, God forbid--the Chapel had been vandalized. However, we were allowed to enter. As we reached the front doors, one of the detectives was looking me over (I was 22 at the time and appeared younger), and he asked my parents, "Is this young man your son?" They said yes, and he told us we could go on in.

Everyone inside was looking rather pensive. Father was not hearing Confessions that Sunday as he usually did 30 minutes before the first Mass at 9am. I knelt down and recited my prayers before Mass and Communion. When the bell rang and Father DePauw entered the sanctuary, he looked somewhat distraught. The Low Mass began, and after the reading of the Gospel, Father came to give the announcements and sermon at the pulpit. With a somber tone in his voice, he told us that the police had come because there had been a credible death threat made against him by some people involved in a Satanic coven. They said they were going to murder him to show their "hatred for Christ" and "everything he (Fr. DePauw) stands for" to "glorify Satan." The police (especially on Long Island) only reacted to such threats if they posed a true risk. I knew that with all this police coverage, law enforcement did not think this was some stupid prank, as they did in 99% of all such threats.

Father assured us that we were not in any danger. The police had secured the grounds and checked for explosives, etc. They remained in case someone would pose as a visitor with the intent of making good the threat to murder him. When the police suggested that perhaps he should shut down the Chapel for a few weeks and "get out of town" to take up residence with another Traditionalist priest friend, Father balked at the idea. "If they kill me for hatred of the True Faith, then I would die a martyr at the altar. I can think of no better way for a priest to die. But I'm not worried. My patron is St. Michael the Archangel, who beat Satan before and will do so again!" said a defiant and faith-filled Fr. DePauw from the pulpit. He then continued the Mass, and we left breathing a little easier. Nothing happened to Father, and he was told by the police and DA not to discuss the specifics of the incident. The following week, things went back to normal.

Different Types Yet Same Evil
Satanists are hard to define because they profess different things. According to most sources, the demographics of a Satanist indicate that:
  • Most are male
  • Most are between 13 to 30 years old
  • Most practice their evil rituals in private and look/act normal at work and social functions
  • Most view Christianity as devoid of power and something to be extirpated
  • Most view traditional morals as denying the "rights" of the individual, while "imposing" made-up restrictions
  • Most practice Satanism because it "feels empowering"
(See, e.g., The Black Mask: Satanism in America Today by John Charles Cooper [1990])

Satanists are grouped into four basic types:
1. Materialists who worship themselves. "Satan" stands for self-indulgence as founder of the Church of Satan Anton LeVey stated in his "Nine Satanic Statements" (a blasphemous twisting of the Ten Commandments). The first statement reads, "Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence." (Based on the research I've done, I'm convinced very few belong to this group--LeVey himself lied about his alleged materialistic beliefs)

2. Those who believe there is a "spiritual power" that anyone can harness for their own purposes. The source of this power is ubiquitous and its nature is mysterious to them.  

3. Those who are dualists and see God and Satan as equals and opposites. They choose to serve the "easy path" which promises them advancement in this life.

4. Those who believe in the traditional Christian concepts of God and Satan, and choose to go to Hell in order to be powerful here on Earth. This group is subdivided into (a) those who dabble by themselves or with a few friends, and (b) those who belong to an "official church."

Satanism is not a monolithic entity, hence a given Satanic sect cannot by definition be lumped with all other such groups. Groups are eclectic and draw upon various occult, magical, and pagan sources. Other groups are autonomous and garner their activities and beliefs from different Satanist traditions or tributaries. As a whole, Satanism is not uniform in its organizational structure, practices, or beliefs. According to Satanist researcher Craig Hawkins, "...Whatever we may note of the differences among Satanists, strong commonalities remain: 1) every individual Satanist has chosen to identify himself with a being, practice, or symbol that virtually all society correctly views as malevolent, deviant, and evil; every Satanist sooner or later personally engages in evil—and often unimaginable perversion; and every Satanist rejects the Christian God and courts the devil whether or not he or she accepts these categories as biblically defined." (See Craig Hawkins, Forward magazine, Fall, 1986, p. 17,19). Whatever Satanism’s sociological or religious classification then, Satanism per se is inherently evil.

The above mentioned Anton LeVey founded the Church of Satan in 1966 (right after Vatican II) and wrote the evil Satanic Bible in 1969 (the same year the Novus Bogus "mass" came out) containing The Nine Satanic Statements:

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence.

2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams.

3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit.

4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates.

5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek.

6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires.

7. Satan represents man as just another animal who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all.

8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.

9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years

The biggest lie perpetrated by LaVey was claiming that "Satan" only represented the repressed forces of nature but was not a real entity. In a book published posthumously in 1999,  he admitted in an interview: "If they’re at all intelligent [other Satanists] …they'll realize that there’s only so much I can say publicly…I will not advance things in print which make my position untenable…How long would the Church of Satan have lasted if I hadn’t appeased and outraged in just the right combination? It required a certain amount of discretion and diplomacy to balance the outrage." (See Lucifer Rising: A Book of Sin, Devil Worship and Rock ‘n’ Roll by Gavin Baddeley [1999], p. 133).

Anton LeVey (1930-1997) became a Satanist after witnessing the hypocrisy of Protestants. He relates in the Satanic Bible how he worked in a carnival and saw men lusting after half-naked women on Saturday, only to find the same men sitting with their wives and children attending services of the tent evangelists asking for God's mercy Sunday morning, and then coming back the following Saturday to lust again. He "knew then that the Christian Church thrives on hypocrisy."

Satan Wants Your Children
The Satan worshipers actively recruit the young. They also want people to believe that they do not commit ritual killings, etc. The facts tell otherwise. To name but a few heinous examples:

  •  In Italy, a rock group aptly named The Beasts of Satan, were involved in Satanic ritualistic killings. According to The Guardian: Andrea Volpe and Pietro Guerrieri had confessed to roles in the 1998 killings of Chiara Marino, 19, and 16-year-old Fabio Tollis in woods outside Milan. Volpe - considered to have been the mastermind of the ritual killings - was sentenced to 30 years, 10 more than prosecutors had asked for. Guerrieri was given 16 years. Mario Maccione, who also confessed to the killings, was cleared because he had played a secondary role. Five other members of their suspected Satanic cult have been ordered to stand trial in June. (See 
  • Italian police stated their intention to create a special unit focusing on new religious sects, particularly Satanists and other violent ritualistic groups. It would be dubbed "The Satan Squad" (See
  • In September 2014, while awaiting trial for the murder of a 40-year-old in Pennsylvania, 19-year-old Miranda Barbour confessed to the murder of more than 22 people across the United States. "After 22, I just stopped counting," she told a local newspaper.The young woman explained that she started killing at the age of 13. At the time, she was dating a member of an Alaskan Satanist sect. After being arrested for the murder that took her to court, her car was searched and a Satanic Bible and a medieval dagger, which was presumed to have been used to kill the victim, were found. [Barbour was sexually abused and it led her into evil companionship]. (See 

 Are they possessed? Some may be, but it isn't a stretch to see how children get caught up in things covertly demonic until they reach the point of giving themselves (literally) over to Satan. Consider:
  • The Harry Potter franchise portrays witchcraft in a positive light, witches are now just awkward teenagers growing up. It also promotes moral relativism. Something is only right or wrong depending on who does it and for what reason; the end justifies the means.   
  • Rock, pop, and rap music is rotten to the core
  • The Twilight franchise promotes evil as good, and implies statutory rape. Vampires are no longer evil—they are the "good kind" that only drink animal blood.
  • Video games desensitize children to violence
  • So-called mediums, "psychics" and "ghost whisperers" pervade entertainment on TV and are even invited into homes by adults to "speak to deceased relatives"
  • Pagan practices such as yoga and reiki are promoted not only in public schools but in Vatican II sect schools and churches
  • Horror movies are seeped in the occult.  What used to be based almost solely on suspense and the thrill of the chase, now includes graphic depictions of madmen methodically torturing their victims. Of course, this is always brimming with extreme close-ups of each tear of flesh and squirt of blood
  • The Satanic Bible is readily available to children in public libraries and schools. Be especially concerned with the use of the Ouija Board and Tarot Cards
  • The Vatican II sect tells its members that all religions are more or less good, so no need to combat Satan or convert others--Christ is thereby rendered "one among many options" (at best) or totally irrelevant (at worst)
Still not convinced? How about an "After School Satan Club"? Under the heading "Educatin' With Satan," the Satanic Temple sect writes, "It’s important that children be given an opportunity to realize that the evangelical materials now creeping into their schools are representative of but one religious opinion amongst many. While the Good News Clubs [Protestant Bible Clubs---Introibo] focus on indoctrination, instilling them with a fear of Hell and God’s wrath, After School Satan Clubs will focus on free inquiry and rationalism, the scientific basis for which we know what we know about the world around us. We prefer to give children an appreciation of the natural wonders surrounding them, not a fear of everlasting other-worldly horrors." In other words, first make them atheists, then turn them into pagans who worship themselves, opening the door to Satanic influence. It has been said that, "Satan's biggest allies are those who don't believe in him."  You'll never be on guard for his "malice and snares." (See

How To Tell If A Child Or Teen Is Involved With Satanism
Satanic cult expert, Dr. John Cooper says there are eight (8) signs you need to watch:
1. Extreme alienation.

2. Morbid fascination with horror, death, and pain.

3. Drug and alcohol use/promiscuity.

4. Difficulty conforming to rules in school and/or at home.

5. A frustrating sense of powerlessness.

6. An excessive need to control.

7. Using Tarot Cards, Satanic symbolism, Ouija boards, etc.

8. Obsessive thoughts of revenge and hurting others. Watch for the teenager whose words and actions display unusual destructiveness, who openly defies authority, and who seems almost consumed by feelings of vengeance and hate. Notice the teenager who seems absorbed with himself or herself, preoccupied with self-interests and self-indulgence.

Proselytizing Satanists 
If a child of someone you know is involved with Satanism, tell the parents they must first take away any/all evil influences, and get them into a rehab program if drugs and/or alcohol is involved (not any 12 step program either). Tell the parents the child can talk to a real (Traditionalist) priest, and pray for the family. Help the parents fill the home surrounded by holy statues, holy water, etc if they will (hopefully) allow it.  The priest will determine if an exorcism is in order.  If they got into Satan worship, the parents were not doing a good job of keeping their child close to God, or at the very least, away from overt evil.  

In the case of a young adult (18-30), there are four good ways to convince a Satanist their position is wrong:
  • Many Satanists consider themselves atheists because they worship themselves as "Satan," a symbol of self-indulgence. Focus on arguments that prove the existence of God and then the Deity of Christ
  • Challenge the hedonistic Satanist by telling him that material gratification in this life is insignificant compared to the next world, which will be Heaven with Christ, or torture with their infernal master who hates them.
  • Know the faith to clearly teach it. Most Satanists don't understand the Faith, only a distorted and untrue propagandized version of it
  • Challenge Satanists to respond to your well-reasoned arguments, and don't let them respond with mockery unless they can give a logical refutation, which they can't, and that's why they resort to mockery in the first place

Satanism isn't as rare or easy to recognize as one would think. The forces of Satan are coming out in the open; to the point of having "After School Satan Clubs." Young minds are made easy targets with the Great Apostasy taking away the True Faith from millions, and the proliferation of all things evil under the guise of being good. Even your own child may be proselytized by a friend in middle school or high school to dabble in the ways of the demonic. What are we to do? Keep your children close to Christ, and watch who their friends are and the way they act. Notice any change in behavior as described above. Remember the words of Scripture, "Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8). 


  1. There's a popular quote from a movie called "The Usual Suspects": the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

    On a similar level, I would wager that most of those who initially dabble in Satanism likely do not seriously believe in the traditional Christian conception of Satan, elsewise they wouldn't get within a mile of it.

    For those who believe in the traditional Christian depiction of Satan and *still* follow him...well, what do they expect will happen by allying themselves with someone that Christ calls the Father of Lies? What could any promise of infernal power be worth from such a creature?


    A Simple Man

    1. Simple Man,
      Indeed, it is a mystery why someone would knowingly choose evil. The theologians called it the “mysterium iniquitatis.” Some, like LeVey, think it better “To reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.” I wonder what they think who left Earth and went to Judgement in that state? Everlasting anguish and regret is their lot.

      God Bless,


    2. I've read a disgusting reasoning from an atheist once that heaven is such a boring place, in fact you're a slave because you just get to worship God all the time. And you can't do anything else and have fun. And that hell won't be such a boring place because you'll get used to the pain (seriously?!) and that you can do all things that you want, i.e. continue your sins.

      Ignoring the fact that the beatific vision is to see God, Beauty, Truth, Intelligence Himself. Like the way Bergoglio compares the Beatific Vision as a staring contest. And hell is where you're a slave forever. Where the effects of sin curses you forever. And one thing I like reading about private revelations is that they really horrify you of what hell is. Like what the children of the apparition of our Lady of Fatima saw. They did not see souls used to infinite pain enjoying their damned life. They were suffering.

    3. @anon8:34
      Thank you for commenting! I agree that approved private revelations are very helpful in emphasizing Catholic teaching. Fatima’s vision of Hell is a great lesson. I also recommend a great book written by Doctor of the Church St Alphonsus Liguori called “What Will Hell Be Like?”

      God Bless,


    4. I have a question Introibo, did the angels see God's Face prior to their test?

    5. And, for the sake of comparison, here's Bishop Sanborn's recent homily on Heaven:


      A Simple Man

    6. Simple Man,
      Thank you for the link


    7. @anon10:06
      According to Theologian Tanquerry, “Angels were NOT created in supernatural blessedness or with the Beatific Vision...”
      (See “Dogmatic Theology” [1959], 1:378)

      The reason is because once a rational creature has obtained its ultimate purpose, being with God and seeing Him, it is impossible to sin, as the will is now in perfect conformity with God.
      The fact that one-third of the angels fell and became demons, proved the angels were not created seeing God.


    8. Introibo, is the "Dogmatic Theology" above really written in 1959? Is it safe from modernism?
      Thank you.

    9. @anon6:42
      Yes. Almost ALL books in my vast library are originals. Fr Tanquerry was born in 1854 and died in 1932. He was a Sulpician priest ordained in 1878, and obtained his advanced degrees in Rome. He was a Seminary professor for the Archdiocese of Baltimore just like Father DePauw. As his order wrote about him:

      moral theology, and dogmatic theology.

      “His numerous publications became stellar examples of the “manual tradition” of theology. These manuals, which were used widely in seminary formation in France, the United States and elsewhere until the dawn of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), were the primary compendia of Catholic truth at the time for priestly formation. “ He was staunchly Anti-Modernist (his enemies accused him of being “lax” or “liberal,” which he certainly was not having past through the pontificate of Pope St Pius X with only praise. In 1959, Desclee Publishers in Belgium republished his amazing Two volume manual set on Dogmatic Theology in an attractive box set. It is an original of this set from Belgium which I own.

      His other great work “The Spiritual Life” was republished by TAN books approximately 30 years ago. It’s a masterpiece well worth reading (as are all his works)!


    10. You can find many books online in the Internet Archive.

    11. Thanks for the info. Sounds great. So it was just republished in 1959. I realized that the start of the Vat-II sect was in 1958, but by the info you gave, looks like there's no problem.

      Thank you and God bless.

    12. Yes poni, I found treasures there like Fr. Lasance's books.

    13. Poni,
      Yes, many great books can be found online.

      All the theologians I cite will be approved theologians—free from heresy!


  2. Excellent article, Introibo.

    But I'm surprised you didn't tackle about the Black Mass.

    1. @anon5:27
      Thank you! I thought about the Black Mass but the post would have been super-long to do it justice. Maybe I will do a separate post about it at a future date.

      God Bless,


    2. I see what you mean. Just as we consider the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass the greatest act, and the Eucharist the holiest,
      for a religion that would literally worship satan himself, there would be nothing else greater to them than a mockery of the Holy Mass, and of desecrating the Holy Eucharist. A Black Mass would be the greatest act for them.

    3. @anon8:42
      Absolutely correct!


  3. Black Novus Ordo Mass nor Black Satanic Pop music exist yet Satanic Gregorian Chant and the Black Mass modeled after the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass are widely known.
    The "new Mass" and "Christian Pop" are empty + void of Supernatural character.
    Satan only mocks and steals from anything that is from our Blessed Lord.

    1. Andrew,
      Yes. They have no need to blaspheme the already blasphemous and invalid Novus Bogus “mass.”


    2. Novus Ordo show tunes like One Bread One Body and On Eagle’s Wings are too horrid even for Satan.

    3. I know a novus ordo tune called "The Mass is a Very Happy Party"
      Not surprised that the protestant men were lusting after women and then going to ask pardon for their sins. They believe they are already "saved"

    4. Tom,
      So true! The “Entrance Song" will be “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles, the "Communion Hymn" will be “ I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston, and the concluding song will be “Don't Stop Believin'”by Journey. (I find it supremely ironic that the "hymn" they play most often when they pass around the collection basket is “Take Our Bread“).

      The song they share in common is “Highway to Hell.”

      God Bless,


    5. Poni,
      You point out one of the worst consequences of the heretical Protestant teaching of “once saved always saved.”

      God Bless,


    6. Haugen and Haas played 24/7 would be the ninth level of hell in my book.

    7. Tom,
      Thank you for the laugh!!


    8. The rioting and social disorder is God's wrath unleashed upon an unrepentant Godless effeminate rebellious generation.

    9. Andrew,
      Those people are the new wicked generation doing Satan’s work.


  4. It seems as if there are many people managing to operate socially and to hold jobs while being demonically obsessed or at least while allowing partial control to demonic forces. The evil one has minions who don't even realize they serve him, soft Satanists who work on his side while being oblivious to the idea that he is active at all. I would say they are de facto satanists. Thanks for a thoughtful article. I have learned a lot from your blog and especially like the articles in the "When Strangers Come Knocking" series.

    1. Milkbone,
      Thank you my friend!

      God Bless,


  5. Dear Introibo,

    Today, your blog is already exactly a decade old.


    1. @anon10:48
      Yes! Thank you! What I launched on June 2, 2010 developed, by the Grace of God, into something bigger than I ever anticipated. My posts were terse and sporadic at first. It developed into the present format in September 2014. I will continue as long as I feel called to do so by God, and there are no serious family, health, or work issues which must take precedence. As Fr. DePauw used to say, “Pray that God keeps me here as long as I am needed.” Of course, he was talking about his life as a priest, and said it on the Sunday closest to his ordination ( April 12). For me, it’s as long as God wants me to keep writing. If only one soul was helped and ultimately gets saved because I was God’s unworthy instrument, it was worth every second spent.

      God Bless you and all my readers!


    2. It's likely that when a true pope reigns again and when the Catholic Church is at peace again, history and the world will see you guys who did much in this period as heroes. God bless and keep up the good work!

    3. @anon6:52
      Thank you my friend for the kind words! The heroes will include people like my readers who, in this time of Great Apostasy, were able, with the help of God’s Grace, to keep the Faith no matter how hard it became.

      God Bless,


  6. Maybe I missed it, but one needs to look out for excessive tattoos, body piercings, and other body modifications.

    1. Tom,
      I agree. Especially tattoos that honor things which are evil.


    2. Yeah, which includes the upside-down cross, which represented the humility of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, is now a mockery of the Cross of Christ.

    3. Also, if the holy Christians mortify their bodies through penance and mortification, the unholy satanists will glorify their bodies through tattoos and modifications.

      Though we know what happens at the resurrection..

    4. @anon7:33 & 7:37
      True on both counts.


    5. I have found out from experience to watch out for people who only celebrate Halloween.

    6. Joann,
      If the ONLY holiday they celebrate is Halloween, it may very well be indicative of being either a pagan/Wiccan or a Satanist.


    7. Introibo,
      The person I know only celebrates Halloween. No Christmas or Easter. They decorate their house and vehicle like crazy for Halloween. Plus whenever I have talked with the person they give my crucifix evil and disgusted looks. Plus they have lots of tattoos. I figured they were into some kind of devil worship. However, I do not know the difference between a Wiccan and Satanist. How could I tell the difference between them?

    8. Joann,
      Often you cannot. Most Wiccans are female while most Satanists are male. Most Satanists are from 18-30 years old while Wiccans have a much more diverse age range; it’s not unusual to hear of a Wiccan in their 60s.

      GENERALLY, Wiccans tend to be more “eco-crazy” and less overtly given to evil, while Satanists are angry, mean-spirited and will often display/admire evil—like Hitler, tattoos of Satan, and blasphemous depictions of Our Lord.


  7. Satan's pride gives him away. He might actually do more damage to souls if he stayed completely under the radar, but he cannot help himself - he wants his followers to show their devotion to him by using certain symbols or dropping verbal hints about their beliefs. As the ape of God, he envies the Sacramentals and the Mass and must have his own cult paraphernalia. High ranking persons and celebrities openly wear pentagrams and inverted crosses. They know those things are recognizable as satanic and they must display their membership in satan's cult.

    I wondered about that inverted cross throne that JPII sat upon. It seemed like a stretch when I heard that it stood for the satanic belief of the V2 church; it has been explained away as just a work of modern art, but watching the devolution of V2 into outright paganism, it is totally believable as a symbol that satan's vicars have been installed in Rome.

    1. I think it's common knowledge that the inverted cross of the chair John Paul the Great Apostate sat upon represented the Petrine cross.

      Now, of course it's still blasphemous, as an apostate is sitting on a chair which has a symbol of papal authority.

    2. Janine,
      I agree with anon6:53. Wojtyla’s handheld “cross” is as deformed as his beliefs. Satanic symbols are in the Vatican II sect.

      Malachi Martin told of a Black Mass held on the night of October 10, 1962–the day before the Robber Council began. It included cardinals and bishops. While Martin is not one of us, I believe in this case, he was telling the truth.

      God Bless,


    3. I also strongly believe that Black Mass happened.
      What else would explain those Bishops decision to destroy the Latin Rite and demand the
      Eastern Rites to take away all Roman Rite devotions?
      Bp's Thuc,Lefevbre,
      De Castro Meyar,and Mendez obviously knew something was very wrong given their decision to keep traditional Rite of Holy Orders and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass alive.

    4. Speaking of de-latinization, Introibo, what are your thoughts on removing Eucharistic adoration/Rosary/Sacred Heart/Immaculate Heart devotion in Eastern Catholics?

      Also, just want to note that there is a Byzantine sedevacantist priest, Fr. Valerii, who works with Bp. Dolan. There is a sedevacantist Eastern-rite organization, the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Catholic Church aka the Buzantine Patriarchate, however, they accept Paul VI as pope, and its founder and current leader was "ordained" in Paul VI's rite, so steer clear for those who read this.

    5. @anon9:51
      It’s a sign of the never ending demolition of all things Catholic by Vatican II


  8. Anon 6:53 am:
    I am familiar with the opinion that the cross of St Peter is an embellishment for a sitting pope, but in a dissenting response (not mine) to that idea, it was noted that the cross of St Peter is not used as a symbol for the Petrine office generally...only in reference to St Peter himself.

    1. Oh okay. Understood.

    2. Jannie,
      Interesting. I have not heard that it stands for St Peter personally. You zeroed in on more Satanic infestation in the Modernist Vatican.


    3. I thought as a general rule the upside down cross was blasphemous. I have ever only actually seen it used by JPII in that chair. I understand that St. Peter was crucified upside down but has it ever been an actual used symbol within the Church? I know when the muslims defeated the crusaders at certain battles they would carry the cross upside down as a symbol of their victory.

    4. David,
      From the Church History sources I consulted, the inverted cross was a symbol of St Peter, our first pope, who was crucified upside down. Some associated it with the papacy, but there was no indication of official recognition of that symbol with the office of pope. Later, the enemies of the Church appropriated it as a symbol of hatred for Christ and His One True Church. Satanists use it as such. If anyone has different information with a citation, I’d be happy to publish it.

      See, e.g., “Church History,” Poulett, (1935)


    5. Per the following link (which does include citations), the modern practice of an inverted cross explicitly being anti-Christian may stem to two individuals: a 19th century French Gnostic named Eugène Vintras, and potentially a 17th century priest-turned-occultist named Étienne Guibourg.



      A Simple Man

    6. Simple Man,
      Thank you for the information!


  9. The Raccolta in the internet archive

    1. Yeah, but is the latest version (under Pope Pius XII) online? I hope so.

  10. How many "top Materialists" - for instance, top Communists or tops in certain departments of science where men like Dawkins or Lawrence M. Krauss function - would on your view in fact be posing, as you think La Vey posed about being a Materlialist, and in fact be Satanists?

    1. Hans,
      I have no idea. We must not assume things without evidence. Merely being evil is not evidence of being an actual Satanist.

      I believe LaVey to have been an actual Satan worshipper based on recorded testimonies of things he said, as well as the fact that he had rituals invoking Satan as an entity, not “nature.”

      Dawkins is absolutely evil. People can be evil without being Satanists. King Herod was supremely evil, but neither the Bible, nor the Church Fathers, nor the approved theologians claim him to be a Satanist.

      Is it POSSIBLE for Dawkins to be (literally) in league with Satan? Yes. Is it PROBABLE? In the absence of real evidence I’d say NO.
      If you have actual evidence of his worshiping Satan (not merely being evil) I would re-evaluate my answer.


    2. I agree such things should not be assumed without evidence, but as you spoke of your research, I thought you might have such.

      For early coryphees of Marxism, I used to be a fan of Wurmbrandt's Was Karl Marx a Satanist? a k a Marx and Satan.

      However, one of his evidences was the beard KM wore being very "in" among people of the Blavatsky lodge, and it seems the Blavatsky lodge itself is something fairly different from Satanism. On the other hand, there are a few hints in KM's fiction - which may of course be entirely fictitious.
